The SCARIEST FNAF Fan Game Ever! | Sinister Turmoil Sewers

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Call the hamster

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bogdanbos725 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] hey guys and welcome to GT Live solo edition apparently my beard scared Stephanie away so far away so prickly that she's not here on the couch anymore no Stephanie is actually feeling under the weather she's got a she's had a bad migraine for the last like day and a half so she is at home sitting in a dark room resting while also writing emails which is probably kind of counterintuitive there but you know what she's there she's working hard while also trying to get some rest seems counterintuitive but so be it the hopefully she's doing better Stephanie if you're watching this at home I miss you and I wish you better and I'll see you as soon as this live stream is over but no that means that today you're stuck with me and Amy actually we are literally the only two people here Jason's out on maternity leave we are bare-bones Chris is filming his movie in the middle of the workday yeah he's got an excellent mustache it's true he came in this morning having shaved a bunch of his beard I apparently he's playing a character in his movie an Italian waiter really yep I asked before he left it's very fitting though I said is it fitting Chris does not strike me as Italian in any way the mustache shape oh the mustache he did do a good job of shaping his mustache it's true tomorrow I asked him to keep it so that way later this week when I end up shaving the speared I'm gonna have a Italian mustache with him so that way the two of us can be twinsies for very curious as to what you will end up looking like with a mustache I'm right I'm concerned my goal at by the end of this week is to slowly like shave this away and then we'll come up with all sorts of fun little designs that I get to test out for like a 24-hour period nope but uh because Chris decided to leave in the middle of the workday to go film his little independent project just got me and Amy here today yeah you know what and what more do you need in life I mean the majority of streams that I've done with you have been finished see is this what I did Amy's already spoiling the surprises every way sorry it's not in the title at all I'm gonna say this is called sinister turmoil sewers yep you're gonna be crawling around some sewers you know diving in some water trying not to drown it's gonna be great fantastic it sounds very exciting oh so so anyway yep that it's it's just hanging out casual day on the couch with you guys playing apparently some snap ask sort of game oh I see a balloon boy on the screen yeah or it looks very much like a balloon boys so um so that's that's what we're up to today nothing nothing super ground shattering earth shattering that's the word I'm looking for just casually playing video games what else do you need in a livestream so you can engage with today Steph or the Stephanie's not here haha Amy's there though she can engage with the chat right maybe yeah I do I have it pulled up on my phone on Twitter and they have the chat on my computer wow that's almost two ways that they can engage with this stream today and what is the hashtag they're supposed to use Matt what is that hashtag oh I remember its hashtag GT Live I do believe Chris left you a surprise art present oh he did yep it's beautiful is it what I feel like it's very abstract is it a tie ball is it an eye is it a target honestly I'm I I'm not certain I don't know no you don't even do you know what game we're playing today I do know what game we're playing I don't quite know how this relates to that game but I appreciate that Chris did it before he left that isn't that is very thoughtful of him thank you Chris wherever you are in your Italian restaurant get reminded amy remind me later this week we do the livestream so I guess it would be Thursday remind me Thursday to ask Chris to not only show off his mustache but also to show off his Italian accent I both really want to see it and really I hope I could handle that I am so morbidly curious about what Chris's Italian accent is gonna sound like I don't think it's gonna be pretty uh given the accent I've heard him do around the office I think it will be entertaining I think what you asked for that's exactly you know I don't know if he himself in the movie that he's working on is ya know gonna be like nepotism and casting right oh no wonder Taika Waititi directs all his own movies so he can shove himself in them and win Oscars for it that's what it's all about that's what we need to do Amy if we're gonna if we're looking to break out into the big time we need to direct our own movie I mean it's the dream you gotta try you gotta fund it hey if snap the movie ends up falling apart I don't know who's working on it at this point but if an after movie ends up falling apart called me Scott this will be all of our big break but your phone guy or Freddy oh I totally be phone guy that's amazing but right Fogo would be great the great thing all I was born to play a faceless voice cuz let's face it you guys aren't like why would you want to watch my face on screen you just listen to my voice in like game game theory episodes you you're like ASMR for the highly anxious you know you just I'm like ASMR except I give you anxiety yep it's a nice yeah you can like own that part of YouTube are you are you too relaxed in your day-to-day life could you use a little bit more stress and anxiety well I have a channel for you it's called game theory listen to this overexcited guy with an obnoxious Midwestern voice tell you about weird thing it'll crank up your anxiety for days corner the market all those people who are too relaxed coming for you friends so sinister turmoil sewers uh I like that this already has a subtitle sinister like what did I miss sinister turmoil above-ground so apparently there was going to be a first game and that first game dude it happened so he just went ahead and made a sequel great fantastic I mean you make people keep looking for it so I was gonna say I'm so here's about sinister turmoil one I mean I I think it should be fun the graphics look great yeah oh no don't see oh no Amy you committed the cardinal sin you you complimented the grip oh this is gonna be another one of those games that goes nowhere because the graphics look great and then the rest of the game is leg I think you'll have fun okay we'll have fun with that that sounds good here let's let's roll into this game and see how great the graphics are shall we oh we're entering the sewer we also get to fight an evil clown in the sewer as well be a good twist it's actually part of the it connected universe all right here we go oh cloud called it we're gonna Carnival spooky carnival should I be hearing something there was Mel there to be leftover supplies I know I saw them you know I remember hearing you say that [ __ ] you know less than 15 hours ago and I remember hoping whoa whoa richer stream we sure you guys didn't believe they still went through with the play because I stuck my neck out for you wouldn't you [ __ ] know it whoa hey speedy Dino was completely bone dry but now those people attract this is amazing good job you're growing and leaving you for those things give me a lot of breathing room we're still gonna try and help them right did you learn how to turn off his labor yeah yeah I was just giving it some time to see it fun house has been a no go for weeks now and all the routes out of a pirate's den Oh safety which only leaves one realistic choice where do I have to go out between the gift shop strip now we can't use it as a direct exits pathway to the pumping station offsites blocked off but we can use it as a tunneling system to get around the park banjo billion no no not bad Joe billion the rambling Rascals you're the worst okay I have a feeling they'll end up being the worst safe honestly we have no idea what's down there probably horribly strumming a banjo coming at you I have to go in that [ __ ] should also be some of you a little prize oh my gosh there's a lot of story here tempted toys along with the second half of his walking scent you take where are they talking right the echo is very strong where they're talking I assume it's a sewer I was gonna say are they already down the sewer so he followed a small bit of that we got to go into the sewers and I have a feeling there's gonna be things that try to kill us in the sewers that is that is the summary of today's game oh look it's Chris's art writing oh yeah it's the old with I guess it's a sewer cap okay walking swimming cold cold a hamster what what are you going to call the hamster I'm gonna call him I'm gonna call it the ham ham ham ham the hamster hit him so I can Crouch pause interact pick up flashlights throw Lehman peak throw okay all right call I am well you you know what game forget forget your title screen forget calling yourself sinister turmoil I all you need to do is name your game called a hamster and I'm signed up I am so curious how calling the hamster is gonna help me huh the chat is very excited for calling the