EVERY *Unpatched* GLITCH new update ... ( PALWORLD )

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for fast and reliable power gold materials and more delivered straight to your base check out digizani.com Linked In the description with the promo code Mamba to save 5% yo what's good guys this is a part two of my other video where I go over every single new glitch that is still working in the last update including this really cool one all right what's good guys so first of all this is the little building I am using for this glitch you guys might have seen some like Tik toks and everything on this glitch and thought that the people were actually cheating that's what I thought at first cuz I was trying to do this glitch for so long I've been trying to find this glitch for so long and eventually I just chocked it up and thought the people were using like a cheat engine or something but they were not and I finally found out how to do it and I'm here to share it with you guys now in my opinion this is the best glitch in the game right now and trust me guys I know pretty much every single glitch I upload glitches every single day so maybe consider subbing up if you haven't already if you like Power World glitches and guides and tips and everything but look how much stuff I have gotten from doing this I did this for like 10 seconds guys no joke I have 88,000 gold all these Pals and everything so much shotgun ammo like holy this is definitely the most OP glitch in the game right now and I'm super super excited about it so I going to teach you guys how to build it now now first of all guys we need an area to be like set up over here to be able to do this I'm still loot like all over the ground from where the soldiers fell and gave it to me so find a nice open area to build this nice little tall structure the things you are going to need for this is some wood some Stone and probably like a few chests and stuff like that the best weapon to do this with you're going to need a weapon it doesn't really matter if it's broken or whatever I'm using a broken metal metal Spear and that is still going to do the job wonderfully well it's it doesn't really matter how much damage you do all you need to do is be able to hit them cuz remember guys with the soldiers which is how we're going to be doing this glitch they don't drop XP or like items or gold or anything unless you physically hit them so you do have to hit them in order for this to work but it is really really easy you can just pretty much go AFK holding down the mouse one button and you will get unlimited loot now if you guys don't have like a base that you want to do this with and you want to do it in the middle of the world or whatever kind of like what I did I do not have a base here I am just like in the middle of the world and built this you're going to have to manually bring over the materials and it is kind of annoying so here is one little glitch I'm going to show you guys real quick just to make this a little bit easier in case you don't know this glitch I think most people do you're just going to grab whatever material you want to bring you're going to hold down Mouse one this entire time and then when I press tab to get out of the box I can just bring it over here and drag it to a different box so that is a really easy way to like bring materials over here and like switch it up a little bit bit so you don't need to waste one of your other three bases to like build this so you can build this anywhere if you're on like a friend server or whatever and you don't really know the settings it's probably best to build this like at your base but you can build it anywhere if you're like alone or solo world you can even turn up the XP and drop rate also if you want to make this even faster I think I have my XP slightly turned up but I don't think I have the drop rate or anything onse so I'm going to go and build this from scratch right over here so you guys can see how I did it it's a pretty easy simple build but remember guys like all other glitches they're kind of laggy and you kind of need to tweak it a little bit to make it work there's no like set in stone way to do these kinds of things since it's not even supposed to be in the game and it's definitely going to get nerfed soon so let's bring the stone over to my inventory and let's try and create this again so I can show you guys how to make it all right you're going to need at least 20 wood and a bunch of stone so make sure you have all of that and to start off we are just going to start with a simple stone foundation now I guess you could possibly make this out of wood too but it'll be kind of annoying and it might like get broken by accident or something so I would highly suggest just making it out of stone so once we get the one stone foundation we're going to go up to and then we are going to build a little platform now the platform is going to be a little 3x3 platform over here this is going to be where they fall and drop all their stuff I know you guys in the comments usually hate it when I compare this game to Minecraft and stuff but this is kind of like a Minecraft mob spawner and you guys know how op those were if you ever played Minecraft once you like make them correctly you are going to get like unlimited arrows or gunpowder or whatever and that's pretty much what we're doing here all right so we have the two walls going up and then we have the third wall over our 3x3 platform so we are going to go 25 walls up now that might take a little bit see I'm already at what I don't know like 20 I'm at five right now 6 7 8 so I'm just going to skip ahead until we go up 25 we want the structure to be 28 walls in total so 25 from our third one all right now that we are up 25 walls there might be a faster way to do that but I just crawled up and plac them all I don't know maybe one of you knows a different glitch we can do it faster we're going to build a little platform up here this is going to only be a temporary platform I placed that by accident so we're going to build you have to jump a little bit so we're just going to build a little 2x one platform just like that and now we are going to build a bench now if you guys don't have the bench unlocked you're only going to need to do it at level five it's right here for some reason the wooden living room furniture set is like the same thing as the bench