Holy Sniper Build Baldur's Gate 3

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when you think of holy sniper what comes to mind hey guys I'm Ronin and welcome back to my Channel today we are talking about a really fun build I'm excited for the holy sniper utilizing the CC support and some other things that the cleric gives in combination with just going a few points into Hunter you have a devastating killing machine I kid you not I made a deep cleric build that does some incredible burst has some out of this world utility in CC and honestly might be my favorite build to date let's get into it so how does this build actually work then if you only have one attack well with the war priest you have War priest extra attack charges allowing you to use a bonus action to attack again but where the actual burst comes from is going to be from two things a you have theine strike and I know what you're thinking the vine strike is a bad rep right well the vine strike you can do additional damage automatically whenever you attack there's a range version and a melee version the reason I like this and even though it's only once per turn because it is a reaction what you can end up doing is actually combining this with the subass from the Ranger with the ranger subass you choose Colossus Slayer once per turn your weapon attacks deal additional 1d8 damage if the target is below its maximum hit point because this counts as a separate additional attack it will automatically proc Colossus Slayer if you combine that with additional damage from CTIC ban combining with the callous glow ring it will proc the glow ring three to four times you have your passive for Sharpshooter for even more damage and because you are a war priest even if that negative attack penalty you can use your channel Divinity to give yourself plus 10 to your attack row making sure you hit the enemy if you combine that with some additional gear like the Luminous gloves for radiant damage to do radiant orbs applying reverberation you can really stack up some damage quickly debuffs quickly and in one turn you can get four plus stacks of Arcane acurity no issues whatsoever all right so I have a lot of openers that you can do one thing if you want like maximum burst you could use your Melody your shriek get that going I'm just going to go ahead and cast my spirit guardians real quick and to turn base mode and I'm just going to open up on this lady in front of me here I accidentally one shot her I I didn't mean to actually do that you can see that was a lot of damage you have your 34 piercing and that's Swift Sharpshooter on the extra lightning because the Dres thr my acid damage from The Ring which proc the radiant damage from the other ring you have your additional hit here which procs the ring again then you have Colossus Slayer which procs the ring again and because your Divine strike counts as an additional attack it will always proc Colossus Slayer so anytime you attack it procs both which is really really powerful so now that it's my turn I have a couple of things I can do so what I'm going to do is is a I could either knock all these guys asleep which wouldn't be a bad idea I could definitely do that so let's go ahead and do sleep real quick that way I can kind of just you know CC everyone if I wanted to you can see I have three stacks of acuities just from that one attack by the way they're all asleep fantastic because now I can use my bonus action and summon a spirit weapon I could go Trident Maul I'mma go with the Maul here and summon him right there I'm going to try to get out a line of sight so the guy doesn't hit me and just end my turn all right so it's my turn let's go ahead and try to knock him in cust of Smash failed which is unfortunate that would have been nice since he has a lot of dexterity but that's okay perfect all right so now that's my turn another good opener is if you know for sure you are going to open up one everyone you could easily get your guardian of Faith going right away so I'm going to put guardian of Faith right here in the Middle come up and I'm going to Daz this guy right here and I'm just going to end my turn and the way this build works is you want to be positioned near your guardian of faith that way if you have melee attackers attack you can force them to come to you and take damage from your spirit Guardians plus your guardian Faith or you can easily pull them towards you with your weapon once you get it in act three what's great is that they attack you while you're at your guardian of Faith he reacts and attacks them so now that it's my turn I could either attack which would be a smart thing to do because all these guys you can see are pretty much at Max HP so that's what I'm going to do let's go ahead and attack you in the back you can see all the radiant orbs and reverberation I just did to that person so now I'm going to go ahead and attack this one here did some damage and I'm going to walk up and kill that way and I'll end my turn I could Shield blow but it's probably not going to happen they have pretty good save so I'm not even going to bother about it but you could use that as a reaction if you wanted for example you can see they pass so didn't do anything but they have the ability to retaliate as well all right so I have my little hand again he missed but that's okay he's more so for extra CC and