The Game That Finally BROKE Me! | Tetrageddon Games

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i don't know what to do anymore this game this game has broken me in a way that few games have broken me i just i i don't know the internet was too raw it was too random i need structure i need order [Music] hey guys and welcome to gt not live where we're older than dirt well as a channel we're not older than dirt we're actually one of the like middle-aged gaming channels here on youtube uh game theory is older than dirt certainly 10 years old but the reason i bring up our age today is not to you know harp on about it being the 10-year anniversary and this and that no my friends uh the reason i bring it up is because before there was youtube there was web 1.0 there was the early version of the internet with with pop-ups and geosites and all the glorious you know unstructured creativity that came with giving a bunch of people who are unexperienced in this wild west of internet creation tools to say and do whatever they wanted uh and that i guess is the theme of today maybe right matt yeah that makes sense is right yeah well i think some context will help yeah so uh the game that uh matt has picked out for us today is called tetrageddon and apparently as he describes it as i see starting on screen right now uh it appears to be basically everything internet like early internet culture smushed and smashed together into like a youtube poop if you remember what that is are you old enough to remember youtube poops you know youtube poops okay so what a youtube poop is uh this is for like the internet and internet culture so uh youtube poops if you're not familiar are basically here's a bunch of you know random memes moments videos whatever all smushed together into this like crazy art piece that is fun cringy interesting it makes you feel something at least like maybe like put off or like scare whatever but it makes you emotionally react in some way it's it's it's an art piece right uh and so this right here tetrageddon seems to be that with like early web stuff which sounds like it could be pretty cool i don't know uh where'd you find this one uh ichio as all the best things are well it uh it apparently was a flash game but with the death of flash player they like had to re-upload it with some other codec i you know oh yeah yeah they they they combined the codex in order to yeah they fused the codex in order to run a ram test in binary in binary yeah yeah base 10 yeah uh-huh yeah absolutely so this will be fine yeah they synthesize the rams to uh forward the solid state drive that's what they told me they combined all the pixels yeah uh-huh nice they de-rezzed wow well with that seal of approval ladies and gentlemen from our internet expert uh internet expert matt over here let's hop into tetris well actually well this is what it looks like but before i start clicking on stuff um i gotta ask matt are you old enough to no you can keep it on screen let them let them immerse them there's a lot to look there's right there's a lot that they can consume just on this one page um i'm curious though what memories do you have of early internet days do you you're probably not old enough right i like when were you born i was born in 98. so like this is a an aesthetic that is familiar to me yeah but i wasn't like you didn't use it but you just knew like it was kind of like on its way out as you were starting to age into because my earliest like computer use was like runescape okay yep but that i think was a little bit after this yeah okay that makes that makes total sense yeah no absolutely this is and honestly this is a little i mean i'm very familiar with a lot of this but it's also still a little bit like it wasn't my heavy internet use days because we were very slow to have a computer we were very slow to kind of get like fast and fast internet back in the day um and so certainly like the pop-up windows the you know the 8-bit kind of like choppy graphics and stuff like that i remember all of it but it wasn't like i wasn't as immersed in it as i'm sure a lot of other people were so this will be this will be an interesting thing to see like what i remember what resonates with me uh and of course our computer is infected with everything so let's see what we can click here i can exit oh haha tetragen says you cannot close you cannot leave not yet well thank you i appreciate ah your scream resonates throughout the website nothing replied but you have been heard oh that's nice that's you know honestly that's all that matters no sorry help help oh no is there no help stop it's too late to stop uh debug you'll have to locate the bugs first what about dancing monkey over here what's he do cyber monkey can do this one last time do it cyber monkey do it i don't know what i expected him to do it wasn't this though okay blue screen oh no cypher monkey is dead no cyber monkey wow great yeah this is okay so this is this is kind of yes yo can i put together the skeleton i feel bad for the skeleton i cannot is this gonna switch as you enable dark mode on tetragon you quickly realize that this dark mode is indeed dark you can hardly see anything how is this practical you wonder while stumbling about the all-consuming darkness you eventually encounter a ghastly entity it is cat ghoul dare you wake her i i think we wake tech google i'm curious i'd like to meet to tactical hey oh hey nice to see you again this is again right oh well i can never remember i've been too tired lately haha are you here for the password you look like the password seeking type yes i am here for the password yeah sorry that password has been misplaced so often sorry i know just the digital entity that can give it to you right away you will need to talk to the gatekeeper gatekeeper [Music] your cries are so cute yes the gatekeeper we need bones first lots of bones go find them on the desktop when you do drag them to the recycle bin each one counts as a bone sacrifice for our bone magic i am an excellent bone mage yay