so just unblock that and then we're going to build two benches right here so I build it to like the right of the platform or I guess this is technically the left of the platform and you can see I have two of them over there on mine sometimes it's a little bit different sometimes it works better on the left hand side sometimes it works better on the right hand side it just depends where you build it so if it doesn't work out too well over here then we're going to for example we can build one more like over here pretty much just do it on whichever side works better we don't know which side works better right now cuz we haven't started with it yet but I'm assuming this is the correct side so we're going to do it here first all right all right now that we had the first bench down we're going to build a second bench right on top of it there we go I'm using my Anubis to hurry it up for me since I'm too lazy and then we are just going to demolish it we're going to demolish the second bench or the first bench technically the bottom one and then we're going to demolish these two and now it should be ready so I'm going to show you guys the full thing so you can copy it easier if you would like we have a bench up there we have 28 walls up including these two at the bottom and then we have a little 3x3 platform now what we're going to do to actually go and get us our loot is we are going to go to the small settlement and we're just going to start popping people all right so just take out your gun take out your favorite torture weapon we're just going to start popping people okay so get your want to level up a little bit I'm getting mine to uh about I don't know let's say three three is good and then we're just going to fast travel right over to where we made our thing for you obviously it's going to be different if you guys build it somewhere else but I built mine around here so we're just going to fly all the way up to where we are and because of the way that this game is glitch they're going to start spawning up here so we have a wanted level of three we're going to get that up much much higher over here and then we're just going to fly on top of our bench now you can see them lagging oops you can see them like lagging out and everything we want them to do that perfect and we're just going to get on top of our bench it takes a little bit of practice I guess since it's super laggy now and it's uh I don't know it's kind of hard to like parkour or up there but you can see they're going to start falling to their depths and I'm actually having the problem where they're spawning behind me we actually don't want this so what I am going to do is I am going to fix it and do the other side so remember before how I said the benches on depend on the right side well I actually built it on the wrong side I guess it's just completely random it's not like something you can control so we're going to build it up on this side now and that is going to be the correct side to get them to spawn correctly all right I reg got my wanted level after I place the correct bench this time I guess maybe you want to place both of them if you're like afraid of building on the wrong side maybe I should have just started with that but either way it's going to work so we're going to Rego up here after we anger them we're going to get on the correct bench this time and then you guys will see how much loot we are going to get so they're just going to start spawning up here all you have to do is find the sweep spot and just start hitting them like this like I said the spear is the best weapon to do this with cuz it actually hits some super long range and once you find the perfect spot of hitting them you're just going to sit here sometimes they get stuck like this and you can just like push them off a little bit there we go and we're just going to find the S spots and keep hitting them now remember guys that only works if you hit them so if you just sit here and let them spawn and drop it's not really going to do anything but if we sit there and hit them we're going to gain XP as you can see on the top left we are going to rank up our Pals we're going to get a ton of XP a ton of a ton of pal Spears a ton of ammo this is going to be crazy so I have an assault level of 38 on the top right hand side which is insane so I'm just going to leave it here for a few minutes and see how much loot we get all right I've been doing this for about 3 minutes let's see how much loot we got oh it is piled up over there so to get them off your back finally you can like run away or wait I'm just going to respawn since I have it on where it doesn't take away any of my uh items anyway anyway and we're going to go back to that spot and see how much loot we got in 2 minutes all right here we are now it was probably even less than 2 minutes remember guys if you want to turn up your max amount of items dropped on the server you can get even more of this and you can turn up your XP if you want so already in probably a minute and a half wow that is a lot of gold ammo and Spears for that little amount of time all right what's good guys so I'm going to show you a few glitches some small ones and then obviously the main glitch where you can have two Pals out at the same exact time now this glitch is super duper op I just found out about it I don't think too many people know about it and it seems to be a pretty new glitch so I would say you have some time before they patch this one now the things you are going to need for this glitch first of all I know it seems kind of weird but you need a pen goet Pokemon SL palal you need this little blue penguin um I don't think it really matters what level he is but you need to have the Penguin and then on top of that the thing that does matter what level you are is you need to have the pen gullets rocket launcher which you get at only level 17 so most people should be able to have it already it only costs 20 ingots and some other really basic things so pretty much anyone can get it so once you have the Ping gullet and then you bought his little ability here his little cannon that looks like this you put him in the rocket launcher and you can shoot him around that is really all you're going to need and then on top of that you're going to need a pal that you can ride with a sadle so I'm going to be using this van worm van worm whatever I don't