The Fractured Relationships Of Onision - A Darker Side | TRO

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Watching right now! Love TRO's videos. It's too bad onision claimed the vids... Hope TRO fights it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/is-a-bunny πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yay TRO!! I watched it earlier it was very in depth!

Too bad he used some of Onion’s footage, it’s gonna get claimed. I feel like he needed to show the proof but onion as always sucks. πŸ˜”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ittybittykitty2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FreakXAurora πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love TRO!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sidewalksundays πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
so if any of you see someone spreading creepy perverted things that they made up in their mind about my life about Lanie's life about Sara's life you can send them the link to this video to expose how incredibly stupid and gross they are like please leave me alone like I've asked I asked you to stop using my name my information in your videos and you told me that you would you asked me to stop contacting you and again today you posted [Music] [Music] hello ladies and gentlemen our welcome back to the right pinion the home of a [ __ ] with too much free time and I hope you are settled in today as you join me to enjoy the second installment on this wonderful series if you haven't watched my first video I would implore you to do so not just for contacts sake but for the entertainment value as well however if you did join me you'll know through the measures of controversy and the intertwining of narratives the subject of today's video cultivated and crafted an audience incredibly carefully one that was catered to him only and then used that audience in question to solicit various favors it was a game of control to our onion friend however if it had stopped there we may just call him out for being an exploitive crater to a worse degree than normal of which there are a few on the platform no you see it wasn't just a control thing over his audience it was something that he wanted to bring into his personal life and that which could be found in all of his relationships often to a degree in which questions would be asked that's where we're going now and I don't think this part is too much of an intro I suggest we make like DeFranco and jump right in if you watch my part on Jay Oprah's video you'll likely know that I have the displeasure of researching a large majority of oneasy ons relationships while on YouTube back then however it was a matter of tackling the subject from the standpoint of neutrality now we are back on my channel and we have already discussed a strong level of theory as it is I feel we can take the evidence that was shown and use it more inductively oniisan is a control freak he wants to shape his life around the fantasies many of which involved YouTube and involved people having control over a fanbase is one thing having control over a partner is another as said physical proximity works in very significant ways and by creating relationships he can manufacture new conflicts to present to his audience but he had his preference on the younger side I don't know if his choice to enter relationships with younger girls was a king thing or more a control thing but going after people who are lacking direction in a vulnerable position and open to receiving support from someone often they don't easy onto relationships with those between the ages of sixteen and eighteen though there is deviation over the years as he aged and as he got through a fair few relationships the age gap increased shown that he was still targeting the same people what exactly did he want let's talk about the relationships of only see on many stones relationships while he was on the platform started with a person he was actually married to prior to the creation of his YouTube account a person named Skye this relationship despite Gregg's habits of putting all his problems about it on the Internet did seem to be mildly functional at one point however all this began to fall apart when a new individual was introduced to his life her name is Shiloh as I'm sure you know because I'm incredibly famous and I wanted you to meet my girlfriend Shirley was a Canadian punk artist who actually had a charting hit at one point it kind of slaps even if it's a tad dated however in 2010 she was poured into the only she on rabbit hole Shiloh allegedly started looking into Greg's channel after seeing his I'm banana video on TV truly a love story for the ages they began communicating they developed a friendship that friendship eventually turned into an emotional affair and by the end of 2010 Greg drafts up the divorce papers for Skye the original divorce documents are shown here they included the assertion that Skye forfeited her home ownership rights and that Greg would pay her a thousand dollars a month for 12 months if she moved out greg has regularly cited this and claimed that Skye did not honor this signed contract but Skye's responded saying that given she signed the contract under emotional stress and verbal abuse delivered by a friend Gregory here the court predetermined it as null now there are a lot of messy details regarding his divorce and his trims of Skye that is a much more in-depth story that we will partly cover soon but the truth is that it seems she was not invested in his YouTube channel in a way that he wanted her to be and Shiloh was so for him it was not a difficult decision and once he had demonstrated his commitment to Shiloh less than a few months after the divorce only Seon introduced Shiloh in his only see on scale friend video all very jolly and joyous but this does not last as this relationship quickly devolves into rather grim territory one of the first controversies occurs with the video Shiloh forgot me when Shiloh allegedly suffers a seizure which invokes memory loss oniisan decides to film it and upload it to youtube like many normal people would [Music] surprise me be there normal people in his audience call him out for this apparently there were people in his audience was sense he deleted the video due to backlash but also uploaded a video called I respect her wishes in which he defends decision to not have a see a medical professional because they had already worked to out themselves the reason I didn't call ambulance is because I as mentioned this distrust in medical professionals isn't coincidental he didn't want anyone actually advising on his personal life especially people who I stood enough to see what is going on the saga then continued barely a couple months later when he uploaded videos called Shilo threatened me and the truth which both frame his then ex-girlfriend as unstable in between this he has another relationship with a person called Adrian and this is when only see on uploaded the videos which led many people to question whether he was suffering from borderline personality disorder or not that relationship didn't work out I'm gonna be single for some time and I have no idea if I'm even willing to put another girl through the roller coaster that is gone because I am a huge fan truth is I don't think he did I think Adrian was a person that only see on had more trouble controlling the most and therefore took to social media to attempt to manipulate her back with public shows remorse and regret he was looking for a new person to play his game and Adrian didn't oh and I don't even want to point a single finger of blame at Adrian she is she's a nice lady she really is she deserves someone much more like herself not like me because I don't know we're just show not compatible it's ridiculous and it was my mistake for that was my mistake for being big as this crumbled pretty quickly he left a string of failed endeavors to win her back including numerous voicemails that would eventually become very notorious and symbolic relationships that he was fortunately for a nice tone it wasn't too long before I lo got back together with him and this gave him a platform to publicly call out Adrian even implying she had STDs the the poem that I ended up in was smaller than the first time much prettier much more clean he lied he did the sound of business because he couldn't control her but also now he had Shila back he felt secure in having another person he could take advantage of and believe me he really did go to town this time first there was the issue that Sharla was expecting originally Anisha on did this weird celebratory video and then there was this miscarriage and then oniisan uploads a video announcing shiloh has sepsis then he removes it and reuploads it to his archive channel blaming shiloh for lying to him and then Shiloh goes back to Canada for treatment regarding her case and once again she is beyond reach so what does Greg do well he goes back to being sulky sad and forlorn he uploads a