i pegged you for one okay then this should be no problem for you at all obviously this is an old desktop so there are lots of bones around lots of bones on those old desktops shouldn't be hard to find the more the better when you're done burning them come back and talk to me okay ted cool slowly drifts off to sleep the conversation work her out me too honestly i i feel that's hashtag relatable you don't understand hashtags this is too early for you it it looks like she'll only wake once you collect the bones okay here we go so let's find some bones and burn them in the recycle bin here we go uh yeah so i remember this this is like windows 95 so this this layout is definitely fairly reminiscent for me okay so i found the bones i put the bones in there oh my my home has run away what about my neighborhood you need to find the key to unlock the neighborhood it must be found around here somewhere okay oh okay [Music] drag and drop it oh over the icon okay oh oh i'm punching my oh i'm opening up the background right you see how i'm opening up the the background for some somehow by just punching through it and here's what happens if i unlock everything there we go look at how pretty that's so much better all right well let's wake up our good friend tech ghoul tat ghoul i found the i found it i found the bones i say you found some good bones these will definitely do i can smell them burning from here okay then here's the door you have to go on your own alone the gatekeeper has banned me long story okay thank you bye no problem see you around or not i'm tired again again understand oh welcome to the bone layer oh nope that's gone all right bone layer what do we got to do glad to be here welcome nope i like i like my cat cursor i missed the day can you still customize your cursor i think so is that a thing that you can still maybe maybe i just have if you're like building a website you can if you're building a website but you mean just in general yeah i mean like on your desktop oh back in the day yeah you could your mouse could be anything huh did i just blow your mind yeah i thought it was just like whatever website you went to had the ability no no you could like it could be a desktop feature i'm sure there must be a way to do it nowadays but like i don't know the internet has lost here's here's one of the things and and i think this is just something that already you can start to see but i'm as we explore this game i'm sure we'll see more of that's the thing i miss the most is in the push to make the internet more accessible you've lost a lot of the creativity and personal expression that it once was able to contain like sure there are ways that you can do it but a lot of it has been standardized down into like formulas and procedures and stuff and back then in the early days there was no like you know like a dedicated flow of websites and like this is the appropriate way to do it but like nowadays it's like oh you got to have a vertical scroll because everything has to be appropriate on mobile and you know everything has been streamlined down but uh even youtube if you look back in the early days of youtube you guys are probably weren't on the platform back in the day you too matt but like you used to be able to customize the background of your youtube page just like a website right and you could design a background and it would repeat and it was cool and it felt like your own web page rather than youtube's web page that had your videos and it was it made it really easy and really awesome and there were a lot of tools like that and and nowadays unless you're using like not our sponsor for today's episode uh you know i was gonna say skillshare but they're not the they're not a website builder but like any of the website like the wixes of the world and things like that you know like that's the standard way to build websites now which is a bummer so anyway let's let's continue playing around with the bone zone or not because i should have been clicking around this whole time and i i still have no idea what the bone bone layer is were you on myspace i was not on my so i i did not do my space i created a myspace account just because i needed to in order to like get votes for an audition for glee the glee project that was the only i i uploaded back to the glee project yeah it was it was all it was all for the glee oh wait no that's just one layer what am i supposed to what am i supposed to do here i feel like i should be i can't type up there but no i i i was never on my uh except for yeah as as like a way to upload my videos for the glee project so i can get like gold stars and they're like online audition and stuff i'm trying to drag and drop you would think that the bones are doing something or am i missing something like i was thinking like right click i could create a qr code for this page that's pretty cool uh and i don't really want to go back either because i don't think that's the solution what is going on like nothing seems to be having any sort of input um what's that can you scroll no not that i'm aware of at least do i need like to change my window size or something yeah maybe zoom out like go to the settings on the right oh there whoa hey oh weird so we need the website at like 50 oh weird obviously it's the bonelord aka the system keeper nice to meet you bonelord next time i'll know to zoom my webpage out by a good 50 there you must be looking for the password am i correct you are correct yes i am i am always correct uh i see that you have also gathered some bone offerings for me is that correct that is also correct yes correct indeed sorry if i am to give you the password you must perform the bone ritual tell me more bonelord it is a simple artistic ritual please arrange these gathered bones those that lie around at my feet drag and drop them to make an aesthetically pleasing bone sculpture go on click on my head and let me know when you are done all right so let's make an aesthetically pleasing bone sculpture oh yeah look at that get that nice pulsating