ham I'm I you and me both chat I am so excited about called a hamster I mean untitled goose game was the meme game of last year this year sinister turmoil call that hamster flashlight interact pick up okay so this is all pretty basic enters just two ok crouch easy flashlight great thank you tips oh jeez ha the sewers beneath fredbear's Funland so we not even try and to not disconnect ourselves from the original can here fredbear's modeling can be very dangerous place three useful tips the hamster call the hamster the hamster will distract mangle and her companion okay oh we have to put the hamster in harm's way to distract mangle how dare we right up you can only summon the hamster and then it reports you to Animal Services right or the hamster dress gets eaten by mango I don't even know mango can travel through the sewer pipes it would be less exciting if he couldn't I suppose be careful when passing an open pipe as she may do a surprise attack okay did they did they do the he/she thing that they always do with mangle yeah oh no it's it's she the whole time mangle and her companion be careful when passing as she might do as president because usually with mangle the question is always like what gender is mangle and so there's always the like they mix up the key she's the sewer tunnels are color-coded main tunnels are purple green will lead you to the green pump room blue lead you to the blue pump room okay and we're and we're in okay what do we got so what's up so do I gotta get somewhere to write oh shoot I called my hamster shoot I called my hamster too early I've called the hamster prematurely it was a premature call of the hamster I'm sorry oh Jesus too bright hold it oh this is really dark okay good job thanks Bonnie Bonnie wanna be no wait there like a roll roller coaster cart that goes through here that would be the scariest roller coaster ever one that goes through the sewers that's intense so holy [ __ ] what is what what thing is that bangle aimin see where what that thing you saw something that I clearly did not see what oh wow making about oh no way oh no way oh they'll oh geez oh geez all right hi chomp you died I should have called my hamster would have distracted him try to avoid mangle she can travel through the pipes and hear you coming huh all right so the cupcake is the companion seems like that was intense man that wasn't you were right that is a good graphic Crouch nope can't Crouch or I can't get in there what is that thing cupcake it's a evil robotic century cupcake apparently so the green the green purple are the main pathways and then green leads to the green pump room it's nice that they've organized it a little bit that's a horrific looking chica so am i I guess we're gonna learn this together friends where where exactly am i aiming to get I'm gonna try to go to the green pump room because that seems important why else would they label it the green pump room unless I needed to get there for some reason nope nope this feels like a button that I should be able to interact with tisn't tis it's a button I can interact with but feels like it should be oh no oh no call the hamster there's my hamster what the heck was that what was what is this hey hey is that what you don't even look anywhere close to a hamster what the heck I was gonna say I appreciate how curving cascade on Twitter sent you a gif of hamtaro but that is not Hamtaro it's Hamtaro time Hamtaro little hamsters big adventures my best friend Hamtaro am I still being chased by this thing apparently I'm assuming yes this is a huge can I just call out the fact that this is a huge man I am sprinting all what am I supposed to do oh we ablated it we avoid a mangle but seriously I'm so confused I guess my hamster led him astray my hamster wasn't victorious this day okay but seriously like I'm seeing all these things that feel like I should be able to interact with them oh wait what get out of here get cupcake okay I'm really gonna need to develop like the first some sort of strategy here clearly I am running blind in the dark with no idea of what the heck I'm doing up with is that just the cupcake following me all right so ami you yep you've looked into this game yeah you know vaguely what's going on so I think you're supposed to be finding stuff so you can interact with those things that you're looking for ah okay so so I am correct to be running around blindly right now a little bit but you should be kind of looking for a helpful tool or a couple of them a couple helpful okay I need a couple helpful tools do we know this oh my gosh oh no I need to summon my hamster I'm gonna see if I can outrun it I'm curious is he faster than me or am I just as fast as him as long as I make decisive movements haha sprint sprint like your life depends on it because it does go don't skip leg day Wow he is okay so he can't catch up to me that's good to know well poop hmm you would you would think you would think that that sort of thing wouldn't be a possibility I cannot he was interact F was flashlight and then WASD was everything else with enter being called the hamster so you know I've really locked in on the essentials and blue pipes were to the blue pump room so let's maybe so the green pump room didn't really I don't know if I actually made it but let's these don't really do much of anything yet so I need a I need a tool Oh hamster go activate hamster oh the hamster took the hit for me haha good job hamster I called you and you answered you answered my call I appreciate it buddy okay green maybe I just need to keep following green okay green green Green since this is literally all the direction that I got from the game maybe I got distracted earlier because I was like all this is ok here's green green going to the pump room 308 wait blue wrench shoot I'm headed to the green pump room then curses so the blue reg can do what exactly I'm assuming you do something in the blue plum prove that again oh hello okay okay making some progress this looks like a large pump room you don't need to use such harsh language hiding No lastly I could have some in the hamster so you get to use the hamster three times I know I didn't want to break into my second hamster usage already I need to conserve my hamster he's working hard out there alright so he found it so we found that on our way to the green pump room so now let's see some people in the chat are saying stay away from the water stay away from the water okay see look I love it when you guys know the answers to the games the obscure games that were playing cuz that knows all right Chad it's unbelievable what the chat knows they're so smart I'm inspired by them okay here we go blue is there something down here no I guess not ok we're just going to continue to run the runaround this feels a lot like um what was a dark deception is that the one where it's it's the pac-man game yeah the one where you are running from the munch I'm trying so many times yeah the one where you run away from all the monkeys and by playing pacman and collecting the crystals and you believe that was dr. stepson yeah right this one this one feels like a lot like that except you know I can see that with all the like repetitive tunnels in time to run in circles right yeah oh come on okay I guess I mean I oh wait I've activated go hamster go go hamster go I activated Emily Milton go No I found an electrical wrench in general just the general wrench did my hamster do something my hamster saved a okay there we go running again electrical wrench I'm assuming this will allow me to do those light boxes baby no no hamster go that's my second hamster old areas thanks for showing up eventually hamster thanks for attending the game making such a big deal out of you and you just decided to show show up on your own sweet time I'm on the verge of dying it's totally fine okay this is a dead end we should not go that way so I have an electrical wrench and I found the blue pumped room let's see if this electrical wrench will do anything what did this do I activated it it briefly flashed and now it's gone there's no chance for winning this game can we all be on it like let's let's be 100% truthful here I hear them I hear the cupcake move in they also said mangle might be able to see your light but I don't know if you can see anything that I was gonna say without the light friends we are we are without a hope and a prayer so so I agree I think you're totally right like why insert a flashlight mechanic if you know it's not gonna be able to be sensed by the things that are chasing you at the same time we want to see anything in this game chanting when they're coming after you tried can you crouch I can crouch I don't know if to turn the flashlight off in crouch we could try it certainly hey cute flashlight now I'm dead crouched it's literally right there that didn't work okay all right we're learning things we learned that the electrical wrench allows us to do something with the boxes which doesn't bode well because I think that just means I'm gonna have to run around and activate every box without dying which likes forever and then we found a green wrench which presumably works in the green pump or a blue wrench which presumably works