MatPat Meme Review 👏👏 Let The Cringe Begin!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ May 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys welcome to GT live or today we're doing something a little bit different what was that what put your content in the subreddit favorite it's the meme review song except with terrible lyrics and no production value whatsoever but blatantly ripped off of PewDiePie before trying to get people to meme that version of no I'm just saying that right now we have a standardized opening we have never done a meme review before we are doing a meme review today and true to the meme review format we need some sort of intro song that is different than our usual intro so we're gonna have some sort of me review intro we also probably need a hashtag that's like gty a why I see I see ie so hey today we're doing something a little bit different which is a meme review yes we are over a year late to this format but you know what so is our subreddit so there you go wait to be fair we are over a year late to this format but our subreddit was uh eaten like a year - a month late to this format and then us we're like 20 days late to this format because these started appearing on the subreddit 20 days ago like hanging around for a while and they just got like consolidated into the subreddit recently yeah it's become a thing so so this is something that I'm excited to try we are still obviously gonna it's gonna be rough though you've never done it before but um meme reviews right it's a popular thing on YouTube where people who follow a channel or it's a thing that the youngsters are doing where they basically send in you know jokes about their favorite country you're gonna be making fun of I don't know or something really old I guarantee there's a lot of math involved oh I think sanz's Ness might be to me is always thank you thank goodness okay so we'll basically hang out on the couch I'll pull these up and we'll just because we don't have anyone to live switch between them we'll just run through them yeah is like a zillion tabs that we have open on our computer yeah it'll be great so on the game theorist subreddit recently the moderators who do a phenomenal job they are the unsung heroes here they do a great great job you're singing now yeah you are unsung but now you are sung they do a great job I've never met them I've never talked with them but they do a great job of making sure that everything is you know nicely curated well moderated and do stuff like this so this is a recent thing that they started where they started doing fan art Fridays and meme Mondays meme meme Mondays and so I saw this appear on the game theater sub red and I'm like hey this is a fun thing let's try it let's say people liked it and maybe we can hop aboard this bandwagon a year late but get a lot of jokes at my expense that sounds great I feel like that's you know as a youtuber that's basically your life every time at your expense yeah make sense so there you go me and you know what if this takes off I'll get myself a tambourine and we can tambourine and I'll clap I'll give it clap reviews oh my good now we'll give it a serious point it's also nice to see a little bit of different stuff there so on the game theory subreddit usually it's just a bunch of theory suggestions 90% of which are staff yeah 10% of which are minecraft and then like that's all four is the one the other day I know I was like oh four is a theory this it's it reminded me of wall-e with the little sprout coming out of the boot it's like we must nurture must nurture you little boot sprout four is a theory your are much you're my little boot sprout Mario maker levels have been submitted a bunch too so that's that's kind of the new thing so anyway let's get into this let's see what we're talking about so if you want to support me Monday here you go oh that's a good one just another me Monday we're filling this on a Sunday at like 9:00 a.m. we are filming this on a Sunday and 9:00 in the morning it's actually 10 it was gonna be 9 yeah but the TriCaster took an hour oh you know the deal all right took an hour okay oh my god so here we go here's number one I haven't no I just like I just ran down and just opened up the tabs blind stop please more complicated I don't want to rewrite the time not against companies yeah I I feel this way yeah I was gonna say this right the Wednesday night at 2:00 a.m. oh that's actually that's actually also the only time that I have right now to read the new fun ass book which came out like a couple weeks ago and I'm slowly working my way through like seven eight doesn't make sense it doesn't make sense I do I'm like Stephanie can I preface it real hard I'm like that guy the little kid afraid to ask his parents like he needs supplies for a school project like right before it's due he's like I'm like Stephanie okay if foxy has two homes in the first location and he has three toes in the second is it the same foxy I don't know even if he wasn't the fan base will think that he's thinking about it and if I say that he's not thinking about it they will literally crucify this is me I also I also appreciate all the like versions of me it's Ellie I'm like Elvis well this is this is back wouldn't like I than the weird like by yeah die over we had dyed his hair back to brown but the red still showed through because it was so potent he just looked like he had this like pink glow under is that you it looks like Elvis Matt Matt Pet is a sad dog oh this is very accurate okay next you can't hide the truth matpat teabagging I have seen this one pop up a good bit so I'm familiar with this one I which is my version of the Drake meme yeah I appreciate me I feel like I've made it at this point right cuz you have a mean format no I have a not only a mean format a Drake meme I mean that's a that's a derivative of the Drake memes yeah like once you have a derivative Drake meme you've made it in the meme communities oh how many layers of Miyamoto has one oh my gosh lunge Bob Hansel dismal I mean there's some time okay okay so nerdy talk really quick sometimes when we're doing consulting for consulting clients I have to explain to them like what how means were and how and and people don't believe us when we tell them how complicated memes are yeah right and so I feel like we should use this as an example where it's like teabagging tactical crouching is a reference to like our playthroughs but also a reference to like all the