Elemental Archer Guide Baldur's Gate 3

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the elemental Ranger is a fun multiclass that gives you the ability to CC your targets while maintaining High defensive abilities and Big Time burst I hope you guys enjoy the video hey guys Ronin here and welcome back to my Channel today we are going to be covering the elemental Archer the reason I call it the elemental Archer is because using in-game mechanics mainly from gear but somewhat with your class too depending on how you build it you can make a really fun Elemental Arrow based build whether it's using heat mechanics to enhance fire arrows encrusting Frost to enhance your cold arrows using noxious fumes for acid arrows all kinds of fun stuff that we're going to be talking about in today's build and it's really easy to make you can start making it in act two but it really shines in act three I did have an original build for acts one and two for the noxious Ranger like the toxic Ranger I guess you could say and that one was really fun and I did have a comment saying to make an endgame version for it which is why I'm making this video sorry it took so long but I'm finally here making it so if you guys do want to see any other themed builds or concepts or anything like that definitely comment down below and I'll try to make one for you all right guys when it comes to origin characters or race honestly anything's going to work but I do want to point out a couple of things that are going to be really useful so a the dark urge here if you already don't know they have special in-game items you can only get as the dark urge one of them is going to be a cape that makes you go invisible after killing an enemy it it honestly breaks the game but for an Archer build it's exceptionally good because you literally can kill people from ranged you go invisible and basically never get seen it's a really fun way to solo the game without having it to be too hard even on tactician so I did want to point that out in case you did want that Cape I do want to give a special shout out to carlac here as well uh carlac is a zerel tling so they get branding Smite which can be used on Range weapons so you can have a way to branding Smite the enemy with your bow for extra radiant damage as well so if you did want to be an origin character those two are going to be the ones I recommend but honestly any race is going to work other cool races I do want to state if you go for like a custom character or the dark urge for a specific race as well since you can customize that as well so DRS I mean we went over this before but I like free Darkness they also have the fairy fire that would be Charisma based I really like the GI Yankee mechanically wise for combat but they're just ugly free Missy steps really nice dragon born because you're going to be at range the breath attack isn't going to be all that useful you're not going to want to be in melee combat as this build so I wouldn't recommend dragon born half fork in theory sounds cool but they're extra crit damage Savage attacks is from actual melee weapon attacks and not range so it won't affect your range crits and you will have a lot of crit this build especially in act three so really pick any race you want it will work but I did want to give a shout out to those things I already talked about let's go ahead and break down your background how I'm going to level and all that other stuff as well okay guys although there are plenty of ways to make an archer in this game I'm doing it as a fun fighter Bard combination I've already done Ranger Rogue plenty of times I've done fighter R plenty of times and they're really really fun for straight up sneak crit damage builds but that's not what this one is so I am going to be doing fighterx Bard and there's going to be a few reasons for that Bard you get College of Swords the flourishes you get with that are just really fun and depending on what subass you pick with fighter you have a bunch of different things you can do throughout your playthrough so starting out as a fighter at level one you get your archery so you can get plus two to your hit rate with range weapons as soon as you start the game which is really nice you have proficiency with Constitution so later on when you do multiclass and you have some really fun CC spells that have conentration checks well guess what chances of them breaking when you take damage are going to be lowered because you are proficient with Constitution saving throws your abilities here I'm going deck 17 Constitution 14 wisdom 10 and Charisma 16 because barge use Charisma as their spell casting modifier you want at least 16 for that my opinion and it helps out if you do want to be the face of the party you can talk to anyone you want with your main character that way you can maintain that fun interactive experience also wisdom I just wanted this 10 so I didn't have any negative perception my skill proficiencies I chose intimidation to at least have one extra bonus when it comes to my Charisma and I went a perception to help see my environment a little bit better when it comes to decks I know what you're thinking y 17 well if you did want to use to hag here you can you have that option with this setup but even without it there will be a reason for that when we talk about Beats okay so leveling although you can technically get extra attack from being College of Swords barred that's not how I'm building this build we will be going at least six points fighter so fighter level two you do get action surge everyone knows how great this is we're going to go ahead and level up to level three because at level three you do have some choices