The End Times (State of the World)

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[Music] the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said say 'it is a man when allah almighty there shall come a time upon my ummah on the people who follow me when their prayers are not prayed correctly and when high buildings spread in every place when people swear in the name of allah a lot about everything without fulfilling their oath people curse each other a lot bribery and adultery prevails people neglect the Hereafter in order to buy the luxuries of this world in exchange for the Hereafter so people become materialistic the prophet sallallahu sallam said for either our ether their liquor Feniger Tanuja if you see this happening in your time then seek refuge seek refuge find the solution to get away from all of this it's not an easy solution but you need to stay away from all this in one other hadith that man said the aerosol Allah what is seeking refuge how do I seek protection what do you mean by that another source I sent him gave an expression like this he said by adhering to your house and keeping your mouth shut and hold your tongue and hand from doing unlawful until death comes to you there's gonna come a time even worse than this one brothers and sisters where a person becomes so confused about what is happening in the world so deluded by everything that they see and hear that they're not going to know what to do and where to go and who to stand with except to stay away from things even if they mean sitting at home abstaining from all of this because there's not much they can do anymore they want to do good but where do they go they want to avoid the bad but it's all the way all around I heard a lot of young people say to me now why does Islam say everything is Haram Haram Haram this is not true Islam does not say everything is Haram but when there's so much Haram around us in corruption Islam looks like it's forbidden everything the hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam all these hadees can be found inside a Muslim and Behati Timothy about their wood these are called the six books of hadith no Masha and nasarah the Prophet sallallaahu Selim is telling us prayers are not prayed correctly people pray without really meaning to pray anymore their five daily salat are done in a hurry in a rush with neglect no importance is taken to them if money comes in the way the prayer is lost the prayer is delayed if a boy wants to meet a girl to chat her up and it's time for salad he'll ignore the salat if there is something of worldly benefit to them the solid becomes the last thing on their mind one brother said to me once rather I don't presume ayah because I work said have you tried to seek time off he said no because islam says to me that i have to look after my family the response to that is obvious if it wasn't for allah providing it with this family you wouldn't have a family Auslan in the beginning when you turn away from a line become ungrateful to him and rely on other than Allah Spinetta Allah Allah describes this type of family like the family of the spider in the Quran it falls apart it's not stable then he said hi buildings are spread everywhere this hadith also comes in a different manner when gibreel alayhis-salam once entered he sat as a man a nominal khattab radhi'allahu anhu says we saw this man into one time and the Prophet Allah Selim was sitting with us in the Masjid and this man who entered he had a very black beard with very black hair and a very white folk clothing he did not look like he was travelling because you couldn't see any dust on his clothing and none of us knew him so who was this man they didn't have airplanes in those days and cars to travel very quickly and he sat to the prophesy seldom very respectfully he asked him several questions and the last of the questions he asked him was this matter sour when is the last hour and at every time he would say to him you are truthful you are truthful they thought how come his asking him questions and saying that you he is truthful and here's the questioner and then he's telling him that you've said the truth as though he is testing him in the end he said when is the last hour going to come when's our world going to end and he said the questioner was asking me or the person you are asking is no more knowledgeable about its about its time than the questioner meaning you and I don't know I don't know any better than you so he asked him what are its science some of its science when it comes close and he mentioned two things very important and tell Adele Emma Torah better her when the mother servant of Allah is one meaning it's probably the most likely meaning when the mother gives birth to a daughter or son and this daughter becomes like a boss a master over her as if her mother is a slave in another hadith rasul saw salem said when the Sun when the Sun the boy Sun he chooses his friend closer and distances his father away this time wasn't never existed in their days even among the Christians and the Jews this didn't exist it was a time that was very unusual to the people and tell me that a matura better her that the mother will give birth to her daughter who when she grows up she acts like she's the master and boss over her own mother and their parents in other words matarile rile ro are a charity a top are Winona Phil bunion and you will see the destitute barefooted better ones that will be building very high towers in the sky skyscrapers today we see this many signs of this everywhere the better ones are actually today in the Emirates places like the Qatar now they're actually competing in this yattaaawan Luna Phil bunion means that they will be competing in making high towers who will make the higher tower than the other person so materialism and technology becomes the main motive of people in competing