first-person shooters especially like Call of Duty and then this is a this is a format meme that is a riff on another meme from Drake and then and then you explain like how the meme works where he's like no and then he's like oh yeah and then that's the meme but this is one this is like four steps away from that but it's still it's still a viable memes TLDR whoa well you know they are I like this meme appreciate the Academical saying from a nerdy perspective like we actually explained this kind of stuff it's true and no one gets it and no one appreciates it either and they're like oh that's weird internet weird no one appreciates it and that is how you get people buying some good news kicking John Krasinski out and then putting it on a fancy new you find a way to bring this into the Sun bad noise like these are the people like the people who don't understand memes are the same people who are like that's a popular YouTube channel for 10 videos buy it and change everything about it and Broadway stars yeah I can't imagine why I've gotten 12 million views and that's a sin yeah cast reunion of the office and cast reunion of Hamilton and it has 2 million subscribers in a month all by it so anyway we can can we have a petition to just make tactical crouches the new things tactical tactical teabagging is like so so Xbox 360 era tactical Crouch is the teabagging of the new millennium I'm sorry though it removes teabags from the world of games no I'm ok with that separation are you sure I'm alright I know how you feel about tea aye I do like tea is key that is teabagging to mainstream tea is a bummer that tea is becoming a little bit too mainstream but I think tea bagging I can let go okay so the only from henceforth the only tea bagging will be when Stephanie steeps a bag in her cup thus the term tea bag don't just don't just stop time from henceforth this is now the tactical crowd good quad workout right yeah oh man good stuff should we do love to do a table see me cursed more than i've ever be worse than the bob ross episode i would love to do ring fitted bag I hear ring fitted mention no we can't get ahold about though okay here we go Oh another one if you have like oh this you can you got some bird you got Birds I like it also connections boy how altered I need to come up with more picture of me to be me mobile like if this is what people are having to do and also the only pictures that existed of you on the internet for like six years where of you of you going or of you pointing at something like that didn't exist there was nothing new you were actually really something there that was SGC not some good news screwattack even some gaming to see some game convention also you got sunburned sunburned the Sun I like that one I like that one well that's why I'm pointing at it there you go that's why I point yeah here we go oh my god my god this was a popular one oh my my pillagers were actually what pillagers were excelled from the village expelled I felt I think exile kicked out given the boot the tooth root why picture itself they just excelled oh they know they succeeded it means a super succeeding pleated pillagers has o pillagers has a different cool our skin cooler from this this is grammar grammar grammar do do the work villagers has a different color of skin color and the successful village villagers does experiments on villagers I mean that is the theory pillagers has bad grammar and thus excelled from village that's my point right there he's like we're still using Excel oh you ever use an Excel it's unfortunate I'm seeing that you got in trouble at school you are excelled I wrote it's funny cuz yesterday I wrote a new Minecraft theory that's all about I mean it's another it's kind of like another pillager illa jure material but your mana fulfill it and I wish I'd actually seen this or that because I would have totally worked this into the episode the pillagers were celled anybody anything else another nasty that's your choice unfortunately don't shoot the messenger it's not my fault if an ass the only game that people care about I try it I mixed in Yoshi the other day I mixed in Yoshi no and we did hello puppets that was good that's true we did we're doing Warface oh yeah which was a brand deal but still it's a different game yeah yeah we did there's like Marvel Strikeforce which was also a brand deal but this is another game we do a lot of bike trail what about anything else another minecraft theory yeah there boom there got it boom a medicine it's actually and the problem because I was thing about this the problem isn't even so much that those are the only games that get views because it's not actually true no but the problem is especially for the last few months there have been no like all the game releases have been pushed back there been so many game releases push back we worried we wanted to do the Last of Us we wanted to do don't we did a whole bunch of stuff actually we have actual series on Last of Us and stuff like that because legends theory we want to like do all of that stuff but it's all been pushed back it's true yeah it's made it hard yeah that being said you know people are just really people are really excited by minecraft and can have the gaming industry just needs to make something that people are excited about gaming industry and also with like lore that people are excited to pick apart for science I've been trying to mix this into recent theories but like an explanation a little bit for why it's difficult to actually make theories like one of the fine a pep assad's recently talked about that at the beginning where like it requires a very specific game with a very specific set of qualifications like the developers need to be smart enough to kind of like seed in lore but not give it too much but also not make it too vague like it's very difficult to thread the needle and minecraft actually has done a really like I didn't expect minecraft to be that sort of game until I started to gain into it and I'm like oh there's a lot there and from the recent minecraft updates they've really leaned into it it feels like now that yeah I think now they understand that there's kind of a back-and-forth going on and that there's an actual appetite in the community for minecraft lore which has been great and it's good that you guys enjoy it it's great for their world world building it's great for fan bases because you can like really dig into characters and and the world and stuff so yeah so they've done