Scarier than Welcome To The Game?! | Scrutinized

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hmm [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to gt alive where we are still alive and still here barely though stephanie is suffering mightily right now that's true i uh if you hear my ice pack crinkling today matt said you could hear it a little bit in in the last episode that we filmed yeah we just filmed uh henry stickman which yeah probably going with some time around this but uh but yeah i got so i this summer has been a summer of gardening for me i've been doing some heavy duty gardening and mulching and i've been doing it maybe a little bit later in the day than i should i'll do it to the point where it's getting dark not so dark that i can't see but definitely too dark to see the bugs that are near me well you're doing it in the sweet spot that is ollie's bedtime and it being completely pitch black so really it's like a 20-minute window yeah it's already really dark yeah i'd say you're you're doing it during heavy dusk heavy dust you're you're deep in dusk at that point so heavy dusk so i've gotten a couple of bites from things throughout this summer but twilight twilight new dawn so i got a really bad apparently uh fire ant bite that's the only thing that we can identify it as i got a really bad fire ant bite two nights ago not last night but the night before and it's been over 24 hours we're like going on 48 hours and it's on my ankle and my ankle just basically just it looks like a baseball with a foot sticking out it's just really bad it's pretty cool so i've been icing it like on and off all day um it's pretty bad i'm gonna have to like go to see someone if it doesn't go down it's pretty bad she was also like there was also a brown recluse out there which is a spider that is poisonous yeah but it's not that i know i know what that looks like that's not that it doesn't really look like it no it's not but still your ankle is surprisingly swollen just from an ant just from us we have some of the big fire ants out in our yard and we need to not have that i know well i've been i've been like trying to kill off the nests and stuff as part of my gardening efforts but anyway long story short my ankle is like a cantaloupe it's nuts and so if you hear if you hear crinkling it's just me trying to ice like ice the living daylights out of my ankle i i was like limping around on it for a whole day and matthew's like oh yeah oh do you still still that's still going on and then today you finally tell me like oh that looks kind of bad yeah i mean i don't know like after day one i'm like oh it's an ant bite but now day two i'm like oh that's like actually pretty severe yeah i know i support you let it be known that i am fierce i got you all sorts of like waters and ice packs and things last night as you were like suffering in bed i helped soothe you to sleep while you were tossing and turning worried about your bite in bed right i know i've helped you check no joke i have helped you identify this as a fire ant bite no less than five times like stephanie's like are you sure it looks like and i'm like look let's look again dude let's pull up the oh look i'm not seeing the ring the brown right if you the way you're like oh matt's making fun of me no i've been very supportive thank you very much let's play a video to your husband hey the only so hey the only thing scarier than fire ants and their bites is uh the game developer who made welcome to the game which i as loyal gt live viewers know is the game that traumatized me for a series of months like a couple years ago welcome to the game two a little bit less so um we didn't play too much of it yeah largely because i thought the mechanics were [Music] more difficult and a little bit just like too tedious for my taste and so that coupled with the fact that the previous game had traumatized me when we played it too much too seriously yeah i'm like you know what this one probably isn't worth it so we kind of let that one wash away uh but that team is back with scrutinized i'm so concerned matthew was seriously so traumatized for weeks after we played that game so i'm just hoping i'm just really hoping that this one is not quite the same and and i've seen this so i will say i've seen this one jumping around to the various channels uh online and i know that we're late to the game welcome to the game late uh this time uh as we so often are but this one in particular but i don't know when matt brought it up it's like hey have you heard of this game i'm like yes let's let's at least try it i'm curious yeah cause the thing is the games are interesting like regardless of what it does to my psyche the games themselves are very different very unique and uh deliver a very different gameplay experience exactly than anything else that we play than anything else that's really on the market which is why we pay attention uh to these games in particular yeah uh so it's it's worth trying right so no promises doubt we'll be able to finish it because rare like they're not easy games now we didn't finish welcome to the game we didn't finish welcome to the game too i doubt we'll finish this but it's worth diving into and just getting an initial impression well give it a try we'll tell you guys what we think if you guys really like it we can play a little more or whatever but yeah these games are notoriously difficult and they're actually really hard and to get to the level of ability that you need to get to in order to beat them at least in the past ones it's like ah it's not it's not really worth it for me yeah especially when the ending is you wound up in a torture chamber congratulations and it's like because i've seen the endings of welcome to the game one and two and yeah they're not they're not they're not nice they're not feel good like you get what you came for right if welcome to game one was all about surf the deep web to find like a torture website congratulations you surfed the deep web and you got a torture website so yeah some of the things that you that weird even for me and i was not nearly as affected by it like even for me some of the stuff that we like read and came across in welcome to the game i still like have to actively avoid thinking about it's very disturbing it's a disturbance it's a disturbing game and it's because it's rooted in reality so i don't know i've seen this one circulating i know it's by the same team i don't know much about it honestly so just when matt's like are you doing it i'm like uh sure why not uh so let's give it a shot let's see how it goes all right judging by this delightful gentleman on the front cover uh you know he's ready to party he's got a beautiful tattoo of uh what is that st peter's mosque uh cathedral cathedral sorry yes yes definitely yeah definitely not saint peter's cathedral right it kind of looks like it uh it looks like from russia yeah yeah right it's definitely russian yeah all right it's not a name for a game okay casual no permadeath oh permadeath five nights for a casual experience oh this is perma-death nights total let's do casual i don't nightmare detective mode no threat seven nights total for those who just want to solve cases i kind of like solving cases let's do casual first and then maybe we try detecting no perma death five nights total for a casual okay let's do that no threats is kind of nice i see solving cases now you're now it's just a puzzle adventure game oh no but in all legitimacy i already appreciate that so uh thank you developers for actually including a different like this is actually perfect a different mouse it makes it feel like they've been listed they've listened to us or maybe like the overall outcry about their past games yeah i actually love that so let's do casual move no permit at all but five nights total for a casual experience five nights don't never hurt don't don't do it don't do it don't do it steph oh hello when she was a kid luna