Jacksepticeye Plays Modded Among Us! (Twitch Stream)(Ft. Valkyrae, DisguisedToast, fuslie & more!)

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is to move them around that's yeah exactly i don't know where i guess somewhere else i don't know alrighty ready ready ready hopefully there's not too many good give me a c c give me an r i'm done why do i feel slow also why is it like skipping for me oh this is last time we played these mods it was hella broken so it might still be who went in here i didn't even see i forgot to play among us abe abe dorime you didn't scan sid said you didn't scan said were you not scanning said why i'm so dead i'm dead am i dead first nope oh oh in the middle of my skin come on bro stinks oh i'm limp one limp one lime all right down into specimen i go i really shouldn't be down here because there's nothing for me to do down here absolutely nothing for me except throw up my [ __ ] dinner i'm gonna catch someone catch you green handed actually i'm green i'll be catching myself marissa think of the five gifts at subs hello among us ah wow wow that was such a trip i'll tell you that i'll tell you that much i just saw sydney i still you just saw her too sweet what the heck huh this guy's toast speak up now you were on the left side i know you were because i was following you and yeah yeah i sure am telling them and he was doing nothing nothing i tell you nothing and and i swear he vented what there's a lot of accusations went to the left side and the only person i knew was on the left side was toast and she's on the light panel she's dead she's dead i tell you dead i can 100 vouch for me young and jack wee sam would have vouched for me too but and me too well i don't know june i don't know where you were i don't know this guy you went into weapons and then sid kind of was around the area i went to the right where did do you see city so i think leslie checked in on us ray was doing weapons i was like download then i wish i could turn back time and then it went back down back into the good old days yeah okay you guys didn't do weapons uh i was scared you in june where the imposters tbh so i just dodged we weighed the door together and then like i was the only one that went in to do weapons so this session someone's being sauce tina why do you think toast vented well because well well i mean i mean he was he just disappeared i don't know that's pretty oh god cause it you know it's very possible it's all falling apart yeah he didn't say anything oh god we'll get him sick leave toast we'll get him because and only one person voted for him he hasn't probably tina i can't believe this or himself ridiculous you guys do you guys need you guys the mod breaks every now and then you gotta hit the menu and then not the menu okay going up here to fix slides i hope that i will not die the lights are fixed right oh god this chicken dinner i had earlier is gonna come up and i'm gonna see it with my side eyes okay look alive there jacka boy who's i with guys i don't know how to play among us anymore i just get down to like the last four and then i'm like i'm voting this person because you make a compelling case against them wendy meong i think they're clear if one of them's dead it's the other god almighty will you stop oh still stays half filled i'm a half full kind of guy you know oh you caught someone you caught someone leslie [Laughter] okay basically but there's no way tina can be an engineer because leslie is always an engineer no i'm not this time no oh she was so scared i did run to the butt she vented and then the time lord hop to push her back out and then i ran to the button and she chased me there and then she's claiming can i explain yourself you you sucked out for venting i saw leslie creeping on me a little bit right now you know you know it'd be really funny if i just did a little hop cannonball action into this video you know and see what she would say oh and then and yeah she ran straight to the button okay engineer okay already maybe oh leslie oh oh oh oh why i told you last round i i could tell she's talking that she's us she waited by the door and then he was like she didn't do lessons for me i why don't we vote for leslie i don't know the imposters [Music] every time i think it happens to everybody i think everybody freezes uh brittany thank you for the fight gifts and subs okay i gotta click out of this for it to finish you guys have one task left task done get me out please i'm done there's one person's been killed and i have all my tasks done what am i supposed to do what up wendy okay i'll i'll ghost wendy or uh protect what what's the term jesus jesus like put wendy under my wing uh bodyguard i lost her guys i lost her no those are her feet i'm pretty sure okay oh i pressed r i thought i pressed r but i hit e lights what i fixed it just now just now oh my god so what is the fix but also oh my god dang it leslie you reported the body yes on the way to lights um um okay okay uh hear me out i saw the report but then i went to press r but i hit e cause my fingers are [ __ ] stupid doing so well so i am should i come out with it i guess what the heck i am the time lord welcome out of emoji it's not working um rachael pushed me out hard hard and uh toast hasn't said a single word i think he's trying to get like some i don't want an among his game without saying a word kind of video and uh it looks pretty engineered to me after that now yeah i'm hopping on vince just for the hell of it it's very liberating i have no idea no did i just come back and now i'm out again is my stream back [ __ ] man oh i see chat coming back i can't hear the the discord call though let me try reconnect i can't hear anything that stinks guys we were like one sentence away from being in toast video winning an imposter game without saying anything guys what is the fix i don't think my vote went through no yeah that timer [Music] yeah you guys yeah you guys are strangely quiet ugh uh but leslie sounds so sad what happened okay i'm doing this one immediately because other people are going to find me if i die um it might happen a little bit again because we have the same internet that we had at the other place but it got set up differently so they told us that there might be some issues with it every now and then um because it's kind of like a new setup for them the people who install it so we'll see what happens am i alone in here oh hello hello hello oh yellow oh there's two people that i called a meeting because i wanted to ask toast what was understandable what um why would you push a button for that he's hiding bodies we can't find the bodies now do we not find the body i actually didn't check vitals before so i didn't know there was two people dead oh yeah is this your first time playing among us yeah you got him tina did you just like wake up or something or wow wake up babe holy smokes tina went in i'm a little tired guys you know he sounds jestery it's just sad because you can't even answer your question i skipped ah jesus uh what am i doing okay all right two people dead so is people everywhere i'm just trying to get to the end of a round let's do this let's paul champ i also forgot that i can't leak the code anymore anyway right because it just showed up as stars for you guys i forgot to change my screen back all right all right all right focus up i forgot i didn't see who went up tina and hates june some might say acting suspicious or not they could just be trolling with each other tina and hates june act and sauce who's going