Resident Evil 8 Speedrunning is easy

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resident evil 8 speed run what up i'm trying to see how fast i can beat the game like how quick can i actually do it given the stuff that i can get so what i want to do is we're starting over from fresh we're starting with some of these guns with infinite ammo and i'm going to try it on easy mode to do it as fast as possible you need to not have to go looting for anything not have to craft much and also not have to go explore for treasures you're not going to watch any cutscenes and you also don't need enemies to be bullet sponges so we're going to try it on easy with the dragoon on infinite ammo so i my goal for today is to get the game sub two hours all of these cutscenes are getting skipped as much as i can did you say something no i'm putting the baby down oh my god what is happening what the [ __ ] ah my screen is blacking out what the [ __ ] it went away oh my god that was so weird oh god we're already cursed i don't think menus count though towards the speed coming mia i'm coming for my beautiful food no you're not my wife can i go through this door oh yep what you're making jobelyah get up ethan get up you have a moldy baby to save um but yeah after playing the game a bunch of times it's it's really really fun like i wish i could go faster than this it's really fun to replay it over and over again it has incredible replay value most of the resi games do but this one is really really fun maybe it's just because it's the only one that i've tried to finish quickly i still think some of the parts of the game are better than others and cohesively as a whole it doesn't really work perfectly together i think some of the areas could blend together better and the final boss miranda could be brought into the game a bit sooner i mean she's in the game for the entire thing but i mean like character development wise but i really love the aesthetic in the setting i also just wish lady d was in the game more sorry bird yeah people were getting really mad at me during some parts of this series as well because i wasn't selling my guns it was so funny in the second last episode i was like i'm selling my gun i know people are gonna get mad at me and then the entire comments were like four videos before that was everyone being like please [ __ ] sell your guns it was funny by the time i got there everyone was like oh thank god and i was like everyone's going to be mad at me i skipped this one no yeah i missed like a few small things here and there and people were getting very angry about it in the comments i'm like i mean i get it it is annoying if you keep seeing the same thing over and over again in a video and then the let's player themselves doesn't catch on to it but at the same time i'm like concentrating on 10 different things at once and sometimes stuff gets missed you ever do that when you were a kid you would watch your friend play games and they would always miss something you're like it's right there because you're like watching from an observer standpoint i feel like that's kind of what it is and i'm not the greatest that paying attention in the first place but yeah like little trinkets i would miss and people get mad at it i'm like i i get it but as someone who's played resi a bunch i um i know that it's not that important i did make the mistake of keeping the first handgun though but at the time it had bigger upgrades than the the m19 and i wanted to save my money for the upgrades for other guns later on so i wasn't going to upgrade the m19 anymore so i just stuck with the main pistol so it just made things a little bit harder but it was a fun series i'm really glad that we we got to play it it was incredibly successful on the channel and people seemed to really enjoy it and people were saying it was like watching a mini movie every time they came home from work or school or whatever they were doing that was always really nice wow look at all that i have any guns yet i'll be shooting the [ __ ] out of birds to get money yes i need to get a little bit of money but i think i can probably just get it from the bosses i hate that we didn't see ethan's face yeah it's interesting that they didn't show it considering they made a model for his face for seven and you can see it by like no clipping you can't see it in the game but when you play as mia they made like a character model for him you just can't see it fully and then for this they just completely omitted his face oh that good things die so quickly what the hell what the hell yeah his character model is also just i know very plain i mean that's kind of what they go for with his character anyway that he's more of a regular everyday kind of guy can't kill him funnily enough the starting section is interesting though because that big dude with the hammer that comes down you can actually kill him if you have a strong enough gun the duke is mvp yeah the duke's the best character in the game at least i think so wait is this this isn't the one i've used the fully upgraded magnum yet no i actually sold the regular magnum to buy the stake and then i'm going to use that when that's fully upgraded so that's what my money's going to go on towards damn it damn it i think this section you just survive a certain amount of time right