Why is he just standing there…

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foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] Ty ladies my name is Jacksepticeye and welcome back to another fantastic chillers art horror game we've had some immense scares and atmosphere over the last few that we've played and I'm very excited because next on The Chopping Block is night delivery I feel like that was appropriate since the last time we were at a convenience store and I was doing everything there and people kept coming in and giving me packages at night time and I was like who has this job delivering packages past midnight apparently we're going to find out in classic chillaz art fashion it's after Dark and I'm the only one around Delivery Man oh my God my headphones were turned way up all right use Mouse wasd for movement interact that dude that's way too confusing how am I gonna remember that okay I can't see anything and my camera is again he's at these god-awful high sensitivities Chiller does when they're making that art okay do I why are my eyeballs VHS filters am I a camera wait do I have to deliver something this is my last stop after I deliver these five packages I'm done for today excellent deliver this package yes Package C get it out the door what is it PlayStation I don't know what it is tab to open your up your inventory you can also switch items using your mouse scroll sick room 206 package okay that could be anything that could be like that could be top of the morning coffee inside that box it better be um all right room 206 I can do this how hard is it to be a delivery person huh you get the package I'm out no I'm out what even is that okay it's fine nothing to worry about 101 okay 206. logically dictate that it's upstairs I went to delivery school for that 202 203 making progress I can count two hours this is not a scathing indictment of anybody who does delivery work as a job by the way uh this is entertainment what I do here in this box is entertainment uh it's jokes sometimes I tell them that people don't laugh and then they don't think they're jokes but I assure you they are they're just probably very bad so that's what I'm rolling with on this one it's uh being a delivery worker is a very hard job and having to deal with people over and over again when most of them are probably not at home and then you have to figure out what to do with the package and he's all right all those payslips I couldn't do it legitimately I couldn't but I'm gonna find out if I can hello um should I do either of these it's the dead of night I don't know whatever ding dong hello anybody I shouldn't be looking in your windows I'm sorry that's disrespectful you have a package it probably could have waited till morning okay they're getting they're getting more exclamatory as I go so let's try oh I can't do it now oh Jesus hi is that water it better be oh you took way too long get the hell out of my face dude gotta stay hydrated all right Hydro homies for Life yeah I'm rocking a pH 7.2 in mine what's yours tasted for myself my God ugh he takes hydration seriously geez I'm not wanting to like point out how to do your job especially when I'm not actually trained on it in real life um but if you're delivering the packages here wouldn't it have made more sense to bring all of them one trip unless you get paid by the hour then that's really smart can you cut it out and you're just leaving your van open you're just asking for stuff to get stolen package B acardi say uh going back to what I said like I make jokes in these videos but a lot of them are not going to land there's going to be one person out there laughing at everything I do that's not the type of person I want either okay I have to work for my comedy please don't just laugh at everything I do like that's great but um I need to I need to work for it I need to like learn and evolve what is this room 502 I don't gotta climb stairs and stuff being a delivery person sucks I'm probably gonna get stabbed was this three oh God I keep getting terrified by garbage bags in these games why is that doing that to me I probably could have walked around the garbage bags but that's fine okay I can't go that way got very windy up here on the third floor I'm not used to being this high up I don't know if I'd make it back down the altitude sickness is kicking in oh there's a lift don't mind if I yes well I'm gonna die in this uh fight please come on now shouldn't there not be a four in this one all the stereotypical knowledge I learned about Japan before said that there was no fours in the elevators here I don't know how much that's enforced though 502 I was 502 yeah ding dong I know I'm a piece of [ __ ] for waking you up at night time pass like 6 p.m here if a package comes from Amazon lays they don't ring the doorbell or anything foreign in this building look like a ghost sorry did I wake you what you got is that a garden thanks I have a reward for your great service you love cats too don't you sure take it and be gone do you give me a tin of cat food what oh I clicked on her too quick again I got more cat food protein that'll keep me going tonight oh haven't had dinner yet we're good to know cat food who knows maybe I'll find a cat maybe a demon or something will show up and I can