When Satan Entered

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[Music] [Music] that she said the messenger of allah sallam once left my house in the middle of the night and i became jealous fearing that he had gone to visit one of his other wives so i followed him and as i was following following him he spotted me and he said is that you are you touched by jealousy she said to him oh messenger of allah why shouldn't i be jealous over a person like you and then he said to her did your devil visit you she said oh messenger of allah i have a devil assigned to me he said to her yes she said and everybody else has a devil assigned to them he said yes she said even you o messenger of allah he said even me however allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has helped me and my devil has embraced the religion of islam and in other narrations he said therefore my devil only commands me to do good our akida as muslims our ideology is comprised of many aspects and one of these aspects is to believe that we shape on the devil and his offspring they are they are real however this branch of aki the creed will never be complete in the heart of a muslim only after he or she has worked out and understood the various techniques that shaytan employs to misguide people from the path of allah the same way that an army cannot consider itself fit for battle only after it has learned and studied the message which the enemies are looking to employ if we look into the story of use of allah it begins with the mentioning of the devil in the middle the devil is mentioned and in the end the devil is mentioned in the beginning allah almighty says that yahoo said to his son o my son yusuf don't tell your brothers about the dream you had because they will plot against you indeed the devil is an enemy of man you go to the middle of the story of yusuf which you all know joseph alaihissalam told one of the inmates of the prison who was going out please make mention of me to your master maybe i will come out of the cell as well what happened the devil made him forget it's that devil again and then in the end of the story when yusuf alayhi islam is reunited with his brothers again what does yusuf say it was the devil who separated between me and my brothers therefore the matter of the devil is real and the matter of the devil is serious shaytaan is the root of all problems shaytan's project is long-term therefore he works in stages as imam al-qayim says he will first try and push the muslim to ship to disbelief to associate partners with allah this is the chief of all crimes if he fails in doing that he will drop a gear and he will work with the second best he will try to occupy the muslim with innovations newly invented matters in islam if he is unable to do that he is dealing with a sunni resilient practicing muslim he drops again and he tries the next best he tries to occupy that muslim with al-qaeda the major sins like alcohol and interest and disobeying the parents and missing even a prayer if he is unable to do that he drops a gear he drops a notch again and he works with us the minor sins if he is unable to get these minor signs to be adopted by that muslim he drops a year again look subhan allah he doesn't give up and he tries to occupy the muslim with al-muba hat the permissible things he's not committing a sin but he could be doing something better if he is unable to occupy the muslim with the permissible things even to distract him from the more important things he occupies him with certain good deeds that are lesser in weight than bigger good deeds this is shaytan allahu akbar furthermore know very well my brothers and sisters that this devil this open enemy does not employ a one-size-fits-all technique on people rather he studies his prey and he approaches people according to their own individual weakness so he will misguide the businessman via the avenue of wealth and he will misguide the scholar via the avenue of knowledge and he will misguide the ignorant person via his own ignorance and he will misguide the public speaker via the avenue of fame and he will misguide the young man via the avenue of women and he may misguide young women via their beautiful appearances therefore the topic of shaytan is serious my brothers and sisters but it is rarely addressed for the sake of today's hotma brothers and sisters i wish to address four of the main entrances that shaytan comes into the heart of a person and he is keen and he is eager to come into the heart of a muslim because this is the control room and if he is inside of the control room he has free reign to do with you as he wishes and therefore we cannot truly protect ourselves from shaytan only after our study of today and its likes to know and to be acquainted with the entrances of shaitaan so that we may block them the first of these entrances is as follows it is when shape on amplifies and magnifies the importance of a certain matter at the expense of another what does that mean let us give individual examples examples at the individual level and the collective level at the individual level like me and you shaytaan may say to one of us it is okay that you are committing that sin it is okay that you are a culprit of that habit because you pray and prayer purify sins therefore relax do you see how shaytan has magnified the importance of salah till it has obscured the importance of the other aspect which is leaving sins another individual may say islam is about good interaction with people therefore as long as i am kind as long as i am generous as long as i don't do people over or cheat then i don't need to pray and i don't necessarily need to fast and i can sell alcohol in my store because i am good with people do you see how the importance of one matter being good enduring interaction obscured