because i when i played it originally i thought it was a case of you have to die because i felt like that's what happened when i did it oh my god why is there so much why is there aim assist on oh because it's casual mode and oh actually i think i'm supposed to climb this ladder still though aim assist shouldn't be a thing on pc you don't need aim assist [Music] did you see that spray transfer there's no end to them i mean it does make it a little quicker it just auto flips to enemies played an aim assistant so long it's fun yeah i'm unreal i got aimbot i got hacks everybody dies damn i guess i guess i won't even need the magnum at this point to do a fast run wait when does the dude show up oh here he is you're going down big boy easy mode plus this gun is [ __ ] stupid this is ethan unleashed this is i want my baby back mode i'm gonna kill everything so quick that either they're not even gonna get a chance to split up rose's body isn't there supposed to be a person that shoots me there we go i don't know if there's a way of triggering that faster because that would really help for the sake of speed don't spoil jack i mean we're playing the entire game and skipping all of the story i'm going to spoil it all give me all your bird money i don't know where that one landed i want my baby back baby back baby big it's super fun to plow through the game though and see just how quick you can do it also you can break oh you can break these which i never knew the first time through ow [Music] i'll save you don't worry i'll find a solution i found the solution turns out it's like oh you could just brought your dad through there this entire time and you didn't bad daughter i think this we just wait as well this way okay i'm ready she's out in the hallway running around and then she opens up the door i'm like hi i'm ready oh no dad didn't even aim at him thank you ethan you're kind [Music] that's how fast i am look at that i fixed it try not to breathe in the smoke how did we get upstairs i don't know i'm a magic man thank you ethan kind of what ah we'll never know i just don't get it this should have been our first sign that ethan was a superman when he punches the wall after losing two fingers uh yeah spoiler uh she died can i god i have to wait for two shots i want my baby back give me my baby there's no way you've moved her to the [ __ ] flasks by now i'm so quick shut up old lady i'm in a rush okay i know it's funny it wasn't that [ __ ] funny i guess this leads to the castle what gave it away imagine just shooting the old lady here and the credits rolled oh you guys only give me off like a couple hundred yeah shut up miranda i gotta go kill you i gotta go get my baby back from you stay there the man is of no real so fast ethan hasn't even lost his hand yet can't skip yet he's awake ah jesus christ jesus christ what's going on guys settle down jesus i went back and tried some uh what am i doing some res e7 recently and that game looked great at the time and it's so much different looking now you truly are as strong as they say oh mia [ __ ] the corpse there's some weird implications we don't know let's skip this it's just a mold sex technically he still has blood so he's not fully dead wait do those freaks have rose hey ethan that's one that's uncool now i just called someone freaks like that just cause they're different doesn't mean they're a freak plus you're made of mold bro [Music] moldy baby batter ew i don't like that look ethan didn't die for this give me money give me your bird money duke what up dookie welcome ethan welcome i have something special today uh 10 crystal skulls yeah i can sell all my handgun bullets i'm not going to be using a shotgun so all i want right now is as much money as i can get yeah yeah i don't even have the grenade launcher anymore i sold out ages ago this is the wcx it's really strong this is 400 plus 30 and i just need one upgrade for it and then i can get infinite ammo for that the dragoon's annihilating things and that does 350 damage shoots at 0.11 this shoots at 0.1 uh 2.9 2.6 30 and 80. so the wcx is like the dragoon on steroids and then the stake does 3 500 damage a shot 3 500 it's like opening a black hole keep some pipe bombs and mines for some of the bosses so for the wcx i need to get four grip for 80k done it's fully upgraded that's all i needed to do in my last run and i would have been able to use it for this one with infinite ammo stinky man i am until next week um but now having bought this the next thing i need to get is all of the upgrades for the steak and then we'll be able to use that in a run could rose be here probably what's up george yeah people are pointing out as well that that sound that scream is the same scream from dead by daylight one of the creatures or characters or something has it in the cutscenes to like crossover maybe like no they're all just stock sound effects easy mode gotta play on hardcore at least i finished it on hardcore again i keep saying that goes against the how fast methodology because then you're just left a bullet sponge enemies and it just inflates the amount of time for the the run i'm just trying to be as fast as i can be i'm using everything i can get to get to that point village of shadows would be fun with the infinite magnum i don't really want to play infinite shadows