I'll Never Sleep Again! - Neverending Nightmares

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let me just pick up the bloody ass cuz no no no no good light shoot oh yeah oh my god oh my god a light cute horror game we said hello internet welcome to [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys and welcome to GT Live where today it's a happy scary games Friday Xavier games Friday to you everybody but what better way to end a Friday I don't or start a saturday Saturday depending on where you are or have a midday Friday wherever you are if you're like in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean visit Pacific are we thinking Hohepa cific you're right yes this is your if you are mid day cooling it out if you're intrigued and Friday if you're in the Philippines no no no passing out directly late like Hawaii Hawaii the guy as far as it goes if you're in a white right now great way to have the middle of the day with a scary game Friday why aren't you at the beach Oh Gigi live with B but you people huh there's gonna be a scary game people people people but you that's all cool away no no that was people Chu surfin surfin USA Jase you got it Jason figured it out and it's gonna be about you today scary games Friday we're playing neverending nightmares it looks it looks so creepy it's kind of old but it looks super creepy it looks like um it looks a bit like Fran bow I'm very excited about it it looks like pencil drawings and stuff yeah again as with most of the scary games Fridays we're going in completely blind we don't know anything one so spooks galore have like PTSD from Sophie's curse oh yeah I wonder if I don't blame this is as extremists so cuz there was a lot of people who are like whoa Sophie's curse was really intense to watch so I don't believe this is as Extreme as Sophie's curse it's more Fran bow kind of like cartoony style horror which I can't I could I got the gameplay then okay and as soon as you're done talking oMG I'm excited Oh down left right a B starts interact enter sprint left shift pause escape okay great let's do an test oh hey oh oh oh oh no oh what Wow we just we just chilled right into it didn't we oh okay stab a girl shaker stamina habit half dude man we are all right good choice Jason Jason Jason knows how to party let's let a minute into the game and we've already stabbed and a half a girl oh my god man it's like grandma's life goals what ha ha hashtag like no no what is wrong with you maybe that is not Italy don't press it out on gay blab hey Jason alone for a couple of days this week and he goes like around the bend man are we walking through a fog also I love it they were just dark in the rule I know right it's like the do the doodles you make on unlike paper meats Fran bow doesn't feel like grandmas it's like Fran bow with like less colour even more dreary and I'm not going in the closet by the way no way sorry sorry Fred oh I think it's y'all like with closet we should go the pub he's got like the Haida walk oh um look at me oh haters be hatin oh no mo walking down the hallway right now he's a very heavy Walker right can you interact with anything I can oz pictures no n-nothing that someone being hanged it is sure I was gonna call that out so uh you know they really need to refine their artistic aesthetic in this house I think you've got some portraiture you've got animals you've got hanging yeah I think what I think you need to go more somatic you know maybe a couple of design classes will help you out with that portal nice math a nice relaxing soak in the tub after your nightmare bathrooms are terrifying man-whore games in horror games and bathrooms are terrified also movies like wasn't it it was at Candyman or which one was that we look in the bathroom mirror and you say the name three times yeah that's candy oh yeah we could run look at me everyone oh you're tired okay he got out of breath by running around the bathroom for 10 seconds yikes thanks judge much hashtag pat pat going on they're gonna go I mean don't they work he's huffing and puffing I'll have you know huh you can't open that chest or anything oh there's a letter I'm gonna read the letters oh wow spoopy it was in color you can I read this letter read the letter read that it's it's sitting right there on the table as though you want me to interact with you must not be important okay let's interact with this raven cage in the foreground nope all right oh gosh good eye there we go oh hey they look solemn the happy family okay nope all right they look a bit like The Addams Family no yes Morticia has long hair and she has a more pronounced widow's peak you have Wednesday and you have the boy ah what is the boy's name in the way Addams family do Wednesday and oh my god I like to love The Addams Family what is his name lurch is the butler more Tish more what is her name Oh what is his name Stephanie they have diversified the portraiture they have passions of deli meat that's enormous ocean and more ham what is that other one let me know lemon might be a citrus yeah mmm I am hi I'm Clint freshen of the hand forest hey ma'am I got a ball over Hill Pleasant and my news that's so weird uh look sleep boom Pugsley yes dogs wait what one did you have to look it up yeah no uh it is Pugsley right it's not that I always get them confused with a boy from The Munsters no no it's Causley its Pugsley yeah cousin it thing oh my gosh out of sailings the greatest ooh dark scary library I even liked the original black and white version did you ever see that one oh there I did not but I do see this colored podium in front of me that I should probably engage with kind of takes the mystery out of it when you only color the things you interact with seventy year Latin uh major sure what's this say a lot of things sold 21 Psalm 21 uh in the end it doesn't even matter yeah try so hard ah Davis Davis yes God God my God my God uh resting stuff wait where's where's this college major go away like one of the only times that your Latin major is a better place definitely I know right and you're dropping the ball easy Latin - let's move on ha ha man you give me a hard time for the usefulness of my theater degree yeah yeah I see Latin it's really paying off for you right now it helps with root words yeah great well this was super helpful then yay Jason you'll have to go find a Bible for us find the B bleh or stuff actually you could look it up here can you look up this Psalm 21 it's the kind of thing where you know the words it's just I forget the I forget how to put them together huh great a lot of good at doing this right now all right back to the door this foreground okay just so so dark keep up this is an idiomatic translation this will not work so here's a fun one I think I could be completely mistaken this is but this is one of those like random facts I'm going to throw out I believe that like giant rooster chicken neck in the background uh huh I think that's a reference to one of the classic black and white horror movie the claw really it's it I believe it's called the claw it's about this giant flying Buzzard and it was known for like its it's really long neck that would peer into the frame like looking like this I learned about that from legree video game wait what that wasn't there before was this a different bedroom this is a different better okay or it appears as the whole oh hey that's a shovel yeah I know oh yeah it's totally a person you can see the legs in the head hole that's okay all right just let's go check it out man I'm gonna just go into this room no are you going out are you uh faded we wait oh yeah you want me to plunge myself into the darkness I want you to play the game man I play the game what do you think if you earned your fine lure all right I cannot do anything there Stephanie it is turning a black void of nothingness so there Oh spring gamer 21 first live stream so cool yeah first live stream welcome aboard ah can I write a letter no there's very few things I can interact with in this world Laura Bernie I finally made it to a stream Doom J for my first stream as well oh my gosh what was that I was just just just when you get comfortable and start reading the chat and then it's like nope just kidding this is so boring it's a bird huh maybe the turkey was an allusion to the fact that this is a this is actually Alfred Hitchcock birds ah alright okay okay but like you said it's when you get lured into a sense of security it's like I've never happenin to this game alright so if you least expect it that they get you that was legitimately scary yeah okay Steffi were you reacting to the actual jump scare or - to my react like you were reacting to my react I looked I looked up right before it happened but you're if you hadn't reacted so loudly I probably wouldn't have reacted so loudly either I'm sometimes when you shout it scares me I am afraid of things jumping out at me now I am now on very high alert huh there are look at those licks knives and saber like weird cutlery sticking out of that turkey man it's oh no it's like it not you know dr. Seuss you can say Oh in on the Grinch who stole Christmas they always have those utensils sticking out of the roast beast oh you drop you drop something here let me pick that up for you let me get that for you no I don't think that's gonna help nope let me let me help let me help that nothing meat grinder Oh fun all right fun times okay can I grind some meat swing your raise our voice we right doesn't it remind you sweetie Todd mom slowly slowly crank the meat oh my gosh someone photoshopped