in the blue pump room and now we found the electrical wrench so now can we find the one wrench over here so I'm assuming the wrench locations and stuff are all randomized which is unfortunate because it would be useful to be able to find those things quickly this is electrical outlet oh there's the cupcake so I got to understand so the cupcake acts as like a security device that alerts mangal to my presence so I that makes sense to me so I need to really be careful about that no no that should be cupcake following me right let's just look at what let's learn let's learn the mechanics shall we okay Oh turn it okay okay it's fine we're fine it's okay we're doing great in this game we're learning a lot knowledge is power and we're gaining knowledge that's all that matters right friends ninja puppy 125 on Twitter says that it maybe if you look at the cupcake it will slow down so you can get away like look at it as you run away right I'm wondering if yeah I'm wondering if the cupcake is one of those like you don't turn away from it mechanics right we're like you you don't turn away from it until it's out of eyesight so that way it doesn't like chase you down or something like that I could see I could absolutely see that being the case and to everyone's point in the chat so what is that thing is a response to what exactly what when you say what is that thing is it Mangal and the in the pipe what is he seeing cuz I cuz I'm up we see a petite so no no no so now puppets here puppets man alright don't leave go hamster going opposite direction I'm gonna run this oh come on NOC follow the hamster not me you fool there's a delicious tasty hamster oh no he's still coming so he can't all right so he's still not getting to me yet that's good to know even though I'm right in front of him that's interesting that's an interesting learning key piece of information so he's gonna round the corner now hmm and I was and I was shooting my flashlight at him so either he was still distracted by the hamster or you need the cupcake to signal him or some noise like maybe the water or something because the fact that I'm like standing right in front of him and he's not responding is kind of awkward see we're figuring out the mechanics slowly that's that's part of the game here it's just figuring out how everything operates so you can dissect what mechanisms work and you can kind of like optimize accordingly spooky spooky and this so yeah so touching the water to hear Mangalore okay there's there's mangle so this time mangle saw me for some reason right a man go see me oh look she's somebody a hamster him go get him huh all right go have him go go here meme go I'm gonna follow them I'm curious where where's the apes are going and how long does he distract them for well that was useful to know very helpful hamster I call upon your knee I call upon you you can run away from him for a decent length of time I will say that but at a certain point he does catch you man it would be great to be able to find those wrenches a lot sooner don't you think that'd be that'd be swell gonna gonna follow Green okay we're gonna go back to following some of these paths the green goes this way then this way I mean there's like lean mechanics and stuff but I I don't under like I don't know enough at this point to be like still and like look at this like turning off the flashlight makes no sense unless I'm just constantly like flashing it because then you're also missing like the very obscure small things that are happening on the other side of the of the pipe here like to try I mean I can try flashing it should I lose green maybe with the pup with the cupcake when it sees you you need to briefly like turn everything off so it doesn't okay so I hear it I'm gonna crouch so I'm crouched and without the flashlight let's see what that does feels like no there's cupcake so okay here I am there's cupcake I'm just gonna hang out see what happens maybe don't leave cuz it's staring at me right there you go ladies and gentleman this is it this is a Metal Gear Metal Gear Solid sewer edition I don't think this is doing anything I don't think cupcakes gonna leave me so I'm maybe if I walk around the cupcake without it all right I'm just gonna move me under this way what the heck what so so uh-huh yeah I was gonna be like it phased over my head so what signaled the poplars what signaled the cupcake at that point so we know that the cupcake signaling is what prompts Mangal to come on the attack both what is it that is causing it to freak out because at that point I was out of the room and I was no longer pointing the flashlight at it so what signaled it to freak out that my friends is the question I have right now that I would love to know oh there's a wrench yeah oh and there's the cupcake shoot okay there it is okay wait there's Mangal okay so he is reacting to Mangal there's an angle and there's cupcake so [Music] problem is I guess so he's found me right I can't see a thing there is not a thing that I can see so I'm just gonna watch CNN what was I supposed to do okay so we know that flashlight is not tied to this at all we know that walk in the water instead of the science though besides I mean I can sure why not like the thing is I'll try anything I'm just trying to like eliminate what variables we have to figure out how exactly this whole thing is working cuz I'm super confused like I just don't have a good idea of what's going on with it like like once we figure out how the cupcake operates we'll have a much better likelihood of being able to do something with this but right now I just don't get the mechanics of the cupcake like at all where are all these light boxes finally there's one that's what I you turn oh there's cupcake get but see I'm running so I'm running away from the cupcake and I don't get it it's just I don't see how the cupcake is or isn't tied to my actions there's another one another electrical wrench very exciting wrenching it up monkey monkey wrench the fastest repairs know there's a bunch of hanging wires here and stuff yeah it doesn't matter just just rub a monkey wrench on it it's totally fine so this is that one dead end where I'm sure there's one yeah look at us getting all the electrical boxes new record see what white why are you there Alden I don't get it I don't get it this is one of those times where like it's fine I just want to know what the mechanic is okay a lot of you down here wow this is huge go activate hamster that's a huge room I am very curious about that room there's more my hamster should scare him away there we go god this map is so massive and like you see these things in the distance but like the fact that they're still glowing red does not help and those lights aren't actually the things that I'm supposed to be going towards I'm just really confused by a lot of this have you seen any other wrenches I have not trust me if I had seen them I would have picked them up and probably lost this one in the process because something tells me this is one of those where it's like you can only hold one wrench just by you having two hands okay okay here are the things behind me or whatever which means what like what what what is even the sound that I'm hearing okay that's another wrench or no that was another box on I'm in a dead end no activate hamster go well I use the hamster that's my third hamster okay there they're following they're following my hamster thankfully I got this alright yeah no I didn't right I just don't know what any of this is doing that's that's my concern here is if I had a little bit more idea of what the bots like the electrical Ridge what if what am I doing with this thing like I'm affecting these boxes and presumably I have to get all the boxes will that turn on the lights will it shut off mangle is that just gonna progress me to the next thing what is the goal what is the goal also you know the watershed by you should I be avoiding the water should I not be like none of it is really making a whole heck of a lot of sense right now that's my only big concern here okay so this is the big palooka okay time to find something to activate the pumps which literally is the blue pipe brick and I would activate those pumps where exactly do you see more of those switch boxes in here yeah that's what I'm looking for right I'm trying to find like no it's so this would be the blue pipe or so here is the thing that probably needs the blue pipe wrench these two boxes okay so these are the two blue pipe wrench boxes so we know that that's where they go or at least we have a strong suspicion that that's where they go what they're gonna do for me again not 100% clear oh okay to do it we need to find the blue pipe wrench which it remains as elusive as ever and last time we were in this room there was a reg hidden kind of like back here there isn't anymore so that that's our luck friends Lauren Shelton in chat is saying hiding from the cupcake is not possible the cupcake follows you constantly but if you shine your light on it it kind of freezes so you can keep your distance once it gets next to you when it alarms maickel if you shine her light on it might like to stop it for a little bit so it seems that's what