The Games Women Play

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hi i'm coach cory wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of today's newsletter is the games that women play we're going to talk a little bit about the tests and the things that women do and say to test your strength now the thing we got to understand is like why does a woman test i mean a woman bluffs to test your strength she wants to see what you're really made of and whether you've been dating somebody for a couple weeks or you've been married to her for five years or you're talking to a woman that you just met 30 seconds ago women can't help but constantly test your strength to see what you're made of because they're looking for signs of neediness insecurity or traits that you may be a guy that's a stalker or a potential abusive boyfriend and so they're always looking for little signs and little tells and i go into extensive detail about these i mean there's literally hundreds of little things that women do and they say to test your strength i go go into detail this in my book so you can learn to recognize this behavior because when a guy like like for me when i was learning this stuff and i mean you'll see here in a minute when i go through this email that i got from this guy is that we can become totally overwhelmed by our emotions our feelings of neediness insecurity doubt about ourselves i mean we human beings we have two primary fears the first one is fear that we won't be loved and the other fear is that that we're we fear that we're not enough in other words we fear that we don't have what it takes within us to accomplish something that we want or to attract the ideal lover into our lives and so like for me growing up in a household where i'd never learned how to healthy and i say in a healthy way to interact in a relationship with a woman just because of the [ __ ] up dysfunctional family that i came from and so i had to learn all these behaviors i learned them as an adult whereas if i had grown up in a a healthy household where mom and dad are totally in love with each other and plus they understand how to communicate like adults and they understand things that only three percent of people that are in relationships actually understand then i would have turned out perfect and you would have never known who i was because i wouldn't have had all these things that i had to overcome but what's cool or i say what i like about what i do is that i can read an email from a guy who's going i know exactly what he's going through i know exactly what he's feeling i know exactly what he's thinking and i know exactly the mistakes that he's going to make before he even makes the mistakes so i can see these things ahead of time and so when i'm giving guys advice it's because i've already been around the block a hundred times in a one particular situation i've learned the hard way that their behavior is going to get them rejected and at the end of the day there's an old saying you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink and so what happens a lot of times is that you know especially when a guy starts using the things i teach is he might be okay for the first few weeks and then things start going well and they go better than they've ever gone with a woman and what do they do i just throw everything right out the window that got them to that point that made them successful and they go right back to the bad behavior that has always gotten rejected in the past and so even though they may have done everything right for the first few weeks of dating woman if they start they go back to their old behavior then even though she may have been falling from eventually she's going to reject him and that's what you can see here in this email that i got it's quite long i'm not going to be able to get through all of it but i do have it on the web page so if you're watching this video on youtube and you want to see how to get the original article just google corey wayne the games women play and the original article come up but this particular guy he this is his third email in about the past month and a half and this is not the ideal situation he's basically been having an affair with a woman who lives with her boyfriend but you know last email i got she was talking about resolving and ending her relationship with the guy that she lives with and taking things a little further with the guy that's been riding me but you know instead he started chasing her and pursuing her again and this is what he did to get rejected initially and then he listened to my advice he backed off then she came back she started chasing him they started going out sleeping together again but then he went right back to the the old bad programming the old bad behavior and now she's basically told them that they're just going to be callies because apparently i guess they're both getting transferred into the same department so they're going to be working together now and so he says hey corey office affair guy here since your last video be mindful of your thoughts only negative things have gone down between my co-worker and i as i mentioned in my previous email about to start working with her in the same department next thursday i felt she wasn't totally comfortable with that neither was i by the way but it wasn't our choice still i felt it could be nice as long as we kept our cool around other co-workers well i would say she doesn't seem to have a problem at all keeping her cool but you're the one that's totally been coming unglued and is showing absolutely no emotional self-control at all if you can't control your own emotions women are gonna run from you like the [ __ ] plague so you need to get this you need to get your [ __ ] together and do the right thing because if you don't if you don't exercise self-control you're always going to get rejected and you're going to be a very lonely single guy it's been two weeks since our last encounter this was when she turned down sex from the start actually what happened was you brought it up and you went along with it instead of being remember women bluff to test your strength but the reason she was backing away and testing you is because you were still exhibiting needy and weak behavior and so she's going to continually test you to see if these assumptions that she has or feelings or suspicions about you and weaknesses that you have are correct or not and obviously she tested you and you failed them so we did see each other over lunch last week on thursday why are you going to lunch i mean the idea is you're if you want to be treated like a friend then do things a friend would do go to the movies go to lunch talk talk on the phone and chat all the time you want to get put in friendship zone that's the quickest way to do it if you want to remain her lover then you only do things that her lover would do meeting her out for drinks and then going back to your place that's what you've always done rinse rep rinse repeat recycle is what i always say i mean you had a strategy that was working and then you just threw it out the [ __ ] window and went back to your old ways i mean it's your life dude you can do whatever you want i just i i hate seeing people hurting and going through pain unnecessarily i mean i've already been through all this [ __ ] i mean i wrote i wrote write about it so you guys don't have to experience the same things so he