LADY DIMITRESCU LICKED MY HAND | Resident Evil Village - Part 2

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eliza uh judy what was your name again rachel are you okay i know your dad's dead um but there's no need to be messing over that now all right are you in love with this truck what's happening start engine what can i use my family photo to start the engine oh by the way welcome back everybody to uh resident evil village uh otherwise known as resident evil 8 i don't know why they're calling it village i haven't seen a village yet all right right right right we burnt the whole village burnt village everyone's dead dad's dead you can't you can't get dad back we're looking for the tall buba lady do you know two meters tall goes by the name lady demetrescu um it could be demotresque it could be anything really all i know is big mommy milkers hmm yeah lots of fire i fire down this way too yeah just thought i'd let you know oh kitchen let's cook some meth why am i opening all these drawers and there's nothing in them nice soup shotgun ammo ah no no no no no no now is not the time to be putting land mines on the ground we'll wait oh someone's making frogs in here can i take the lamp what's the point of any of this found it oh i can examine it in more detail where are you going where are you going you leaving frame oh oh oh [Music] and a screwdriver which also might double as a lock pick take the screwdriver out of the keyring if you needed i already figured that part out i'm a gamer i'm very smart high iq the fire's moving fast but not as fast as me i'm as fast as [ __ ] we still got asthma cheers though your help what are you thinking step back we can bust out with this i'm a bust jesus back her up there johnny let me back up again the fire there isn't any time the fire she's spreading that's a very impressive fire effect oh oh grab on hurry wait where's the shot gonna go that you killed your dad with don't worry and try not to breathe in the smoke i know thank you ethan kind kind of what i hope your family is safe i do too once we get out of here maybe you'll get to meet them damn your wife got shot to death in front of you that'd be good you have a baby that's it am i allowed to move come on it'll hold it'll hold for now but she's going out in a hurry there that's our way out thank god god then the village is still full of monsters we can't fight them there's too many hey hey don't talk like that we'll find a safe house to put you in until i can find my daughter get a hold of yourself linda she's in that old castle no the place is full of nothing but blood and death and i don't want to be alone while you're father oh hey dad elena no that's not him not anymore drop kick him he said my name father wait it's not safe oh god oh elena stay there come on give me your hand ethan go save your daughter don't give up reach for me he's dead just jump god linda come on man why is everyone dying on me honestly i don't know ethan this is just too much honestly you're kind of a liability i feel like your daughter's probably better off without you that's kind of messed up to say all right i just don't get it me neither honestly how can she be that tall with that much boob i don't know hopefully we find her we can ask her some questions this place is going mad why the [ __ ] is this happening again [ __ ] nice we're outside ah beautiful fresh air or two and me long spice take a [ __ ] you deserve it buddy there keep the smell in you know how to say you light a candle to get rid of the smell well i've lit several well that went well um oh i get it is it just me or does it look like a face corn there is a face doing that well oh johnny hey there you stop right there sir [Music] was that mother miranda where'd his body go she pulverized him johnny where'd you go oh [ __ ] it anyway why does everyone keep dying around me open the castle gate don't mind if i yes oh all granny's here again what's up yes death has visited them all uh-huh it's like she's trying to make the skeleton laugh uh that's funny yeah but i saw someone dying like five minutes ago two actually anyway so what you've been up to got our traitors i'll go on ahead you catch up all right you put the demon face in like so and into the castle yeah you better run oh oh can i is this something this feels like it's something the yellow rope the gamer in me wants to go oh we're going in although the yellow rope road does it just end there well god damn it i was looking for secrets i'm a gamer it's what we do oh come on really nothing give me something for my troubles here my ankles are cold and granny's got arthritis damn this looks good the lighting in this game is really excellent stuff like the textures are pretty good but when you get up close to them it's like but overall as a visual package this is it folks oh moonshine drink to forget your troubles like i am i've been drink i'm drinking whiskey i didn't think i would be recording another episode tonight so i was like you know what let's just chill out well well whoa i don't think anyone was left you must be pretty tough huh yes [ __ ] are you oh you're not local even better [Applause] excuse me mother miranda is gonna love you [Music] this dude's got telekinesis wait you're whining we're almost there i didn't open my mouth his voice is different than i thought it would be i saw a picture of him before the man is of no real use to anyone else and my daughters do so love entertaining foreign [Music] [Music] where you mean you'll screw around with them in private where's the fun in that give them to me and i'll put on a show that