to make so all three sub classes or the fighter will interact in combination of the barard later on in different ways to make it real simple Champion will give you extra crit extra crit throughout your entire playthrough is just nice cuz it's just extra damage you'll have and it's by numbers wise extra 5% eldrich Knight is nice because this will give you some spells utility wise you can get really early so for example I could get my shield ability here as a reaction I can use a level one spell slot and give myself plus five AC this is really nice for kind of like survival stuff you have expanded spells so you can get something like long Strider right away to give you and your allies 10 additional movement at all times it lasts until long rest and it's a ritual spell if you use it outside of combat so it's free also eldr Knights at level seven will have the option to use a cantrip and then use a weapon attack afterwards this is nice because you do have a canri vicious mockery you can get from BS exclusively which will give the enemy dis advantage on their attack roles and then when it comes to the other subass Battle Master I think everyone knows what Battle Master does at this point but if you don't you get a thing called superiority dice basically you can roll this Dice and then this will give you extra damage and give you different things you can do so for example one thing I would definitely say get Precision attack this is nice because when you do use a sharp shooter feet that we'll talk about later on this will help mitigate the negative side of that because it's just free extra attack I like things like disarming attack if you do want to disarm someone which you can use from ranged a lot of melee characters if you disarm them I mean they're pretty much out for the rest of the fight so this is very powerful I do like menacing attack as well menacing attack is actually extremely strong so if you don't know what menacing attack does basically you make the enemy frightened and it lasts for two turns so they have disadvantage on ability checks and attack roles which is really nice so the chances of them hitting you are going to be lower but if you didn't know when you're frightened you can't actually move so if you have other melee characters or someone that's behind line of sight you can frighten them and they're kind of like pseudo CCD really really nice so I do like menacing attack as well there's a bunch of ones here though so feel free to use the ones that you think are going to be nice the these three is just my recommendations all right so we get a new feet here if you used to hags hair you would choose ability Improvement to get your dexterity maxed I'm not instead I'm going to be going with athlete here this is nice because if you look our strength is eight is really low so our jump distance is also pretty low well this will give you 50% increased jump distance which will definitely help out during combat so we're going to go ahead and go with that and this will also give you plus one to dexterity to get it to 18 all right fighter level five this is when you get your extra attack so now when you attack you can attack again really nice okay so fighter level six this is when you get a second feat you can choose a second feet now or you can start the multiclass I would say go with the feat though getting Sharpshooter is just really really strong this is going to give you a couple of different things you can do no matter what you will always have Sharpshooter low ground in effect normally if you're attacking someone that has high ground your ranged attacks will have disadvantage while with this feet that is no longer the case and it comes with a passive feature Sharpshooter all in you can toggle this on to take a neg5 to to your attack Roll But if you hit it does plus 10 damage really really strong this is really really great because you already have the archery bonus for plus two attack which is great combine that with Precision attack and you're probably going to hit anyway for free 10 damage so we are actually not going to be going level seven yet we are going to be going into Bard now and there's going to be a bunch of fun things we're going to unlock pretty soon can trip wise don't worry about blade Ward it's trash vicious Y is useful giving the enemy disadvantage on their next attack roll it's pretty useful other than that go with Mage hand or with minor illusion those are my top picks but any of these could work do not take true strike this thing is garbage I'm going with my minor illusion spell wise here so pick whatever spells you think are going to be useful I do want to give a shout out real quick long Strider if you weren't an eldrich Knight you can get that now which is really nice The Cure wound don't worry about it you don't need this there's plenty of other ways to heal during combat I would say get healing word this is a bonus action and a level one spell slot so if you have a teammate that's downed but not dead you can use this as a bonus action to bring them back up which is pretty cool and then attack afterwards so I would say get these two and then the other spells are going to be up to you I do want to say Tasha city is laughter is such a great CC ability so I would recommend that other than that featherfall another ritual spell pretty useful Berry fire could also be pretty useful dissonant Whispers also useful and then Thunder Wave is also useful to knock the enemies back but with some of the other flourishes or Battle Master dice depending on what you chose you can already do that anyway so for me personally I'm going to be going with fairy fire you also get an instrument pick whatever