to die next ing among us ing among us i can't speak lights are going to go out in three two one [ __ ] abe just died just died guys are you on vitals no so i ran past i was with me and we were in top left and then i went down top left ian lab weren't you just in lab with me how bright all right sorry sorry right right right anyways so we were top right and then uh we split up i was going down back to office and then i saw abe hiding behind the rock and then i came back johnson's here the walk oh my god that went so far over my head i couldn't even comprehend happening sorry yeah so whoever is little i saw tina wait why from storage okay so tina went into the buildings on the left right and then i was like oh she's going in there so i should probably go top left wait i just see if she's there oh my god okay so i just did but then i never saw her in there so where did you go tina i did upload right and then i did water wheels and then i left those are the only two things i didn't wait but i saw you coming from the middle of the map like from storage oh yeah yes this is true because i just went there and then lights were called eventually i went to go fix lights what about spedice i'm literally on the light panel fixing it as the body was found and html was there as well he can where did you go myang after we split wait so julie did is jun's at bottom left okay we were we were around the weapons area communications area then we uh then i saw tina go inside towards like water water wheel right yeah if you didn't see her leave bottom if you didn't see her like come out the same way she went in then she vented for true because i really beat her to electrical no i checked the entire area she wasn't there oh my mian where did you go after we split up um that's me that's me if you're wondering who voted for you that's me and me tina kill me kill me you guys are so oh wait no don't kill me i'm not i'm not i'm not down with it like that i was just like yeah it's me like i wanted i wanted to be like hardcore like june was being he went a little far like that's maybe not that strong you know yeah [ __ ] yeah june ju let's get this dob let's let's go june let's go oh my homies love harrison [ __ ] oh let's pog champ let's pog champ anybody's anybody's wait for the bodies wait for the bodies none not a single iota of a body was found uh no one's dead [ __ ] okay follower follower june follower no matter who kills june i'm i'm sending tina out to airlock there's no airlock in this map it's a it's lava but oh i'll send her out oh god oh god oh god oh god oh no june june what are we doing what are we doing man what are we doing june we got gotta be sure about this bro i'm scared actually for my life but also june's ooh green is dead it's meow right wendus wendy i saw kitsune mass come out of here oh my god let's go i knew i should've sent you to the lavatina oh man good job i uh didn't know what was happening there i'm gonna be honest well there was you i just saw like hop out of a vehicle was like okay wait i'll kill you but then you were right there and i was like oh that's so bad we had her june we had here oh yes yeah that kill cool down why does it feel so long it's 35 seconds oh it's for the other map uh 25. oh okay yeah also um dinner and swoop or whatever they can't even right yes so that means that engineers are hard clear right so it should be so we should is that next to me if you want to be judged [Music] swoop swoop swoop swimming yeah let's go [ __ ] i mean the wrong thing swooper i think can go invisible and kill right i wasn't paying attention in class when they were giving this lesson ah so you call lights oh somebody has oh somebody's able to fix huh able to fix huh all right all right i'll keep an eye oh oh no jack oh no wait what oh i got confused you scared me i thought i did die uh this is just on the way until on the way into lab who's not here yeah i saw a toast run that direction i had to report there was people coming in after me it looked weird wendy there was two coming in i see i'll go towards the left yeah yeah he rocked him he walked in behind jack together so oh there's no way it's s3 it's normally it's us three wait so there's no way it's in front of you guys no way no way why is it not thick someone must be engineer [Music] i don't know but this person sounds very handsome okay okay toast i'm not engineer wait why would you fix them right now like how long's the fixing cool down you get one right wait that's it i'll tell you oh all games yeah all game i've never been engineer one why fix it now oh yeah okay so i guess you're just proven innocent then wait yeah wait no i i think it might be i saw a toast run to the right i don't know anything else well [Music] i don't know who was that but he sounds very handsome toast you're gonna get me voted out bro [ __ ] this silly thing all right um i don't really know how to play against all of these roles so i'm just going to try and have as much fun with it as i can um this is going to get fixed immediately right oh [ __ ] i think you still have to fix lights though oh 10 seconds oh bad bad bad oh bad bad all bad bad [ __ ] i wanted to get me young but this was there and i was like sis is going to get me on oh [ __ ] oh i [ __ ] up my swoops okay we'll get him next time we'll get him next time i need to kill someone can i do lights again what up guys okay i need to be careful around that because i think whoever's time lord saw me i also forget the cams are a thing why did i go invisible after it oh bad bad bad close them all close them all bad back oh oh i don't think she actually survived oh if she did though i'm [ __ ] she can come back to life what i've said okay i need to get leslie i need to get lazy i need to get lazy all right hello everyone hello hello wait a second there's a plot twist here what's the choice what's the twist toast ray looks alive but she's actually dead oh wait yeah naps sid you saved the game good job sid so it's toasty welcome i ran up on wendy's body um yeah that's all i got for you wait that means it's toast and jack me i am not the imposter h june you look so sus right now i'm giving side eye to the map googly eyes why don't we know it's jack and toast like what uh because you saved the game sid tina yes she's crew mate and h june has been venting in front of me all game okay so hgb engineer that's quite a you're safe well i know i know june would vouch for me if he's crew right because he's been with me the entire time she's marinating you jun [Music] i thought toast claimed to be engineer earlier when yesterday was fixing no he said i mean toast did say whoever is engineers very handsome and you know he might have been complimenting june versus himself right uh tina how do i not fit into this equation or sydney or like calling toast to narcissist but no the reason why is because june has been venting so he has to be one of either imposter or that's why you you're handsome too you're handsome too i think so i'm not a vote jack i'm voting jack oh dare you jude your brother no i didn't i said they were handsome bad timing awful timing bad bad bad timing oh thank you she [ __ ] she saw rey come down and she had to report the body or rey would think she was sus but then i got ray right at that moment but she had already reported it at the exact same time so just really really awful timing and then because she uh reported that she looks clear now which is great for us oh so she can still pull it out if we were like and do something about that or well i was just