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this has never been documented for youtube so we don't really know what to expect what the [ __ ] is that it is not a question anymore there is someone here roxanne roxanne [Music] what's up guys it's sam and colby today we are bringing you back the haunted and abandoned video you guys have been asking for this forever and we are back with the abandon we are stepping it up 10 notches from what we usually do like maybe even 35. that's a whole lot of time we literally traveled across the entire world to get here took us 30 hours now we are in seychelles and we took a boat all the way across to another island on literally in the middle of nowhere actually straight up we've been sailing all day we have to take a little tiny boat go all the way towards that beach and then search for this abandoned military school in a jungle so we don't like know where it is we have zero clue where this is all we know is that it's on this beach in this jungle so we're gonna go find the best part about seychelles is all of these abandoned places that we'll be doing on this trip will have never been filmed before for youtube you guys are seeing it here first and these are like above and beyond like honestly we're going to a jungle straight up the most epic location the most epic event but the scariest part is the sun is setting right now so we probably only have 15 minutes of daylight to get to this island so we gotta go they said it's not necessarily safe after dark we're going in dark anyway which is bad they said we should probably be back here within three hours because the tide changes and we might not be able to get back onto the boat hey justin our filmer for this trip we got the walkie talkies just to be safe tasting one two three all right we'll be back in three hours we're not back in three hours we're dead look at the sunset it's awesome captain white claw oh bringing us back on board look at what we were doing this is unlike any explorer video we've ever done and we only have 10 minutes before it gets pitch black our captain told us that there's another boat on the island right now literally right there we have no idea who these people are and what would they be doing the only thing out here is that yes there's either this military school or that could just be like candy no it's camping i don't know it's just gonna be us and these people here in a second [Music] he's saying the tide might come out so in order to get back on this boat out in the ocean i'm scared why are we doing this we don't have our phones do you have your phone i have mine but there's no service it doesn't what a dream though look at that holy smokes we're trying to make it to shore but we have to find a path to the coral reefs or else our boat will literally pop and deflate in 10 minutes it's gonna be night there's no way to see the reef this is probably the coolest like intro to an exploration video we've ever done have we ever started on a boat sailing to a deserted island look a bat a bat look at that look at that look at that huge bag apparently there's fruit bats that can bite people on here that are like swarming the entire island look how shallow it is they're like a foot what are we doing i'm so glad to be back to avenue it's like the best way to go back to abandon yeah guys ever 100 000 likes and we'll continue doing this crazy of abandoned stuff holy [ __ ] so we're gonna go maximum three hours and then we'll uh we'll call you uh when we get back to the beach oh we can coordinate cool look at that man holy [ __ ] oh my god sorry this is just here we go that epic oh my god guys i'm so excited let's go too far it looks like on the right behind that house or in basically there's a white house on the far end of this trail so they don't know if it's an active base or if there's just cars there you just said stay away from it welcome to the explore team i've had crabs one time we're literally going into a jungle with no phones right now is this a good idea at all did you hear that hello [ __ ] dude [ __ ] there's a lot of cracking it's going to be so spooky because stuff is falling and water is going down wait wait wait we might is it right here this military school has like a bunch of different like segments to it like all over apparently this area yeah so this is the first building we're gonna go into but there's like a million more [ __ ] work in the jungle actually oh my god what is that it's like a big wire dude this place is like actually fully overrun by the jungle anybody got some salt he's like do it being a snail what would you guys name them in the comments down below shelly look at that [ __ ] that's a big hermit crab holy giant hermit crab oh my god oh my god there are so many living things around here that scares me because what if we run into the bigger living things all right guys before we get in what the [ __ ] was that nothing before we get into the rest of the military campus uh do we just want to like talk about this because this whole idea of this children's military campus was actually very [ __ ] up this place was actually not that old became a thing in 1981 so only 40 years was a national youth service that like was an education system that like basically forced kids to learn a specific social parties like education and political views so like it indoctrinated people into like the seychelles gov like socialist yeah say shells was a socialist country so they were just like making a bunch of people that believed that specific thing and that was like widely unpopular almost like everyone who wasn't part of like the governmental system was like against this whole thing not only did it teach them these crazy ideals but it separated the kids for months and months from their time and they wouldn't even allow people to come visit it was like a jail so do you think they stayed here for months or months or do you think every single day they'd be like all right the school boat's coming honey and like drop them off to the boat like we just did i think it was much more evil than that basically like in the military would force the kids that were here separated from their parents to do like insane drills and like it racked up trauma five seconds ago it was such a beautiful sunset and then you walk in here and like i don't know