goodbye shiloh video it makes multiple sad our posts into the public sphere also in this time Shauna's mother mercifully hides her passport and although oniisan sent Schuyler money to purchase a new one she does not maybe she worked out what was good for her oniisan also starts multiple fuse with his other exes in this time i assumed to try and show some sort of proxy loyalty he's off attacking his exes and yet only has commitment to shiloh and everything she represents sounds a bit sketchy does it not well let's sketch a little more to create an even clearer picture only see on mrs. shiloh so much and he's once again showing how loyal he is but she is gradually slipping away Greg seems to have this algorithm of measuring how worthwhile the pursuit of a relationship is in shires absence he clearly felt to an extent there was something redeemable they had to break up the year before where shiloh went back to him as mentioned and so in my opinion oniisan viewed a repeat of that completely bible does explaining all this sad regret posting as said Shauna's mother hid her passport and some distance had clearly given charlo time to make her mind up and eventually at least start of February Charlo and Denise Eon ended their relationship immediately however phoenicians soon changed very shortly after he released a video called it's over suddenly calling Shiloh out for all her lies in musical form of course now I think of it yeah I think of the as another idiot I believe your allies give us 14 tries what do you care such a heart that dies no it's me it's always me you can my control screen curse use abuse get high and what am I I'm another guy just another guy to fall that once again it's plausible to say that oh nice yah may have had a revelation himself but really what followed felt rather contrived added on top of the fact that when Shiloh admitted to quote emotionally cheating on Greg when confronted with various pieces of evidence Greg once again used this to emphasize how evil Shiloh was branding her as cheating scum and although of course that sort of behavior isn't endorsed it's hard to ignore the fact that as far as he knew at that point Charlo did to him exactly what he did to Skye with Shiloh which was basically overlapping the end of a previous relationship with the start of a new one so as fury seems somewhat hypocritical and contrived to say the least even more so considering the drum that would occur a few years later we'll get to that in a bit Noah Greg's reactions ever seem particularly natural everything seems designed to elicit some outcome he desires which often requires swinging between contradictory stand points it seems he will do his best to maintain control over a person until they are out of reach and then flip the switch let's talk about that a little more then alright so we've had a decent analysis of a large amount of real time evidence thus far this is what was observed at the time but there's still a lot more to discuss Onision was on a man with great ambitions he just wanted to control you under every circumstance and when you weren't under his control he play a variety of mental games I think you can categorize them into the five stages of only C on relationships the first one was baked he'd reach out to people in a caring way perhaps even in a vulnerable way that would suggest that he needs someone he needs a person to a reasonable extent this tricks the unfortunate person into believing that they would have some conducive role to play in earnest Young's life oniisan is also a person with a decent amount of resources so if you can help him maybe you can be a part of his kingdom how inspiring and then he shows you how committed he is he invest in you he makes you feel like he cares about you specifically he spends time and money to come and see you and before you know it you're in his arms and you can live out his dreams together of course I am sighs his dreams not yours over the first few years on this time on YouTube it's clear he wanted someone he could use in a way that he wanted to someone who he could manufacture complex around and was Shiloh you really found that he found someone who have play his games someone who would play into the drama threats and testimonies then comes the third phase if you're lucky you have some distance from Oni siani suddenly feels remorseful he misses you so much he's afraid he might never find another girl like you again you weren't like all those other women they didn't compare to you you were special he's gonna post all these onto the Internet he might even upload a video sometimes this might pull you back to stage two but also the distance might allow you to see the situation more clearly and finally make a decision that you don't want to ever interact with him again and that's when we reach stage four suddenly in fact you were just like all those who came before you you were a cheat you were [ __ ] you were a liar you were taking his money you probably had STDs but all he's concerned about and now only Seon is mad because he thought you were different and now he's gonna stress to his audience that you weren't and you've hurt him just like the rest and now he's so broken oh and now he wishes that someone would come and rescue him ho if only there was someone out there who would save him meanwhile you're sat there shell-shocked from the relationship and you just wish he would stop talking about you he did this with everyone the audience could identify primarily with sky Adrian and Shiloh in the first few years he simultaneously would keep in contact with them while demonizing and shading them at every possible opportunity eventually made these girls would reach the fifth stage but I would talk about that in due time I think I have more than enough oniisan had an assemblage of individuals who either partially or went through this arc and that was because he wanted them to play his game and many of them although vulnerable did have some sense to escape this however this changed when we introduced the character called Kai Kai who was Lanie upon meeting Greg is anis eons current husband and another highly controversial person whose details we'll delve into in a bit I proposed to her in probably the least classy way possible I proposed to Revilla video over the Internet it's such a weird way I basically said it like this you know I'm gonna marry you right like many of the people who have Neeson involved himself with Kai found his future husband through the fan infatuation and like a jigsaw falling into place when oniisan put out one of his post Shilo tweets asking where his soul mate was Kyra plied here and oniisan smelling the potential for a mile away like a blissfully basted Christmas turkey moved into the DMS ask him why he exactly felt this way so the communication elaborates and a new relationship begins to flourish of course this relationship is kept private likely because Kai was underage at the time the cycle begins oniisan wants to show his commitment to Kai but this time the relationship takes a slightly different approach whether a Nissan had identified that Kai was pretty infatuated as it was he proposed to him less than a month after they started dating this war theme may have felt romantic to someone like Kai but as only Shyam probably recognized it placed a lot of pressure on him to be committed to the relationship and saying yes would tighten their bond in a very special way and Kai said yes and Greg moves out to New Mexico to live with Kai a fair few people noticed this and although he have the topic some people begin to put the dots together after a bit of back and forth where it fluctuates between being long distance and close proximity oniisan rents out a place to secretly live with chi while his parents are under the impression that chi is staying at college chi turns 18 and less than a month later they are married and living together in Washington now of course this relationship wasn't without his drama but it was mainly related to loyalty which says more than enough in this time a Nissan also impregnates Chi and they have a child and they also have another child later by the way now reflecting back on Shiloh it wouldn't surprise me if Ernie Xeon saw having children as a way to cement that loyalty and increase the cost of leaving him to Chi on top of this Oni Seon had feuds with Kai's family over there very legitimate concerns I didn't think this was particularly relevant at first but these feuds would distance climbed from his family thus making him and Gregg more isolated in their relationship that's once again affirming this theory of control mr. Crump wanted to meet me at Olive Garden we'll say that's in all stupid green so mr. Crump is sitting across the table from me at all of garden a conversation was kind of chill at first then his eye started turning red he started getting teary because mr. grump decided to threaten my well-being his fight my relationship with Lainie being legal also threatened to put me in prison despite again