regularly because the enemies just become annoying because the enemies just become complete sponges for bullets and it's just it's not that fun and you take extra damage as well i don't really care um [Music] here i kind of get a little lost on where i'm going first i think it's up and to the left no open to the right right knife only run that would be really fun i do want to do that at some point i know it's the bees i haven't cut open a man in a while uh you're not going to this time either well you see how fast we're able to kill these sisters oh lady d i hate seeing you go but i love to watch you walk away i missed some documents when i was playing it for the series which i feel dumb about because they were right in front of me but i was looking at pictures on the roof it said that lady dee has like a blood condition where she has to consume other people's blood to keep herself going and that's why she's like a vampire which is cool i thought she just kind of like wanted to be like a vampire for no [Music] reason don't grab me i believe cassandra caused all this mess i know what a stinker i'm this way thank you a healthy man's blood i can't wait i don't know about that yeah people pointed out as well it was just cool detail that lady d says that ethan's blood is stale because he's dead that's her dad [Laughter] what a joke oh no i'm so scared idiot stinky brain [ __ ] bruh ooh sticky residue money money money to be fair it is one of the stronger guns in the game and it is on easy mode so of course it's going to be quick i've always wanted to do a run like this in resi 2 though in the remake because that game is perfect for speed running stuff it's just a little annoying again with the it's really annoying when enemies just grab you and lock you into animations all the time in these games me too i got some water right here are you collecting like because i this is not the run that i want to like it's not the one that i really really want to work on you want to see her disappear she goes up the steps and then you can still kind of see her and then when you walk around the corner she's gone and then she's gonna scream to my daughter so i'm collecting lay because i want to upgrade the stake gun for uh a better weapon for a different run later for this run we're just trying to get under two hours i'm just trying to collect the money that i see as i'm going what the hell oh it's blood everywhere even oh no oh i just did a circle didn't i oh god wait where's the way out of here oh god i'm lost don't you know that i have a very timely place to be i've got dad energy oh balls i mean ethan's the same what have you done to my daughter [ __ ] stole my kid [Music] as much as i love that cutscene i gotta get out of here hi go ahead do your worst oh she will i need to be careful here though because i died trying to get through this area quickly [Music] oh when you skip the cutscene it's like where the [ __ ] am i come this way because you can't heal or use any guns or anything right now this isn't going to open in time stinky no [ __ ] way the last time i did it she didn't burst out through there because i got through the first section so fast so i was like oh cool save me like 10 seconds this is why i could never make a speedrunner too inconsistent bye bye now running will get you nowhere it's gotten me everywhere it's literally all i've done sorry lads i have places to be oh wait i don't need to go in there i don't think do i oh god this puzzle now and this hand was just cut off by the way ethan's a legend he's kind of grown on me i was a little harsh on him before it's also weird that they kill them off because they never kill off any characters in rezzy shut the [ __ ] up these paintings are so cool that's how long it took is this life size i want to stand beside the life-size cardboard cutouts that are like in game stops and whatever i want to see how tall it she actually is in real life because it's just so hard to imagine oh sniper money i'm gonna destroy these [ __ ] ah damn they're so wacky my only worry now is that i miss something vital by like skipping certain sections because i don't know exactly where everything is probably just run past all these guys but i like shoot i like feeling powerful shut the [ __ ] up tape measure nine foot five pretty damn tall i know but it's a different story than actually seeing her entire like stature in front of you like i can know that my robes are so tall and then think oh think like i think like four feet above that or whatever but it's not the same stupid man king you won't live oh come on a little bit further know your place i do know my place it's being pog champ wait is it this way that i go oh [ __ ] now i can't remember actually where the next place is oh this way there we go uh this is why i kept a pipebomb yeah yeah not really the word i would use but sure okay i should be able to get out the likes of me i'm paul champ beautiful 250 was his fastest time safari 236 is my fastest i think this one is already going considerably faster you gonna do 100 run at some point yeah i'm not really a collectible type of person [Music] i don't know if there's any like tricks to speeding up this fight at all other than just shooting her i don't know when i'm allowed shooter the most especially in the second part because there's