THE DOLL HOUSE | Resident Evil Village - Part 4

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everybody it's a sad start today's episode the big boomer is gone is there are those people no i thought i saw buba for a second big tall lady can't come choke me in my sleep anymore what are we gonna do what's the point of even playing this game if the big boomer big butter is gone god damn it anyway welcome back to resident evil village we're heading off into the woods again i don't know maybe we'll see heisenberg or something but that's not big titties and that's really what i'm playing the game for oh well i could have just come here and save after the last one i finished that item that was requested please deliver it to the house with the red chimney go through the caves to the ruins then down into the village wait also they were talking about the dagger like oh wait i didn't get the treasure am i set up to get that treasure they were talking about the dagger last time like it was some sort of like hidden thing i was like oh no it was just a lore piece it was destined to attack uh wait what did you say red chimney go through the caves to the ruins down into the village okay the family photo the family photo has to work on the wells at some point it's the key to everything also i really thought we were going to keep that like hook from the zip line and that would do something here but i guess not stupid game out house you all been [ __ ] in here gunpowder all right i don't know why that came out here um let me check down here we're not going here but just in case there's a secret man everything looks great and then the water is like oh what happened man you can tell that the game is like trying to keep up with the rendering every now and then because everything looks amazing but it has a hard time making it all happen at once just video game things like look at this water [ __ ] you fish yeah come here this is some resi for [ __ ] for sure i love that i so much of this is like rezzy for if you haven't played resident evil 4 i highly suggest you either play [Music] the it dark to deliver us into fate's hands as granny's got her try this again where is she rises on black wings so we make this as the midnight moon rises on black wings we await the light at the end in life and in death glory to mother miranda hey remember me i almost died up at that castle tell me what is going on around here dude she almost died of old age how can a man be almost dead that's a question for the wise you know what i mean and i still haven't found rose where did mother miranda take her [Laughter] you're too late or maybe almost too late now come on lady the child will be sacrificed life for life what kind of sick medieval [ __ ] is this she's just a baby the crests of the four bloodlines may open the path you seek will you please stop talking in riddles yeah i just want to find my daughter it's only original if you don't know the answer [Laughter] jesus even that was a riddle get out of here you old [ __ ] that looks familiar hey hey wait oh god however will i ever get back to her oh no she closed the door and somehow it's locked again anyway what she put in here the winged key all right dude the baby's grabbing booba i almost had booba so close house moreau house heisenberg house beneviento and i i haven't seen the other one yet is it dimitresk yeah okay we're getting all of the stuff so heisenberg is the other dude the telekinetic man apparently he's a horse um beneviento i don't know you all look the same mermaid son all right turn off bulk [ __ ] up i don't know what that old lady's deal is but she's definitely got her traitors i could use the winged key you were locked in good job ethan a step in the right direction out in the cold cold beyond ceremony site okay use the family photo on it this pattern looks really familiar it's the umbrella core you guys here whoa what's going on over here dude we've got industry nice uh but like i said before feet feet glorious feet someone needs to cut your stone nails it sounds like toenails but they're stone nails that's a very good joke if you don't appreciate that one get the [ __ ] out of here anyway i was going to say if you haven't played resi 4 or haven't seen it i highly recommend you go look at that that's probably the best rezzy game for me it goes four then two remake and then seven and then maybe five i like five a lot but it hasn't aged as gracefully as the others all righty lots of people dead here because this is just the area is leading to the castle in four pretty much sorry i want to keep comparing them but it's it's just too obvious sometimes [ __ ] you doing hold on hold on dumb ass dumb ass i'm out of bullets you're [ __ ] lucky not in this gun dumbass oh what are you doing oh crouching down oh you're dead you guys are using bows and arrows and clubs dude coming to the 21st century gunpowder equals boom makes bullets go real fast if you attach a piece of metal to the other end of it dude you're sailing much faster than an arrow stupid goat