you want I'm going flute and you get to increase additional proficiency here so instead of choosing deception if you want this character to be a little more stealthy and do a lot of slight of hand you can go with slight of hand here to get that plus seven to really help out for stealing if you want you have anything else you can do so I could also go like Arcana to get that to not be negative I could increase my bonuses here even more persuasion perception is going to be up to you and what you want to do I'm going to be going with slight of hand because I do want to at least have one character in my party that's going to be decent at stealing all right Bard level two you gain some additional spells pick what you didn't already have before and then when it comes to leveling up so you do get your song of rest this is basically a bar skill you can use outside of combat to give you and your entire party a short rest for free so you'll have three short rests instead of two you also gain jack of all trades so you can add half your proficiency bonus to Ability checks you are not proficient in this is really strong and if you were the champion and you go seven points in the champion this will stack with the subass feature you get from champion at level seven we're going to go ahead and level up though because at level three with Bard your character level is level 9ine now this is when the build really comes together so you go ahead and pick a spell here I would say cloud of daggers or hold person both of those are going to be really useful hold person will be exceptionally useful once you get the act three but hold or cloud of daggers is also another really good spell in my opinion when it comes to your subass we're going with College's swords the reason we want College of Swords is because of a few different things a you get a second fighting style which we're going to be dueling or two weapon fighting most of you will be dual wielding so we'll go with two weapon fighting this is great because if you ever were in melee combat and needed to attack your offhand dagger Sword whatever it is Will gain the bonus from your dexterity also you get to have all these cool flourishes that we're about to talk about you can do them with melee attacks or ranged attacks so you have the option to increase your AC by plus4 which is really really nice while also doing damage you have the option to knock your enemy back 20 ft and then afterwards if you needed to teleport to them you could this is pretty fun then you also have the ability to attack two enemies at once also really really fun and it really makes your burst damage really high all right Bard level four your character level 10 now so most people are kind of probably towards the end of act two or at least getting there so this is when you get to choose another canant trip pick whatever you want spell wise here I would say take the other spell you didn't have if you took cloud of daggers take hold person if you didn't if you took hold person probably take cloud of daggers instead when it comes to your feet I think by now you should know we are getting our dexterity maxed and this is going to be our final feat here which is nice which is going to be perfect for some of the fun stuff you can do in act three all right so now we are going to be barred level five this is great because now you get some level three spells which is pretty cool in my opinion I think glyph awarding can be definitely be useful depending on your type of play style spell wise here though pick whatever you want every spell is going to have some type of use in the game I'm going glyph rewarding though and then when it comes to some other things you gain so you have font of inspiration now so you can regain all your Bic inspiration your Bic inspiration is what your flourishes use as a charge so after a short rest or a long rest before was only after long rest now it's after short rest and you gain increased damage with your Bic inspiration as well before is 1 D6 now it's plus 1d8 so your flourishes are even better all right so we don't actually want to go Bard level six because you gain extra attack we already have that from being a fighter so you don't need it from Bard so you have the option if you are a fighter uh especially if if you choose eldrich Knight I would say go level seven right now in order to gain the war magic thing to where you can use a cantrip and then attackable a weapon attack afterwards for eldrich Knight if you are the champion this is also really useful because then you get the additional subclass feature that we talked about a little bit earlier but as a Battle Master you get extra dice if you needed it or if you wanted you could also subass into cleric and I know what you're thinking cleric like why cleric well here's why so if you choose the war domain cleric bam you will actually get three War priest charges meaning when you attack you can attack again because of extra attack but then you can spend a charge and attack a third time as well which is pretty useful as a bonus action so if you don't plan to use your bonus action that round with war priest you'll be able to do that you will also get another spell as well so something like create water if you go for like the cold Archer build well then you can get the enemy wet or the lightning Archer build all that stuff's really useful so it's going to be up to you and whether you want a multiclass like this or not but I do like the war priest here because it is just a little more fun for extra damage when needed canra replies you can also get rid of sacred flame you're not going to be using that garbage I would say go with everything that's