they've done a good job but like a lot of the Triple A games it's just hard to do because like right they either don't care about story at all or they're like this so we tried we tried we tried game industry good gun also they exist here's the other last thing I'll throw out it doesn't help that YouTube doesn't show you everyone either like they're there on the channel but just because YouTube's like oh this person likes gonna have shovel them they're out there go explore the video tab please oh here we go we all know which ones better lonely Freddy or this is this is true i I was actually sad to do that theory cuz I'm like aw he's actually a lonely Freddy but really in our hearts he'll always be psychic friend fredbear he's here he's there he's in my heart who you gonna that's like a great way para what are you talking about oh yeah yeah are you sick I'm psychic Fred Fred bear you can never get too much psychic friend Fred bear Stephanie can I please talk to you about for now it's Wednesday at 2:00 in the morning please let me talk to you it's really driving me nuts right now but there's the time-traveling ball pits I'm like here's talk to skip paper chew there's a time-traveling ball pit oh hey I'll talk to literally anyone around me at this point where's the people to backpack hanger I thought he wasn't here ball pit okay lonely Freddy yeah it's not nearly as good a psychic friend Fred bear if I can contribute one thing to the Phenom series Scott just just make him a psychic friend and not some weird portable security camera okay when I tell my friends how much I love game theory and why they should watch it nobody well that's why you're smarter than your yeah really we'll see who cares when you're signing their paychecks like oh wait maybe you should watch that show whoa get spicy and the memes that was actually the comeback that my parents don't get to use in middle school when everyone was making fun of me shut people up it was great it did like it works so good yep and I'm like okay I'll remember that when I'm signing your paychecks shut down nobody yeah is it that hard to make education fun okay here we go the schooling system making education fun don't help kids are just lazy oh man then we show Oh dogs the one cool teacher the Indian guy can be the one Indian guy what there are there yep also they have multiple teachers and also I just I just maybe we should pass that this is this is where you insert the meme of like sweating profusely as we cover this okay but we're included in there I mean not this channel because we're not us in real life is certainly not it now we work for a little bit that was silly I like that we're hiding by we're not garment also thank you for calling us out as the thing hidden in the plates of the walls not in the garbage well I mean it's all technically garbage like that's the thing but you know at least we're hidden in the walls I feel like that's kind of cool I don't know who this is no I don't that is I I feel bad admitting that I don't recognize it but I it looks like an endued scott coffins guy coming out of a brain i also don't know the banana now looks familiar to me but I just don't write I feel bad about this maybe I need to brush up or not I mean yeah we're not real are we not really in the education channel sense that are we are we out of the loop we've gotten approved for a while there the other education channels we're kind of looking down on us but we've gotten approve we got it yeah the physics girl said we were okay okay veritasium is willing to talk to me yeah he's a great guy right we're just willing to talk to me all of these sauces of these various sauces like us we are steeped in sauce we're great so I think we're we're approved there so I like this meme I like being included in this group I also like that we're in a wall next nekked there it is okay wait snap theory episode 420 69 whoa double walls are there 420 blazin it's a 16 purple guy is the son of market market player sorry mock up leg up ya know it sounds like a ripoff channel about pickup artists you brought up markiplier right well meat market but yeah thank you this is into club alter-ego there's dark applier and then there's markiplier oh my gosh mark mark next time you do that you with markiplier whatever your next project is heist with markiplier please make a new personality like a player I done all the like jokes and sound-alikes for the first path of your name no let's change the second half of your name the market players of the world so anyway purple guy is the son of market player and Thanos someone makes an app theory and game theory okay I appreciate the feedback but you're wrong yeah no sorry but you're wrong there's a lot going on in this right there's a Freddy head there's always this is also Michael Afton don't react to what I this looked like me to it my god a lot of layers so wait so he's so he's he's saying sorry but you're wrong you you've just come out of a 25 hour surgery with snap is he dead is the theory dead I think well yeah I think it does seem like you killed the theory and Michael Afton is like nah brah let's just say this is a great one it's great markiplier all markiplier all the time fantastic still not over at loll undertale society guys I'm not you know and honestly I told you there would be one of these buttons right you're right you're totally right you said that we only have one i I do appreciate that Nintendo Nintendo acknowledged the sans is nesting by including a skin of sands in Super Smash Brothers ultimate don't say that you're gonna you're gonna arouse the world's worst fan base even ness is kind of salty about it you know guys I'm to understand he says it but can we really believe what necessary ask yourself this what is ness really think about it consider what is he hiding here III believe it do you believe no one doesn't type you with a ten-foot pole anymore I'm just like nope you're not worth it w where I go to late night Stephanie and ask her about math undertale is verboten I can't I can't even address it we well it's just one of those things where it's like it's never gonna be worth ever talking about that gaming it's so sad cuz it's a cool game but it's it's just like never gonna be worth there's a lot of a lot of things that have come out of under fire for us so it's like oh that's kind of sad next Oh very true oh this is a tweet I did oh man and now we've come full-circle sonic jump and Mario runs sonic jeomsun Mario hey this is a good