everything's so dumb i'm so clever use that family photo on it i have to put something in it just to get across to the area oh i haven't been there all righty what else she got who else you got why is everybody dead wow give me the [ __ ] knees go down do that leg boy oh he doesn't do the stumble and fall i can't do it on him i guess i'll just have to shoot him in the face then huh it's a tough decision but i'll be the one to make it scrap nice nice nice can i harvest you for body parts mary look you're [ __ ] dead you're not gonna miss an iron him up fbi no one's here it doesn't fit this lock oh i need to lock a picker oh no i don't need a key item try every every key none of them are going to work but just try it anyway interesting interesting how about the family photo though not a key item here okay it's gonna work at the end we'll find mia we'll find something like oh mia is not dead and then go up and press f under key item family photo remember that's what's gonna happen i'm guaranteed wow you guys have a bird problem several other problems as well there you are i had a feeling you would pop up here hello moneybags it was all worthless is that so i assume you've picked up something of value not sure if it's a value but why you have your daughter right in your own hands what are you saying take a closer look oh god is this a death stranding kojima what have you done what that flask seems to contain her head ah no am i collecting my child like i'm collecting exodia accuracy another word if i get all five this this is impossible this just can't be your daughter's essence is still intact her powers are truly unique who could even do this she can be saved you know i wondered from this are you insane there's a house with a red chimney on the western side of the village go and seek out the man who lives there and we can continue our conversation quit holding out and get to the damn point you don't have to trust my words but do you have any better options i don't feel comfortable while your toes and belly button are out like that your choice customer is always right after all no they're not sometimes customers are [ __ ] morons he'll pay you if i find out this is a lie ethan why is this so bizarre your daughter's head is in a vial you got your hand chopped off and then put [ __ ] goop juice on it and then you were fine and he's like this is impossible you just fought a vampire gargoyle it's very unclear put the head flask in oh god you do oh jesus that i'm just gonna say i like theorizing about what's going on and i like pointing out twists and plot points early on because then at the end i can feel like a big man and be like ha i knew it i'm so smart and then if i'm wrong everyone forgets and i don't lose anything um i'm gonna say that mother miranda is mia and all of this is just some sort of game to get ethan into some sort of headspace that ethan has some sort of like power because he keeps getting [ __ ] chopped off and he's just like yeah whatever i think it's more than the goop juice doing that i think ethan has some sort of like special ability and his daughter has that as well that you can split her into parts and then put her back together and mia is just testing that dude i wanna [ __ ] your pots what do you got for um i can sew these because they're not combinable crystal wing crystal torso and oh i'm a splooge in my jeans this is so much stuff meat gathering fish from this region common green and cannot be eaten as is wait i need to see if that's combinable beautiful even in death do let me know if you find anything else of value the waistline is dude you're a freak oh it's a cooking i thought it was a sellable item interesting interesting oh good i was just thinking of ways to pass the time sure you were um what is this recipe pipe bombs okay i didn't realize that these were recipes for stuff no wonder i couldn't craft [ __ ] shotgun ammo and rifle ammo i should have been buying these these are invaluable um customizable increase the scopes range reduces sway while aiming okay super valuable if i know resi iv which i do i've played it um i'm a gamer whatever guys hold your applause the rifle is going to be invaluable to me because it just has so much stopping power leave this to me i feel like i should get all of the stuff for it a better scope is not too necessary right now i'll hold on to my money for that um extra power for the shotgun this simple modification can be done in just a moment i thought he's gonna say it's a simple [ __ ] i don't know why uh and i'll get reload speed for this nice okay bought a lot i'm very broke now um but we'll see what happens uh so this is to whatever and that's it they gonna go to the same place uh this one's smaller it's decorated with a four-winged b oh ew is this my fetus baby gosh she is like exodia my grandfather's deck has no weak cards kaiva sure you also plot armor yugi [ __ ] let's go down into hemwick here wait this is where i was at the start of the game whoa weird i'm back baby do i have a lockpick i do i've two of them i wish