gonna i believe and sit at least i got one i want to report it so i was like okay actually i got two didn't i no we didn't lose the game we did not it was right so that means it's you toast right there get one well one person didn't go with the crew and that was you right no it was jack right now my confusion because i thought toast was super slush for lying about who's what yes i got two yes so why did you always try to mess with the lights since the beginning what no you were the one messing with the lights no no i wasn't i've been i've i think i've been at night almost every light call sit stay quiet said whatever wait for your lawyer yeah yeah say it's gotta be wait for your lawyer saying hi messing with the lights because you were there every time i was getting messed with it was me young and sydney the person okay all right get teeth what happened it was an ass oh [ __ ] i i wasn't come on vent in front of me over and over again as imposter and waste time huh no i want to do that just remember what toast said what did i say i'm so confused that the engineer is handsome oh yeah i did say that yeah but i'm dead guys i'm dead like i've never genuinely don't know oh no no i'm a criminal i'm gonna i got no i got no special role i'm also can there be two at once i am also a crewmate i am confused well i don't want to vote incorrectly here that would just be so silly wouldn't let me know i don't know if i should be help i don't know if i should be helping sabotages or dead people chat people chat dead people let's go so who is it besides sydney me oh jack oh i got i got ray right as she found the body so sada had to report it was really bad timing oh okay i'm not gonna lie me and my young have been lovers for um what rounds now oh stop killing wendy you've been in love never i need to win i've also been in [Music] let's get a task win and surprise them all don't you dare sydney's got this okay as the imposter representative just kill them where are they where's everyone uh lights lights okay oh god oh wow i hate this because i really thought it was toast and i would have been so silly if i voted for him now that i know it's not toast who else could it be i think we're who who else could it be i'm so okay i was only obsessed with toast and h june tina you sound incredibly cruel so well i want a button here right that'd be two big brains no i know as i'm saying you're you are super super crew okay i mean i saw it hd is for sure venting i really can't she's really got to go in on defending things imposter and lying about claim that he's doing it to border up team because it's the only way it's going to work you know are you filming a youtube video i wish i wish i haven't uploaded since february out spa dicey and we didn't lose right yeah who voted against it yeah sid whoa okay listen you have to understand the reason why i voted toast is because he made the joke and to me i'm just like dude okay it has to be two you're saying handsome no i was saying toast would make the joke like oh he's handsome and it's about him because that's a very toast joke to make okay yeah so you can understand my confusion you can understand yeah i do not think it's you um it's not me i'm come on here i think i i really don't know why you think it's tina yeah i think it's tina no i'm so stupid and okay here's my problem right i couldn't i don't know i don't know nice try side [Music] [Music] i can't believe it why were you guys so quiet didn't you you didn't mess with the lights right yeah every single time [Laughter] you look so so i didn't think you would assume it was me because every single time there was like at least five people no first time it was only you and me young and then myeong died and then the other time you were running away and then it got fixed um oh but then i thought you were jester though oh no i just like yeah i [ __ ] with the lights every time i'm imposter but i want anyone no you know my secret i thought you had that sid it was really well played i thought i had to close i thought i had it shall i add the investigator what does it do is it open uh i think he's pretty okay he like he sees footprints and then he can cut i mean if there's a dead body it's pretty good you can like walk back to it so maybe we can down to try it okay we'll see if it works last time i think it was glitched um uh wally boy thank you for the three months yeah perhaps and katie thank you for the gifted sub soggy sandwich thank you for the soggy sandwich thank you for three months there was one small thing um so apparently dinner can vent just not while dragging a body around ah can vent oh okay uh milan thank you for the 500 bits i appreciate that thank you yeah i'm gonna try that out kale feet thank you for the four months akira thank you for the two months oh are we all back already ten out of ten i think i think so okay cool cool oh okay round two baby let's go let's go who's who's going to do things huh this is good okay big play big play big play engineer is going to fix lights immediately [ __ ] okay i i was like okay you do that you call lights you go invisible you kill no one can see you anyway but then i thought engineer would do it ah man okay so whoever's engineer is not as quick on it as toast is okay i got a swoop i got swoop i got swoop where the [ __ ] is everybody god damn it that doesn't last any length of time they were all here a second ago tina tina looking a little sauce huh a little sauce tina i can't press e to check this okay [ __ ] i don't know how to swoop okay swoop in coming swooping coming there's [ __ ] nobody ever here [ __ ] okay i'm not killing in specimen because i don't know how to get away with that tina who's coming through i can't kill now so bad oh okay here we go oh [ __ ] this is a bad place to swoop what am i doing i don't know too dead oh all right i was just going to call a button i found a body where's the body i found the meong's body in right next to upload confess your sins who was it who's the engineer mommy i don't know if the engineer should come forward necessarily because this has nothing to do with the kills but abe why are you door camping me with you yeah it's a little bit weird obviously the entire time les leslie i have a bone to pick with you how come you were hiding behind the rock and the minute you saw me you started chasing me hmm wendy that literally never happened what you should hide behind the rock as time lord because there's a strategy i like to do where i hide there and count to ten and then you totally walked nick you told i didn't chase you i was literally spending time with you but if you want to view it as chasing you down that's okay it was listen nice quality time who are you with like the majority of the rounds yeah believe it um i walked around with leslie for a bit the time lord thing went off and then i walked into office checked that for a bit uh i walked past somebody came out of office i think and then so i thought i thought there was like there was two potential lover because wendy you were with someone i think it was leslie and ray was with me young wasn't she i don't know oh you guys were kind of walking around together there's no way ray would kill her friends me young and cold blood right yeah i mean i i wouldn't check vitals and then i saw two people around to find the bodies so the reason why i asked who the engineer was because i did see leslie vent and she did sound like she could be the engineer but i saw also sydney and leslie together a lot as well so i thought they were lovers