feed a cat food to get rid of it like a night of this as well aren't I uh 401 I can probably deliver the cat food as well to you as well stupid ass air conditioner walking by like donkey ass sounding that sounded like that air conditioner just made fun of me all right I'm taking the lift this time my legs are tired plus I can't go past three if I knew this was here I would have taken to Pat really this is this is like a cumulative effort this isn't just like one person left a bag here that's a lot of bags fine I'll go up and walk down I hate it here ding dong huh whoa hey bro what's up I'm scared I might the only one aren't you scared dude what are we scared of you smoking weed before I came you look dude you look faded AF GH it's not real dude it's just a paranoia kicking in this whole place it's like I'm coming a part of them remind Ed uh-huh dude nice jeans oh me I haven't left the room and I don't know and I stopped Counting oh right you're here for a package I don't know if I can trust you and and your parcel just yet here take a poll of this talk to the priest okay it might as well have been I can't trust you until you talk to the priest he said he lives in apartment number 105. the priest sure I'll just go talk to the priest I'll be right back I did not sign up for this I'm pretty sure that you can't just say that to a delivery person I think they just leave the package at your doorstep or they take it with them again I don't think it's up to me to have to deal with this I say 105 ding dong priest there's no priest here hi you're a Happy Fella I see michiru sent you here I'm the local priest say no more fam praise be I can sense that the package is cursed but I need to make an offering first before I can perform any sanctification on the object you're not going to kill a golden from me are you monetary that is oh you're like an actual priest then just bribes should I go back to meet you and ask him for money I'm not giving you money I need cash before I can form any sanctification on the object ah a true man of the cloth and by cloth oh will water do you a hydro homie you want this any cash could I interest you in some cat food michiru he um he said I needed to talk to you about money yeah he's not your weed dealer is he you spoke to the priest directly yeah how lucky you are I've only exchanged words through the door intercom so he needs money why of course what the priest says is always right here give this to him make sure to give it to him ASAP I don't want the priest to be waiting any longer dude I'm taking this as a tip I'm leaving oh we're really high up now I'll shoot sickness oh God so much air and it's so clean oh here we are back down in ground level where I keep thinking that's a person back down on ground level for the air is filthy just like me all right I have your money let me double check the amount wait what can't possibly be enough do you know how much my gambling God needs does meet you really think he can get away with this I don't know I'm a delivery person I'm not a middleman hey the prey said it needs more money hey keep it down I don't care if I woke you up I'm gonna start breaking some legs I'm gonna get my money one way or another meat you know how much this is gonna cost what it wasn't enough forgive me priest I hope this much will help this is all I've got this month I have to ask my parents to give me more if he sends me back up one more time that's it I'm just ending the video here you go swindler let me double check the amount wait oh that's enough barely that is dude I'm just here to deliver a package now I'll forgive him this time anyway pass on Holy Spirit is Sanctified now let us begin the ritual did his face just do a weird thing am I going crazy done whew that took a lot out of me let's go away rude all right your season one collection of Beyblades are now free of demons I this is really weird I keep expecting almost like go up that elevator and it just never ends like the elevator just keeps going way longer than it's supposed to that would be trippy there you go these are my little ponies forgive me priest I'm ready to take the package now you don't say that to a priest now go away well let's hope that the rest of the packages that I have to deliver are not nearly as steeped in deep lore should be getting double time for this don't don't do it think you can make fun of me with that donkey laugh of yours big package little package I'll do the big package first take it easy on myself at the end you know it's like a reward surely this is fine right don't be bags nice okay what do I say zero five um night shift socks hello ding dong I don't care anymore wake up wake up oh hell no hello oh God oh God it's so dark can I like can I just just a little bit you know just just a smidge because I think it's very dark for you guys to even see at home oh God that legit like gave me shivers I can't move I'll be right there the [ __ ] you will I can't move oh I can't move any further in oh what is wrong with you oh my God don't do that to me wait could you just like stay there just right there yeah that's a good thumbnail thank you look I'm I'm working here why are you like this what is that hey what are you doing that package it's a bed frame you're gonna help me build it right no no I you