aspired to be a superhero not the ones in skin tight suits that could fly but the ones that identified connections where others didn't she wanted x-ray vision to observe criminals when they try to hide from the law in supersonic hearing there's no mischievous talks then a measure of heightened strength to restrain the guys bigger than her this was all she craved when she was a child as she became older ambitions took a more holistic approach which seemed in direct opposition to the surreal tone the news took the facts became the new dystopian fiction the world grew louder each year apparently more violent or more visible than the year before her generation grew up looking to cull the increasingly violent trends that saw mass incarcerations drug wars and serial killers studying to gain notoriety luna took the analytical route in her quest for justice feeling more at home processing case files evidence and connecting dots her cousin sister almost enrolled in the academy and became an officer of the law even extended family no matter how far away seemed to gravitate towards law enforcement almost as if it were in her blood a murderer becomes a serial killer with just two more kills a co-worker informed her over scones and cops not the difference this one had three total that day but that number hit double digits soon enough accumulating corpses of officers criminal lawyers and several field investigators through a growing pile of victims a very descriptive news on tv they're coming to eyeballs ran the blue blood killer 24 7 luna knew about the local serial killer more so than most thanks to all the overtime spent processing corroborative evidence for their many crimes however it still felt more like gossip and fabricated plot points at least until that phone call made something so artificial in actuality the call came in the middle of the night as unexpected as a bullet in the dark her cousin the exemplar of a police officer had been killed tragically common traffic stop gone wrong or armed robber with a weighted pistol maybe luna could have mourned and pushed on but it wasn't any run-of-the-mill incident that was so characteristic of headlines no it wasn't that because life don't adjust your television officer sarah youngman revered by all that mattered died at the hands of the blue blood killer who he was or who they were remained an enigma despite their murder spree eroding through states counties and homes but more than the long list of confirmed victims and possible connections luna herself had registered and slept away from the monster killed sarah somehow that turned the bogeyman into a living breathing threat no longer was this tyrant a thing she filed at the end of the day it wasn't an obsession of the media he was here and if not in the literal sense then definitely in her mind this realization at her for months after the real morning faded luna's acceptance stage barely registered before she fell swiftly to anger once again oh man oh there it have ourselves a is who killed the sweetest woman in the world despite so-called dirty cops walking free luna needed justice what was it about her cousin that triggered this killer in the first place could it be that she stood for everything a cop should be a perfect example of morality protectiveness mentality and heart officer young man that's how you really feel i have a feeling we're going to reveal that she was probably corrupt yeah i i feel like she was day in and day out she spent the connections she built up through work and rowdy christmas parties to see if there was something no one else saw cop friends that never steered her wrong came up empty-handed family members with careers leading to closer to the real action actual gameplay but there were none she's going to hunt for a man's killer she resolved to chew her boss no this is actually a visual this is super casual i wish then they would show the other something other than the backs of people's heads the district attorney's office had its perks but it only teased her for all the good it did with building an idea of who this killer was her boss knew what she was after but he followed the rules as strictly as luna did being shut down by him just meant there was one less layer between a law abiding okay great she's got it she's gotta cut through some red tape let's go with each denied application outside her classification luna saw the justice system's holes appear and broaden sometimes the law hindered what mattered progress couldn't always continue behind red tape and protocol perhaps in cases like these rules were meant to be budged maybe she couldn't talk her way into databases and case folders maybe it wasn't so easy as to read reports on other videos yes luna respected the law and she would uphold it as sarah would have wanted oh she could get herself a staple gun she called in sick made flyers and pinned them around town she started a neighborhood watch that day and by the next day at work luna couldn't think of anything else it started with one report then two then three and four and more before she realized what was happening her small network of retired cops and nosy neighbors had become a full-on crime watch program oh man she's starting big brothers basically she's just into town this is 1984 that she's creating too much oh yeah for the hundreds of thousands of people less prepared and next door luna felt that a couple of sleepless nights was the least she could do luna had to get her answers somehow oh god can we play the game now so okay a bit a bit thick tldr luna is a detective you can even turn off jump scares that's hey look there's an options menu matt huh i wonder if there's subtitles in that options menu where you know i should get to my computer and get the night started so come here great where's the options great here's option game subtitles okay so real quick uh just an assessment of everything that we just listened to since you know we couldn't read it because someone didn't turn on subtitles uh not saying any names but you know that was so long by the way no so here's the thing right it's a bit heavy-handed it's a bit thick yeah as someone who and we've talked a lot at the beginning of this game at this of this video right about our history with kind of the these games and and this game maker yeah um i appreciate that it's not us in the seat right i appreciate that they're giving us a personality yeah they're giving us us which gives me distance yeah it gives you a little separation from what's going on when this person undergoes like whatever horrific thing is going to happen to her when we ultimately fail the mission that we're supposed to do absolutely like i appreciate that there is beating it over your head a bit heavy though like you know that's all right it was a lot it's like okay oh my gosh three sentences to reaffirm everything but that's good but good i like where the story is headed i have a feeling that we're gonna find out that i think we're gonna find out that the cousin was not as squeaky clean as um we'd hoped yeah she's the cousin's not gonna be squeaky i also clean a feeling that our neighborhood watch program is gonna horrifically fail us in some way or or we're gonna like start losing people like we're gonna be responsible for the deaths of innocent people when they start to like die off bathroom oh what a nice bathroom look at that marble counter this is a really nice marble wowza my beautiful decoration here right very nice this is a recent flip yeah i was gonna say this this feels like a recent flip someone invested in this and then up upgraded everything yeah yeah yeah oh hello it's one of those games okay okay so we're gonna have to do that you have to do something scary eventually come on no why does every horror game require you to do something scary i can't imagine why a horror game would be scary there we go okay so here oh hello yeah why why would you choose this as your art and also you i saw that vase in