going to be utility wise normally you wouldn't have this unless you are a zerial tling because I am I already have it so I don't need it but you could also go with something like light to help out all right and then you also get to choose a god pick whatever you want is really not going to affect much except for interactions with NPCs so go ahead and pick what everything it's going to be fun for you lorewise I am going to just leave it with Saloon all right guys real quick I do want to go over the difference between Bic inspiration the battl master Dice and specific gear pieces for bar stuff only that way if you don't want to mix and match different things for different elements when you're bow you don't have to so first off you can see my bars are really ugly right now so if you don't feel like customizing your bars you can just simply hit the dice click it and then you have the options on what you choose and obviously if you didn't in multiclass with cleric and went seven points here you would have extra Dice and every charges on a short rest for your Bic inspiration and flourishes you should just click the little icon here and you can click all your different weapon attacks as well as Inspire allies when it comes to two specific pieces of gear I do want to talk about now that's going to be the wondrous gloves you can get these inside the Grim Forge and I do have itemization videos all down below in the description that showcases where to get pretty much everything I Showcase in this video anyway so the Wonders gloves here are nice because this will give you ac+ one but if you do have Bic inspiration I gain an additional use so I'm going to equip these real fast and you can see I now have five instead of having four normally but it gets a little better so there's a set of boots here called boots of Brilliance and you get these inside Char's Gauntlet so these are really nice because you can play an instrument to give me more baric inspiration slots so what I can do then let me go ahead and just use one I'll Inspire myself or my Ally I should say so it used my bartic inspiration so if I didn't want to use a short rest to recharge that I could instead equip my boots I now have this I can use once per long rest I can use it and it came back back up to five again which is really nice and then I can just put on another set of boots that I want to use for combat and I still have five so I did want to showcase that now because it is a nice trick if you want to save some short rest although you do technically have three because you do have the short rush you can use as a bar specifically one last piece of gear because this is going to be how you get the element on your bow if you guys haven't seen my video on where to get the Drake throat GLA from and exactly how this works you get this from row Moonglow and moonrise Towers essentially what I want to do though if I'm want to put an element on my bow you can see I'm using the Deadshot here doesn't have an element but it does increase my crit chance I gain Keen attack so it doubles with my proficiency bonus when making rolls attacks unless I have disadvantage it's a really powerful bow and it has plus two enchantment right so what I'm going to do is grab it and just toss it on the ground I'm going to take the Drake throat glaive here I'm going to equip that and what this will do is give me a new spell right here you can see draconic Elemental weapon this is the elemental weapon ability you would normally have from a paladin only but way better because it's not not a concentration spell and I can put it on any weapon and it lasts until my next long rest so essentially I click this I will get plus one bonus to my attack rolls and additional 1 D4 damage of my choice so this will give us Elemental weapon acid this is great if you want to use the Icarus gloves for the noxious fumes and we'll talk about that in a minute there's cold so I could make Cal damage this is really nice this will stack with a ring for ice fields and a dagger will talk about in a bit you could do fire if you want to do a heat mechanic to give yourself some additional fire damage on your bow you can do lightning really nice and then also thunder so what I'm going to do then I'm just going to take it and for this scenario I'm going to do frost and put that right there so let me go ahead and pick up my weapon now you take a look at the bow here it has plus three weapon enchant plus the one 1 D4 cold damage and that's how you can put an element on any build you use throughout the game real quick I do want to showcase this vendor right here inside act three he's right at the very beginning above Rivington he sells the pair of gloves if you go with Battle Master and you want your Battle Master things to be a little bit better a little more expensive and stealing from him is possible if you have an invisibility potion but if you do want to just buy them he has a pair of gloves called the gauntlets of the warmaster so targets will have disadvantage on saving throws against your Maneuvers which is really really powerful this is especially nice if you did put seven points into battle master in order to gain the additional dice this is nice because chances are with these gloves enemies will always fou their checks and whatever you try to do to them from battl Master will probably go through real quick I do want to showcase in act three if you do want to get some nice arrows you can use right here this vendor has some some really good stuff uh specifically when it comes to arrows like The Arrow of many targets are really fantastic this hits multiple enemies this is huge I love these arrows I would highly recommend you