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Not someone credible to take from.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/cryptoking94 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Id highly recommended watching Sh. Imran hosein and youtube channels: The vigilant one PREASCUROURATER something like that

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Regular_guy18 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
our topic is an intriguing topic the Khan the Great Wall and the West and while there are many many in the world who are already expecting and dissipating that there is going to be a great war and it will be comparable and even greater then the two great wars we've already had in the last century the First World War and the Second World War they have come to the conclusion that the Great War is coming based on political analysis based on analysis of military affairs etc but we are approaching the subject from a different perspective we are approaching the subject from the perspective of religion and so this is not a secular analysis and secular scholarship the ones who have done their PhDs in political science from Columbia University and from Harvard secular scholarship is quite uncomfortable with religion religion including in what they consider to be the exclusive scholarly space and so tonight's lecture presents more than simply a minor problem for those who are ministers of government today advising the new prime minister Pakistan and those who are holding the chairs of political science etc in the for new universities and our advisors and so we are going to speak slowly and briefly so that hopefully we might be able to with a large kindness make an impact upon the secular mind the religious mind already has faith in its heart but the secular mind is not and there's another reason why we have to be brief today mankind lives in what is known as the fast lane where things are moving faster and yet faster holy air passes as though it was just a month and the whole month passes as though it was just a week and the whole week passes as though it was just a day are you familiar with these words yes you shake your heads this is the prophecy this is the prophecy not of a political science professor from Columbia University this is the prophecy of a man named mohammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the fast lane in life and in the fast lane of life attention span becomes shorter and shorter so if today we speak for 45 minutes and after that they still cannot up they cannot absorb anything beyond that tomorrow will have to speak for half an hour and beyond that they won't be able to absorb because the attention span is contracting because this is a hit with a man the end time secular scholarship knows nothing about the end time but our prophet Allah blessings be upon him told us that there is going to be a hit was a man or the end time and we know that we were we are living in the end time when for example he said woman will be dressed and yet naked and he said woman will dress like men in order of God to assume the functional role of men in society and I'm now stepping on some people's toes so they're not going to be happy with me woman will be dressed as men why so that they can assume the functional role of men in society but he won't want to say that men would be dressed like women you're not going to see him arrested Arara oh sorry no no no no he said that men will be dressed like women it implies among other things that they will abandoned the functional role of men in society among the things he prophesied about the end time is a sequence of events which will occur he's speaking with his companion manageable for the allahu allah and he says to him kumar's piranha bait is not this horribly a trip that when Jerusalem is center stage now recognized as the capital of the state of Israel so it's moving to center stage using the analogy of construction when Jerusalem is center stage then look to a trip and there are those who are not happy with the prophet alayhi salatu salam why is he using the word yet tree why does he use the word medina i don't have time for foolish people he said look to your trip and yet rope will be in ruins the Yanni playing absolutely no role in the world in for long desolation at that time he said the next event that will occur major event he said caribou a trip kuru jewel mother Hamas the next event to occur when Jerusalem has reached center stage and he a dream is in follow and the solution would be the great wall there you are and so when we come to the subject of the great wall we do it from a religious perspective based in our religion that our prophet allowed blessings be upon him as prophesied the Great War he went on to say kuru jewel muhammad whole Constantinian that when the great war takes place the next event to occur will be the conquest of constantinople and then he went on to say further constant inia forward the job that after the conquest of constantinople the next event which will occur would be the jar appearing in human form and so now you can see the Islamic eschatology has something to offer in explaining the great wall because the Great War does not take place in a vacuum by accident but rather the great war forms part of a sequence of events which will culminate with the false messiah emerging