uh ashlynn chase people she was ready for scary games Friday photoshopped a knife on a leg in two people choose like non-existent hand which by the way I will ever swing it at my head yeah oh my god all right so cool so someone's been uh cutting some roast beefs that's nifty yeah Can I grab a knife I would really like a weapon to defend mine so arm yourself I know that it seems smart in this game or at least get out of my pajamas something put her hunting something a little maybe some shoes especially if this were outside down especially as I face the prospect of going outside I feel like clothing myself in outdoor appropriate clothing would be uh would be appropriate here or would be the next call to action uh okay this seems like a terrible idea you go back and explore that closet can I just go back to sleep I would like to just go back to sleep hey skip hey yeah oh I turned a page apparently first is that it oh it's a tree in the foreground you're like oh it's storybook ish cool uh-oh great no it's the cemetery just what you want to see you late at night Alexander Bruce uh huzzah a lock Oh cobby I remember him well excellent bowler I wish this is like the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland oh yeah like IC wiener yeah that is not one that's actually president no and that would be not approved that's not Disney appropriate but like um I'm trying to think of what they are now and they can't remember them you need a fix good one but good good joking here Steph doing strong for doing this stellar effort uh hold on Mon maka White's Karl Spang Lloyd Fitzroy Schmitt no one really has a normal name here ooh I can't engage with this wreath oh okay I'm gonna walk past the diffident loop I loved her mmm yeah Blackman's sister whoa I'm sorry I just had a terrible nightmare Trent you were dead sigh about us when we were kids still three why are you awkward Lee standing at the end of his bed to begin with woo I think he killed the sister oh man it's Fred ball all over again totally is ah huh huh it is it's totally Fran bow yeah yeah let's follow my sis oh you got the skull and grapes that's that's slightly more normal yeah truly though this family has terrible taste in artwork more ham Wow delicious ham because you can't get enough ham portraiture huh like those those salted cured deli meats all in on those all in on the salted cured deli right they really should have completed the collection with like some selections of salami I have to say a little bacon some prosciutto some prosciutto some prosciutto ah yeah absolutely hey let's let's approach this dark scary bed well that sounds like a great idea isn't it you gonna grab me get on oh oh it's gonna looks just holding a skull no big deal NBD yeah some people like to hold a little dog in their portrait others he was just he's just a really big Hamlet fan you know I really feel like I can strike terror into the hearts of my siblings that woman with the veil over her face has appeared a couple of times now to it was that the basement is oh yeah Otis ooh you're just gonna walk there's our bird again all sorts of dark crevices for me to explore oh my gosh ah been down the hatches whoops okay cool cool story bro we might want to get like a hammer or something to get a fruit the deal's off right good sure if I'm not going to the basement yet oh come on man going go through that dark room yet nothing nothing quite says like hey strike terror into the hearts of your family members like taking a portrait with a skull right I feel like it's an accurate representation of me as a human being I feel like the ham is a better representation of me personally Oh certainly it is certainly it is wood I think Stephanie I think ham ham immediately ham in fact come Christmas time when the thanks when the Christmas ham is being passed around the team it's hard to tell the difference hard to distinguish yep it does becomes difficult ah hey creepy doll room oh no oh ha ha dolls are gone I had already been creeped out by dolls fun fact always been creeped out by Dallas especially on the porcelain one porcelain ones with like the eyes that close and like they're just it's just they're like dead soulless blue eyes just stare back at you and please like blink so you wanna do you wanna have something creepy I also used to think that dolls were a little bit like scary as a kid but I used to intentionally collect them I used to love white porcelain dolls because they're so weird they're so weird and and creepy and I thought that was cool I love being surrounded by things I thought would come to life and kill me their skin was soaked like pale oh my gosh it was so weird I thought name elections I thought they were cool I would collect coins because I did that you didn't think they would kill me like I am a firm believer in collecting things that are decidedly not violent or creepy you're a firm believer in collecting things that are boring then coins oh great everybody's got a coin when they announce the 50 state quarters Stephanie create they change the game on currency okay whatever creepy porcelain dolls a much better conversation piece than quarters oh oh it's ten o'clock time to behead the heathen see I didn't collect that Jen we're gonna know what time it is time to be heated up see how he Binford tools is proud to present Oh isn't that weird though isn't that creepy yeah you know what else is creepy Stephanie's showed me the other day the American Girl dolls apparently there's this old woman who has a channel that's dedicated to doing stop-motion animations with American Girl dolls and so stop-motion is already kind of like unsettling and cream I think we got motion is really unsettling but with like with porcelain doll like those American Girl dolls it's it's horrific it is one of the scariest channels on YouTube like dark five should do a top five countdown just dedicated to that so yeah that it's it's one of the it's one of the weirder things what are you dark love I have a coin collection so yeah see everybody's got a coin collection fun fact what's the name for a coin collections or being a coin collector Oh Jason loser oh no oh well I did react to you that time what was that oh [ __ ] oh my god it was just shadow she okay great fine coin collecting what is it called hello yeses I bet the chat those I'm the chat knows everything come on cuz you guys are so smart okay so I'm just so really I've given up all hope of finding my sister at this ball like she is just Jesus gone yeah she's she's Audi she's Audi peace he's Audi well clearly we killed her and she's like in pieces of the biggest happy Jen Swilley is why I need even though he's like double fisting the the booze ride buddy calm down man somebody said tax collector ha ha ha yeah I like man for being a coin collector attacks electric fast fast well done nobody someone got to tell that guy that hey it's not a that's the guy who's like it's after 4 o'clock somewhere for rolling it back an hour is it the happy hour is five I don't know these things dude you just drink 24 hours I pray yes I like 1 o'clock 1 o'clock somewhere 11 o'clock somewhere people just make up whatever time huh it's 9 a.m. somewhat what that's me and I cook it's 9:00 a.m. somewhere cray it's not weird there drinking my dad coke now all right where we going where are we going or are we just like wandering around that circle that is correct oh my gosh people are sending us pictures of course lindahl oh it is it is so creepy not hanging out in this room oh wait no let's walk around what's in there their lives in their blackness total complete deadly blackness Stephanie that is what's in that room ah come on see look I got a candle now I can walk around with the candle okay boom wow it's weird your PJs are are like nice and modern but your candle is so not like wire wheel on gas lamps as opposed to all those all over oh oh oh this is not a room I want to hang out in hey guys okay all right let's do it this is oh it's me wait it's me my God why would you forsake you oh man it goes back to the psalm oh geez and it's me who killed myself yep that's true all right cool I I really I really don't want to turn my back on my dead body that seems like a poor decision when one finds one's closed dead body in a room with why God have you forsaken me you don't turn your back on no protips except we are we're just kind of wandering away lightly well I have to check out the Raven artwork I think the Raven artwork deserves my attention it's almost as good as the ham but you know cool oh we can get up close and look at it more closely can I bury myself give yourself a nice funeral right he's a good man I knew him well he reminded me of myself all right well that's cool so I have to go back to the end really followed in my footsteps oh no it's dark here oh it turned dark Here I am not a fan oh Jesus okay though that should have been as scary as it was hey what was really scary oh we're just no she's right behind us look we're just gonna - yeah we go - go yeah manly - go port buddy go don't don't exert yourself too hard though she's still there don't exert yourself too hard hey hey moderation no no suck it up I think she's gonna catch up suck it up man go John John John John okay rest rest rest does she look good I'm actually gonna babies if Skyward Sword has taught me anything it's how to manage stamina meters I'm actually getting like chills from I don't get chills from games very often that's a new one come on okay stamina meter keep high right back to bay hey boarded off door I think we go down the