really know how to say his name we're going to be using this guy for the glitch you need to have a pal with a sadle and then the other pal that you're going to be throwing out to be using with it you don't need to have a saddle so one power with the saddle one pen gullet and then the pen gullet little rocket launcher ability thing so it's pretty easy to do I'm going to go beat a boss with this later to show you guys how in same with they probably jet regon or something really hard but first I'll just show you guys how to do it so I'm going to go away from my base so you guys don't think I'm I'm tricking you with having the multiple Pals out at the base cuz obviously you can have unlimited Pals out at your base or like uh 15 18 depending on what your level is so you can have a lot of Pals out your base but when you're out in the wild you can only have one so what you're going to want to do is once you have all the materials I told you guys to get is you're going to use the Ability on the pain goet you're going to want to shoot it high in the air so you have time to do step two so shoot him high in the air then you're going to switch over to the pal that you have a saddle with throw him out and get on him there we go perfect now we kind of made that a little close he want to do it a little faster than what I did I tried to do it a little bit slower so I can show you guys and then once you do that once it like dies you can see on the left side of the screen it said that he is dead and you can see he's dead right here he has zero HP you can get off of your pal and now you can actually throw it a different pal out so you have your original pal that normally worked and then you have a secondary pal which for me is a nubis now the thing is I don't know if they both Follow You See It kind of glitches out once it's near like Cliffs and stuff so if you keep them in the same area they will both follow you and act normally and they'll both even fight for you but if once you start going down like Cliffs and stuff that's when they start lagging out because the game is not meant for you to have two Pals following you so obviously it's going to work a little differently but if you stay in the same area the same landscape both of the pals should work in attack as like normal so it makes it perfect for Boss Battles now let's take this a little bit further we're going to take this to a boss and see them both attack but first of all obviously guys we have to regen our ping gullets and now it's really annoying to have to wait 10 minutes here for it to fully revive so I'm going to show you guys this cool little glitch that I use first of all we're going to go into party we're going to drop the pal right here so in the little pow ball if you're on the multiplayer server be careful cuz people can just run up and grab this and then you're going to want to put a secondary pal inside of your fiveman roster right here so I put cin moth in here then we're just going to pick up the original pal that is dead and look at that we no longer have to wait the 10 minutes that is a handy little glitch that you can use especially with this main glitch right here where we use two Pals because we're going to be killing the original pal quite a bit so it's cool to have that little glitch hand now let's head over to jet on and try fighting him with two Pals at the same time and see how fast it is all right I picked a tower boss to try this glitch out on while we're heading over there let me remind you guys I post power glitches updates guides all kinds of stuff every single day we just hit 11k Subs so I mean if you're not already subbed up and you need some new PowerAll content every single day I upload some really useful and op glitches if you're into glitches if you're not all good either way let's try this glitch out on this guy over here so remember we're going to take out our penguin we're going to shoot him somewhere high in the air oh my goodness if I could not die for 2 seconds that'd be great and then while we're shooting him we're going to get this pal out we are going to ride him and it should work right yeah pengu golet just died so we're going to get off this guy and now look at that we have two Pals ready to go and they're both going to be attacking the tower boss let's see how fast we absolutely destroy this Tower boss with two op Pals going absolutely crazy now remember guys I said earlier don't really like move around too much with both of them out you can have one of them out but once you have both of them the game kind of glitches out and it's not really used to having two Pals out at the same time so two of them might not follow you only one of them now this is what I mean by it being a little glitch to one of my pal is kind of just stuck in the wall over there and you can't really like take them out and put them back in but it seems like they're both doing the work so let's see how long it takes us to beat this guy it looks like he's actually going to kill one of pal oh my goodness he did either way oh wow did they actually suck up both of my pals when that happened oh my okay so yeah this glitch is definitely a little bit buggy however if you use it correctly like I just did you can destroy the HP on this boss I got him all the way down to 40K in only 2 minutes which is really really good and then I'm probably also going to use this combination to try and catch jetrion and do some other cool glitches in the future probably in the next few days so if you guys want to watch that make sure you sub up and let me know if you guys like this glitch in my opinion having two Pals out at the same time all the time is a really nice feature and definitely works out for a lot of different things I also showed off the glitch where you can instantly revive your pals at the PO box so remember that one if you guys need that one and since we're about to finish off this boss I am going to dip remember guys I have glitches for all kinds of things I have XP Glitches I have glitches where you can actually catch the boss right here usually it doesn't work as you can see and then I also have like duplication glitches all kinds of things on my channel so if you need any kind of glitch any kind of exploit any kind of guide or tips or whatever I have a ton of those too and I'll see you guys we should be able to finish this guy off in just a second there