our relationship being totally legal so you threatened to seriously harm me and possibly kill me as well as threaten me in other ways after that guy that was a reference to Greg's father-in-law by the way delightful by 2015 everything seemed to be going fairly solid they were one real happy family however happiness seldom last forever and the beginning of WAP has led up to the events that we observed today was about to occur I suggest we talk about the next stage of this relationship he's sitting across the table from him and he's probably gonna threaten to sue me for this video he's already threatening me before but that's fine I'm allowed to tell stories about people without using faces or names etc but he was being hard on me for my age gap with Laney and I had a nine-year age gap with Laney and he told me to come back in 10 years like not till Laney was 25 to date Laney and I was just like thinking how much power does this guy think he has like this is kind of nuts back in 10 years like not till Eleni was 25 back in 10 years like not till Laney was 25 ten years wait not so when he was 25 wait what I'm gonna hope that was an error on his part and continue regardless oh nice John gives me the impression that he has this stage of plans in his head and once one is satisfied he can move on to the next so now he have this marriage with a person who was clearly rather attached to him he then moved on to exploring another character for their fifty Shades of fukui most of this probably occurred initially in 2015 though it was definitely conceived prior it seems that this plan involving other younger individuals and involving them in their little project now I'm going to save the spicy's details until the end there is a lot on our plate so it's best we get started now in this time growing tired reached out to various girls however none would really enter the public lights until a person by the name of Philly during 2015 KY comes out as bisexual and gender fair and by the end of 2015 Billie begins talking to Kai privately and very soon Gregory becomes involved encouraging Billy to date time now I know what you're thinking wait isn't Bregg married to Kai well yes you know that clip earlier I'm coming for you come to me almost there wait what that's right baby the lips taste like cherry oh my god no it's feels so right without whiskers no more sandpaper except down there that's where we're approaching oh nice neon clearly had a phase where his kicks would derive from publicly watching himself beaker called it now of course if someone wants to upload that content onto YouTube then they're allowed to as embarrassing and pathetic as it may seem to me however there was more degeneracy to come as KY apparently didn't consent for Greg and Billy to date and when Greg got a bit too intimate with Billy in an instant known as cardinal gate the relationship temporarily broke down which led to the legendary I betrayed my wife video once again highlighting a nice yawns nature of publicly self shaming when it's beneficial for him I told Lenny what happened and it ripped everything apart I was stupid and I thought that cuddling and a full body massage was harmless ladies position is wasn't the cuddling and it definitely wasn't the full-body massage it was really all about the fact that she clearly indicated she did not want me cuddling with this person yeah i manipulated my way into kelvin with her anyway so she saw a huge betrayal in that after distancing billy for a bit and trolling her with a fake video before exposing her Tex expressing feelings and framing her as a home wrecker oh nice John and KY once again tighten their bond however after this extremely stressful and tense ordeal they did what any rational couple would do and gradually began integrating Billy back into their life this occurred over 2016 and eventually this contrived love triangle was reignited but this love triangle was also very quickly extinguished again by the end of November with the oniisan video titled we broke up however it wasn't Ashley over and they got back together in December and then they broke up again in January with another set of videos one from Billy's side illuminating O'Neill's tendencies to have weird sexual motivations amongst many other things alongside this was some beautiful DMS and a video explaining her perspective so only Theon please stop harassing me and my best friend I am tired of seeing your tweets tired of being tagging your tweets of you just harassing us telling us we're awful druggie people please leave me alone because of this she got the full oniisan stage 4 treatment with a forty minute video that has tragically been eviscerated from the internet but it seems that only Shaun wasn't happy with just framing her as a rekka no he went in alleging that she was a full-blown criminal which is slightly ironic but I digress what was this crime well it was indulging in the devil's lettuce which was against the contract he had written up now you may understand why I personally dumped Billy for committing a crime in the state of Virginia here's the contract I proposed he also had some additional comments to make you're a bad person a liar an illegal drug user you were raised by criminals you lied to us repeated oh you a person who scores lower on IQ tests who didn't even graduate high school you cheated on my wife you act like you were the victim but you got dumped so many time that you're awful druggie people do illegal drugs in the state of Virginia you are a cheater bill and you lie and awful druggies I told her to get a [ __ ] stamp of I'm a liar because she's a liar now once again might be a controversial opinion but I personally find writing a contract up for a relationship slightly stranger than smoking weed and using that in the title as if it makes her a terrible person technically speaking if she was in breach of a contractual agreement then you could be obliged to terminate the relationship but I don't think relationships should be built on contracts regardless and anyway it was clear this was a move motivated by the desire for control something that Billy had expressed herself I'd also hypothesize that this may have been a case of liability as we know nice young keep Stanford the law very closely and given that he was a more experienced adult it's possible that he was aware that if there was an instant with the law and he was linked back to the case he would be helped more severely accountable a contract may help him avoid that as sad and tragic as it is I personally think oniisan has a habit of turning legal concerns into moral concerns often as a way to boost his own credentials fortunately for many people they realized that marijuana indulgence wasn't really the worst thing and didn't really justify the stream of vitriolic abuse that greg / to billy illy was another person who just couldn't tolerate it any further these decision was also backed by another person called Ayala social repos his ex-girlfriend knew Gregg had some previous conflicts with her video demanding that oniisan cease and desist is actually still up information in your videos and you told me that you would you ask me to stop contacting you and again today you posted video with a screenshot of our emote conversation with my name in it and like obviously do you think that you're right and justified in all the things that you're doing and no I don't feel bad for the fact that I smoked weed but it is scary this drama was definitely one of the first situations where the cracks began to really appear and come to chance began to take notice - and although Maidan didn't provide the most inspiring commentary attention and publicity always important with KY by side oniisan didn't need to worry about being alone so this made him more confrontational and more dismissive of those he felt did him wrong and anyway he had another great friend - a person by the name of Sarah and boy oh boy they were really doing a favor for her so emerging from the very stressful drama that oniisan was clearly bothered by he thought the best thing to do was to make a video responding to other people that were bothering him regarding another situation relating to a person by the name of Sarah now Sarah hadn't been involved in too much drama herself she wasn't a person particularly indulgent in conflict and there was no public falling out so what was the problem so I posted a picture to Instagram of myself just hanging out in a car with Sarah today and I got a lot of familiar comments why are you living with a 16 year old ah Sarah was 16 and at the time she was living with oniisan and Kyle was that really the best idea well according to the individuals of interest it was Sarah was from what appeared to be a rather troubled household she had been following kind since couple years prior and had began speaking to him when she was 14 however by the end of 2016 her home life appear to have deteriorated and apparently in an extremely low and vulnerable moment Kaia and oniisan offered their home as