More Item Sets Baldur's Gate 3 That Change How You Play!

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hello everyone I'm Rin and welcome to even more sets that create builds of their own an itemization video for balers Gate 3 this is a follow-up video to the first one that I made so thank you for your feedback because of that feedback I decided to make a part two so if you haven't seen part one go check it out cuz I won't be covering items from that in this video this video will contain things broken down into sections again just like the previous one this will contain items that Interactive Aid crit stacking items and Feats Arcane Acuity minion SL necromancy even more support interactions and self-sustain alcohol-based interactions even more cold-based items items affecting bonus actions Force conduit items gith Yankee specific items and so much more so with that being said let's go ahead and get started all right so starting with acid for those who don't know it is a condition that can reduce the target's AC by two not all items or Spells at interactive acid will apply this but I did want to add this just in case you didn't know starting with act one in the mushroom Colony within the underd dark you can find a few different sellers that have items for you to buy the female dwarf can be found here and also found later in act three she sells the CTIC band your weapon attacks deal two additional acidic damage she sells the corrosive flail that has a unique ability called corrosive strike you deal additional acidic damage equal to your proficiency bonus and on a hit you create a pool of acid that reduces the target's AC by two blur also within the mushroom Colony sells Mel's first staff this gives you plus one bonus to spell save DC and spell attack rols and you can cast Mel's acidic Arrow once prong rest this is pretty cool because normally Sorcerers and warlocks don't gain access to that spell and at two you can find the flesh melters cloak whenever a creature deals melee damage to the user the creat creature takes 1 D4 acidic damage this is looted from a chest inside the house of healing morg also found inside act two you have the Icarus gloves whenever you deal acidic damage you also inflict a noxious fume on the ground this basically is a cloud of acid that deals 1 D4 damage and this pairs exceptionally well with the CTIC band that we just talked about and you can find this in the waning Moon inside act two of course the ring and necklace of Elemental augmentation will interact with AET as well and you can find us in the mountain pass of the gith Yankee one inside a cabinet and the other is on a dead [Music] body there is also a pair of boots you get from the mountain P either by following the quest chain of the egg or by killing the GI yane here these boots make you resistant to acid damage and acid surfaces no longer affect you and in act three you have a really unique weapon called the flil of Ages it has a unique ability to buff itself with plus one to attack and deal additional fire cold or acidic damage depending on what you actually select and depending on what is selected you can apply the acid effect chill or burning as well and this is sold by a vendor here in B's gate this brings us to even more cold based interactions so naturally the FL of Ages if you do choose a cold option would fit here but also an 3 and the very beginning you will actually run into a vendor that if you're like me you probably missed out on some really unique items if you have Shadow heart in your party depending on actions that you took in act two he will instantly disregard you and go away permanently so I would recommend leaving shadowart in your Camp when interacting with him to gain access to his special inventory you will need to select the following dialogue options he sells the cold snap dagger which is a really unique dagger while in your offand will give you plus one to your AC but also whenever a creature misses you with an attack they must succeed a dc13 constitution saving throw and if they fail they are chilled for two turns allowing you to do double damage with ice but they would be resistant to fire he also sells some other really nice unique items that I will leave on screen now for you to check out [Music] in act two within the shadowlands you can find the ice bite robe this allows you to basically cast the ice armor ability for free once prong rest you can also get a really nice shield in Act Two by killing the main orc person within moonrise Towers you can get it early by killing her early in this room and then just leaving the camp it allows you to cast fire Shield chill and if you are marked by the absolute it reduces all spell damage by one as well for monks you have the snow dusted Monastery gloves which allows your unarmed attack to do additional C damage and allows you to cast ice knife for free once prong rest you can buy that here from this vendor inside act three I already hinted at it earlier but the vendor in rington if you unlock a special stash has a really nice great Axe that allows you to summon an axe companion I guess you could say it's kind of like the cleric spell but unique to this weapon so in act one inside The Hideout all the way in the back you will actually find a chest that has a pair of gloves that gives all minions resistance to all damage except psychic the drawback here is your minions will go mad if they fail a wisdom check which is done at the start of every turn in act three if you follow the murder quest chain you will actually get to loot The Black Guard gauntlets off the guards in the front of the murder tribunal entrance this will allow you to actually cast inflict wounds as a fourth level spell this is nice because not that many classes actually have access to this spell in act two assuming you do have Gail in your party you can actually create a unique weapon that allows you to Summit a shade creature you will need to complete a ritual inside balthazar's chambers within moonrise Towers to obtain this speaking of basar if you kill him within Char's Gauntlet he will actually give you the circle of Bones ciret this allows you to create Undead as