it was just one singular lockpick that you could use everywhere and it had like a mini game for it i i prefer that i don't like resourced lockpicks well honestly like skyrim and you just get 40 billion of them or i could craft them myself that would be really nice oh i can make so many things now oh i'm such a dinkle dank um make some more of these because i i'm hurting i want to be at full health i don't think that's necessary but um wait what's here gunpowder huh well pick that [ __ ] up bro i'll be [ __ ] waiting around why are you locked i guess it just is um so where else to go church we have stuff from that what is this i don't know what that means um this is another keyed item can't use this key on it can i so many dead people stronghold or the mill oh that's a five-winged thing i only got two wings bro six wings one two three four oh jesus i can't even count okay are there any two winged doors around here tubing it right no that's not what that means um all right let's just go back into the sound this is confusing wait my brain so large [Music] what are these doors are you the iron insignia key yes sir don't mind if i go go got him it's kind of pointless shooting them because i'm pretty sure i missed one already chickens chickens thank you give these to the duke okay duke you want some chicken it's like from the other side well [ __ ] don't go that way um where was he again this place is very confusing wow i was just in that castle i hope i get to go back to it i hope that that's not all it is it would kind of suck if you're out of the castle already and you just can't really go back to it i want to go back and try it out do some cooler [ __ ] in there maybe i'll go back there for the ending duke duke i have chicken you like chicken welcome ethan thank you a good deal if i say so myself was that it i don't know if i was supposed to sell them to him oh well look for the house with the red chimney well there it is [Laughter] flocked from the other side okay well find a way in ethan dumbass come on figure it out keep calling people dumb asses how else can i get in that that right there right there that's my way in for sure i gotta do a lot of running a lot of scrounging excuse me this [ __ ] making noise in here do it again do it again make more noise i [ __ ] dare you who did that i want to talk to you with my gun pick it up thank you um did i get everything in the house nope there's it's still red and i don't want to leave it left on red uh look a pic go go okay still more nice got it i just hate when the when i look at the map and i'm like [ __ ] i missed something here i missed a ton of stuff in the castle even with so many red rooms and then i just left wait there's a chicken on the screen maybe if i give him enough chicken he'll turn around and give me a reward okay that's nothing that means you really just don't i didn't even notice you there ethan doesn't give a [ __ ] that his hand is all broken up does he this one's occupied i'll close it i can't close it sorry dude you're [ __ ] for everybody now probably move this somehow the family photo it has to be oh dang it one day that photo's gonna come in handy and you're all gonna see can i go under nope do not enter ha i can't read oh i should check this place out though is there something in here the better so much stuff this is great well family photo look out the window oh 704 jesus you deserve this [ __ ] anyway like i was saying oh 70408 wow these puzzles are [ __ ] wild an m1911 oh [ __ ] oh man but i put so much money into the other one a jack handle a me handle ah dang it a fully automatic handgun a small semi-automatic pistol power level one it says 160 with a reload speed of two nine and this does 140 with two three it's already better than this [ __ ] i just put money into this thing damn it man oh well woe is me [Applause] shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up this is my world and you're lucky to be allowed live in it you want some grips well amber i'm reloading hold on [ __ ] fools can i use i need some kind of other item okay i was wondering if i could use the the car jack thing on it now keep your hands clear of this because i've seen plenty of stuff what is to go wrong who's touching it who's turning it we may never know this is a bad idea a very [ __ ] bad idea why would you go under something that you've jacked up it clearly tells you not to do that on the carjack there's no one even there except this tractor is really erect maybe lady dymatrisk is still around oh i'm out of ammo not for this gun normally i'd be worried about wasting ammo but the fact that these guys give me stuff every time means that i'm blasting every single one of these [ __ ] wait which way is i want to go the way progress but also the way secrets oh this is where i was before wasn't it i came past all these goat heads at the beginning of the game i don't know where i'm going i'm assuming i just go around shed okay money money money must be funny i don't sing songs what the [ __ ] is that scared the absolute [ __ ] out