a safe haven for a girl who felt like she had no other option now many may ask why they didn't look at other less radical options or perhaps understand the situation more carefully than just brushing in and basically temporarily adopting this person and to that I'd say good question as we know oniisan doesn't like to involve himself with the authorities if you're wondering why people didn't cool only see on out for that at the time well it's because he wouldn't really say you may ask why she's living with us well this is where I kind of hit a roadblock because we're talking about Sarah's private life which she doesn't want to share with all of you and she has a right to not have that shared with you in fact I told her I was going to make this video and she very clearly communicated that she doesn't want people to know about her private life so because she clearly showed disinterest in me sharing her private life slash information about why she's here with all of you I feel it's not appropriate for me to speak further of it this was the best option for him although he states it was in Sarah's best interest it was also in his best interest giving the audience as little information regarding these stories gives people less scope to pick them apart and the people tried to fry too much he'd be able to accuse them of being intrusive and not respecting Sarah's privacy how dare you do that but hey you know it was a misguided favor maybe but nothing remotely implicative and anyone claiming so a creeps you people what the real pervert this man was done nothing more than direct his own fetish films has finally taken in a 16 year old my troubled household you should be grateful that he's out here doing God's work but because you guys are so perverted and because your minds are so screwed up you just make up all these creepy scenarios and you go spreading them around the internet as if they're the truth so to those people understand that I've consistently disgusted about the fantasies that you create inside your head about my life yeah you stick it to them Gregory you put them in that place all this around the same time as this drama that filly and Ayala are stirring quite frantically it all becomes quite hard to follow for many viewers but the fact remained that something was up in February 2017 kind Sarah conducted a live stream to decry the allegations and generally only song and party were mainly focused on preventing this perception from spreading so not too long after Sarah went back to our home but then she came back less than a couple months later in April and then she went home again and a few months later she came back again in August and then she went home again in November so if any of you see someone spreading creepy perverted things that they made up in their mind about my life about Lanie's life about Sara's life you can send them the link to this video to expose how incredibly stupid and gross they are in the video defending kiss perspective Venetian crows the straw man that people have a problem with the fact that they're living with a 16 year old which I'm not sure is the core issue quite simply put when someone is a rich famous influential youtuber even if they are unpopular or controversial they still hold a level of power I don't think that people especially the YouTube community with its incredible diversity within reason have a problem with people casually hang out with others of different ages if they have a similar level of mobility when I worked in retail in my teens no I would hang out with older individuals and there was no tension the situation here is that people know the implications when Sarah first left after the set of controversies involving Billie only Shaun made this video basically blaming everyone else for making some very interesting comments himself you could say we are kicking Sarah out but I don't consider that the case it's more like just sending her home and it's not exactly anyone's fault unless like the internet were a person and then it might be the Internet's fault because really if the internet wasn't weirdly involved with everything going on then things would most likely be fine apparently Sarah also stated to me she remembered saying something about her one day being in a relationship with Lanie and that was super confusing to me as I had made it clear to the public as you've seen in previous videos and I also made it clear repeatedly to Sarah that was never gonna happen so seeing Sarah say these things really freaked me out I mean she's 16 I'm 31 this is creepy I know a lot of people are going to ignore what I'm saying right now so I'm gonna say it again there was never a romantic relationship between Lanie and Sarah even her mom has told off the Internet's regarding this issue there's nothing weird Lanie and Sarah are and have always been just friends I want you to keep these in mind over the next couple years Sarah would visit and then leave and visit again it was pretty suspicious but at this time oniisan was also attracting plenty of drama elsewhere literally due to his outlandish statements on people like Shane Dawson and Eugenia Cooney it did honestly crossed my mind if he was do this is a method of distraction I do believe that only Seon can be very calculated when needs require him to be such as him hiding Chi from the public eye until he was nearly 18 because he knew he would be scrutinized from both his audience and Kai's parents I wouldn't put it past and being rather shaken by the Billie situation and wanted to distract through these statements and thus making videos on people he knew would stir up outrage and reaction while staring them away from what actually mattered now as always when drama takes off it is either the momentum to snowball or die down and with the Sara drama for a bit it died down mainly because Sara herself was quite reclusive person was clearly in a sensitive situation but the uncertainty lingering over Sara state has probably meant an air of caution in people's approach nonetheless with what we know now we can say with confidence that mr. onion here wasn't acting completely in good faith on one hand Sara may have felt fortunate to have someone like Greg in her life who can offer her this home away from her own which I have no reason to not believe wasn't trouble to an extent why would she want to stir that up she's still very young and vulnerable but that was the point however at the start 2019 she had also defended Greg and Kai herself fairly consistently oh this time for example this blip when they started 2019 in which she argued in their favor people are saying that we had sexual conversations or were planning on having sexual relations when I was underage and we never did I don't know why people are now saying this and bringing up old screenshots that have already been addressed but kai is one of the sweetest people I know and he doesn't deserve this and it's not fair to me and it's not fair to him and I wish this would all stop assumedly this is what left many people rather quiet at the time however something that both Greg and Sara knew was that eventually Sara would reach a stage of mobility and sanity where she wouldn't necessarily be confined by the same chains and at a point she would have the option to break free it was just a case of whether she'd left us up let's talk about it more [Music] [Applause] remember the clip I told you to keep in mind apparently Sara also stated to me she remembered saying something about her one day being in a relationship with Lainey and that was super confusing to me as I had made it clear to the public as you've seen in previous videos and I also made it clear repeatedly to Sara that was never gonna happen so seeing Sara say these things really freaked me out I mean she's 16 I'm 31 this is creepy yes that delightful one it's a bad enough clip as it is but one earth would he bring attention back then to these details when no one else was aware of them well in my opinion it was because he knew he'd eventually be called back on these details and having already addressed them as confidently as he did he could say see I already spoke about this and no one challenged me on it not even Sara oh nice John always wanted to be one step ahead of the drama he wanted to set the record straight be the voice of reason and truth so over the last 48 hours some interesting things have gone down and I need to talk about them because if I don't talk about them then naturally with the online community rumors will run rampant and no one will have a video correcting those rumors with facts so here is that video but the truth was going to reveal itself very soon because oniisan in spite of suppressing these allegations was holding back a river of sorts and now we're going to talk about why that dam was eventually busted earlier in the video I spoke about the first four stages of relationships with oniisan this is stage five and I will now explain how it transpires in the way it does the first phenomenon is what I like to