the other room you're reusing it already come on it goes together steph it's all part of the decor there's a right click or e that i'm supposed to be using here because right click is for some things and e is for other things oh that's weird oh hey i got the flashlight oh my flashlight so we're already avoiding like the big trap okay this is where our modem and router is that's gonna be good to remember right as these someone's gonna unplug that eventually as these games have always showed us that's gonna become important later okay i'm gonna leave this door open just because yeah we're gonna want to come back to that one the the distance that i need to be from things is a bit tricky okay can i read this can i not i cannot the hacker playbook i've got a lot of hackers right just call me johnny christmas because i'd be hacking up in here what do we got here yeah locked door and it's in my own house so okay great you look there so this is the other side of the bathroom i'll keep that one just leave your doors open for now i think i have to place my modem for like optimal placement and all that but remember that that was something there was a lot of mechanics welcome to the game too like it was a bit it was it was intense it was intense oh just clean up and tell your roommates so you got to clean up after themselves you know a little knife might be helpful hello oh geez i got him on my oh man see this is uh hair does he have hair don't know he does have a beanie hat though right that's a crucial clue that's the one that's going to get us the beanie hat face mask black lashes all right i don't know oh my gosh too too close too close focal distance serial number zero eights oh we're going to have to remember this n plus t over r oh yeah this is all going to be important at some point anything else pretty good there with thermostat nice 72 oh cool 72. nothing with the curtains so i don't have to do like the whole like pull the curtain yeah what's your ideal thermostat temperature matthew uh i like it at a 76 i think or like a maybe a 75 yeah 70 70 and 75 and lower it can start so you get a bit cold yeah all right let's let's log in like i think 75 is a good temperature do you sleep with that 75 yeah yeah that's crazy why what do you need it's like so hot really for sleeping yeah i mean so in winter we have it at like 68. but in summer yeah like 75. all right luna two contacts what do you sleep at i don't want to talk about it no really no i know we have to go no you you invited this question like 69 is like 68.69 it's like ideal yeah really do you like to have your face feel chilly is that what it is sorry i'm trying to play the game again i don't care i'm sorry i'm trying to did i know that this is a very read heavy game so no please continue your conversation that completely deviates from what we're talking about oh and wow and 669 and a fan well in the winter when like it's just cold are you sleeping in like down pajamas six blankets oh my gosh that's nuts bad for my skin but yeah i like it a little warmer and i don't like really heavy blankets all right let's all right it's already 9 31 p.m thanks everyone cool luna hey lights around my home are randomly turning off without me touching any of the switches oh also i believe my security camera light on too long the breaker trips okay security camera light too long i'd like to quote soon as possible uh getting it sorted out okay i'm super busy the next few weeks in the meantime i suggest flicking the light switches on and off a few times to get them to turn on there's probably a short loose wiring that has been causing the lights to turn off okay so we gotta flick the light switches if the lights go out okay for the camera light limit your use to shorter bursts to avoid flipping the breaker it sounds like it's drawing more power than your breaker is rated for diagnosis above our assumptions huh i can't give you a quote unfortunately without coming to your home yep okay god yeah don't worry about your security yeah wait what that's crazy last night i thought i heard something outside my house so i promptly checked my security cameras to see what it was and i saw a strange man creeping around i'm sure of what this person was doing snooping around outside i shined the camera light on them to get a better look at who it was after uh after clearly being caught he ran off but after checking the footage a couple times his face seems so familiar it dawned on me uh after the fact that he matched the description of the man police are after for a murder oh jeez it's our duty as members of the watch to keep the community safe and aware of what's going on i recommend everyone shares this message to monitor your camera and if available use your camera light to deter any suspicious persons away from your property yikes oh no as of today we've notified the agency about a potential suspect we believe is involved in a trafficking ring our suspicion comes from the disappearance of a number of female victims and an eyewitness account of wow great one woman who was able to escape you know that the man operates alone and at night specifically he's around six foot tall bald white medium build probably has a forum tattoo of the cathedral yeah the same petersburg cathedral yeah peter's saying basil's does it say basils it's basically right well correct me it's in st petersburg though it's in yeah it's insane it's one of the ones that we haven't visited yeah no i i just i don't know i i figured you'd figure it out you can tell me that stuff it's okay you won't hurt my feelings we'd like man i am reading these at the slowest possible rate uh we'd like to stress that this message specifically is for women uh you could be the next target based on yeah he's going to come get me oh no it seems he's looking to kidnap women exclusively it's also come to my attention that the builder who developed many of the homes in this area cut some corners many of the reports point to compromised window locking oh great as a culprit behind the unwanted entries security is key leave your lights on ensure your windows are locked up great what oh this sucks what oh no oh man my window's locked how do i know my windows are locked oh no that is definitely an open window can i lock it how do i lock the window no lock the window lock it can i not lock it at least to like give me a vague sense of it being locked oh oh yeah put that down oh geez that is just open and loud damn it okay is this locked this is in a locked looking position right so how do i do my security light oh no okay so flick that a couple times okay what oh my gosh there's so many entry points oh right there's so many entry points oh why are all these open they're all open well because someone doesn't have the thermostat right you have the thermostat turned to 72 but you have all the windows open what do you expect are you air conditioning the neighborhood jesus yes are we heating the world right now i kept that bathroom door open and now it's shut that doesn't bode well right i'm not just imagining that the fact that my bathroom doors open is uh no we left them all open i know and it closed oh yeah that was not good why doesn't it open from this way great do i just walk into it is that what it is sorry i'm no oh yeah no i do i just have to like shove my face into it and then it'll open for me oh hello oh wait oh dark scary room oh hello derek scary room oh that window is open yeah get that window closed yeah this is cheese dark scary room window hi oh this is nobody knows can i hold this oh yeah it looks like there's a light on okay there we go man oh this is yeah see that's why this game messed with me last time that's why it freaked me out okay here's the break okay the breakers it's good to know where those are okay breakers right anything about home invasion is just terrifying it's awful yeah it's the worst one by the fbi that's why my parents had to tell me about santa claus tell you what that he's magical