it seems to say yeah hey that's part of the tunnels really well lit my just bathroom they just make a big loop okay that's good to know oh I entered it from a different place Oh interesting okay good to know I've got to say I appreciate the fact that like this run has been long at least so we've been able to at least get a little bit more sense of here moving though that's the one I've activated right I'm assuming that's the cupcake hiding but like running behind me okay a lot of big massive rooms around here it's walking safer than running that's another question I have like should I not be running location to location these are all very pertinent questions to my gameplay experience right now just just talking out loud about all this I don't know it's a lot can the read should be in water you'd be very curious about that one I don't like the fact that I pendants Welch myself around and make a bunch of noise over here that's kind of lame feel like I'm gonna signal myself at any moment here nothing here okay so man these wrenches could be anywhere there's the stairs this goes up now we're in the upper level of something-or-other huh very interesting I feel like I'm covering a lot of ground here and not seeing a whole heck a lot of wrenches so from what I can understand they are pretty random yeah it's not like good yeah so I can't really look up where they are no I know I think I figure that they would probably be like random drops each time you like die and reset but still man it is like would think I will have come across how many more of these by how many boxes are so many questions ok this room we've done Amy do me a favor will you is there a map of this game at all just out of curiosity err probably isn't but I'd be curious yes it's it'd be great to just at least look cuz man it is confusing to know what you have and have it done and since everything tends to is like looping in on itself it's also a bit hard like if I'm like it take every right or just always go this direction I can feel like I just keep retreading the same stuff this is a really dark hallway not seen any wrenches down there all right this whole section actually feels really and help that I look back around yeah I loop back around okay so this is a little new so if I go left nope this is that box I keep getting so complicated hmm I do seem to be having more luck with walking rather than rather than running which is interesting so maybe strategy number one here is to keep calm and hold your wrench because I don't know if I'm not like not signalling cupcake at this point or maybe just that my my last hamster was particularly effective so this is the green pump room just I mean great we found both pump rooms to Pump Rooms zero effective wrenches in in said Pump Rooms so that's great I'd love to find a wrench and just test them out on here though to see what they're gonna do I'm just curious what happens in the game some people are also saying to throw the wrench at the cupcake but I'm unclear oh yeah that's right I did say I can throw items did they forgot about that not seeing but my items are so few and far between you might be able to retrieve it after I mean I'm assuming so I don't want to make like I can I'll try like we could try at a certain point like if I get attacked here's the thing if I get attacked again yeah I found a new one yes if I get attacked again I have no more hamsters and so it's pretty much done for me anyway so I might as well just hurl my wrench interesting so now we're in like an electrical how if I not baby here before or at least I've been here but like hell if I don't walk through that recently yeah well we'll try her lling my wrench at the cupcake to try and like just sweet him from attacking me right over there which I think is another box a blue wrench and in the process I of course I'm loathe to get I've done so many other electrical boxes with that other wrench I'm really concerned about getting rid of my first Ridge speaking of that darkly still send in the chat says to not do anything more with the purple boxes no I think it's unclear whether you activate them like whether you've hit them before so I think you might be just going around in circles hitting the same ones fanta the ones that are still act and it's saying that I that they're active and that I can do things with them right I know but I think you've been around it so many times that I wonder if you it's just like a glitch maybe or maybe like I'm activating them prematurely or something I can see that I can see like oh you can't activate the light switches until the pump room has been activated or something like that I could totally see that so here's blue we're following blue and I have a blue wrench maybe this will fingers crossed and Malcolm Ward in chat says to stop with the electrical stuff and try the other two wrenches because I think that's what you need to do they're gonna maybe raise the water levels well here's the thing friends I will like sure the problem is I just need the wrench you know like that's that's the biggest issue is I just need to find the wrench in the first place okay hey we got rid of one pump set [Music] nope don't love the fact that it's making really loud sounds that's sounds like an alarm oh whoa whoa oh no it's flooding what the heck wait there's an air meter now wait one wait so huh oh no oh no what what I am so what the heck it's an there's no way there's no way that better be a save point by the way like it's not I guarantee that if not some tells me in my heart of hearts that there's no way that that's the same point but still grazie oh wait it's my electrical wrench I found my electrical wrench at least I don't know why exactly at the dare still gotta find the cream wrench impossible to find that's crazy so at a certain point in this game I'm gonna have to swim underwater apparently it seems like you're trying to flood the sewer it doesn't get out does seem like that right I guess you're trying to drown Magel all right this is or like shocking the death or something based I don't like that yeah yeah based on how this is like has an electrical current running through it I can see that come on green wrench are you where are you well well now I'm really concerned because now there's a whole section of the map that's underwater like I don't even know how I'm gonna be able to like go under there and you know if the green wrench is in the underwater section of the map what what do you even do you just like slowly like inch your way dive can mangle attack you underwater I mean I'm assuming so it's like the deadliest game of Marco Polo ever all right no one wants that maybe it drowned was the cupcake that would be helpful that would be super helpful do us all a big favor so the blue line should lead you to the Blue Room we're all in right have you done everything in there they turned all of the pipes I mean I think I did based on the fact that the water level rose and it said one one room to go or whatever it's just yeah gonna say if if that wasn't the case then it was gift they might want to rethink the indications of how it speaks to me as the player cuz it gave me a pretty strong indicator that that was that uh okay Green Green pump room I mean we're headed there now so maybe maybe it's on the way maybe just someone's like hey here's a convenient place to lay my green ranch in the green pump room guess what guys here's here's a pro tip for tools what I'm carrying is an adjustable wrench and so spoiler alert I could adjust the wrench to have a wider grip so we could hang on to the nuts and bolts that I'm looking to unscrew here so you know this whole green wrench blue wrench fallacy is a lie it's called learn how to use your tools take from me guy who did a lot of wrenching in my day the chat also would like to remind you that mango can pop out of the holes in the wall so just to be careful around them I mean at this point it's been quiet yeah it's been shockingly quiet it's been quiet too quiet we say that now of a something's gonna like pop around a corner or something my hope is that he just like be spawned that's that's my dream pet somehow me flailing around in the dark managed to break the game and now we're just on a epic wrench finding adventure I would be totally okay with that let's just talk about life and gameplay as we wander around looking for just - have you seen a ladder ya know I would keep an eye up at once I think once you finish and find the green wrench that might be your way out that's your way out great I have not seen anything that even resembled the ladder what and that was a tip from Andrew on Twitter mangle is able to chew wires use the electrical wrench to avoid being killed well we figured out what the electrical wrench does That's not me at the beginning it does look around here do you see a lighter kind of above that makes me very sad it makes me very sad but look around here yeah like no maybe it's that so we had a very helpful hint from office dan yeah that he thinks that it's like this ladder that gets raised when you flood the sewer okay get out okay that makes it that makes sense I can see that I'll go with that one so I'm kind of salty that me walking