basement now I want to go back to bed oh okay Oh basement base until the words are the worst hate basements oh my gosh can you walk down the stairs any slower there are also a lot of stairs oh there's a hole in the ground it's a whole new ground there is don't trip on it uh-oh this is unsettling oh alright alright oh oh oh he's had to get out let me just pick up the bloody ass no no no no but light shoot oh yeah oh my god oh my god a light cute horror game we said one that has all the fun and fancy of rainbow we said oh no oh I like had to stop watching oh no oh god it's on the replay now like the the chat is catching up oh oh my god oh my god oh my god where is my sister gone oh let me just pick up the bloody axe Oh No go to the blood oh this is oh this is really unsettling it's like genuinely really awful oh oh no no just hey make sure you put those under the pillow - that is a Vettes of quality toothpick those are those are hey permanent teeth Hey quality Tooth Fairy oh oh Thank You fairy money this is the front a solid 75 cents this is up oh and I'm in in fact maybe because they're permanent teeth they're actually at a premium actually oh it is getting dark behind me huh go go go spring your scrawny legs do not let the darkness catch up to you go huh no what are you doing oh you are the worst right he just goes with us it seems to be the case Oh awful I don't I really I don't like this game oh this is that was really disturbing this is so unfortunate scare games Friday is the best no you're right there you're you couldn't muster up like three casual steps works and yet you can swing an axe I know Ray's much you've been bigger good job fantastic buddy alright okay now we're going I don't have to shake off that other thing oh my god be like Taylor Swift Stephanie shake it off shake it off shake it off Oh worse than this don't know come on man come on oh this the thing about this game is like I don't know where this is going yep it is like what really don't know where this is going Jarius one of the scariest movies I ever saw uh was at the New York horror festive but let's just pause here on the image of me holding a bloody axe with my sister hanging in the distance and tell you this story one of the scariest horror movies I ever saw was at the New York horror festival we saw this together it was so nervous this movie called yellow brick road it's it's about it's kind of like a Blair Witch Project II where it's this thick fabric on it yeah just camera crew going off into this like haunted forest this haunted trail whatever um the reason it's so unsettling though is because it was huh it was at a horror movie festival like all in really movies and they're all indie movies they're all underrated they've all never been seen by audiences before and so literally anything goes and so the when you go to a mainstream horror movie you have a general sense of what they can and can't show and how far they can go indie horror movies sky's the limit and that level of uncertainty is so unsettling and that is what I think you're feeling that is that's freaking me out you too so let's go see so guys theater be warned we genuinely do not know what's coming and oh geez okay okay that's fine that's fine that's okay because it works okay my room is in disrepair okay we genuinely we really don't play these games ahead of time so I'm living in just a dismal few p warrant still not going to the parade still not touching club takes it time for the Rewald paper guys right buddy buddy you gotta like run a feather duster through this place or something oh the ham has been eaten oh the happy husband eat uh-huh hi I'm Pam no more ham ham okay all right that's just us trying to make noises to make ourselves feel more comfortable in this horrific environment Oh huh oh there's a cream no no not doing it huh no I'll say there are you creepy dolls not doing it no no that's a big even helping to know oh hey buddy you look relatively normal huh wait did they see the same one who had the skull before no he's different okay whatever we're I don't care I don't eat I don't even know what level of like dream ception we're in right now oh hey there is the flower there flowers flowers being held back girl girl that can jump up the deck me flowers are nice flowers are not nice in this game somehow not as nice alright grab them just cool cool yeah that was it I just get to see your hideous face hit usually you get to interact with the flower like with something that's colored can you pick them up no you just get to interact with it you know take them as tribute to ghost or something jeez the face only a mother could love fantastic oh yeah here you get out of here unsettling this game is so weird ah okay alright come on I flip over to Twitter and there's just porcelain dolls everywhere Oh wonderful great thanks guys never again thanks guys every oh oh here's a giant armoire that I'm sure nothing scary will pop out of nope not engaging with that nope nope this music is so this music so unsettling also nope and it's pretty quiet for us I see what you're trying to pull game you're trying to get me to open up the armoire so that way like creepy murder guy can hop out and kill me nope not doing it not doing it uh-huh all right nothing in here okay nothin see you're gonna make me do it aren't you game after you game after you man huh no wonder I don't get any sleep on Friday oh these sounds are so weird oh okay beat it I I keep thinking that scare games Friday like can't get worse like oh I know we're like Oh after Sophie's Choice nothing is gonna be weird yeah those are like extreme jump see there's a very different kind of creepy though no looks cursed uh no yeah not Sophie's Choice Stephanie come on oh whatever here we go here's another one mmm cool great fun broken wait she's not broken unlike this wall apparently okay yeah after all that correcting I did have you saying Sophie's Choice oh geez okay at anna friend ball first stream so hyped hey hey anna hey anna welcome to the first race how's it going good good choice okay great good choice now this MIT game may not be so scary but man is it unsettling my stomach just did a backflip right yeah it's yep it is unsettling okay friends I'm Francis so many dolls so Vito Francis ty Peck coin collector equals coin a sewer I get it oh yeah we never really talked about that nope it just got really creepy coin asuras great okay what No okay I'm like so tenser Brianna Ramos first Gigi live I'm so scared of blood this is not my favorite oh great so sorry you're joining us in scare games Friday Anna if it's any consolation this is not my favorite even I'm not super stoked about bloody like I know not many people in life are super stoked about blood Elliott van van Buffington and the Liza proferred both sent us extremely creeped out dolls wonderful ah yes that's the way I want to be immortalized in my creeper box ah this is all this is just awful ah no nothing to see here okay moving out a lot of bedrooms in this house too it's a little bit of a fix me up er but uh you know you know what they say location location location a little bit of elbow grease in this place will be back to new in no time right Thank You Matthew Matthew Carl winner y'all need to play more scary games cuz y'all are wimps yep no get up what oh oh whoa whoa huh what excuse me but this is just weird giant sumo baby but hello giant sumo baby what oh so now I'm I so now apparently I'm Solid Snake scalping my way through the hallway that was weird how bizarre what was that Oh where does that so clearly that's a manifestation of our childhood dreams name I got nothing okay all right let's go in this door yeah okay there's one more great I'm so excited for the daughter catchable gotta cut third time's the charm gotta catch em all gotta catch em all creepy face dolls hmm I choose you cracked face crack face go there to Zoo at the dank pinecone says never-ending nightmare seemed like it was gonna be a friend Oh like horror game but this is actually terrifying right yeah Fran bow nope nope nothing big city in that room nothing else yeah there yeah Fran bow shy hide in this thing again yeah I'd be afraid of like evil demon baby [Applause] okay now we're trapped in the closet I try to put my phone on vibrate but I could tell by the look on fix that it was too late there was a demon baby and thus the games are like a plan oh that was never done I'm gonna wake up every weekend nope no although if this were real life I would never leave this closet everybody's like what's up baby if you were stuck in a horror game which horror game would you pick ooh least scary right game Oh grandpa try getting this one fred was pretty cool not getting into this one huh you get to go to UM what there sir and at their stuff oh oh my god come on can you play something light-hearted next dream yeah bronze will do no problem it's only on Fridays that we do this oh yeah for all your newcomer it's called scare games Friday for a reason that this is that reason huh I just keep going deeper deeper gray my mind's eye TM Calypso come out of the closet Stephanie and also come out of the closet method alright yep Hey well I got some videos to record so you need to hump into the closet okay great Hey uh-huh no nothing there I hate this music says someone in the chat I know it's super creepy I have problems with more than just the music friend much more than just the music hey good news if we go any further into this the house is gonna completely fall apart okay good what what what he's trying to get me okay oh dear baby