about you like other than the snails everything just feels like so sad and there's like noises everywhere like it could just be all the animals around here but like at the same time there's definitely like a present like that i think it was shadow children no dude there is actually a rumor about this place where like the kids since they had so much drama here since this was around for like 40 years or so there were some people that ended up dying here and you know we've dealt with shadow people shadow children before in the past apparently this place is one of the number one spots in the entire world to see that trauma sticks with the location more than the person dude it's like it's like a scar in time it's like a memory this has never been documented for youtube so we don't really know what to expect we might see shadow children shadow people or pirates here that's what i'm saying there's noises everywhere holy [ __ ] dude that may actually be something yo there is definitely somebody walking right now wait guys we should duck do you think they saw us okay if there is something like like a pirate group here obviously if they see four american kids with a camera they would rock them right bro i think it would be worse than that let's be quiet being honest though like 95 of these have to be just like [ __ ] falling you know like it rained today what the [ __ ] that's a big thing though man that's a big thing when you heard in there i swear to [ __ ] god it was constant it was like footsteps but we've explored a lot of places but there is something about the jungle that hits different dude we were in the middle of a jungle but even if we try to make it out of the jungle guys there's a path here oh what the [ __ ] it's like paved and everything that means it leads to something every time we stop doing abandoned for a second i realize why because we are so scary as [ __ ] it's scary as [ __ ] dude you guys hear that on the other side what oh wait what is that that sounds like a vehicle what could that be other than that though thunder rain rain oh fall [ __ ] storms we're done is that a light right there on the other side on the other side oh it's a reflector it's a reflection of us oh my god wait wait put down the flashlights i just want to see okay thank god oh [ __ ] that was scary dude this looks like it could be like a bathroom or something oh wait yeah look it is a bathroom he's right tiles and everything oh my god dude look at this the hell could this have been look at this like a giant cafeteria or something yeah maybe a lizard family lizards wait should i catch him can you catch this lizzie i got this oh you're so close you're going to come home with like 20 seychelles animals one's going to bite me i'm going to get like herpes or something by the way guys justin nate they're doing their own thing over there they have their own camera we have this camera just like bring back personal vibes as well so what's up guys we're not gonna get arrested this time that's a promise yes and i know i say this a lot in like previous abandoned videos so shout out if you remember me saying this but like dude this is like a video game like an uncharted yes because this was truly just overgrown and taken by the jungle oh my god holy [ __ ] you can't do that okay what i'm scared of is that when we did fly the drone they said they saw a car they saw actual cars up the road from this so someone lives on this campus somewhere yeah there's someone near [ __ ] balls bro look at that my god dude that is the biggest spider i've ever seen in the world i have never seen a spider that big before i feel like steve irwin dude that's horrifying yo imagine if that was crawling in your [ __ ] bed no one don't count it yeah i got dreams about that [ __ ] now dude that is the most classic coconut i've ever seen in my entire life eat it oh [ __ ] well i did appreciate how loud that was wait a crack dog oh another one another nut wait dude that is a big knife why is my god dude there's a two-story building right there and you know it's scary you can see like where the car tracks work we just saw that big spider that could be anywhere right here okay let's go to this two-story one oh my god look at this [ __ ] no [Music] holy [ __ ] dude that's huge wait put your foot next to it holy [ __ ] dude that's huge dude that's the type of crowd that would just pinch your [ __ ] dude dude there's crabs next to us i don't think you want to get your feet dude mr krabs is pissed off it's like pokemon it's like [ __ ] you stepping high and you have to fight him creatures fight you god dang it i'm trying to get out of here guys i [ __ ] don't want to step on crabs man somebody's definitely that's taking like camping here or something oh my god yes dude look a whole fire yeah they got like their water bottles this is definitely a fire the the top is even charred from a fire smoke look how many hornets nests there are oh that's a horn in there dude let's hope whoever was camping here isn't still around dude i don't want to go through the high bushes man dude let's to step on mr krabs [ __ ] wetsuits here wetsuits there's the boat outside there's wetsuits right there what if people are like camping here for one night that's 100 what it is obviously this is someone's camp we might be coming into somebody come to someone's house oh my gosh gunslinger yeah and they don't want you know four random kids running in here well dude especially not kids with expensive ass gear yeah kidding we're not making it out of here [ __ ] i thought i saw something dude yeah that's like brand new gear are we going in what if they have been there for a while if they're camping out here and they're living out here then like you know they're not really a part of civilization like why would you go and scuba dive and then just leave all your [ __ ] in one place i want to get inside somewhere i don't not want to be like walking into you're just like let's let's just go in here [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i think the most legitimate danger for us here is is being like robbed it is not a question anymore there is someone here they could be back any second [ __ ] do you think there's a ghost in there a ghost [ __ ] yeah or like a shadow child [ __ ] oh that looks like some dried up shadow challenge the showers