spine there oh give a give us a nice little hip dance oh i hope they dance i want to make i want to make a skeleton that dances the sideways rib cage is kind of stressing me out that feels inappropriate part of me wants to make this as anatomically correct as possible but uh the other half of me is like no that's the lame way to do it here i'll put this over here see see this is the sort of artistic design that got internet 2.0 to happen like they they gave tools like this to me and this is the best that i could come up with and they're like man this is garbage no one's gonna use the internet when it looks like this who who gave this idiot the tools to design something because look at what he came up with i'm just ashamed this is just embarrassing you should make one of the hands a wig for i see i wanted to but look it goes yeah it goes behind right i thought the same thing see great minds man great minds were like oh bones is hair that makes total sense nope there i can put bones on his head oh no still again why is the head in the foreground i don't have enough coding knowledge to know how to put it behind him in front of him i don't know and so this but this is what you would get in in the early days of the internet and so smarter people people than us are like you know what we gave you your shot you blew it we're gonna take the design capabilities away from you smack you away are you done yes i am interesting very very good oh okay i think i like it here's the password okay the password take password from bonelord oh okay the password to unlock all the games is sorry all one word no caps seems like something that's settled out around here all right bye bonelord bye bonelord up more bones okay so i need sorry the games okay let's do the 2013-2020 web version i'm just opening up a different web page okay you have found the internet source of awesome oh wait no this is just the game hold up wait what happened oh no here we go here we go where in the world what what is going on i don't understand maybe there you know literally five minutes ago i was lamenting the death of creativity online but you know maybe this this is why friends because you would be led down these insane rabbit holes you didn't know how to navigate anything and so nothing got done maybe maybe that's what but but at the end of the day it wasn't about the information or what you did it was the journey right can we can we agree it was the journey along the way plus you got like pixel sparkles and stuff yeah you did and you got to customize your mouse there it is you could customize the sounds that it made when you clicked it was great where in the world to the visitor why i'll tell you one thing that's stupid cat and get name okay play me okay what's this no idea what that was but cool great found a key gonna unlock the neighborhood index of neighborhood okay welcome to the neighborhood you enter the neighborhood of tech uh tetrageddon the place looks abandoned derelict houses dot the space where a one but once vibrant community looks to have existed everything is boarded up the space feels solemn hear some strange noises between two of the houses dare you inspect further i dare is there something i can click between two of the houses i hear a noise between two of the houses i thought there might be something invisible in there i was wrong oh i'm just gonna inspect further here we go you inspect further following the source of the noise you soon find a tiny comfy warm digital hole something seems to be moving inside yes there's definitely something here you lean in and notice that a stray cat has made it this space its home it was probably left behind by the former inhabitants of the house poor thing the stray cat looks at you with a dead-eyed stare no there he is before you can lean in to maybe pet it it runs away maybe you should follow it it's not nice to leave a cat without a home and this one looks like it could use it okay let's let's follow our friend of the cat you found a stray cat nice are you adopting this cat i would like to it's got is that a butthole it is a it is a butthole cute does that does that change is there something about are are cat animations like drugs of cats are they cuter with or without the butthole i think they need the bow i think you need the butthole because like real life cats real life cats love to show you their bubbles it's true you know back to the game boom okay i'm gonna leave the cat alone what happens you decide to leave it alone strange noises resound in the vague distance it's all so cold here you feel alone and wish for companionship the derelict houses look creepy haunted by the absence of life why did the inhabitants leave the neighborhood you wonder was there a better space that they all moved to where did they go let's look for answers elsewhere ah complete with loading bar loading fish start fish moment of the home of mackerel media fish secretly powering the web since 1996 oh oh we have a broken uh we have a link that doesn't enter site requires the fish manage my fish install fish get fish version risky fish system what are the system okay apparently i don't have enough uh system requirements here the system can't even hold together the system is falling apart at the seams i wish i could just tape it up in place your cookies are enabled you're ready yay no and and it's gone and it's gone great optional fish yes install the free electric file monitor to manage your pc security it will not modify files it will keep your pc safe i don't believe you let's learn more learn more you already know too much well that's not nice of you to say oh checking your fish version fish is up to date fish is already installed on the system but is that enough that's a nice yellow button no install again all the fish i want all those fish give me your mackerels give me your trout give me your sea bass i got them all oh mackerel media again again oh i've got the goldfish i've got the swordfish oh look at this stop never i will never stop with the fish i want them