I had a witty idea I had a good tweet at some points back when I tweeted what before again I was he carried all the Twitter that was 2016 yeah Twitter is like the some tough fan bases man you know they just it it's like you could put out content but then people will just make you sad about it so what right inside like I'm not going on Twitter it's been and it's been great for my mental health I feel so much better though I will say some of my old tweets I'm sure the I don't even remember some of the things in the early days so I don't go through that I'm so sorry there just will put the apology out now anything you find elevator is all we apologize I have never meant we've learned what I'm sorry whoever it was whatever immature dumb thing we said 10 years ago on Twitter we are sorry right but I will say there's a couple of tweets in mind that I just have stuck in my head that like aged well like like I warned people about fallout 76 before fallout 76 happened oh I'm like I'm like no I basically did a tween - something like don't trust pre-orders or like pre-recording like pre-order culture is gonna burn you and then fall 76 came and everyone hated it and it was a glitchy mess and I and I was like hey that was a tweet I did good for me pin on the back that's the only tweet that I heard of Twitter is a blur yeah it's all a blur but this hate but I got another one someone dug through the old ones apparently one also came true so that's great you know it's true nobody absolutely no one I feel the faces of GT live thumbnail I feel like singling out I feel a bit cold out on this way I know but this is this should be YouTube I know it should be it I think you yeah I think you can expand this you but I will own that I will also come at Absolute we look like we look like we've just gotten like the world's biggest shock in every thumbnail every game and it's like so sure Mario yeah we're playing Mario maker today oh no some of those levels are pretty smart jumps Wow not is over there I will say I think our reaction scare what I will say I think our reactions are a lot less overblown out of all the players out there I like to think I acted if I scream on the livestream time actually it is a very I'm just gonna be like nah that's dumb you guys don't that's bad dumb that's can we get ad as dumb from Stephanie it does dump there it is you heard it here first I know I don't want people to be feeling like I mean it's okay Stephanie there are some things that are don't feel bad there are some dumb things definitely there are some it's like what my mom's like I don't want to be me and I'm like if you're reporting the true facts of an event without meaning that's that's just the facts of events yeah it's like in the tea that is one opinionated objective reality if it sells me to you maybe the reality my mom does that all the time by the way she's all she's lampshades she lives he's like I don't want to be me it's like it's just a story you're like if you were saying mom's being bad I shouldn't say that she has an Ohio accent that was what I was going for it was it was a poor rendition I think they know title they did give this one a title you think you're cool listen bud and we're game theory emerged to school bet you feel stupid now yeah I'm gonna be signing your paychecks go this is it this was this is an actor this is actually a recolored photograph of me walking oh no no no no some what's in that it has weapons No Oh what are you doing what are you - if we just crop it a little bit what so you were a skull you were an emaciated skull well yeah I was a very thin person walking this is wearing my well that's on your chest no we're gonna notice very narrow that's just the face of the person where does it really just just the eyeball yeah sorry you're painted and it's me doing the point those aren't guns those are finger guns doing the point me being like sign your paycheck before YouTube do monetizes us for the use of an image of a gun that's true that's the fictionalized dramatized image if this is just meme finish your fine ass Theory yet so Scott yeah y-yeah 20:22 it's Scott cackles ah and Peter Parker aka me cries look at your Peter Parker right and look for you I appreciate that yeah Tobey Maguire's spider-man right here this is accurate I agree this is I mean this is every time every time it is uncanny cuz Scott and I don't like talk really at all every very once in a while like for the charity stream I talked to him a little bit over email and even then he's like I'm not telling you anything about this game that you're doing on the livestream and so I'm like okay I guess I'll try to figure out how I work it into this large production so I don't know but it but it's uncanny that every time I'm releasing a fan a theory we our brains must be in sync though he's either releasing something like right before or like right after weird it is weird weird where we're in cycle with each other I guess it is weird sometimes the timing just it's that groupthink mentality yeah I am excited about that gonna have 20 points being made by the same team who did help wanted yeah and that was great that okay this is different no this is Tiffany we go everyone has a plum this yeah it's a film theory like everyone has a plum bus in their home some of us have to make ours out of balloons though keep the mick Rick and Morty theories coming Wow review this is first off this is incredible whoa second off this is so unbelievably disturbing like seeing a plum base really gross made out of real life materials is real uncommon like you were worried about the skull and the picture of a gun getting us to monetize I think this right here has gotten us age gated i right I am NOT I can't tell you exactly why but it definitely has I can't I YouTube the YouTube reviewers are seeing this and they're like I don't know what it is but I don't know like oh we better censor that this is great though I gotta say oh good did you do this so this is from Fannie Freddie okay unbelieva that looks like hot dogs yeah well these are the these are the long skinny I know but I'm saying how deconstruct it let's say hot dogs good that's uh that's like a beach ball stretched around some Kiwis and then the middle part it's just a plummet gotta get a regular Columbus and I appreciate how you were find your sleep they really cut down the sleeve no there's like the sleeve you got a tickle a part of it tickle your plump it's this is amazing I love this this makes me really