22 - The Life of Imam Ali: Battle of Siffin - Dr. Sayed Ammar Nakshwani - Ramadhan 1435

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hamdulillah you know Bernard I mean was salat wa salam ala sayidina wa aluminum or Habiba alumina wash affair in the force tonight Vikas and maja why not debates in Albania being a partner in lost hobby Laurel may I mean al hamdulillah Andy Jalla Naaman was a mistake in Abbeville I had seen your diary of Nabi a pas de quoi McConnell and Antonia Lola la vie Ivana logic observe incoming missile ar-rahman ar-rahim methodology in a hormone of da Matta someone of in Oaxaca masala last about the first of all sudden all of a sudden voices and on one of the Imam of our time honestly was so on respected scholars brothers and sisters that I wanna come on a mental on a catch on the battle of subpoenas arguably the most difficult battle that Imam Ali have never thought I'd mature ever face in his life indeed you find that this battle was a battle and which Imam came face to face with an old adversary when you look at the Battle of Siffin you'll find that the bachelor was between an e/m nabi applauded and malawi of enemies of yon the fact that these two names come together as somewhat unbelievable since when could more ha we are come in the same sentence as Eileen I lived every father who had given and devoted his whole life to the religion of Islam allium the Italian who was the one raised in the lap of prophethood Ali Mohammed Ali who fought for how his father through thick and thin when he saw him trying to attack the religion now you found that mahalia had the same claim as ally when it came to religion of Islam indeed recently there's been an attempt to revive the image of Muhammad up until a few hundred years ago whether he was soon knew he was she are there was never any respect for Maria whatsoever and then whichever school you belong to you never find that there was any reference form or how he at all how he was seen as the first of the Kings the caliphs had come before him but he was always seen as the king and at the same time nobody in all the schools in Islam had a reference to him in one way or the other now today you find that there's been a revamp of mahalia's image recently you find that there have been a number of books published in Western academic circles with the funding coming from one country in particular to try and revamp reform Warriors image in Islamic history the likes of Humphries the likes of Kish have written books recently to try and revive mahalia to try and exonerate mahalia from any of the crimes that he and his Hawaiian henchmen performed within the religion Islam therefore you found that the Battle of Sabine was without a doubt one of the most important battles it was shortly after the Battle of gemin not only had a DNA behind it just finished from one Civil War now there was the second civil war and a second group who wanted to fight him of course the Battle of Sofia is similar to the Battle of German today and that many non Shia I do not want to talk about the issue at all if you go to many Friday prayers in the Muslim world you'll find some Fein and Janelle are never mentioned why because once again there's a problem companions versus companions the golden image of companions is banned at general and that's a fear sometimes people imagine that the golden image of the Companions was burns and jamming only the butthat so where and I shall personally burn the whole image of the calm aliens theory Sofia was somewhat worse why not only did you have the likes of mahalia I'm Lebanon ass flexing Ali and Hamad bin Jassim but she also had seven see people who are on The Bachelor better with Rasul Allah fighting each other you had for example more than 200 who pledged under the tree - Rasul Allah fighting each other that theory that the Companions of Rasul Allah protect the religion of Islam is the biggest myth ever portrayed in Islamic history Germans showed that these still had rivalries these still ones agonistic to each other some of these absolutely hate each other some of these who envied each other therefore when a person comes to the Battle of the scene one finds the battles 15 when they came and said The Bachelor channel many of our brothers and other schools in Islam who do they say the Battle of German was the fitna it happens it's a coincidence it is not a coincidence when you have a second group fighting Heidi a few months later clearly if it happened once someone could turn around say listen accidents happen I shall I shall make a mistake they didn't they did not look like a leader behind him rather there was an issue but now a few months later and the other group comes from it's a little bit hard as an ally him maybe Amalia was completely disrespected by many of these and as something it was revealed Sofia was different from juggling which way German finished in a few days Safina finished in four months Sabine two full months at the bathroom German took three days at the bathroom Sabine most of it was negotiations in reality there was only a few days of war the most of Sofia was negotiations from the side of war how we are to the side of money from the side of ally to the side of mahalia and the number of death sets of field is completely different to the number of deficit German German let's say you had ten thousand deaths the feel you had over fifty thousand Muslims killed yes more than fifty thousand Muslims were killed on that but amongst those who were killed were certain pivotal figures who were the difference between happen button the likes of Hamad bin Jassim Hussein bin saboteur Ansari always and quality