and and exist yeah absolutely i definitely thought that if santa could get in then so could home invaders i was very concerned about invaders so what do we got we got six four one two things that we need report desk okay okay social spy oh name or alias okay so we got to figure out how to log in i guess okay debit card hmm upgrades we can buy oh instant social search debit search police search okay so oh we got the bitcoin we got a mine for bitcoin oh geez dmv database oh that's cool okay sim sim database oh we have a lot of stuff huh we do records police records for name wow and the security oh security camera okay and what's this do okay changes oh that okay security camera no that's not what i wanted connecting can i turn oh it's just different ones yeah i think you have three right it seems like i have three okay oh did i already break the break yeah i think you switched this whoa hey well damn i'll resume your flashlight how do i sleep out how do i escape out right what happened again so i will say that this was my problem with uh welcome to game two oh there it is okay wait you got something going on in the corner there you go turn on the flashlight oh god go check the breaker see this this is this is kind of the worst there you go okay great well cool maybe just keep checking windows right the thing is though we're never going to get anything done that's always our problem with this game is that we don't get stuff done i know because we're so paranoid about everything else so how do we make money even in casual see this is why we need detective mode we just want to solve the cases we just okay that's all we want we just want to solve cases so how do we make money right how do we make money and how what do we start with here that's the question we have this thing over here right okay so do we enter that somewhere so this is our serial number and trace trace route trace router zero eight seven one two seven two four one remember that what is it zero eight seven one i'll remember zero eight seven one two seven two four eight seven one zero one okay all right two seven two four one okay so serial number is that records what would that be no sim database serial number what do we think it is i don't think it's any of these right oh hello wait i'm out wait it died again why did it die so make sense oh no oh we're so dead or something right right why did i just start it on my computer right oh i gotta flick the light i guess oh yeah cause the lights are working in here right well that just sucks there you go oh man oh this is terrifying oh man they're out in there this is the worst oh come on right we're not very not making any progress see let me just solve my mysteries man see this is why we need detective mode there you go okay this is why we're all about that detective mode man what's in that is that a front hall closet there behind you yeah all right okay clearly a place to hide geez door's still locked so can i open any of these it's just he's just setting the scene okay oh wait there's stuff at the bottom of the computer hold up oh what am i can i look at them can i zoom in can i sit down like those post-it notes are gonna be okay can you sit down and kind of just like lean your head down a little bit excuse me while i fumble over nope can i look down maybe they're not important i don't know no you would think that they would be right usually all the sticky notes and stuff in this game are important oh shoot do we know how to play this we certainly do not clearly clearly we do not know how to play this uh oh what was that what was that sound is there a sound it's hard to hear over the obnoxious sound of the tricaster tricaster i'm just gonna weave it up a little bit the tricaster is just wheezing sound was such a huge part of of the last one but seriously like i need to be able to see something right are there sounds i'm sure there's sounds i'm sure there's everything right now and we're again matt do you know what we do to start i do not okay of course he doesn't you didn't know that there were subtitles i mean we have a serial number that we can put into things and we have some names i guess here what names do we have so we have a guy's face and we have this guy also doesn't have a name great so we have two we have people we have descriptions we have like data driver's license database description that we can then get a name from and then plug into the name what do we need well we have those descriptions yeah but the descriptions aren't giving us anything oh no right we just have to like you can't plug any description thing no there is there's one of the dmv do you do the dmv one dmv middle it's in the one in the middle there you go look age height weight gender hair color someone just walked in really yeah is that what we gotta do ball i don't know uh female victim six foot tall bald white medium build okay okay six foot tall six six six six uh hair eye color we don't know anything i don't know any of that medium medium build forearm tattoo he looks uh about what 35 40. 40. yeah okay 40. no internet connect oh shoot is that maybe this is just the tutorial maybe that's what's going on here uh right and when does the night end like how long is this night nights these are forever stuff okay no internet connection so that means we got to go to the bedroom was it this bedroom no oh yeah you're right oh i gotta restart it because everything is failing in this house right now and then we get to sit here and watch it as it looks great awesome man all the excitement of rebooting your own router why would you live in an apartment that has electricity that's this bad stephanie cop salaries or whatever she is now private investigators actually this is a really i guess this is a house this isn't an apartment yeah i know it's a big is that a knock no that's my feet on the floor again it's hard to hear over the sound of the wheezing track wheezing tricaster which for whatever reason is just struggling mightily right now okay uh where's our security camera here i hate the fact that i have to like turn on the light maybe just slash it real quick all right guess it's okay it seems like everything's fine how do i escape out right click right click nope e not e come on how do i get out please give me just give me some like idea of how to do this stuff just a simple tutorial would would suffice so nicely i would love just a tutorial of some form right how do we get out of here how did you do it last time i hit a bunch of buttons oh geez right it should not be this hard especially escape nope don't do it i feel like such an idiot playing these games and i felt the same way about it welcome to the game too but i do you have to go out from like the main camera or something i'm i don't oh it's the down i think down disconnects okay which doesn't make a whole lot okay all right sure we're gonna have to go restart the we're gonna have to go flip a switch now i have a feeling i think so uh oh hey no light stayed on how exciting great well we have accomplished literally nothing less than nothing can we look at anything else on the board that we could enter in here we go here we got four guys okay 29.45 okay brandon clinton that's not him no look at oh here the russian one alexander dostoyevsky oh alexander dostoevsky good one let's try that 45. okay so where's do we have something for alexander yeah we should enter him into the thing i thought i heard something i thought i heard some okay just paranoid okay stephanie enter his name in okay for police records into police records yeah i think so alex zane caps doesn't matter right right now alexander oh yeah no i wasn't kidding there you go location redacted redacted this report was uh filed at an earlier date but was determined to be false or incorrect as a result it was removed from the database okay well that's not helpful in this scenario but if we put in him into some of the other databases what's a sim database that would be his like