happy good up in our Friday yeah my kaftan and entered yeah I mean this this is basically the character design got higher this man yeah higher feel like actor I can here here's the meme for you here's my drake meme it's like the official animatronics this guy that's it love it this is it's pretty accurate I like that done spot on a Plus whom has awakened me we finally solved it the final snap Theory Scott Holmes has awakened to the Ancient Ones who is Barney a mother gonna say is that like a cosplay Barney oh no that is the real bar haha the one you know from TV was the cosplay part this is the origin of the legends I'm so concerned about the Bigfoot remember that time when clowns were all the rage every no oh the scary clown thing yeah well news reporting on the Barney's walking around I'm just infesting releasing an animatronic murder games who has awakened me this place to mind a really excellent question has anyone done a horror story money oh please I feel like it has to be done I feel like Barney is an untapped wealth of horror game I'm totally because Barney is terrifying I never I was never a big Barney fan I got it man I was like whatever age it was where I was like Barney's for babies and I was like I secretly might like Barney Oh see I I thought I think oh gee Barney was worth but once they started mixing in bebop Rocksteady nope those article wasn't bebop what was your name the girl dinosaur I couldn't watch it because then that would be uncool she was like cops or whatever that was too much it was like oh you add it in like you know the poop pickle Oh Barney hey BJ it's AVGN but it's not his name but it's the brand sensitive shirt oh you mean your people are okay to go all right what have I done matpat there is nothing that makes me go inside besides snap them [Laughter] Mickey Mouse the mouse for the record we actually were big Disney we're such a big Disney fan oh yeah yeah we have season passes to Disneyland and we take our Hidden Mickeys book to Disneyland and find all the Hidden Mickeys and Holly loves Mickey and like we we are big Disney fans there's nothing also all soda Mouse I will say D monetization makes me go outside it's not making me go inside D monetization makes me go outside and question my life like inside yourself no I cried I mean that's accurate yeah yeah although diet coke makes me go well it used to make me go inside sit down and drink gallons now it's it's the it's the Drake no thank you no thank you let Mia motox the matpat neutral I'm thinking about this I don't know if I approve I think it's mentally considering oh judgmental of course our memes would be a really complicated I am appreciating that our names are very complicate you have to know the lore the back there's a lot going on no wonder no wonder no one can even put a comment on them what is this random picture you entire discussion there it is the bot the bot responded great alright here we go this is late but I had an idea fight me we love gaming choose us for nap again aren't we forgetting one teensy weensy but ever so crucial a little tiny detail I owe you that how's that finance bills the channel bed finance bills right thank you for app thank you for empowering us to have a team around us I I've said it in those episodes too like math has done so much good for the gaming community that yeah people are sick of it and yeah like for a while there especially it was like way overplayed yeah but now that it's kind of settled down it's not like you have to respect what it's been able to do and it's done so much good out of all the indie games that were just massive successes but a lot of them were clashing the pants math is the one that was able to like maintain afterward right which one is commendable why I like you and we actually tell like because we talked to indie gamer indie game developers like really fairly frequently I guess but one of the things that we tell them if they're like planning a release of a game or release of another game we're like no you have to follow it on fast you people well sure yeah people have a really short memory on the internet and if you want to like bring them back in with the attention and that memory of the first like indie game they played especially if it was kind of a short game you have to follow it up fast you can't have like two or three years between games and yeah that's really hard if you're an Indian you gotta capitalize you have to strike while the iron's hot that's the only way to like build momentum yeah you got a built if it's interesting right it's I think for NAFTA might have like overdone a little bit like four games in the span of like a year okay countdown but like - okay that's like two would have been fine and then it's like you know it's hey I got this huge surge of popularity let me follow it up well the iron's hot at that point you're kind of solidified yeah and then you can take a little bit more time but people are excited you release teasers and this and that but yeah you have a lot of people who like strike that viral hit but then they can't follow it up in a reasonable amount of time yeah in three years I'll release another game and you're like no no the internet changed everything will have changed completely you have yeah exactly you have to do it now I'm glad we love gaming man that we brought that one back I was I really wanted to bring back some old-school like game theory jokes and so I brought back the we look at that made me really happy yeah I love the Welo gaming matpat piece is a new game why does nothing pepper Ann Coe his plan yep especially when we are right in the middle of of the like Snap craze like releasing like snap for was the one that killed me cuz I thought I had gotten ahead of it we were at VidCon and then like they released he released something like right before my theory came out that completely ruined that theory and I'm at VidCon and I'm like I can't do anything about this I tried to get ahead of it yeah we're better now mark left VidCon Marko left went on to go play fact is that big of a deal it's true no nowadays it's like at heist with markiplier I'm like hey you're gonna play the finale our game he's like I don't know I'm like you should it's really really tough game kind of and I'm like mark it's really good fast word - then he played it in its like hotel room in Austin it's funny okay everything here he'd be like use your GD brain I mean yeah that's I feel you would think that there wouldn't be a channel on