okay hey you wanted to say hi oh no where's this going oh no not fun oh this sucks is not fun knocks Oh No hey no she's blinking now no ho huh okay ah it's another closet No ah okay wardrobe coming out of the closet wow you're really stupid you are so dumb you are so dumb oh oh oh no nothing to see nothing to see in the closet no I like this guy nothing in the closet Fred like knock knock who's there and we're like coat scarf not a person okay ah priest you go out now can I leave the closet right yeah I got saved by my sprint power here okay duck in there get solid snake cup alright okay he's gonna hang out here for a second or two well there he is looking good what does this mean not while the demon baby is walking past me what does this mean alright crap go go walk walk this way whoa hashtag Safety closet yeah and also ham those are the things coming from the chat right now I am Pam hi I'm Pam do I need this closet I don't think so you walked past me what yes suck on that demon baby did we actually make it or need anymore us no you I actually made it I like pressed it has a pretty large year of like when you can hit enter and enter into the closet so I guess I just lucked out great try and following I am yeah Jason you think I should follow the demon baby haha you don't think I should wait until we like passes me or something I okay fine I'll do it okay Wow go up here lady how are we supposed to get past him no nothing to see here I think you had to wait till he goes further that way nope just kidding just follow him right out I want to see what happens Jason Jason you're gonna get me like shoved into his like sumo diaper not your life on the line it's like baby on steroids bein baby eat squat knee he's climbing from Full Metal Alchemist great hungry hungry gluttony was the most annoying of all the sins what yeah you like gluttony no lust was the best one she was so cool with her long fingernails you filthy fingernails gluttony we just ate people interesting people I would tell you my favorite but I can't because it's a spoiler alert what wait baby baby doesn't walk past me apparently all right follow him yeah yeah okay fine I have to follow the demon baby fine I'll follow demon baby oh this is poop this is utter poop all right here comes demon baby the camera I think is shifting to show me demon baby or the cameras just random okay there it is let's see sloth was more annoying says someone in the chat ham okay morgy onother 3833 sloth was more annoying pikachu gamer says ham okay now we enter here no he's gonna walk past me Liz yeah there you go it's like Solid Snake horror edition worst hmm worst all right you you do you you do you baby you do right moving up okay rueful Metal Alchemist just great says oh camon camis not a boo all right let's go see my sisters what horrific fate has befallen my sister this time in the Attic oh no we're just in more creepy Thailand Why Why are they multiplying why spider baby spider baby spider baby also makes an appearance in civil war is not confirmed I'm so excited to see Civil War by the way I know we want to go tonight we want to go tonight oh hey oh hey hey sister that I probably killed it like some like twisted nightmare all right huh let me go engage with you oh no oh oh hey oh no what what no you know well that explains that as you do okay so that yeah that actually led to you know the movies the the asylum okay great all right mental hospital great oh no oh oh no oh okay okay okay Oh huh so to lighten the mood no I gotta do this ready set go oh don't be Oh Jim once come on man I wasn't even scared by that okay late the rainbow crossover Yeah right no sir really to lock your gear where are you dr. beard playing the mood and talk about Civil War if you do go to see Civil War this week you might see a trailer for Gamelab before the movie which is holy which is insane fact they're like yeah we were putting the trailer for game land in front of civil war and with no YouTube YouTube said that you might see it in movie theaters so not confirmed cuz Jason went last night and he his movie theater is weird so he didn't see it but whatever but someone on Twitter did send us a tweet today that said I saw you before Civil War that's incredible yeah that's so wild so it's like it'll be like Where's Waldo it's like spot a matpat never in my wildest dreams would I ever suspect that like like I never in my wildest dreams would I ever suspect that like I would be a movie trailers let alone like the one like the biggest one of the summer and let alone for a show that I created I guess that's just nuts sorry I can't focus on the joy of that right now though because I am so terrified of every single thing that I'm seeing in this game alright what one of these cells something is going to jump out at me and it is going to be so unpleasant I need to stop just checking them all but you can't you can't look away it's like a train wreck what is this this is a dead body I'm sure that this is a dead body I'm sure that that is a dead body hanging out in front of that room not not messing with that one this one looks like what dead body was there and then got up to move so this is okay buddy forsake me great great okay those about I knew it was going on doesn't make it any less scary okay all right cool medical reception desk Jason how long is this game right Jason like is their breaking point it's I mean I'm already broken clearly right fine hmm hydro hydro therapy more blocky room three let's go to hydrotherapy yeah its breathing I hear it I know no I thought I heard a little girl I'm great you know even better yeah hydrotherapy is not pleasant what's in what's in but what's in the table nothing in the table okay great in your purse what's in the crazy mental institution Tom yeah nothing grating arm brain oh you're some blood spatter let's investigate my favorite that's that's let's check out the cell but it's associated with texture what does it mean okay geez nothing just looks better okay right no no big deal No Deal it's fine everything's okay everything's okay she's awesome cool everything is cool when you're part of a team huh when you're in the lego movie okay okay one more for good measure all right cool Oh someone's suddenly oh hey are you then the Gateway to the basement is now open fan a fantastic little on the floor as well that's a buddy hampered on the wall huh yeah okay go do what's in your wallet says someone in the jet great okay look how carefully step step where's your sister we don't know like our sister is just always dead no matter where we find her so does it really matter where she is what yes she's never alive why could we just stay in my life but I would have been okay with that I would have been okay just staying in the same asylum room being like yep that's the end of the game great great gratulations a winner is you you've been committed you're safer you're better off that way someone Hey oh no what oh god no no nut [ __ ] no no not doing it no no no give me to the end point should we know did you hear it what if it's relevant to the story arsenic capsules mmm sweet everyone's favorite that's a special avoid partner with Old Lace no nothing no one that's fine Jason got it Jason appreciate believe me hi I'm all for Ossining an Old Lace it's it's one of my favorite classic plays I'm just I just can't I just all right all right huh all right I'll look in this one nothing great okay in fact true story okay I don't know what I'm supposed to do with any sense so is this the level like restarted or was I supposed to Dyer hmm looks like I restart the level yeah shoot no your doors already open though weird so I'm where I was before oh you Suri spawn in the closest oh hey hey hey hey Oh nope zombie zombie bad bit yep he might not be dead he might just be really uncomfortable looking so how must it go how do I avoid this guy maybe you have to look in that other cell we have to sneak around oh maybe they're cardboard box somewhere okay what I got to do can you get under that sheet oh it's not colored but right you're trying to engage with stuff can't engage with that nothing there are Hey okay well if I stay still maybe you won't hear me cuz Healey seems to be blind oh that's a good idea yeah see he does I don't know like after so it dump it out nope it'd be great if his like Hatter Shh oh okay knocking these bills me he smells that fine masculine scent that I have that Axe body spray told you to cut down on that staff actually a whole spy Stephanie huh smelly that's the year an Old Spice man now I'm on a horse don't you wish you a man was on a horse yes whoa I wish I was on a horse for you ah ah use a use Old Spice that's close enough nope nope he's blind oh the crap the chat new chat knows everything Chad knows everything stealth it's like the wind to go from until dawn you figured out metal gear it's sound based yes figured it out the chat figured it out before we did as usual well we didn't read the chat thereby making us all winners and hearing it out he didn't spoil it come on buddy come on you're the right go there we go go for it do it oh my gosh I don't I don't know how much sound I'm allowed to make that followed me there we are you going figured it out I like that that sound that very clear like hey I'm turning a door handle sound did not signal this guy me too Oh Oh the chat said don't step on glass watch your steps ooh so yeah be careful whoo there's a nice severed arm there huh what can I use it as a weapon Oh a nice Club right the old severed arm clone classic works in all scenarios you can