A huge Opal mining discovery | Do we strike it rich after all? Aiming for $1,000,000 this year

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[Music] do [Music] all right john's just stopped the dozer and this is the best day ever oh you wouldn't believe it we just uh we're opening up this car like about um another sort of six to seven foot off here but i was checking and look what i've just found in this car in kuberpedi this just doesn't happen very often john's taking the dozer out because we have just hit bloody opal and check this out it's dark crystal dark crystal check this out dark crystal i can't believe it look at this we've just hit this it's unbelievable beautiful pieces look pound look at that my hands are shaking because i'm so excited and we found it just in here next to the pick so i've got to hand diggle this out and now see if there's a big vertical and it could be a million bucks right you're here going to believe this justin and i are pushing this cut down close enough so we can come in and mine with the excavator and just justin's just found this bloody beautiful opal a beautiful vertical opal that i haven't seen for a long time have a look at this color unbelievable so this is you know thousands of dollars per ounce so he's very excited and so am i so have a look at that bit look at that beautiful opal unbelievable full color too look at that on the other side this is the sort of stuff you only dream of finding have a look at that so justin and i have struck it and we are so happy unbelievable so we can't go any further with the bulldozer now we can only do the rest with the excavator and we've got to go real slow because we can't afford to miss one of them stones because each one of those stones could be thousands to 3 000 each so we've got to be very careful now and uh i wanna i wanna show you something i'm gonna take the camera now and i wanna show you something here's justin and he's so happy he got a little bit hot so he he cut the bottom of his long pants off to make shorts because it is a hot steamy day here in kupiti but i tell you what we're not going to worry because we're going to dig some opal out yeah [Music] look at this it's right in this yellow einstein ground look at that beautiful pits check this out i'll see if we can can't just just dig down yeah just one piece see if you can find a big one [Music] we got to put it all through the sieve to pick up all the small bits yeah look at that see lovely so we've got to be careful and make sure we pick up everything this is all virgin ground this has never been worked this ground so we're quite excited about it look at this oh he's just found a nice big stone oh yeah look at that look at that look at that see digging it out of the ground [Laughter] there's more it's just here it's like a vertical or something it is a vertical it's going down in the slip that we've got here that could be monstrous couldn't it john yeah could be anything here so now what we've got to do is we've got a sieve it all and pick up every piece we've just done another gouge with the excavator and we've uncovered these bloody bricks [Music] oh my god jesus look at it oh my god john well if this was full colour big chunks would be millionaires today [Music] look at it he's freaking out oh my god just imagine what he'd be like when it's full color far out it is nearly full color give us a look at that bit look bloody yeah and we're not even near the main level no we're a long way off the main level look at the color here wow see that yeah well fill the bucket up that's what we're here for this is what you're talking about like when you say you fill the buckets up yeah wow look at that color in that unbelievable look at that this is ridiculous john oh yeah oh man we're at vino oh there's no opal at vino justin remember that that's right the film crew that we were working with they said nah we're not going back to vino there's no opal there well guess what put it all in the sieve don't put it on your head your bloody here's the shovel is amazing don't cut yourself in color we've got a vertical at least over an inch thick going down this is right below where we found the nice color the other day but have a look at the pieces in here look and what i want to really show you is have a look at the einstein have a look at this this is magic bloody ground beautiful big slatey sort of sandstone traces running everywhere look at that there's got to be big oval here hopefully we're only scratching the surface look at it everywhere see beautiful verticals so we could be on to something really good here [Music] this time but still it's a good sign up there too see [Music] it's been running right across the floor here where the yellow line stone runs so it's going to go all the way up to that underneath those dumps up there it's looking good do you reckon it's loaded it's loaded bloody 50 ounces in here this potch we can sell you well some of it's got color fertili material oh the color here [Music] so this is the best spot in the shade your color yet oh there's a bit of color but it's bloody everywhere unbelievable could be bloody millionaires today all right check this out at least big pieces hey a big pocket [Music] check this a little bit on the side [Music] that piece looks alright look at that it's a nice one beautiful it's hidden in the rock amazing [Music] [Music] you
Views: 165,614
Rating: 4.8464565 out of 5
Keywords: red black opal, outback opal hunters, outback opal hunters discovery channel, outback opal hunters full episodes, australian opal, polished black opal gem, opal, opal mining, gold rush, outback opal hunters season 2 episode 8, opal gemstone, opal mining in australia, opal belemnite, rare opal belemnite, justin lang and becky macallan, dangerous old mine, opal hunters biggest find, opalized belemnite fossil, the virgin rainbow
Id: jNVzNPz2eTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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