past the electrical box killed me God admit little so we know what we know what to do with the electrical box apparently which is or the electrical wrench definitely not pleased that that killed me when I block past hundreds of other little electrical boxes okay so this is the back of it [ __ ] really give a guy here huh that's interesting so you're right me shining my light at him seem to shut him up that's good to know see we're getting better I'm figuring it out guys slowly and surely we're figuring things out to trial and error I am definitely super bummed that I died cuz now I'm back to square one of finding all these stupid wrenches and doing the pipes again which sucks but hey we're one step closer and I'm I'm feeling like knowledge is power feels the power of positivity I'm also gonna start on the lower level I think do you think there's a specific order you should turn on the boxes I mean it seems like the blue wrench might be a good one to start with because it seems like it's on a lower level than the green one but I couldn't completely be making that up that could be a complete lie on my part [Music] huh huh interesting so I'm able to shut him up pretty quickly which is useful here I'm gonna keep finished checking out this room what did it come I have a hole in the ground maybe he just floated past me he just he just go stood right just going down the lazy river right he's like hey buddy long time no see aren't you the guy who flooded the chamber that one time great also those crazy people in chat saying that running does not attract mango so you might be able to run really yeah I had such good luck I feel like I'm having such better luck luck by walking slowly though I feel like when I was running I was attracting him constantly you need to take life at your own pace yeah sometimes you just need you know maybe mangle is the spirit of just relax a little bit here we go holy [ __ ] well there's mango mango saw me well there he was alright alright yeah let's get into a routine here let's set a pattern so I'm gonna go down here I'm gonna walk left and take another left I'm just gonna wander through we need we need like a clearing we need like a routine to follow to know that we're not getting hopelessly lost over and over again up there now we're back to here okay so we've done this loop once where is he I love that you can sense him without me the player actually see I just know he's in my presence he exists somewhere in my vicinity right now all right I think it's whenever you hear that bumping sound is when he says that is that what it is I think so that's what I'm hearing bump bump bump did you ever ride a whump we have a whoomp with just one hump but we knew a man named mr. gob some into hamster hamster away him ham is the MVP of this right ham ham I mean ham ham is so Opie who knew that mangle just just mega just wants a friend man Meiko just wants a pet of his own maybe that's what it is he just wants one that doesn't like blaring alarm every time there's something right I gotta say the cupcake is a pretty obnoxious friend if that's the thing I was stuck with all the time that would be that'd be the worst so so I hear can you crouch behind something and turn it off and see if the sound goes away so do you think that's mango moving through them the pipes or through the like vents or something I think so and that's why he can like attack you from every direction is that what it like that makes sense to me okay geez no no no yo cupcakes bad bad cupcake walk it through the zoo or above Oh get out of here oops so I deactivated him and I'm hiding what do you think I'm also hiding by the dumpster I think we're gonna be in the clear here I think this is gonna kill me survey says I'm gonna wait till the alert music is gone I'm assuming at a certain point it will go away maybe where we can just rock out to it over and over again otherwise it's the most epic stare-off ever right yeah there we go no blinking so green pump room not a whole heck of a lot degree see the problem here isn't so much the the avoiding and stealth I feel like Oh get out of here you make me so sad I said I'll be passed over me mangos literally right in front of me he's literally hanging right there so I'm just gonna stare off with this cupcake and I'm hoping that manga will just choose to float his ghostly self goodbye some people do say to throw your wrench at mangle do not have a wrench yeah well I was gonna say guys that would require me to see the problem in this game is it the whole like stealth mechanic stuff the problem is just finding the three items that I need and they're just three wrenches I just need to find them and there and like this is one of those instances of the map just being like too big relative to the stuff that there is to do in the map right where there's just like such a huge map and three very small very specific items and just a whole lot of empty space like that's that's the thing I'm hoping that mangle goes away I don't think he's going to this time I don't know I feel like as soon as I look up and/or move I will die so instead I'm gonna engage in the most epic staring contest of all time and your fan edits you can just zoom slowly closer to my eyes staring down this cupcake it's very dramatic didn't contacts getting dry lost blink dude over oh no it's dirt again I was gonna be like the loo well there's an angle maybe you just believe you alone right I'm just gonna scoot on back here don't mind me I'm caught on something Mike caught on what am i caught on exactly here what what what's catching me right now here's the flash later you gonna get aa ghost go back it's a spooky ghost mangle mean cupcake spooky ghost magical but seriously release the hamster nope it just came to you Wow Wow that was that was about as epic as gameplay gets ladies and gentlemen I don't 2020 is Game of the Year terminal panic sewer Terp sewer turmoil snap what what sinister sinister turmoil sinister turmoil sinister turmoil sewers it's like someone opened up a thesaurus just like I want something that means evil but isn't really evil sinister that's a good one what's something that means problem or trouble but doesn't actually but sounds a little bit better turmoil sinister turmoil and then we need we need to you know this is part of a franchise now this is the second installment of a much storied franchise so we need our subtitle sewer have you checked like on the edges of some of the dumpsters like on like like under the edge under the edges of the dumps I feel like I mean I can I will look more closely I feel like I'm there again like I think dammit I think the takeaway here is just that it's just a huge map guys like it's huge and you wind up make me so sad that makes me sad it's gonna crouch maybe from angle Oh like float over my head blowed over my head mangle you won't see me yes we found mangles wheat we found mangles weakness and it's crouching look this is the best thing ever lead the way Mangal lead the way I'm following you buddy oh oh phasing through the wall I see oh okay I'll go this way are you looking for the wrenches too are we both looking for the wrenches right now Mangal guide me guide me Mangal who's chasing who cokecake actually works for me secretly he's like no don't release the hamster again don't don't release the hamster again come on Mangal where you going mangle Oh where you going where you going so can you survive just cuz May goals just flew in you know your guess is as good as mine at this point a me yeah I've realized that I might have more success surviving in this game if I just crouched everywhere and so now I'm just crouching and it seems to be doing well for me so so by the rule of superstitious youtubers I'm just gonna continue crouching until objective data proves otherwise we're gonna crouch and walk slowly and be sandwiched here between angry cupcake and ghost mangle mangle is having just about as much luck finding these wrenches as I am let's be honest it's very exciting nema on twitter just wants to know why we can't just eat the cupcake because it's more mechanical than it is edible unfortunately trust me I can totally go for a cupcake right now that sounds delicious but alas this cupcake got a lot of wires and stuff and I'm not one of those did you ever watch that show oh wait oh that's a debt that I learned that those are deadly wait they're deadly ups I mean it doesn't matter it's not like we made progress that round but now we know that they're deadly from both sides oh I'm like Oh last time I died because I hit the wires that were hanging from the box oh no friends it's when you hit the wires hanging from the box or when you're just crossing the area where that exists that's good to know good to know well we're all learning a lot about ourselves during today's livestream I feel like and not a whole lot about this game so curious so Andrew on Twitter says that you only need to hit the electrical boxes when mangle chews through them that's what I figured and to do the Blue Room for the green room if possible and do the what the Blue Room before the green room great okay so so that confirms some of our suspicions right like I after seeing that there were