also feed it to that zombie ah you would say that you were armed yes Jason Jason you'll slay me you also it's oh all right uh okay anything over here fab anything over yonder way just pulls blood cool prey the normal course as you do similar to friend oh I'm seriously concerned about the sanitary conditions of this hospital right I'm concerned about the level of care that you're delivering to your patients indeed they need like one of those health code ratings that you see on the restaurants this is clearly a be pretty good solid Valley be solid be right actually you know what if I ever see you don't see very often but if you ever see a restaurant with a B on it like health code violation of like a b or health code standard this is pretty much what i envision the kitchen to look like really essentially like rats running around be blood satyr spit all over the hall we might want to let the cat in you're going crazy it's dinner time like it is so dinnertime you guys get you don't want to be in this room I know skip this is way too scary for you even peep at you is like hiding his eyes can't come on bud walk this way oh another one hey hey there's another one oh yeah there's their skip let's gonna let's go down here Oh skip be very quiet I hear all sorts of exciting things right oh my gosh there's so much going on okay Hayden in the shadows of the foreground oh nice actually that kind of seems to ya know he goes by sound - yes purely so yeah that's a great noise oh that's it that's a good one right that's a feel good huh what oh it's the dining hall to us Oh what are we serving up today old cafeteria bet it's mystery meat and by mystery it's human Brendon uh ground human and green soy the greatest people oh nothing much okay well let her cool story did she let down off your there's no Rachel okay um for skip ham tips I can go for ham ham ham ham oh yeah actually that's the reason skip wanted to get into the room so badly he's like I heard you guys talking about ham this keeps happy face there's skip scared face ah let's get this I think I've been holding on to my scared face literally the whole game actually Pam should I have explored around that dark room that had all sorts of bloodstains in it oh no I stepped in blood all right guys step down oh man stepped on glass yeah skips like I told you not to stuff I know he's like what did I tell you so where we at now back in here okay here let me go back here is there anything in this room Mike I don't want to miss out what I'm making in this room now great nope super nope just a lot of blood spatter you know and ham and ham maybe they'd maybe they just slaughter in house you know they're all about that farm-to-table or they just bring the pig right in and and there you have it simple explanation that must be it that must be it Oh our favorite Barrios so huh stealth mode activate so I will see this this section is not as scary as the ones that came before because you see the monster yeah like the fear of the unknown is so much stronger than sorry fear of the unknown is so much stronger than when you actually see the monster right so like it's true there's nothing scarier than what you imagine something to be and your imagination is always going to be scarier than what something actually is right well hey oh there is there he is hey friend Hey Hey smell me it's not my old spice no you smell what The Rock is cooking well apparently you do do you I met a little thrust you did yes no indeed indeed he did he partook of my smell and did not approve uh steak he's like ax I prefer old's best killed by the stank Pat do you smell what I smell I smell an insane asylum victim trying to escape chance hey you couple to you sister you sneak by this guy and I'm gonna switch over to the Twitter I will do exactly that Stephanie sneak by this guy oh we don't have it could be worse okay it could be worse at UH dare you 65 good on you putting yourself through this sadly I have to watch this at 1:00 a.m. in the dark sat at my desk typing oh man oh man just lit by the glow of your computer screen that is scary I can't do horror games at night now yeah nope let's explore this large pile of blood shall we great no I guess not no all right yeah not curious at all about that whatever just deeper into the basement we go yah once more into the breach Oh at you can't save them this is my first GT live and all I can do is laugh at the reactions it's wonderful knowing all the jump scares already oh yeah here that makes it a lot better hootie-hoo freeing you see that's why you got to go into these leagues blind yeah I am NOT sleeping for days huh a lie Sapru Bert at creepy doll maker at matpat GT had early also maker of this game has horror game hair today I do the nice horror game hit rocking the horror hair declined so rapidly as soon as the scare stop right at Kevin I'm in stab and a half the giant already oh no yeah that's bad news there's just more they're just slaughtering so much ham in here right so much ham guys so much hands on the champ we need more ham slow to another at Lumina dog told me to wake up right please please wake up let's go to the showers shall we no I've seen psycho too many times to go to the showers huh morning there may be nudity I don't know again we don't know we don't know we just don't have any idea great oh all the hall the faucets are dripping blood all the blood dripping that's that's nothing to hear great let's just let's just let this move on have one grande we're not spending much time there at Lumina faith at um holy macaroni Gigi live you make going downstairs to grab an apple absolutely terrifying alright turn on every eye I used to be I mean I still oh great great I used to be really scared of the dark I'm still like paranoid of the dark ray but like I used to be really scared of the dark and I would I would create light chains this is a pile of happiness just a big pile of half cheese oh but you create what I would create what I call light chains so like when I had to go to like the kitchen at night it would be like flip on the light in my room and then like you have the hallway right so you have to like make a dash to the light in the hallway and flip it and now all of a sudden you have like a chain of light and then the like the kitchen is there and so you have to like run to the kitchen light no I'm good - great cute yeah see you on it so like I would turn on literally every light in the house to get like a late-night snack because I was so paranoid from really early on my mom was my mom was awesome with night lights my mom is like the queen of night not a light night like family oh we were we were pro night light all the way and so there was always one outside my door between my room and the bathroom so that there was a like so that there was like a guide light to the bathroom then at the bottom and the top of the stairs there was always a nightlight so you could see like okay I can make it to the next light if I just get down the stairs oh geez yeah there was also a nightlight in long hallways yeah we were we were not you never had to make it all the way to the other way we were not big on the night lights night lights are colossal what else was just pitch black and so you had to navigate the pitch blackness it's scary that's scary that's crowded look that is really hard actually so I would have I would have just held it instead of like going to the bathroom with everything left off tie would off - you would oftentimes I would just hold the urine did you ever have those tap lights you know that they sold on TV for like 1999 no there they sold these like tap lights and they were supposed to be easier for your eyes to address - no you just tap on tap off shuffle okay here's 10 nope of it oh come on come on bro I totally made it huh all right it's like the UM this is like the library level from hila one we're just like who's on and on and on all right Oh all right fun times huh at just hanging 15 my first scary games Friday and I don't feel good I don't feel good right scary games Friday man you never know what you're gonna get right some days it's like oh this is kind of cute horror like snap world like that's not horrible we played that for like three weeks and that wasn't there was never something that was out and look genuinely a jump-scare and then and then like Fran Fran bow oh ma Leigh boys Fran bow they were like a couple weeks where there were a few scary things but mostly was just weird yeah one the first like two episodes of Fran bow were super scary and and then it got into like a ther Sun that was weird and they got scary again didn't hey hey hey leave me alone oh come on why did he stop and even move wait stop jerk these guys man they're like throw soldiers of fortune keep Oh Megan Kennedy I got a patient I got a patient I was like that at the fuzz Panda 24 my whole family is sitting down to watch this go mad and stuff wow that's so awesome ha no pressure no pressure truly seriously stop letting these guys kill you God truly family friendly entertainment we have today for you on GT live pay no attention to the pile of severed head [ __ ] okay picked a good one to show the family great great sometimes we get messages like that and actually so this is what I forget which stream it was dating so was the dating Sims we got a couple messages that was like I showed this live stream to my dad and he thought it was hilarious and then there'd be like what about eggs like oh yeah you told he was gonna get you there there's enough vertical space between him and I at that yes there it