we go all right guys what you saw in the beginning there was a little bit of a tease of the TRU true power of this glitch now if you guys don't have a copy of power world which I assume most people watching the video already do make sure you watch towards the end cuz there's a little bit of a surprise that might benefit you now onto the glitch start is a few things you're going to need to do this first of all you're going to need the pal to do it with I know for a fact it works with jaw thog this little porcupine Pikachu type thing and it works really really well for him so this is the pal I'm going to be using this glitch on now it does slash does not work with some other Pals any pal that has like a little glove ability or a ride ability theoretically it works on although I have not tested the other Pals but I've seen some other people test some other Pals and some of them really work really well and some of them don't work at all so personally I would just stick to the draw thog but if you guys want to experiment you guys want to try and find an even more overpowered version of this glitch feel free to check out some other Pals and just test it with them but the first thing you're going to need obvious obiously is the jaw fg/ whatever other power you're using and then you're also going to need its gloves which you unlock really really early on at only level eight and they're really cheap to make so this is a really easy thing to get and the third and final item you are going to need is you need a pal that you can ride on so I'm using this little van worm over here I guess you could use like the fox or whatever you can use jeton if you have that at a pretty high level you just need a pal you can ride on/ has the rideability or else this will not work I've tested it it doesn't work you need one that you can ride on now this glitch is a tiny bit complicated it's really easy once you get used to it but it's a little bit complicated to explain so I'm going to do this nice and slow yes it works on Xbox yes it works on multiplayer yes it works on other people's servers I get those questions all the time so first of all what you're going to need to do on PC I'll explain it on PC first and then try and translate it into Xbox after you're going to hold out your pal using e on Xbox whatever it is to throw your pal out normally like that we're going to hold it down so I'm holding down e right now but we're not going to let go of this PO ball we are going to do something special and we're actually going to press Mouse one while we're still holding e so hold down the button to hold the pal holding down e and we're going to press Mouse one while still holding e now we're going to get to this screen right here which is exactly where you want to be and we're going to swap through our Pals until we get to the one where we can ride so I'm still holding e this entire time you guys can see at the bottom left of my screen I'm swapping through the palace to the one that I can ride and then I'm going to hold down the ability button and right when he comes close to me I'm going to let go and let out my other pal that I can ride now this guy moves around pretty fast so it's kind of hard however once you get him a little bit far away hold down the F button and then right when he comes close throw your other pal out now it's a little bit of a fine timing you'll need to practice it a little bit but look look at this we have him in our hands now this is an important last step you're going to sit here and you're going to wait you need to wait at least 30 seconds so go get a drink or something I'll explain the entire process again more clear in just a second but in the meantime you just have to sit back and wait you cannot do anything right now you need to give the time for the glitch to set in it's not going to work if you spam it right away so just sit here and wait for 30 seconds and and I'll come back to you guys when I'm done waiting there we go it's been about 30 seconds Let's test it out um boom it works so we can just actually hold down Mouse one and it will spam these like nuclear bombs you pretty much become Goku and they do a lot of damage all right I've just restarted the world one more time for you guys you want to hold down the E button or whatever the button is to throw your pal on Xbox and then you want to press the shoot button instead just normally throwing him out while you're still holding down the first button so it'll look something like this your draw thog is out while you're still holding down e/ whatever it is to throw your pal and then you're going to cycle through your pals I don't know what this button is on Xbox it's probably the little bumpers above the trigger and then until you get to your pal with the saddle on so I'm going to hold F and once he comes close uh see I did not do it correctly I let him jump into my arms it's kind of a hard timing but once you learn what it is you can do it over over and over again really really easily I'm just having a little bit of trouble cuz I have to sit here and like explain it to you guys while I'm doing it at the same time so it makes it a little bit harder but again let's try it one more time switch over to the pal where you have a settle with while you're still holding e the entire time hold F and then right when he comes close bro he's too fast he's too fast I'm sorry but if you guys mess up like I am just go ahead and drop the pal and re pick him up that will reset his timer for the uh ability there and that will make it a lot easier to to just do this over and over again if you keep messing up like me but now that we learned the timing there we go we can do it perfectly pretty much 90% of the time if you practice with this so we did it correctly there and remember guys do not forget to wait while we're waiting I'm going to go over to a boss battle and show you guys how truly overpowered this is and remember if you guys don't have a copy of power world make sure to wait till the end cuz I got something for you all right we're about to enter the tower we have the glitch activated this is is about to get crazy guys I'm telling you this is one of the best glitches in the entire game I'm not going to lie I'm surprised it's still in the game this seems like something that would be patched in like alpha or right when it came out but it is still going to sha and remember