A Garden of Murder! | Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion

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is this i'm gonna kill this guy aren't i okay so i'm gonna i'm gonna kill this snail i think oh god rent money jerry was oh no jerry was gonna pay the rent and i just slaughtered him for it oh okay bro why did you kill jerry he was defenseless why [Music] hey guys and welcome to gt not live where it's not live and i also don't have a voice so if i sound a little unusual today if it's a little bit groggier than usual or if you know i sound a little stuffy or my body is doing strange things to try and produce sounds for your enjoyment watching this video just know that it's because i lost my voice because go figure when you're recording episodes around the clock screaming into a microphone sometimes sometimes every once in a while you're gonna lose your voice and uh that is where i find myself today ladies and gentlemen which is great because today's game has a lot of voices attached to it so we're gonna figure this one out together friends it's gonna be a wild ride uh one thing that is worth calling out though uh since we are on the subject of me losing my voice uh hashtag nuts not spawn at all but uh you should know sipa call matt and i were just talking about this before things started uh but when you're in theater you learn every which way to get your voice to work when your voice really doesn't want to work which i don't know is necessarily a good thing and i haven't pulled out on my bag of tricks yet i have a long day of recording so by the end of the day i probably will um but sepakal is one of those uh untalked about or like under known remedies that if you need to use your voice right now uh like you do in theater a lot um it is the best because it's not only a cough drop but it's like a numbing drop and so it kind of like numbs your throat so if you're doing a lot of coughing or whatever uh you're able to still produce sounds without it causing a lot of pain uh but also they taste okay and they allow you to talk like before i took the steep call i wasn't able to maintain a consistent tone in my voice so baby steps ladies and gentlemen i like to think that i'm just practicing my late night phone call voice right now like hello this is the matpat line i don't think i don't think that's the career for you no you don't think so no i sound like i sound like a like a 70 year old smoker right now yeah you sound like you sound older than that oh no older than 70. oh no oh this episode's gonna be a mess i'm so sorry to everyone who's trying to suffer through this one darn it fun did you i mean do you know any secret remedies to fix your voice matt um i learned recently about diaphragmatic breathing you know like as in breathing with your diaphragm that's just like what you should do in life well most of us don't myself included well they see and you practice it by pretending to open up an umbrella which gets you to think breathing lower and this it's it's all singers techniques it's also fill your butt with air oh fill your butt with air are you sure we're talking about breathing at this point i feel like that's some sort of new plastic surgery isn't that what the kardashians do isn't there isn't there just like a little nozzle like off off like the side right here that like one of their helpers goes you know at the beginning of every morning goes they have way too much money for that yeah they have a machine that does that at this point right every morning just hook up the butt it goes from here to like there there it is break the internet that's how that's i meant because that's not natural right um i don't want the kardashians family or matters to find me really i have heard that they can be pretty brutal having worked in reality tv it's brutal as in like they're like are they gonna come out and put a hit on you if you talk about their butt too much well their legal team is pretty persistent okay fair enough they wouldn't be coming after you we all know who they'd be coming after here i don't know i don't know i don't know what the butts just seem unnatural is what i'm saying they're definitely um enhanced yeah but that story okay right i don't think i don't think there's any denying that right they look great though oh certainly it's like it's like a shelf that's we should gt live we'll take a trip the many eras of the kardashians well no i was thinking we'll go see like dr miami oh wow we'll get like a fit oh my gosh we can get we can go down a plastic surgery road yeah that'd be fun wow what what should i do let me know down in the comments below what should i get this is a slippery slope i know some people have gone plastic surgery and once you have one like you start finding a lot of imperfections then it didn't work out right you got to fix it i don't know i i'm really happy with how i am someone's got to keep those doctors paid though you know it's true it's hard times it's hard times and i think we're the ones to do it i don't know if we are honestly not sure what should i do maybe i can get one of those implants that makes your muscles look bigger like i've seen that those that like they give you the drag queen yeah yeah yeah that'd be cool right a little articulation you should get it like how spongebob has the pump up arms yeah see like the pump up butt we should we should play this game this is it we should play this game because this game's gonna be a fun one uh i hope it looks like it's gonna be a lot of fun it's called