to distract enemies so what if I wanted to pull them to me so I'm going to pull him he's got a 75% chance to get pulled to me and that's what I'm going to do I got pulled to me I'm going to use a bonus action here cuz I'm a little low so I definitely want to heal some I'm actually going to heal a lot even though I normally wouldn't upcast at this much I'm a little low so let's try to heal some not that much but it's enough to where I won't die I walk into him he dies and I could have easily summoned a guardian there if I wanted to but there wasn't a need in my opin oh he had nowhere to go he got hit shame so no matter what this guy's going to die on my turn coming up so it's just a matter of how do I want to kill him so I could run up hit him that way pull him towards me there's a bunch of different things I could do we're just going to go ahead and like I could Rush attack as well if I needed to get across which which is really cool in order to dash at the enemy and you can see that we'll also get all the radiant damage itself as well which is really fun and that's how you play the build I mean I'm not sure how to explain it any other way then you kind of like set up a a home base you let enemies come to you or you come to them you can shoot enemies from afar you can pull with rep position it's really really fun and just by switching out a few pieces of gear you can become more defensive for example if I switch out these gloves if I don't need radiant orbs and I want Reviving hands instead I can give myself blade Ward anytime I heal I take out the cic band and I add the whispering promise anytime I heal I also give bless there's a lot of different things you can do with this build if you don't care about having the pull from this weapon you can replace this with like the legendary bow for example to do even more burst and add guidance bolts as well on hit it's insane the amount of different stuff you can do if you have a stronger one-hander that is also finesse your melee attacks hit pretty hard it's really really fun I enjoy the heck out of it all right everyone it is time to talk gear starting out I do want to State I have different gear depending on the type of situation I want to be in do I want to be more supportive do I want to be more bursty or do I want to like an in between I got you covered and what's great is majority of this gear I use you get in act one and two some of it obviously is from act three but a lot of it is in the earlier stages of the game so let's talk end game with weapons first and then I'll talk about what you can use for acts one and two so end game in my opinion there's going to be two to three bows you really want to use the Hellfire engine crossbow that you get at the steel works and I'll showcase a tutorial at the end of the video and how to get this this is amazing because this will give you an ability to pull enemies to you and Ed ability is from the weapon itself you can read it it is the reposition male Factor what determines the DC for this I don't know the combat log is really glitched it says it does like spellcasting modifier but even with all my extra spell DC it doesn't affect it so I'm pretty sure this is a bug right now and not program correctly on what DC is actually saved with it but this is really great because this will pull enemies literally 30 ft that's great because you have abilities like your spirit Guardians that you can you know the AOE field around you you can pull enemies to you you can pull them into your actual like big time Guardian guy the guardian of Faith it's really really strong and honestly it's just nice to pull enemies down too if you have an Archer from above pull them down to you it's a really great Weapon It's a heavy crossbow as well so it's 1 d10 plus your modifier it's really really strong I like this a lot if you don't use this in act three of course you have the legendary bow this thing is just I mean it's in a class of its own when it comes to stuff it has a really nice ability bolt of celestial light you can use this once per short rest but once you do all of your attacks will do a additional radiant damage afterwards so if you use this you do not want to use any spell that puts radiant damage on your bow because if it does it overrides it so keep that in mind but if you use this and then don't use any spell like Crusaders mantle for example you don't have to use Crusaders mantle because you can use this and then your bow attacks will always do additional radiant damage and if you add the Drake throat like ability to where you can add addition stuff on your weapons it's really insane if you don't know how the Drake throat Works check the video down below in the description it's a great way to add extra attack and damage to any weapon of your choice so this thing is ridiculous though because it also gives you haste which is really nice once per long rest one hit you can actually just give guiding bolt which is absolutely insane really really strong and it does an AOE light field around you this bow is just really really good and the best part about it is you can get this bow in the same area you go to get the Hellfire bow as well so you can pick and choose what you want the third option for bow in my opinion would definitely be the Deadshot however I like having this with more of my crit based characters but this is also