Women You Should Avoid

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hi I'm coach Corrine and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of today's newsletter is going to be women you should avoid well I've got an interesting email here this is actually from a woman and she writes to me and says that her now ex-boyfriend is an avid follower of my work and pretty much did everything that I talked about in my first book how to be a 3% man and obviously she's really mad and really pissed off that she reached out and so she said she read a couple of pages here and there in my book is just really pissed off so we're gonna actually go through her email and I'm gonna point out some things that give away why this particular guy the ex-boyfriend is better off without her and these are these are the kind of women that you want to avoid because my book is designed to weed out the good ones from the bad ones and the more you employ the things I teach in my book the quicker you're gonna recognize women to have a shitty [ __ ] attitude who don't know how to communicate like an adult who don't trust men or don't know which men to trust or they get daddy issues and they're pissed off you want to have people in your life who are easygoing drama-free easy to get along with ideally if you're gonna date and have long term relationships the best kind of women for those types of relationships are women that have a good relationship with their mom and dad and especially with their dad they'll often say things like my dad is my rock he's my Mountain and ideally even though it's rare they grew up in the kind of family where if there's a problem you don't go to sleep until it's resolved and you can both say I love you at the end of the night without any kind of but hurt feelings or unresolved issues that's the healthy way to resolve things and unfortunately you're gonna you're in the single world in your dating you're gonna encounter all kinds of people especially if your guy you're gonna encounter a lot of undesirable and women it might be really attractive and really might seem cool at first but I'm gonna go through some of the things and you know throughout her email to point out is things that you want to avoid and why so before I get into her her nice email she wrote to me obviously it's not very nice I got a quote that I wrote and then when I jump into her email and let the tongue lashings begin the quote says life is too short to put up with people who do nothing to add any value to your life and more often than not bring truckloads of unnecessary drama with them wherever they go they can make your life a living hell too many people have learned to fulfill their need for love and connection and toxic and dysfunctional ways by being argumentative disagreeable complaining and creating unnecessary drama much like you'll see here the woman that wrote this email when you come across people like this in your life give them the gift of missing you permanently if you have people like this in your family that you can't avoid then like they say in jujitsu manage the distance between them and you only allow people into your inner circle who are easygoing easy to be around and fun and that's gonna eliminate about 99% of the average people that you're going to encounter in life but you got to have standards because whatever you tolerate in your life you're gonna invite more of it if you got friends that are every time you talk to them like oh man you're not gonna believe what [ __ ] happen to me and they've got some ridiculous long-ass story about the [ __ ] that went sideways in their life and you end up listening to it for a half hour hour or two hours whatever happens to be and then you walk away from that going is my life any better for actually you haven't listened to that [ __ ] [ __ ] the answer is no you should think about who you're allowing into your inner circle because think about it you become like the five people who you spend most your time with and if half the people or all the people you're hanging out with always have a truckload of problems they can't pay their bills or they get drama and their relationships or their friendships or they've got problems with their people that they work for and they want you to listen to it all the time it's not going to have a positive effect if you're around people the five people you spend most your time with they're easygoing like the people in my life the friends that I have even the girlfriends I keep in touch with I mean I get messages on whatsapp from girlfriends of mine that I've dated in the past and it's nothing but sweetness and positivity and making stupid silly voices at me and joking around and they never take anything that I say personally and because they continue even though we're not together all these years later some of them I actually do get to see from time to time they add value to my life and they also help keep me grounded and remind me of the kind of women that I should have in my life to keep my standards where they are because it's like life's way too [ __ ] short I'm 49 years old you think I want to put up especially with like you're gonna see her in a minute I wouldn't [ __ ] put up with a woman like this I would have within five minutes of meeting her I would have known right away what she's all about and I won't wasted my [ __ ] time with her because her attitude [ __ ] sucks so with that said let's go through her email I'm sure she's a really nice person I've never talked to her before ever and this is what she sends me Cory my now ex-boyfriend is obsessed with your book I only recently found out he was reading it after we broke up I started informing