all i want their scales there we go that was good while we installed our we installed our fish i'm glad glad about that one anything anything else can i manage my fish there we go oh wow my fish are having a real hard time my fish have all died and floated to the top of the bowl apparently uh you know for me demanding a bunch of different genres of fish i feel like uh they're all very similar what can i do with that oh okay i'm tossing them out of the bowl okay what happens what happens no be free fish be free free willy i believe you can fly flying fish get out go go and then there were two you are the one that remains you are the best fish you are so special to me goodbye ain't nothing oh all right you know i don't know what i expected to happen there this is i this is appropriate i feel i i kind of brought this upon myself honestly next boom so we explored the neighborhood what else we got oh butt bone nope face bone nope left hand bone right here both left foot rimbo none of those fight settings there's a fight oh zowie stop fighting there we go see now we're all happy again start fighting stop minimize i cannot minimize oh oh that's that's my computer not to be confused not to be confused with the fake computer i'm playing through uh okay documents run ritualistic print let's try that oh no i hate the print it's it's funny this is all like riffing on early web stuff old printers and new printers identical they're the exact same in fact old printers are probably easier to use than new printers because they're not trying to connect to a cloud and then they're running on like old systems that think that they can can connect to clouds but can't it's it's the worst printing is literally the worst thing known to mankind maybe that's a bit of an over exaggeration no i agree do you oh good okay my favorite thing about college was the printers right because they always work they worked it was the best thing about college it almost made it when it didn't make it almost worth a hundred thousand dollars worth of crippling debt that you're immersed in but first but it's good to know that that money is going to something and apparently it's going to printer technology because they are the only printers in the known universe that work like the first time you try well we did have to we had to pay for printing you had to pay yeah isn't that a bummer are you kidding public universities man wow microtrans it's all micro transactions that's how they get you man they're like oh and and the teachers are in on it they're like oh you got to write 100-page term paper what are you going to do you got to print those pages out multiple times it's all a conspiracy it's got to be double spaced yeah right no front and back page no front back pages double spaced that's extra printing right there bet you haven't thought about that that's how they get you they're like yeah your tuition isn't enough yeah your meal plan isn't enough yeah your housing fees aren't enough your book fees you know that those books don't actually cost 200 a pop they're just pricing it up man it's all the monopoly the college has got you i think we're on to something i think you're the first person ever to think that maybe college is for profit right definitely an original thought of yours thank you i know i'm glad i should tell people i should we should let people know guys colleges are actually trying to make money off of you and maybe not educate you wow i think we i think we've stumbled onto something i think we cracked into something big here matt anyway this is a printer his name is this guy's name is scullers there you go can i print him is this is this actually going to print something it is going to try to actually print it okay great wallpapers let's see the wallpapers that we can we have oh look at that nice load time ah line by line that was actually shockingly fast a flock of illustrious bananas migrating through space and time it's a good choice let's see about this one oh i like all the space themes an immaculate banana astral projecting it's pretty cool i like that one banana impact earth circa 2033 a banana violently impacts with another banana the incident was soon set into motion see there's deep lore here not only is this a love letter to the early days of the internet there's deep lore here what are these crystals what do they mean what this laptop is anachronistic relative to the era that we're setting this in so just saying a banana browses social media for the first time oh no this looks bad rip banana it was not ready for the steady stream of human conscience you know you and me both space banana that is the most relatable space banana moment i've ever seen banana thinking a banana sits and ponders the universe galaxy brain banana it explodes outward creation at its very peel tips banana coming to terms with its own mortality was it all worth it life was not enough i needed more it needed answers the banana thinking too the banana coming to okay yes oh yet the universe replies with silence wow this is deep this is really deep a monument to el banano the great this is i'm sorry it's fun it's also unstructured in a way that's stressing me out me see i think people humanity doesn't know what it actually wants people are like i long for the days of unfettered creativity online and you know what there is a fun in the chaos but maybe the chaos was too stressful for people like me and i didn't know what to do with it and it broke my brain and finally the void banana final text a banana trapped in the virtual realm it has been swallowed and there is no escape its existence is condemned to the cold grasp of the computational void somebody save me but there is no saving none can hear its cries for help the void resonates with indifference time is of no consequence so what have we learned here today about the banana and the lessons of the internet i think that we're the banana are we yeah is that what it is yeah i mean we're stuck in the in the void we're in the void of the internet oh wait a minute we