turnip boy commits tax evasion which sounds delightful honestly the the graphics here look really cute uh it recently came out and with the name like turn of boy commits tax evasion what's not to like uh we're gonna give it a try it looks like it has a zelda-like top-down adventure elements but with a cute story about committing tax evasion and you know some people just don't want to pay their dues to society and turnip boy apparently is one of them but let's let's learn his tales shall we uh let's see him fight against the man new game tax bill you owe a ton of property tax for your greenhouse it's probably not true like that's that's probably property taxes are brutal you have until like yesterday to pay it failure to pay will give mayor onion the d tier house oh man whoa 143 753 and 50 interest yikes mayor onion official seal of approval here we're going to read it okay we read it we can excuse me so our only option is rip up the you don't rip up the tax bill there is one thing in life that's bad that's bad news man there is one thing that is scarier than anything else in this world and it's not slender man it's not evil killer animatronics it's receiving a mail address from the irs period because it's like oh no what arcane bit of tax law did i not know and that i missed and now they're going to have to like reassess things so scary so scary as someone who used to do his own taxes because i was in theater and was across like eight different states or whatever it's the worst and making sure that you get all like dot all the eyes and cross all the t's super important don't mess around with taxes turn it boy don't do it you're playing with fire mayor onion boy turn it boy you really screwed yourself what do you mean what you committed tax evasion what yes tax evasion is a real thing see this is it anyway you owe me a lot of money and you obviously have none so consider yourself my personal assistant first head over to the bustling barn through layer lane i'm trying to set up a town hall there but there's a bunch of animals i need someone to take care of oh man bustling barn through layer lane okay bring me back a bag of fertilizer as proof or you'll be sleeping with the rotten all right veggie bill here we go oh i got a little dash look how cute this is i have no items okay grim graveyard layer lane weapon woods okay so i need to go this way hello ever since that freaking mayor onion took over this town has been a mess i mean look at this path it's absolutely overgrown like you would need a heckin sword to get through this i do need a heckin sword those are the best types of swords i hear you can get one in the weapon woods though all right let's get ourselves a heckin sword look at how cute i love this art style it's so adorable can i talk to these little kitties what are these hey crayon crayon have you met my little cat apple munchkins aren't they so oh actually my little red munchkin ran away if you could keep an eye out for it that would be perfect oh my gosh everything is so cute in this game i love it all i want plushies of each and everyone they do sell plushies dude wait do they yeah brilliant see these people are thinking on galaxy brain levels right here mega meow every everything in here mike romeow oh my gosh so cute i love it all what's cuter than tax evasion excuse me what's cuter than tax evasion uh little anthropomorphized fruits and veggies rendered in 8-bit graphics this is true this is very true of strawberry hey there tv all these flowers yeah not really sure where they come from ah but they're pretty nonetheless thanks thanks strawberry you weren't very helpful how about blueberry oh my gosh there are so many voices hi whoa turn a boy i'm a blueberry huh you're a turnip goodbye wow super insightful conversation there ladies and gentlemen that was that was very meaningful oh hey watering can use this to grow plants used to be old man lemons okie okay hello there chap have you seen my watering hand it's not a question mark i literally just saw a turnip boy turn it boy not only are you getting tax evasion you're defrauding this old man of his watering can i don't know don't trust the cutesy art style friends i i don't trust this turnip as far as i could throw him my eyes on what they used to be i haven't seen him for days oh that watering can mean so much to me really hope no one stole i really hope no one stole it it's the only thing i have left from the old lady and turn a boy steals it no no oh see this is a cl this is a classic hero is actually the villain right here you think like oh look at him standing up to the man tax evasion or whatever no this is it hello there isn't the weather lovely oh just as lovely as that strawberry down the street she's so nice say could you water this plant for me huh i ran out of water and want to give this special flower to that special strawberry cool yeah here we go a token of affection from the florist to the strawberry here we go thanks for growing that flower make sure to bring it over to that don't you want to do it she's going to get the wrong idea i don't want any of the other folks getting the wrong idea she's going to get the wrong idea because i'm the one delivering it to her i don't know i'm concerned about this uh turnip boy thanks for the flower ah but i don't feel the same i'm sorry oh it's not from you oh thank the mushroom wow turnip boy just the pariah of the veggie patch the flora said this my way how sweet of her do you think you can take this letter over to her for me dear florence thank