for and if you look at society today you will see that when people say we are an advanced society we don't live in the caves anymore what they're trying to tell us is that now we are more intelligent with what what are we more advanced in our association instead yawen own opinion they'll be competing about who can make the highest buildings high-rises meaning they'll compete with their technology with their sophisticated engineering and building what is so special about an advanced society who knows how to build machines or buildings or send satellites into space or build rockets or build atom bombs the only thing I can think about is to kill people to destroy the poor to show up in worldly possessions for mere greed and power the way that I beliefs used to show to Adam when he said I am better than him you credit from fine you created him from soil and I will lead all of them astray and make them go into Hellfire with me same thing so we'll be competing with technology but as for modesty as for character as for trust as for family as for worship of allah subhanallah wa ta'ala as for justice as for leadership injustice looking after people as for you know the value of human life of children looking after the orphans the poor the needy the Destry all of this will be lost no one will be thinking about it in fact let me tell you something in America they make fifty billion dollars on pharmaceutical products on medicine alone fifty billion dollars on medicine what does this mean what is happening to the world 50 billion dollars annually of profit on medicine these are people who are getting ill and sick are people getting more sicker and ill other people pumping in these disease are people denying medicine to these people why are they making the medicine so extremely expensive innocent people are being killed because medicine is too expensive people are after capitalism just to make money and more money and to climb high and rise high throughout the world 70 80 percent of people are surviving on about 40 cents a day what is happening to the world we live in a Rasul sallallahu alayhi wasallam he told us people will compete for worldly possessions for technology and they will say as though he is saying society will base its advancement on their technology whatever happened to the morals justice equity treatment of others the rights of others modesty this is what values of society not how nice you can make things and kill people with it at all sir salem said people will swear off by allah on false things so you come to buy and people use the religion to convince you to buy their product by swearing by allah's name it only cost them this much for example Paracelsus Elam tells us that they will curse a lot LAN and the salah salem said people will curse their own fathers they said the other solo who curses and father they said there will come a time where people will curse you will curse their father and so they will curse your father in return so what what is the meaning of this it means that people no longer value hood people no longer value the relationships of people with others they'll wipe them off they'll curse them they'll have hatred people only think about themselves a wrassle saya Salem tells us that bribery and adultery will be cut will prevail prevail you know what prevail means yes share meaning it becomes the norm everywhere and he even said that there will come a time where your person will be walking down the street and they will see a man and a woman committing acts of adultery and fornication before everyone's eyes not afraid of the criticism and they will say well at least you could have just moved aside so that we can walk past you know just make some room it's okay what you're doing it looks cute but we just want to walk that's all you know keep going subhanAllah this means that modesty and morality dies out completely throughout the world whether there are in the Muslim lands or the non-muslim lands brothers and sisters I don't want to talk too much about what is happening there but if you do your research you will find that in both worlds I don't want to name countries so that underfed fighting sound racist but it is happening double triple tourists go from Western countries to these particular countries in order to have a great time with their lust temptations alcohol and so on and so forth it's happening adultery becomes so prevailed that husband and wife divide and they divorce and children become you know to sort of live on their own and morality is gone because they cannot control their lusts and people will be afraid of getting married because they don't want to commit they cannot control their desires the man still wants to sleep around the woman wants doesn't sleep around nowadays it's very difficult to find someone to identify as a husband and wife they say partner is this your partner people are afraid to say husband and wife why because hardly anyone wants to get married anymore they say partner are we respect the fact that you don't want to get married and commit and value that partner people neglect the Hereafter in order to buy commodity from this well they sell the hereafter for this world and this is when a person neglects their worship neglects the Hereafter they focus on what they can see only in this world their clothing becomes extravagant their food they live to eat their coffee they live to drink coffee they love to display themselves with their ornaments only to show off their beauty to the people whom they're not meant to show off to the only the men and the women they begin to display themselves in front of the opposite gender and forget about their wives and their husbands whom they should be sharing this beauty with and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said I saw in Hellfire brother sisters I'm just quoting the facts I'm not trying to put