achievements for beating them super quick too i did the one for house beneviento by doing it in less than a minute 40. that one's easy i think this one is like meter in less than three minutes or something god reloading sucks let's go back here less than two minutes oh god yeah so there must be a trick to this that i'm missing bye oh god she's down already like maybe you don't let her break the walls or something like that you can like force her into just this area okay like here can i just keep shooting her no i don't think i need my bullets i don't know if i can shoot her here either i just wait for her to show up how long do you think this room will take um probably like an hour 50 maybe [Music] because this also has a slower reload speed than the wcx will that's it right yeah baby you're the one what's that yeah i did it if the beater in less than what did you say two minutes so apparently that counted but like to get those points it's like yeah just bring infinite ammo in a strong gun on easy mode and then it's not as hard to do that it sounded like in the menu initially oh here we go she's here talking shite [Music] again the winged key now this section i sometimes get a little lost in as well because i think i have to go to the town and go to the red chimney building first and when i do that i get all turned around where the map actually is i think the game almost is a disservice to itself by having an over reliance on the map i know you need to open it to see if the rooms are cleared and whatnot but you spend so much time like going in and out of maps all the time that it's like playing the arkham games the batman ones where you end up spending so much time in detective mode that you're not really looking at the game through it's like intended visual splendor up dookie you know duke is supposed to be the fifth lord it's not just a rumor although he does have a like family crest so maybe yes yes yeah yeah 140k i should buy these ones for now i might buy two upgrades for it it's gonna be a while before i have that fully upgraded yep oh yeah people were giving [ __ ] to the duke before the game came out because it was like oh he's not like they're trying to make him like the merchant from resi four and no one's as good as that what are you buying kind of guy um but he really grew on people so 70408 right oh hi i'll just kill you because i can [Applause] i don't even have to i'm just a maniac he also saved your ass well yeah um but there's stuff with the the merchant in the in rezzy iv as well he's also technically saving your ass over and over again isn't duke dead because of the explosion probably not he probably got out of there i mean the fact that he's everywhere all the time that's a big boy it was a big boy all right i'm not even supposed to be here that's to luthier's thing right i was mix that up thank you shut up i'm speed running damn it better see the duke again yep how what it was pogcham if you truly wish yeah duke i love you but i gotta go also this whole area apparently this kind of fog and this whatever's going on here is like a flower that donna beneviento uses and then it makes you hallucinate and then her kadeau she spread it among her dolls so that's why they're all alive so it's like one shared consciousness between all of them which is pretty cool what ethan come with me there's something i have to tell you mia is it that you're a fake this is probably like the slower section this in the intro to try and like crank numbers out of her family is full or garden is full of flowers and after killing her they're all gone yeah that's cool going on i don't know ethan it's kind of annoying that they keep making ethan say lines like that like moreau flies out in front of him in fish form he's like what was that it's like really dude after what you saw in seven and the start of this game diddy dimitrescu turning into a [ __ ] batman villain and you're still like what the hell has happened that's impossible no it's not ethan it's very possible nay probable i kept calling ethan dumb because of that stuff and everyone was like no he's the best dad ever [ __ ] you okay sorry i don't know he was your dad yeah to be fair weird [ __ ] happens to him all the time you think he'd be used to it by now though oh i can't skip that dollhouse is probably the best part of the game it's up there dollhouse and the castle i think are my favorites it's castle then dollhouse then factory and then moroe section kind of stinks it just kind of feels like this is a different game within this game everything else is all like action and then it's like one big defenseless horror section so it kind of doesn't fit in the middle of them but i'm glad it's here because it's really really fun everyone's talking about the the castle and lady d the entire time and i was like bro everyone is sleeping on beneviendo cool wait where's my gun i don't know it's hallucination it's already in your back pocket wait can i do the ring section without the ring i keep forgetting what the code for the ring is it's like 25 08 11 or something like that or 29 oh 5 29 11. okay thank you because then i don't actually have to wash it off oh 5 29 11. i can just go straight there right i'll use the key here though thank you wait i picked up the winding key didn't i why is this here see that i don't know ethan