you for the pretty flower would you like to go on a date someday we could even get married and pay our taxes together wait i i can't deliver it i can only rip it up oh no forget the tax evasion this is unacceptable turn turnip boy is the worst he's an even bigger villain than mario oh that's so sad oh well that was rude turnabout you're the worst oh you're deliberate sweet thanks a lot take this as payment oh a sun hat arch nemesis of the sun okay in the pause mini okay nice nice look at that awesome sun hat this is the best i would absolutely micro transact for that sun hat but i just did it via my quest line that's awesome what do you want kid listen i'm getting ready to rob the rot i'm getting ready to rob the rotten in this graveyard in complete focus and you seem like the annoying type get out of my sight kid all right can i bother you what if i water you no nothing i thought splashing water in your face would prove that i'm not just the annoying type but i'm also the annoying in your face type let's see excuse me rutabaga adolescent please step away from the premises this is an irs operation we need to scare the area before you pass through here we got our eyes on you all right thanks chad appreciate it you keep up the good work over there i guess we're up here watch out for the snails they're vegetarians okay so the snails are our enemies we don't want to be eaten by them can i water them i cannot so this is just avoid the enemies great bro you ain't gonna believe this jerry's been crashing my place for a week he hasn't even paid a cent of rent we're on good terms bro but i don't speak much snail i don't really know what to do about it bro have you considered i have a feeling i'm gonna end up killing this snail which sounds terrible this is just brutal turn a boy takes no prisoners soil sword patch ahead uh bring a watering can okay what's this guy doing hello heck i lost the baby what an odd thing to say i was told to babysit a little carrot i said over i said over with this stool but he escaped my sight maybe the stool needs to sit on me either way can you keep your eye hold peeled i swear that's how this phrase goes wow all right what an interesting interaction that was oh wanted for tax evasion turn them boy one dollar reward rip it up oh man just i'm just adding insult to injury this is bad i'm taking my situation from bad to worse this is no good just got to pay your dues man maybe he doesn't trust the government you know to properly allocate the funds in the places they're most needed have we considered this maybe he's making a stand yeah maybe he's a hero yeah like all those people over the years who commit tax evasion see see turn it boy you just gotta you gotta one up your game man you gotta find that that offshore account in the cayman islands or whatever right isn't that talk to talk to jeff bezos and all those guys right hiya turnip boy huh i've been traveling around the farmland and exploring the forests around it and i found something cool i love the avocados design that the avocado fruit is a backpack that's brilliant i love it up ahead is a rare planticus sordicus if you have a second check it out oh man we're absolutely gonna steal that plant to get sorta kiss that's gonna be our weapon thirsty plant patch someone please water this boy oh yeah i'm all about that it's dangerous to grow alone take this that's adorable great okay so i got soils okay soil sword grow plants okay so okay so i have to switch between the different weapons that's good to know ooh and it's got a little bit of a delay and you can hold it out for a little bit which is kind of fun it's kind of like i'm thrusting the sword slowly rather than like swinging it that's cool i like it though all right let's go let's go chop sound let's go chop down some hedges heads trimming for the win oh hello kite and masks that's not terrifying at all in this in this story about cute fruits and vegetables the the clown with the kitten mask that is that's unexpected world building what's up dude got any spray paint huh i mentioned to vandalize public property you feel i i understand sometimes you just get in that mood you know i definitely feel right do you feel man can you relate sometimes that public property is just screaming at you like please vandalize me i mean taxes are screaming evade me property scream and vandalize me it's just the world we live in it is it's true especially when you're okay so is this i'm gonna kill this guy aren't i okay so i'm gonna i'm gonna kill this snail i think oh god rent money jerry was oh no jerry was gonna pay the rent [Laughter] and i just slaughtered him for it oh okay bro why did you kill jerry he was defenseless why oh wait he had his rent money cool beans bro since he's duh dead take his check for the remainder i need that cash oh man jerry's nail 1.12 sorry you dead oh paid of the order of jerry's snail oh man rip it up wow cold as ice turnip boy cold as ice i'm gonna try not to kill any other defenseless snails man this is this is the sort of uh game like we would make where we're like oh yeah the hero is actually the film but here it's not even subtext like you're not even playing it together turn a boy just has no mercy for anyone or anything he's like the institution tear it down the man kick him in the balls the government rebel and he does it all through you know ellipses question marks and exclamation points he doesn't actually talk edgar you need a haircut desperately oh but who the great edgar best barber in all of veggieville am i kidding