quote-unquote faulty electrical boxes that kind of gave me the indication that that's what the electrical wrench is for at this point is yeah it's for fixing the faulty electrical boxes pokey electrical boxes rather than okay alright so crouching doesn't always guarantee me life forever so that's good to know I wonder if it's only when I've used the hamster one I wonder what it is okay check the corners of the dumpster I mean I checked the corners there I check the low corners do nothing Chan is saying many variations of sneaky sneaky sneaky snick I'm a sneaky snick snick for the winds neck me and my hamster hamster The Adventures of hamster and snick that's today's livestream we're gonna start a children's book series but can you wear a box oh oh we can we can wear Oh Amy we can absolutely wear a box snick snick snick a sneaky nope there's our friend look who it is everyone's favorite character look up cake Snicket's neck snacky snack and his hamster ham ham to the rescue greatest villain of animatronics ham ham cutie hamster I hear vague sounds that might illusions something happening in the game go hamster activate nope no fries no hamster have happened you betrayed me sorry they're two different versions of mangle is their ghost mangle and then there's like regular walk around town mangle is the other one like if he if mangle was trying to get you from like either a crouched position or like from the ceiling like it could be it could be and just could it well it could be let's hope we get that mangle again cuz he's funny he's also much easier to avoid cuz you know I just crouched down and the game doesn't know what to do with it so I I will cheese this game for days at this point I am totally die I am NOT above cheese in the game because I'd love to make some semblance of progress thanks Amy thanks for that reminder you're great glad we've done such a good job making a lot of forward momentum in this game I don't honestly honestly I don't know and maybe it is maybe it's one of those things that like you just figure it out but to find all three wrenches seems impossible and to do that Plus get to the Pump Rooms activate whatever you know you need and then escape I'm assuming like that's that's probably the entire loop of the game that's that's a lot to do without dying and without checkpoints with only three hamsters the hamster is great don't get me wrong the hamster mechanic the hamster is far and away the MVP of this game closely followed by a ghost mangle but uh but I gotta say with only three hamster like once you get caught by the cupcake like once you're just done and so I've taken it upon myself to just Crouch everywhere that's my strategy for winning Crouch and win nothing around those edges around here nothing on top of the dumpster that's seen anything on top okay right like and it's and it's like I it's like I said earlier like this it's just the map is so big like there's any number of areas where these wrenches could just be and then you have to get all the way back it's it's its turf and it would be one thing if like oh if I go down the path to the the green wrench or if I go down the path to the green pump room I find the blue wrench okay great and it can be randomized on the way there and then it's like okay I have a vague understanding of where I'm supposed to go to start off the game so let me start by going down the green path finding my wrench and then making my way back to the blue path and then I can go to that Pump Room and then along that way I find the green like I think that's the trick here is right now to start the game you need an item and to find the correct item that you're looking for takes just an egregious amount of searching Hey look there's a puppet I haven't seen a puppet cut out I bet everyone's favorite puppet and I think that's oh I think that's that's my only real problem with this right now is like you can have a big map that's totally fine but you can't Randa like completely randomized the appearance of essential items in that map without it just starting to get like really tedious and frustrating because you're starting it back at square one every single time really hard and so and then and then to expect people to be able to okay here's the electrical wrench which it this should be safe for me to cross now okay great weird but it's so that would be the thing I would say is just you can randomize the appearance of the wrenches but I would just put that like I would restrict where they could potentially spawn and I would just spawn them like on the way to one pump room you find the wrench for the other one and vice versa and then you can decide like where to go and how do you tackle it and how do you get back and forth and then all of a sudden the stealth element becomes more of a factor because it's not like me blindly running from place to place trying to like just find any semblance of how to get things started but instead it's like oh I have I've made some level of progress that's my viewpoint look I found another electric I found another electrical wrench I I have found the blue wrench twice I have in the last hour and whatever I found the blue wrench twice I found the green wrench zero times and I found the electrical wrench a handful of times but it's also the least important of the wrenches in fact I found two wrenches in the same play through but it doesn't seem like it's an important like it's more of a you should be able to throw it at mangle also I mean I I'll try why not I'll try it but it's just we found wrenches at least hey any any playthrough any round of this game where we find a ranch I consider a victory because who knows it's also one of those things to where it's like I don't know if they're gone at this point like it's weird that sometimes they're like right on at the beginning of the game it seems like they're right on top of you and then if you like find a sweet spot where suddenly like they can't find you at all that's it's fantastic it's great it's like hey I'm actually in a position where I can make some level of exploration and progress okay maybe it's stages like stage one is try to survive as long as you can stage two is now you have time to find stuff maybe but even and it honestly again like ways that you can kind of like refine this a little bit to make it a little less frustrating is I would say maybe K times trying something to activate the pumps like here maybe the solution to like kind of the gameplay dilemma I currently find myself in with this game is maybe the solution is hey force the player to get to the blue pipe root pump room or whatever and then that is the thing that spawns you know the blue wrench into a somewhat nearby vicinity so that way again it encourages like clear exploration it allows you to have like a clear progression of events and it makes it feel like you're hey I've gotten to a thing now I know that the blue wrench has activated somewhere and I can find it it's again knowing that those wrenches exist without me finding this room and then me just kind of like wandering around for a really long time with no progress whatsoever you remember where you found the blue wrench the last time I I mean I I can remember it visually how do you get there is partner yeah I mean are we thinking about there because because the wrench is at least the electrical wrenches seem to spawn in random locations a couple people are saying that the electrical wrench spawned in the same place at least twice really from watching but I'm not sure but we could then check where you found the blue wrench to see if maybe that happened that's interesting that's good to know seems like looks like you just be completely wrong this is just me making up stuff at this point on one hand I guess I can like run around a bit just having such good luck crouching and walking and want to throw it off so come on so see soon as I stood up soon as I stood up i signaled to him where I was darn it alright this is just a couple more times I'm bummed I'm actually because this is like clearly there's a lot of work that went into this like it looks great like you said it looks great the frustration though is just the map is huge but it is it's really big it's a bit unclear you know like like how to survive outside of just like run away and use the hamster like I don't feel particularly empowered outside of just like cross my fingers and hope he doesn't see me because like they included like the peek mechanic and the crouch mechanic which makes it seem like oh I should be able to stealth my way around but by the time I'm like in a position like what am i picking around and crouching to like not be seen by the hood cupcake I don't get the cupcake the cupcake makes you know sense to me and so that's so again that's that's the thing like what am i peeking and hiding from exactly like let's go to green pump room so one time I believe the blue wrench spawned here if I recall correctly it's like right around the corner from the green it's not like under that draining pipe or anything there's no no okay I mean I do know that like the first time we found the green or sorry the the blue pipe or the blue wrench it was while we were following the Green