a spell and grants a new Aura Undead Ward that makes all Allied Undead resistant to physical damage of course in act two after defeating Krick he has some armor and a really unique Shield that are really useful for anyone that wants to fit that necromancy theme before you defeat him though up top there is a chest you can open that has the Ring of the exalted marrow which grants two spells you can cast once per long breast also within the Mind player Colony there is a unique Rapier you can receive as a gift for will assuming you bring him along and passive persuasion check known as The Infernal Rapier you gain a plus one bonus of spell sa DC also instead of using its dexterity modifier it uses its spell casting ability modifier for attack roles and it has the unique ability to allow you to summon the actual cambon which are really really powerful cuz normally only clerics will actually get this spell so now anyone can do that assuming you use this weapon in B's gate if you follow aerion's Quest chain with the pale elf you can loot the staff wo off the main boss there this has a few different benefits a you gain plus one bonus of spell save DC and attack roles when a creature affected by your spells fail any Associated saving throws you actually get healed and you can cast blight as a fourth level spell once prolonged rest in act three you will meet a lich that has a few items for sale however if you do follow his quest chain you actually get to keep thrombo alive by doing so you can receive the Crypt Lord's ring as a quest reward which allows you to cast create Undead as a six level Spell assuming you did follow this Quest chain and thrombo is alive you will kill the Lich eventually anyway and you will get to loot all of his loot regardless except for the helm so do make sure you buy the helm the first time you meet the Lich but once you do kill him you will loot the most powerful necromancy staff in the game staff of the cherished necromancy creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against your necromancy spells if that wasn't enough you get a unique skill called life Essence Harvest basically the way this works is whenever you kill a creature you absorb their life Essence and you can use that life Essence to cast a spell instead of a spell slot meaning you can cast six ranked spells almost indefinitely it's really really strong in my last video Force conduit was commented about a lot so I'm adding it here for those who don't know Force conduit is a stacking buff that reduces the damage from bludgeoning piercing and slashing by a raw number up to the amount of turns remaining once you get to five or more turns it will deal 1 D4 Force damage and an AE around the character there are a few items you can gain for this uh some of them you actually get pretty early so inside act 1/2 within the mountain pass with the against the Yankee there is a hird that you can get called The Skin burster that whenever you deal damage with the weapon you gain two turns of force conduit and this is found near where the necklace of Elemental augmentation is in act two evolve demon and the blacksmith with last lights in inside a chest you can find the Rippling Force male whenever you take melee damage you gain two turns of force conduit and in act three there is a vendor within rivington's General Store it sells a shield that at the start of your turn you gain Force conduit or alcohol based items there are a couple of things you can have starting with the punt drun drunk bastard weapon looted from a chest in the back of the storage room of the winning moon this has a unique weapon skill called tipler's rage whenever you have the alcohol condition you have advantage on attack roles you also create a blast of each attack dealing 1 D4 Thunder damage and an AOE around the character you have the Amulet of the drunkard while wearing this amulet you gain two to eight hit points per turn while you do have the alcohol condition additionally it increases this condition by five additional rounds and it's sold by this NPC inside act three and lastly you have the drunken cloth while you do have the drunk status you have advantage on Constitution saving throws and you will gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier at the start of your turn purchase from this NBC here at the guilt Hall found in lower City sewers for crit stacking items this is going to be in two sections conditional versus non things that are conditional base will start with the spell sniper feet this will only affect spells you have the dark Justice's helmet you have to be obscured found within Char's Temple make sure to clear the room of silence and gather all the books the one you need to insert is on screen now the shade Slayer cloak must be hidden found from a vendor inside act three within the Guild Hall you have the covert cow must be obscured found off a mob underneath last lights in for non-conditional you have becoming a champion subass of the fighter this will increase your crit chance permanently by plus one you have sarahx Helm you have to kill this NBC to gain it to gain access to this you do have to start the murder quest here in act three blade of the first Blood you must kill the bosss for this one see same Quest chain mentioned for Sarah Vox Helm you have the Deadshot bow which can be purchased from the same vendor that sells the FL of Ages here inside act 3 knife of the under Mountain King only crit for itself but can be stacked of other items sold by the vendor with inside the mountain pass of the GI Yankee this now will bring us to Arcane Acuity which is a stacking buff that will go up to seven times which give you plus seven to your spell attack roles and spell DC assuming you have it at Max Stacks you have the Hat of Stormy Scion's power whenever you deal Thunder damage you gain Arcane Acuity for two turns this is sold by by AR Raj inside moonrise Towers you have the Hat of fire Acuity whenever you deal fire damage you gain Arcane Acuity for two turns you can find this by killing the strange Ox inside act two or act three if you kill it in act one it will not drop the item you have the gloves of battle mage's