companions of Rasul Allah on the side of an inner planet who all were killed therefore today when I hate Pakistan or I hate India or I had plots of Africa that there are missionaries coming and saying I mean what are we are ugly Allah and fought a metre Adi Adi Allah and yes you turn around and you say what are you talking about who was with Hani Ahmad Hosea always what did the rest will Allah say about these competitors with my name you see sometimes if people come and say you see are biased on Adi we say ok what Ali to the site how about a waste how about Kozak man how about tomorrow we'll see in this lecture what Rasul Allah said about all of these and how the army of Moria killed them therefore let's shine tonight examine what's the context of what's happened in the Battle of the field general most no higher services Holly but what's happened that lecture Holly versus morale we're and I'd like to examine this in the following stages number one why did Imam Ali move his capital from Medina to Kufa number two how did how we are try to propose for us man's Widow and how did she reject his proposal number three why was more how we are so certain he could defeat allele and which four countries were under him which no one could take from him number four when Imam went towards the fiend how did the war begin and why did it begin with peaceful discussions number five when the Imam was in charge of the fluorides on the banks of the scene why did he Muhammad am or how we as army to drink from the water and which principle that they mindset even in the battlefield about the importance of water to a soldier number six when amar died how did that cause a problem for more how ears army and which I did they suddenly remember number seven how did more area twist the hadith number age all of a sudden when Monica Destin was have absolutely finished more how we are why did hammer of minhas say let's put the photons on the Spears and make it the jug number nine how did the judgment take place and how this eventually lead to a group known as the haulage let me examine and other which we understand this unbelievable battle and the sadness of Islamic history Imam I leave the mythologies capital when he became Khalifa was Medina Evelyn Bates had a special affiliation to the land of Medina you will never find a family who loved Medina like almond until today you find that I know hominids graves now there and Medina but the Imam realized that when I shall cut hands well fourteen they wanted to make sure that they captured key cities obvious cities was a city that until that time was about nineteen years old as sit see by the name of Kufa Kufa was founded around the time of sad I've been having one class when he was a general of muharram Nakata he would past an area which he felt would be a good area for the Muslims to settle in not settle to live but rather a good garrison tans for soldiers to live to stay in later that Kufa became a center of the Islamic world in an ally in the Italian knew that not only had I shot her husband wanted COFA but Medina was not the best strategic place to be while more area was where in Syria so therefore Iman knew if I go towards Kufa I'm much closer to more area than I am in Medina because why because he knew about more however there were two things the first thing in you about mahalia was that warm Howie and put the claim out that I'm gonna avenge the killers of what one more how he hasn't even helped us mine when was mine died yes oh it's mine it's written Somalia because he's his cousin he wrote to him saying I'm besieged in my palace 49 days for my loss besieged in his palace he wrote someone how we are saying well how he has sent me soldiers you're my cousins more how we are knew very well you know watch get this guy out of the way I'm getting closer to what Mohammed Hotel never get close to yes somehow he has sent his soldiers up until a certain period is that you don't move until I tell you these soldiers waited they waited until as mine died Muhammad SAW not all of you come back to where I am when husband died or how we had didn't even help I shall but how's about a journal more how I say back cleverly he knew that I don't need to get involved in none of these that we had time where I'll take on any of the myself and those of you be listening to my lectures four nights one until now we'll know more how he has an old price he wants I need to pay for better correct or no and those of you happens and I ask you to refer to what I need therefore more aliamanu let me move my capital to go from when I moved to LA I'll be able to counteract mahalia I'll be able to make sure I'm in a strategic position some people ask the people of Kufa are they to be respected or no of course they are why not if adding f- Alec moves his people to a city that means he believes the people of the city are good people today when you have one of a debate saying the truth once killed a man and Hussein all the coolant letdown Imam Helene no doubt there are puffins who were bad then there are crews wounds like habitable Maha Muslim pinhão such a these are all coffins in any city you have good or bad that person once came to me and said the shia of Kufa they are the ones who killed him and Hussein I said better than the ones of Mecca and Medina who chased him out correct why are you attacking Kufa Mecca and Medina trace demonic I said I didn't let him live who should I blame beyond cool foe Mecca and Medina or is it because they can maintain a certain companions you don't want to blame for kalpana so you put all the blame on cool correct or no if i am therefore felt cool for would be a great place to