YouTube that could succeed with where the moral of every story is like just think about it but that's kind of our channel yeah just just think about it just just peace evident hard enough to nitpick it yeah here we go you shouldn't said that you want my diet coke you'll have to take it from a dead body I can arrange that you're not addicted to coke right I mean once an addict always an addict oh yeah you can always your long-term recovery problem it's true like I could fall back ships I could present you with your chips oh man no good just come up on six months - no I was gonna say we're coming up on next month mark okay it's true I do need a new beverage to be addicted to though I know it's hard to find a good replacement for diet coke that also easy soda advertising G fuel a joke in a recent theory what was it I was it the Yoshi episode or the one that I just did where I'm like I've never had G fuel before I'm sure it's terrible no because it just sounds yeah don't knock it before you try it then I I said I assume it's terrible I did say I'm not gonna drink his flavor is the best special beauty pie flavor here you know what we're gonna do like he's poured his bath water into it well Beth Bell Delphine's I know I know I'm just saying that's water true fact I wanted to do a theory on that on the Bell Delphine thing - I wanted to buy some of her bath water and I wanted to test up whether or not she had actually like been in it run it through run it through like a particle thing to see like if there were any like actually some flakes in it so that we know whether or not she was just selling water but I still might do it one day so gross except at this point the reason I stopped is because I was too late and buying it and so then all the bath water was 250 bucks and I'm like this I'm not doing that like I know it was it would be a good theory I think it would be funny like it was one that I was excited about but it was also like am I really gonna pay $250 for whatever this whole thing was see I think the title of the video of like I tested bell Delphine's bath water would have would have made back the - oh I know the episode would have made it back it's just do I want to support this thing like that was more my thing is like I as a consumer right really and I as a youtuber do I want to support what this represents maybe I should sell my bathwater you don't take baths that's - oh sorry Stephanie I'm sorry Stephanie this is Stephanie at 2:00 in the morning on a Wednesday I don't know I don't know if you're like cracked out on the lore or this is you glazing over ha that's also me but a new finanza okay no party no good party without a bite there's no good party without a bite oh that looks fun I would love the top top right I would do that would you take a bite of a cake like that oh good would that be fun well good no I think like as someone who really revels in precision the fact that someone would take a perfect cake and bite into it would actually drive me nuts no but if you were also using it in a post pandemic world Stephanie you're contaminating everybody gosh it's your personal okay okay go for it so so let's say you got your own personal kit you say you got two of the same cake right yeah one you can cut with perfect precision yeah and the other you have the opportunity to do like as a person who's like really into precision and all uptight and everything yeah that's me you wouldn't like be cathartic for you to just for one time completely let loose and just be like I would rather smash my face in the cake then well I I think it falls in the same category category stuff anyway your birthday's coming up in August I'm gonna get you a cake like this and you can fight it okay we'll do it oh here we go some more some more drinks come on Matt it's been years finishing the best cop in Mass Effect Theory another my oh yeah my my friend for tonight did you mean for now I did like three four not very you yeah hey if anyone out there is a fortnight lore expert hit me up yeah find us because we need help I don't I don't know fortnight Lord yeah and it moves so fast that I can't keep up with it yeah and so if you know fortnight or minecraft let me know because I'd love to have an expert in either of those games to either bounce ideas off of or to help us on the research side oh yeah pets go here's the thing with pets cop I wanted to finish PET SHOP pets cop got too complicated for its own good it was one of those things and and I mean NASA's been on the borderline of that for a while but pet cop really jumped the shark where they released like the final three episodes or whatever and I watched him and like the amount of explanation and it was just so complicated is that if you can't watch it as a new viewer and if you're watching it as a new viewer and you have no idea what's going on at all and you can't catch people up in a reasonable amount of time then it's really hard to do an episode because it's just it's too much yeah like Snap is kind of like that but even like the idea of Snap is interesting because it's like the idea of like haunted animatronics are being possessed by like a VR glitch or whatever like that sort of stuff yeah it's one sentence yeah you might miss out on some of the details which I kind of flesh out in the intros but like for the most part you can get it right oh it's a spooky thing pets cop is so well-crafted but also plays with so many ideas that it was starting to get complicated even for me to discuss it with anyone else on the team and and for me to even keep track of it myself and by the end there were so many things all happening all bouncing off of each other that just was like too much and so that's why I ended up moving and it wasn't one of those episodes that it seemed like people were like super excited about something like okay Mass Effect I was doing indoctrination theory and the I did the first part of it and everyone's like we already know indoctrination theory and so I'm like okay oh alright well then I just don't have to do it like I didn't want to do things they were same thing with the Kirby theory where people were like I already know that Kirby is yeah like sometimes it's surprising to me you know like the Kirby stuff president meow I didn't know that Kirby was technically and canonically a like god of destruction who was descended from this like lore of chaos gods whatever like it's really cool I didn't know that but apparently the Kirby community did know that