are oh my God I'm not getting paid enough for this set up the bed frame sure probably an altar for the Antichrist people in this crazy building dude this is red flags everywhere sure I'll push a little deeper into the no is that blood [Music] excuse me [Music] she comes in she's just like I was just making soup upstairs it's spilled I need to get out of here that's it I'm done I'm done and where'd she go ways your house texture's weird no I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out bye I'm not staying in I didn't think it would get worse than priests and Mr Weed oh she's gonna kill me she's absolutely going to kill me get down the bottom of the shaft the elevator and Jack we're falling at 53 miles an hour we good did this oh was that always there the paranoid is kicking in I'm getting secondhand weed I did so many weed back there at least two okay package a that that was not always there no that's new 202. freaking out man oh a cat I have cat food yeah oh you gotta open it that gets me the good ending right I'm a good samaritan what do you want was I not supposed to feed the cat okay I got a better look at him I turned the VHS filter off I keep forgetting to do that so it's easier for you guys at home to watch because the the filter messes with the bitrate of the video without light with something else oh he's so cute whoa kohe how are you doing how's the new apartment in the previous apartment you had to move because the residents there weren't so kind to you is it okay this time before there were people who made a fool of themselves without about disabilities and Welfare right I said it many times before you weren't the bad one don't blame yourself also don't be impatient about getting a job Koh hey you're my son you'll be okay things will get better mom that's nice I mean sucks that you lived in an apartment that was messing with you before but is it are you 202 you're 202 throw it at him yay right in the face is he gonna be gone I played horror games before I know how this song and dance works one of this guy's a ghost or something ding dong hey get the hell out of here as quick as I can oh no it's a good scene that's bad oh oh hey oh run away baby did should I have to go get him don't I what no God night delivery baby delivery where'd you go kid let me check up before I go down baby maybe he's down here hiding around the corner babies are smaller they'll fit anywhere did you let your baby run away he learned to walk yesterday and I was running all over the place oh that's a demon baby you hiding in the trash where you belong okay don't worry ma'am I'll find your baby and throw him back up yo priest you seen a child he's about the size of a spood looks like one as well I know he's probably not around here but I just like exploring oh maybe actually oh Fox oh I don't have food for you no because I've given you the food oh water nice kohe have you got used to the new environment you said you were doing your best to get along with everyone in the apartment did you get along well I know that you are very kind I hope other people can feel that too start with one person first also it's okay to work slowly you tend to think pessimistically try to think positive that'll work thanks Mom by the way how's the dog aiikichi was it show me the dog next time okay Mom yeah work at your own pace life's not a race bro is that baby somewhere here well I'm glad he came here now because I found the dog yo baby oh I can Crouch oh there's multiple places this baby could be now I'm gonna send that kid right back to baby jail once I find him I'm a punt him drop kick him back up into the apartment I wouldn't really look I'm nice to kids hey what the is that kohe hey Koh hey wait up maybe the baby's in the trash no no babies are trash just not in the trash right got it every time they're just getting your van and go home it's not your responsibility heck yo whoa oh I didn't know I could do that could the baby have gone up floors that's a that's a strange sentence I feel like I just missed wherever the baby was oh what hello if the baby's in there good luck to you good luck to that baby that baby's gonna need far more patience than I have right now oh my God that was the worst one yet this door's open no did the baby going to the creepy girl's apartment I can't remember which one that was oh it was this one [Music] why are there paintings of fridges everywhere is it a fridge [Music] oh my God no did you put the baby in the fridge [Music] again another sentence I never thought I would say [Music] oh no [Music] oh no [Music] oh God oh God this is legit giving me goosebumps hello [Music] I hated here I hated here I hate my job [Music] I hate everything about this [Music] baby oh [Music] where'd you go kiddo [Music] I think they're moving doors are closing stuff's happening [Music] hi [Music] oh [ __ ] out of here the [ __ ] out of here holy God you're safe baby I'm holding the baby like a football I'm telling you just I if we get in trouble if something comes at me like a ghost I I am instinctively throwing a baby I will instinctively throw the child it's not in my nature to do that we just don't know what happens when ghosts are showing up before was she on three or two no no take the baby take the baby please oh put the baby to the wall