go and now that the environment established his government he went towards cool fire and he was sending people to get a banner from Lemuria more Maori I would not give a barrage leymah why I felt there's no need for me to be mayor Charlie I have a can effect within a can event in which way today when I say to you sham what a sham mean today sylia correct more power when he used to rule sham sham was in Syria Syria Palestine Lebanon shorten do you know how big that land osorno today when we look at sham sham is what sham today is Syria and those days more are we add you know who make more how we a govern of sham this is how Islamic history works what Allah if you want to unravel this clinic history I'll open it up for you kids buy pieces more area was made governor of sham by honourable kebab yes madam that's not bad maintain governor of sham and sometimes I begin to wonder why are you giving up illusions kids all these positions yes I thought you loved Rasool Allah yes and above Rasool Allah gives Abu Sufyan mercy capable of eunsang Yazid's Abu Sufyan had a son who be a seed mahalia named his son later after his uncle Abu Sufyan had a son by the name of Year's Eve they made him govern off sham when he died omar said i appoints more how we had to be governor of sham and may be saying up in her Hoffman shan refers back to this by the way those who paved the way for you to dominate over us will soon find out whose armies weaker but that's ali for another day we don't want to what's wrong therefore what you find you find that Allah has appointed mahalia mahalia had been governor of sham to Javier's he had been governor 17 years 20 aah till 37 aah Palestine Lebanon Jordan Syria all of them were his you think al you've never thought ID poses a problem to him he's the key an evening upon him I leave the autonomous Kufa and medina and he still has people in his army can't even trust I have a 120,000 from Palestine from Lebanon from Jordan from Syria all willing to die for me and I'll never forget him Annelise nine instead give me one of mahalia I'll give you ten of mine correct more how the soldiers would do anything for him mahalia up until that day had conquered Europe there were areas of Constantinople there were areas of Rome there were heirs of Africa more power we had conquered inside out - nothing have enemies of young something small mahalia to challenge a deed you know how much you have to think of yourself as a tactician more how are you I'm so powerful I leave them into Hanuman's Bangor for me never lets me have never tried and begged me for baihe I am proud where I am now he had the audacity even after of mine got killed he puts out the shirt of both man you know like in the Quran the shirt abuse of everyone use it as an excuse correct for no more I will put the shadow of mine is that I want to avenge my cousin's death that he proposes an electronic man's wife niala of man's wife now ella was a beautiful Arabian woman more how I kept rising necessary me marry me she keeps rejecting marry me she keeps rejecting what day she wrote back to him she said white want to marry me he said the beautiful white teeth that you have they enticed me into wanting to marry you you know what she did she looked at one of our tools put them in an oven she said yeah marry the truth yes because nyle and you how we are never helped her a husband it was mighty who helped her husband yes therefore you found more area there was no intention to avenge what's mine what's more how I wanted was this position consolidated and I tell you one thing at the beginning more how I didn't want to go to war with honey at the beginning more how he ascent if he gives me my land I will let him be fine I'm telling on my area when it been rocked by the one who do you remember inside suspension he was drunk he prayed for one a few nights ago yes well he'd been rocked by advisor tomorrow we have said we will not call you one of many Romania if you let the son of abu talib rest in peace you must make sure that you fight him in other words more how we actually looked at this chief advisors one of them was who one of them was well he'd been occupied another sanobim joe another abu hurairah another was who sir john de roman how we are started bring Christians in remember when years heed wants to appoint someone for coops when he asked Sir John who should I appoint and John says if your dad was alive he would put a pin see as in papa that's a John the Roman was more how he has advisor in other words Imam Ali Abdullah Saleh was not a Khalifa who was facing normal enemies when Imam became Khalifa more how I was ready how he was making inroads he from my mom had made commander ben Siad who we named joe hart coming after he made them coming up an area called heats and Hara more alia would send people to cause disruption there it sent spies elsewhere Imam Ali and every time realized if I let this more hawea continue then this religion will divide and this religion of war therefore the human heart decided we're gonna set out for areas where sham Imam is where Kufa wickedness that out and we'll meet tomorrow on the way in which area 15:15 was between Allah and sham today it's in Xiamen Syria but in that time with the way that that was that was between Iraq and Syria on the banks of the for at yeah literally on the river for our cause you know the river fought goes from Iraq one of the places goes through cilia on the banks of the Sarat Imam even Amitabh left Kufa he puts activist and almond in charge of Kufa he called him in her buyers from both nights that come with me and he took with him more than 80,000 soldiers to Sabine yes because