myself about your book and reading a couple pages here and there well that's a real [ __ ] half-ass effort informing yourself about my book looking through a couple pages here and there you're not really serious what you're really looking for is reasons to get pissed off at my book that's that's the reality there are a lot of people in this world that go through life and they do nothing but look for reasons and occasions to get offended you don't believe me just turn on the [ __ ] news at night turn on any of the major news networks and all it is is one person after another who's pissed off or upset about something that [ __ ] happened in the world or society and so you obviously go through life looking for reasons to be pissed off and upset because as I talked about in the quote we have six human needs and one of them is love and connection and there are many people that go that learning dysfunction way maybe they grew up in an argument of environment where mom and dad or there's lots of drama around and people are arguing with each other or they're always talking about their problems and so the way that they relate to other people is to share their problems share the things that didn't go well think share the things that they're pissed off about and then the other person goes oh wow it's so tough for you gosh that really sucks that your boss is an [ __ ] gosh darn it you know it really sucks that you know that guy you just broke up with the last 20 guys but they're all [ __ ] [ __ ] and you just seem to keep attractive same kind of guy it's me and I really feel bad for you that really sucks that your life is that way and so they fulfill their need for love and connection by sharing their problems and complaining and bringing drama and can you believe this I'm offended at this I'm upset about that those are not the kind of people that are gonna make you feel uplifted that are gonna make you feel happy they're gonna make you feel good about yourself that when the [ __ ] sit in the fan they're gonna say hey man don't worry about it you'll get over it versus somebody like this this is the kind of person to go I told you that [ __ ] business idea was a stupid idea you should have listened to me you should have never [ __ ] done that that's the kind of [ __ ] year for people like this some of what you are saying might be true but for the most I was disgusted well as I often say I might not always be right I'm never wrong and if you were really serious about informing yourself about my book you would have gone to amazon.com or audible or just google my name there's all kinds of for there's all kinds of reddit posts there's thousands and thousands of comments and videos that I've done there's I don't know how many videos people have done about my work talking about it giving commentary if I was an absolute [ __ ] and had no [ __ ] idea what I was doing you would be reading about it everywhere on the internet you can't if you're a [ __ ] artist and the stuff that you teach or that you share is [ __ ] it'll be written everywhere but if you did any actual informing like you like to BS yourself into believing you did you would have gone and found out like well it's [ __ ] dude knows what he's talking about there's a matter of fact if I was totally full of [ __ ] there's absolutely no way I could give my books away for free on my website all people have to do is go to the website click the free e-book understanding relationships com just clicked it a little free ebook tab and you can sign up and read both of my books for free and the reason my business does so well and my youtube channel continues to grow and my website and my email list and my social media and I get thousands and thousands of emails and testimonials all over the internet and coming in my inbox telling me how my work has changed their life or save somebody's marriage or improve their life in some way shape or form it's all out there if you actually want to do any real investigating because if I was giving away [ __ ] and I'll everybody read free they go this is [ __ ] and they would never buy anything from me that's the power of what I teach I know a [ __ ] it works because it worked in my own life and I get plenty of examples again that's understanding relationships calm that's really ships with an S if you go there and just click the little free ebook tab enter your name and your email address you'll get an email just click the link to confirm that you want to subscribe and then when you click that link that says yes I want to subscribe that will instantly take you to the page on my website in the members area where you can actually start reading my books totally for free you can read them for free never pay me a dime form but what most people end up doing there they play after a while they go this shit's actually [ __ ] working let me get the audible version of it let me go get a Kindle version or let me get on iBook version or let me get the iTunes audiobook version or let me get a paperback so I can highlight and tab it out and be really serious about learning this and improving themselves I cannot believe people would actually believe this BS so again you go go look at the reviews on Amazon go look at the reviews on audible like I'm closing in another month or two I'm gonna have somewhere around like 7,000 reviews on audible if I was full of [ __ ] it'd be all over the [ __ ] place but what I teach works how can you give a man a guy to get a woman because I want people to be happy I want people to learn things that I've learned so they can have the kind of life that I get to enjoy now I like helping other people human beings naturally want to help other