of me i don't think i'm damaging him oh he's damaging me ouch ouch i gotta put some goop on is that actually doing much to him oh his helmet's gone i don't have as much capacity in this one though it fires very fast me like perfect crystal skull you had a perfect crystal skull on you sir thank you appreciate that thank you for the pancake i can go in here hello anything piper yeah okay nice craft as much as you can just go [ __ ] nuts maybe i should save my shotgun ammo then for those big guys um oh it just had that kind of lock on it and this i can use the iron insignia key i'm gonna miss some stuff i can feel it already i feel like i need to go back to that other area where i chose left or right i thought that this was well wheel the wheel wheel what's upstairs though scrap come back [ __ ] chicken thank you thank you nice chicken killer large crystal i'm getting rich [ __ ] dogecoin it's all about crystals there's a sir in here okay that's not that effective they're too quick what is this the winged key is just a single piece three more parts are needed to make it whole ah oh so i get pieces combined with the wing a key that's kind of cool i like that damn it february first sacrificed two goes to mother miranda just a good day on the farm honestly february third offered walter mother miranda she didn't like it as much as the head now but uh still in good standing she instructed i find her a list of drugs and tools in the next few days wonderful i wonder i should probably just a meth addict february 8th oh the day after my birthday no messages from mother miranda yet the livestock won't stop their ruckus for every 9th i was instructed to take the items to the cave church at sunrise but what i saw was frightful by the miranda was [ __ ] goats the great four lords were there and mother miranda was holding a child she whispered something and touched the child i can't explain it well but the child turned into a white crystal then then she i couldn't help but speak up and i asked her why she did such a thing mother miranda just smiled at me this is the chosen child she will return to her original form no matter what befalls her and she gave each lord a part of the crystal in a flask and they left oh so each boss has a piece heisenberg deuteronomy what was the other one i forgot to buy miranda before i fled i'm still shaking what did she do what is that child you're like someone on twitter oh god i'm shaking want the miranda reply to me better see the duke again i don't want to see the duke again he's weird he's a capitalist so everything yes sir all right did i miss anything oh chicken i killed the chicken right is that what you're telling me that i killed the chicken that there's no more chicken in this area oh wait this is where i was before it's all connected lads um but i went a certain way where's the tractor again i am all completely turned around that's one thing about this map that it's cool but it's kind of confusing i like that everything's interconnected but also at the same time it's making it very hard to figure out where the [ __ ] i am and where i'm going um this is where i went past the tractor right and then i went in there did all that that's blue i got everything in there you guys have megaphones here yeah that was the tractor and then i went right i wanted to check what was up here please be something worth it beer and potatoes absolutely worth it oh i need a lock pick for this though i don't have any luck pick something i have so much [ __ ] maybe this will have a lockpick money a lot better actually i was here at the start of the game what the [ __ ] is pig slopping in here it actually is a pig [ __ ] pig i thought it was a monster just making slopping noises in my head i was like it sounds like a pig that's funny uh what an animal body poultry ingredient gathered for birds gathered from fish cannot be eaten as is i think i actually do just sell it to get stuff from the duke all right let's head back oh cutscene how was it did you learn anything i found these feathers now tell me how to fix this like you said you would settle down first you must use that key and collect all of your little roses flasks where are the rest of them there are four in total you have the one and the other lords have the rest lords yeah you met them mother miranda is the cold calculating ruler of this village four lords serve under her under the umbrella you've already met the lady demetrius the second lives deep in a valley of mist the doll maker donna beneviento none of her playmates have ever come back from that dang old estate dank the third is moreau a being of twisted flesh that lives in the reservoir past the windmills it is said that he is not the only monster that lives in those waters uh cool area the fourth and most dangerous is heisenberg he works in his factory uh those are the chimneys and the project let's just say parts of the human imagination are better left alone the parts that interact with feet sexually oh jesus oh man she really is just gone that stinks that's something