cell phone records oh let's try that wow i don't have his name oh it is just his name oh i thought it was all of these are names oh that's interesting what's that is that it says i am mei obviously stephanie no idea yeah i figured that's not right it says name yeah put his name in divine imei amy is like your sim number okay right that's right i figured it's a sim code gas station okay gas station wow we can get a lot of information on it whoa that's very exciting imagine what people can find out about you social spy no results so maybe it's his alias because everyone has a facebook account nope okay so he doesn't exist as a human being we'll need to find another alias social spy records what can we root kit him with oh oh there it is imei there we go see look okay good we're figuring it out crack oh oh uh we got to figure out how to hack things yeah clearly oh okay hacking for dummies we have all those books only we could read them if only we could read them so that would be useful how do we earn money right do we have any money no no certainly not how do we earn money report desk still don't know what those do great social spy we have debit card sim we know records so we have an idea of what some of these things do okay look and now we know how to get we're getting better so good we're so good we're so good at this okay he's so good uh he seems like a good candidate he does so we gotta figure out the other ones just look at him sure jim jim looks a bit old looks like a grandpa jim knobwood oh he has an oh no alias okay and hodges it could be looks like about the right age okay let's try it what was that oh no i think i just took a photo accidentally i think i hit the wrong button oh photo oh unclear right i'm like oh what's that okay john hodges john hodges search k enter doesn't work fantastic what do we got show me um here we go john hodge's mail 54 hunting lessons if you want to sign up give me a message and i'll shoot you the details whatever can be hunted is meant to be hunted no exceptions hmm that's concerning honestly i shouldn't even be social it shouldn't be social media i don't need everyone knowing what i'm doing why i'm except for me the less people i have watching then don't post right you're posting a lot for someone who doesn't want a lot of people knowing what they're doing living in big cities don't realize that what we do just isn't sport it's a way of life okay been thinking about hunting down some different game switch up my variety been improving my hunting i think he's too obvious i think so i think he's a little i mean that all points to like oh he's going to hunt people but also like it's pretty obvious we'll say the russian tattoo seems it seems more of a dostoyevsky item two glass jars oh he went to target whiskey guns and gadgets he did go to chemical supply hunting like maybe like like maybe for kidnapping people oh the chemical supply yeah that is yeah that doesn't work embalming fluid yeah that sounds pre-diluted ammonia respiratory mask hmm that's concerning balling fluid though could be gonna say he's a hunter though don't you know he might be mounting stuff i was gonna say don't you need to embalm like no you wouldn't involve something you're gonna eat report quota not met what how are we how do we do reports what i don't understand this game i i don't either they thought we were doing well and then the game ended because we failed whoops they gave you a longer intro than they gave you time to actually play the game right they're like they're like here's a 20-minute long dissertation about what you're about to play let's try again i guess let's do our report here's here's here's the war and piece of opening setup stories for an indie developed game and here's your five minutes of figure out what you're playing and how to do it right i'm so confused right right matt you you see what we're dealing with here right and of course the comments below are going to be like those idiots it's so obvious you guys are going to be like oh dude i know i know i cannot see and again this is one of those things that i think is is valuable for indie developers to see and hear which is we're going in like a normal gamer like not a normal gamer we're going in with above average gameplay experience right like we play a decent amount of games from a wide variety of different we can't figure out the budget and when when we can't figure out the buttons or like the basic mechanics maybe a little bit more just a little bit more it doesn't have to be over the head yeah you don't have to be fee from legend of zelda skyward sword you don't have to let me know every time i pick up a nut that i can use that nut to craft whatever potion like i don't care i got it after the first time thank you very much but like just one time some guidance around like or just a more easy walkthrough let's try again let's try again let's figure out matt can you figure out how we do a report i can't even continue because they've just booted me they're they're like there's no permadeath but there is boring the game to death right they're like five nights five nights total nobody can't even get through like you didn't even get us through one night no no five nights total just go just go who knew there was a quote there's nothing about quotas right what is there a quota for what what's a report can we just do detective mode no no matthew i know that you're trying to escape it this is we're going to play the actual game we are in casual cats here do you want to skip the intro yes oh my gosh look there's subtitles this time though they don't even know doesn't even know don't even know night one night one all you get we're gonna make it through night one i should go to michael's livestream and get the night started well let's do that then let me walk through the bathroom who says you can't die in night one well we proved you're wrong right click on that friend okay here we go i figured out how to do reports okay how do you do reports what what does it involve there's a thing okay so we read the emails we read the emails we checked out the bolos okay so to check them out so we have to make more assumptions than we're doing and i think that's our mistake right so our mistake right now is check out these guys right so our mistake was that we were expecting there to actually be stuff we were expecting there to be more than there is i think is is the challenge that we have right so you were right the first time which is that what we need to do is describe this guy right so well this one doesn't have it but the other bowl this one we can bolo it up right right so this guy was we thought he was about 40 40 height was six foot right if he's still the same yeah okay six foot we don't know weight we know he's male and we know he's bald okay so you were right we have to kind of make some assumptions and start figuring it out okay based on this okay so we've got brandon clinton we've got alexander dolph stoyevsky we've got jim hodges and we've got jim knobwood right t okay none of these really match the guy in question like his i don't know dostoyevsky's okay okay so we got his identification cards so now we type them in right social spy right yes or into police records or something where do we type them in matt i mean we could do either the thing is we type them into all right and i'm assuming what we have to do is find enough evidence to submit that report right death isn't something we should be afraid of it's not the end but the beginning of a new stage the next stage of existence oh great oh boy okay do not mourn for your dead uh great we wish them the best he's a little morbid one of the points of our faith is that death is only a transition in the next stage of existence okay so he's got a lot of creepy stuff there you're welcome to contact us at the number oh he has a phone number stay strong and hold on alec watches over you in good times and bad times who i mean alec great alec obviously alec the