why is anything [ __ ] happening oh this i can't remember though oh [ __ ] oh that's it right i'm so game what that mouse do no not listening hi fake near uh what was this teddy book baby gift i need to just memorize those things so i don't have to sit here and read the feed is demon i don't know if there's faster ways around it i kind of like there's a section where you get to the the room and you have to hide under the bed but i don't know if you can do that quicker i'd have to look up some other speedruns to see if you can shave off any time there i also thought you had to answer this phone you don't let me through i don't care fake me is gone or here thank you nope not listening la-la-la hate that song leave it to the answering machine yeah yeah section's so cool it's so much like the ring you just need to see mia come out of the well with her hair in front of her face that's what the baby's going to sound like so like most babies actually come on shush here we come gaga this is my house now baby you're living in my world relief of a child i'm getting zero relief from this [ __ ] child get nothing but hardship so i think i always just trigger the baby here and then go back in here and wait i don't know if there's a quicker way of doing it because the baby turns around and goes back anyway so i feel like if i leave and go the other direction i'm going to get caught by it the other way i don't think i can get around fast enough for when it's here that's not my child backwards backfeed as well shoot it i wish you imagine if that's the speed run tactic just shoot the [ __ ] out of it also i don't think i noticed that the doll was there the first time yeah this section i feel like is where there's probably a way of saving a ton of time on it she's triggered the baby here and they need to go back to the room and wait for the baby to it's so creepy it's not funny also didn't notice the crystal in the village for the first time i know god the amount of people in the comments who are just leaving the worst kind of comments all the time being like jackie [ __ ] dumbass i can't believe you missed that god you're so [ __ ] bad at video games i'm like okay jesus hello you know old man hands look his feet are backwards okay i think it's safe go go gaga run peace and serenity i think i went the long way [ __ ] come on in baby come into my study we need to have a talk play time's over child nice so gross hats off to the designers for that such a cool looking [Music] creature try and find me okay oh i wonder where you could be i think there's only one spot where she can be in two locations i think she's always here the first time and she's always in the same place the third time but the second time she's either right next to the door or she's in like the kitchen area i'm coming turns out i'm the demon in this playthrough what's up george yeah so she's either here or somewhere like behind me no i'm trying to find my daughter why you gotta be mean now [ __ ] up yeah the challenge for this one is to kill her in a minute 40 but i feel like she's the easiest one to do that with because it's just about finding her it's not about actually doing enough damage [Music] okay bye now thank you for the key so that's who's behind all this couldn't find the button yeah this is ethan in full military training just plowing ahead is the heisenberg pirate the hardest to speed run i don't know i i wouldn't really call what i'm doing speed running for me personally it's like trying to do the game fast but i'm not like trying to hit leaderboards or anything like that but like that's what actual speedrunning is can you buy the beneviento doll because i really want one that would be really cool i would love to be able to get one of those well would i or would i be afraid that it'd come to life not that superstitious i'm a little stitious i didn't need to kill those pigs by the way they just deserved it i'm not speed running i'm speed strolling speed walking christopher watkins more drugged up brother long time no see [Music] [Music] i hope you're [Applause] give me that bow key my bow so and for these guys i don't even need to be doing anything too it's just fun to plow through [Music] this section is probably the most tedious to speedrun actually because i have to like wait for the fish man to go by in certain places what's my cpu an i9 9900k he said the exits exit's underwater i mean you kind of need good components if you're going to stream especially if i'm streaming a game like this where you want it to look really nice but also run really well you kind of need the quality to be there and the ability of your hardware to keep up with that thank you all right kind of clean not gonna lie kinda clean come on come on please just stay please just stay please just stay thank you okay well that was annoying but we did it well never mind that stinks caught myself a big one sure did need to get out of ethan [Music] oh by stink man okay okay okay yes ethan that's what i just said this one i never actually figure out i just keep turning stuff on and off until it makes the most green bars oh there we go because it's supposed to be like oh you turn it and then do that but i just keep clicking things anyway because the first time through i didn't realize that one of the squares was uh blacked out let's