a famous client of mine wants me the great edgar to dye their hair but alas i do not have the dye to do it huh obviously this client is higher priority than your dumb hair i urge you to come back another day all right so we gotta find him some hair dye what else we got should i be cutting down all these bushes it's not a zelda game zelda-esque game unless i'm chopping down a bunch of bushes but it's not yielding me a bunch so maybe maybe just wander around a bit the real estate agent sold me the studio apartment it's smaller than most and more expensive huh i'm hoping the alleyway scenery pumps me full of creative juices ah yes the alleyway the view of the alleyway always raising the rent values there that's that's very valuable property hi a lot of blueberries in this patch oh hi there you looking to purchase some real estate oh turnip boy sorry about that i hope you get your greenhouse back soon i've been so busy lately mayor onion has been trying to raise property tax huh oh man that got turned a boy's attention he's like wait property tax gotta take down these capitalist swine it's been really hard to find new clients all right trust me you don't want to go down the alleyway there's some shady stuff down there trust me boyo all right well i probably will want to go down there eventually but not yet welcome the way sandwich home of the three tears up tier three sub can i take your order oh you don't want anything figures business has just been really slow wish i could get someone famous to eat our subs on say a live stream or something huh that would really bring in the business there you go send them our way oh what's in the trash can oh the waste sandwich you can purchase wow look at that look at the price of that sandwich 15.99 and pickles the pickles are 12.99 in addition that's that's terrible there's a handling tax on the sandwich sure also new york sales tax it's pretty brutal new york new york sale food tax is rough saving on fast books three percent editions huh merchant the the pickles are interesting right are they charging more because you're eating your own kind at this point because pickles right are just like pickled cucumbers so presumably you're creating a sandwich eating your fellow fruit and veggie right i'm concerned about this cannibalism we should have done this for cannibalism weekend cannibalism i think this video is going up on friday tomorrow is the is the start of cannibalism weekend where we have three theory episodes all going up on the same day about cannibalism which was weird content decision on my part but you know sometimes you just go off the deep end anyway include a turnip boy what was i thinking if only we had played the sooner i thought that cannibalism weekend was like a general thing and i was like oh did you think it was like like like cinco de mayo or something like it's cannibalism oh no we're making it a thing okay no we're we're absolutely bringing it into the like this year 2021 year of our lord 2021 on the fierce channels yeah we are starting the trend of cannibalism weekend i started to make it the same weekend as mother's day it makes it easier to remember they go hand in hand yeah it makes it easier to keep track of you know oh look it even has a little sleeping animation adorable that's like kirby sleeping you know a completely unrelated you know trophy reward the player roy the player says i do i feel more engaged now we were having a conversation but i'm drawn back to the game by this trophy good job right when you needed it developers oh hello turnip over here huh i have short-term memory loss i'm just trying to get to veggieville please tell me where i am oh thank you now i know where i am great lot a lot of insightful conversations here help wanted hiring exterminators to get rid of unwanted livestock okay there's there's mayor onion coffee breaks am i right yep true kiddo this is an active construction site scram huh why am i not working i'm on break brother i work here see here's the document to prove it oh we're gonna rip this up aren't we paid taxes of course of course oh man we could steal his identity account number 420 lol good one good good joke high five up top rigsby farms they think grass is cool there you go rip it up man well kiddo you outplayed me got him nailed it if if turnip boy had some arms he would probably dab in that moment here we go bustling barn what do we got oh slay queen 32 sup gamer i'm mayor onion's assistant but you can call me by my gamertag slayqueen32 i love her hair just by the way the the the mohawk leaf great she's been seeing edgar all right she's right she's been she's been getting her fit can can hair have a fit matt you educate me about this stuff um i don't i don't believe so no you can't have you can't have fit hairs uh let the comments all right the comments will decide i'm gonna say no can hair have a fit can you have can hair have a drip to be clean oh you can't have a clean haircut that's good that's true dapper that's more your speed [Laughter] thanks appreciate it thanks thanks so much i'm the best fork fighter player in veggieville i would tell you to check out my streams but i haven't been able to go live since the pigs in here make so much noise i hate that oh you want to get into that bustling barn well i have some bad news access is exclusive to my true fans who give me tier three subs it wouldn't be fair to let you in for free be sure to like and subscribe though all right so i need a tier 3 sub and he needed someone to buy his tier 3 sub i ripped up