oh okay [Music] i don't know no [Music] okay so they saw leslie vent which means that whoever's engineer is like pretending or is not coming forward because they don't want to they don't want to out themselves and then have they want to see how far leslie is going to go with it probably guys i have no idea how to swoop um right to the left of the door of lights and the only other person i saw there was rey so i think it's prey i think it was with me young last round [Music] wait how far left because i'm on my way up and i didn't see anything yeah i walked up from bottom left so i didn't even see the report button it was after i went into electrical and i'm the type one so i don't know it's like out of the door to the left uh like in the hallway or so if someone was like on camera it was it was very very very very recent like it had to have happened after i went into electrical and we did the lights yes and then you walked out and there was a body there where i definitely if i was the killer i wouldn't have killed there and gone into electrical with yeah okay that makes sense same same for me that's why it's not me yeah yeah i don't think he would have reported that unless yeah abe's been really quiet uh it's like right in the middle hallway oh put my character next to eight because i'm side eyeing him i have a good reason why like i've been um kind of like just chilling in one spot okay for some reason my game is at like 1 fps whenever the round starts oh oh oh yeah so i can't like yeah i'm slide showing i can't like do much okay well i'm also in office okay i was in specie and then now top right lab i didn't see anybody um well whoa we're voting randomly wait don't we have to kill someone right yeah oh [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] oh no [Music] is the game just really really bugged for him okay how long do we wait before we call thingy reactor like is that good oh oh my god that was insane i yeah i didn't do magnet i did one kill wow jack was literally like fragging out bro i almost aced um right yeah that's unfortunate that it didn't work oh my god leslie i thought you were innocent because i caught you venting and then the way you answered the engineer questions pretty good yeah no one encountered it either wait but who was the engineer was it tina or mia uh what was i that one i think i was engineer ah that was lucky then that would make sense as soon as she said you saw you venting i was like oh and i was like i know i saw her in my purple and i was like oh no no no yeah uh can you turn off investigator that might be the reason why that was [ __ ] oh okay okay yeah that one was buggy i don't think i was because of investigator oh that's what the the one of the the people who are helping nurses the devs so because your game was running slow does that mean the frames were behind like on the timer as well yeah i think everything was just that's unfortunate he was chasing me i wasn't actually i literally was trying to marinate you versus chase you but leslie i don't know how you survived you sounded so sauce round one i did good job partner you did a good job what can i say i love murder oh cremate i don't even get the cool rolls it's either just imposter i've i've been swooper and crewmate this entire time swoop mate can i go oh a big win for the lads oh i'm dead here oh i'm dead oh i'm dead i'm dead i survived but i'm dead i don't live sydney and abe mion and tina is on the vent by camera oh oh oh oh yeah oh it can't be tina young abe or hates june for this one wait i or sydney because i'm outside i guess time lord might have [ __ ] all that up uh yeah it can't be cindy ray or my young for this one okay well my notice my name wasn't included in any of those i'm standing on the top right top of reactor hiding why why death why hiding huh hiding leslie you're doing it again leslie you gotta get caught for the kill huh she must be jester where i am literally hiding i can tell you who was on the right side i passed uh oh a lot of people a lot of people i saw nearly everyone this round i'm going to be honest i didn't see her i didn't see i didn't see you guys i didn't see her all right well this sounds like impostor's trying to yield a very innocent person out who has a very special goal who's very integral to the game is there seven imposters in this game whatever you do do not vote me out nope leslie f as in frank you as in university frank university frank that's so cute you're so cute leslie oh my god no you're cute don't fall for a tina she might kill you oh man you know i've been sauced by leslie i tried to clear everyone but then i realized timelord could have [ __ ] up all of their stuff um h june came last though so i'm most suspicious of him um [ __ ] i forgot the order of who went in my [ __ ] attention brain can't do it oh i'll get you i'm a side eye everybody in this game i'ma die right outside how you guys doing oh don't offend kill me hey did you just come out of a vent huh huh what was he actually down there did they see him go down oh i have questions oh god what's going on question the first okay tina did you guys see him go down dude i'm saying i think he vented right i think he vented oh i have information guys that you vented [Music] also the other one might be abe i have information but i've never saw leslie again what are you talking about she was at drill more i have one more i have one more vital information there was two people madly in love how do you know oh who they were just staring at each other so lovingly uh-huh who it's we know i asked them a question at the start if you know you know i'm saying it's hate june and abe locking it in final answer locked it in wait where where's the body this one's in lab and i think i i'm pretty sure i saw abe run away from it what gives you credibility jack wait wait wait wait wait hat and glasses i was on cameras i saw abe walk in the lab and leslie tina and meong are all like bottom to hanging out together so to me leslie came out of drill door or that exclamation point thing as i walk by doing my tests like a good old roommate hold up hold on hold on i think hate stream came out of a vent at the bottom and met i don't see him come out of event i was in love you saw me come out of the van i like i knew no it's more of like a it's like a feeling i never saw you okay imposter voting wait sydney sounds like yes yeah i think it's june it could be way off base [Music] wow okay i think he may have voted himself there's a little oh oh [ __ ] why would you vote oh i literally always die first i was just that's good well-placed i got engineer for the first time ever and i was really excited to jump into events pulled me out of the vent and killed him wait was the other one abe i knew you were an engineer no it wasn't god come on oh my god my plan was to kill ray and i was way off base i've got jester one though it's always i i like when jester wins um crew mate come on give me a roll jester wins i think are my favorite wins and i led the charge on that one so when you think about it i went in on hate june and offered it up on a platter and he was jester and he won so technically didn't i win as well right okay wendy's in lab i don't know why i'm recounting information it's not like it helps me oh let's go i'm so glad you don't have to do tasks again when you do this oh oh this might be it folks i might be dead well what do you know spedicy lives to tell another tale swooper swooper you can go invisible and oh we found jack we found chuck hey everyone hey tina