from the importance of other matters a third example a person may say islam is about being sincere he says my heart is pure you don't know how white my insides are therefore why do you oblige me to wear the hijab why do you oblige me to pray why do you come and interfere with my financial transactions my heart allah knows it is very clean see how shaytaan made the matter of sincerity so big that he couldn't see his sins anymore is this clear at the collective level this also applies you may find groups of brothers who say to you the most important thing in islam is to know the political affair of the ummah and if you speak to this person about the haqqadi or a sierra or a issue they say there's no time for chit chat come on let's talk big now the ummah is suffering you find that this person knows everything about communism and secularism he knows everything about democracy and liberalism but when it comes to islam his knowledge is minute but at the other extreme you may find a person you may find sisters for example who say the most important thing in life is women's rights the roles of women the position of women these things are definitely part of islam that satan sometimes obscures or magnifies this matter till it obscures their vision from any other matter so that their movements in life and their purpose in life has become confined to that one aspect of islam entry number one is when shaitaan makes the importance of a certain matter so big that you fail to see another the second entry of shaytan brothers and sisters and pay attention is the branding of sins what does this mean it is when shaytan comes to one of us and he gives a certain sin a name or a packaging that disguises its obscenity and reality the messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam would say as abhi dawud narrates in his sunnah on the authority of the companion that the prophet said a time will come when the muslims will start drinking alcohol calling it a name other than its real name they will drink it but they say we're not drinking alcohol we're drinking something else do you see how the branding of sins the marketing of sins the packaging of sins is an entry of shape on music is now referred to as an art free mixing between the sexes is referred to as open-mindedness and progress alcohol is now wine and vodka it's a pint it's just a sip they say to one of us ponder with me my brothers and sisters the first sin that was committed by man by our father adam was salaam if the devil had come to him and said defy your lord he would say no if he said to him wage war at allah and eat from the forbidden tree adam would say no ali salaam but shaytan didn't market the sin in that manner did he allah says in surah shaytan came and he whispered to him and he said o adam shall i guide you to something which will bring about eternity everlasting life and kingdom and in other ayats allah says shaytan took an oath by the name of allah that i am your well-wisher i am your advisor look he didn't say to him i'm going to ask you to commit a sin i am your advisor this forbidden tree exists in every place and in every time and those devils who come and decorate the fact that you eat from this tree they exist in every place and in every time the packaging of sins this is one of the major entrances of shaytan into the hearts of man however what is rotten remains rotten regardless of the packaging that it is gift wrapped with and regardless if people call it a present it is still something that is rotten and filthy therefore the muslim sees beyond the names and he sees the matter for what they truly are the third of these entries is a suggestion to delay by shaytan yes of course you will pray he says you're five on time that after hajj after your sins have been wiped away he says he says of course of course you will put on the hijab and you will cover your body as allah once from you oh sister but not now after you are engaged of course you will leave those pornographic websites he may say to one of us but not now after you have settled down and you've put yourself one foot into the life of marriage then we will think about moving away yeah allah abby is says that there was a man who was dying from the tribe of abduce they said to him give us advice give us advice before you die he said i warn you of i shall i warn you of i shall i.e in the future he comes meaning the devil and he says get a degree get a degree and then in the future time for change will come and then you get the degree and then he says to one of us at least find a job secure yourself financially and then the future will come and you shall change he comes to us after we have the job and he says well at least make money at least save up stand on solid grounds and then the future will come and then you will change and then you save up and you have a good amount now in the account he says to you you need to get married no you will be unstable unless you are married then you get married he says in the future and then 70 80 years pass by from our lives we're one foot in the grave and we find ourselves asking when will this future ever come it will never come when a person makes a decision to do something now this becomes his or her future a person who chooses to repent now this becomes their future a person who puts out the interest and the nicotine and praise his prayers on time now this becomes his future a person who disassociates himself from a haram relationship now this becomes their future the fourth and final one of these entrances of shaytaan into the control room of a muslim and i will break this fourth one into four categories fear to whisper in his or her ears the voice of doom as they put it how does he do that number one shaytaan will scare a muslim from those who support him and work for his