got games the games wait hold up hold the phone wait stop the presses ladies and gentlemen there's an actual game here in fact multiple if the plural of games is to be believed this is unreal listen i didn't i didn't force you to look at all the banana pictures can you blame me i thought that this is what i was working with here today matt i love that where i was like all right time to wrap this thing up when lo and behold from the void of the internet games i'm like well that was uh that was a weird one let's let's book this one and try to edit this to salvage it let's uh contact thomas maybe he can out edit this to make it better but uh wow there's actual games and some of them are locked even all right let's see what we got okay let's get some games here anatomically incorrect dinosaur anatomically incorrect dinosaur just how far will evolution go all right [Music] yeah that i mean that told me exactly what that game is going to be like i'm so glad i'm so glad that that educated me on what that is okay wait can i so i download the game download this monstrosity no what i guess not a twist anatomically incorrect dinosaurs evolution made a big mistake starting freedom my poor mouse has been bent [Music] your name here okay my name maddie daddy smith simpsonian oh the sipsy got it the simsonian recruits maddie patty for serious science i'm ready i'm ready for some serious science guys totally legit which is understand better which is father our american way of life political and economic presenter which is presented which is this world [Music] our advantages founding our advantages like this republic series of world leadership world leadership is being under honda programmed to help lead world leadership to help understand better the uh okay if it eats you get okay what he's saying oh his face has had an oopsie his face is is struggling a little bit let's go do science let's let's just go do science i just want to do science let me do my science i want to make some anatomically quick okay here we go [Music] velocity that the electromagnetic when do i do science i just want science little negatively charged particles of electricity x-rays we know also known as radiographs i'm slowly stripping this man uh he's got delightful underwear i just gotta say i just want to pick up the bones not not that stay away i i just want a science i just want to sign uh or a long time filament the different substances of electrons boiled off and this is too random for my brain my brain demands order and structure a different circle for demonetization purposes but it seems coming from the pope which is liberated it's also concerning because everything i'm supposed to be interacting with is poorly sized for this screen and my zooming out of the screen is not working anymore i have made zero percent progress which i feel is an accurate determination of how this video has gone today i don't know what to do anymore this game this game has broken me in a way that few games have broken me i just i i don't know the internet was too raw it was too random i need structure i need order i need predictability give me my vertical scrolls give me my casual pans every once in a while give me my web 2.0 i need social media interaction i need i need a share button matt you need a mouse shaped like a mouse i need a mouse that looks like a mouse that makes the sound effects that i expect it to i need mobile functionality i don't get it it's the games that i think are gonna be fun that always break you or stephanie it is i'm like this would be nice like a fun little exploration i don't know what you do i don't you you and i are like we're like opposing side you're like you're like the sign to my cosine and when we and we when we wave with each other we cancel each other out i'm a little more web 1.0 you're a little i'm a little bit web one you're a little bit webbed too let's call the whole thing off or at least let's call the whole thing off for today uh because i think first off now that we've discovered that games exist i am excited to explore a little bit more however i'm also a little bit i'm also a little bit confused and frustrated by the fact that our window doesn't match and so i feel like my enjoyment and appreciation of this game might increase if we somehow figure out a way to match our format to the format of the game because zooming out and all the little web shortcuts that i know to shrink windows is not working and i can't x out of the game so the only thing i can really do is all control delete it and so it's one of those things where we might need some regroup time and i feel like i've already broken my brain enough so let me know let me know if you want us to continue this exploration into the madness of matpat uh we found games games exist that might be fun let us know if you think it'll be fun too because if you think so i'll throw myself into the fire one more time because lord knows i did not know how to handle today's episode uh i was not mentally prepared for this so there it is ladies and gentlemen did you like it did you not if so i i am more than willing to explore what these games have in store but that's up for you to decide just like a choose your own adventure web 1.0 style uh so in the meantime guys thank you so much for watching thank you for going on this journey with me i feel like we've all learned a little bit more about ourselves today and that's it so thank you all we'll see in the next video remember it wasn't a live stream but it was a video a video for you see yah [Music] you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 93,382
Rating: 4.9626522 out of 5
Keywords: nostalgia, flash games, 2000s nostalgia, tetrageddon, tetrageddon games, tetrageddon games gameplay, internet memes, internet memes then and now, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, matpat
Id: eDUM5dDhc24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 13sec (2233 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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