did the baby go no it is what I said foreign what is going on why is my van here where's the place covered in ladders help this is [ __ ] [Laughter] there you go take all the packages with you now I gotta claim this like a Mario versus Donkey Kong level look at them spin okay uh 202 and 206. so second floor first I just wanted to deliver some packages that's all I wanted to do that that was all I had planned for today wait are the stairs still here yes nope apparently my character is like chill with this can't get to any of them this is the true nightmare of a delivery driver you get to an apartment you're like how do I navigate any of these what was the five package 502 hey that's here today I gave a cat can to Erica in room 502 I also have a dog so I wish I could get along well she told me I was disgusting but I believe there were no bad people who love animals I was hurt but oh no [Music] are we going to read The Diary Diary entries of kohe [Music] kohe what did you do did you kill all the people in this apartment complex I thought I could get along with michiru-san in room 401 since we were close in age I've never seen him out of his room I decided to visit him he gave me a bowl to smoke he finally came out for the third time I don't think anyone can get along with someone like you he said that's it and the door closed immediately harsh but then again michiru's he's giving money to priests I don't know if I trust him 206. at night Mr Takeo in room 206 was carrying a box filled with beer cans I said do you mind me helping why the [ __ ] are you even trying to help if you have time to help you shouldn't be on welfare you're just a burden to society said Mr takayo what I wonder if people around me think that way [Music] this is getting heavy I I have an awful feeling that we're gonna find his dead body at the end of this and everything I've been seeing of him is like a ghost Harissa in room 305 is a student she's also a part-timer at the nearest convenience store no does it connect I Can Tell She's a hard worker and I respect that when I thought she wouldn't say hello when we passed each other for the first time this morning she said are you stalking me you ugly [ __ ] I wasn't stalking dude this is messed up it's not connected because this is a different building and location but I like to think last one the baby was walking outside this morning he is adorable that is mariko's child in room 202 as soon as Marico noticed me looking at her son she grabbed her son and took him inside the house please stay away from my son am I like a germ to her so basically you move to this new place and everyone hated you what do we use the money for I didn't deliver anything at the first floor maybe you have to give the money to the priest again what this morning I saw yukichi in room 105 walking he seems to be a priest and I thought he was a kind person so I went to talk what is the weak person doing I don't want to see it just useless without money never show up in front of me again he said maybe he was in a bad mood no dude these people are all just [ __ ] what is that Grudge noise what nothing works [Music] oh my God what was that I didn't even get to see it oh oh my God no no no no oh my God that really got me take your demon child no package delivery get out of here get out of here whatever that was that got me looked like someone in like a robe with a knife in their hand I'm annoyed that I missed that wait what is this one for room 404 oh I legit almost had a heart attack during that scared the pages out of me ding dong it gets worse dude you're not gonna seriously go in there are you sure [Applause] welfare document [Applause] oh that silence is deafening foreign no it's the fridge what's in it what are you doing no is it gonna be his head oh my God it says michiru oh my God he killed everybody Kill Them All foreign next what happened oh no landlord 53 dude this is a far cry from a night delivery I'll tell you that the only thing I've delivered is [ __ ] into my Jorts okay so these are rent payments I'm assuming turn off that that's the same one from a convenience store oh okay I guess I have to go check something out and I feel like the person I'm playing as right now was one of those bodies ah yeah we didn't go in there so was this earlier foreign maybe the bags are gone now actually let's try going straight to room or to four or four yeah the bags aren't here now that's a nice detail [ __ ] should I should I be here wait can I go into other apartments no just this one okay I thought I had like the landlord oh we're totally going up to check out that that like tiny Creek in that door open again with the the weird wailing dude it might just be the same thing again for you like closes it oh my God God that's creepy that's not kohe though is it that look like a different person if I'm assuming correctly that kohe moved here made it sound like they have disabilities because they got mistreated for it last time and then coming here and people just mistreated them again the cohes go around and kill everybody oh no oh no yep yep I got attacked I think what is happening [Music] oh is he in a box oh he's in the fridge [Music] was that the fridge he had over him ending two huh oh my God wait what's the other ending then oh that was