hey let me get a snack wait why am i green clip it jack's body is on the node flippy switchy no what in labs yep and labs i saw toast oh sorry god bring up the foosley notes the foosley notes okay okay the notes i saw i think toast come from that area okay you're just wrong i'm sorry oh oh don't let him shut you down leslie wait i'm not sure that's the important part toast so it depends on um if anybody wants to come clear as engineer if not then toast isn't impossible but at least say which fan that was the left one on the left side right why does that matter because he said she's zombie on the right side first of all leslie did not wendy she he vented at the camera event um but that was a little while ago he definitely could have made it to the right side wait you can't vent i'm the engineer wait [Music] do they have these outside of england he revealed his plans pepperoni little salami sticks and i also got dearly dunkers you know like a kid's lunch first killed what can i say you have to get rid of the the sexual tension oh gee what task should i do both of those are unfamiliar welcome to my culture [ __ ] what your name is when you pee where's this cliff oh our colors are you so offended what's wrong with green you got the wrong thing green it's just not it's not my style you know all right what's happening jack's body is on the node flippy switchy no what in labs yep and like about me hey it's toast wait actually oh [Laughter] [Music] it takes much longer for me well in my old house in my old house the kitchen was here and then you guys them recording rooms right here impossible so i could just go get a snack and come right back and i have to go all the way downstairs but upstairs but someone else also claimed engineer and history because i was trolling it's like a slim joke it wasn't showing he went to top left i can see it because i was hiding in the van watching that area he didn't know i was there he disappeared in front of me wait don't toast is way too dangly vision no no no he did it by the vent wait you saw me yes i was in the bed when you swooped oh no no whole time do we believe that dunkers are like jester like little wait swipers little sticks you're a title flippers can't just for the last how many months has been ten thousand fifteen thousand twenty five thousand times thirty-two iq and you think a normal brain can contain that much winchester think about the five given years i am voting for them stop hello hello fellow dead are you happy hello dad hello i was just a riser hello wait is it toast i don't know who it is i know it's ray ray killed me is toast imposter no who is it me younger why did he think it was me okay that was spooky let's go that means we got her right oh it doesn't technically oh no because lights were off the previous round yeah it sounded really enthusiastic about that i'm not gonna lie i should do one more just in case it sounds like you guys already trust me with your life so i don't i don't know i don't know no that's not sure that age june was right wait um these makes me feel like why did you think it was toast last round because you kept saying toast because he was venting oh i see but if he's engineer then i guess but unless he's green wait why didn't me oh wait how did my young see me vent when the lights were off i saw you go in so this is very hard abe said that he was engineer and then he's dead yeah which is suss but like what if abe was the jester what's up what did i do i think i think abe probably was a jester he was probably claiming engineer in hopes that the actual engineer would come forth and be like hey i'm the engineer and then he would like get extra stuff you know first yeah ray buker thank you for the five gifted why would he claim appreciate that thank you right yeah once you've been updated it would probably look suspicious yeah um straight up crew just vibing you know doing my tasks and stuff i'm still of toast because i saw him bent early um she's going against me and now i want her killed you should have held your tongue [Music] she went against my my uh oh god wait are we gonna should we should just oh just i'm just thinking i mean technically this is an abundant body it's rey dying because i'll never die that's how never works i think it's toast oh wait the game didn't end at my history was right that that's true so you aren't they don't even realize they just got it yeah yeah the other one oh no man that's funny no let's keep this as a meeting or should we skip does this count i don't know did we count the last one people decided no i think that counts because it's not a bug body what a twist like an expert person died because of it so if toast is clear tina is time lord meong is what just crew just kurt then that means it's wandy excuse me that is true that is not me hmm i voted every time with crew hmm you little are you feeling the pressure you're starting to sweat bullets says a role called the lovers if one of the lovers dies the other lover does okay all right so your goal as lovers is to stay alive for as long as possible cool down but but i can do it here okay wow wait wait i'll do something real fun i'll circle around toast so that when i rewind it circles around salem rolls yeah this is cool i don't know you can see it at the top [Laughter] all righty see you see ya see you later in time all right bye well there's no point doing tasks i just want to see what happens here are you going to pull this off me young huh huh what you going up have waited for someone to die no oh oh you try to you try to cause sabotage huh no no no no no wendy sorry that's why you're so surprised when the old oh wait there's no way you guys actually think it's me right we're in movement i think it's me young then if it's not tina and toast look meow i feel like it's worth talking in chat there's 18 000 people you can talk to other people in chat it doesn't have to be with me chat with the chat scared she was horrified that's that's the idea of this is that you're getting entertainment but you all get to hang out together at the same time have fun this is very possible are you capable [Music] oh my god the narrative i didn't even want blue again but it did look nice against the wall and the furniture so i don't know i'll keep messing with you i have just been doing my task also i've been joking thank you for the and stuff yeah vitals and stuff before uh sea witch thank you for the two months and louise oh god it's over oh don't say that don't say that it's really not me okay look congratulations for sure clear me and wendy and you did okay tina stay at the button me wendy and me i'm gonna have a chat button i just use my button don't worry you're not gonna need it uh you just stay right there me and me young are good good old 50 50. uh okay wait not the 50 50. you'll be fine don't worry oh thank god i you know how much i yeah i would never do that to you yeah yeah okay uh revive newt thank you for the five gifted and foxy rojo thank you for the five gifted appreciate that thank you oh tina you gotta go do the 50 50 huh well toast has to die here my young for the love of god don't kill wendy do not kill wendy no tina he's little imposter oh my god wait that's not the right person to kill no no tina is it tina not the engineer tina he's not the engineer wait that's the wrong person to kill isn't it yeah mia you should have killed me i don't know why you didn't kill me god well honestly it's i just thought it would work honestly i just thought it would work you know it's me young i swear