power whenever you deal a weapon attack roll that inflicts a condition you gain Arcane Acuity for one turn this is found inside a chest within the toll house here inside act two you also have the helmet of Arcane Acuity whenever you deal damage with a weapon attack gain Arcane Acuity for two turns and this can be found inside a locked and trapped chest within a secret area with inside the Mason Guild basement to gain access to this basement you will have to go through a trap door inside the Mason's Guild and that will open up the secret area okay all my GI Yankee fans this next part is for you we're going to start with the silver sword of the astral plane the legendary great sword although you can follow the quest chain in act three and actually obtain this that way it's really towards the end of the game so if you did want to use it for most of your playthrough you can get it in Act One by disarming boss or you can level up some in act two and come back and kill him and obtain the sword that way it's extremely powerful and in the right hands it will trivialize some fights of this game even on tactician but if you don't want to murder him or cheese him in act one the other gith Yankee here in this area do have a Green version of the sword extremely weaker but it is an added bonus as well at the mountain pass the gith Yankee crash you will find the soul breaker great swword looted from the mini boss in the Captain's Quarters also within the gith Yan crash after killing the main boss of this area if you loot the bodies you will find a circlet which gives a bonus to some saving throws and if you are GI Yankee you will deal additional psychic damage after succeeding a saving throw in act two on your way to balder's gate you will actually be in Bush by some gith Yankee and once you wipe them out the main character there will actually have a really unique chest piece that has a lot of added benefits however you can come here a little bit earlier if you did want to get that chest piece right away this NPC also has a unique pair of bracers too that will let you cast telekinesis using strength as you're casting modifier in act three once you actually get to balder's gate if you go to the emperor's old Hideout you will find a unique pair of boots looted off an NPC that will give bonuses after flying and will allow you to cast fly once prong rest while you are here although this next chest piece isn't unique to gith Yankee you might as well pick this up cuz it's a really unique heavy chest piece that looks very similar to the mind flers it makes you immune being frightened and gives you bonuses to saving throws if you're infected with a mine flare worm all right now we are talking about items that interact with bonus actions in act three you can buy the quick spell glovs from the sorcerer sundrees this allows cantrips that cost an action to instead be a bonus action and you can use this once per long rest also found within the source of Sundries is the Pyro quickness hat you will need to see invisibility to actually have this or cast fairy fire to see the chest that it's looted in this hat grants one additional bonus action per round after casting a leveled fire spell this pairs exceptionally well with heat mechanics and in my opinion is the best heat like Fire based hat for any type of meta magic using sorcerer also in act three you can find the helmet of grit found within a cursed room inside cazador's Palace this is nice because when you're at low HP you just get an extra bonus action when in the jungle after winning the mini game with the genie you can actually loot a ring called band of the Myster scandrol I find this to be exceptionally useful for anyone that wants to use hold person for cc this ring allows you to after hitting a creature with a weapon attack to cast illusion or enchantment spells as a bonus action the next set of items we talk about are mainly for Druids however some items will affect other things when you have like the sky self starting with the shape shifter's Boon ring this is a ring that gives you a modifier of plus 1 D4 bonus to All Checks you can get this by killing the strange Ox looted inside act two or killing him inside Act act three as well quard Master tally sells the bark skin armor this isn't necessarily Druid specific but this does give you the effects of bark skin giving you AC to 16 and this is nice for some of those low AC Druid forms so you can get this pretty early on you have the shape shifter's hat which increases your wild shaped charges by one and this is sold by the vendor at the devil's fee in act three one to unlocker special stash you can unlock the special St Das by doing dialogue checks inspecting items and more you have the armor of moon basking which is bought from a vendor in ler City sewers near where the entrance of Ball's Tempo is this is going to give you two different Buffs you have lunar Beal Vitality you gain 22 temporary hit points after casting wild shape and while you have those temporary hit points reduce all damage by one you also have lunar beasal fortitude you have a plus two bonus to AC you also have advantage on saving throws against [Music] spells all right so now we're going to talk about support/ self-sustain although I did mention the bless ring in the first video I did want to mention it here cuz it just pairs really well with a bunch of items we'll talk about and this is sold by Volo in act one also in act one you can find a Helm after saving the T flings it's part of the pack you receive from zlar this Helm just heals yourself whenever you heal others also from the same NPC you can buy or steal it from him he has a unique pair of gloves that grants you Helm's prot protection whenever you heal another creature it gains resistance to bludgeoning piercing and slashing so this is a really nice way if you want to be a support person pretty much right from the start of the game definitely get those items in act three however you can find a much better pair of gloves called the Reviving hands which are sold from a vendor in the storm Shore Tabernacle whenever you heal a creature it gains the effects of Blade Ward whenever you revive a