is that's tough you gotta get around that spot Jason no [ __ ] gonna be at the peak so dating Sims the dad's thought they were funny and then there are a couple people who are like yeah I showed my mom this livestream this was the wrong livestream to show my mom and it was like the moms were like path though all right fine I'm gonna hang out over here well do paint will do it patiently huh why can't this be like Walking Dead and I can like slather myself amongst the bodies and then like the zombies wouldn't know oh yeah that's true that tactic should totally work here I say you can make a - go go go go - is they definitely here really yes yeah oh yes right ah ah you gonna let me move at some points game this is just a noxious now this ain't scary it's just like the game mechanics are scary this point like true stealth based action yeah yeah yes that is yes this round great fantastic lumber lumber lumber walky walky walky - - oh that was on you buddy why that was on you I used to be so good at this section and now it's just he's gotten too Opie to Opie Yeah right - Oh Pete can't do it Benjamin Hendrix at the LDS change I think that choosing scary games Friday for our first GG live was a perfect date night I did don't you write ah nothing nothing says love quite like bodies with severed heads great it doesn't and ancestor that is not the case that is yeah no I just like horror movies in real life though like horror movie or gaming so it's a decent date night activity cuddle I be like I'll protect you baby let me I'll protect you from this YouTube livestream yeah you should you should hide my arms my strong masculine arms here your facee my accented shoulder or Old Spice whatever you prefer fun facts F they cannot hear me through the game fun fact this is not like them auditorially sensing me yes look at that we did it alright nice oh my gosh whoa painful those hard I apologize that I sucked so badly that's yeah there's so much blood there's just doodles it does seem to be increasing in uh in amount certainly cuz actually the ham roasting rooms it's actually an elementary school or they just really like red finger paint put those junky painting all over the walls again it's a mental asylum theory oh oh and everyone's practicing in the chat I'll protect you baby right up to Diego Garcia that was nice I'll protect you baby here's a good one Stephanie earlier today just got in off the plane we were in New York earlier this week for a big YouTube event yeah so we just got it a couple hours ago which is why we were really happy to be able to have the livestream today yeah but on and why there are such big circles under our eyes soon but I I gave up my because I was I was placed in it one of those like exit rows so you have more legroom but I gave it up so I could do everything is a awesome everything is awesome everything is awesome and he just passed away before you could finish it yep everything is awesome everything is cool and part of it oh no everything is done but anyway so I I give up my upgrade so that way I could sit with staff uh and I came up with the perfect catchphrase for when you're on a plane I love you more than six inches of extra legroom boom and your heart was won over weren't you Steph you were so blown away I was I swooned I applying more than Economy Comfort ice it was swoony to me you are always first-class hashtag hashtag playing playing pickup lines next time you're playing this by yourself playing pickup lines it's my glass on the floor that is glass on the floor thank you pointing it up can I maneuver around it Oh BS for you dizzy he might turn yeah [Applause] if you're gonna go with plain pick-up lines by the way you should be going with it oh yeah hey hey let the glass master so I think I have to run that section I can't have to just sprint for the end cuz there's no way then near you cuz he was pretty far away at that point he was and I was I was doing my little crease well walk my creep Oh watch me walk over glass watch me creep creep creep I thought it was gonna be a shoot with that I was thinking of it there's another something creepin running in your general vicinity Francis come on he's like I'm all screened I still hear you running stop being a patient okay but Laurie said there's another song with creep in it I was gonna make a pun anyway so sorry plain pick-up lines could wouldn't you want to do something like gosh I just feel so high when I'm around you oh it gives me a natural high that's all so different so I'm a total you're talking about natural right rug use hood Stephanie no natural high Oh is a release of serotonin as opposed to elephant log infused hi 420 blaze in air day that that's marijuana I know get for that's norepinephrine also gives you a high though not to being reversible experience that rumor has it and research CNS depressant you're going the opposite way ah but would you know don't you don't use science bro God but when one smokes the wacky weed one is said to have gotten high off of its influence yeah episode of an airplane hi cuz yeah cuz it's an airplane doing that Wow Stephanie you're doing flying puns not mile-high yeah you gotta admire thank you thank you Jason but all mile-high meet something else is what so what okay go go go wait oh I've told you repeatedly to address me as dr. Smith I'm afraid you're mistaken you're anything here why she reached the end of us this isn't telling very good therapist right she's not all that warm and welcoming right it was this guy you might want to see I know what's going on all right you might want to just pick up like a dr. Phil book or something she's not gonna get you she is not worth my money now she pushy but she studies from the school of tough love no cash accounts through the school of hard knocks she's just like you are the weakest link goodbye come on talk to me I'm fine that way I'm gonna go get my knife huh yeah we're back here again right oh ah oh come on hey just go to a nice cell why have you forsaken me again very cool felly bydd body in other news God continues to forsake us in this game Shh this Justin still forsaken we'll keep you updated on the latest you are the world turn up the sound apparently the sound went out maybe there's just not as much to hear right now are you are you gonna let me go is that like a little safety elcome do you think in the middle of that pile of Dibby rotten core fire now come this way come this way do I have to use this arm I better have to use this arm don't I really that arm looks like I can engage with it I guess now it looked like I could engage huh hey can I go back my sister doctor and be like hey sister doctor uh there's an insane patient this stuff from another Mista sister from another mister ah so uh yeah there's this a bloodthirsty blind and same asylum patient that's uh currently pacing back and forth in front of the pile of dead bodies I'm trying to navigate it in front of so if you could fix that for me that'd be great oh jeez you're gonna talk to me differently this time no you're like not even there oh yeah come on she'd be trippin she'd be trippin third some can't go in there my brand jeez yeah yeah yeah if I die enough time she'll be like hey what do you what'd you do it why do you keep showing up like this we do also have the option to give us a couple more tries Oh like maybe I'll or the get me to the psychiatrist's office oh yeah we do also have the option to stop here since that's sort of an interesting breaking point um so this is our like look ahead at what's coming up next here comes here comes here comes here comes o fools you and we've always gone okay wait well if I do do this mom over here uh right pull it like a bullet like a true diehard oh there there it is okay so now he's pacing over here yep slow down ah go nicer Yossarian felt still +1 nailed it it's got to be like another one up here right you know you know another one's coming you know another one's coming wake up I did like eight times right now my sister doctor like eight nine pounds it ooh fresh dreams are the enemy of the guilty ah so I I am the guilty and these are my dreams so yeah great it makes all come together so there's a so there's a reason why you're having nightmares is because you did something terrible everything is a lie oh geez oh it wasn't everything is awesome stuff and the cake also was not a lie just everything everything the cake is a lot oh I guess it is included it's included in every everything is a lie that includes cake cake cake inclusive of the set we're at the exit uh-oh we're in us I don't even know what is this alley or something this is sketchy can we go anywhere can we go to her one would you would think we would be able to go somewhere here Oh No so now I'm a boy back with a ham back with the ham and my teddy which is a nice sweet right that's my little rabbit call a Rabi hey Robby ready oh my gosh this is where I lost my first teeth teeth plum under the pillow for the tooth fairy so is this where I kill my sister or what boy right like I feel like this is one - yeah and you just Harvard guilt all the time I think that that's what it is I'm G's great what what what are Emily teen action what a family-friendly place that is all right at least I have a weapon now I can smack him with my rabbit right it's no peep at you but I'll have to do you know what is that there's the shadow man he disappeared Oh see this setting is so much creepier to me than the same asylum yeah look oh oh hey hey hey curtain bubble oh Jesus that's legitimately very unsettling yeah oh I also just keep wondering