you can just hold Mouse one down and it goes crazy now while we're getting started on this boss battle remember guys I upload videos every single day on power guides tips glitches all kinds of stuff I'm pretty sure I have every glitch in the game uploaded on my Channel right now so if you guys want to sub up go ahead and do that this new power glitches every day I find all of them boys I get all of them anyway we're not here for that we're here to beat this boss I think it stuns them too so look how fast we are just shredding this boss stunning her she cannot do anything oh my bro what is this like a 10c boss battle remember CU I'm not even spamming the mouse one I am just holding it down this is why I love these little chipmunk things oh my my goodness 144,000 XP we can just hold it down we destroy that boss so quickly holy now guys a surprise I said I had for you earlier if you or one of your friends does not have a copy of power world since we've got so many subscribers recently we got over 11,000 now I will be giving away one copy of power world maybe another one once we hit 12K if you guys are in the Discord the link is in my description I can either send you a copy on Steam or I can give you an Xbox copy depending on which platform you get on so make sure you're subed up to receive this and join the Discord I'll probably pick someone in a day or two after this releases so if you don't have power world this is a perfect chance to get yourself a free copy now I'm going to find a few more things to destroy with this glitch since we can't only beat one boss in like two seconds we need to see how op this is and the thing about this glitch guys which I love is it's literally so strong I don't know how to get rid of it I have to leave the game and join back to to get rid of it even respawning and killing yourself will not get rid of the glitch so it just stuck here permanently one downside actually of this glitch I forgot to mention is you cannot use your other PALS like I can't I'm pressing e right now I can't throw out the other Pals and you can't ride on your other Pals also so I mean this is pretty much just a PVP glitch this is a really good way to um like be able to defeat hard things or just to impress your friends cuz look how Op with this and you can even mine with it too which is kind of crazy this glitch is useful for so many things and even though it seems like a glitch are going to easily patch soon I really haven't seen too many people talk about this glitch or use this glitch so I severely doubt it's going to get patched anytime soon but just in case make sure you use this and practice using it if it's not working for you so you can have a little bit fun with this nuclear glaze glitch that's really really cool in my opinion before they patch it make sure you can just go around like slaying High tier levels like kind of like I am except I'm doing it with level one pal and you can get unlimited XP probably you can defeat all the bosses you can troll your friends you can do so many things with this glitch it was good guess so first of all this is a glitch SL buug so they probably are going to patch it soon if you're not into that kind of stuff I know a lot of you guys don't like it you can go ahead and not do it however I don't really mind so I'm going to do this and show you guys how to make it so much more efficient the pathing on the pals is kind of annoying right now it's not all the way fixed so putting your Farms like this it makes them all get watered by the same pal they can collect it a lot easier they're going to be working a lot harder this fixes a ton of the issues in my opinion that's why it's not even that bad of a glitch to use because it pretty much just fixes like a lot of the issues that the devs have right now with the pals and like the way they move and the way they farm and everything so having them like this they're going to be working so much harder than usual and I actually have four Farms right here so if you guys are tight on space or you just want them to f Farm a little bit more more food and stuff like that you can go ahead and put them like this I'm going to show you guys how to do it so this is what it looks like when it's almost done I'm going to go ahead and cancel all of these so I can do them all from scratch this is not patched by the time you're seeing this video like a week after it is not patched this glitch isn't that popular so don't say it's patched in the comments just go ahead and try it it takes a little bit of work to do it is a little bit hard with timings and everything so don't get upset just sit back relax and try it again first of all what you're going to want to do is make sure all of your pals at your base are in the PO Box the reason for this is because they will go up and build the Farms automatically and you don't want them to do that you want them to kind of chill so put all of your pals away for now and then we'll get started the next step now this step is kind of weird but you want to go to number five on the tech tree and you want to unlock the bench the wooden living room furniture set now the thing is right here on structures this isn't actually the bench you're going to be using that that's the square table for some reason it's it's actually just the regular wooden bench I don't know why it shows up like that it's kind of confusing but you should be fine you unlock it level five and then right here the wooden bench is the one you are going to want to use so find a nice little spot on your base where your pals are going to be able to farm and everything I'm using the 6x6 two layer super efficient base you guys can see it's on top of this mountain It's actually an unraidable base and it's really really efficient with all these different ores and everything I made a video on that yesterday if you guys want a base like this and you want to check that out but if not we can just go ahead this works on any base anyway so you're going to take the benches Place one and then we're going to want to build these so build the bases up front but do not build the actual farm so we'll just do that over and over again until we get to three benches on top of each other with the third bench you're going to want to jump a little bit this glitch takes a lot of like jumping placements so if you're not too good at that that is uh something you're going