well you believe me right tina yeah but why did you me on who did you vote for i no you know tina just vote let's see it are you what is this you have 60 seconds to explain yourself i thought it was wendy this whole time what is the engineer it's a crewmate that can vent and fix sabotages instantly and you could have big brained you know she's trying to convince you that i'm big braining by killing my partner that toast was big brainy but apparently it's it's uh it wasn't didn't she just admit to doing it [Music] you know i think she might be gestured now toast i can't believe you would do this to me after all this time please it doesn't get easier really i think toast is trying to give me younger so suspicious oh no no no tina i know didn't you push up i hate them why am i put in these situations more more because it's funny tina i just we enjoy it okay all right dance for our amusement park if i didn't die there wendy would have been 100 cleared by me oh oh that's why me young was backing me up are we changing yes i am tagging my finance edison park live in florida let's go let's go let's go soon [Music] okay does i'm gonna leave and somebody else take over because i can't do the stuff but you're going somewhere no she doesn't want to be oh change yeah it's probably easier to make a new laptop like a new lobby leaving perfect i'm leaving last one is uh lobby oh oh god whoa june oh my god wait wait it was you're the poopy it doesn't work last one is stinky but that used to be my name so i'll gladly take it last one is stinky oh so close i'm not stinky i'm not sticky you gotta get a matching hat guys okay okay guys get down from there sorry sorry i i saw it i saw edison [Applause] i feel like i'll i think it might break the game how are you hacking i'm not hacking i i always do this what someone reported i'm leaving what how did you how did you do that edison told me not to do it too much last time so i'm afraid he'll yell at me if i tell you who's the other person up there you know what it's okay i don't need to know it's edison i don't need to know let's go it's edison on his high horse look at edison thinking he's cool you might be up there but you're still stinky and i smell you from here you got me june you got me there's a button you can press to um to go through things and edison said it last time i still remember the ryan clip yeah gl hf jl hf that's so weird you are in love with tina oh god if i wasn't muted that time that would have been weird all right tina we can't die we have to stay alive for the whole thing am i okay i'm fixing scenes june edison oh god see the problem is if you hang around each other then everyone knows oh you have the lover roll because oh [ __ ] [ __ ] uh oh uh uh-oh what if i just wallhack and leave the map i can never die then this is a hard one to win as so if she just gets killed somewhere do i just flop over and die from supposed heartbreak oh god why am i over here why am i doing tasks that's not how you play this role ah god i don't want a michael jackson moonwalk even though i do kind of have the hat for it okay this is fine this is fine this is fine this is top page tune oh wait she didn't know oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] can i ask you can i ask one person a question yeah oh my god when guys yeah so yeah guys guys let me check my fuzzy notes real quick okay i saw you at communications oh yeah she's gonna die after the meeting then went towards the left side killing me first and then i didn't see where you went yeah how dare you june i'm gonna call you hates july and jack is dead huh i think sid is an imposter what because she double backed on top of my body in asteroids would you what do you think of that huh i just what do you think of that maybe she just wanted you to be sure yeah that's that's exactly it i went to go to the asteroids and then i was like okay well i think you can just move like that [Music] no you know what he's probably having a good time hanging out and relaxing he's been doing a lot of gta so how to rest i guess in your head if i'm dead immediately it's because it's because of sin say it say it tina because it's because of love say it with your chest but i'm scared i don't know how this works tina now that you've uh i don't know if this is like i don't i don't know if i'm gonna die or whatever wait cindy voted herself i don't know what it's about since when is anonymous that's unfortunate guys my character is bugged by the way i can't move hey no i i tried i tried i don't know what's going on you gotta you gotta keep doing that i had a problem too try moving while when you hit the cogwheel no i it wasn't working last round either he's in office kill him hey just kill me just someone just kill me whoever's impossible just kill me just kill me end my misery unless the imposter is muted right now in which case [ __ ] i don't know how i don't know how the lovers work because that happened before when i played this as well um my game's legit bug should i just leave what do you think jack no stay we need bodies but i'm the imposter oh then just see if you can win by not moving [Music] that's a power move at least i can still vote you know you got this you got this i can't move oh hmm no okay so i don't understand how i didn't die i'll just say that mm-hmm well me thinks sydney may be a certain role like possible like the imposter trust me tina killed abe all right thank you wait toast what'd you do in specimen huh savannah thank you for the two months uh lovely little baker thank you for this five months seven total thank you trampolines thank you for the prime renee thank you for the sub d yes guys go ahead hit that subscribe button see if it tells you if you have a free prime you don't have to you don't even have to like spend money on assault if you want to be sobbed sometimes you got a free prime available and you might as well use it on somebody if you haven't otherwise it's just going to waste it's going into big daddy jeff bezos's pocket yeah i gotta say i don't see him and he got big pockets i don't know what i'm supposed to be doing that's kind of morbid yeah that's right just because just because you've given up on love doesn't mean the rest of us have tina oh two people dies really bad um yeah normally you're supposed to soul crew both die but it's an option to turn on so we don't know who killed abe wait where's wendy so where was the body learn about he gets those prizes from blood wig um i was still there doing marco polo oh sydney i got you i got you sidney i'll talk hey marco polo [Music] technically um the first place i really started learning about primes is when ninja actually hit the record for most subs i think he might add a thing with twitch at the time to like promote that check muted mute no defin guys i can't move i still can't move what do i do um do you think it's possible to win this without moving see if anyone walks by you and then kill them and then that might snap your cooldown is is stuck at 25 seconds well i'm definitely in a weird big pog champ win coming in um but yeah just possible just primes that's that's the only thing the first time i heard about them was ninja promoting them a lot when he hit the record for most and now a lot as well who is the time lord yeah who is that you actually you don't have to i was muted already and i almost unmuted i'm gonna choose since i don't think i'm gonna get a jester win here anymore i mean roommates and uh edison worked on some of this mod so i think he would know better than anybody