what all these letters are I wish we could read some of them the game theory for this is that he's actually illiterate which is why you can't read all right okay all right cool oh it's so dark Oh what's gonna jump out at me Amy nothing something you go come on look clean let me look this family portrait fantastic what is the meaning of the portrait there's something I know there's like some achievements or something related to that they have left like a secret ending or something who knows oh why is everybody's head covered in all these portraits now there you go this way no this way good the way they don't want me to go all back back to the kitchen wonderful meat grinder our favorite our favorite meat grinder he knew your anova right no just tell some delicious hamburger bloody be just getting ready for some nice barbecue out back here alright I'll keep moving towards the outside okay see this this gets me so much more than that of a sudden right this is so so unsettling oh I'm just gonna run through here cool cool okay great great use the rabbit Luke oh oh oh that was no but it's what is that dress form Oh Zebedee oh this is the so Collins oh oh my gosh with nothing to interact with really really okay can you interact with the I guess I have to go back man again but I guess I was going the right way they just really wanted to show me so here and the dress form which is really also really upset I love that it's like such a simple thing - yeah it's not it's not anything inherently like terrifying and yet like just the placement of it and its inclusion in the shadows right no bueno turkey no well-bred ham ham turd hands Turkey [Music] where's this going music's getting louder great is the bird gonna die I'm ready for you bird I'm ready for your bird don't you're not jump scaring me again it's gonna be this last window I'm ready for you no okay ready for you oh right here not have it fair enough missed opportunity I had steeled myself oh here's my family and that goes again hey what a big happy family hey hey hey boy boy okay also those creepy mask cells have not paid off in any way another thing that feels like it must lead to like some sort of achievement or score or something even the shadows on the ground just everything in everything ba ha ha oh all right hey big bathroom ok shrouds on my way back to my bedroom yeah creep clothes would hate that closet I hate the ni loves it every time every time bad huh really that's weird did I miss something yeah we must have passed something yeah yeah go to the closet fine apparently though oh you can't go in the closet huh weird ok weird all right so they miss something hey must Oh somebody oh yeah just looking at this handsome man who is this handsome devil yeah yeah baby oh why do you have it - look at these portraits it's so strange oh oh no oh no no no no no no oh no this is this oh this is legit oh it's getting really dark oh no oh that's like it's not it shouldn't be scary but it is No all I was pointing out that tree of the hand ah you see it it's a hand tree all right okay all right over go to the graveyard oh yeah we are oh yeah we are look what I found it's migrated from where you killed me okay okay I know what you did last summer yeah more as a 12 year old then out of nowhere like a scary deer pops out fright the Windigo what no that would just be strange oh maybe I should go up and back no okay good I'm coming Oh code says sorry I've drunk trying trying trying to phone up around the back of the braces go up this way no hmm curse these trees blocking me at every turn oh ah what holy cow holy cow woman slow down do you know how low my stamina is I can't handle this right you're not active this is nuts ooh a paths diverged deforest no I I took the road less traveled by I took the road my dead sister took it definitely made a lot of difference I'm coming holy cow look the spooky eyes in the background see him they're blinking at you at unsettling once again it's just a nice owl just a little owl back up there but that's a dead possum so there yeah that's different hey mr. ol it's just playing possum no Jason nope he's not playing possum huh those are entrails keep going hey mister oh how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll pop the world may never do oh shoot you could like get lost in the woods out here there's a crow huh this is not this is off the beaten path here I am NOT a fan of this path right this path is freaking me out this is not sister path right hey hey creepy eyes oh I found her oh okay chief an unlocked found sister oh yeah all roads lead to dead sister yeah she is my psychologist Stephanie okay my therapist no rain off for weeks there's a squirrel is that a squirrel I think so oh poor guy Oh cute Oh Jason why are you laughing at that Jason just behind the camera chortling yeah laugh it up there chuckles it's a dead squirrel God right in that Jason oh what's this guy imagine what you'd be doing if it were boarded rock you'd be doing a jig back there dead Rock dead Rock confirmed guys oh here we are this is this is the end end result I can't I physically am unable to I am very out of shape for a young childhood obesity is a real issue okay I don't appreciate everybody making light of it God all right do you hear me wheezing right now maybe it's got a little bit of the asthma au secours Otto Quito atom cell and that's Adam Sessler all right hey here's a here's a memorial here rests Adam Sessler I bet these were all like I bet this game was like kick-started or something and these are like the dough oh absolutely it makes total sense that's a nice way to incorporate your donors into a game man what are their names on gravestones right don't know mr. dear friend poor guy and I'm here I'm going low fat low fat I'm working on it oh where is this place that you're taking me to woman Shack in the middle of the woods or she's gonna kill you certainly but as long as we get there sooner rather than later this is the Blair Witch origin story see ah this is a band this is what happens when you ask me to run this tire myself out yeah I can't do it I'm not doing it oh geez I covered my eyes that looked painful I didn't watch it well on purpose that looked me I get that kind of stuff I can't so Jason you know this longer this game is yeah do you have any indication like I keep feeling like oh we're a little child now obviously we're at the scene of the crime or the like original inciting incident from a gasps maybe oh how much why I said that how much war is there like two is there enough for another live stream where should we wrap it up here I'd like this is intense intense legitimately intense huh it's final never ending yeah yeah get out of here you loser whoa dead body walking you're gonna go back and check out the dead body walking like on jinx double jinx but what I don't know can't double jinx like that okay jinx is me times double jinx only works if we both say jinx the first time at the same time all right so while Jason's looking up how much we got left to go I'll just I'll keep pressing on back in the ward again apparently grappling with my childhood demons you get toward B nope here just randomly picking doors whoo this looks like a hole in the ground that can fall into Oh ended oh man that's weird and it legitimately was huh okay weird so don't fall into oh ah exam room two Hey what ah wait me here nothing all right see board a back to work okay so then we go through strike room genius work be Swedish fishes is that what that is no those are leeches Oh No ages hey that was a medical solution that yeah man if only they brought back the good old days of leech Medicare what whoa the UH that's a dead body that's gonna come to life no no why am i chasing myself with the bloody ax what what that oh that's a dead end that's better pick a new Dirk a literal could be a literal dead end yep yep that's a giant needle in this 41 that's me like ah holy poop on a brisket you call yourself stop being so self-destructive nope ah alright so we've a ball Jason what was your verdict I believe you're in the last setting okay okay all right so we'll program over at low floor make it your own we'll make it through the end of the nightmare if we end up seeing another setting after this one I'd say we should stop here I'll leave this is the last one okay all right ah no leave me alone don't don't no guitar everybody go yes Oh ow curse my lackluster endurance curse the Golan attended leg day oh do you even lift out across pit oh no if only I even lift it bro right if only no go okay I'm working on it go go here's such a weak leg Oh sprinting at most post haste speed God come on get some light stamina under those bones friend geez maybe his jammies are just really heavy all right we walk hey wait for this you didn't okay this is where he goes no go go go bring it out sprint it out go go nope yeah now oh my gosh I'm running running just as fast as I can you should walk on that level at that point rather than starting at the bottom what poster like walk on the top lane yeah so that yeah they do in an angle that makes sense alright so once I pass like this guy's sentence for not yeah they're gonna oh I'm I'm too late shoot I miss it go go go go go go but they'll go over the door okay pastor OH we do the daughter curse my slow motion door opening come on man practice those handles just dodge you're some dive dive right dive I've roll okay here we go right the middle and we're gonna run a little bit earlier this time we're gonna run right at the head right here can't go go go run run go