to need to do so now that we have three benches completely built now we're actually going to get started on the farm now remember this takes four farms and only the place of one and it is going to be so much more efficient so what you're going to do is head to about the middle left side like where I am and then you're going to want to place the first Farm all the way on the top there but do not build it that is why you want your pals away right now so they don't run up to this and like start building it you want to keep it completely blue so now that we're done we're going to crouch we're going to go into build mode again and we're going to disassemble the top bench only there we go now we're just going to repeat this process place a berry farm right under it you can see you can kind of line it up a little bit you have to jump and get it at right the right time there we go now we're just going to get rid of the second bench there we go let's do it a third time the jumping kind of gets annoying and everything but if you time it correctly and like put your Crosshair in the right place and everything you should be fine this one's a little hard there we we go we finally got the third one down there you can see they look super Compact and this is only three you can still Place one more let's get rid of the bench and now we can just place the normal one that's going to be on the floor there we go look how cool that is we have four farms in one so let's go ahead and build them all up now and just like that we have a super efficient four times farm so with the base I have the jorm tiddes actually go under here and they can water the Farms from the lower layer so these Farms are going to be getting watered by my blue gont that I don't have out right now and at the same time they're going to be getting planted up here and it is going to go four times as fast now in the long run these are going to give you a ton more beries or wheat or whatever Farm you you want to use this glitch on it works over and over and over again again remember guys this is probably going to get patched so if you want to do it make sure you do it now I upload glitches guys ads tips all kinds of stuff about power world every single day and I actually am probably one of the earliest YouTubers to upload all kinds of bugs I haven't seen this glitch around in a while so I might be one of the first ones on YouTube however if you need more power vids make sure feel free to sub up maybe consider it cuz we're almost at 11k we need to hit that soon either way I have all other kinds of duplication glitches XP Glitches all kinds of stuff on my channel if you need some more glitches to either get ahead in your solo world or beat your friends or online players on multiplayer and you can see these berries are going super fast oh my goodness this is definitely the best way to farm foring out and you could fill the entire upper part of your base or lower part of your base with this if you guys wanted so this is definitely the best way to play the game right now with the berries and I don't even really consider this treating because the pal is kind of suck with the way they move around the base and do the work themselves anyway so it's not even like you're really like glitching the game game or game breaking it or anything you're kind of just doing it yourself now remember my base is super super efficient already I made a video on it yesterday if you want to check it out we have so many or things here we have coal things over here and I went through exactly how to build this base in my vid yesterday if you need a new base cuz this this is just beautiful and then along with the berry upgrades on top of that we are just going to be set so I'm going to continue working on the bace and adding new upgrades and new glitches and everything to it and eventually this is going to become an OP base so I'll keep making vids on it if you want to check that out go for it and remember guys we're expecting a very big update very soon that will probably patch a lot of these glitches so if you're looking to use some of them on your solo world or if you like using glitches or whatever make sure you do them very soon because they're going to be bye-by probably within like a week or something so definitely consider doing that soon and in the mean time you guys can check out some of the other glitches I have an hourong video of just every single glitch in the update right now so if you guys want to check that out it has every glitch that's in the game right now and look at that just in the time I've spent talking they have already made 25 berries this glitch is insane definitely one of my favorite ones in the game right now and it's super super lowkey so I doubt anybody else even knows about this right now this is a pretty rare glitch so I would go ahead and take advantage of it very soon if you want to add this to your base it makes a great addition and you can just put them all over like I could have like 50 of these Farms right now in the space that it only takes to place like five of them so that's good guys I just saw this new glitch I don't think anyone else has made videos on it I've went around and tried to look for some vids on it and I have not found a single one so I think this glitch is super new which is good because the devs do not know about it most likely and probably will not patch it for a a little bit but it has to do with the meat cleaver aka the butchering weapon where you can butcher your pals to get what they have now normally when you do this it completely gets rid of your pals completely kills it you can't use them anymore they are just gone and you get whatever is from their drops now usually they can drop some pretty good stuff especially if they're high tier Pals however this glitch makes them drop whatever they drop and on top of that you can keep the pal now now fair warning this glitch is like super super broken it is not supposed to be in the game so this will probably lag you around a little bit it might lag your world or whatever so if that happens just restart your game and you should be completely fine but pretty much what you are going to need for this glitch I'm going to move away from my base a little bit so hopefully it's not that laggy but you're going to need the meat cleaver which I think you unlock pretty early on so pretty much anyone