angel of enlightenment ah that's gonna be concerning the future is something that we cannot stop but can influence okay okay so brandon's a bit of a creepy but now we know his all of his information which is good here are police records let's look at brandon yeah brandon clinton okay okay at 4 30 a.m 17 year old clinton was pulled over for a broken vanity light once i reached the vehicle to smell marijuana clinton refused a vehicle search with the odor of narcotics light uh drug paraphernalia was located between the driver's seat in the middle okay okay uh i arrested him he was processed and written he tested positive for various drugs he didn't give us an address so he had a young drug republican i was going to say he has a juvenile record specifically exciting there let's see his debit for robes of the alicatanic community book of alec banner of alex so he's really into the alley really he's really into this like cult that he belongs to yes which is fair whatever okay so now it's so we've got this we don't know how to hack that that's the one thing we don't know we might want to try and figure that out like give it another shot i don't know if there's any harm in like just trying okay let's see yeah so [Music] you just yes there oh and so you just guess around okay so again we we're over thinking of it like it's a little bit more guesswork than we expected okay uh death pictures quotes about life and death uh the community church houses for sale in the area books about alec okay technology course okay that's creepy pictures okay he's got some oh fun party i'm gonna say they're just concert pictures yeah just like emo pictures text convo brother tom okay signing on the internet i'd like to ask your advice my mother died of cancer i would like your advice thank you for turning to us i'm sorry for your loss help you with grief stay strong after every dark night okay this doesn't seem like our guy well does she disappear my name is alexa martin so did alexa martin disappear was she part of the trade is the question right right forum tattoo we'd like to stress that he's specifically women doesn't name anyone but he does meet her right just want to let you know that we're getting together saturday at my place okay don't be a stranger friendly as always make sure you bring your robe okay so he's just he's into a cult for sure yeah he's into some weird stuff but as far as is he you know something really severe it doesn't seem like it doesn't really seem like it doesn't can we file a report on him matt yeah you i'm not sure where it is there is a place where you you open suspicious person reports and then you find evidence using all of those little websites okay file those and then those i think are like how you gain progress towards the end okay got it so should we file one on him first okay so he has no police record john hodges okay i don't want to like file random police reports on everyone like that just seems weird they give you suspicious person reports and then you use that oh where are those suspicious person reports then here one sec let's see here let's do this here now that we know roughly how to do this right so there's a period of time where you can't get it okay or maybe you only get it once no i'm feeling it probably resets after a little while right let's work on the other report and then so then we at least have one in so report desk yeah so i've got this thing no that's if i write so right click just gets me out okay so again so if you double click the sheet of paper oh i've gotta double click it maybe nope nope can you click and drag oh yeah okay oh what okay so and again this goes to like one of i would never have thought to click and drag because everything else is click or right click okay so we click again so drag it to like the developers this is just one of those things where okay oh here geez oh see and again how would we have no wait what suspicious person wanda francis female my nine-year-old daughter missy didn't come home from school two days ago i think my mother may be the one to blame it's been a couple of years oh i need my child home thank you okay so evidence so we need to find wanda francis i guess yeah i guess so okay oh my gosh this oh my gosh there's so many tabs open this is very stressful so what do i do with this then again this is one of those things where like i you tell me i think we close these out for now we'll cut and what's this do so that's how you file the report so i put a blue thing right okay so once this is here you put it in and then it's yeah so you click and drag your evidence and stuff onto the document okay see yeah that makes sense okay okay so okay just search her name wanda francis got one of francis oh she got a circuit t hey oh iphone refurbished iphone hmm the ron clearly mondo mart gummy bears internet went out again fruity pop oh yeah she's getting she's getting stuff for a kid i'm gonna shut this window because oh yeah absolutely both of them here we go all right this went out let's fix this wherever that light switch is wherever that light switch is there we go okay we can also shut the window in there the internet's back here right yeah also it feels like some i have to use eon and some like you have to click i know you're saying that before i think we just click this and then it'll reset on its own well this resets and i have to stand here then just oh you do yeah yeah i cannot i cannot move gosh come on which is very strange you would think that yeah this would be a time to like start walking back or do other tasks close the window or not my window's open or it's closed no it's closed closed otherwise you would hear the chirping the chirping oh i didn't hear i can't hear it okay all right yeah okay fine geez i'm just concerned i have a feeling it's once we're on the case for the other two guys that's when we're gonna be in trouble yeah i think that that's the guys who are like wanda i don't think is gonna do anything okay so wanda so she has so we know that she's getting some pops and things yep uh police records for wanda france no for wanda francis wanda francis nothing okay hey wanda francis no results okay she is five foot she is how old 65 ish okay 65-ish come on 60 sure uh five foot brown brown weights do we know her weight oh my okay what female brown and brown okay okay oh my gosh there's so many just find her name all you find her name no she might have an alias stuff wanda i think you gotta look for someone who's old wanda wanda francis there she is okay fine all right drag her in four eleven four eleven oh she's even shorter than me that's sort of that's almost as sure as my mom identification okay you got that so evidence her i'm assuming it's the debit yeah right you could also try to tap her phone that's true i was going to say we could do the phone right maybe she just likes icy pops yeah it's true she might just like icy pops i like icy pops i i respect that but yeah let's try and do wanda francis see so this is clearly the tutorial case right yeah which is good but at the same time how did we know to unlock that oh there we go okay good search history uh turning off location services on cell phones uh-oh who apparently didn't turn off search search history best cookie recipes hobbies that help you relax okay pictures cookies small child sleeping that's great that's not good that's concerning text convo where's missy she isn't home give me my daughter back i don't know who this is it's caroline what about what is your mother-in-law sweet girl like missy deserves better than a like you wait what i don't believe that's what i said don't contact me i don't have your daughter is what she says there he does text with missy though hi sweetheart grandma's picking up school please come outside and meet me i'm in a silver car huh uh uh i have a surprise for you oh no way missy hasn't shown up i'm afraid i have no idea oh yeah okay so yes this is oh this is it totally okay good now we submit this yes