see if we can just kill him here that'd be awesome um i'm the best let's see if i can make some pipe bombs i guess i gotta do this you show yourself i also don't know any like strategies for this okay it's auto aiming at it and his stomach [ __ ] if i was on the other one i could have still shot him like i don't know how to trigger him to come down or how to trigger his thing to come out exploding him usually works and he said exploring him works real well actually discuss the exits up ahead so that's three pieces of my baby now we're doing well [Music] the hell's the exit nice how can i say that so casually we've been through a lot i have three pieces of my child now just one more and i have the whole exodia collection zodia is technically five but wait is exactly a five oh whatever because it's the two arms two legs the head and the body right but this one's it's just arms legs body head are the goats here hi goats you can live this time i deem it necessary i think the factory i'm gonna get a little lost in i was gonna get [ __ ] up going around in there because i think there's faster ways of getting to certain places but i keep forgetting how to get around in it this stronghold can be a bit tricky maybe not with this going on this difficulty but let's see [Applause] oh god what are you aiming at you keep your speed upgrades from the duke yeah anything you bought food wise you get to keep for the next runs as well it's really cool it's a really nice new game plus there's crazy good replay value in this game is the difficulty low yeah just to see if we can uh blast past the enemies quicker which clearly yes we can why are you auto aiming his leg let me aim wherever i want i guess if we don't scope in again uh i don't want your animation sir i hope we can still get some two hours on this run now this might still actually be quicker hi bye oh there's one behind me okay big guy bye as long as you can shoot pipe bombs it's pretty quick next is um the dude right hammer man i also don't really know any tactics for him shoot the [ __ ] out of them pipe on them i guess even if my bullets count while he's up there or if i should wait for him to come down all right you can get him before he comes down wait he might actually have to come down i don't know plus i want the thing that falls out of him oh that was him what happens if you killed him before i think they're different i don't think he's the same one that shows up at the start of the game right oh there's a lot of crystals and [ __ ] here get whatever ones you can and just go he's the one at the start of the game then how does that make any sense those are two of them because he explodes unless she remakes them because doesn't a guy come back at the end is he the same one that chris fights at the end um there's nothing down there i don't think he has mold i know but he explodes i guess that doesn't mean much in the mold world is that all four things yeah we're going straight to factory now it's his brother oh the one chris fights interesting it's not really super clear when you're playing it it just looks like he comes back with a a mace instead of a hammer and you know he has a batman mask and that's it i guess you have to look up the names in the figure menu to see that they're different no thanks what's that i would like to repress my memories please where's thick mommy she's been dead for like an hour we [ __ ] her up perhaps he hasn't laid eyes on i didn't know he does that that's kind of fun he said perhaps he hasn't laid eyes on me like i'm not paying attention to duke i got the baby collectible psa 10. i like how duke replaced booba as mvp look booba are temporary but friendship is forever duke's a homie ethan winters don't worry about the kid even it'll be fine i don't know how i didn't hear it before but everyone keeps saying that he sounds like nick cage and he has like nick cage energy i'm like oh my god he does how did he not notice that when i was playing the game oh it seemed so obvious now did you ever lose your baby until you piss blood worse back in america that's what nick cage would say i like you mother miranda he's also he's gavin and kamsky from detroit right what are you planning who knows what he's planning ethan even i don't know i don't know where i'm going even [ __ ] a dead end oh is it fall through the trash hole magneto in the cage dude nick cage would be an awesome magneto nikolai from rezzy 3 remake yeah he's there like russian dude from rezzy 3 remake klein hello weird there's no climb button so i just walk into it a bunch aimbot aimbot wallhacks are there any resi games that let you jump i don't think so i don't think you can jump in any of them right this place is messed up uh-huh yeah the guy who's voicing chris in this one is the guy who voiced carlos in resi 3 remake which i don't know why they made him voice i mean it suits them but it's just all i can hear is care loss [ __ ] so i'm fast as [ __ ] boy wrong button how quick can i kill you pretty quick i wish they did the thing again where whatever item you have on you that actually fits the thing you're putting it into it just auto selects that because i think it did that in two or maybe not two i think seven maybe did it it's kind of annoying to scroll through your items like i know what i'm supposed to use just if i haven't