the receipt did that help let's see homo the oh it's you again wait slay cream slay queen 32 wants a tier 3 sub here it's on the house just make sure she eats it on stream so i can get that cloud oh no what's up a sub for slay queen 32 guys you've been doing it all wrong all these years when people tell you to sub they're actually asking you to send them a sandwich that's entirely why i started food theory every time i'm like please sub to food theory i'm telling you to send your subs to me on food theory little did you know fun fact but now you know so don't make the mistake again you can also click the red subscribe button while you're there that's a nice addition but really i just want those footlongs just give me the footlongs ah turnip boy thanks for that tier three sub as a tier three sub you gain access to the bustling barn as well as my autograph here you go now i'm gonna rip up our autograph aren't i now if someone would do something about all those pigs making noise i miss being able to actually stream okay well i got it thanks for the tier three sub turnip boy be sure to pay your taxes next time man just reminders all across the board the true twist of this game is that this was made by the government this is just government propaganda for for the next generation of kiddos this is what happens when you don't pay your taxes you get an autograph from slay queen 32 right but you also get wound up in an elaborate series of fetch quests as i'm sure mayor onion i mean i don't see how that's any different from the current system i mean no i'm not saying it's any different from the current system i'm just saying that this is all a governmental this is all government propaganda getting the young generation to learn the importance of paying their taxes otherwise they're going to be doing just an endless series of mindless tasks around their veggie patch sup gamer what brings you back you want to watch my stream i would love to let you but i haven't been able to go live since mayor and you transferred me to the new town hall it's just way too loud okay if someone could deal with i'm okay i'm gonna oh i'm gonna get a shout out if i deal with these noisy pigs i'm gonna get a shout out let's see active boom bloom site water twice at your own risk okay so water twice all right cool can i do it again because there's a i can presumably blow that up can i push or something no i cannot pick it up hmm there's no picking up okay it's just water again okay uh get out of here worm and defenseless oh snails so sad i feel really bad because none of these things are being mean to me in the slightest i feel really guilty what's this but i had to do it i had to do it to open up the path boom boots oh okay here we go use these to kick the boom blooms run into them to send them flag okay vote for mayor onion i like that he's doing a bunch of propaganda in his own like series of offices uh what you got hey turn it boy just taking a break after a pig kicked me in the roots nah i'm okay just hope someone gets rid of those things soon anyway i heard if you find some boom boots you can kick those boom blooms yeah just let one grow and then run into it well there you go i literally just learned that so there you go oh okay there we go there it is here's one and then boom kick it and this should take me back to the main room good okay nice look simple simple dungeon design is great boom nice see it's like a cuter version of lead into zelda i love it this reminds me of uh epicus stew which is the game that steph and i made mayor onion's office back that's how we met how to do your taxes by william storm rip it up no one will learn how to do their taxes get out of here fight the patriarchy bring them down tear it all down doing your taxes is really hard it is it is shockingly the way that the irs knows how much money you owe them but they don't they make you guess right it's it's real weird doing your tactics is real hard you go to jail right that's pretty crazy it's also weird to think about it because it's like every year everyone in america has to do this like massive homework assignment this like massive math problem homework assignment the fact that everyone gets it done shocks me well not everybody the fact that like a vast majority of people get it done yeah shocks me well the way that accountants are tutors for that homework assignment well they're they're like the yeah they're the like nerding class that you pay to do the homework for you like is that okay can i copy your answers is that how you got through school what paying nerds or why why was the nerd oh you were the nerd that was getting yeah what are you thinking sorry have you seen me have you seen anything that we do on youtube of course i was the nerd that made money off of other people that checks out right that makes sense i had this great business where i would sell the latex gloves before uh dissections because no one had the forethought to bring latex gloves and so like i i ran the market it was amazing i had a whole black market when i was in the third grade i drew pictures of dogs and sold them for a quarter so we're both kind of business genius we're like you were like you were like an early picasso well done man sell your artwork yeah my whole thing was that uh i would draw clothes on them and that was really the selling that was that was pretty funny it was cute yeah will you draw me a i'll pay you a quarter if you got me a dog well inflation it's no longer what's your rate now uh we can talk about it off camera okay