who falls in his hands but it was in his hands he and 80,000 mahalia said you bring hates you will bring a hundred and twenty with us yes and will bring the most ferocious of warriors any moms army he took some of the greatest of the Warriors yes a man took with him I'm not vinyasa but now I'm mopping acid as in his old age yes he's coming close to the 19th therefore each took a mod it should cause a mement Abbot's he took with him a waste and colony it took with him - vodka in Italian he took with him alignment Hassan mnemonic hasn't helped until that day was how old 34 years of age yes he took Willie Muhammad was a 33 and he took with him a younger man than them yes they had a younger brother by the name of heaven yes a bus son of Ali was only a young man on that day he took with him as well he took all of them together they went towards the feet when they reached the field but how his army straits awaited watch more obvious army straightaway captured the firaon so at least army dies thirsty with no water now you know very well if it there's a battlefield and you can't get access to the for at that what should happen what's gonna happen is that your soldiers will eventually die of thirst a mom first ask them he said let us gain access we have not come here to fight first let's discuss peacefully the battle and the peaceful discussions began at the end of 36 aah yes Imam King is the givers of the water why whenever the water of the Farraj belongs to us nebulae which I'm sure many of you bread Imam turn around to his soldiers he said to them but you can accept what they say that the water belongs to them he came from a rallying cry sat silent so hot Malik Ashtar they managed to get the water of the Farhat in their hands now aside no water Imam Ali Megatron inside the waters old with them suddenly mahalia's army a few days later thirsty no water to drink and they began to ask themselves we should have given Ali water because now we have no water to drink and he's not gonna give us any you know what Hannibal has said to them instead aluminum italia will not reject you drinking water yes said i am debbie upon it is not the type of human being who rejects a thirsty human being go and escape and see so Hanuma sometimes the shape and tells you about purity correct or no animal of the house told them and you found that they came to imam ali IBN ABI talib they said trim that we the soldiers of more how are thirsty can we transfer the words of the fluorides imam center soldiers he said to them what do you think we should do they said much later allowed us to drink Iman said no water is the right for everyone every human and every animal I cannot bear to see a horse thirsty let alone of human being yes as in these are the manners of a leave negative Allah which man you take what away from him then he gives water back to his enemies he says you come you drink from this water feel free the same people come to kill him as an essence is done the same in Karbala oh no you found there for that Imam and Adam to drink then there was a few exchanges between the armies Hermann come to Kurt Flavia he started to use foul language and then he once a rupture and said I don't like for my army to be of those who use cursing in this war yes if you want to bring out what they have done say what their folks are but do not be the people of step you see step in English means watch casting yes yes it is more power yeah yes it's honorable house but I don't like using derogatory remarks and natural banana there's a whole sermon that I hate seeing its hurts me to see into people's commit SAP SAP is different from Nana Nana is a job RT Allah SAP is using foul language in mom said no father of a debate should be someone who uses foul language against enemies at the end of the day you're gonna yeah don't come up in curse come out and say X Y Z this is the issues then for the negotiations went on back and forth until Muharram came in Arabia did they used to fight in Muharram oh no no why not because the Arabs used to have four months where they don't find what are the four months Muharram right jab then cata the Heckscher four months in the Quran we call them in Ashford harem yes baby then Salah and Ashford Haram oh yes the four sacred months no Arab would fights another harem subhanAllah who broke it yes and that's ha ha ha there was a piece one month a man said listen Obama how we're backtracking on what you are doing this is not you Anita this man's an illegitimate ruler this man has no interest in the religion of Islam they turned around he gave them a month he said in this month and none of us will fight with the Arabs and as soon as I'll never stop this rasulullah said this is great what the Hatters to have four months where you don't fight each other they reflect it they came back on sofa they came to them said have you reflected shouldn't we have peace they said no we are ready to fight mahalia knew that the best option for him was supplied the peace because otherwise he'd lose his position therefore Imams and a magnet hard have been hard came to them he said we offered you peace but you don't want the peace therefore lets us come together and fight yes mahalia's army who are the main soldiers the main soldiers were the likes of mahalia and ruptal us but remember these are nothing in comparison to Iman had his army imam ali's army who are the soldiers and my video sir rasool allah had said a hadith which mafias army remembers later Rasool Allah praised Imam Hossein have been savage the Rasool Allah said one of his witnessing is worth true in Islam yes that's why they call him dude Shahi detain yes you had a wasted