cause what does that mean shaytaan will come to one of us and say have you not noticed how long your beard is becoming these days he will say to one of our sisters have you not noticed how noticeable it is that you're a muslim from your appearance do you want to get hit in the street do you want to get spat at and sworn at i suggest you rethink your beard i suggest you rethink your dress code he makes you fear those who work for him a father may see that his son is now adopting a lot of islamic practice and his visit to the masjid is now becoming frequent and his memorization of the quran is going up and his punctuality for salah is improving but then he begins to advise his son saying to him oh my son be careful just in case you bring about attention that we do not need for ourselves as a family the second way that shaitaan puts fear in the hearts of one of us brothers and sisters is via poverty he will say will you close your shop he will say that it is alcohol that brings the majority of your income if you remove alcohol the tesco next door will swallow you up he will say to one of us well how dare you remove nicotine from your store who will feed the children he makes them fear poverty shaytan warns you he threatens you with poverty this is the promise of shaytan what is the promise of he says whoever fears allah subhanahu wa ta'ala he will provide for him a way out of every problem and he will provide for you from areas where you least expected and whoever puts his trust in allah then allah will be enough for them the third avenue of fear is when shaytan comes and he scares you of the prospect of never being able to recover after leaving a certain habit or craving aside what does that mean a dear brother of ours who is in a relationship that's outside the pale of marriage and he now has fallen into a massive state of regret because his heart is shackled and changed and he wishes to move away from her because he knows marriage is not an option but shaytan says wait where are you going if you ever leave her you will be miserable she is your happiness so he becomes scared to leave because he says i will never recover nobody in this world will make you happy he says accept her so he closes that door of repentance fear this my brothers and sisters applies to every other sin and craving that one of us maybe may be victim to whether it is alcohol or the dealing with the interest or whether it is a haram relationship or whether it is any other addiction like nicotine or it's like shaytan says you will never ever be able able to recover but i tell you brothers and sisters allah subhanahu wa tahana would never put a muslim in a situation where the haram is the only option ahmed narrates in his muslim on the authority of epidemic he says we went in the desert once and we met a man in the bedouin desert and we said to him did you ever hear the prophet saws say anything he said yes i heard him say the following i heard him once say that if you ever leave anything for the sake of allah almighty it is incumbent upon allah to give you something that is better this is the promise of allah subhanahu wa therefore brother but you will recover like everybody else who has fallen to the sin has recovered as well and the fourth and final one brothers and sisters is fear of losing a friend or losing a family member if i follow the straight path of allah subhanahu wa fearing losing the friendship of family if i embrace the religion of islam or become a follower of the sunnah of the messenger was salaam allah almighty says in surat al-furqan allah says on the day of judgment there will be a man or there will be people who will be biting at their hand in regret saying if only i had not taken so and so as a friend oh woe to me he will say if only i followed a path with the messenger so and so has misguided me from the straight path of allah and shaytan is truly a deserter of man these verses brothers and sisters were revealed as imam al-qartubin writes in his tafsir on the authority of that there was a man by the name of ibn he had a friend called umayya ibn khalaf and invited people to eat food at his house and he invited prophet but the muhammad said i will not come to your food only if you embrace the religion of islam so he embraced the religion of islam he embraced the religion of islam and then they ate and then his friend his friend umayya said to him how dare you invite him he said to him i found it very rude that i invite the arabs to eat at my house and i don't invite muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam he said no i am not going to be pleased with you only if you go to the messenger sallallahu alaihi he was telling them to muhammad and you spit in his face so he went and he listened to his friend he doesn't want to lose his friendship so he lost his hereafter instead and he spat in the face of the messenger sallallahu alaihi so allah almighty revealed these verses from the quran saying on the day of judgment he will be biting his hand out of regret saying i wish i took a path with the messenger if only i had not taken so and so as my friend he turned me from the straight path from guidance the remembrance after it came to me but look at how the verses are concluded and the devil is always a deserter of man when he needs him the most what does the shaytan have to do with anything he's the root cause of the problem he is the one who whispers fear in our ears saying if you leave your ways then your friends will leave you your family will disown you look at how akbar lost his hereafter because he didn't want to lose his fright allah
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 49,651
Rating: 4.9527645 out of 5
Id: tH8Nltt8sZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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