start stocking stocking up on these very very powerful all right guys for gearing there's quite a few things to go over so I am going to try making this as quick as possible a depending on the type of element you use you may want to switch out different pieces of gear my personal favorite is going going to be frost I find this build in combination with the frost Juggernaut as well as in combination with the frost Mage if you saw those videos already it combines really really well which is why I like it so firstly when it comes to gear with your chest piece you do have the option to wear heavy armor you don't have to use medium if you don't want to I have the dark Justice's half plate here because it gives advantage on Constitution saving throw checks that way when I have my concentration spells it's going to be even better and harder to break my helmet I personally like using Birthright however you don't have to use this this just gives you plus two to your charisma other helmets you can use for example the Grim skull Helm is really nice looks kind of weird but this also makes it so you can't be crit you gain Hunters Mark if you did want to use that you have the diam of Arcane Synergy pretty useful this will give you Arcane Synergy whenever you inflict a condition there's a bunch of different things in this game that are considered conditions this is nice because this will give you plus three to your attacks of weapons because my casting modifier is plus three also you have the circlet of hunting so if you were the ranger version of this instead of the fighter you can use Hunter's Mark and get plus one D4 to your attack roles which is nice or if you use fairy fire from the bar this also works the helmet of Arcane Acuity that you get in act two underneath the blacksmith Guild you can get Arcane Acuity for two turns after doing a weapon attack so a stacking modifier to spell attack rolls in DC you also have the Marksman hat that you get in Moonrise Towers looks okay I'm not a big fan my favorite is going to be Birthright though and I would either have Birthright on my Mage or I would give it to this guy so pick whatever you want it's going to be up to you I just personally really like the way this looks I think it looks really really cool okay so cloak wise there are a bunch of different cloaks cloak a displacement is really really good at the beginning of your turn enemies have this advantage on attack rols when attacking me really really strong if you don't want to use this cloak of protection is also really useful when it comes to some really fun gear combinations I do want to say mantle of the Holy Warrior is pretty cool giving yourself Crusaders mantle is nice extra radiant damage there is a ring whenever you're concentrating on a spell the range conduit ring you can Equip to give you even more damage so you now you'll be doing additional psychic damage the risky not risky ring but the band of the scoundrel here one of the best rings in the game you have multiple enchantment spells you can use if you do have the nymph cloak which will give you dominate person once for long rest this will combine with this ring the ring essentially means after you attack a weapon you can then cast an enchantment or illusion spell as a bonus action so that would include dominate person or if you take a look at your spells rank one you do have your Tasha cious laughter so I can shoot with a bow then use Tasha to CC or I could use hold person and go up to two different people to CC at once if you're the eldrich Knight version of this it would be even more because you would have access to rank four spell slots with the combination of eldrich Knight and Bard anyway so then you have some other things you can do here so what I personally like lovewise it's going to depend on my element for frost Winter's clutchers are great cuz there's two of these you can get in game one in act two and one in act three so this is nice to have because anytime you deal cold damage which I have on my bow I will put a debuff of incrusting frost on the enemy meaning they have disadvantage on saving throws for dexterity but once I get the seven Stacks they actually become completely Frozen which is great cuz that means you have 100% chance to hit them they're basically cced and if you hit them with Thunder Force or bludgeoning damage it will do double damage and then shatter the ice other gloves though if you just want overall damage you can obviously use things that give you extra damage like the dark chest of Sear's gauntlets extra necrotic hell dust for extra fire hell dust extra fire again the better version you also have gloves of archery you get inside act one extra just damage in general if you go with lightning or thunder gloves obliger and skies is a great way to put reverberation on the target you can combine that with the boots right here as well so whenever you inflict a condition on the enemy they get reverberation as well reverberation is a stacking debuff that gives negative one to their strength decks and Constitution saving throws and at five Stacks they have a chance to be knock prone and take additional Thunder damage really strong other boots I like would be descend or excuse me the night Walkers free Missy step though I like having this on any person that's going to be in melee that way they won't fall in the ice Fields I make but this is nice to have as well you obviously have the hell dust boots there's a bunch of different boots you can use for this build pick what everything you think will be best for you my neck piece I'm just using amulet a misty step that way I can give these boots to someone else and still have Misty step for free