journey who rasoolallah would say away still cut anyway he goes I smell the fragrance of Jenna from away from colony yes I live you have a pollen his soldiers were the greatest of soldiers when the war began Imam was at the front he said I am a nice animal pollen commander of the armed forces shall I write even a bus to my left Malik Ashtar the standard-bearer Ahmad vinyasa sure is right husbandman Holly to his left for st. Bernard behind them away still colony her German Ahmadi hard even Ottawa Muslim and how such a matzo every single they're all than that ferocious army all of them are present in my name the Italian said are you ready the among the first to me said is why doesn't know how we have come out and fight me one-on-one so I do to him what I done to his granddad on the day of better Wow Wow see what he said and better and her father autumn in Omaha came out to fight an enemy party and her brother what need well oh yeah where are you do you forget to attach it to your grant I'd better come out so I do it to you as well where are you come out and face me no one sir and even thought came back then what how he has sense that someone saying will not fight if I need ever thought it comes out to fight all of us the war or your having to attend a meal yes what should be won't come out is that I'll even when I comes out we're gonna fight imam ali therefore war a mosque he came out again how we ended the stop the war again what's the issue is that that's funny the matter behind the mosque said how he said the only man in static history who's able to strike a human in an office and even inanimate one strike yes that's sure that he has declared war again they retreat change again what happened one of more are we as soldiers was this man undefeated in war he came out he said weather is highly endemic Allen let him fight me one on one Imam who was next to him Casa de bas was next to him I won fun at that day was a young man I'm important is that a bus come to me said yes is that I want you to wear a mosque I want to introduce you on the battlefield now so is that your father I'm ready for the introduction he said should go out now in front of mahalia's army go out and fight back to fight now in mahalia's army I want you to fight them don't introduce yourself until I tell you so he came out he's got a mosque he's on his horse he turned around the suction fighter named yourselves because you have trained yourself when you come out each other archers father Saul said no the net goes down turn Rogers father Saul said no he said on the third side is that you named yourself he looks just father said tell them who you are he removes the mask from his face and he said Anna come on many Hashem I'm a father a bus I'm the moon of Benny Hashem her father a bus that applied for mahalia's army was a phenomenal reply they said there's already two moons of Muhammad's Army hostel saying yes interesting reply he said yes they are the sons of Mohammed I am the son of Ali it's not all of the son of Hadi to protect the sons of Mohammed and they are they are the eyes so Holly and I am the hands and so all of the hands so always protect the eyes he annihilates it what coming his way even have passed one way Mallika - to another amar vinyasa came out with a cry on that day even though he was the oldest person there he said to them my friends my friends attack today's Notre Dame Sweeney during our hesitancy I see the gates of Jena opening up for me but the condition is you pick your Spears and swords and break the skulls of that opposition that enemy of Russia will applaud him and his family and God to finish them Chen now awaits each one of you and mana the acid went through them then he looked at a little Hoss he said o son of an ass you sell your religion so that's Egypt is yours cause he wanted to eat you back to him yes that's my midsection twice from Egypt you sell your religion for Egypt do not remember a Sulha la seine and my tuxedo confession Bahia am ma you will be killed by infidels don't you remember it I'll be killed by an Siddhartha it's arrived to the soldiers each one of them going their own way he'd turn around to them and he said to them I'm thirsty give me something to drink they gave him milk as soon as he drunk kid you know he said Allah I see the gates of Jena Rasul Allah told me my last act would be to drink milk before I die come bring Jenna towards me they held the javelin into the chest of my marvel Yasser and man with the Assam whose mother and father were the first martyrs in Islam if that's not enough for you to know where hat is them some what is correct to know they came out she fell on the ground a mom Katelyn sat by his side do you know what happened oh how is army somehow has army started to look at each other what is this hold on hold on now we know who some happened so what you mean several Allah said Ramar will be killed by intrados we've just killed a mob so how about you know what I find funny about this whole thing fighting Ali is no problem yes it's only when we remember her mom yes now we're wrong finally retired no problem doesn't matter yes Ahmad died oh oh by the way we might be wrong I thought I didn't matter what kind of a woman's saying you fight important in Houston like the people yes therefore you fans when I ma died they came to Maui Maui said was they sure when a man died they said we have a problem is that the hadith of Rasul Allah was the idea of model because by infidels therefore how Harmison to those well how he said don't worry don't worry said what you mean don't worry he said we're not to blame he said why he said it's not us who killed Ahmad and even