says since then nothing i've tried to take her out twice in eight days and both times she had a thing to do and couldn't make it the first time was eight days ago the last time was on wednesday so three days ago so here's here's the thing it's like why would you start chasing her again is i mean this is normally when you start dating a woman you call her once a week and then after you about the third or fourth weekend she will have started calling you and texting you and initiating contact so i mean at that point if she's calling you and texting you two three times a week you don't even have to call her to ask her out on a date and normally what would happen is then you just keep setting more dates well in this particular case you had her chasing you in the beginning and then you started trying to force things to happen trying to force her to get rid of her boyfriend and then she pushed you away and i told you to back off and not do anything at all and just wait for because she was breaking dates and so at this i mean this is a special case you shouldn't be contacting this girl at all because she loses her boyfriend dude you don't want to be calling and texting her hey what's happening and she's hanging out with her boyfriend or whatever she's you let her come to you at her own pace it was working and so why'd you stop doing what was working i mean the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result when she turned me down eight days ago she sent me an email since i wasn't reachable otherwise saying i can't make it this time but we'll do it again soon notice that she didn't bring up a specific day to do it i talk about that in my book as well we're going to be working the same office soon so we better get used to the idea we're just colleagues in other words we're just friends now i respond to that by saying just colleagues huh that statement is seeking her approval she said well yeah we're going to be in the same office now i did the mistake of reading too much into it so i told her she seemed to be strangely busy these past few weeks and that if she didn't want us to see each other anymore she should tell me now so i don't waste my time asking her out anymore you shouldn't be asking her out anymore because you should be waiting for her to call you but you stopped doing that so this is pathetically weak what's happening is she's not doing what you want and now you're trying to force things you're trying to gain certainty of where you stand with her because she's backed off and you went right back to your old pattern of doing things that don't work her response okay we're not seeing each other anymore oh we're going to be colleagues now he says dude what the [ __ ] can she stop playing games and communicate like an adult he says so i tell her that in a nice way she responds yes it would be easier than having two boyfriends no in other words what she's basically saying to you is since you can't keep your cool therefore it's probably best that we don't see each other because we're going to be working together in the same department and more than likely since you can't keep your cool you're going to end up causing a scene or a real problem for us at work because you can't you have no emotional self-control so it's best just to end it you know just a few weeks ago she was talking about getting rid of her boyfriend so you guys could spend more time together and now the affair is over i mean that's how quickly things can change but that's what happens when you act needy and you i mean the bottom line is if you violate the principles i teach you i can predict by 99.9 certainty of what's going to happen but your life so he says he says to sort of make her jealous i know it was being weak i told her that i hope my intuition with the other woman was right she jumped right on it asking me who i was talking about i told her none of your business she then said oh okay well i see i wish you all the best and immediately disconnected from the chat i mean dude it's like grade school's over man grow up it's time to start acting like an adult you're basically i can't get you to do what i want so i'm gonna create an imaginary lover and try to make you jealous so you'll do what i want because you're afraid you're gonna lose me to this other imaginary lover i mean dude seriously grade school is over a few days pass and i haven't i haven't been at the office so our only way to communicate is via email or chat now wednesday i sent her a fun filled email again you're still chasing you've been rejected twice and now you're going for trying to ask her out on a third date saying we should meet and talk and rekindle our fun ways after what happened i told her that i would be at x place at 7 30 and i'd be waiting for her in front of the subway i made sure not to connect on the chat because i didn't want to give her the chance to blow me off again by chat i saw she was online so she did read my email i'm 100 sure of it really so i show up at 7 30 i wait for a half hour she was a no show and she didn't even send me an email saying she couldn't make it even though she knew for a fact i was going to be there waiting like an [ __ ] we haven't talked since and frankly i feel super disrespected by her no show it's a first for me and it's unforgivable as far as i'm concerned i mean here's the deal dude i mean you set a date you sent her an email and just disconnect from chat basically trying to force her to meet you i mean that doesn't work and you got rejected and you deserve to get rejected you deserve to get stood up because you didn't have a definite date when you you ask a girl on a date you invite her hey would you like to go such and such place she's either going to say yes or no and but in this case you're trying to force her to because she's not doing what you want so you're trying to force it and you got rejected and so at this point i mean like i said don't call her don't text her don't do anything you're going to be working together starting this week and so just act like nothing has happened it's not a big deal i mean she put you back in friendship zone and so until she calls you or emails you and tells you otherwise you should be dating and meeting as many new women as possible and practicing the things that i teach and if she does call you or text you set up a simple time to meet together for some drinks so it can end up back at your place if she doesn't want to go and do the kinds of things that you always used to just say hey i'm not interested in that i'm not interested in being your male girlfriend if you want to hang out and have a good time give me a call i'd love to see i'd love love to hang out hook up whatever and that's the best way to handle it so go you know i mean at this point it's pretty i doubt whether you're going to hear from her again but she's obviously pretty unhappy in her relationship so you never know but you've acted so weak and knee at this point i mean you might not hear from her again in that respect but i guarantee you if you continue to pursue her you'll get rejected 100 and she'll lose all respect for you and that means you'll have absolutely no chance at all
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 640,444
Rating: 4.7825923 out of 5
Keywords: The, Games, Women, Play
Id: _4nkrJ_jccg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 05 2012
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