everybody big tall lady so gauche what do we care for bread and circuses the man thinks suffering is assured yeah cause a man's dick is cut off in the castle blah blah blah please don't cut my dick off i've heard all your arguments some of you were less persuasive than others but i've made my decision heisenberg the man's fate is in your hands mother miranda i must protest heisenberg is but age devotion to you is questionable hi give the mortal to me and i will ensure he is ready shut your damper and don't be a sore loser you'll find your food somewhere else quiet now child adults are talking i'm the child you're the one who's arguing with miranda's decision she wouldn't know responsibility if it was wealthy oh keep glory one day your head might actually fake your ego don't i get a say in this science my decision is final there will be no argument remember from whence you came thank you don't leave icons and gentlemen we thank you for waiting and now let the games begin [Applause] is he the big werewolf dude ethan get ready no way okay i don't like this three oh just [ __ ] jump ethan you dropped like four feet what's the alternative to die there just [ __ ] go jesus christ did you see her though big boob a lady the two meter goddess did you see her ethan in all her glory let's go punch anything any secrets secrets secrets am i in the minds of maurya oh jesus what is happening oh god oh i have to figure this out quickly but my brain's stinky the boards kick them god i'm a [ __ ] genius [ __ ] hi nice pics you've been working out oh the whole thing is coming down i thought it was just that area so i took my time oh we get to see the boomer lady again what is a weird little doll lady mother miranda a testicle face and eisenberg he wasn't making any mess jesus christ oh i have to do all this again sorry lads i can't admire the packages today i gotta get out of here i'm a crowd here we go did he say that last time you're truly as strong as they say as i died oh my god i can hide here there's like a gap i think wait does that save me i feel like that should have killed me i'll take it i'll take anything at this point the boxes were a red herring wait do those freaks have rows okay all right not today sucker boy oh well that was nice eh stop oh it didn't fare too well did you buddy yeah dumbass you did never respawn it's easy when you're a gamer idiots do they just keep sacrificing people in this place i'm [ __ ] up oh lord look at those calves ethan winters working out gonna get strong calves to the boob lady hey this is where i was before wait so they they kind of just let me go right like there's something in the the suffering and the walking around and all of that and the fear whoa damn these locales are so awesome to look at like every area has something awesome they say awesome twice that's how awesome it is oh you thought that but you didn't say it there's no sound a goat oh wait i just have my stuff huh okay kind of feel like you probably should have taken those away from me just saying oh oh the merchant i've been waiting for you mr winters how do you know my name anyone who is anyone has heard of the likes of you a hero searching for his daughter you're a big lad though i must say that castle arouses suspicion yeah and so do you i am but a humble merchant here oh forgive my manners call me the duke now to business weapons ammunition healing salves anything you desire i can provide what are you buying you wish to make a purchase you wish to make a purchase um gotten some new stock i would love gun upgrades honestly eight thousand four thousand six thousand never mind i'm poor i'm a poor little man there's no point buying this stuff oh but a hair trigger customizable shotgun great increases rate of fire yeah see this is very resident evil 4 if you've ever played that learn how to make sniper rifle i'm using the crafting menu okay i don't have a sniper yet extra baggage 10 000. i'm such a poor little man i can't buy anything i mean i can buy ammo and stuff but that's a waste oh i can sell yes how do i yes crystal skull yes that's good right i assume i sell those to think i would buy such things oh you have a cool voice to think i would buy such things uh i'm a capacity reload speed rate of fire see the power is what i want to be going for unfortunately you don't seem to have the funds for that unfortunately it would appear so yes um i'll save pay me no mind have a wonderful adventure okay thank you and an absolute unit of a lad thank you oh we're going into the castle okay scary they want to upgrade my shotgun doesn't look like he takes that out too quick i get somebody else's hands that comes in we should come across the demo section soon i think could rose be here those are not the vampire lady sisters where's the big booba january 5th rednick delivery of one male three females january 28th mother miranda meeting with mistress dimitrescu she said it as well in the middle of the conversation that they were all having with the little skelly doll and i still missed it the duke business discussions the duke oh my god that pot breaking sound could not be more generic that was like the most stock ass sound effect for a vaz these i have a knife wait what's through here how much did i pick up oh 500 i thought it was 5 000. nothing happens oh something happens i get upset damn this architecture is so nice to look at what do you think george where is the tall booba lady how would i ever find her again that's not that way george i'll see you later if i see the boobas i'll let you know oh tall lady i'm here to be stepped on [Music] and a ton of