in human form the rule world from Jerusalem from what he would claim to be the Holy State of Israel the Salafist state of Israel and to then declare I am the Messiah when the great war takes place yes as we see from the Quran that there is going to be frightful consequences for most of mankind oh yes but Pakistan in particular ought to be paying attention to the subject because it is my opinion and of course when I offer an opinion insist it should never be accepted unless and until you are convinced that I am correct because I make mistakes oh yes it is my opinion that the Solon has that Great War commences and attack is going to be launched in Pakistan if not before at least at that time and when the attack is launched on Pakistan it will be 2d nuclearized Pakistan and having indeed nuclearized Pakistan to then break up Pakistan into bits and pieces so that it can never again rise as a powerful force in the world with this introductory remarks there is now proceed to the great war I turned to sue little Ezra of the Quran which is surah number 17 and a loss of handle which either warns Bardot's ability min ash-shaitani rajeem he says were in min Korea team were in min kulli 18 ill nationally cou hawk employee milky amazi boo has a bunch Adira canada careful kitabi Mistura and there is not a single town or city that will escape and there is not a single town or city that will escape but we will destroy them before the end of the world this is not qiyamah the end of the world no this is before the end of all before qiyamah will destroy them all and those which escape destruction will be punished with terrible punishment and this is inscribed in the book now those are powerful words of Surat Annisa we have commented that Allah is a God of justice and so he will not destroy a town or a city which does not deserve to be destroyed and so we now have to accept the verse is saying that Allah will destroy every town and every city which ought to be destroyed how many they are we don't know and so this is divine punishment which are those towns and these cities which ought to be destroyed and the first on the list when we go to the Quran because our lecture is based on the Quran is to look to see which are those towns and cities have been destroyed by Allah and having been destroyed he sent a message to mankind concerning that destruction the number one is Sodom and Gomorrah oh yes when he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah he left and he left it as a sign from mankind but if you return to this I will return with the terrible punishment I visited on Sodom and Gomorrah what was that punishment the angels came and put huge huge huge rocks falling down from the sky and Sodom and Gomorrah sunk to the lowest part of the earth after this day they still remained in the lowest part of the earth and is called by a frightful name the Dead Sea and Allah says I've done this to leave a sign for you so when the law of the land proudly and arrogantly proclaims that a man can marry another man and get a marriage certificate you have to be either blind or asleep not to recognize that here is a land prescribed for destruction in the Great War I noticed that this disease is coming from one part of the world only one part of the world and of course it's the West if you do not enact legislation to support our our agenda then we go we can take P penal action against you we can attack your your money and your money will start falling so every government in the world has to come forward a step to the fighter line and enact legislation to support what the agenda it's coming from one part of the world and it's spreading to the rest of the world and as it spreads to the rest of the world the area of the world that Naipaul called the area of darkness but it's the different darkness now it's spreading and so the area marked for destruction in the Great War is increasing the destruction and war with Allah comes for other reasons as well let me give one more and we're ending all through religious history mankind has been warned by allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala against lending money on interest Reba it came down in the Torah tune of emotional Islam the prohibition of river it came down to dumb it down and Nabil Suleiman alayhi Salam in holy Israel it came down to Nabi Sahadi Islam didn't come down for the first time with us no it came down for the last time with us the prohibition of RIBA what is the prohibition of Reba Reba is not only borrowing and lending money on interest and I hope the government of pakistan would have a little time to listen to my lecture realize not only borrowing and lending money and interest but Reba is also transactions based on deception which yield again or a profit to which one is not just the entitled a ripoff and while we do not have the time to explain it now we could do it later the greatest ripoff that has ever occurred honest since adam alayhis-salam set foot on earth is the rip-off taking place and which has been taking place in the monetary system they took gold and silver coins out of the market they made it haram to use gold as money that's in the articles of agreement of the only international monetary fund and then they replaced it with bogus and fraudulent and utterly haram paper money and plastic man and electronic money and cryptocurrencies and