i'm telling you in the comments people are going to be asking for this artwork matt you've got you've just launched yourself a new business it was nice working with the description i was going to say please please fund matt's patreon where he just draws i draw dogs with clothes i love it every month and and uh at certain patreons here's a subscription thing oh yeah at certain patreon tiers you get access to like certain more elaborate dog pictures glasses on them for five dollars a month you get access to the elite tier of dogs with sunglasses oh god i can't figure out how to get through here then again i hear a ton of points through that door so i'm also not trying too hard all right so we're gonna have to it's a puzzle man this place is a dump i get why we need a town hall but why'd we have to pick a place overrun with gross animals all right so we're gonna do this i'm assuming we take it this way oh ah that was that was a tough one it's a toughy tricky tricky puzzles okay here we go hey oh wait the chicken just killed me too whoa okay so the chickens are mean and also the pig is mean hello should i be killing this pig or can the pig okay okay he doesn't blow up things so i want this over here boom oh just slaughter that poor that before animal and the chickens too because because turnip boy has no mercy for his fellow living creatures it's just well that was easy took care of that one i feel like you could have just used your sword you know why use a sword when you can literally just blow them up just blow them to smithereens why not here we go what you got oh finally i knew they'd send the search party the crew must have been worried not in the slightest i've been soaking for three days no food no water no coffee breaks i feel like being stuck in a in a in a barn surrounded by pigs for three days that's like an extended coffee break the fact that he didn't have any coffee breaks i feel like was just his own mistake he just misallocated his time spent trapped in the barn i think you're blaming the worker that's true see that's what capitalism does to you man see i'm just an agent of the propaganda you're so right i think that's what turner boy is trying to tell you that's fun to see this is why i gotta play this game turn a boy is helping me see the light i have been brainwashed that's what they're doing to me man thank you thank you for showing me the right way to go uh thank you adventurer be careful there's a dangerous pig through the doorway okay is he a capitalist pig police say he's a capitalist pig oh he's king pig king pig he ate a ton of fertilizer great okay boss hp here we go here we go can i blow him up boom oh geez that just ate him up oh my gosh it's not even a contest oh gee i missed oh here we go boom wait i died just because oh no turn a boy's reign of terror it comes to an end i guess i got caught up in the explosion huh it would help if i could see where my like heart meter is is there a hard reader yeah it's tough left is it top left okay oh yeah oh yeah getting caught explosion does hurt me see now i know right it doesn't help that we have a giant uh you know giant light bulb that's blocking my way thing up there there we go i'm gonna water and boom there it is oh wow he had a lot of fur i was gonna say that was a lot of fertilizer oh no he exploded into little bits of bacon [Music] oh it's so sad oh so sad amy who is a vegetarian on our team will not be happy about this oh i found heart fruit gives me another heart nifty oaky this is brilliant this is a great game fertilizer makes things grow like crazy but does mayor onion want this for his secret plot field log number one seems that those who consume fertilizer display mysterious properties such as rapid growth all right oh man i get it we're just a stooge we're just a stooge for mayor onion's evil plan to take over all of veggieville just over here you doing anything i need some wood and i know a dealer can grab it for me ah head down layer lane you should be in the alleyway near that sandwich shop thanks kiddo all right great well that was our first dungeon cute easy place looks confusing thanks thank the mushroom you did the work for us you're welcome guys see we're all working together fighting the man changing the system made their taxes the boom boots were in there the whole time yeah they were they could have just done it uh again you're blaming the worker you're right see stop blaming the worker matt you see i'm learning you taught me and now i'm taught teaching you where we're questioning each other's preconceived notions here this is great thank you peace and quiet turn it boy you did this thank you for your efforts i crowned you as slay slayking32 oh man look at that oh man i'm not sleeky that's oh sweet it's got a little little poof out the top i love it so cute all right okay yeah played me these guys are all same both for the same thing okay orange is still clueless up top here maybe this guy will be like oh my gosh you're flaking now thanks for delivering it since you helped me in my business the least i could do is help you here's a copy of fastbooks so you can figure out your taxes no doing taxes pro small veggie accounting does taxes looks at taxes taxes oh includes tax advice that's a 3.23 value rip it up that's so sad well i'm not surprised thanks anyway man this guy's a regular al capone is that a reference that you get matt no el capone famous gangster you know oh yeah no the thing that you avoid his tax no the thing the thing that they finally got him on was taxes oh