call the Bishop Brennan effect although there is probably a more formal title I quite like it because I think it's easier to explain vision Brennan was a cat in the British comedy Father Kent and in the third series there is an episode where Ted has to kick Bishop Brennan up the arse as a forfeit for cheating on a football manager you really have to kick him off the airhead I lost the bet doogal I have to do my forfeit Oh father Ted has no clue of how he's going to get away with it eventually after some scuffed attempts he comes up with the bold idea that if he just acts as if he hasn't done anything at all then Bishop Brennan will be so shocked but he'll no reason to question it he carries out this plan and it works to see the Pope in Rome looking forward to that well did you see anything no nothing there at all sadly you were right it was a wild goose chase maybe he went on ahead okay so see you to new great mr. Brennan leaves in complete shock but because the shop and trauma are being kicked up the ass does not think to challenge Ted this is the first stage of the Bishop Brennan effect hands on that can be observed in patterns with the people today a lot of people either out of shop avoidance trauma and many other valid reasons have avoided making a concerted effort to take oniisan down this does not mean there hasn't been drama but it means it that these scattershot nature of it has led to her Nissan being pretty unaffected at the core now the second stage of the Bishop Brennan effect is when Bishop Bren has had the times think it over and it hits him he goes back to confront Ted who once again reasserts a different version of events it was unbelievable this also confused Bishop Brennan to a point where he backs off again and in fact he only finds out when the evidence stares him right in the face is obviously exaggerated to a comedic extent and probably wouldn't pass and practicality but I've always found it a good example of how gas lighting could alter a person's own recollection of events with oniisan his constant documentation was always there mechanism to try and explain things in the moment so they wouldn't be pulled up against him later and when people particularly those he had subjected this misery to returned these videos they probably began to buy into innocent explanations equally this is why in many cases many people turned away from the public eye themselves and chose not to go for a Nissan because many felt they probably didn't have the influence to stop them he had control of the narrative this concern they just be another victim of Greg's stream of content was completely understandable because to be frank it worked successfully enough in the past but Sarah was different Sarah had her Bishop Brennan moment in mid-2000 19 and with the help of other individuals she moved in as mentioned in the five stages of oniisan relationships once Greg has given up trying to win you back he'll go in the opposite direction and relentlessly smear you in some ways this wasn't any different with Sarah less than a month after Sarah broke up with him on his patreon he uploaded a video called I need to talk about BPD where he frames anyone suffering from the disorder as suffering from memory issues and thus being untrustworthy in their narratives now at the time oniisan was under the impression that Sarah had BPD this revealed to not be the case so his point wouldn't have stood anyway but the intent remained the same although this was a clear attempt to keep his mane domes on his side he didn't actually go public with this like with many other females hoping to win her back maybe it was because he was worried that the public would bring attention to him maybe he felt like he had already covered himself in the past maybe he didn't think he had that much to gain from his public viewers maybe these were all valid reasons even though he is probably right in that regard he had a lot more to lose because for the first time he had left an open goal for Sara to take control of that public narrative and when you have as many enemies as Onishi on any error could be fatal and his handling of this particular one was just that only stone knew that his comments would provoke maybe he was hoping that if he provoked her into stating these allegations in response to his comments that he made about BPD he'll be able to publicly frame her as unhinged and thus proving his point the idea of look at this girl I told you she was mentally unstable and now she's gone proving it by accusing me of these heinous things that I would never do and she never said I'd do either it was a nice yawn at his most manipulative but it was also a nice yacht at his most stupid because instead of allowing herself to be isolated in a sort of personal spat she vowed to never be silenced and organized a response that would eventually start a domino effect of seismic proportions oniisan had enemies that much is true it was like a list and he just couldn't stop adding to it over the years having such an expansive list of enemies will affect many people in different ways I think for oniisan though it made him complacent for many they will be afraid and making enemies particularly for the grudges that may be held and how that may be used against people in the future I think at a point Onision began to feel that no matter how many enemies he had they didn't levy any particular power over him because the audience he held at close quarters were so unbelievably loyal he could essentially get away with anything but in August 2000 and 19 this was beginning to turn let's reintroduce I Alan we obviously know I Ala from the Billie situation which she decided to be the person to start the ball rolling on the new set of allegations this time being the first to publicly call oniisan out his behavior was Sara tweeting that oniisan had had sexual intercourse with her now obviously this could be considered inappropriate given it was probably Sarah's story to tell but Sara quickly came forward corroborating by a statement this was then followed by statements which implied they were working together and that they were going to be delivering swift justice to her niece young this was then followed by a stream in which Sara talks in a lot of depth regarding her relationship with Gregory and as this followed through into the neck few weeks the rolling stone finally gathered momentum there were a lot of allegations each holding their own weight regarding what both oniisan and Chi did to Sara while she was living with them these claims reflect what many people had cited as concerns when people originally took issue with O'Neill's behavior but few had sought to push him further due to lack of information now there was more information and the claims were just as bad as many have believed in fact everything that was claimed fits into the world view that only Xian had presented for example this screenshot which claimed that only Xian took pleasure in various sexual behavior the once again appears to fit in with that cuckold fancy clip we played earlier it seems that oniisan enjoys screwing around with relationships and fancies that involved rather deplorable behavior I won't be necessarily singling too many examples out because at the end of the day they all tell the story we expect it to the quite simply put only Jean was grooming younger individuals for sexual purposes and he was using his relative power to their powerlessness to tighten his grip and solicit what he wanted from them I also wanted to focus on this string of tweets that Sara made on September 3rd now on the one hand this may seem like someone making a variety of claims in addition to what they'd already gone public with but to me this was the breaking of a wall that only stone has regularly used against people remember what I said about only Sean's smear campaigns with people like Billie for example he would regularly cite the fact that they conducted some behavior that only Shaun deemed as morally inadequate it would not surprise me if while living with oniisan sara had been coerced into doing actions or substances the Gregg hope to use against her in the future either into shaming her to keep silence or in an attempt to discredit her when she spoke up it's often hard to admit to these sorts of behaviors for that exact fear for the fact that sara unapologetically owned these actions and even pushed the responsibility of these actions onto an easy on didn't just give her a nice yawn a lot less to defend himself with but also allowed Sara to close the discussion on these various elements and focus on the allegations avoiding the traps that only Shyam probably laid there for a reason while the biggest recurring themes that we have observed is how only stone appears to ruin people's sense of self-worth particularly illustrated by Billy's video I hope you're happy you completely like destroyed all of my pride well what service further evidence to this dairy was the detailed a Billy was shameful association with marijuana when oniisan