son and I'm not talking through my hat because I've studied my subject that also is RIBA and in the very last revelation to come down in the Koran Allah declared war yes war on Reba then if you do not give it up take notice of a declaration of war from Allah and His Messenger and so believe you me that when the great war takes place Allah will use the great water wage war on the moneylender not only did allah subhanahu wa tada declare war on Reba but let me Muhammad alayhi salatu wassalam cussed this is not obscene language this is Lana he cursed that's right shall I repeat it one more time nabi muhammad sallallahu taala li he was allah cursed that's powerful language he cursed all four and he said they all equally guilty and whoever has the curse of a prophet upon him and dies there's no way he can escape Jahannam nun he cursed all four he said they all equally guilty the one who takes RIBA the one who gives RIBA he took it takes a loan from the International Monetary Fund and now he has to repay with interest so Muhammad Ali saw to some custom the one who records the transaction and the two witnesses and he said they all equally guilty and so now we ask who are the moneylenders of the world and why has Allah prohibited rebirth the answer is simple then when the economy is based on Reba as the world economy today is in the grips of RIBA the money will no longer circulate through the economy and hence the rich will now remain permanently rich forever and ever and ever and the poor will be imprisoned in permanent poverty forever and ever and ever the government the new government of Pakistan can offer charity to the poor but charity he will offer only temporary relief that's all it will do to take the poor out of destitution you have you need structural change in the economy and that structural change will come when you take on the subject of RIBA both in the banking system and in the monetary system who are the moneylenders of the world today of course they are not only rich they are permanently rich and they grow richer and richer while the rest of the world is sinking into poverty and destitution the moneylenders of the world today are the same people who are pursuing the agenda of sodom and gomorrah is the West and so we conclude that when the great war takes place punishment from Allah will come most of all on the West we now turn to surah 2 rachmaninov the Quran which I have spoken off in previous lectures and I'm just touching the mountaintops with you nothing happens in the Quran by accident no Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala is very very very economical in the use of language in the Quran so when he chooses to repeat something you must know there is a reason why he's doing that for example oh well does he are asada Rasulullah who build over there within the hawk leaves ahead of other day he could be three times in the three times he it is who has sent his messenger muhammad sallallahu taala was a humble Hooda with the guidance and the deal of al Haq this deal which is named at Islam has not come for the first time with this prophet no don't make that mistake this Deen came with Jesus to be sorry so this decayed with Moses nabi moosari son this dinky with Ibrahim Ibrahim Al Islam this is the last time that this Deen is coming it's the same deal and he has come that this Deen might prevail all right but he did not see that this own map which follows Muhammad alayhi salat WA Salam we rule no he said this Deen will prevail over rivals and so those who follow Nabi easily is Salam in this D so when Allah repeats something in the Quran you must know there must be a very good reason for it and so why is surah tour of mind so strange why is it that he repeats 31 times for be a hero bakoma took algebra if I have never asked myself that question and still a school boy yes and this scratching the core I have not yet begun to study the Quran if have never asked myself the question why has Allah repeated here OB coma 31 times for BAE Allah Arabic Ummah to conceive and Allah sent down the Quran the come--it affection to a people who think Alaska's in the surah to think a 31 times we do not have the time today to go through the soul but in this surah he is sending a message concerning the great war but you got to learn to connect the dots you have to use proper methodology for the study of the Quran and when he said al-rahman allama the Quran meaning I have touched the Quran if I teach the Quran I also have to teach the methodology of how to study the Quran so the methodology for study of the Quran is in that if you use proper methodology with su litter of man you will see where su litter of man it directing us not only to the Great War but also informing us that Allah is going to intervene in this great war with two people to punish them this is why it's always for BAE Allah Arabic Robbie Kumar Robbie Kumar two of you who are the two and the horses marshals in New Orleans yeah Cheryl Jeanne evil in some I speaking of an alliance of two wicked people to evil people one who were human beings and the other who was in shayateen and they are in alliance with each other and these are the people who are going to be attacked by Allah most of all in the Great War and who are these yeah Marshall Geneva leans in Easter document and food zoom in up tourists a Marathi wallop there you are there will