another great bow to use and the Deadshot will help out when it comes to actually hitting the enemy more than the other bows will I just really like the utility this offers to pull enemies to me into my spells so with that being said what about acts one and two well there's going to be two bows in my opinion that you should use a you have the Titan string bow this thing will give you additional damage equal to your strength modifier I know what you're thinking but your strength is only eight right well if you had the club of Hill giant strength it automatically sets it to 19 so I could put that on you'll be at 19 strength giving you a modifier of plus4 adding plus4 to the damage if you use this bow and all the items I Showcase in this video if I didn't mention it already check the description down below I have itemization videos already made that talk about where to get all this stuff at the other bow is the herald bow you get this from the same Quest that you need to complete in order to unlock the vendor for the Titan string bow this is great because this means literally anytime you attack the enemy they have to pass a check or they become beaned meaning they have negative or or a negative D4 to their Attack rules really really strong if you want to help kind of like debuff the enemy so these are my two bows I would recommend for acts one and two and once you get the act three upgrade to something else all right so what about melee weapons and stuff so obviously we're going to be having a shield in our off hand I find the cck shield just to be super good advantage on dexterity saving throw checks is really really nice plus you get a plus one bonus to your spell save DC and attack roles this is one of my favorite shields in the game this is the one I use so use this as soon as you get it other than that use whatever Shield you want until then when it comes to your melee weapon we already talked about the club of the Hill giant strength but for x one two and three there's other choices you could use the Alo this thing is amazing with the shriek ability you have from the melody you can just do an AOE extra like uh Thunder damage really really powerful if you want extra burst if you want extra summons The Infernal Rapier is really nice cuz then you get the cambon summon once per long rest so it's just extra damage for free and it will give you plus one to your spell save DC and use your spell DC for your attack roles instead which is really nice even though you only have 16 wisdom it won't matter because you have so much spell save DC by the time you get this anyway it's really powerful and you want it more so for the summon regardless of course if you want to be more supporty you have the legendary mace for leveling up cleric and then respecing this thing's okay it just has a really nice class ability once forong rest to do like AOE healing of course you have the blood of lathander everyone knows how great this is you have knife of the under Mountain King whatever melee weapon you want it's going to be up to you for extra burst though the Alo is probably one of the best but I do want to give the shout out to the infernal Rapier the free cambon is really nice too okay so with weapons Shields and stuff out of the way it's time to talk about the rest of the gear so my Helm is the helmet of Arcane Acuity and my opinion this is the only Helm you're going to use you get this in act two this is amazing because after one hit with the way this build is set up I will have four stacks of Arcane acuity from one hit really really strong any other Helm before then feel free to use but as soon as you can get this get it my Cape I like cloak of displacement making the enemies have disadvantage to attack me is really really strong plus it looks really sick in my opinion if you don't like using this then in my opinion cloak of protection is also very good extra AC extra saving throws if you want more spell save DC cloak with the weave pick what you want here chest piece I'm going with the dark Justice's half plate obviously there's a better version of this if you choose the not so nice option in act two uh but this gives you advantage on Constitution saving throw checks which is the only reason I use it because a lot of the Spells you use as this build are concentration spells so I have it and I think with the die I used looks really really cool all right so now we talk about the gloves luminous gloves you get these in act two whenever you deal radiant damage you get one turn of radiating orbs this thing is amazing one of the best gloves in the game for this build because the way it interacts with your gear later on you can get basically three to four sacks of radiant orbs from one attack really really nice if you would prefer to be more supportive instead though there's some other options you can use so very early on if you just want extra damage for your bow you can get the gloves of archery this will give you plus two damage for your bows okay pretty cool if you want a little bit more support you have the Reviving hands whenever you heal you give blade Ward which is really great and there is a version of these gloves that aren't as good that you can actually get from zear in act one as soon as you actually run into Emerald Grove talk to him as soon as you have the option to trade with him you can buy the Green version