and bathroom over here dude whoa that's like a cupboard still here holy [ __ ] yeah look oh my god look at the computer this might be a typewriter look at this i thought everything was gonna be totally destroyed do you think it still works trying to turn it on and off it's not no yeah that usually works something tells me that if you kick that one more time it might turn on hey i said let's go to this next uh kick this next one okay how much time do we have left we have 45 minutes oh so we should pick it up yo what is that it's a ruler no way holy [ __ ] wait that's actually really full sick forest up here man i know and this is like another room probably yeah there's a wall over there there's a forest in this room that's exactly what i just said yeah i think we should try to contact roxanne and then we're gonna be another 20 minutes and then go to the building yeah that's probably sure hey roxanne we're checking in uh you're around is there a callback hello hello yo roxanne uh we just wanted to call and say what's up and see if we start in range bro there's actually like a an animal actually like an animal [ __ ] oh [ __ ] let's not shine the light straight at it it's gonna get mad if you can hear me please uh respond back and just know that we're going to be out here longer so don't uh miss you yeah maybe we just got to get closer to that beachfront oh no he's like in himself did you just do that no you want the snail bro oh no he's going to suck you off bro oh you're here he's sucking dude you think he can suck any part of it oh my god dude it's a [ __ ] family oh it's an original thing family orgy of snails bro there's oh dude he's just having a snack like he's just eating something right now we shouldn't have our lights on at all and we can't walk in the jungle without lights dude and what happens if they flash us like once what do you mean like with one of their lights yeah that way we'll have to run all the way to the duck yeah [ __ ] guys i don't know for sure we should do something fast oh i actually think we should leave that alone you're right if somebody's pissed off or we can't we're we're [ __ ] we cannot run anywhere it goes right cool we see a house the 87 ways that could go wrong we get stranded here or get caught we're shot shot yeah because i don't know what i didn't want to bring that up and put that in the air but yeah yeah that's that's the way i was talking about i think i see someone outside too [ __ ] guys just to keep you up to date we just found this massive compound it's bigger it's twice as big as anything we found thus far we think this is the main lot but when we caught up to it obviously it looks the creepiest at the top left look at that look up up top left oh what the [ __ ] is that a shadow dude it looks like it's someone like pointing something at someone's head like yeah which i don't like there's a guy on his knee with something pointing sure that's 100 wait wait okay i don't want to say it but like it really does look bad it looks like somebody's pointing a gun to a little kid's head yes that's like that's what i did not want to say should we go in unfortunately let's do it yeah oh [ __ ] that was like how did we just see a camp i'm scared i feel like at any moment there could be a car coming away yeah we can help you with that i'm sorry like were we being too loud do you think people can hear us that's what i'm saying do you think those are the people from the boat i think that dude and do you think if they saw four americans they'd be like oh it's an island we could kill them this was completely abandoned so if they own this this is probably their property just want to point that out okay then let's go explore this place and get the [ __ ] out of here that's crazy there's just a tree growing into roots are just kind of pouring over the side every spot is overgrown except for this one what is all this [ __ ] that doesn't make sense to me can someone explain that why every possible place with banana is overgrown and this top roof [ __ ] you piece of [ __ ] i'm pushing you off bro holy [ __ ] i don't know i was no this is like the what's that guy's name mickey mouse oh hi you kids welcome to socialism mickey what happened hey guys this girl's blindfolded too no dude you're throwing a dark [ __ ] dude that's actually [ __ ] blindfolded something from the actual school that's actually really fun like they blindfolded and then the fruit is like shot off like a fruit yeah well it's probably like trust us because your life depends on it look there's like an entire other complex right here i feel like this is just going on and on and on and oh my god i almost just walked off the damage i believe they have this must be like yeah [Music] do you think it could have been like somebody from that camp you still haven't found out who's all that scuba gear and t-shirts are yeah it might not be just that kind of vlog because how much time do we have we're out of time so you said you saw him in here yeah what'd you say you're just like a shadow for a second or something looking up there you guys are looking up there i'm moving the light another thing a figure yeah do what if something's watching us it could be like this though like just fyi it could be like true it could be your flashlight really i mean i was standing close to it what if your flashlight just got my shadow walking okay so this way was the camp right and that's the beach five minutes five minutes well you haven't heard back from the uh washington we check in again our snail family dude snail team six wait that one's eating ass bro look that one's eating that dude it's just like you man hey bro we don't talk about that on this channel okay yeah but seriously yo i wasn't gonna say this until we got to the boat but you know we were talking about like the shadow people yeah do you think that could have been like like a sucker oh jesus christ as we were talking about that like do you think that could have been like a sighting of like a shadow person or something whatever nate saw he said he saw a shadow on the wall dude the crazy thing was it was going like the uh like you were scanning your lights right and the shadows well the shadows were moving one direction and the figure was moving the other i didn't realize we were this close to the beach it is officially time so