money i'm breaking all your [ __ ] come find me oh no i'm downstairs if only there was some tall lady to come step on me man you're not her that could be her or that could be me in five minutes wow so impressive master angels blinded get oh [ __ ] i thought vampires are supposed to be bats not bees no lord oh no oh no oh [ __ ] mother i bring you fresh prey you are so kind to me daughters oh no i'm hurt now let's take a look at him wow well ethan winters you escaped my little brother's idiot games did you let's see how special you wow yes mother you're amazing [Music] starting to go a little still then let's devour his man flesh quickly mother i am the one who captured him now now daughters first i must inform mother miranda but later well there will be enough for everyone she's so tall she's actually massive what are you doing [Music] oh no i'm trapped oh no i'm being i'm being bondaged oh if only there's a tall boob lady to come get me well ethan you're really [ __ ] on this one oh god no no what is wrong with you i'm beginning to think you like this dude you're missing fingers vampires not witches oh the magic juice the magic gwyneth paltrow juice nice nice nice video games you good okay we're good holy crap first of all nice good intro to those characters i like that a lot um this like decor and the way the light bounces off the specular surfaces like all the gold gets like ray trace uh lighting bounced off of it it's very impressive and then the light just kind of like pools in these areas so cool can i oh no i don't want to go out yet crimson glass all righty oh yeah sit by the fire oh yeah oh yeah i'm getting my redness melted out of my head oh boobers big honkies [ __ ] your plates you know [ __ ] everything in your house i don't care how old your plates are you hurt me and not in the way i wanted boom is that some lingerie lying around nice kinky gloves an easy to pick lock you keep saying that but i don't have any picks you can't craft them can we no you guys really should check your flues it's like from the other side maidens of the harvest okay nope i must get it i must get oh what i didn't mean to break that one but i'll take it break the plate damn it all right here we go rats oh i sure hope a big lady doesn't come and find me as i'm escaping that would be awful anyone murray a maroon eye ring hey it's mia and her lost child what if it's like mia is mother miranda and this is all just a ploy could be although she didn't sound like her the indestructible pots fellas finally something in one of these jesus you think this game has dynamic difficulty that's a lot of boobers all right you can go that way but i can also go this way oh alrighty then i have my knife and i'm not afraid to use it all right what are we putting these i can't use that here what did it say after blind that's the angel's blinded gaze and only then will you be saved you need to keep that text on screen for a little while longer like i'm not the fastest reader in the world but jesus it's like four pieces missing one piece missing three and then two let's have a look around my god this looks good oh yeah this is the area where i ran into the the buzzard lady [ __ ] your pots steal my blood steal your fortune [ __ ] all right that one can stay i don't feel too bad about that [ __ ] your teapot well hey is it just showing me that they drink blood because i i know that they did it to me ah yes feel the retinal burn oh yeah get my face nice and hot for the other side i again i seriously love how this looks it's like nice ornamented wood like the art direction in this game is [ __ ] nuts that's off to the people who worked on this like all of this detail work is astonishing the wine room this is where i talked about human wine yes yes quite the wide-making techniques of castle limitation can be traced as far back as the 15th century long before the current occupants of the castle al cena damage that's just a [ __ ] mess of a word uses this legendary yet peculiar technique to enrich the white's flavor intensity and bestow it with a thicker bouquet it's called blood they're killing people her best vintage is sangui virginia meaning maiden's blood it is kept in a special ornate bottle decorated with intricate silver flowers wow good for you good for you can't use that here all right looks like a gravy boat [ __ ] you looking at sorry i'm on age i've sort of been attacked overnight george oh you're not george what what what's happening someone's here oh you need the eye oh right right right right right um examine and then i can do this [Music] i did this already i'm still forgetting look it's been a while surprise pikachu face i can't believe you opened the door like that oh god bees lady [ __ ] ew can you wait a little longer can i hide can i oh whoops no stop there you go this is it this is this is the way i don't know if i should be here [ __ ] god ethan you can take somebody june 9th 1958 it was my first day working at the castle today i was most shocked to see the other staff were all women the mistress and her daughters were very adamant that they wouldn't bite it was quite peculiar it is it's been two weeks since i started working at the castle i'm a little afraid one week working at lady demotress who's castle another maid adella made a mistake and miss daniela slash her face with a knife and at night i can hear wailing as if ghosts roamed the halls i want to go home i would i don't know what to do the young ladies were complaining it was too hot and stuffy during dinner so i opened the window just to crack shut it shut it now they all shrieked at me in unison