of these gloves that have the same effect when you heal someone they get bladeb really really powerful if you want to be a little bit more supportive other than that those are the only gloves I use I do want to give a shout out though to the legacy of the Masters if you did want extra hit and damage in act three you can buy these from Damon not a bad pair of gloves to have okay so then that's going to lead us to the boots these are my go-to boots whenever you inflict the condition you inflict two turns of reverberation reverberation is a debuff that you can read here they get negative one to their decks strength and Constitution saving throws and it Stacks at once they hit five they have to make a check and if they fail they get knocked prone and take lightning damage or thunder damage this is really nice because every attack you do is going to apply a radiant orb because you do radiant damage with your attacks because of a certain ring you will be using or if you just use any of your spells so no matter what when you attack you do damage you put radiant orbs reverberation you do a lot just from one hit that brings us to necklaces so act three Amulet of the Deval is the go-to necklace you will be using you get plus two to your spell save DC that alone is great but you also have an additional charge for your Divine charge here so your guiding strike that that you have your channel the Divinity normally you would only have two charges well you have three now with this build which is really cool any necklace before then that you want to use feel free to use this is the one you use as soon as you get to act three rings so there's going to be quite a few different Rings you can use colti band is just kind of like a default free pick it's extra damage and with the way this works this will proc the Callos glow ring for extra uh radiant damage on the enemy which is really nice the callow's glow ring is really good because pretty much everything you attack is going to be illuminated because you're going to be applying radiant orbs to people and one of the easiest way to do that is your level one spell slot and you can start doing this pretty much as soon as you get the gear because you'll have your spell Divine favor so you can Channel a spell to do uh radiant damage to the enemy anyway so with the cic band and that combined you know it's just you're going to Pro extra callow glow ring procs all the time so the Callos glow ring is the one ring I would say you can never get rid of because it kind of makes the build sink together with how the gear works but if you don't want to use the CTIC band another really great Ring here is the strange conduit ring because majority of the Spells you'll be using are concentration spells this is nice CU that means you just do extra 1 D4 psychic which is pretty cool if you prefer to be a little bit more supportive instead of the cic band or that ring we just talked about the whispering promise that you get an act one that you can buy from Volo literally as soon as you see Volo and emerald Grove you can buy this whenever you heal a Target they gain bless one D4 to their attack rols and saving thrs for two turns this plus the other supportive gloves we talked about the Reviving hands and the version you can buy from zlar in Act One anytime you heal blade board and bless and what's great is your bonus action you have a bonus action to heal an AOE you can heal up the six allies at once or bonus action just to heal one person at once it's really really strong so if you want to be supportive you have that option there if you want extra damage you have that option there as well and that's pretty much the gear I use for this build could you make it better yeah I guess you could I mean technically you have access to heavy plate if you did want to use heavy plate ISO is like having advantage on Constitution saving throws and this is when The Hags hair would really make the build even stronger because if you did use The Hags hair you could get the 20 dexterity with only one ASI and then use that last feat to maybe gain proficiency with Constitution saving throws or something else but it's going to be up to you and how you build it but this is how I did gear so let's talk about leveling all right guys if you made it to the end of this video it's time to talk about leveling individually from 1 to 12 that way if you did want to follow this from a brand new file you certainly can your choices are to start out as a war cleric or a ranger my preference is war cleric personally CU I do find what you need from them is going to override what you need from a ranger but it's going to be up to you if you would like to go ranger first there isn't going to be that much difference so when it comes to my starting stats 17 decks Constitution 15 wisdom 16 I do not utilize The Hags hair so obviously if you do have The Hags hair you can make this build even better if you start out with this build and you're using it for our good old favorite Shadow heart here keep in mind you will have to Respec because she starts out in the trickery domain and you need to be War domain so starting out you do get some spells like Divine favor this is nice just to give your attacks extra holy damage canri wise pick what you want I think Sinker flame is kind of bad but it's nice to have in a pinch if you do need it for whatever