he that's like joe jojo from the real housewives of new jersey oh yeah obviously actually that's like most of the husbands in the real housewives franchise yeah were they invading their taxes tax evasion in that show there's a lot of tax evasion out there in the world like i feel like at certain i don't know certain tiers of earning suddenly there's a lot larger impetus to avoid the taxes right yeah it's insane the um no but so it's interesting uh if if the government can't get you the al capone thing right was like if the government can't get you for you know like the stuff that you're actually doing it's like well we got him we got him for the taxes uh same thing for the guy who uh worked on uh silk road which was a dark web like deep web um website where there was all sorts of like illegal not illegal trading but like stuff that you know not super savory trading going on like uh like weapons and drugs and things like that not not not great but he's like hey you can't really catch me because i'm not really breaking the law i'm just creating a mark similar to how like youtube like hey we're just the platform he's like i just created a website what people are choosing to sell and not sell on that website that's none of my business right like i'm just giving him the ability to sell things and the interesting thing about his story is they caught him uh it was actually the post postal service that ultimately brought him down because he was because of like some postal of like uh sending saying that sending dangerous things through the mail or whatever and that's what like caught him up and so they couldn't get him for any of the like you know trading that he was enabling it was actually for like a po it was it was a post office takedown or something like that it's a wild story yeah that's crazy right i didn't know that you never know man hey dude you're picking up you picking up for that beat all right here you go just remember you never saw me [Music] what the is wit illegal oh no we're a wood pusher now this is no good we're in the dark side of town has your mother told you not to talk to strangers okay thanks carrot appreciate it anything else with the wood scramble before the irs shows up all right well let's go deliver our wood back i like that there's a dash i wonder what's up when when the when the going gets tough we're gonna have some elaborate uh battles going on here here we go hop on over he was up here wasn't he yes great is he gonna give me his hard hat thanks kiddo i appreciate it take this extra hard hat we got tons of yeah there it is i figured safety first nailed it nice i'm slowly evolving i'm adding to my hat collection great nope nope go next up so we gotta deliver the fertilizer back this is very satisfying it's not a particularly complex or hard game by any means and you know what that's kind of nice i think in 2020 2021 this is the sort of game that's just like hey it's cute it's fun it's simple i like this this makes me very this is a game that makes me happy and sometimes those are the most valuable games of them all hey mayor onion i'm glad those animals are out of the picture this fertilizer will come in handy too all right so your next task is my assistant just to give me a four pronged spear in ancient times it was known as a fork assistants don't ask questions word on the grapevine is that there's one in the forsaken farmhouse that's supposedly south from here i've heard horror stories about a bunch of moldy sweets in that place you're no place to complain get me my fork all right here we go lower path is now open the rocky ramp let's see what we got we like to learn new dances and post them to flip-flop sometimes i'll even do karaoke awesome just be careful that's a chinese infiltration tactic right that's that's the tick tock thing hi there i'm a teacher from the nearby patch nice to meet you i would love to stop and talk but i have to attend my class we're on a field trip right now this place is pretty cool there's this interesting cave i want to take the kids to check out later cool so earlier the mayor asked you for a fork which they used in the ancient times right so is this some sort of nuclear fallout type thing whoa it took you a sec whoa you know mad because i'm like mad so forks existed therefore hands existed perhaps right that's that's deep right that's interesting matt well we'll have to keep an eye out we'll have to keep an eye it was worth mentioning no it's absolute good call out thank you well done you're figuring it you're figuring things out around here you're getting the hang of this i accidentally dabbed into holly's phone while we were recording the flip-flop and it fell off the clip oops there it is this is the worst day ever i dropped my phone down the cliff i have no idea what to do i'm sure i will help you at some point trust me outsource it to someone else that's always the strategy that works but well there official flavor town pd business oh my mush you're adorable your little leaves and everything what do you need little guy what's up ah well i don't know about that one dude can't just let you in here there's a procedure my partner sneaked a peek when i went to the restroom and he won't tell me what he saw so even i don't know what's back there little guy sorry little guy the wrong person asked here mate maybe my partner biff will tell you what's in there and you can tell me right after hey beth back it up back it up zeus this part of rock rap is now under flavor town pd jurisdiction state your business huh