Uncovering and Opening an Abandoned Mine

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what's going on guys so today we are going to reopen this mine i've got my sledgehammer but i think we're going to need something more than that [Music] i think right there weighs a thousand pounds i think so too i thought i was actually going to do a little something with that sledgehammer fudge so [Music] so that right there guys is what it's reinforced with this railroad ties [Music] so so [Music] so you can see right here you have actual rail line in here to reinforce this concrete [Music] no i don't think there is either but you can see with all this rebar these they ties not want you to get in here so run downhill [Music] i'm gonna try the old-fashioned way now let's see if we can't use a chain and pull it up this is what she's looking like guys so see when they closed it they poured that concrete all the way and it's covered the bottom half i wouldn't say the bottom half but the bottom portion of the numbers we want to just try to make that more visible [Music] that's my new mixtape beat right there guys that was [Music] try our best check that out yes you can see the portion that it was covering wow all right it is completely open grated down right here let's go take a look and see what it looks like inside what do you think emma what do you think girl i know she's she's very interested so some cut that's what's clearly down here see something emma yesterday
Channel: Underground Birmingham
Views: 878,965
Rating: 4.8119884 out of 5
Keywords: opening a mine, opening an abandoned mine, exploring an abandoned mine, mineshaft, mine shaft, abandoned mines, abandoned mine, exploring mines in birmingham, digging, digging up a mine, spelunking, caving, urban exploring, urban, exploring, dogs, gold mine, old mines, exploring abandoned mines, uncovering and opening an abandoned mine, urbex, tci, tennessee coal and iron, us steel, civil war, machines, equipment, sledge hammer, drill, oxmoor furnace, how to, how to open a mine
Id: XawJER3in2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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