and we're really upset that I was talking about it and something like okay I'll back off and talk about how Kirby flies instead so but the family think he's narrowing down the types of games that I can whatever it is is just getting too complicated and then other times it's honestly it's like the fanbase is kind of yeah it's interesting this yeah the pets cop was too complicated Mass Effect was too well-known and then you have like Kirby or undertale which is like the fanbase just really didn't like it hollow Knight another one where like the fanbase just wasn't into the fear like they're like will you miss this and this and I'm like I know that I'm aware but I'm it's not fun yeah it makes it not fun it really it's not fun for us to do it it's like if everyone just like rah you know cuz at the end of the day like these are fun right and they have fun for me like as I played hallow night I was like whoa this is a cool idea like I get the sense that my character is something more than what he is and sure there are pieces and parts here and there that might not quite add up but if you look at the grand total of evidence that would support a theory like this that he is actually the king or whatever like there's enough there to make an interesting narrative but there are some fan bases who are so literal and like are just so unwilling to like ask themselves certain questions I'm like okay like if they're not having fun with it yeah it's not fun for me at that point and I like I don't want to have to explain myself all the time so that's like alright I'll get it hey more minecraft and for now because those people seem to have fun yeah like no offense but it's it's more of just like a general feeling about things yeah game theory meme okay oh it's film theory overused memes wait what we overuse mean theory made over these memes a stone theory okay oh that's the old timer memes okay relevant is game original me hey yeah it's all over here Happy's is the beers to prove the game theory means are the Nugget theater this is true this is the most meta hahaha a reference to a game theory episode that was a meme and a game theory episode without a very specific franchise it's great this is actually very accurate right this is good this is very true game theory be like memes Larry it's true hey that's the one there the game theory approved ones or the matpat point approved walk night okay oh hey we got a pewdiepie and that's a bad game theory subreddit cares way too much muffin ass and that's a fact yep that's true that's very accurate is it a meme in a fact this is a statement I don't want to be mean Bob no mom it's okay you're just sticking the truth no I appreciate that people are excited like yeah I like that people want to solve snaf and minecraft with me yeah I feel like more people who want to solve fortnight with me yeah when it feels like a team effort that's when it's fun that's the best yeah it's true and also oh hey oh man if the plumpest didn't get us in trouble this so this is just what sort of bull aura is this this is balloon bull aura right here okay this is just haunting my nightmares you're never gonna see that one hell that is burned into my mind well Matt Matt has too many theories this subreddit literally any other GG meme template this template that's great it's to really give them another template man I'm sorry I feel like we've given him a lot of content that they can rip off and you do have like a million GT Live episodes you can he's made he's made every face under the look at this sad happy scared screamer laugh right there's so many there's so many things you have a cutout of me that you can use the a beard Pat that you can use is like the dark matpat version or i'll give you guys more meme stuff maybe more meme fodder about that just in case we even work this template here yep this is it it really yeah this is any other template this template there it is it's it's a meme of its own mean template that's brilliant I love it oh here we go you can't deny this the density of content me but everything else hey they were actually generous in the EM I don't I think that's about right did you did you do the math because if so come on be a researcher yeah well done what is our actual percentage at this point Snap is creeping up minecraft is holding its own you as soon as the gaming industry stops pushing back these titles we can start to do other stuff it's as soon as the gaming industry produces stuff that's like original oh yeah we did I was gonna do doing animal crossing he's gonna do do but do mansard it's lore at the end so there wasn't it there wasn't much unless I was doing like ending explained but that's just me explaining the animal crossing just doesn't have them mean we we didn't we didn't animal crossing we could do more about like Tom milk and stuff like that I was happy that people like that one so we can do more Mario and like Nintendo properties tend to be like evergreen like those are always good but like from ps4 and or from PlayStation and Xbox from a theory perspective it's actually hard and there haven't been as many like breakout indie games this year it's true there hasn't been a lot of indeed like I was really glad that we got to cover hello puppets actually yeah like oh good an indie game it's like a spoopy kind of indie game like there hasn't there haven't been any really new releases of like hello neighbor or kindergarten or siren head doesn't have any lore attached to him either I don't think we should play siren hit I haven't played siren head I've seen all the memes about siren we should do siren hood Hey oh here we go I have nothing important just theory wearing animal crossing and I just want to hold it oh it's so good yes oh look it's all ears try this is great so I will say that maybe I should search on the on Twitter or if you guys can find it on Twitter send it to me again there are a lot of people who are making game theory only animated stuff oh great I would love to highlight it if you can put it on the reddit or tag it with half size et live it's so much easier to it's so it's so cool this is great I love this and this is a hard design to recreate this is awesome this makes me so happy anyone gonna do the wallet oh yeah gonna do the hoodie that you're wearing yeah that's my poet my leg pain it would be hard to do a holographic of the leg blanket I'd say this is great thank you so much for this oh good I love it notice the search part of the title I made this