be a people who will dazzle with the exploration of space and the depths of the sea and the depths of the earth a scientific and technological revolution that takes over the skies and they control the skies again it's the West and so we realize now that the Western world and the scientific and technological revolution which is still emerging from the West is not taking place in a vacuum but that they are extra tests terrestrial forces at work aiding and assisting and guiding the scientific and technological revolution yourself are a commercial Eisenman are when ojas for that interference Allah is going to send against you a flash of fire I need to be followed by smoke and there be none to help you and we say that looks very much like nuclear war so no fruits and the frugal Akuma you had Sakhalin I'm going to deal with both of you or you were laden with sin that's ooh litter of man and so when in surah 2 it's row of the Quran Allah speaks of destroying every town and every city and we say it will have to be towns and cities which are marked for destruction which deserves to be destroyed we conclude that the West is number 1 on the list the West is number 1 on the list we now turn to an amazing prophecy of Prophet Muhammad Allah's law to Islam pertaining to the great war and whoever is the Minister of Finance in Pakistan now better pay attention to this the hadith is in sahih bukhari and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prophesied that the river Euphrates will uncover a mountain of gold a mountain of gold will come out from underneath the river a mountain of the metal gold will come out from underneath the river and people will fight for that gold and 99 out of every 100 who fight for that gold will be killed so in that war 99% of all combatants will be killed that is the great war there has never been a war in all of human history in which 99% of all combatants have been killed never so that is the great war but he said each will say I will be the one who will survive so when the why for no one is certain what's going to be the outcome but the believers must not touch that gold we can either accept this as mahkum meaning it has to be understood literally in which case we will wait for a mountain of the metal to come out from underneath the river and only when that mountain of the metal goal comes out of the river only then will the Great Wall take place there will be normal Hama Hama Hama until the mountain of metal comes out from underneath the river so until then we can go home and eat or biryani and go to sleep but there's another way and that is to understand this as mutashabiha there it has to be subjected to tear will to be interpreted and we offered an interpretation of this several years ago because Allah was kind to bless us with study of international economics and international monetary economics in two universities because of that knowledge that Allah kindly bless me with I was able to interpret that in 1974 the prophecy was fulfilled when a an ocean of oil underneath the river began to function as a mountain of gold when the petrodollar was born when Saudi Arabia agreed that they will sell their oil for only US dollars nothing else you cannot buy oil other when US dollars so the US dollar became a petrol dollar and an ocean of oil underneath the river began to function sorry as a mountain ago this is my interpretation since I gave this interpretation several years ago no one has challenged it so far no but still we must say Allah knows best because only Allah can confirm that an interpretation is correct so when will the Great War takes place answer when they begin to fight for the mountain of gold which is the petrodollar monetary system has a challenge to the petrodollar monetary system has started as yet of course we were eating our biryani I'm going to sleep they started Russia led the way with BRICS Russia China India South Africa and Brazil mix to offer an alternative another monetary system an alternative to the petrodollar monetary system and they are making headway yes China for example has now offered to Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia has to be careful because China is the biggest customer now for Saudi oil then we will pay for your oil with Chinese yuan and when we pay with the UN will offer to redeem the UN for gold at the market rate so China is not in conflict with the international monetary system which has banned the use of gold as money but China is bypassing the petrol law this is a an indication that this the system is now heating up for a challenge to the mountain of gold and eventually it could lead to the collapse of the US dollar when there is the possibility of collapse of the US dollar of course that could lead to the Great War and when the Great War takes place the ninety-nine out of every 100 will be killed we now turn to an analysis of what kind of what would it be it has to be a war with weapons of mass destruction it cannot be conventional warfare only a war fought with weapons of mass destruction like nuclear weapons and thermonuclear weapons and other weapons we don't know of can achieve the result of 99% of all competence being killed why do they need such a wall why do they need the Mahama this is not within the scope of our lecture but the lecture cannot be complete unless we touch on it it is only Islamic