people and if other people can learn from the things that I've experienced in my life and all my fuck-ups and all the things that went sideways it didn't work out and save themselves all that trouble and avoid all that nonsense to me it makes it all worthwhile all the struggling that I've gone through I want to make the world a better place what are you actually doing to make the world a better place sweetheart anything are you writing any books are you doing anything nice are you going around the world sewing love and friendship and kindness and a good attitude or do you have a [ __ ] [ __ ] attitude are you just one of the herd of miserable people sure looks like it you say women don't want to decide well you are so wrong women like a man who is masculine whose direct who's decisive who gets right to the point and who's a leader women prefer that it's what creates attraction it's the difference between masculine energy and feminine energy and obviously you are totally in your masculine energy have you been stuck in the years of 19:50 well quite frankly if you look at the movies from the 1950s they actually present healthy ark types of what a man and a woman's masculine to feminine interaction is like because when men act the way they do in movies that you see today which is basically teaching men to act like women and women to act more like men it ruins the sexual polarity and the guys get know where they get friend-zoned all the time your things like you're really nice but there's a spark Mis and there's just something missing I mean men and women respond to what they respond to women today are as confident strong and know what they want I agree with that not all women but a lot of them are and I think that's very attractive a woman who is confident who knows what she wants and goes for it and has a little Drive has a little ambition and does something for a living that she really loves and enjoys that's pretty sexy chicks did act like men and shave all their [ __ ] hair off and make it all kinds of different crazy [ __ ] colors and get weird tattoos and piercings everywhere and grow their armpit hair and don't shave their legs and then get mad that no man wants to date them sorry we like feminine easygoing easy to get along with women not these [ __ ] pissed-off man-hating feminazis that you [ __ ] see on TV all the time they got a [ __ ] truckload of daddy issues cuz they didn't get enough hugs or enough strokes as a kid they never learned to trust men they never learned which men to trust and therefore they're suspicious of everything a man does I don't need a man to make me feel safe to decide for me or to take care of the money and what I well what you're looking for is you're in your masculine energy and so you're gonna be probably better suited to dating some little [ __ ] ass beta male it's got arms like spaghetti that you can just totally dominate and you won't ever feel any passion form but at least you be able to control him and what I for sure don't need in my life is a man that only acts the way he does because you told him so well this guy actually has big balls because he's trying to improve his life he recognized that he was falling short in some areas of his life and he sought out to approve improve them because masculine energy is about purpose Drive mission succeeding accomplishing breaking through barriers overcoming challenges improving and refining your approach feminine energy is about opening up to receive love bonding connecting nurturing [Music] relationships dating labels things of that nature it's just the way it is and without mass a healthy balance of masculine energy and feminine energy there's no sexual polarity that's just reality if you want to act like a man and you want to I mean does this woman sound like somebody who's easy to get along with who has a good attitude who's kind of a jokester who doesn't take herself for life too seriously not to me doesn't it sounds like she gets pissed off at the drop of a hat and is looking for reasons to get pissed off there's a lot of women like this out there I was furious on my ex for being so fake you're just not comfortable around a man who's in his masculine energy that's [ __ ] bottom line is you're in your masculinity it's like dating yous like dating a dude and it's like dating a dude with boobs I never got to know the real person well that's your own damn fault for having a [ __ ] [ __ ] attitude it was frightening how strict he followed your guard obviously he is a good student or trying to be a good student the funny thing is all the things you told him to do upset me good because he acted like a [ __ ] man and if a man acting like a man upsets you good [ __ ] riddance you are well on your way to becoming a cat lady jayson's he was joking on me all the time on everything sure it was funny every now and then but with time and annoyed the [ __ ] out of me it sounds like you got a great sense of humor why should you treat the girl you like like your little sister and joke on her 80% of the time well actually I'm you know you didn't do any investigating in the book but what I teach in the book is 90% of the time you're supposed to be the charming James Bond and about 10% of the time you treat her like the bratty little sister joke around be funny because think about what's great about humor it brings out the best and the best really fast and it brings out the worst and the worst and if you joke around on a few of the things he says and then you start getting pissed off and butthurt well you just revealed yourself as being undateable congratulations you were undateable and you have a [ __ ] [ __ ] attitude and you should have never