i fear i may be taken down into the cellar never to be seen again i don't know what to do i don't know what to do i would just leave silently at some point and never come back that's what i do we caught her in her element [Music] it's so weird like i know she's tall we've seen it all the time but to actually see her in the environment walking around if there's something so because you're used to seeing a human like doors are designed for human size human humans of all sizes but we kind of hit sort of a like a mean average at some point but she's so tall it's like she's not cartoonishly large it's just enough for your brains like hold on a second something's wrong it's really cool and she just got the booba you know stop that human mind is it ah yes jeffrey a fine year esmeralda you've gone bad very bad and i like it that way here's all the lads going at it for battle for plenty bites fair play fair play trust in light oh can i actually knock it that way i don't think i can or maybe huh i can run away she goes okay now come back and then okay sometimes it doesn't work physics are a little off and as it goes yeah thank you whoever wrote this it's very nice of you i want to trust in light again please oh i forgot you had that um sort of rorschach painting what do you guys see i see myself in hell does that mean something no it looks like a little man i know it's supposed to but it's covered in dry blood oh my [ __ ] blood you're not getting any more of my blood let's face it ethan's gonna get [ __ ] up many more times in this game oh cute little faces and a pig help me brother i don't even know who you are okay shit's gonna get wild down here for it's sure to get booked [ __ ] wild okay i thought i locked me in anything come on all of this [ __ ] everywhere and you're not letting me pick up anything these all look like things they should be able to pick up finally arena robust appetite mahala robust appetite lowest robust appetite ingrid unstable overly alerted times you making vampires oh jesus well they just gave up on that texture didn't they oh hell no there's some sort of like snake person down here this reminds me of dark souls wherever it is they're getting the full 12 gauge treatment don't do that [ __ ] getting jump scared by items [Music] oh [Applause] what are you [ __ ] dead oh this sinks oh this stinks what are you guys oh please tell me you die though i have a ton ammo back it on up now back it on up nice [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] hi see that [ __ ] flick pick up that axe whoa whoa they don't enter dust so much money are they like the results of the experiments that they're doing oh piper oh wow i wonder if i could like yeah much better i tried to block [ __ ] you bro [ __ ] you particularly can i see up your skirt i see butt cheeks i say oh i forgot to turn into dust all right that's a far more effective way of dealing with it well not effective but which is the way i came from this way okay not more effective but a far more better use of my uh i'm saying words that i just don't want to follow up on you know you know what i mean oh my five fingers oh [ __ ] oh this guy's sick though oh ingrid's necklace [ __ ] you think she'll need that dude pick up a sword oh this sword turns to dust as well maybe you guys are being like kept alive whoosh [ __ ] this i ain't got [ __ ] time for this i'm eating winters i got a move a lady to see [ __ ] you bro okay do you think i could climb in the hole that the other dude climbed out of last time i want to go back and check i was gonna say maybe they're being kept alive like prolonged and then when i actually kill them their true age shows and they age up pretty quick like here can i go through here no good to know i'm not missing anything let's go boy clean your face right in your [ __ ] face ow wait my [ __ ] face nice nice nice nice nice that's fun i like that i missed that from resi four one of the big selling points for resi4 was that the enemies would actually react to what you shoot like their legs and their hands and their knives that they throw through the air and i really miss that this is cool um i'm okay on health i'm not gonna like need those items for something else am i like i'm using all my scrap and my chems and everything for these two uh maybe in the future but for right now this works i really have no items to open up anything do i okay piggy i can't believe cassandra caused all this mess uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh the peas not the bees break the wall ah [ __ ] ow no [ __ ] me or don't because it looks like it would hurt from you but seriously don't it was just a joke i'm sorry i'm sorry bullets cannot harm it you stupid man thing man thing i won't forgive you can i actually hurt her when she's in this [ __ ] get off me a wild york you tease that eye oh [Music] i don't know if i'm supposed to be doing anything else i'm so confused oh stop stop stop stop stop stop it stop it oh maybe just that i'm sick of fighting i'm sick of fighting you i don't know what i'm doing behave you what am i supposed to do what am i supposed to do [ __ ] i should have killed you sooner uh probably huh i think she's actually taking damage honestly come this way it worked nice i was doing the right thing i started beast up each whoa look at your whole body damn okay nice that's the thing with resident evil fights or at least fights like this i always feel like i'm not doing the right thing like fighting the bug lady mom in seven it's like am i shooting the right thing well they had obvious weak spots but this one's like i don't know