can do this glitch so yeah you get it on level 12 which is really really early so you either need to be level 12 to do this glitch or you need to like find the meat cleaver or have somebody give it to you which is super super easy and then the other thing you're going to need for this glitch is the pal which you want to quote unquote sacrifice now it can only be Pals that you can ride so you need to have a saddle for them that is essential you can't do this on Pals which you can't ride so the uh the super expensive Pals I don't know you could do this on like jet Ron you could do this on your Montage which I'm going to do it on you can do it on um stuff like the dire how anything like that however you can't do it on PALS like I don't know tany or whatever Pals you can't ride you can't do it on this but you don't really want to do it on that anyway so I'm going to show you guys how to do it you have to be super super careful with this glitch guys okay so I don't want all of you coming to my video and disliking it because you accidentally killed your pals do it on a pal what you don't really care about or a pal that you have an extra pal on and be very careful make sure to follow what I do or you're just going to end up accidentally killing your pals so first of all I have several gine Tides I'm actually using a jine tide ignis over here I have several ones of those so if I accidentally mess up and kill him it's not really that big of a deal however I practiced this glitch quite a bit so I don't think that will happen so you throw him out this is pretty much what you do remember you need to have a saddle on him or else this is not going to work all right I'm in a new location so it doesn't lag so much and we're actually going to do this on a van worm not the jontai since that lags a little bit too much you can still ride him a little bit so what you're going to do is you want to take out your knife guys and then you want to butcher him like normal but you have to time getting on him perfectly right so after three meat Cleavers you just want to hop on him and look at that so he only gave us two bones this pal is definitely not the best one to try it on but look at that he is completely fine he's going to glitch through the floor and everything a little bit after you butcher him that is completely fine just respawn back to your base and I'll show you how to fix it you'll notice after you do that your pal is going to be a little laggy like I said you just put him back in the Box take him out again and boom look at that he is completely fine again you can ride him or whatever you can do whatever you want with him so now we're actually going to do this with a legendary pal I'm kind of scared this is a little bit risky I don't want to like uh accidentally kill him or whatever but as long as you follow the directions do exactly what I did we should be fine now we're going to do this on the your Monti let's just do it on the which one should we do it on the red or blue let's just do it on the blue one for now so we're going to I don't know if I have a saddle actually hold on yeah I'm too lazy to craft a saddle let's do it on the red one the yor Monti ignes now guys here is the thing about this glitch every time you butcher these Pals they have a chance of giving you something super super good now I don't have the exact table open or whatever or even know it by Hearts but there is a table of loot that gives you a certain percent of giving legendary items or whatever every time you butcher them so if you do this over and over and over again with really good pals such as the jont side you can get some really good stuff and different stuff every time it's not the same stuff so if you have a jeton and you're just butchering it over and over and over again you are going to get some insane things like legendary guns legendary blueprints legendary launchers or whatever so let's try it on this guy and see what he gets us so remember take your meat cleaver over you have to chase him butcher him and then right before he dies so let's uh let's say after three slices we just hop on him and look at that we get high quality po oil and he's still alive oh my goodness that is insane that is crazy high quality po oil is actually pretty good plus the flame organs and everything I'll have to look at the table and see which pals are worth butchering the most and remember guys your Pal's going to be completely glitched out and like fall through the floor and everything once you uh once you butcher him you can just fix that by putting him back in the box and taking him back out it's super super easy all right let's try on one more pal I'm at my secret tree base right now let's try it on kiten now guys what I need from you guys is I need you guys to tell me in the comments what Pals drop the best loot so that we can try it on them and try and get some legendary items I don't really know I'm too lazy to look it up but I'm sure a lot of you guys have done a ton of butchering and you know how to do it and you know which ones drop the best item so I'm going to butcher this guy one more time and remember guys I upload the best glitches every single day I have Glitch uploads and oh we almost didn't time it correctly there but we did manage to get on our P that suck him back up and he's going to be completely fine he only gave us five flame organs and five leather so we have not gotten lucky with any legendary drops yet but you definitely can and you can get some serious stuff I think it's only just like a 5% chance or whatever though so it is pretty hard to do it let's try it one more time with a yont and see if we can get something really good but like I was saying guys I upload the best glitches super super fast I guarantee you I don't think you'll see this glitch anywhere else for a while until other people watch my vid and start making vids of that because this one is a super rare glitch that not really a lot of people figured out yet so it's right before the third knife you can see one two boom get on him perfect again we didn't get anything Legend we only got the high quality pal oil and the play morans but either way this glitch is super useful if you need some certain items from different Pals that you can ride and also the chance that you might get something legendary is crazy but anyways you guys might as well sub up maybe if you would