huzzah so submit go activate do we drag it over the report drag the blue thing i feel good about this we have one of one so do i exit out of it okay i x out of it see no wait and i shredded it it's a shredder it's a shredder it's a shred well we have it open no now we got brandon clinton wait did i submit it or no do we submit it is the blue thing a submission that was a shredder i think we shredded it seems to me i think any of your stats on the top corner change oh yeah oh yeah one of two one of six one of six was rejected wait what i think okay i think i got it i think we're supposed to either confirm i think that this is what it is so we have four things that we have to check out tonight i'm i'm assuming okay we can say no or something to multiple of them like this looks like a thumbs down right and this looks like a are you sure i don't i no of course not wait but i know does it give you anything is there any pop-up if you scroll over it like a little information will pop up scroll over the actual icon where is my mouse steph i thought i saw one pop up earlier sorry maybe it's like the shredder is like you can't find evidence yeah i think the shredder is dismiss the case it doesn't exist but we found the evidence we did we found evidence on that one so we should have called it in right we failed here we're doing it one more time we're doing it one more time we are determined to save some element of this we're doing it one more time we know how to get wanda we're gonna this is speed run time oh but yeah this is the thing guys and and and again i hope that this feedback goes to developer at some point we're we're figuring it out we're trying so hard it's some basic mechanics that are missing right now that like that when you have to restart the game like three times to figure out what the basic mechanics are that's tough and when everything is based on clicking suddenly expecting me to drag and drop files right it's not intuitive okay it's not intuitive okay i should get to my computer and get the night started yes let's do that i'm also bummed that i can't run right okay so i'm really excited to get to work what's wrong with you oh that was up okay close there you go okay why won't you close okay so we have an idea report desk see read the email and check out those bolos we did that but it would but at no point was it i should open up my report desk and check out my reports right okay so we did the things that we were supposed to do all right okay okay okay i'm just saying again given positive feedback here or cons hopefully constructive criticism debit sim card records and root kit okay okay let's do it one more time oh it's someone different yeah it's sylvia it's their they're just randomly generated okay sylvia osborne oh we know nothing about her okay search sylvia osborne no transactions found sylvia asked me to can i find an immediate okay so she has a nickname clearly yep a police record thing isn't it sylvia's asked me to come oh god has asked me to come over and check out her water pump in the garage apparently the reason her grass has been less than ideal that the unit was leaking and the irrigation okay great i heard muffled sounds coming from her attic wow not too far away from the palm maybe 12 feet of most i myself turned our attic into a rec center for the boys i thought perhaps she left a tv on but when i stepped over to investigate she came back with some lemonade her mood changed when she saw me standing beside the stairs for the rest of the time that i was there she hovered over me she didn't say so it feels pretty lame yeah as a doesn't seem like they've got a case here but okay but we should do the search right so she's she's unknown in a lot of cases exactly so i'm thinking we actually try social spy to see if we can get more information about her i thought i did okay so she's like nowhere to be did i spell it right silvia that's why oh that's why i spelled it wrong sills i i supplied it slivia oh which again give me give me a communion okay party place general supplies gore bunny latex mask uh-oh is she vani she's just into weird she's manny from fnaf isn't she microprocessor battery charger candle single-use razer campers axe no she's just into kinky stuff no she's totally fanny vanny from the newfoundland game that's why she didn't want him to go up to the attic yeah there it is okay there's her thing no results is that her alias then nope okay okay she's just not on social get her sim yeah no police records yeah she's got nothing i don't know i'm telling you i think she's fanny also we just need to get her driver's license so we can put it on there shoot well that didn't work at all i think we're gonna we're gonna shred this one anyway and she's it's it's clear that she's not she has an accent a gory mask stephanie no acts in a gory mascara okay that's not it okay so we've rejected one drag and drop okay uh what do we got we've got maria i heard a loud pop like a gunshot from maria and gill's house okay she just buys organic food it's suspicious suspicious those kids have been arguing if they own a gun but i don't know what else could have been they seem pretty liberal both of them that was okay this seems like another false one but okay we'll look into it i guess can i just can i just hit enter i wish i know all right does it work up both i guess no all right are we getting another one where it's just like nothing oh my gosh age uh 15 heights five six five six great weight we 150 pounds great gender female black and brown black hair and brown okay okay okay maria betances there she is she's not 15. yeah she is definitely 30. drag it that's her identification card yeah um but now what we can't find anything else on her uh what about the her cracker phone okay sure what was the situation oh yeah okay i think i heard a gunshot all right okay so there's that where is this sim database then rootkit is where we go okay the internet went out again well then i'm not gonna be able to do this right is there a method to this at all i feel like there's gotta be right there's gotta be a secret right there's gotta be something that we're clearly doing wrong in regards to the rooting right but again i i don't think i can access any of the books where it tells me what to do hello scary poorly lit room right geez let me turn this this is so uh like i want us to succeed at this so badly right i do too i really want to i really want one to be submitted so we can just see how it works i just yeah right i just want that tiny victory again i appreciate you wanting to randomize the experience but the first one first should be that was great well yeah the first one should consistently be like the same thing so you can just figure it out right i don't think this is anything i think this is another i think all right oh i got 10 bitcoin first oh okay great mini mini how i feel wrong doing this i know mrs hugh works tirelessly to take care of her sick father-in-law lately she's been acting a touch strange okay maybe it's the stress of it all for who knows her father used to hire some of this new the neighborhood boys to mow the lawn since he couldn't i keep reading the neighborhood boys you know okay lousy lousy back and all right mr hugh decided decided to continue the tradition it seems she works as a florist you see prettiest flowers in the neighborhood the first boy she hired was my son nicholas nico went over mowed the lawn and accidentally stepped on one of her flower beds honest accident my nico would never be malicious on purpose this seems like another few have been watching him and when he stepped on the flower bed he told me it was like she flew right next to him her face changed into something truly evil he said and for a second he thought he was going she was going to hurt him is that her that was sylvia oh yeah uh you see minnie anyway he ran off my poor baby ran home okay for a baby for baby all right so i mean she again this doesn't feel like anything