decide to use the gangster in his response video however one things that sarah alleges is the only see on actually tried to convince it to bake weed brownies of course this is just an allegation but if true it very much fits into this idea that they were presenting I personally believe the intent behind this was exploitation and using the fact that he exploited them as a augments for their weaknesses on his old site one partners Begley burn references how he blames victims who don't come forward that's not coincidence he shames people for suffering and he'll blame you at for letting yourself be exploited by him only see on breaks you and then convinces you that he's the one to fix you thus keeping you in this constant cycle it's one thing to break the cycle it's another to actively be able to turn it on his head or about that video we showed earlier you know the one where Sarah denied the allegations well she apparently posted a little blooper we sent a slightly different message on top of this she also reveals text in which Greg persuaded her to make the video and also suggests in another text that she sign a nondisclosure agreement so I must also add that ivory just like the language he uses in these DMS when he wants something he never shows any concern for how the other person feels he never even seeks to reassure them when they show demonstrable guilt but he often seeks to reinforce that guilt by focusing on the feelings that had provoked that guilt in the first place thus mentally weakening them he's already proven his point in this conversation and yet he's continuing to dance on this grave this theme of making Sarah feel bad clearly worked for a while in fact it worked for a significantly long time but these things seldom work forever and it's just about what you decide to do when you realize the line it's easy when you feel distance from the situation to not want to return to the source of that pain and for so long the post relationship conflict had burnt out often because oh nice you're managed to make it look like some 5050 squabble even when many hated him when this happens you may lose hope in holding him to account you may tell yourself that you're the only person hurt by this and if you just leave it it'll be a part of history and you can move on but onision wasn't stopping and Sarah epitomized that continuation to this time around his accusers came out in force with the testimony piled up on top of each other and it was not something that only Jean could fight easily let's talk about these allegations what they tell us not just about Oni Seon but the people he targeted we were already partly talked about a fair few people in this story particularly on how o nice young used them publicly but there were even more details to be revealed and details the painted picture slightly more worrying some of these were based on mere allegation but many are also backed up with a lot of screenshots which seem verifiable particularly regarding a Nissan's communication with many of his accusers needless to say it seems that Gregory has been a busy bee there's a lot of overlap but I will be focusing on certain details which I find the most illuminating first to come forward was Skye and her sister net Unisa Skye walls as you should know only John's first wife both these individuals relationship with Greg preceded YouTube alongside some very assertive statements regarding an easy on sexual activity and behavior to water the main recurring theme was that of the alimony now Annie Shaun has made no secret in the past that he was not a fan of paying alimony even comparing it to slavery in one video hey do you support slavery like do you support another person working for something that they cannot profit from whatsoever do you support that okay if your answer is no then you don't support alimony and this was just one of the many statements he had made both in YouTube and tweet form now as mentioned in the first video I don't believe oniisan is poor and if he is it's definitely a result of his own actions so as part of the divorce settlement paying Skye's alimony shouldn't have been the most laborious task however to oniisan it was a terrible sacrifice and his language in these emails clearly demonstrate this he started paying alimony in September of 2011 and by 2012 it had become too much of a task for him now to many who followed it back then he had already alluded to suicide by alimony in a video around that time the only thing he says is basically I have to be dead in order to stop making his payments I have to be dead talk about incentive of suicide well if I kill myself at least I don't have to pay my ex-wife anymore however building on this it seems he had sent multiple emails to sky as well including one where he emailed her stating that he planned on killing himself if she didn't halt the alimony payments this is a rather scummy tactic against something that he signed up to but clearly thought he could escape through other means besides these threats worthy things that pervade these emails is the tone of enslavement he just wants to be free judging from these language he uses it's once again about the control and he hates the fact that someone has power over him in a way that he can't change he uses multiple different tactics including regret posting love bombing even stating that he spoken to his lawyer we've already gone over these tactics three switches from one to the other in an attempt to reach sky sympathies fear guilt anything that will make her give him what he wants fortunately she was wise enough to identify them in spite of a very painful relationship that she had encountered and onii-san's attempts to reframe the situation in future blog posts Skye had dealt him a hard L and the emails show that quickly following after came the testimony of nature nazar Gregor no net you nazar from when she was relatively young in fact in another tweet she claims he had tried to make out with her when she was 15 which isn't a good look how unfortunately there are no screenshots to corroborate that however there are some additional ones which are quite entertaining Annette renews his published green shots at least on ask how she's doing and Banting about the Shila situation a few months later he reaches out again as she returns to Canada for treatments this continues over 2012 including him offering her money to come on his tour and even signing her child over to him at one point saying that she'll make more money than she ever has before despite being allegedly broke as he claimed in his alimony emails he really knows how to pull out the money when it matters this continued well into 2013 and although on the surface it seems like Greg was trying to pry another victim she does seem like an exception to the rule in the fact that she's not a fan and she never showed explicit interest in the first place it was a pretty lost cause why was Greg doing this well once again maybe a matter of control maybe even attempt to elicit revenge on sky he hates that he's lost control and thinks maybe he'll be able to bring it back into his life by involving Skye's family but in all honesty it might just been one of his fancy too you know something about getting back together with someone's sister another email he does suggest this very strange scenario which I can only assume came from the pits of his mind and even in a later video said this but if I didn't I wasn't to wind up with the spouse I have now I would have actually wanted to pursue this sister to date her because we had so much more in common and I would have had to wait a few years because she was 15 and I was 18 at the time she even tried to kiss me at one point I dodged it because one she was intoxicated and two again our age gap that well I'm not sure was legal I think it was legal actually but either way I still dodged the kiss so I wouldn't even risk something illegal happening oh well there it is oh nice John was the one with the self-control it seems of course he was just waiting that thing he said he'd never do but oh well tomatoes tomatoes also in this video he spoke about the time he searched out pictures of net you Naser and when she was modeling lovely because my ex-sister-in-law eventually became a Sui CID II girl okay so that is a website where girls take photos or have someone take photos of them and they get paid money for it it's artistic it's simply typically girls with tattoos so yeah so she was exposed a little bit and everyone got to see the shape of her areolas oh I'm sorry I mean everyone got to see them and he just stumbled across them to Skynet Genesis stories show us what oniisan would do when he feels like he's losing control on the other hand Shiloh story tells us what anis John does when he has control as we spoke earlier judging by his content he wanted people to be a part of his little spectacle we spoken about a lot of this philosophy but Shiloh's testimony does create a narrative around the calculated nature of an easy on often checking legal