how to fix it no guys i think we should vote i know i i think we vote sydney here because she laid down her life as a jester in order for our benefit we should do the same to open and close settings that's what hates june told them already again edison helped code some of this mod so i think he knows you know i mean you know you could do you know i mean what is donating all the subs today to charity i know incredible foreign you have two votes that you'll get from oh my god what [Music] dude i killed her and then like one second later yeah i was perfect that was insane also i was bugged out among us had a weird bug where i think it thought my account sign in thing menu was open and i couldn't access it from in the game i access it out here so i couldn't move at all do you think it was because you were like wall hacking no no wall hacking can do with that are you going to say no hacking oh i just wanted to know if you guys know where the skin is from which one the skin oh this one the skin yeah the one that i'm wearing one of the best cartoons of all time the heck is that all right okay baby less a pog all right how do i so whenever the thing is called i just hit fix right god what what the hell man i was in the nav thing and now tina's yeah so anyone that is visible on the screen is innocent i didn't see [ __ ] i see edison wendy sid me young and rey oh yes did you see abe i did not see it about jack i would not swoop in self-report oh that's true actually jack was with us jekyll's with us [Laughter] you don't see is the swooper well i think did we see you're the only one or sid um right next to the body but they tried to frame me and make it look like it was me why would i kill my lover oh lovers came in wait shouldn't you be dead then wait no no lovers are not connected i thought we changed it anonymous votes are on though oh perfect i'll vote sydney this time thanks madison you're the man you're welcome okay okay so we just kill abe and then we kill sydney or we kill sydney and then we kill him i'm voting wait why aren't you killing me you said you said you're killing me guys oh i did guys it's not me guys it's not me it's not me prove it abe prove it oh jesus voted for himself oh jesus that's way too much votes i voted for him wow i voted for him too i voted for sydney okay all right engineer jack spedicy here coming in loud and hot from the 1920s whenever these lights are called i'm gonna hit my button i'm gonna fix lights and there's not a damn thing you can do about it or if you call it different sabotage i guess i can call that one oh did i just see abe on invisible i don't know what i'm seeing anymore i'm going crazy see you see my eyes i'm going crazy i don't know who to trust i don't know where i'm going i don't know who the imposters are all i know is that i can fix if someone would call a [ __ ] sabotage i could do it right here right now god [ __ ] damn it i'm going backwards now you call the sabotage because you're waiting for the time lord in it yeah i see gangsters from 1920s new york don't say in it i'm running past lots of people i can die at any moment it's a hard life out here being an engineer a hard life indeed what does somebody [ __ ] do something i didn't take in any information because i'm just waiting for the thing oh god red is dead ah jesus oh lord but i can also go on the vents can i see anything in the vents while i'm in them can i see fix fix it fix it jim it'll fix it somebody's alive somebody's alive somebody's alive the time lord save anybody somebody's alive oh there's one person alive oh right wait what huh who's the time lord because you're a [ __ ] genius oh you're welcome you're welcome oh here's what i saw see i'm the engineer i was venting all over the place the lights were called all right i saw nobody around decided i was going to hit my fix it button but i had to come out of the vent somebody was dead in med bay i didn't see who it was but i think they came back alive or not they could still be dead i don't know how long the body was like oh no it was abe's body never mind were you saying it from the vents i saw the afterlife what did it look like but a lot of hot women hate okay i mean but she is the owner of 100 thieves i don't know if i i'm sorry i was muted i'm telling you guys right now that toast is big braining you guys i don't even have a role i'm a straight-up crewmate and people always say why big brain but not how is big bro he said that he's he's using the fact that time lord did something and came back to life did anyone even see him die uh on vitals did you see he'll die i believe yes sorry i didn't okay so i didn't really check the colors i just checked that two people died and one person did indeed come back to life and nobody else is claiming to have come back to life except for toast so i'm gonna assume you're telling yourself you're grasping at them straws rings been dead for a while if you're a purple guy punched my guy into the floor and shot him in the back of the head that's impossible we're both crew then i don't understand this is no way there's nobody bye co-owner of hundreds of people oh no i kind of feel bad but i i believe well i mean you should because i'm innocent you guys are getting played [Laughter] yeah see big time sunny coming in with the engineer strats that means i can vent all i want in front of people i'm gonna vent [ __ ] gonna get in that vent oh i'm gonna vent and bounce into all the vents i'm bouncing to all the vents these events stink i don't like these vents i want a different vent a different cooler vent with racing stripes these are kind of [ __ ] as well no not the time lord i wait i should have oh no wait what should you have done i'm the time lord but i reported the body out of habit oh no no oh i thought wendy with the time though she was talking as if it was a time lord oh god well she just saw on vitals that two people died oh did you see anything me young with your time lord eyes oh but age dude was following me like a psychic i can i no i can't i cannot test with uh do you think he was trying to kill you no no no did you feel it chill off your spine he scared me but he did it and wendy's dead so no i mean zero information we got ray out right seems like so i was with miyang was anyone with anyone i'm venting everywhere trying to see anything hang on if jack is venting mia and june were together it just happened no i saw that guys [ __ ] i understand as soon as toast opens his mouth and says my name everyone's going to vote me but i am literally just a crewmate right now i've done nothing all i did was wait she's done nothing she's not helping nothing downloading 002 and that was it and then what's your role oh i'm just a crew well if if ray is right and then how many crews can there be ray said she was a crew uh i think pastor one engineer one time lord and one gesture no it's it look mia and judy if you guys were to get that hundred percent i don't think like after five seconds so there's no way she could have killed because the kill cool that would have been it look i'm disguised toast okay i don't know who you are me so that toast can be wrong i i just want to do it she's nothing she's laughing about me told you so it's gonna be so funny it's gonna be so funny oh she jester because i skipped it's not gonna be funny at all cause i'm the imposter you know what happened [Music] i want i think we need to change colors or make sure our colors are slightly different yeah so close to jester when they that was yeah that was cool i can't believe