we're getting like a bunch of just losers this time again is there a method to this madness okay great well there's her thing put it on okay there's no evidence of anything again i'm i'm feeling a bit concerned okay when you get paid it's because you're right oh is that what it is that means we were wrong that means we were wrong on one of them but this also means that look we can upgrade to instant police search instant imei search yeah do that instant root kit crack you only get it one time though instant ime search yeah that's probably good yeah that's a good one what's the most useful one social no yeah although the police search might begin kenneth riley there's a rundown looking van at kenny's driveway here read it read it for us steph oh my eyes yeah there's a white rundown looking van at kenny's driveway since sunday it's it's leaking oil onto the sidewalk and smells like a restroom when i pass by on morning walks don't call it dog chain i sent my husband harold over to ask him to move the van oh that's not good he's got like a dog fighting ring in there on the neighbor's jogging room but he didn't answer his door despite knowing he's home ooh ice pick yeah this is not good bleach no no six things bleach yeah this is definitely bad news a big bay window on the front of his house i know he was there but he was not answering and it was starting to stink the rest of the street even the millions can smell it okay yeah yeah this is bad news please support totally killed someone responded to an anonymous call from so and so according to several eyewitnesses a caucasian man was seen assaulting a tow truck operator the victim fled to the second floor parking garage was assaulted by a tire iron oh yeah oh yeah okay so so drag that into evidence and drag the other thing into evidence too i think well it's not evidence of anything yeah because right well we're looking for a current crime no i know with the with the ice picks also like that i mean that's not evidence we need one piece of damning evidence is the thing oh that's the weird kid shoot okay yeah i know yeah thank you okay here's this thing usually it's the phone it seems like i don't know it seems like him buying all that stuff is not a good idea it's suspicious i also heard you lorraine that he's working under the hood of the van late at night i guess there's something wrong with it and that's why he's got to move it what is that game right why isn't there an email about how to learn how to do root kits instantly oh okay mail 50 to 60. six foot black and brown black and brown okay that's it right we don't know oh wait 265 yeah nice okay 275 we'll see great uh kenneth kenneth riley there we go okay boop boop ooh hello what's what's that do oh it's oh i get it okay so as soon as so you should start with the the oh because then it gives it to you because then it gives me this instantly great that's actually good to know that's good okay when's this re-login right when's this reset can we can we close it out and maybe open it up again maybe there you go maybe i don't know database i need so what do i do at this point have you tried the social yeah yeah the social hasn't been giving me back anything for some reason right it hasn't been giving me anything maybe it says it they say he doesn't have an alias right and i spelled it right because it's worked in everything else okay root kits ready again okay great there's got to be some something right okay got this yeah try extremes move faster i i i'm trying i know like what are we missing why is this thing like this did i i swear i clicked on all the like how to hack books but maybe right maybe i'm like some of them are finicky and so maybe like do i need to sit down at this and press an e right clicking you hear me clicking yep i don't know not the bathroom let's try let's try our police room okay what do we got spy secrets can save lives okay again all these books feel like i should be able to do something right here's the fuse that's here tactical crime analysis no what what oh i've been kidnapped um obviously i give up why damn it okay these games these games okay okay okay i think i think i think maybe maybe this is this is our episode it's our episode for now got a good jump scare at the end yeah that was that was a good job we almost managed to file a police report we almost managed to figure out how to play the game we turned on a lot of light switches reconnected a modem several times i if you weren't riveted by this i don't know i don't know what you're looking for shredded multiple sheets of digital paper i don't know i don't know i i like the fact that there's detective mode i i like the fact that there's a mode where you can just play the game and figure out how to play the game i do think that it is still a bit obs like it's a little scary i feel like we're not dumb i would hope that we're not dumb it feels like we are dumb it makes me feel like so dumb oh okay we gave it a really good college try i i need to take a break from this game yeah okay i think we need better yeah yeah we're gonna take a break from this one the thing is it's fun when you get when you feel like you're like making progress i like feeling like a detective i'm like oh we've got wanda we've got it we got her and then we shot it yeah because we didn't know how to file a report we shredded it they'll never find milly or whatever missy's gone nicki's gone into this can't even her name is lost you can't even remember her name and again like unless i'm completely missing stuff which maybe i am maybe all of this is shown somewhere somewhere i don't know but i feel like i'm following kind of what the game was leading me towards some there are actually games that we play when we like when i'm like we need like a manual for this or something yeah i think that this one is one and and i get like we live in a digital age here's the thing i get it we live in a digital age where i can go and tune in and eat bit ryan right now i'm sure he's played through the entire game i'm sure he got the bad ending the good ending and the completionist ending i guarantee that he did that i think uh corey uh corey x played it you know fine i could watch them yeah but i shouldn't have to and i think that's the thing is if i want to play a game blind i should just be able to hop in and within a couple of minutes figure out how to play the game and unless i'm dumb both this and welcome to the game were just very obscure in kind of the starter mechanics and you get off on the wrong foot and you're just off in a completely wrong direction it's just done and so i don't know all right i i like this one the best of them it feels like like this one feels like it has the most obvious initial gameplay it feels fun when you're doing things yeah okay hey good job good try we got kidnapped we'll be back good job got kidnapped yeah yeah getting sold into the slave trade oh jesus fantastic uh so anyway that's scrutinized it's got you can turn off jump scares and play detective mode both of which i think are great choices for anyone who wants to explore these games yeah but you know a lower risk environment yeah without being uh scarred psychologically like i was and have been in the past so uh until next time yeah thank you guys so much for watching we are gta live just kidnapped see you later bye hopefully see you next time you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 257,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrutinized, scrutinized ending, scrutinized jumpscares, scrutinized ending nightmare, scrutinized game, scary game, horror game, scary, horror, welcome to the game, welcome to the game 2, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, gtlive welcome to the game, gtlive welcome to the game 2, gtlive scrutinized
Id: 3mL66umIeBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 33sec (4653 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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