on my character if I didn't use that I could possibly use the greater Health one it's going to be up to you what you want to do for this build when it comes to other Rings though like for the snowb burst ring this is great specifically for cold damage that way whenever I do damage with my bow I put the ice fields on the ground and with my baric inspiration because I can hit multiple targets at once I can get multiple ice fields on the ground at once as well which is really really strong you do have one other piece of gear I want to talk about here we go so for cold snap this is a offhand dagger only this is really nice for the cold element stuff in combination with the Ice Wizard and the frost Knight anytime a Target misses me they have to make a saving throw and if they fail they're going to be chilled for two turns which means I can do double damage everyone in my team would do double damage to them with cold but they resistance to fire this is really nice so you don't have to consistently cast create water every turn if you don't want them to be be uh if you don't want the enemy to be vulnerable you can just do it passively from dodging their attacks and this pairs really well with the eldrich Knight as well if you did take the armor uh spell to increase your AC by plus five as a reaction really nice combo you could also simply use a shield here if you wanted and go dueling as bar to setad of dual wielding up to you and that's basically gearing uh when it comes to the other elements so obviously if you're going to be using poison or not poison but um noxious fumes with acid you can combine the culic ring and The Icarus gloves and then also put acid on your bow you could go with other things as well if you did want to keep the element here for the Deadshot to do the cold damage so one thing you could do then is let your other teammates use Winter's clutches you could put the Icarus gloves on put the ring for cic band so you have acid damage snow fields so anytime you attack the enemy they will have noxious fumes on them and do an AE field as well another really powerful combo it's going to be up to you whether you want to do that or not all right guys and for those who did want to see the heat mechanic I find the heat mechanic works best if you're actually an eldrich Knight in combination of Bard I like this combination a lot the play style will be slightly different but still very similar in certain ways first off you do you want to use a shield here we're using the shield of scorching reprisal this thing has a really cool class action that will allow you to once per short rest basically hide behind your shield and you will retaliate with fire damage against melee attackers this is really strong because this is affected by the heat mechanic for extra damage if you combine that with the cloa displacement and other things like your Shield spell here for being an eldrich Knight you have a lot of ways to protect yourself and retaliate for damage this also is really nice because then you can use your searing Smite here as well in combination of the thermo arcanic gloves to do turns of heat so basically whenever you deal fire damage you will gain two turns of heat you can see I have fire on my bow from using the Drake throat GLA that we talked about a little bit earlier I am using the hell dust helmet here just because I do like that this gives me immunity to being blind and one of the Spells I took at level seven for eldrich Knight is actually Darkness so even more ways to basically protect myself or use it as a utility spell I am using sleep for this one as well from The Bard but everything else is pretty much the same the only other new spell we have here is grease this is really nice to set up fire on the ground to make basically AOE like fire fields and whatnot when it comes to the Gear everything else is pretty much the same I am using the hell dust chest piece here just because it's one of the best chest pieces and if you are not a teling this will give you immunity from being burned you have fire resistance and you take three less damage from all sources if you do want to try this build out in act two you can because you can simply instead of using this you want to go with the adamantine splint armor reduces all incoming damage by two and if you combine that with the helm here the Grim skull Helm you are resistant to fire damage as well so you don't have to be a tling and with that combination you'll take zero damage from heat anyway I think that's all the gear I might have missed some things I'm not sure I had to retake this multiple times cuz my voice was going out cuz I'm still not fully healed yet from being uh sick with my sinus infection but hopefully you understood what I was saying and it works out so let's go ahead and break down combat all right so for the first showcase is going to be with the elemental Arrow of cold so what I want to do then is a I'm going to go ahead and cast minor illusion here I'm going put it right here to try getting all these guys grouped up I'mma put turn base mode on I'm going to go ahead and cast a spell on these guys we're going to do create or destroy water we want create water we want to get all these guys wet so I can just open up with a big big burst I'm going to use my potion Here For Speed to give myself an extra action so now I have a couple of things I could do here so a do I want my passive one for Sharpshooter all in I do because what I'm going to do is use use my dice here for precision attack turn it on put it on myself so I get extra attack and what I'm going to do is actually shoot and I'm going to shoot using a baric inspiration we're going to go with attack