anything on anyone just the facts of what the promise I'll sell him said in prophesy Solomon he spoke a spoke out of sorrow and sadness about the future of what will happen to his Ummah because when he was in his last breath service also Salim said to his OMA please I have left you on the clear white page it's day it's night is as clear as it's day do not swerve away from it and he recited the last verse today I have perfected your religion for you and completed my favor upon you and I'm pleased with his slam submission to God as your religion at all so I said him said o Allah bear witness I have informed I have informed he was sad what is he saying I saw in Hellfire a group of women for example whom I've never seen the likes of before meaning of the future they are dressed but undressed they walk in a seductive manner may alert EMU Mila and they do fashions upon their heads in order to in a type that attracts attention Arase sallallahu aleyhi wa salem told us this something of the future he's never seen the likes of before not among the Romans the Byzantines of his time he did not see them among the Persians of his time he did not see them among the mushrikeen of his time or among the Muslims of his time this is something which the humans begin to do at large Muslim non-muslim and he said among my Ummah from my nation subhanAllah and how often do we find young people imitating and copying who celebrities where rasul allah alayhi wa salam did tell us that there will come a time when upon my ummah they will begin to follow them step by step foot by foot that if they were to enter the whole of illicit they will follow them hello da da da da ba da help amo kau Aliyah who do one no sora e rasool allah call a famine they said a Messenger of Allah do you mean that we will be following step by step the customs and traditions and morals of the Christians and Jews of that time he said yes who else the Romans will be the largest in number and power and influence this is a hadith from the process than you find in as a Muslim that the Romans the Romans in those days is to call them a room a room net you know means today something like the Europe basically the Europeans of today that we they will be the larger amount they will have the most influence on people such as Hollywood such as you know Britain and France and all those other places they will have influence on people on my Ummah he said and you will follow them step by step not not any some things are good but majority is bad their customs and morals what do we see in our young people whether they are in the Arab countries are outside in the Muslim countries are outside in the Western countries or beyond that the Muslim youth look at them what kind of things do you like to dress in what kind of people do you imitate who do you really want to be like really and don't fool yourself who do you really want to be like and then some of them feel guilty today to the point where they try to justify things like that Abbadon and turn it into a religious thing such as tattooing I've seen young people tearing now on themselves yet of the Koran the name of Allah and they say you know I've tattooed it because I want my load tonight this is who I am is my identity but they don't pray they're drinking they're out neglecting themselves staying up all night neglecting their salat neglecting Allah Spano de Ayala what is this copying and imitating the wrong people rasul allah alayhi wa sallam told us he said in nabina a day is sarah Kakuta Imanol a lil muslim before the end of time you will see this prevailing sign what is it there will be afflictions afflictions afflictions trials tests of hardship afflictions that are like smoke filling the air darkness with dark clouds above you and it will weaken the heart of a person just like his body weakens in the morning he is a believer and by the evening he becomes a disbeliever and in the evening he is a believer and by the morning he is a disbeliever so much fit and confusion deception lies a person in the evening is a believer by the morning they went on the internet and it confused everything about their religion to the point where they become atheists they become something other than their own religion we live in this time today how many times I get this question now from young people I never used to get in you know a few years back how do I know if my religion is the correct one you know I've been debating with this atheist and one lie don't know what to answer I'm thinking becoming an atheist myself yes have you heard about the Muslim gay Society there's one in Sydney there's one in America and there's one in London the one in America is very old the oldest one the one in London is second oldest there is a lesbian mosque and a male gay mosque now a Rasool saw selim told us you will have before the end of time in metamodel lune you will have leaders who will lead you astray in America there is a Masjid its Imam is a woman who gives the hotbar and she leads the men and women in salat even a woman makes the event and the men say takbir when they hear a hot one that bit about what I wonder because this is an abomination of what the prophets are seldom taught us there is equality between men and women our asses are Salaam the Koran already made it Allahu Akbar but in an appropriate manner a way that there is that shows yourself respect teaches his self respect brothers and sisters in Islam a Rasul SAS Elam tells us these people who wake up in the morning believe ISM by the end of the night they are disbelievers he said ya Bernardino home welcome home BR of the minute dunya the reason is that they sell their character their morals and their religion because of a gain of this world lust desire money a car fame fortune whatever you name a Rasul saw Selim said a time shall come when a person is given insight in the daytime so he's very