they should be reaching out to us like any second they should even like be here like close guys what how far away was our boat a decent it's only like half a mile up that's definitely not our boat yeah yeah trying to come up on the radio they should have called us like two minutes ago like we're right on time right yeah like barely out of town time earlier oh yeah i said like basically we're out of time and now we're two minutes past like they should be have called us hey roxanne we're on the beach where are you guys roxanne [Music] roxanne maybe she just doesn't like me i said 20. yeah this is channel 20. hey roxanne is it on it's on 20 is there like a volume thing roxanne can you hear us hey where roxanne dude are we no i'm sure like the vote was not that far away so do you think they'll they're on their way back then right now right so maybe they ran out of signal and they're trying to find it right now dude this is freaking scary man can you hey we're ready uh to be picked up we're at the beach if you can hear us like like call in what do we actually do i don't know yo if this is like it's actually starting to freak us out so please respond uh we're like literally stranded here dude i think we're cut off i feel like that's not like there's nothing there's like no i thought it like beeped or something yeah yeah it's supposed to give you a feedback beep and it's so dark you can't even see okay uh wait hold up what if we turn all of our lights off and see if we can just see him on the horizon against the sky color you can let's turn off and make it look like this that's awesome so is there anything out there they actually aren't out there i thought they were like i thought they were [ __ ] with us wait no they're like oh my god roxanne please like we're starting to freak out a little bit can you please i bet you anything they just wouldn't got service for a second okay let's maybe chill for like five minutes and then we can start to freak out a little bit more okay okay uh damn overnight on an island that was heavy what was that that sounded like a car door it sounded like a full-blown tree where is it is it filming yeah yeah there was a giant dump like a car door or something we should we've been here for five more minutes and no response dude i feel like my mind is like playing tricks on me too man what should we do i actually don't know should we yell uh they gotta be around the corner like [ __ ] dude the noises are getting closer and these crabs are like starting to surround us ruxin roxanne put on the red light i don't want to like talk about this or admit this but like are are we stranded actually like we've done like a bunch of like videos where we got lost but this is like a whole different level are we on mahi too i think so on the other side so like it's only an eight-hour hike and right yeah straight out what we like honestly what we could do we could just follow the coast roxanne please come in like respond or something like it's really starting to freak out here we could just swim out to that boat and hijack it we become the pirates this is freaking me out yeah we thought we were [ __ ] stranded oh my god thank you we were freaking out wait there's our lights right there in about 10 minutes oh thank [ __ ] god thank you so much oh my god beautiful oh my gosh dude i was so scared yeah that's stupid that is him justin's first like real explore video and we get stranded on a [ __ ] island oh my god the [ __ ] explore gods dude like they they do this [ __ ] to us for good content there's our guy whoo we did it guys the game's not over we gotta dodge coral to get back to our boat we're gonna sink oh true that's not good oh my god that smells so good oh my god we definitely hit that compound we got you guys we've been here the entire time we literally looked in the bay and saw no boat so apparently that whole phone call was a lie it's like they were just chilling here that we left all right so little do these guys know that i changed the channel on them and i talked to peter beforehand and we're actually uh we're i'm on the same page um it's pretty funny after 30 minutes you couldn't have just said something how did you keep cool you guys are hilarious when you're freaked out we were just my head was down on my knees for 30 minutes i thought we were going to get [ __ ] up by bats and crabs and pirates bro we don't want to know what's going on the rest of the streets what the [ __ ] is that you're walking the plank did you hear him hope you guys enjoyed that video again i think this was one of the coolest ones we've ever filmed like this was like the definition of an adventure dude this was the scariest one for me and my eye froze shut in alaska not only all that adventure stuff like that but literally these guys bought lobster out of the water and prepared it for us today they bought it out of the water that was caught today bought it like yeah out of the sea man if you guys want to see more haunted videos please like this video uh because we like doing that [ __ ] but it's kind of scary so we need the addition more guys if you want to get some of the explorers you know what to do like comment subscribe for a chance to win the entire collection it's easy like comment subscribe and freeze do it when you can buy yourself it's all good thank you nate thank you justin hope you guys enjoyed the video and we'll see you guys next time adios [Music] oh [ __ ] go go go all right guys massive storm coming that way oh my god i felt the raindrop oh i'm feeling raindrops oh god here we go here we go
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 4,065,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam and colby, exploring, abandoned, overnight, treasure hunting, sam&colby, sam & colby, sam golbach, colby brock, sam and colby exploring, 25x25, xplr, colby brock exploring, sam golbach exploring, sam and colby scary, sam and colby xplr, sam and colby stranded, sam and colby lost, sey schelles sam and colby, sam colby nate, sam colby nate justin, colby brock scary, sam golbach scary, sam and colby explore military school, EXPLORING ABANDONED MILITARY SCHOOL (stranded)
Id: sFuvryqMHcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 28sec (1888 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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