like we're just about to hit 11k let's butcher this guy a few more times and I'm going to be uploading glitches and guides and tips and stuff like that every single day so let's just keep killing this guy a few more times and see if we get anything really good now one thing I would recommend guys by the way is do not butcher them when they're in the ground when they're lagged in the ground and everything that could cause issues and you could permanently kill your pal like that I would only butcher them while they're above ground like this so let's butcher him up here one two and then hold F right this he's about to die and there we go look at that we got the flame organs we got the high quality power oil was good guys so you guys can see I have this really tall base with multiple floors and everything and walking up the stair is really just boring it's a time waste and it takes forever so I have built these cool little elevators around my base I have one over here I'm building one right there I have one right here and they work really really well to get up and down your base super super easily definitely one of the most convenient glitches in the game now the materials you are going to need for this is you can build them anywhere around the world as long as you have like building materials but you're also going to need a grappling gun I just just use the normal grappling gun it doesn't need to be like the super Advanced one or anything and I'm pretty sure you unlock this one at level like two or something oh okay it's actually a little bit down here level 12 so it's really not that hard to get plus you can find them like in the ground and chest and stuff I'm pretty sure so pretty much everybody has a grappling gun so you're going to need the grappling gun and then you're going to need some building materials and that is pretty much it so once you have that you're going to build a foundation I'm just going to build one from scratch right here and then you're going to build a stone slashwood door you're pretty much just going to have a door here the material doesn't really matter just whatever material you're thinking about using for your structure and then you're just going to build some walls up here there we go I built a few walls that I want to elevator up now before I go up here I upload glitches every single day we're about to close in on 11k Subs so if you guys like the power World glitches and you want to see more feel free to sub up I have some crazy glitches from yesterday duplication glitches and everything and I even have a 1 hour video that shows pretty much every single glitch in the update right now but now that you have this nice little structure you have the platforms and everything I think you have to be on even ground that's why I added a second platform but I haven't tested it and you have a door at the bottom what you're going to want to do is actually open the door now here is where it gets a little bit hard this is where it was kind of tricky for me to figure out then you're just going to press Mouse one right through the door now you don't press anything I'm not going forward I'm not pressing space or whatever you can see when you press other stuff on the way up it glitches you forward so it takes a little bit of practice but pretty much all you want to do just left click right here through this door and then when you want to stop going up press control and you can just grab onto the wall that is the easiest way to do it you can see I'm going to do it on my big elevator over here you can do it like by pressing space to get off of it and everything but sometimes it really glitches out and it like launches you so you definitely do not want to do that I just just use the elevator on accident there so as you can see like grappling guns and doors the combination is very very laggy but you can reliably use it to make some cool elevators here so we're going to left click through here and we're just going infinitely going up now remember guys I'm not going forward on my keyboard I have my hands completely off the keyboard right now I'm pressing absolutely nothing except I press control when I want to get off of the elevator animation and now look how fast I just got up here that's way faster than riding your pal it's way faster than going up the stairs or anything the only like non-benefit the only bad thing about this is your pals can't do this too so if you want your Palace to get all the way to the top floor you're going to have to build some stairs for them I have some staircases for my Palace to go up there but if it's just for like you or your friends or whatever on a multiplayer world or a single player world these actually add a lot to your base and as long as you have one single grappling gun you can just do this over and over and over again so again I'm just standing in front of the door I left click one time and boom that is it my hands are completely off the keyboard and then press control when you want it to stop and go forward a little bit to grab onto the wall so it's a pretty cool feature this is a short little video just focused on the uh elevator glitches that we have but I have videos on pretty much every single other glitch so if you're looking for something else like duplication glitches or XP Glitches I uploaded a really cool unlimited loot glitch yesterday that I guarantee you guys haven't seen because it's pretty new so I mean maybe check that out if you want or check out the one out video with every single glitch in the game if you want to check that out or I even have a video pinned to the top of my channel where I show you guys how to get here in the tree base which is where I'm making this vid right now so if you're interested in any of those check those out and make sure to sub up cuz we're just about to pass 11,000 subs and that's pretty cool all right boys see you
Channel: White Mamba PALWORLD
Views: 6,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Pal, World, new Game, GOTY, pokemon, open world game, best palword, strategy, palworld strategy, palworld best, palworld best pokemon, palworld best beginning, palworld best items, palworld best playthrough, palworld gameplay
Id: dvWpkVWDrrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 45sec (2745 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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