gotten past the first date but obviously he's probably new to my work and if he was joking around 80% of the time yeah that's [ __ ] up he wasn't doing it right he should've only been doing that about 10% of the time because if a guy's joking around 89% of the time he's gonna come off eventually as being insecure like he's making up for something and that will come off as robotic so if he was actually doing that well he needs to read the book some more that's why I recommend 10 to 15 times if he's just cherry-picking and being lazy then that's his own fault but then again I can't really trust that you're being honest with me anyways is it mocking around the dumb little girl to make yourself feel better it's called having fun it's called not taking yourself too [ __ ] seriously which obviously you do it's like you got a permanent big giant stick shoved up your ass and you're not happy about it and you want everybody else to know how unhappy you are eventually he started wondering what was wrong I take a lot of time to trust someone so it sounds like he got a few trust issues there and open up to my feelings but still he would sit in front of me and say tell me what's or otherwise I won't leave so he's trying to love and support you and communicate and find out what's going wrong and you [ __ ] Stonewall is his ass you Stonewall them because that's probably what you learned in your family when you're pissed off at somebody you give him the silent treatment or you go oh there's nothing wrong everything's just fine he's fine when a woman says shit's fine and ain't fine I mean she's pissed off and she wants to know do you really give a [ __ ] and what's really bothering me do you have the [ __ ] balls to find out can you [ __ ] handle the truth as a man I want to see and women will throw up healthy women we'll give you some a little initial resistance and make sure you because if a man cares about his woman and he wants to know what's upsetting her maybe he can help or smooth it over because no drama allowed by the way in honor of Scott Adams how about a simultaneous sip and if you like this little mug no drama allowed you can go to teespring te SPR ing and just search for Coach Cory Wayne I've got all kinds of great merchandise like this so you should have one of these every morning and you can look at it and remind yourself no drama allowed no drama mama then she started wondering what's wrong I take a lot of time to open up and Trust open up my feelings so whether it's he's wanting to know what's going on safe to say I was not at all feeling better after the talking well obviously it didn't go anywhere because you stonewalled them and probably were being passive-aggressive and punishing him because you're [ __ ] mad at him because he's acting like a man so it doesn't sound like you really know how to handle men who act like men maybe you've been hanging out with a bunch of feminized [ __ ] but if you want a man who acts like a man you're not gonna be able to get away with this [ __ ] a guy like me I wouldn't [ __ ] give you the time of day it's just not worth it and I know that's [ __ ] harsh but somebody's neat you need [ __ ] learn because otherwise you are on a fast track to being a [ __ ] miserable ass cat lady if that's what you want that's okay guys in a week and don't know any better we'll just put up with your [ __ ] which is just gonna enable your behavior and make you think that it's okay it sounds like you were spoiled as a little girl and your parents just let you do whatever the [ __ ] you want it and so you feel entitled and so therefore being a [ __ ] and an [ __ ] all the time especially the men maybe you're pissed off at your dad maybe you got daddy issues and you figure you're gonna lay because most of us we all treat the people and our personal lives exactly the way we learned in our own families and if you're difficult to communicate with or some really simple things I put in my book and if a girl's like this and she just won't tell you and instead she wants to get mad I had a girlfriend that I dated once it was like this her father died when she was six so she grew up without a man and that was her default position to go right back to being pissed off I don't want to talk about it stonewalling me stewing about things for three or four days and then just pretend after three or four days of her being mad it would go away but I got to deal with her there was three or four [ __ ] days of her being mad and not willing to communicate and just saying I don't want to talk about all the time when she got to a point where she felt like I had suffered enough we can start having fun again and that's why she's an ex-girlfriend and that's why that particular has Growth Fund I will probably never ever talk to her as long as I live because no drama allowed we broke up because he was acting like a complete idiot because of your book he was acting like a man and what the great thing is now is that a single and he learned from the experience obviously if he really was doing 80 to 90 percent joking around and only 10 percent of time acting like a change charming James Bond then he's got some work to do but the good news is now he's got a space in his life to meet somebody new who's got their [ __ ] together and hopefully if he learns quick enough the next time he won't have to wait two months to find out that the next time he encounters a girl like you because that's the way the universe works the universe is gonna bring him another one of you and so hopefully he learned the lesson so he can spot the [ __ ] behavior and move on and that's harsh but if you want to be such a miserable [ __ ] and so difficult to get along