meme in PowerPoint I want to die film theory you'll die before the B movie mean and they did want to die they died before the end of the episode ah so the episode was too long let alone the B movie wow I'm glad that someone dug up a deep cut of film theme film Theory getting some love I'll be okay yeah job yeah I felt the good job film theory you might be full of overused dead memes but is it really I guess so some of the some of the research team that we have helping us out with film theory some of them don't watch as much internet as Asia I don't watch as much you mean no one watches any and it's up to me to infuse everything yeah with actual relevant yeah and that's relevant by my standards which we establish is a year late I did a calcium meme in an episode recently and I know and I knew and I know when I wrote and I'm like oh this is so old but this is a perfect opportunity for some time you know sometimes in our episodes they don't just lend themselves to the tiny mean sometimes you can't randomly insert a moth looking at a light and being excited that's another no I didn't have any opportunity oh yeah haha open itself up to calcium uh I'm able to come I'm able to come in about recent youtuber stuff more than I am little memes memes are harder to work in sure but sure yeah but anyway they're people who who helped us on filthier very smart but they're like cinephiles they're like I'm a movie buff and YouTube is like I just I just write for your little YouTube channel but like it's not like real thing yes some of them are the biggest YouTube all right that's why it's fine your research is solid yeah so we have the research it cuz like I'm I know a lot about a lot of different things but I'm not an expert in like all the Marvel Comics and help right and so we have spent just so you guys know like we have specialists who are researchers for specific types of things like we have the guy who knows legal stuff we have the guy who knows like Marvel's Marvel stuff we have the guy who and comic book we have a computer engineer we like who who can help us like create macros to count all of the huns that mulan kills yeah so all of that yeah it's just one of those so we have a research team around us who help us put a lot of this stuff to you yeah at this point or cuz Laura and film theory then games yeah Matthew songs to write so much of the game theory I still get in most of game theory because I'm the only person who really knows minecraft I'm the only person who really knows math I'm the only person who really knows like a lot like poor bunny I'm also the one of the few who's like actually comfortable with the science stuff and so like some more science-based theory we had that science for a while but he went off to college actually he was great he was so smart I love him we wrote like an amazing recommendation letter to him and he got into the school of his dreams which was great but um like he did the stuff about Roche limit in Mario Odyssey and stuff which was concepts that I had like vaguely aware but I would never just like associate and that allows us to do more of you know different topics on the channel which is always great like coming from a theatre background I love that collaborative spirit that comes with that sort of stuff because it means that the contents that much better you're drawing from my dated meme references and Stephanie's data mean references and research your ex very dated meeting references and it all comes together in a video that would have been relevant to a year ago yeah oh here we go so this is a remix uh I pulled it up in a separate window so this is Austin's lava okay this video is the remix okay so I was watching a brand new science video and everything was fine until Austin as usual got mad and turned on the rap God inside of him this is when I felt it was high time to make a remix really awesome this just to make sure suppose this into shorts okay you did great thank you for that let's crank up the audio [Music] [Music] [Music] that's fantastic I love that that made me really happy okay when someone posts with me Monday Flair well there you go friends and that's our last one actually that worked out really well the pulled up go figure so there you go you can you know what you can post a meme any day and flag it with me Monday any day can be Monday you know how we feel about alliteration here on GTA 5 so this was great this is really fun well if you please send more yeah I will try try and do it more to give you more meme templates I don't know just do whatever you want to do to me no don't no don't say that no ma'am that's a regret okay don't do anything make whatever meme templates that you want of me as long as they say friendly and that one day when my son Oliver grows up and can understand all this stuff he won't be super embarrassed by what is oh you know that's not that no you were way past that are we past that Oh totally no matter what you did like we get these messages from people being like oh my gosh Oliver's gonna grow up with the coolest dad ever remember like no one thinks their dad is cool all the things I'm pretty cool right now what I show him how to sweep things that's true thank you guys one of matters and Oliver's activity like tables weep we sweep together like tangled and that makes me very cool so there you go I taught my kid how dude shorts so anyway thanks guys for me Monday thanks again to the the moderators of the game theory subreddit and all the submitters and everyone who submitted hopefully you saw yourself on here this was great we had a blast doing it please send us more this is fun we could make this a regular thing we really need a theme song if we were gonna make it a regular thing it's me Monday and we're recording it on a different day Monday we're recording it on Sunday but it might go live on Monday hopefully it will as long as the files not corrupted [Music]
Channel: GTLive
Views: 160,191
Rating: 4.9487729 out of 5
Keywords: meme review, meme review 1, meme review intro, meme, memes, game theory meme review, game theory meme video, matpat meme, matpat meme video, fnaf, fnaf meme, fnaf meme song, fnaf meme review, undertale memes, meme mashup, memes 2020, game theorists, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gtlive meme, gtlive memes
Id: 2PC66cpwsZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 9sec (3669 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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