that we get to do so much more with her water wheel weapon oh what if you truly wish to save your daughter you must first gather the four flasks i'll do you a personal favor i've marked the lord's locations on your map cheers bud some treasures still lurk in this village i'm sure each one will prove of great use to you yes why are you doing all this why it's all part of our first-class customers please do come again soon i like all the sausages and fish you have collect rose collect daughter welcome ethan ah yes i have you find some quality ingredients and bring them to me oh i sold them to them health slightly increases permanently oh so i have to okay bird and beast pilaf i need three i need four of these and one meat okay uh i don't really know how this menu works it's kind of confusing damn it i sold stuff to him before that mean he wasn't there that time wasn't uh let's sell the crystal skull and these and large crystal what an animal body i want to see oh it actually says combinable at the bottom silvering is combinable these are not combinable and by it i will okay uh i don't know if i need to buy ammo i think i can just keep finding the stuff to make ammo extra strong um what else what else what else maybe ammo capacity in this actually reload speed well i'm not going to upgrade the shotgun anymore because i think we're going to get another one and rezzy 4 you got another one rate of fire in this might be good i'll get reload speed for this food is live okay for your patronage so we're going to come back here anyway um i feel like all the stuff that's here oh i might be able to get that one actually let's try it might be good treasure because i feel like we're it's kind of metroid-esque in that regard that we're going to come back to this main hub over and over so i feel like i don't need to do this right now oh chem fluid oh vivianite uh is it just a it's just a valuable teddy bear is that just a valuable yep dude we got a ton of stuff in here damn it's still red oh that was it how did i get to i'll go through the church sorry i keep opening and closing the map it's so annoying to look at i don't want to have to do that but this area is messing with my head i don't have my bearings of it at all oh is that a bird creature i just saw you guys are here now [ __ ] off willie in front of eliza's house or louise's house not eliza it was elena and louisa in my head they just form eliza oh louise's necklace [ __ ] [Applause] what a [ __ ] you wasted so much of my ammo well i wasted the ammo but you were the cause of it oh hang on ammo oh we're getting a grenade launcher soon boys damn you're so [ __ ] flappy there's some good gear out of these guys though oh jesus just do that okay that was a little messy but worth it in the end um can i go saying there's stuff here i can't go back in there can i no idea maybe i don't know um well that was a good item to get this one i can't get to yet i don't think whatever i just want to i want to progress i don't want to spend all day looking for treasures they're probably very helpful but i don't care because there's all those uh well things as well that it says that it needs another item so i'm gonna get back here eventually and then i can use whatever upgrades and progress i have at that point to do that i'm gonna go up here to this door those necklaces were just to sell right oh wait no key item it's dirty with ash uh oh necklace stone nice lots more money maybe i'll be able to buy something welcome ethan thank you duke have united 5k uh i didn't check those actually 8k for that hell yeah i look forward to seeing the fruits of your exploration okay so this is combinable so i need the wooden animal head i think i might have missed the combinable aspect of that but i'm gonna hold on to it anyway you wish to make a purchase no i wish to get money from you dumb dumb um i know handgun is so useful to me and rate of fire that's a fully upgraded sniper rifle please come again i haven't come the first time yet wait why a key decorated with a bird with four unfurled wings this key won't fit it's decorated with a four-winged being to me that meant i could go there oh i need the thing in the middle oh i have an empty middle and mikey that's confusing oh god oh god this is horrifying is that poultry i got money out of them oh the doll maker's place is gonna suck isn't it creepy dolls [ __ ] suck oh this is the dead end oh what there's something here that i'm not aware of trying to look for shiny things whatever oh god walk slowly get the atmosphere goat oh it's water okay i'm gonna cross a bridge cool man this game's great what mia ethan come with me there's something i have to tell you mia that's bait what's going on don't follow her well i kind of have to but she's not there anymore get your gun at the ready shoot your wife if you have to you know it's not your kid either because your kids in bits and pieces feels different ethan you have to fix her um the hell is this i haven't really been a good dad i don't want to be everyone leaves me even my soul