aware he can tell you so many things about everything of the world but in the evening he commits every sin Under the Sun takes bribes become dishonest etc etc etc people are very good in front of people but when you are alone in secret they break every sin Under the Sun as though Allah is not watching them this is hypocrisy and we live in a world of hypocrisy brothers and sisters someone asked you a question think about this if you take the whole world it is made up of people take away the disbelievers if you don't want them there and count the Muslims alone for example then the Muslims are made up of Nations these nations are made up of States these states are made up of communities the communities are made up of families and the families are made up of units of families each unit of family is made up of members with unit members one a son a daughter sons daughters father mother when this individual and the next individual in the third individual all these one individuals become hypocrites and corrupt their state what happens the whole community is automatically corrupt the whole state is already automatically corrupt then the nation and then the world more than one point something billion Muslims in the world and look at our state look at our state what were the images we saw water saw sallallahu alayhi wasallam tells detrimental hadith Allah he said LaHaye Rafi come either facade Ellucian there is no good in you O Muslims when the day comes that the people of sham are corrupt the state is corrupt they neglected their state is destruction there is no good in you as those saying sham is the heart of you and if its people are not looked after anymore what is wrong with the ummah of the muslims of the world something is terribly terribly wrong we can blame the leaders and Rasul sir Selim did say that there will come a time when you will have leaders of a form in the form of dictatorship and they are unjust and they will lead you in tyranny and he also said when the time comes when the Amanar the trust is given to the person who cannot hold it and the person who is a liar is believed and the believing / and the person who was trustworthy is said to be a liar yes it's going to come but what about you and me who are not leaders we have a responsibility first for mice for yourself are you fulfilling that responsibility by being a person obedient to Allah spurn Tyler a person fulfilling your character a per-person fulfilling your Deen in the proper manner or are you a hypocrite in the day good in the night sinful in your inner person's face masha'Allah behind his back depending on who's around me listen to this hadith of the Prophet SAW Allah Allah he said the last hour will not come until you find yourself that if you are among 20 young men more or less and you check their faces you look at them all and you are a believer you good believe and you looked at you know a number of 20 or more or less and found out that none of them fear allah subhanahu wata'ala then it is time for the hour what is he saying he's saying when you see young men there are many of them and there are large numbers together hanging out in certain places or going together and you cannot see any signs of fear of allah spanner Tyla in their faces as a whole then wait for the last hour to come we're talking about from the Ummah of the Prophet saws and what does this mean in the night clubs they're going groups in mixed wedding singing and dancing they're in groups going out to me two or three girls they're in groups a concert happens where a singer comes along or a dancer or whatever and you're they go in groups not one or two in groups they go to commit fahisha they go to you know have irregular all night and so pressure time neglecting the motherly prayer and neglecting their Isha prayer and neglecting the first prayer because as soon as they get home they're too tired they've got to give their body rights so these young people full of energy and muscles and brains and and strength which Allah and Allah has put you as the leaders of this Ummah you are the responsible people wasting their time wasting their bodies wasting their energy wasting their youth wasting their health on what unjust fulfilling the desires of this body and smoking things that kill you burning their money on things that kill them everywhere in the world they exist brothers and sisters a rasul saw salem said when you see this then I wait for the last to come and he said when there will be more evil people peer persons than the good ones to the point when listen to this when the believers will hide themselves yes stuff him in whom in Khmer stuff in Minerva Kofi Nanyang the believers will hide themselves too ashamed or too embarrassed or too scared to show themselves that they are believers just like the way our association said just like the way hypocrites today hide themselves hypocrites the believers will hide themselves because of the amount of any corruption that's out there Rasul Allah you are a hero Selim now said Almohad II the awaited Mahdi who will lead the Ummah of Islam his name is Muhammad son of Abdullah will come out and he will lead the Muslim Ummah of the world into justice for the first people of murder will fight our Arabs who are under the banner of Islam but they've heard gone wrong as they are approaching a group of them a lost pan ahora de la makes the earth swallow them they all die
Channel: MercifulServant
Views: 1,890,500
Rating: 4.8895502 out of 5
Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Allah, lecture, Reminder, merciful, servant, themercifulservant, islamic, end of the world, end times, end times series, minor signs, major signs, signs of the end, world over, when will the world end, how the world ends
Id: L-OmlOb_dFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2016
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