you guys went i wanted that kind of ending wow wow ridiculous thank god that gumption was like me you gotta look so sick i mean i felt silly i don't know why i didn't think that toastmaster that's what you're reading that route totally sorry ryan okay sid let's get this double ski do you guys know that that's why it's called a dob because it's short for a w or a w and a w is a win so you see a dub dubskis just gonna do tasks oh right right what's happening right now right now huh oh what do you have for us the body is in uh it's i got the report button leaving the rocket thing topping edison's hat like that wait you mean josh i think it's supposed to be no the rod the drill but right why were you hanging around there running left and right doing nothing ray she scared me i ran away oh oh wait really i was i just wait did you come from the top yeah she was standing there when lights went off and i got scared because the doors closed on me so i left wait wait did you see jack because jack ended around like office area and i just passed by him underestimate how fast i ran out of there i didn't see anyone i was like not really paying attention all right i'll claire said here she was in tree room just cleared sydney yeah that's something weird that's really weird who feels bad for last round he's a gentleman telling the truth toast does not clear people toast does not especially not sydney he gotta win he's feeling good wait toast why are you climbing yeah she was on the bottom left the bodies in the top right can't be here can't be me not me tell us just spoken i was in vitals post has to be jester or something the body is actually bottom right oh lie about that i'm just joking i don't know what's up wait didn't you report the body yeah i did oh yeah toast isn't clearing sidney to clear cindy it's his way of saying i was also on the bottom left oh he's trying to get it clear for himself what's going on with you all right tina welcome uh thanks guys you know i gotta say it's nice being here what do you think it is gina did you vote for yourself what no edison knows you june always votes for himself voted for me i know wait that was weird though ray was just hanging around up there and then she said the body was like where i left her huh like i i want to like cry wolf here and just be like it's right that's right and then like look all cool when they put the metal around my neck um but it just feels too obvious doesn't it if it would be her oh dickies i don't know what kind of sauce well it doesn't [ __ ] matter anyway because i'm dead oh either the things back on or it was hate june as well what was it really not right guys dead bodies hello oh black and green died yeah we have names i saw jack labs the body is like in between like uh lights and labs okay like the lovers died together the romeo and juliet of the among us era yes june did did someone see wendy on vitals i kind of saw when romantic a little bit yeah but that is not a clear at all i left it when lights went out and then i went back into vitals quite early on in the game very early yes d d d all right okay can you guys move on let's have a question what's going on uh yeah what's up what do you mean what do you mean yo how do you know i was gonna ask you a question no i'm just saying yo i would say yo okay okay yo tell us where you at uh i'm walking towards the lights oh okay why don't you fix something this has toast semo written all over it he clearly uses sydney to clear himself and then kills her the next round that'll be really messed up though you know who i think is really sus right now spill the beans who would be say it with your chest eugene you me oh wait i was waiting for you to talk i wanted to interrupt you by seeing you but you weren't speaking up so that's why yes no i was going to just wait where were you this round june so i'm i literally fixed the lights oh you literally fixed the lights why did it take you so long to get to the lights literally [Music] no answer dude you're sweating you sweating a little bit there buddy okay uh sony noise you see me when i didn't see you june where were you i fixed the lights jim kelly's no no he's definitely a gesture it's going to be a vote on him this is definitely wendy for sure i no there was no way she didn't for sure there was no way i fixed the lights cracking and she was in there with me you know maybe it is true i think it is soon oh they got me young and said oh lord so sad that they're left over uh let's follow some people uh rey is just standing around she might be broken um oh no there she goes there she goes there she goes again am i kill tina down here how the hell did you get below me jun how the hell did you get below me i saw you enter electrical to top and suddenly you were below me busted june he's trolling did you swoop and go thank you lord thank you for the four months he's actually eternal no i'm not trying i'm gonna be following him around uh jay thank you so much for the prime scott otter thank you for the three months no no no bailey thank you for the song guys listen to me listen to me listen to me okay june entered electrical through top entrance i saw him following me so i ran and went to the bottom and i went straight up to uh electrical from the the towards the entrance that he entered into i was trying to sneak to cameras and he comes in below me what june hello how did you get there am i disconnecting is there an engineer chat is broken for me uh-oh oh is there actually edison yeah notes right now uh-huh and c what the hell is happening that's what i'm saying did you oh lord though okay i think i'm just being paranoid you're just scared no it's just the way that he said it i did the lights you know when you're no no here's the thing wait is my stream it's still open don't vote i think it actually is june cause last round listen this is the natural classic imposter syndrome when you want to defend yourself you say the most crewmate thing you can't but you don't really give any more details i've heard too many people say yeah i do the lights but i did the lights that's all june said you guys are talking there i think chrome just broke on my computer i said other things you were you were in electrical and then when i don't know why the lights on i saw wendy in there and she said she didn't see me i'm not trying to defend june at all but to be fair there was nine people alive and he did since no one else claimed that it took a long time like literally i was afraid to do anything and then no one was fixing it so i went to the license fixture he said i'm doing them myself all right you know what my computer is freezing everything's crashing out you check out it all right wait people actually voted you wait two different ways oh [ __ ] it's ridiculous who would do that i think my computer's about to crash is that it did it do it i can't i can't i can't click obs i can't click my icons i can't click anything and i don't hear anybody anymore am i still alive so i can't click anything i'm still alive i don't hear anybody i can i i'm still on my phone but everything is like crashed and broken and you can even see my mouse like spinning well what do i do about this yo uh oh oh oh where's the body oh i can't control [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Jacksepticeye Archive
Views: 257,670
Rating: 4.9490299 out of 5
Id: lcq-yMABeU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 36sec (6336 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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