with that you're gonna end up as a cat lady's like I'm trying to help you but your attitude [ __ ] sucks likes it I wouldn't give you the [ __ ] time of day I don't care how hot you are you certainly weren't hotter than the girlfriend I was talking about who behaved the same way she was gonna finest women I ever seen in my [ __ ] life it's matter and seeing pictures like damn but don't matter how hot she is if she's a [ __ ] pain in the ass to be around and difficult to get along with and a shitty attitude and always getting butthurt and upset and offended it ain't worth it cuz eventually her looks are gonna fade and then so you don't have the looks and on top of that you got probably [ __ ] [ __ ] attitude I don't think so so do you really think you are giving advice for a healthy relationship here absolutely because I've got thousands and thousands of success stories and tens of thousands of great reviews all over the different forms about my book guy seeing all kinds of things I met my wife people send me pictures of their kids people tell me their stories how they met their wife or how many years they've been together how I saved their marriage how I save their relationship how I help them get their fiance back and now they're happy married whatever happens to be I get those all day long so those are the people that I really want to help because I have a good attitude but bottom eyes you took the time to write in so maybe there's hope for you maybe you'll be able to avoid becoming a cat lady and if I were you I would eat a nice big slice of [ __ ] humble pie and actually read my book 3% man cover to cover because a lot of couples do that they actually read my book together so they can hold each other accountable and understand that but that's only gonna work if you're with a woman who's got a great [ __ ] attitude and only cares about having a great relationship and making it better no matter what they got to do I'm gonna have a [ __ ] attitude okay pissed off and butthurt about reading the book the idea is that 95% of your happiness or your misery is gonna come from the one decision of who you choose to spend your life with need to choose wisely and on that note I have actually got a testimonial that I grabbed from Amazon and this is from a woman and here's what a woman on Amazon had to say about my book as a woman reading this I even learned more about the small nuances of how I communicate with men that I hadn't considered and were pretty accurate it also reminded me of my own worth too and that deep within myself I don't wish to settle for anything less than what I truly want to see and a man I'd love to evangelize this book it's like a cure for that nasty ko encounter dependency it'd be really great to see more men out there who are truly themselves and comfortable doing it centered strong and sure themselves this is how men are naturally going to be women who behave like you get in the way of men being authentic and true to themselves sure and Santa notice what she says here sure and centered not arrogant narcissistic or controlling she actually read the book and got a lot out of it she just didn't read two or three pages and looking for reasons to get pissed off like you did because she actually has an open mind if I was a bettin man I would have to say you probably were a Hillary Clinton supporter or a Barack Obama supporter I'll probably get lots of [ __ ] people bitching about that but that's okay it makes everyone better I've missed expressing my feminine side with a man that I knew and felt it was totally safe to do so with remember you said you didn't need a man to feel safe and comfortable and when a man is in his masculine it makes a woman feel safe to open up to talk to share her feelings and be totally in her feminine energy and be submissive and let him lead you obviously don't feel comfortable doing that and instead you fight the guy for the leadership role and then you do everything you can to [ __ ] emasculate him and make him feel like a [ __ ] like [ __ ] so you can knock him down a few notches and control things and eventually when men realize that they can't make you happy guess what they're gonna give up and they're gonna [ __ ] leave that's the way it is I'm positive that many other ladies feel the same I'd also love to see a woman's version so you can actually go on Amazon at amazon.com that one's in the the u.s. was one of the top top reviews from a woman on my book list and you read that one yourself so with that said if you've got a situation a personal or a professional challenge you would like to get yours truly you'd like to get my help with you can go to my website understanding relationships calmness relationships with an S and click the products tab and select whatever coaching option works for you and remember if you want to get one of these awesome no drama allowed mugs teespring te e SP RI ng calm and just search coach Cory Wayne and you'll find my store got all kinds of different shirts and stuff as a matter of fact I just got this recently a really cool [ __ ] hat pretty nice I ordered some shirt so I don't have them yet so maybe next couple of next couple of videos I'll have those for you again teespring te es PR ing calm and then just search coach Cory Wayne when you get there and you'll find my store and be sure to make your life a drama-free zone and until then I will talk to you soon [Music] you
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 236,716
Rating: 4.8005924 out of 5
Id: zcu1nTklo4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 27sec (1887 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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