oh jesus what is going on here hey beneviento 1986 to 1987 to 1996. so that's the kid what what's going on with this glow party can i shoot these no that would have been awesome get stuff out of them am i losing it yeah i feel like we've lost it quite a while ago if anything a lot of this could probably just be in your head at this point give up your memories i never had any oh wait up a well wheel i had it the whole [ __ ] time i oh my god i didn't even piece that together i feel like i want to go back now [ __ ] so many wells here it is important i knew it's the key to everything there's my memories what's going on i don't know but ethan we gotta go back i i can't go back the world grew around me [ __ ] well i'm going to be back there eventually god i picked it up said it out loud and then didn't piece it together what's wrong with me well this is cozy where do you guys live in the caves [Music] oh spooky come with me ethan again i haven't come at all this is a men in black elevator every time i have i get into an elevator that opens both ways i always think of men in black that scene where he well will smith is like standing waiting oh cool you get your own tiny castle away from the big castle this is much nicer any secrets around house beneviento okay let me just check i want to make sure i'm getting everything come on you oh worth and now the other side you're going to give me a rocket launcher or nothing nothing's good too this is nice hmm i thought that was bait for something any goats or something oh jesus hell no what is wrong with you people if you have pictures like that in your wall you there's something wrong with you i'm sorry no person would decorate this lovely dark wooden home with [ __ ] like that actually maybe they would i don't trust them i don't trust them at all i'ma have to kick a baby and i'm not afraid to do it that's so creepy why is it so [ __ ] quiet in here what am i looking at i can't read it it's covered in piss god this house is much bigger than it looks hello what if this game has like dynamic difficulty or something like resi 4 does because sometimes i open things and there's no items in it feels like there's probably going to be items at some point like if you're if you're getting ready to fight but because i have a bunch of ammo the game's like oh yeah you're fine but if i didn't have that ammo then the game would just give me some going down is universally a bad thing i mean something's gonna happen oh we need a missing film i thought that was breakable glass whatever nice cinema room could do with some cool speakers or something though accoloids of mountainous plants all right you must be fun at parties it's really nothing in here okay [Music] oh i feel like i'm in resi 7 again this place is big oh jesus this one is arguably a more normal picture but it's still so creepy can i come on it's on ropes there's something behind that creepy oh god my daughter [Music] what where's my gun oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i don't have anything except this iron and a typewriter hmm you got anything in here the bandages are too tough you need to cut them okay i need to do something with the head with the eyes maybe oh wait is that a picture of mia wedding ring oh man what's in your mouth let me get a good look at you oh the film's in there you need some kind of tool to get it i am a tool use your [ __ ] fingers okay is that good okay what am i seeing a bird in a triangle what is this room i hate this this is creepy okay looks like something could fit into depression sadness that could fit in the depression anything else laying around let me examine her legs oh yeah oh yeah that's a good leg oh that's a good leg key baby the windings key is that here you can't use that here okay cool thank you a winding key is there like a doll that i can wind up or something there's more to this body this is so bizarre nice there's the depression are you not gonna like take that or what what am i doing okay finally does that just say ethan okay that was mia it really feels like there's going to be like a it was all in your head kind of thing look these photos on the wall stop it get some help it's like from the other side wash the ring this is a weird puzzle i feel like i'm in a detective game oh geez stop doing that oh it would be so creepy if something was different through the window and then you went in and it wasn't can i put the ring back on and then it'll be it'll do something different i guess not i don't know what i'm doing examine the picture oh sure can is this a cleaned ring it looks exactly like mia's wedding ring a whitening key found inside a doll's leg it looks familiar a silver keyframe inside all shoulder okay not really sure what i'm supposed to be doing with the rest of your body oh the symbols change okay well one was a closed eye oh [ __ ] it was a bird in the eye but i i can't remember which bird that's why the eye logo is so important no not wrong one but that helps it's a bird flying to the right i still need the last piece though