Line so that's all the Green Line and see where it means also Joshy shadow gave you a lovely poem that says one wrench to wrench green wrench blue wrench it's well put that was little thank you black black wrench blue wrench old wrench new wrench this wrench turns a little nuts this wrench turns uh a water pump wow that was a slant rhyme that would make Virginia Woolf proud right turns a nut rhyming nut with pump for day learn from pop music it really matters how you say it it's true Virginia Woolf just cringed in her grave so I'm still following the green because again like under this theory of the spot maybe close to the location where they were before like we found the blue wrench following the Green Line so I'm just I'm trying I'm trying anything I can think of here friends I just wanna make some progress it was exciting remember that time friends remember that time that we unlocked one of the wrenches and we found the pumps and the water rose and I was like what is going on that was an exciting mechanic those were those were those were big days all right green pump room okay time to find something to activate the pumps yeah you wish good luck Claudia says I'm beginning to think the renters are a lie just like the cake ah what do you think this is portal this is snap no the wrenches are very much a lie it's all it's all a big Ruth it's all by fazbear entertainment the lie is real one wrench to wrench black French blue Ray's bold Reds new red oh my gosh come on show me wrench yep does a big old nope right there yeah I have fairly close to the majority of one fish two fish red fish blue fish memorized at this point just from listening to it over and over again and reading it to oli so many times so that that's memorized hop on pop got a pretty solid lock on at this point what what other good kids dr. Seuss books I'll teach my dog a lot of words that's a popular one ten apples up on top I can I can recite to you basically the entire dr. Seuss II and Canon at this point how many times I've read all those books not not some of the the older more mature ones yet like cat and hat is still a bit too advanced and horton hears a who I am shocked by how much sure horton hears a who is really it's about birthing a child like sitting on it sitting on an egg until there's a baby right know horton hears a who is I'm thinking of her that one when they sits on the edge Horton hatches a who whatever yeah yeah no horton hears a who is the one where he's like hey this dust speck is talking to me and there's a whole society on this dust speck let me put it on a you know the little like flower and protect it from everyone and everyone's like you're going crazy Horton there's nothing on that dust speck and he's like no there's a whole society and he has to try and prove it to him and no one believes him and then they beat him up mercilessly for it yeah it is brutal my gosh he's like yeah he's like protect he's like don't they're for whatever reason the jungle animals are very invested in Horton and his like love of this little dust speck and so they literally beat him within an inch of his life there being like no there's nothing on this dust speck they very much took that out of the musical version you know it's it is a hit that's actually true um it's interesting though I we should do a dr. Seuss theory because what I learned reading all these dr. Seuss poems is the fact that so horton hears a who right that's the book so horton finds Whoville and Whoville exists on this dust speck that he then places on this flower and he's like the only one to hear it and then eventually you know convinces everyone that exists you know blah blah blah whatever everyone happy Lee ever after even though he was just beaten with an inch of his life by the forest animals um but Whoville I mean they're the who is right there they're the the creatures from how the Grinch Stole Christmas and so it sets into context that Whoville the place where the Grinch steals Christmas from actually exists on a dust speck and so the Grinch and all and like the mountain that he lives on and like max the dog and stuff all of it is happening in this microcosm that it exists on a speck of debt like it's all super miniscule like size of atoms which is weird to think about that blows your mind it did it blew my mind Wow right thing I think you're just humoring me a bit I don't know it's very interesting because it's the whole thing of like if you step on something what are you destroying right it makes you just very paranoid I wanna say and it's also one of those things were like you know you hear the hell the Grinch Stole Christmas and how he's unlike mountain I forget what the mountain is mom cramp whatever and you know he's on the mountain he's got his dog and so technically speaking it's like oh this is a normal-sized Society or whatever but according like if it is the same who's species and Whoville as exists in horton hears a who canonically it is something incredibly incredibly small in microscopic which is on it is the smallest Christmas known to mankind I wish I had I wish I had discovered that one prior to us doing the Christmas prints that would have been so much more satisfying well you've probably probably a little bit more interesting for people then then let's talk about the Christmas prints well you have a whole year to formulate it and get ready for next Christmas thanks Amy only we can formulate the theory is for two weeks from now great yeah no we're actually looking pretty good right now there's they might not be fully finished but at least we've got an idea of where they're headed all right going down down to the water here it's walking slowly welcome to this game you'll notice again like as I'm crouching and walking works it works well for me friends no it doesn't work well for me lay today it works well from you're not getting discovered it works horrifically but then again everything works perfectly for me in this game when it comes to actually finding the wrenches and I'm supposed to be finding so really what this game should rebrand itself as is just walking simulator sewer Edition great ready ho ho green red it's a brand new day nice right sewer I don't care I know that they said in the chat that I'm supposed to do blue wrench first but I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth friends I'm just going with this wrench cuz any progress is good progress Oh buddy here we go see and you'll notice that the green wrench has a wider stance in what it's able to accept into its mouth again it is an adjustable wrench you can adjust how large and small that opening is it is very simple to do very simple I would highly encourage our protagonist in this game to just use this one wrench for all of his purposes but it's not labeled the correct color doesn't matter you be smarter about your tools alright here's the green I love that the green goes in two different directions here it's like here's green and also there's green thanks a lot game I'm gonna follow this green follow this agree I'm gonna continue to slowly creep well crouched speaking of thinking about the real-life logistics of things like I was talking about with dr. Seuss one of the other things that always amuses me is just thinking about what it would be like in real life if someone just did a Crouch walk everywhere it would hurt it would I mean that's hard on the quads like the games always position it as like oh you're sneaking now because you're crouched it's like that's not that's not good at all in fact like I make more noise when I'm crouched in this position cuz I'm like oh my gosh my legs there should really be like a timer for the amount that you can Crouch like how strong your legs are right that's actually a good idea like grip strength but yeah for it's like quad strength it's not a bad suggestion Amy I feel like it would be a more useful mechanic than some ha also Jack lean Co in the chat says praised the wrench right thank you release the hamster frees the wrench also this might be your last playthrough oh I guarantee it okay are you talking about I mean you're the one who's always one more time yeah I might not have one more time on this one honestly mate this might not be one and this might not get the Matthew Patrick one more time request just say it when I've been playing for like an hour and a half and I've managed to like activate one thing for the entire duration well also fumbling around with the mechanics and I mean don't get me wrong there we've had highlights we've had great moments there was a spooky ghost mangle that I followed for a while it was fun we got into a staring contest that was very exciting and you have progressed in your knowledge of mechanics okay I mean vaguely you see that I'm just wandering around crouched because I think it might work maybe there we go there's number one just looking around to see if there's any blue wrenches hiding out number two yes it's number three go wrench yeah wouldn't go [Music] great what a noise sound design 10 out of 10 an Oscar award for best sound design in a video game goes to do you believe that the Oscars should have so many different sound categories Wow look you going into topical