a vehicle come on so what you mean is that I lived every pilot but I'm not sure war that means you kill them imam reply with a lovely reply is that that means rasul allah kill cancer because he won't answer to war yes therefore you found the dog position we're in trouble what are we and you there's a problem and then came a moment I'll never forget always economy died Hussein my died Ahmad died in my mine in Santa Monica Nestor is that my leg are you ready me and you go through them at all and we'll get some more hallelujah my return route Jim is that so yes I'm ready shall we go isn't let's go the two of them in two days of fighting absolutely annihilated half of mahalia's army yes by themselves there was a moment while they're fighting my next shot stream analysis tonight killed the same number as you is that how do you know he said because every time you kill someone you say Allah Akbar and while I be killing I've been saying the same and I'm honest Mushu right now imam ali turn around to be said my like there's a difference between who you kill and who I killed his lecture was the difference is that you kill anyone who comes in your way from the opposition I look seven generations than the line if there's a good human being in them then I will not kill the human being yes if there's a good human in seven generations down the line that person I won't kill him because seven generations down the line I could be a good human arise from that person yes they were going Malik said then I'll go ahead of you my liquid side of the Imam Imam was at the back Iran is watching my to go through them in one common in us when Eva have got shot in his ass he was fighting him and the rods fall on the ground Imams might strike him and gas drops his trousers well ma hey Jones Charles he knew that Italian Navy pilot the best way to make sure it doesn't kill you is to make sure that you do this so he turns away because I leave Nevada doesn't kill a person and Yankees him correct I can conduct he'll walk away Amram that house who in Egypt today what law I feel sorry for some Muslims if you look at the size of my mother nos mosque in Cairo yes it's like a whole shopping mall they built four hundred and us a person who Trump's his chances in war has a most that big yes if I'm sure I'm gonna to the crabs my Nick was now two rows away from how we a monic was sure it's over I could see more area in my sides Muhammad's entire house would scampered back my septum what shall I - I'll keep you in Egypt I'll get what I want when trouble and a sense take every proton we bought with us on the Spears then both of you for lunch with them they stuck the four hands on the spears and they came out o army of Oddi let us judge by the bonod who's right more how we are oh honey why did they say that they knew there's a few people in America is laminate paint off already yes all they need to do was promise them that listen we'll keep your land will give you what just like wheat or wheat or having paid off an ash a twin size and the likes of abu musa - alia people like this they came out all of a sudden Imam Ali Sami Kenan yes the Quran should be our judge Imam suppose I'm the walking home on I know I'm leaving you they said no more how he has rights let the Quran make the decision between Ali and mahalia what you mean let more hours this winter for how I know anything about Quran all of a sudden a Monza Malik said yes come back when we come back this was one of the most difficult moments for my to collect on his relations with my money since I see what are we and flirts with me is that come back the mana came back so what is it where anytime is that my neck relax yourself and calm down it's that tram that we have written in our own army more are we a spate of stubborn our army promising them lands promising them bribes if we now continue to fight our own armies gonna fight us come back more power-ups and irani said very well we can have an arbitration we have an arbitration that decides in months and runs that you listen to this man believe me this man is not needing the best for you he has no intention of looking after I said no more how we are said the Quran judges way comes toward the Quran now not you and not for power so you know they did they started to choose who the harbor traitors will be more power from having been on the pits of defeats on the times of defeat now that happens the jaws of defeat now is finished now he sees you know watch arbitrations the best way outs of here they example how here who would she wants to be the harbour traitor he said I want to hammer up the house a bar Ali who'd you want is that I want seven have passed I said we don't want to monopolize its own army such a salute you once said we were instead of America National we don't want Malik Ashtar incident would you want said abu musa - honey - honey I'm a fully pneumonic even Abbas they said no we want Abu Salah Shehadeh animal Astana who's that from EXO and from the coming of the cunning yes a cool almost December was that I want you to lead us in honest is it me yes is that you want me to lead you suggest you you are the most an edge honey hey let's analyze then afterwards he said we make an arbitration agreement they came together he began writing the arbitration agreements in the name of Allah the most beneficent the most merciful this is an arbitration between a mere but not many in a highly autonomous wait wait I'm an acid what are you doing they said I'm a nominee is that what you can have you know a woman in it's a good time in Romani to me he's not to be a nominee and that reminds your warts remind show that they offered a beer when