reason background I just went with the default history and Medicine depending on your race and what background you choose as a custom character you may have different options all right so cleric level two this is when you get your Divine Channel Divinity here as a war priest it's guided strike basically you can give yourself plus 10 to your attack rolles as a reaction so if you were to miss normally now you don't you get some features Channel Divinity charges it's only one but it will increase as you level up more you get some swell casting and you can turn Undead by using a channel Divinity charge as well spell wise starting spells out so I do want to State there are some spells early on that are going to be really powerful so in my opinion bless early on is really good but may not necessarily be needed depending on what gear you use early on cure wounds it's an action to use during combat I don't like using actions strictly for healing I find Healing word to be a lot better because it's a bonus action and this can be utilized to help pretty much bring a down uh teammate back up which is really nice The Guiding bolt is very useful early on this is going to be really nice if you have teammates that need to attack especially if they have great weapon Master they'll have Advantage so this is really good I find create water is really really nice if you play with other characters that utilize lightning or cold magic this is really great for that and one once you get to a higher level even your own magic can utilize this as well inflict wounds is okay I don't utilize it all that much but it can hit pretty hard when you upcast it so keep that in mind and it's a melee kind of action so if anyone is up in your face and you can't get away this is a good way to do damage to them bin pretty terrible don't use it and of course Sanctuary one of the best spells in the game you can cast this on yourself or on a friend and enemies cannot hit them directly but they can get hit with AOE still pretty much means for most cases if you put this on someone they're going to be good to go so the last spell pick whatever you want command is also pretty useful but I find the later on in the game the less I use this at level four you get your first feet we're going ability Improvement and we're going dexterity 18 Constitution 16 in order to get a higher modifier can trip go ahead and pick what you didn't pick already repaired spells you can add more spells or change them around if you want hold person is pretty good so I would definitely say use this if you don't have someone else that already has it in your party cleric level five so this is when things are really going to start to get fun because this is when you unlock a few new abilities so let's start with the war cleric specifically you're going to have Spirit Guardians always prepared you this is the AOE like necrotic or radiant damage around your character really really strong concentration spell though and then Crusader mantle this is like the other spell you get just for being a war cleric early on except it affects allies as well so you can use this to increase your own damage and allies damage too but there's another spell I want to point out glyph warding really really strong does great AOE you can sleep you can knock back if you had to Target wet already you could use like the lightning field it's really really strong and I like it a lot this is becoming one of my favorite spells in the game also destroy Undead so if you did happen to turn Undead well whenever you turn them they take radiant damage now as well with you being level five you should be close into act two so basically if you're not at act two yet you're going to be pretty soon most likely and that's when clerics are really going to do really good damage and start to shine all right cleric level six this is when your actual Divine charge gets better because now you can use it on allies so not only can you increase your own attack rule by+ 10 but you can use a reaction to increase plus 10 for a teammate so any teammates that have great weapon Master as a feat for example this pretty much will negate that for them it's really really powerful and you get some more charges for your channel Divinity as well which is nice spell here go ahead and put down the spells that you want to have in your party I do want to give a shout out to mass healing word it's just healing word but better because it affects multiple allies and if you use this with some of the utility stuff we talked about earlier gear wise you can give your entire team blessed as a bonus action for two turns really good stuff all right cleric level seven so the reason I'm going to point this out is because you get guardian of Faith so we are definitely put putting that on we don't need remove curse you can prepare that anytime you need it to remove a curse we want guardian of Faith this thing hits really really hard I like it a lot and once you get the ability to pull enemies towards you and you'll know what I'm talking about from the intro this is really fun cleric level eight this is the final cleric level you're actually going to take as this build this gives you divine strike and I knew Divine strike gets a lot lot of hate however once you multiclass into Hunter this is going to actually be amazing because with Hunter once you actually get to