oh yeah i got it right and then the three eyes closed and then i just need something for this right i'm missing something in this room oh oh five twenty nine eleven oh i was stuck for so long okay 05 29 11. that makes a lot more sense i was pulling my hair out trying to figure out how i get through this area okay and now i can go back and put the film in right don't you [ __ ] pt me oh this is a different room though it must have just been the wind that opened that door oh why is this here this is the music box inside your thing and this is where the winding key goes select cylinder it won't play something's not right how am i supposed to know which cylinders fit where oh because of the cuts and scrapes on them is that it no [Music] i did it weird i got tweezers so now i can oh yeah i don't even have the film yet jesus i'm getting way ahead of myself i can use the tweezers get the film and then come back and put that in and then watch something and then get something else nice okay i knew that picture was going to fall at some point that's probably an allegory to my pregnant wife and the kid we had i get it maybe this whole thing is just one long message where he's like i wasn't ready for kids you couldn't use your fingers to get that come on ethan oh god sounds like she said i can't do it ethan not i can't tell either [ __ ] that scared me mia go back to being dead now this place is for the living yeah we're we have fun not being dead our happy family rose's best friend in the whole wide world she really likes this fairy tale the most important thing in the world to us a wedding gift from grandma proof of ethan's everlasting love for me oh do i have to move them around okay rose's best friend in the whole wide world so monkey man goes here she really likes this fairy tale the most important thing in the world to us okay yep and then a wedding gift from grandma proof that ethan's everlasting love perfect this isn't our whole movie this is the ring oh now i only have seven days to live after i watch this what the hell is happening that's how bad your movie was the projector fell down oh this creeped me out so many [ __ ] dolls so creepy they're all looking at me get [ __ ] got the scissors like you cut the umbilical cord i get it symbolism hello police i'd like to report a [ __ ] the reception's bad out here surprise even have a landline honestly how the hell did the telephone cables get out here never mind mia what are you talking about i love you both so much i had to i had to do it i had to do what there's something about the kid i think the kid is like a demon baby or something that okay i need a little baby for that the kid's not right oh we're back get back here what are you keeping from me huh [ __ ] jesus that's the place is falling apart come on now cowboy's tender a bunch of cowbites and there is the piece for the door rosebud good signal good signal all right i'm going to leave this episode here i know shocker the biggest plot twist of the century we've been playing for a while i feel like we're going to get into some stuff after i put this uh piece in so i don't want to do too much right now and maybe trigger a big thing before we move on uh anyway there's not a lot happened this episode so far it's been a bit of a slower one everything else is just like this one is more just exploring and getting to know the place and coming back and forth but now we know our baby's in a jar and it's special that's about it um but i feel like we're gonna have a boss fight with this tiny child doll eventually and that's gonna mess me up because i hate that i'm gonna drop kick that football kick it across the yard uh but thank you guys for watching this one um i hope that you're enjoying the series so far i'm really enjoying it please leave a like on the video if you are enjoying the series and you want to see more of it coming forward um it really means a lot to me and helps the series out a lot and also don't forget to subscribe if you want to keep up to date with the series and keep watching them as they come out so you're notified but so far game is really good it's a little slow in places um but the atmosphere is keeping it alive and i really like that it feels like a really great marriage between resident evil 7 and resident evil 4. it feels like some of the the cooler bits of those games kind of smash together so i'm enjoying it a lot so far i'm excited to see where the story is going to go but for now that's going to have to do it for this episode you're going to have to wait until tomorrow for it all back to tears i'll see you then
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,020,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, resident evil, resident evil 8, resident evil village, resident evil 8 jacksepticeye, lady dimitrescu, vampire lady, tall lady, doll house, beneviento house
Id: CFvAxJNi7no
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 25sec (4405 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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