restrictions and behaving in a way designed to deceive people who may have bias to otherwise such as isolated child from her parents and keeping themselves to them we already spoke about how oh nice young brakes people and Charlie once again pays testimony to that going into details that you can read here one reupload is this very chilling clip so he took the scissors to my ear in my sleep and now I'm bleeding but I mean it's a great look it's gonna scare all the kids you know huh it hurts a lot now I know what the exact explanation is for this I assume it was uploaded at some point as some intent of a joke but it's something very personal it's comforting about it for me and a lot of other people it says more than any testimony really can one more interesting outcomes in this situation was Shiloh's crowdfunding campaign to remove a tattoo with Gregory imprinted on the back of her neck which although it may have seemed romantic at the time now in reflection seems like a painful reminder of a damaging relationship for someone who wants to cry the use of tattoos grow very quickly changed his mind on them maybe due to their permanence or the commitment that they implied as mentioned earlier it seems that Greg likes to make people feel attached to him however she recently had a new tattoo placed over the old one and I hope through that she does feel liberated I don't want to really just read out the statements but as always there will be a reference sheet in the pinned comment what it does is it confirms the timeline that we could see in only Sean's content how we often manipulated the environment and how this had enough an effect on someone like Shiloh however in not just frames oniisan as exploiting her troubles it paints him as instigating them too to say it again only stone breaks you and then tells you that he's the one to fix you shadows testimony was anecdotal but I do believe her that's a personal opinion but I think it's a well backed one however Brett wasn't the only character in this story Shiloh sky and nature NASA all tend to predate this next individual but with Billy and Sara stories we can't go letting them off scot-free if you think anything ellic I you are [ __ ] he is one of the most amazing people on planet [ __ ] Earth if anyone gives anyone [ __ ] about anything in this relationship between Kai and I should be me I is a [ __ ] angel and you know you could ask pretty much [ __ ] Kai Nonna's Lanie pre-transition is only Theon's current husband and someone who oniisan would probably regard as his successful project I already said how these star-crossed lovers met through the rinse and repeat of Onishi on Twitter replies now it's hard to say exactly what has happened behind the scenes but only see on cemented that loyalty in many ways over the years throughout the various people entering and leaving their lives Kai as the one who has remained consistently by oniisan side he's made a few statements himself but mostly keeps off the internet nonetheless with the swarm of new allegations and details it seems that he was not just another victim September the 14th of 2019 brought us billies testimony and others were not too far behind either billy stated that she was brought into the household under the precipice of getting to know Kai in fact the SDM show Kai fully stating that only Shyam would not be involved however this was soon contradicted by a conversation at the dinner table where Gregg proposed the idea of a three-way relationship Billy also showed DMS of great pressuring her to ask Kai out once again paying credibility to the idea that this was one of Greg's pursuits as well in another statement she talks about the cheating situation where Gregg states he's gonna do whatever he wants and although Chi told Billy to not let it happen kai then said to Gregg he can do whatever he wants it basically set up this situation which allowed them to blame Billy for the cheating that we spoke about earlier and the subsequent contract which was such a great idea Kai's position appears in this and so on who may be enabling direct behavior and not standing up for those around him but also someone who may be equally as afraid of Gregg wild things that you can identify is the Gregg often likes to weaponize kai and speak on behalf regularly telling people how kai feels in an attempt to guilt-trip individuals while seemingly like a selfless husband such as these emails where he says the Kai's crying and that's why you should care ah my heart weeps Kai is used as a human shield for great interest a way to try and pull people back into his life such as these emails where he basically tells really that even if you hate him you could at least come back for Kai what about hi guys Kai also sent some emails to Billy but as Billy noted they resembled Gregg's language a lot and seemed like another manipulation tactic many have noted Kai's tendency to not just excuse Greg's behavior but even defend it in a way oniisan has found his perfect cult member however many also said they saw what Greg does too kind and if anything like the other testimonies that I'm more than willing to believe there may be a great deal of turmoil involved so far we know that Kai probably acts as a pawn as a shield and as an enabler but there are also all things that can be completely true of a victim and he will suffering from severe mental entrapment if it stopped here then we might be able to draw some sort of line that kind just needs to break out of the mental clutches oh nice yawn and to an extent even may still need to however nonetheless what will be spoken about next cannot easily be excused by even burglary onion man's manipulation often the most loyal cult members will be on a job to get new recruits and even mimic the behavior of their leader and well if oh nice ian had grooming problems then kai wasn't too far behind the first story comes from someone by the name of Regina who wasn't heavily involved in Greg's life but was one of the first people who kind started talking to now this was before Kai was openly bisexual and given his relatively small internet following a lot of people probably overlooked this Regina have been watching since 2009 and they began DMing in around 2012 there was a 2 year age gap here with Regina being 15 and Kai being 17 on the surface you may be able to give that apart when you consider it in the context of the next person Sarah and the greater plan that some people clearly had then it does become worrying I would also add that some of the tweets would certainly raise a few eyebrows to say the least and Regina testifies that Kai had appeared topless in a Skype call which is not goods Regina was invited to kind Greg's wedding at one point but their mother declined on behalf of them the first time I remember vividly was to come to visit for their wedding I was young and I was very into photography at the time that was a really big aspiration of mine and I would always show Kai my pictures I took and Kai said would you want to take pictures for our wedding luckily my mother would not allow that to happen and I never got a proper date on when the wedding would have been so they carried on without me probably for the better there were also not dm's released which although may be typical in some relationships this wasn't a relationship and with the contest that this is more of a game to Kai than anything else playing with these younger person's feelings is pretty sickening this has been alleged to have been repeated with other people as well even people not particularly well known to their channel which is a tad concerning considering how far this actually extends however if we do want someone a bit more well-known we'll talk about Sara obviously as the person who set off this chain reaction it's appropriate that we end this where we started Sara like Regina and like Billy met Kai first back when Sara was only 14 and Kai was 18 now that's a gap that is slightly more concerning especially if there were implications which there were at this stage that was also a rather strange three-way dynamic in this instance I'll just let the tweets do the talking because there isn't really too much subtext however as the years past Regina was gradually pushed away despite wanting to remain in contact it appears that only Jean and Kai had set their sights on both Billy and Sara with Kai crudely cutting Regina off in 2016 only bothering to justify this in 2017 around the time the controversy with Billy I wonder why reading the DMS is kind of sad to be honest seeing Kai disregard the investment that Regina had the Kai cultivated clearly discontinued for no discernible reason make no mistake it was for the best but it shows you how much of a project this was how they when to discard people who they didn't feel fit in with their gray to plan it cemented what was ultimately most insidious about this whole relationship the fact that to me Kai was being mobilized by Greg and maybe even to a degree of his own volition to rope these people into