if i'm doing the right thing and then you're worried that you're wasting your ammo but hell yeah gamers keep gaming well listen this is just a veritable smorgasbord of [ __ ] another one was sent to the seller she only had she had only spilled some soup i i take a hand for that honestly everyone knows what happens when you're sent to the cellar you're never seen again they drain your blood your soul curse to wander the halls i went looking for her and when i found her she was just skin and bones and gnawing on a rat carcass i suspect it'll be my turn next look just don't spill soup i'll spill soup and we'll all be fine [Music] i'll have you on bread please oh upgrade yes knew it uh hell yeah i love that i love upgrades um so what did that do a small easy smell of average firing power customizable power for increased firepower okay nice i need some lockpicks man lockpick i'm coming wait is it a one time use oh man wouldn't an angel statue okay does that have like things on the back oh i thought i would have like things on the back i thought i had to go into like the slots of the statues to have like three four or two whatever okay whoa that's a cool effect wait is this where i tried to go out the door and big booba lady gets me lady bubatrescu don't have that yet okay not yet folks not yet i'm expecting all these like come alive and start dancing like beauty and the beast ah we're back here cool this is bloodborne and dark souls stop doing that except now i don't really know where i'm going um what's this oh that's just the main thing oh wait let's see if does the wooden angels touch you go on any of these no all right look for rows in the castle so we have a room up here that's still locked room to the right of the entrance hall wait i'm all turned around let's see if we can actually oh we meet again you're so big in the environment as well why are you here so tall there's coin to be made and have you found your daughter not quite if she is truly here the lady of the castle would have kept little rose in her private chambers would she not tell me teresque why don't you take a look maybe you'll get lucky and speaking of looking care to make a purchase what are you buying oh good i was just thinking of ways to pass the time i've procured some new items for you mr winters okay um i feel like i can probably just sell these like these are just for selling like they're valuables to sell uh let me check finished are you sure you have everything white mineral found in this region could be could probably sell it valuable valuable valuable valuable yeah these are all just sellable items so that it's elise so that dude i want to make so much money [ __ ] yeah um and then we buy i've gotten some new stock wait why can't i buy any of these hello select weapon to upgrade oh wait oh that's weird i can go over them but i have to click them okay we'll get firepower for both of these unless i'm actually going to get a new version of both of these uh what next rate of fire isn't really a problem reload speed probably these hands are more dexterous than one might think oh [ __ ] maybe i should have bought more storage [ __ ] if i didn't buy that last upgrade it would have been fine i mean i'm not i'm not hurting on storage yet actually but um i'll save a little for now have a wonderful adventure thank you god everything needs a key item i shall save dookie boy oh she'll save right there um all right down this way that's straight across i forgot i was doing does this just mean that there's something else in all right it just means there's something else worth doing in these rooms right oh i could pick up this in the kitchen the blood sangui virginia that's what we read about a vintage bottle of wine ornamented with intricate silver flowers it looks like it was bottled a long time ago okay but what does it go on i've already read it and now just forget does it go on the the little thing next to the merchant let me check can't use that here okay no you know what i think this is a good place to leave it off honestly we've we've played for a while we got some good stuff done we got the introduction to a lot of characters um and dimitressk i learned how to pronounce it finally i liked imatresco better honestly um but i i really really like this so far so my combat's a little wonky again still it doesn't feel super satisfying to do and again those fights it's like oh god am i doing the right thing i have no idea half the time but overall so [ __ ] good i love the characters i love how kind of cartoonish and over the top everything is prime example um it's just fun it doesn't take itself too seriously but just serious enough that you can kind of like get into the atmosphere of it and i think this is some of the best atmosphere that any resi game has had so far just the the aesthetic of it alone is extremely consistent so really big fan of that but anyway that's going to do it for this episode thank you guys so much for watching it don't forget to leave a like on it if you did helps me out a lot also don't forget to subscribe if you want to keep up to date for all of these episodes coming out every single day but until tomorrow i will see you then
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,938,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, resident evil, resident evil 8, resident evil village, resident evil 8 jacksepticeye, lady dimitrescu, vampire lady, tall lady
Id: vUImKcUYcj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 8sec (3488 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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