show it would also help for time reasons here i don't trust myself to not get hit by these okay never mind that took too long oh i slowed down for a second all i hear is kamsky when heisenberg speaks well i've it's been so long since i played detroit that now i can't remember how kamsky sounds he's a very distinct voice in this game so i didn't know if i couldn't remember if that was his actual voice or if he's putting on like a voice for this let me do it i don't need to go in there i don't know why i'm doing that cog mold mold ethan loses his mind don't say mold wait what's the fastest way back to there right here how many of these can i just run away from oh god he scared me [Music] true oh god where am i going i get so lost understand that humiliation what are you still talking jesus sounds like someone has some parental issues yours is on your back no it's not get it no all right [ __ ] rude i'm leaving then oh god i killed him without even having to do the thing that's the way the world shush you should have never refused me even i mean i know i just i didn't have a choice the game was just like hey do this oh he's not dead oops thank you see all those little things i probably could tighten up my time i forgot i forgot i forgot run run run run run run oh god he's going to be so easy to fight uh i don't think i need anything in this room dookie come on up he does sound like nick cage i know it's so weird and i didn't even think about it what no you do you are throwing the biggest tantrum of all time you built an entire metal army to fight your mom that's baby behavior bro smart baby [ __ ] but baby [ __ ] nonetheless i love that ethan's just like i don't [ __ ] care give me back my child no i can't aim at those from here i want my baby back baby baby baby let's do it i get closer all right fellas another one well that didn't [ __ ] work did it ethan can you stop throwing your pipe bombs off the edge of the building no aim down the auto aim won't even let you aim at the [ __ ] guy okay god that went terribly you die faster next time jesus help a guy out can't reach that can't aim any higher that is not pog speed run by the way sage reference i don't know if you're trolling or not all right so far so yes infinite ammo stakeholder i know i want it so bad it's gonna be so cool when i get that just one tap and everything this is what it was like when i met lady d for the first time i got swept off my feet and then nearly decapitated and killed but who's gone [ __ ] that was close i was pretty close yeah i have to walk so slow on pipes just speed run ethan your child's missing don't you care we all got time to walk slow on pipes and don't worry i'll stop it were they just like do whatever the [ __ ] you want for these lines poor papa team take rose i'd like to see you try ethan they already did we've been over this i'd like to see you try to take my daughter that you've already taken and split into four parts just try do that again and then i got all the parts back and i put her in the altar and then i just left it there i'd like to see you try what up duke oh she could go into the shop while we're going down it's dark it's dark thank you captain [ __ ] it's dark down here bro you might want to be careful some lunatic with a gun might come by excuse me it's dark down here i just thought you'd like to know what's that it's dark you should have listened to me i told you it was dark and away i go uh turn to me please please thank you wait which is the way i came in is it this way is this the fastest way out oh god am i going deeper down i do have to fight both god stinking take all these thank you what a lovely man fight twice for me what a homie hey duke oh why didn't they put it together that he has garlic up well i mean it could be for fear for food for feeding but it could also be because vampire ladies they're not real vampires duke she just grew super tall and loves eating blood pretty much anybody tall can do that but i'm tired they just shouldn't do that time to die too bad you will die can you step on that what that how did you miss that jesus mate can i you dead i think he's dead you know i'll just take this back the ungrateful piece of [ __ ] some people huh you give them a mine and they do [ __ ] nothing with it i was just at the heisenberg fight which can be i guess an easy mode it's going to be fairly quick but it can still be a little annoying up we go we're very close to the end now like five ten minutes close i thought i just had to walk through god damn it again i'd like to see you push me off the top of a thing again i'd like to see you chop off my hand again fifth time today no not again stink i'd like to see you try and take my baby again like you did before again thanks for the tank chris thanks get it also sorry if i sounded harsh reacting to people who were just complaining all the time in the series i just i thought it was a very fun series a little bit i mean i'll admit yeah i'm a little bit like a [ __ ] oh thanks stay back safe distance come on there you go come on stop blocking me come on show me your little holes that sounds wrong whoops i didn't realize i wasn't hitting the thing are you dead yet oh he is kind of he's doing the walk of shame i have to do the whole chris section still oh man he done i think he's done all right well