Imam Ali had to rub out yes and wrestled Allah said to him there'll be a day you have to do the same he actual out I mean an aluminum they came together they decided a truce would be done which rules the truce would be that for six months these two arbitrator's will decide who is right and who is wrong they're gonna investigate the death of Hoffman what's a wicked world this world is one love I leave never body will try to help my none of these came to help other than half hates it what lon he sucked him twice as governor of Egypt twice now hammer of the house is in charge of investigating which people killed Hoffman they came with the truth wagon investigates according to the Book of Allah who's right you're leaving the man who was bought up next to the Book of Allah boertie he's the first to hit are walking with the Rasool Allah when he was a child and you go to the man whose father and mother were truly Hansa yes is that what you go to we choose by the Book of Allah we have an arbitration the arbitrator's are allowed to walk around the state in peace no one can interrupt we really want to go and then we find the killers of respond I'm that hostile to the more than - Holly he said Jim of Musa what do you think of all of this and we're gonna meet in six months time in the land between Raqqa Syria and waiting to give the decision when they came to arbitrate they had this gonna discuss with each other a blast came in such am a Musa what you think I'm gonna leave more area you leave honey and we'll make our own thing I will announce it to the public I've almost intentionally said you know what that's a good idea let's do it at that moment they came out to the public they had done their true said on their arbitration and we have such Anderson I'm gonna be more how we are usually family will take a long thing they came out to the public when they came out to the public what happened they came out Musa - - and all people we have an announcement to make suppose the announcements said I have left I leave now be a part of in his paw house please announce yourself and last I run and I have stuck tomorrow we open a piece of yarn yes that's where my loyalty is abu sarap touch him he said to him you are like the dog in the Quran Matata who can attend it can yes you are like the dog whatever you give it it works itself it's an ranch in him with a lovely line he said I like the dog but you're like the donkey method already on Windows all right sir so my labia minora can battle in Hema middle Apsara he said I'm at all your that don't give that carries luggage you have a leave never polymers that leader you come and discuss with me how stupid you are as a human being Allah out of ourselves in your stupid I think maybe a pilot would surely die you come and ask me you really think the time brighter than any of them people at it look at you people do you carry Adi like a donkey cabbies luggage you have no respect for the man that's what you deserve a group when they found out that they had been called by mama because what more did he manage to get back to Syria now he's happy Syria Palestine Lebanon Jordan he pulled the biggest con scam ever and I'll tell you something they came to mama holidays as Malawi as a better politician than you they said more area is a better politician than I believe he said if it wasn't for tawa I'd be the most astute politician but I have done that man's a liar is a bride by deceit that man's corrupt you want me to be a politician with corruption I can but I have tough waters that they all be asked by a lot about what I've done baccarat was not better than any politically oh yeah right this way to where he wants it and you know what he did to my mother saw me he promised them listen you I'll give you a land you I'll give you money you will be half sad when you went back to Sylvia he stopped two fingers up at all of them he said to all of them all of you think that you are able to do what all of you think that you are able to be there and you think that I'm gonna be someone's gonna come to you wallah I won't look after any of you all of you could go and stuff up they came back to my mind subhanAllah his soldiers came back to my honey Eileen let's fight said what you mean ex-wife it's a let's fight what is broken is that I saw I was planning my the kid I star was two rows away and you rejected what we were doing they said we're gonna fight and if you don't fight will kill you and go hawea they said what said will kill you and more earlier is that you're my soldiers and you want to turn against me they said yes well how are your condoms he said but I never compute I told you to listen to mutants I'm the amount of your time more alia killed amar vinyasa rasulullah lhasa the infidels will kill him more how we are killed Hazama more our giveaways Mahalo for Hasan and Husayn that's not enough for you you listen to mahalia and then after that you come to me and you say no more Arguelles condoms let's go back and fight him they said you know what if you are not ready to fight him that will kill you as well and that's where the famous battle which we'll discuss soon came out the Battle of marijuana yes when his own soldiers turned against him and you found him on a leave never thought it could not believe the way that the world had turned against him now yes now the son of hint sits in a more powerful position than the son of wobble-bottom now the one whose mother true the liver of the nobles born from the flesh of the martyrs now he was family in charge of Syria Palestine shorten and instead of them listening to rasoolallah sang to them Ali was chosen on the day of Katya you found