eschatology let me repeat one more time not political science not economics not monetary economics not the historian who can fully explain the phenomenon of a great war coming only eschatology and we are able to offer an explanation based on the voice of the Quran in so little more solid which is the last surah decoding before him in which allah subhana what other ones he says in telugu it as Ilyn the salasi short proceed to his shadow we should come over the world and that shadow will have three pups will manifest itself in three stages in order for there to be a shadow it has to be the shadow of something so what is the reality behind this shadow which will appear in three parts the Prophet sets of Allah eternally he was selected when the gel is released he will live on earth for 40 days this is a hadith of sahiba Muslim and you will find an analysis of this Hadees both in my book so little kept in the modern age and my book Jerusalem in the Quran he will live on earth for 40 days the old moon Kasana one day which would be like a year yo monk sure one day which will be like a month yellow morning the Cachuma one day which would be like a week was i am iike a Meachem and all these days meaning all the rest of his days like our days so the joel when he enters into this world when he's released from his chains will be in a shadow he will catch the shadow on the world you will not be able to see him you'd only see the shadow and the shadow will have three parts before the shadow ends and the job will appear himself in person after the conquest of Constantinople the shaba the shadow goes in Telugu as in Lindsay's Alesi shop I am offering an interpretation of the Quran I have the right to do so but I must always say Allah knows best because only he can confirm that this is the correct interpretation and so we see the shadow are the three parts of the mission of the job before he appears in human form and in the first stage we said in that was located within that first stage in his mission who he wants to rule the world from Jerusalem he creates a ruling state in the first stage and that's bitten that's Britain and so we are able to explain the phenomenon of Pax Britannica because of our eschatology we ask the political scientist can you explain it no he cannot now all of Columbia University cannot explain it we say this is the jail first stage and then in the second stage we said it's Pax Americana where one ruling state is replaced by another ruling state United States has this manifest destiny of ruling the world and then the second ruling state is replaced with a third one then we say that Jerusalem that's Israel and that's pax Judaica but then we notice that packs and packs Jude Botanica could not come into being without great walls great was of imperialism conquests the East India Company taking a foothold until eventually Britain ruled over India and then we noticed that the transition from Pax Britannica to Mac's America didn't mean to great was the First World War the Second World War and so we conclude now that the transition from Pax Americana to a pax Judaica cannot take place without a great war and so our conclusion we concluded that the Great War is going to take place in order to affect the transition from a Pax Americana to a pax Judaica and therefore we locate the Great Wall in a messianic messianic messianic interpretation of the movement of history a messianic interpretation of the movement this is difficult language messianic from the word Messiah meaning the Messiah the false messiah wants to rule the world from Jerusalem we want to end at this point because I have given you the structure of the subject but I would like to advise you that if you want to understand the reality of the world today you got to study the Quran if you want to take Pakistan out of miserable poverty and destitution you have to understand you can't do it simply with charity that's only temporary relief you need structural change and you cannot bring about structural change in Pakistan until you restore free in a fair market to Pakistan and if you restore a free in a fair market to Pakistan you will know that it is a free and fair market when Allah can now intervene and cause wealth to circulate through the economy so the poor can become rich and the rich can become poor but they don't teach you at university not even with your PhDs and excuse me I'm sorry to say this it's also not taught in the dayroom I'm sorry to say this but I'm warning you from Birmingham you cannot succeed without the Quran maybe we pray that Allah might bless all those who know to the bar and study it so that the Koran might explain the Great War which is coming Robin a takabal minah in the country similarly but of a linear model in the kind of him [Music] you
Channel: MercifulServant
Views: 428,279
Rating: 4.8005261 out of 5
Keywords: merciful, servant, themercifulservant, end times, great war, the malhama, the end times, imran hosein, what is happening in the world, world war iii, when is the next war, next world war, major world events, interest, riba, punishment, destroyed city, lot, lut, when will the world end, end of the world, end times series
Id: gP6T_4IB3SY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 46sec (2686 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 17 2018
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