oh wise guys huh your cute tricks won't work on me those little button eyes and those stubby little legs oh my bush you're adorable start talking use okay tough guy being cute is only half the battle now you got the eye of el tigre but come back when you've got the heart of an artichoke you know thrilled to fight good puns oh no ask my partner buddy maybe maybe he knows something all right so they don't they're not helpful there we go ooh the plane planes good naming system here why how do you do their adventure i'm doing pretty darn fine myself if you ask me just here watching these lovely animals snails i'm the local snail watcher as you must know these are an endangered species oh geez us veggies and fruits gotta make sure we don't destroy their ecosystem we should be co-existing oh man that is just an invite to slaughter this guy right i'm not going to do it i'm not going to do it i am not going to do it game i know you want me to i'm not i refuse no little is known about how many fish are in this pond but it seems we can only observe one at a time that's funny can i kill it i can well well i killed the fish i i don't feel as bad about the fish i feel for the snails certainly welcome newcomer to the carrot patch yeah we live pretty far from town scary to go over there so we just vibe here just swaying back and forth just went back and forth as one does did you see the weird orange thing yeah there was this small orange thing that came here kind of looked like us but it was really small weird right don't worry you're safe here there was this weird thing that came here but i took care of it what do you mean how i chucked it in the trash all right let the trash go couple more carrots i bet the view from that deck would be amazing too bad the stairs are broken maybe we could use a stool to get up there okay so we gotta find a stool a couple more do you like my specially crafted specially placed box collection they're totally not here to keep you in the level or anything that would be wacky great just just a random jojo reference because why not this this game just got that much better it's amazing oh we found lost carrot baby babysitter must be looking for the lost carrot baby i'm glad that i found him in the garbage all right so uh the key the baby was oh i can't believe i'll get back here too uh oh the house store more money more work carrot seeds when i rip it up huh one pack carrot seeds so this this forwards your theory right thank you right because the fact that there's the fact that there's a receipt with carrot seeds and now there's living care it means that they're either propagating themselves by buying their own seeds or at some point at some point there was a store that existed where you could buy seeds and plant them well right they bring enough fertilizer to what it did to that pig i think that they're trying to grow super veggies well i think it's a cannibalism thing you're thinking you actually think that this is cannibal legitimately yes oh man this is it it fits with cannibalism this is the unofficial soft launch of cannibalism weekend because this is going up on friday right so if this is going up on friday boom there it is cannibalism weekend is kicking off this friday all your cannibalism content needs i'm gonna rip up this receipt there we go and now i'm going to pause the game and wrap it up oh documents to rip oh they give us oh look at all these documents that we got to rip up we're at 35 percent yes we're doing good oh we're 35 through the game because i feel like we have more than 35 percent of these maybe not and then again great so i'm gonna save and quit here now that we've realized that this is all cannibalism i like this game it's really fun it's really cute um sorry about my voice but uh but yeah i think that i'd like to continue this one i hope you guys like it it's it's a quick game we'll probably be able to finish it within like one more two more because it goes really fast especially if i'm not just stopping every five minutes to talk about tax evasion and you know paying your debts to society so there you go let me know what you think turnip boy commits tax evasion super cute you know and and i you know i i also agree matt there might be some theory fodder in here i think so this is pretty interesting do you think that we extend cannibalism weekend by another week with a turnip boy theory next weekend give me nuclear fallout weekend that's oh right just like natural disaster and like uncomfortable topic weekends that's that's all our themes now i like it let us know what other uncomfortable themes we should have for our content down in the comments below and in the meantime this wasn't a live stream but it was a video a video for you remember pay your taxes otherwise the government's going to get you see you next time [Music] you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 172,387
Rating: 4.9718795 out of 5
Keywords: Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, turnip boy commits tax evasion song, turnip boy commits tax evasion trailer, turnip boy commits tax evasion ost, turnip boy, turnip boy ending, turnip boy all endings, game theory, game theorists, gtlive, matpat, gtlive turnip boy, weird game, taxes, turnip boy commits tax evasion gameplay, turnip boy commits tax evasion walkthrough, turnip boy commits tax evasion review
Id: ivbpDAY8W80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 24sec (3084 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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