their household and involve themselves with Greg in some additional twisted sexual way we saw this with only Shawn's own content with Billie and we see it in the testimonies of people who had experienced both these unpleasant characters in 2018 while still underage herself Sara states that Kai sent her nudes and although she was 17 so a bit older kai was 23 truth and contact prevailing these details leave a nasty taste in your mouth and go firmly against this theory that only Zeon and Kai considered her merely as a friend while she was a minor alongside all the other evidence including this very romantic pitch on girlfriends day and of course these hilarious old tweets about grooming individuals such great banter I did make live streams defending himself at the time with a clearer documentation of the evidence those defenses have an edge very well at all [Music] apparently it is being said that something has happened with her or I did something with her or I huddled in bed with her [Music] to answers additional people came forward stating that they had similar experiences one as individuals called hailey showed additional DMT which Gregg attempted to pressure into a relationship with CAI he once again talks on behalf of CAI and is very coercive in his language it's the same story hailey started talking to Kai and not too long after our friend Greg removed sin in the sisters Hajduk lines and noticed that she feels like she's being used as a distraction which she probably is to an extent but looking at the pattern what it represents is much greater to many of Greg's accusers Kai was the gateway drug to our nation's worst behavior he has regularly broked in others under the precipice of something more casual and friendly maybe a nice little romantic thing between two people but it hasn't been long before other forces have come into play when I first started reading the testimonies I was open to consider that maybe CAI which is the person under Greg's influence given how much control he likes to wager but I don't believe that kai is without his investments and the amount of emotional upset that this is caused does not give many people reason to exhume Kai of his own responsibility in the recent months kai has spent a large portion of his time off social media and we might get a bit more into that in the future whether he's here or not the consequences of his actions remain the same let's wrap this part of them [Music] I want to emphasize that this is not every last detail there are many more people with many more planes and the fact that I've chosen to cover the ones I have today does not necessarily discount any others but I think the stories we've covered today tell us what we need to know about oniisan and his behavior in the first part we covered how Ernie Xian cultivates a cult status in this part we spoken about how many have been entangled in this web and how it has subsequently affected them personally Greg's outward demeanour expressed in a few select videos may have captured people's attention his openness and accessibility may have made people feel endeared they may have reached out to him in the hope of filling a hole created by their own vulnerabilities but Greg wasn't interested in that he was interested in finding and pinpointing a weakness exploiting it and making people attached to him so that he could use it for his own gain there were many various psychological tactics he would employ to make sure that this was facilitated in a way he's a bit like penny wise depending on a person's proximity their behavior and the way they reacted to him he would manifest into various forms of himself often with mine to which one would be the most successful and when he was faced down with defeat from individuals like Skye he would malfunction and try becoming everything at once but unfortunately many people did fall for the versions of himself that he presented multiple times and went back often to more suffering he would typically use his channel to portray a narrative that he was this person trying to help others out when they were merely struggling and he ended up on the wrong end of things but behind the scenes he was the instigator of that exact conflict this content would be used to deceive his fans and even his partners into probably believing that they may share some blame and it only took distance and sobriety to realize the influence that he controlled over them in the meantime Onision would often use his platform to control the narrative over them when he had exhausted all his methods of entrapment he'll switch his narrative over how awful these people actually were for him often showing himself as blameless but also vulnerable maybe in a way to encourage other people to reach out this didn't work for a while until the person named Kai I'm not sure if Greg did anything exceptionally differently he started the relationship by his commitment kept it out the critical public eye as long as possible and moved in to cement the loyalty as soon as possible kai was just the first person to be completely complicit it seems he stood by Greg under a large majority of criticisms under a large majority of circumstances and eventually became Claire too in the only Seon game continuing to pull in new victims who would be subjected to more Greg's mentor formula when they pulled away they'd be regularly subjected to Greg's deluge of public and private ranch which were designed to swear opinion in his favor a position that he could now take comfortably with a spouse already by a site overall this formula was predominately successful for the approval of those that only seemed concerned himself with and even when it failed it would typically not amount to anything more however in recent months with the universal sentiment against Greg mounting and his hesitancy and subsequent failure to actually attempt to control what was being said combined with some old enemies returning the allegations against him finally organized themselves in a comprehensive fashion where he discussions changed from who was in the right to what punishment is suitable for this behavior Greg's position of being accused of various heinous behaviors before in many ways shouldn't be the most unfamiliar territory for him but this time it's been coordinated in a way that makes the claims insurmountable and whereas there was a level of gray in the past many have felt that today's evidence has proven beyond any doubt that only Shawn's behavior as a creator and as a person has been unequivocally deplorable fortunately in September of 2019 and the following months many people came forward to illuminate his treatment of them and others around them the videos began to gain more traction and more commentators jumped on the topic thus providing more publicity with the walls closing in and more spotlights coming on to him not just from the YouTube sphere he began to capitulate in ways unseen yet many still feel that there is unfinished business given his actions join me for the final part of this painful saga as I go into the fall of oniisan his responses and how they've evolved in the last year however it won't be just that I also plan to delve into and deconstruct his broken philosophy and make the argument for why his place on this platform should be seriously reconsider [Music] so yes that was the video that was a great fun video I want to get big shout out to the editors because if they've had to experience this as much as I have then they'll probably be reeling too and they deserve credit for their commitment heaven knows we need it sometimes else want to give big thanks to my patreon my $10 patreon czar on screen right now they do a fantastic job I also need to give big thanks to my $50 patreon some hullabaloo Nikko Deschamps and Caroline with a very special thanks to my hundred dollar patrons Brandon and Stanton thank you guys for your support it is deeply appreciated especially in times like these if you want to reach me reach me on twitter at the right opinion reach me on facebook the right pinion official reach me on discord link in the pinned comments and even instagram though i'm obviously my life isn't exciting enough for for that a lot of time but i have fun at least don't really have too much else to add i want to thank everyone for the support of recent and this will probably be the first video after christmas though my first video of this will probably be out on Christmas Day so I just want to say that I hope everyone's had a good year and let's hope the bear things in 2020 other than that I don't really have too much else to say and on the right pinion I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: The Right Opinion
Views: 1,806,113
Rating: 4.9493222 out of 5
Keywords: onision, onision tro, the right opinion onision, onision opinion, onision relationships
Id: FjQVlPZrl38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 10sec (4210 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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