creature it has the effects of death Ward it gives you strength saving throws plus one and you can cast reify once per long rest you can buy the Ring of regeneration at the sorcerer Sundries this passively heals you every turn and this actually counts as a spell so this will proc things like blade board from the gloves we just mentioned or bless from The Ring I mentioned earlier for even more self- sustain you can use the two-handed sword the sword of chaos looted from the boss here at the murder tribunal this sword will heal you for 1d6 after hitting with the this weapon from testing however this does not count as a spell and will not actually proc bless or blade Ward like the ring does and if you follow the route to unlock the legendary great sword the Bold Daren Giant Slayer behind the main boss there is actually a legendary Helm which grants a lot of benefits every turn it heals you for 2 Hp at the start of every turn you get plus one bonus to AC and saving throws you can't be stuned and you can't be crit oned either really really [Music] powerful for any BS out there there's a really nice set of gloves and boots that you can receive the gloves you can get from killing mimics inside the Grim Forge the boots you can actually get inside sh's [Music] Temple okay so next we're going to talk about items that kind of just don't have a category and I'm just throwing them here at the end of the video so if you are a rogue you will really like the risky ring sold from Mirage and moonrise Towers this gives all your attacks Advantage so you can sneak attack whenever you want however you do have disadvantage on saving throws speaking of sneak attacks the vendor here in Rivington in act three sells a pair of gloves that lets you do additional damage whenever you do sneak attacks she also sells a finesse two-handed weapon in case any Rogues out there wanted to sneak attack with great weapon Master this vendor also sells the bone Spike armor chest piece which is one of the best chest pieces for Barbarians in the game you can find the bone Spike boots here off the coast in the [Music] cave [Music] [Music] e the helmet is purchased from a vendor near the entrance to Ball's Temple and the gloves can only be looted by killing this NPC here during a fight after entering the temple grounds or should I say right before you enter the balls Temple [Music] itself in act two you can get another really useful chest piece for barbarians as well which grants wrath when raging and increases your Constitution by two when worn and it's sold by this vendor here for C ERS you have a really useful neck piece that will grant extra magic missiles whenever casting the spell it's sold by this vendor here at the mushroom Colony at the mountain pass of the gith Yankee the vendor over there actually sells the Daredevil gloves which allows you to use a toggle ability to cast spells up close War ranged in act three back at the devil's do you have the Gemini gloves this allows you to Target an extra enemy when casting cantrip once per short rest and the same Target can be casted on twice in act three at the carnival you can complete a quest chain or simply pickpocket this NPC here for the spell Mite gloves these are really powerful and it's basically great weapon Master but for spells you take a negative five penalty to spell attack roles but each spell will do additional 1d8 damage this pairs really really well with eldrich Blast for example or multi-hitting spells this is meant for spells with attack rolls only however at the time of this recording it is glitched and will actually work with spells like magic missiles as well which is clearly a bug in act two you can find the eversight ring here near the morg you will have to wipe out some zombies and in the back of it in a chest is the ring that makes you immune to blindness magical blindness and regular blindness as well really really [Music] powerful and lastly in act two if you do talk to Isabelle you'll be jumped by a bunch of mobs if you kill the main enemy there you will get to loot the shifting Corpus ring in act two kind of near the edge of last light's in you can actually receive a really nice Shield that retaliates against enemies on their turn if they [Music] miss and one last thing before I end this video and do my outro I did have a last minute request to show some Monk stuff so I will have just a short compilation of Monk items you can get in act one and act two that will definitely help you [Music] [Music] out [Music] and that's all I have for this one guys I'm sure there's plenty of items that I didn't cover in this one but this video was already long enough as is and I don't want to make it too long this video was created because of the feedback I received from part one so I was happy to make a part two so if you did find it useful please give me a like and if you did like my video maybe subscribe as well if you want to see any builds based on items in this video or their previous one please definitely comment down below and I'll be happy to try making one for you and if this video does receive enough likes I will go ahead and make a part three making it themed based Bas on class specific items so if you do want to see that definitely let me know I'm Ronin thank you so much for making it to the end of this video it took a lot of work to make and I'm happy that you made it to the end I will see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Blood Ronin
Views: 35,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, itemization, frost, necromancy, minions, arcane acuity, githyanki, force conduit, crit stacking, monk gear, drunk items, druid items, acid, fire, bonespike, Shield of Scorching Reprisal, risky ring, scoundrel, drunk punch bastard, crypt lord ring, staff of cherished necromancy, shade slayer cloak, cerebral citadel armor, mind flayer, item sets, bg3, pyroquickness hat, helmet of grit, spell might gloves, daredevil gloves, sword of chaos, infernal Rapier, gearing, gear
Id: BgQxA_mCjzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 5sec (1865 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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