messed up that was that was great man chill is out you're able to do it every time somehow being able to take like taking the mundane and turning it into something more I think is really cool like um taking like working in a coffee store and then turning it into like this really intense stalker experience and then taking a convenience store job and turning into a really like intense Supernatural experience and then taking this one which is a mundane experience of like I'm mundane meaning like every day like delivery stuff happens all the time but then taking that and doing something with that to really put you on edge is really cool I'm really curious if there's stuff in these games kind of like hidden around like if I go poking at certain aspects of it at certain times will I be able to piece things together a bit better I'm also curious where the timeline of things happened as well because I I was there as a delivery person when everybody else was around and I was able to deliver stuff to them but then it seems like after all of that maybe kohe was like um scoping me out while I was there kind of like hiding around and that's why I could see him up on top of the thing and he was looking at me and then he would run away and then the stuff I saw was like way later with everybody dead because I met like michiru and that definitely looked like them dead on the ground with the hood up interesting hey gav smolders again she's a patreon supporter of chillaz art so she shows up in the credits all the time that's cool there you go patreon I feel like I should actually um I I subscribe to Papa combo on patreon I should do it with children as well because I really love their stuff okay uh this channel called ungodly has all endings uh no commentary so let's take a look at that thank you ungodly read all three notes and exit the apartment before it closes oh thank you oh I I didn't even like [Applause] whoa whoa that's so creepy could you see them through the window she's holding the baby t-posing baby I assume this means that they're all dead and they're like ghosts looking in at you maybe they've always been dead maybe they were dead when I was delivering stuff to them The Delivery Man decided to leave the place he knew what happened at nakayoshi apartment so this seems like the better ending I went to the police with the landlord's passbook The Delivery Man couldn't leave it there the police immediately headed to the apartment and found the body of kohei shiota the landlord was taken and questioned by the police oh okay Yoshi apartment which lost the residence and landlord who protect the house changed its appearance and name I'm still waiting for police to come which lost the residence okay that made it sound like um he killed kohei and that was kind of it oh this person the black Crow's daughter left a comment saying the other tenants in the building looked down on him for being disabled despite him being respectful and kind kohei was then later murdered and his body was stuffed in the refrigerator the landlord who might possibly be the murderer continued to collect the welfare being sent to kohei Kohinoor rage Spirit has cursed the apartment complex and took revenge on those who mistreated him ending one if you escape as the delivery man you report your findings to place in the landlord is punished for his crimes ending two if you fail to escape the delivery man falls prey to kohe's wrath as well as the landlord in the end oh I I had it all backwards then so so in ending one then are they all like looking into the apartment as if to be like like they're in on it kind of kind of confused because I I had it completely one way and then it steered my mind without being able to see it that's oh that's messed up anyway chillaz art does it again what a banger I I really like that they're so fun to play I love that they're just like one-off kind of hour-long two-hour long self-contained little stories you get in you have a couple of good scares good pacing good visuals um it's just they're really really well made and I'm excited to see what they make next I think closing shift was their more recent one yeah that's 19th of March 2022. so that was um way more recent than any of the other ones so we did play the more recent one before um hopefully to make something again soon who knows I'm gonna go support them on patreon they're great I really enjoy their games but for now that's gonna do it for uh night delivery we have a couple of more that we can still do there's another one called ghost train that people highly recommended there was always like convenience store uh night delivery and ghost train where the three that people kept mentioning so I want to play that one next so say subscribe to the channel subscribe right now if you enjoyed this video and stay up to date for whenever that one's going to come out so you can uh see it when it's ready uh and be up to date but until then thank you so much for watching this one and I'll see you next time
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,061,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Id: ne_fx7EIsuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 19sec (2959 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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