hot takes well it they're so similar every single one of them and I'm just like do you really need like four different technical awards for it the same thing oh I bet if you were a sound designer you probably and I have much respect for them because I can't do it so honestly so what I would say is I'm actually I love technical awards because I think those people you know who fill those roles are so underappreciated and so much more important than a lot of other functions that you know that work on like movies and theater and stuff like that and so like any opportunity that those kind of unsung heroes have to kind of get recognized and get awarded for their work I think is worthwhile so like and also similar to you like I don't really know enough about the nuances of the differences between those different things like I don't really know the difference between what is it like sound design and sound edit like I i cannot i can assume based on the titles a little bit about what they mean like I've never and I've always kind of just like roughly assumed that I understand what the difference is is where like sound design is you know the overall like sound effects how they're plays how they're you know is it period appropriate music cues how it musics me things like that and then sound editing is the actual like you know putting together yeah putting it together left to right audio mixing you know audio mixing is a separate category isn't it I do believe so yes so yeah like I think if someone would define them sure explicitly I would understand more and probably have a little bit more appreciation for the separate sure jobs no that makes sense but yeah that's um that's kind of my take is like you know I like seeing the technical Oscars what was it the streamys the streamys the other like I think was like a year or two ago I was talking to the guy who one of the guys who owns and like runs them and he's like it's like oh we almost got rid of the editing category but we knew that we knew that you wouldn't not not that you wouldn't want that but like that you would be the one person who'd be like upset about that and I'm like yeah you can't get rid of it like there's so few actual like technical categories when it comes to like wait look oh you just appeared out of nowhere I dropped the green wrench and then he just like showed up he just wanted the wrench for himself [Music] you know what it is I think I know what it is I think you're I think you're actually I think you might be right well then well then I think you might be writing me I think that because you'll notice he appeared as soon as I put down my wrench and so I wonder if me finding the wrench or something d spawns him until you get the pump room I wonder it would you would have to test it as a theory to see if it continuously happens but that does sound a bit love what was happening right cuz because it was literally as soon as I put it down he was right where I put it down which one cheap cheap shot but - I think that might be the case well you made progress thank you I made progress and then died and lost it all and then we were back to square one so that was sinister turmoil sewers would you try it again I think if there I think if there were either like a little bit more clear instructions about how things operate or if there was I mean the problem is it's just a lot of wandering like that's that's my big problem is there needs to be a couple more indicators in the world landmarks signs on the walls something that differentiates the different tunnels so you haven't liked it sure it's a huge map I get it but you're looking for such small specific things that are they're hard to find in a huge map so you can do that but you need to give the player just a little bit more information about where they are at any given point everything looks and feels so similar all the time that just following a green line or a blue line on the wall isn't enough in a lot of cases and so like maybe it's different and because everything else was purple and so like maybe color coding a couple more of the the tubes or having the tubes like this is the dirty tube and this is the like like I I point to like snaf VR corn maze where it's a maze but you know when you're in different sections of the maze just based on like the design the visual cues the the color tone the color palette things like that which helps you just intuitively get a sense of like okay this is where I'm at right now I've covered this area or not and I think that that's my trouble at this one is I'm just wandering through a bunch of similar tubes and eventually finding my way to the Pump Rooms but whether or not I find anything on the way there is up in the air yeah so ever since the dark deception was really good because they have a map feature and that one time where you can see things yeah that's that's actually true - right like where and and because the other part of this right it is it the core gameplay loop of this like when you're a game designer I feel like you have to ask yourself what is making my game fun and challenging and here it's not finding the item its surviving mangal that is presumably what this game is about it's about sneaking and finding mangle and so having a map that even potentially fills in places that you've already certain like keep it as it is don't change the colors don't do whatever if you want to keep this exactly it is just add a map that kind of traces your path like Google Maps or whatever and now all of a sudden you know where you've been and where you have yet to go and so then it's it's more it's less about like have I been here where am i I'm so lost I'm frustrated by not finding this thing and it's more about oh I I'm sneaking around I need to get to this new section of the map that I haven't been to let me avoid mangal I think that's the thing that changes this from kind of like a frustrating kind of walk in the dark to delivering on the core gameplay that you're hope that I think that this designer was going for which is you know avoiding mangle and in those frantic moments how do you get away how do you get away I think that would push it into like oh this is because the visual design is is good like the the characters are modeled well obviously a little bit of like jacking this with like mangle hovering over us and stuff but like the ideas there it's just how do you take it and make it into a fun playable experience for someone where they're not going to get streeted so that's what I would say yeah the dark deception thing I think is interesting cuz with that yeah it's pac-man anyhow you're running through a maze but there you have the crystals that are constantly telling you was I there was I not there did I collect the crystals in that section on map great I did let me move to this new section and I feel like this just needs something to kind of focus you in a little bit more so you're less focused on where am I going next I'm so lost versus I'm trying to survive but it's cool it's interesting right and I think that's one of the fun things about five nights at freddys in general is that like it's spawned a lot of like you know young or new game designers to kind of start trying their hand in this thing in this sort of space and I think that's good and yeah it's a learning curve right you just like learn this stuff from from playing it a bunch of times and from just designing more and more games so there you go sinister turmoil but this is the Souris edition sinister turmoil sewers tomorrow I think I am gone well I'm not gone I'm just working so no live stream tomorrow but then we'll be back on Thursday hopefully with some flowers to put my beard hopefully with I don't know like a new mustache or something like we could shave it on livestream or some who knows but maybe with some new facial features and there you go friends so thank you for joining me thank you Amy for being my partner today it was fun it was fun I appreciate this time together it's fun to talk about all things indeed indeed so anyway that's it for today I will see all of you on Thursday with a bunch of new theories as well as a new live stream so and hopefully Stephanie will be feeling better by then so anyway thank you so much for watching and remember that's just the stream alive stream Amy see you man chat nice Lou says new channel idea wrench theory and fiery rage says hey that's just a theory a wrench theory Wow there you go guys it's the fourth quadrant over the theorist circle new channel new channel and Troy Bissett says Yanks forever yikes foreign Oh
Channel: GTLive
Views: 999,784
Rating: 4.9571109 out of 5
Keywords: sinister turmoil, sinister turmoil sewers, fnaf, fnaf fan game, fnaf fan games, sinister turmoil sewers ending, sinister turmoil gameplay, sinister turmoil trailer, sinister turmoil sewers trailer, sinister turmoil sewers gameplay, new fnaf, fnaf game, fan game, scary game, horror game, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, gtlive fnaf, gtlive fnaf fan games
Id: 1FkC5Z9q0SQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 31sec (6211 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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