two enemies at once so I can hit multiple guys right here if I wanted and it would do a lot of damage or if I wanted I could just shoot regularly without using this so instead of doing that I could go ahead and go back and just attack normally using my arrow of many targets and it will hit multiple people so this is what I'm going to do I'm going to hit this character right here yeah we will attack all right so it's my turn now this is when the flourish comes in it's going to be really fun because I can hit multiple people at once which is what I'm going to do I want her gone so I'm going to go ahead and do this you can see even a sharpshooter all in I still have 90% chance to hit so we'll go with you and we'll go with you over here bam so you can see she's already dead he's in Crossing with frost and has reverberation really really nice so then if I wanted I could cast a spell so I could do as a bonus action because I attacked I can now CC people so if I wanted I could get multiple people cced you can see it's only a 65% chance though so I could do hold person in instead or not hold person um rank one for my Tasha also 65 this is why it may be better instead of having the diam for extra damage to use the birthright Helm for extra Charisma but it's going to be up to you what you want to try doing or you could also do glyph awarding this isn't a bonus action but it would just be fun to hit everyone at once so I'm going to go ahead and try to CC some people I'm going to CC you and try to get you into back and you can see I did get one of them so he's cced now and it automatically gives me Advantage so I have a couple of other things I could do cuz I still have my regular attack which I definitely do want to do so I could do my regular attack with Bic inspiration again I could give myself rolling dice for menacing attack ranged you can see these guys because I didn't hit him let's try to get him feared 90% chance to hit let's do it he's frightened he can't move so he's stuck there really nice so then I'm going to go ahead with my second action here I could choose to a bunch of different things I could continue to attack with flourishes if I really wanted to instead I'm going to go with glyph warding this is not a concentration spell and I don't want my concentration to break so I could do lightning I could do fire which we don't want I could do detonation which knocks everyone back I could do cold for even more like AOE cold damage which is nice cuz they're all wet still so that's what I'm going to do I'm going to do it right here bam does damage created even more ice Fields so now I could use action surge which I'm going to do so I can get even more stuff so now what I'm going to do is then attack this person right here they're going to die so what I could do then is use my ranged here do two attacks again so I can hit you path is interrupted so I got to move get my flourishing attack you and then try to attack you as well and you can see that person died I just I crit that guy for a lot actually what did I hit hit him yeah 33 piercing six cold 43 piercing 14 cold so it it does a lot of damage all right so for the noxus fume showcase I do want to showcase if you wanted a little bit more burst how you can combine the mantle of holy Warrior cic ban and then I'm going to put on my conduit ring here for extra damage while concentrating I won't have bonus actions for cc anymore but instead I gain a lot more damage so what I'm going to do now just like before come over but this time I'm going to go ahead and use Crusaders mantle right away minor illusion try to get them all stacked up up they all coming all right it's a turn base mod all right so what I'm going to do now is start to attack I do want her to die CU she can heal so I'm just going to double attack her real quick all right so she's she died thank you all right so now I got all these guys stacked up my initiative was good enough to I go first so what I'm going to do is actually try to CC these guys so I could instead use my glyph warding and try to get all of them at once unfortunately the ranger is slightly out of ranged but I can get these four here and I got three of the four which is pretty damn nice so now what I'm going to end up doing on my actual turn use my bonus action for potion of speed let's go ahead and just basically kill this guy so what I'm going to end up doing is straight up just attack ATT in him or I could use my flourish to hit him in the back as well so let's do that instead let's get you and the ranger all right and you can see it said saved that means they passed their DC check for the noxus fumes which is okay let's go ahead and do Precision attack again that way I can get even better rolls hopefully get a crit or something and although I shouldn't be wasting my flourishes like this if you just want extra burst damage this is something you can do all right so they both died which is kind of nice I guess um yeah so we're just going to come up here and end our turn all right so I could use Missy step to jump up here which I'm going to do this is a nice spot to be cuz they're probably never going to hit me from down there but but they're all asleep anyway so I could now if I wanted do a couple different things so I really like glyph awarding is I how powerful it is I could put a bunch of AE acid on the ground get noxious fumes everywhere I could get them cold I could detonate to knock these guys back which is pretty useful I could do fire if I wanted lightning sleep again if I needed to and thunder so one thing you could do as well so let's go ahead and get them create water let's go ahead and get these guys wet so they're no longer sleeping