them neglecting that they had one civil war called jamming and another Civil War called Sofia and now more civil wars were to come but did 15 affect the integrity of Imam any of them apply there not one bit No Imam Ali Americans integrity never wavers whether it's in war or outside of war he never changes in his integrity look at him when it came to the floor at did he block them from drinking water from the floor watch on all even though there were his enemies he never blocked him from drinking water did he block even one chap from drinking water when Evan watch em killed him he never is that give the pin will Jam water yes the man might be thirsty the man who gives water to his enemies from the farads v only within 24 years his grandchild the six-month-old baby receives no water from the for art whatsoever his son receives the water his daughter's receive no water o for art the water that you used to serve from the hands of valium Tavia thought it but how did you block from the children of Adam never thought it I tell you some of those children would come towards their mothers others come towards their auntie's others would come towards their fathers yes Sakina says i will not drink what sons of my father troops water yes stay they will not drink what's up even up till now when he was in his last moments said my horse you drink water I can't drink until my horse drinks water yes the whole most wanted about Abdullah drink but about Abdullah was like his father he couldn't bear to see a creation of Allah thirsty ass the integrity of ha Mohammed the order of on Mohammed but I tell you all of them who couldn't record sir how could you leave a baby without what they ask and that's why our heart couldn't bear to take the six-month-old to Imam and for saying she came victory much to me be saner she said on saying that I can't hear any more groaning even from the baby yes before I could hear the baby crying now I can't even hear a baby crying anymore so say the same of came sorry Marvin Hussein she said about Abdullah the mother couldn't man to see the baby in this way she couldn't bear to hurt you by reading the baby Imam should that baby the six month old yes he bought some out onto the battlefield is that Lamonica mother decide if you want to kill me kill me but what crime is this baby you make it up yes that's what I just next to you bring some water for the baby no one responded then he left the baby on the ground he said I'll give you me I won't come here you come and take the baby no response that said time he picked him up back nobody describes what happened at that time better than Montana Snuffy Salman Khan yes a few years after Calvin ah he said to harbor on the gentle harem how many arrows the Jew shoots he said I shot seven arrows towards the army of Christina he said to nominee shot their target is that for three of the myth he said which for the new shoot he said the first I shot the right I remember he said we had cut the rides at the left side and then there were more than seven cents to be finish our buzzes Isaac so I struck the I above answered with my auto then he looked at him he said to okay about the second arrow he said to him the second out of white shirts was the nephew of Hussein the son of Hassan by the name of up till now he said to him I said well as Jose was on the grounds and also low fame he cooked like a hedgehog looks like a hedgehog yes he said you like a joke he said that I swim on the grounds then all of a sudden a young boy ran out of the tent his antecedents that come back to me o son of my brother he said johnsy how can we come back one of our dinners alone he came in sunlight of audio Bassam come I struck him if something uncle yes he said to him how about that he said the third are always the one that hurts me the most he said the third our eyes shut onto the neck of the baby slap it sounds like a bass stops its wings yes then he said sure about the fourth always said the foresight shut up to their home we pray to Allah subhanAllah child enters us with Muhammad Ali Mohammed Ya Allah raised us with a monoatomic mom saw have been asking listen lon Ya Allah bless us that were able to protect no Eli of Imam Ali of nabi a party buddy who stood on ya la allow us to visit the grave of Imam a mere woman in the land of nature now our cheeks to rub on the cheeks over on the grave of Imam amirul mumineen alayhis salam ya allah allah his eyes to see the grave of a barbed Allahu alaihi salam ya la unite the Muslim Ummah on the love of him often mammalian hominid analogous sedan with rates of loss upon which Allah for all of our brothers around the Islamic world but especially our brothers in a lot they are labyrinths abuse and prosperity we pray to allah subhana allah for all our ill ones at the moment our beloved hunters after has opted for saying our sister Cobra in London ya la bring them peace and prosperity and remove all of the trials that they face with their illness with the following eye of the piranha aha we actually saw a my ug monmouth on either da way actually outlawed becky we sure that's why became a g1 mother died when she was soo mi [Music] action was actually soon Yallah in the name of the one who was ill at capella imam segments are between all of our loved ones we preach Allah subhana WA Ta'ala surat al-fatihah but before it the loudest of us [Music]
Channel: 4ilmNet
Views: 55,639
Rating: 4.7437186 out of 5
Keywords: Ammar Nakshwani, Life of Imam Ali
Id: 0YCQ84L19Qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 35sec (3095 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 22 2014
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