that's the heisenberg fight done god i totally forgot the whole chris section is to come that's annoying dude run the clock here now we wait for cutscene you can't skip cutscenes when characters are talking like this it says like p to skip but you can't actually do it you can skip it as there sure has been breast the desert the recon we know miranda's plan i couldn't i mean is this your first rezzy weird [ __ ] happens all the time and watch for hostile bio weapons do you realize how many times i fought wesker made contact with a group there's more than you thought you guys need crap recon okay i probably can just run by all them right i just don't want to get stuck in one of their grab animations that would be annoying don't get cocky i can take them i like that chris is like don't get cocky bro chill the [ __ ] out would you be bam it's mother miranda that's probably where like do i have to fight these big dudes [Applause] i think i can probably just skip them right backup that's what i mean trying to run by everything and then getting caught sorry i have to reload i have to reload i have to reload [Music] bye oh my god a little faster chris military training military training come on reach the target infinite ammo is new game plus not uh easy mode though they do go very well hand in hand together reloading now just a minute yeah see the reloading aspect of his thing is what's gonna annoy me or slow me down thankfully these guys go down very quickly okay well in the meantime i'll just do this where are my bullets going [Applause] [ __ ] because if you leave it long enough more of them will spawn and mess up the cycle of the reloads they can hide here and usually not get hit by anything like the arrows i wonder if there's like a much quicker way of doing that i feel like there's ways of shaving off like a minute in each area i'm going in the rest of it i'm not aware of this stuff originated here bro it huh because this guy you can shoot the thing on his back and like speed him up um but the fastest i've gotten it is two reloads on the thing here i'm gonna need i'm gonna need bathroom there's an opening in the room use it can i just yes yes good i'll signal with the locator holy god i've never seen that give me your mace the fastest i've gotten it is that i shoot the thing once and then he falls over and then i shoot a bunch of his back and then i get a second reload of that thing and shoot it from the sky and then he's dead i've never okay now we just have the miranda fight and we're done it's the mega mice it's that big tree baby at the ceremony not the first mold baby i've seen do not move until i get the order i know it's too late now but we really should have told ethan the plan you're in the middle of battle bro don't [ __ ] berate me now i know i know my shortcomings even so you should have told him i will show the water daughter but i didn't huh [ __ ] you bro yeah these are the documents i missed because i was looking at all the pictures on the roof and then i just bypassed them all but i left them as a pinned comment on the video anyway so people could read them evelyn why am i a mold why am i a mole baby why can i make mold babies do i have mold sperm there's a lot of questions evelyn i'm gonna take one stop at the duke i don't know if menu time counts as overall time but i'm going to chance it because i need to upgrade the stake i gotta go and i want to talk to duke one last time naturally naturally and i have to sell off all these does anybody know if this stuff counts towards time or is like the game paused now i didn't even get that oh the assemblage of life and machine steak improved grip yes i think that's all the stuff for the steak i think every gun gets like two nice wow it takes a [ __ ] ton of money i'm gonna need like two more runs to upgrade this thing okay thanks and away i go run ethan run i don't have time for walking what's the stake it's the like super magnum gun it's probably actually worth equipping that for now you can start running there you go it's pretty better to equip that for the fight right i gotta keep going but i don't know you fulfilled does that still count as damage towards her when she's in that form oh i guess it does now please do not worry for little rose i assure you i'll oh that was that holy [ __ ] oh god it doesn't do nearly as much damage there come on god that almost fired too slow at the end would have been better to change weapons all right let's see it [Music] let's go i told you 150. i could feel it damn that's pog chow i wanted sub two hours we [ __ ] did it baby oh man i am speed i feel like i could get out down what sub 140 or 130 even it took me what was it nine hours to do the full game but to get it down to that quick is crazy yeah that was cool that was fun i'm glad i did it
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,500,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, resident evil, resident evil 8, resident evil village, resident evil 8 jacksepticeye, lady dimitrescu, vampire lady, tall lady, doll house, beneviento house, moreau boss, moreau, heisenberg, miranda, end, ending, speedrun, how fast
Id: nAkAHcfgUD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 50sec (4970 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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