go run run go go run run go go run run go go go yeah yeah eyes yeah that that open door that's in the process of shutting that really fooled him like oh closed door I've got this axe but I can't do anything with it hey more pictures alright they look okay they almost look normal right the pictures look fairly normal okay and we're over here operating theater right yeah I love this yet all the world's stage including this very Hospital wonderful do they still have those does anyone know what medical theaters I think you can watch operation yeah where you watching absolutely for medical students do they yeah like it's just a like a viewing observatory you now it's like corn doc so it's sterile though sure like behind glass sure all right well we got here dead body fantastic strange noises wonderful always the winner room one quality quality content great okay feel like these rooms should net more to explore that us breathing are that okay that is my ill shape and body wonderful just like even it don't we have any like strength points that we can put into our leg character tree that's my point right like I showed gain some level of endurance it is ah yeah there he's out nope he's out buddy you do you that go with God Godspeed Godspeed evil me uh-huh where do you go please breathe the store let's try this door whoo another another hole in the floor we okay Stephen darker now it just progressively gets darker right Forte I don't think it's you I think it's this one baby I'm gonna pick you I choose you door no I'm gonna pick board see just random guessing oh the morgue Oh No well you better move cuz that guy's gonna come back pretty soon here here it is alright Open Sesame that's you really that was it I think it's us oh really it was I thought it was gonna be some grand revolution right I thought so too we need to end this game you don't just present me with like a morgue slot that I can open and it just hasn't be a random body like who cares about that guy right ooh I can hide behind curtains is that what I should have been doing this whole time against evil me oh I'm behind the curtain huh see look at something new every day I get ups learning the mechanics of the game good on us brilliant well you know he's coming all right I hear him here's something there it is yeah do it fooled you pulled you creepy ass man suck on that exam room saber - then go it alright cool it's gonna gonna mosey on to war de over here hmm so I'm gonna go this way I've done a lot of these side doors oh and there's why because now we're in the incinerator room huh let's engage yeah ooh a door Oh deeper into madness oh oh there it is okay oh this is this is truly unfortunate I am NOT a fan of these but you like Mike and uh thanks right huh huh what are you staring at Ramez ami in the moonlight oh this is worst this is worst this is worse oh man there it is hey Jason Goodwin Jason well done yeah good move don't worry we didn't move anywhere Jason with us 8c let's just make sure they're getting on the true terror is the blue screen of death can you hear us I can all right yeah whoo all right let's keep going deeper into the depths well fast-acting Jason well done and the chat is just catching up they're like oh what happened we're back yeah oh it's that one before that's good man that was impressive all right let's hoof we'll pick change we're so cool I feel like we're so close to the end of this game Oh am i damn did you see him yo yeah so I saw his like it's like dark silhouettes dark silhouette moving that was so intense huh wait am i back in my room again ah are you pointing up in my room again they're all my room over and over shoot here no that's blocks all right oh so what is the story here do we have any theories ah the chat has posited a few cute no one did it apparently there's some background information on this game and the chat knows a lot of it okay yeah so we can talk about that if you want to sure so the game is meant to reflect the I believe the developers struggle with depression and OCD which is super interesting OCD huh yep well I mean there's a lot of repetition there's a lot of um there's a lot of symbolism he's very tidy yeah but you can see the levels of depression that you go down into are reflected in the levels of the game you go into the basement you drop through the floor you keep going down a level interest it's all off a cliff yeah and so the further down you go the more threatening it becomes the scarier it is and I don't know if the sister part is part of a true story or not but maybe the chat knows more interesting tip right and that's super interesting so I can't let me look for some of the people who call that out let's see you know your it's gonna be showing up here somewhere right mom which room is it not just exploring just random rooms right hoping to make it work okay no I know you're coming after me no coming shoot come on ah I'm like oh no it's one of those long hallways you can tell he's coming to this moment yeah we're so close aren't we feel like you've gotta be close hey the way the rest of us run okay run run run run run straight run straight run straight run straight run - go go go go go go go go go yeah all right good held it let's block okay this way yep good we got around to the other side though we are what yeah we're on the other side of the wreckage with those well whoa there you go no we want we usually want to follow doey right yeah what do I know one phone let me get let me in let me in yo hmm can i what go go into the breach yeah all right weak ah please wake Oh Tom you're awake he's awake that's nice Oh the happy ending oh my god we came out of it we came out and it survived we did it our sister in the dead whoo sister dad we're not dead we woke up life goes on oh my gosh holy cow that was that was so intense oh my god buddy that was worthy of scary games Friday no like the scariest scary games Friday I mean we've ever played I am really excited to read about more about this game now absolutely we're gonna look into this we're gonna find out more yeah this was fascinating like it was legitimately terrifying but I'm really curious to see like the interpretations of it with the large babies and the like y-z chasing himself his own demons things like that oh the some of the chat is saying that there are different endings he's awake yay oh there's different endings okay that's very true I only seem to like to people say that um it was a dream cool okay cool interesting all right so Wow well that was so intense yeah we're gonna look into the different endings I'm very curious but thank you guys cuz this this stream went kind of long but like from what we can see you guys stuck around so thank you thank you oh yeah this was intense oh my gosh it was it was pretty wild I like I have not felt this like so kinda curry was legitimately like jump scary and like freaking out like it freaked you out but this was just legitimately unsettling and just gave you that like sickness in the pit of your stomach yeah so and it the art style was was beautiful like riffing but beautiful amazing um so well done creator this game so this was this was neverending nightmares never anything like bears yeah um so go check it out it's on Steam very very unsettling we're gonna look at both well where's the player this was awesome you know maybe next scary games Friday will lead off with just talking about what those endings are yeah um but anyway thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed it enjoyed it yeah and we'll see you back on one day 4 o'clock p.m. time for something a little bit lighter yeah a little bit more family friendly oh good we have a fantastic weekend and to all your mother oh wait nightmare continue up Wow oh my god what is this there's there's branching pathways oh ok so these are the different paths oh yeah huh the one I will have to look into what ending we got okay so there's more hair leaders are so baby next scary games Friday we continue down the path who knows okay very intense anyway thank you guys so much for watching have a great week I tell you mothers out there who are watching I don't know why I hope this didn't freak out too much but anyway have happy Mother's Day to Sunday and remember guys that's just a stream oh really disturbing stream thank you guys so much for being there with us the support us emotionally whoa all right we'll see you Monday tell your mom you love her this weekend a night okay all right oh let's see ah w 92192 11 now I won't be able to sleep tonight yeah I'd normal theater by matpat goodbye Cody Cody Pinder bye uh veggie Toyama goodbye hi a fearless fangirl this was the middle ending it was a bit why I don't know if that means to be good or the middle at the neutral yeah right it Oh Joshua's Chanel first stream having a hammer Estrella hmm uh well god we've got skip behind out underneath the table right now scared got me like horror hair uh and squared by and you said chaos tool it's also new on PlayStation
Channel: GTLive
Views: 1,048,790
Rating: 4.9278674 out of 5
Keywords: horror game, scary game, scariest game, scariest game ever, neverending nightmares, never ending nightmares, nightmares, nightmare, neverending nightmares game, walkthrough, play through, lets play, jump scare, jumpscare, gtlive, gt live, game theory live, game theory, matpat, matthew patrick, creepy, disturbing, dark
Id: VKzqjLiliDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 46sec (6586 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2016
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