but they are wet so that means when I go to do something like lightning or cold if I wanted they will do double damage and of course if you did make this build slightly different and I do actually have a specific lightning Ranger build I can showcase later on it's really fun but now I have electric fields all over the ground so if they walk they're going to take damage and just like before we're going to go ahead and open up a minor illusion just to get these guys stacked up a little bit I'm use my potion Speed enter turnbas mode before they run away let's go ahead and get grease on the enemy that way I can get a nice fire field going and I'm just going to shoot and open up on this person here all right so you can see I'm already at three stacks of heat I have my displacement just for my Cloe already so I'm going to go ahead and simply attack her or I could open up and do something else you said this is a bonus action for my ranged attack and that's because I used my minor illusion cantrip earlier to do that so instead I'm going to use a spell we're going to do glyph awarding here get even more fire damage damage going now reason I wanted to Showcase that is because that's an AE field it doesn't actually affect your stacks of heat which is a little unfortunate but that's okay so instead of using my range attack extra attack here which wouldn't be bad I'm not going to what I want to do instead is simply get my heat mechanic going so I'm going to go ahead and just use this prematurely even though I have a few other attacks and stuff I could do that's fine I'm going to come up here and I am going to use the shield skill right here that you get your blazing retaliation from your Shield use it and this will use my stacks of heat and you can see I will do damage to people when they attack me so now I can go ahead and attack again if I wanted to so she's basically dead I might as well kill her so she doesn't heal up and I have my quickening I could do if I did have a bonus action still but I I don't I'm going to go ahead and attack this guy way in the back just because I don't like him so let's go ahead and do my range attack here get him twice there we go all right and that did use some of my heat mechanics so I definitely want to make sure I use it again so it is affected everything else and now I could either use action surge I could cancel the heat mechanic to get some more attacks in that way so how about we do that instead cuz I already have the shield spell going to be going on my turn anyway so instead let's go ahead use action surge just get a couple more easy hits in just because I want a little bit more of the heat mechanic going trying not to kill these guys all right good all right so now I will go ahead and use my heat convergence and my turn and you can see he missed he Tes takes fire damage every time he misses which is nice and it's just a nice little way to just do extra fire damage to people when they go to hit you and because I do have a shield I have a lot of AC I mean chances of them hitting me especially with the blur I have on myself displacement they're never going to hit me like it's just not going to happen so I have a couple things I can do now you can see I'm kind of trapped here between all these guys so I could simply use vicious mockery on someone if I wanted to and attack afterwards or I could just knock all these guys out at once so I'm going to use my bonus action just to teleport away because I do have two uh skills here still I'm going to go ahead and simply just do my good old grease again on all these guys and because those was already connected to a fire field it does an AOE explosion and now because I have another action here I can simply attack these guys and wipe them out and I have seven saacks of heat so let's go ahead and use heat convergence just so I can get bigger damage on these guys and you can see I did 11 damage with the heat convergence so the heat convergence will affect both arrows you actually shoot off which is pretty damn cool the last guy alive is this guy all the way up here cuz I agreed him but that's basically how this build Works guys you use the heat mechanic to build up damage into your shield for blazing retaliation or you can use your heat mechanic and get double shots for Bic inspiration and if you take a look here the 11 fire damage it was the 1 D4 Fire Plus the heat mechanic as well which is why it was 11 and it did affect both arrows so it's just a nice way to get get a little bit more burst going if you want extra damage that way I'm Ronin I hope you enjoyed this video so much if you did please like And subscribe and I will see you guys in the next one I did have a few requests for the holy Archer I am working on that but I'm building that a little differently than I am with this guide here so it will be a different play style but hopefully still enjoy comment down below for any other quests and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Blood Ronin
Views: 6,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's gate 3, bard, ranger, archer, arcane archer, elemental archer, sleep, fighter, multiclass, guide, builds, bg3, bg3 build, champion, battle master, eldritch knight, act 1, act3, dead shot, bow, radiant orb, ice build, fire build, heat, acid, poison, birthrite, dex, karlach, cold burst ring, crusader's mantle, misty step, heat convergance, hell dusk, shield of scorching retaltion, band of mystic scoundrel, drake throat glaive, flourish, hunter, sniper
Id: OoHjedh85ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 27sec (2787 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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