that point you'll be able to do all kinds of additional damage from one hit and as a war priest you can use War priest charges using a bonus action to attack again anyway so you don't need extra attack as his build and with this even though it says melee there is a ranged option they going to start hitting really hard now you also get your second feet here so you could either go ability Improvement now if you want to get dexterity to Max or you can come down and get your good old Sharpshooter Sharpshooter it's a great weapon Master but for ranged weapons you take a neg five penalty to your attack rolles but if you hit you do plus 10 damage and with having guiding strike to give yourself plus 10 your attack rules this is pretty powerful but at the same time Sharpshooter low ground basic basically normally if you were to shoot someone that's at Higher Ground you would be at disadvantage well no longer the case you will never have that again so this is a really great feat to get either now or once you get the max level it's going to be up to you on how you play what difficulty you're on and whatever you want to do but no matter what it's going to be Sharpshooter or ASI at this point all right so we're no longer going cleric we are now going into Ranger so by this point you're going to be in act two for sure I was close to level 11 when I left act two but that was also with me pretty much getting as much experience as I can and doing everything throughout act one and act two so I would say when it comes to their favorite enemy you have a couple choices you could either go Bounty Hunter Keeper of the veil and that's it the reason I say don't go ranger Knight is because you already have access to Heavy Armor because you are a war priest so you get that automatically you don't need Sanctified stalker I mean you could already have access to this regardless this cantrips you don't need that Mage breaker is the worst Choice ever this canri right here true strike is garbage don't pick it keeper the veil is okay I mean protection from Good and Evil I've never used it in this game ever so if it is good and I'm not utilizing it then definitely let me know uh but in my opinion Bounty Hunter is probably the best choice here just because it will help you out slightly depending on how you play play and then of course your other things you can choose here Beast Tamer if you do want a fine familiar these are really really useful and can really help distract uh enemies other than that I mean urban tracker is okay I don't use this character to steal but if you do that could be something or you could CH take Wasteland Wanderer fire in my opinion fire is one of the most common uh like magic types in the game so having resistance to this now is good especially in act three there's a lot of fire in act three with certain enemies that you fight so this would be nice to have as well abilities here you can add abilities to things so if you want extra perception this is really good Athletics is okay depending on gear you don't need that though so it's going to be up to you on what you want to choose here I personally go with perception all right so level 10 Ranger level two you get some spells so spells I would recommend long Strider such a great utility spell free movement for you and every one of your allies until your next long rest it's a ritual spell so it's free really powerful if you want enhanc leap another great ritual spell to have or if you want in snaring strike I don't use insing strike much at all but it can have some Niche uses it's going to be up to you I don't use Hunter's Mark at all as this build I feel like there's no need fighting style you can finally pick archery now all right you finally get your subass and now this is when you should be in act three because you'll be level 11 now and this is when your damage is going to pop off big time so you're going Hunter you're doing Hunter's prey and you're doing Colossus Slayer well this stacking with the extra attack you get just from being a war priest and everything else like you're going to be doing a lot of damage with this with the way those two subass features kind of work together which is why I didn't want you to take Colossus Slayer right away I feel like there's no point to take it right away if you go and hit the enemy with additional damage well now you will no matter what so it's really strong spell wise go ahead and pick whatever you want here it's going to be up to you all right and then your final feat ability Improvement and now you're done leveling [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for
Channel: Blood Ronin
Views: 11,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cleric, Ranger, War Priest, Holy Archer, Holy Sniper, BG3, BG3 build, baldur's gate 3, sniper, arrow, hellfire engine crossbow, radiant orb, reverberation, shadowheart, hunter, colossus slayer, Guided Strike, Spiritual Weapon, Spirit Guardians, War God's Blessing, Guardian of Faith, Helmet of Arcane Acuity, Amulet of the Devout, shar, sharp shooter, feats, Gontr Mael, heavy crossbow, longbow, Dark Justiciar Half-Plate (Rare), Luminous Gloves, fighter, end game, acts 1, act 2, act 3
Id: lFvvX-g_JFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 13sec (2233 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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