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dr death is one of the uk's most notorious and prolific serial killers of all time he was responsible for the deaths of upward of 250 people over the span of 25 years how could this have been going on for so long without anyone finding out so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case today we're going to be talking about dr death aka harold shipman one of the most notorious serial killers this country has ever seen this case is an absolute hupangas one it is massive and so for that exact reason this is gonna be a two-parter so this is part one part two of this case will be out in the next couple of days so if you're not already subscribed maybe you should be and maybe you should put on the little notification bell so you get a notification when part two goes up because i mean you don't want to miss it why would you want to hear the first half of the story and then no more put the notifications on anyway but quickly before we jump into part one of this case i do just 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five for sponsoring this video now quickly before we get into it i do just wanna give my usual disclaimer that i mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that i talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that i'm about to say is just information that i have found on the internet and i'm compiling into one video just a few content warnings before we get into this case and these content warnings will span across both part one and part two so the themes of this video are as follows drug abuse and addiction depression suicide and terminal cancer if any of the above are things that you don't think you can listen to right now that's totally fine please just click out the video look after yourself that is the most important thing go make yourself a cup of tea or something all that being said let's talk about dr death harold frederick shipman was born on january 14 1946 in nottinghamshire england he was the middle child of three his father was also called harold shipman senior and he was junior and so to avoid any confusion harold shipman jr always went by fred but that didn't really stick so for the sake of this video we are gonna be calling him harold harold and all of his siblings were raised protestant christians by their family and they didn't have a lot of money growing up at all his mother didn't work and his father was a full-time truck driver so they were living on just one wage i believe they lived in a council estate that was quite rough it was quite a dangerous place to live but at the end of the day that was all they could afford harold's mother was named vera and she absolutely adored her three children although she kind of had her favorite and that was harold it was kind of a more unspoken favorite but it was definitely there and i think the reason he was the favorite was because he was a little bit more intelligent than the other two and vera had always told her children do well in school work hard study go to university get a good job and get out of this estate she wanted nothing more than for her kids to escape this poverty area that they were in and she knew that her children's key to getting out of their bad financial situation was through education was through their schooling was through them working hard and harold was the one of those three siblings that seemed to be putting the most effort in their mother drilled it in them from the moment they were children that they need to work hard they need to study hard they need to get their head down and harold did exactly that he did the best of all three kids in school he was so dedicated in fact that he actually earned himself a scholarship at a local private grammar school of course his family couldn't afford to send their kids to a private grammar school that was completely out of the question but now harold had earned this scholarship that meant he could go there for free which was great news of course this was like one of the best schools around this meant that he could go to this school get great grades go to a good university and then get a good job and he was doing exactly what his mother prayed her children would do and they were so proud of him the family that harold shipman came from was quite a proud one and they well they liked to brag they liked to brag about their achievements they were a very burstful family they they had almost like an air of entitlement and superiority to them despite not having much just by you know being in quite a bad financial situation they they all had a bit of a god complex it kind of ran in the family in that way and of course harold shipman was the only child on his whole estate that went to a private school because he was from a very poor area no one could afford it and he used this to brag he would pretend to act like his new classmates like all his new classmates were little snobby children because they'd been raised that way by their parents but harold hadn't been raised that way but all of a sudden he was acting that way and everyone knew it wasn't authentic everyone knew that he hadn't been raised like that but you know no one really said anything i mean he was just a kid at the end of the day if a kid wants to talk like a posh kid then he can but because it wasn't nipped in the bud right away because people let him carry on with this like air of superiority and you know almost kind of lying acting as if he is someone that he's not because it wasn't nipped in the bud right away it only got worse and worse and worse it only escalated and soon harold shipman was just like an outright snob he was just a bad guy he didn't want to speak to or associate with anyone that he deemed to be of a lower class or poorer than he was and this caused a lot of issues for him because remember where he lived literally on a countless day saw every single kid that lived near him he deemed as you know too low class or too poor to hang out with him so he ended up with no friends he did this to himself to be fair this was more of an overtime thing it wasn't like he just went to a private school and then suddenly decided to cut off all his poor friends it was like over time he got a taste for like the rich life the high life and then he would go back home to his estate and he'd be like oh you know people eating with their hands and so over time he did become a bit of a like a a relative social outcast i mean he did have friends don't get me wrong he wasn't like a recluse or anything but people didn't really want to hang out with him because he was just a dick and so because he wasn't hanging out with people all that often harold shipman spent a lot of his free time just studying because that was one thing that his mother had drilled into his brain from a child study work hard you know get the good grades and you'll get a good job so if he's got loads of spare time might as well spend it studying and to be fair one of the most important things in harold shipman's life was making his mother proud and if studying and getting you know a good education and a good job would make his mother proud then that's what he wants to spend his time doing because that's the one thing he wants to make sure he does in his lifetime outside of his like school work harold shipman was a very talented athlete he played rugby a lot in fact he was really good at rugby a lot of people said that he was like a completely different person on the pitch versus off the pitch like off the pitch he was quite cool calm collected just you know a normal guy whereas on the pitch he was like some aggressive violent demon which sounds awful but in rugby that's kind of a good thing on the day today he wasn't an aggressive guy at all but the second he started playing rugby he was terrifying i think sport for harold shipman was just kind of a way to get a lot of energy out like he used it as like a release so he did a lot of like high intensity sports like rugby he enjoyed long distance running in fact he used the long distance running to clear his head a lot of the time he used it almost kind of like meditation like self-care one thing i forgot to say about the rugby thing was that he was actually so good at rugby that he made not only his school rugby team but also the nottingham city rugby team but anyway yeah he just really enjoyed sports he was really really good at it and i suppose just overall his childhood his teenage years were just very much the same as a lot of other kids his age his relationships with his siblings were kind of nothing special probably the same as everyone else's relationships with their siblings where you kind of argue and then you're friends again the same day his relationship with his parents was also very normal i mean to be fair maybe his relationship with his mother was a little bit too close yes it was yes it was too close basically his mother vera was like his rock in life she was the only thing in his whole life that had been consistent this whole time friends had come and gone schools had come and gone sports had come and gone but his mother always stayed consistent when life was constantly changing around harold he always had his mother to go to her and she would support him and comfort him and soothe him she was like his best friend and so i mean that relationship never wavered even as he got into adulthood i'm kind of skipping ahead there but he was very very close with his mother they were practically inseparable which like when he was a kid that was cute you know just like this little toddler really needy with his mother well let her go like it's cute but then as he gets into his teenage years it's a bit more uncomfortable it makes people feel weird but i think kind of the overarching thing of this whole relationship was that he just wanted to make her proud that was his number one goal in his whole life he didn't care what career he had he didn't care like where he ended up or where he lived all he wanted was to get out of that state and make his mother proud and he was secretly terrified of letting her down because like i say he felt like she was like the only constant thing he had and so he was terrified to lose her because the second he loses her his whole life would just kind of crumble speaking of when harold shipman was 17 years old his family actually received some devastating news and that was that his mother vera had lung cancer unfortunately it was already at quite a late stage when they managed to pick it up and it had already progressed a lot and it was progressing rapidly and the doctors actually warned her when she got her initial diagnosis that she might actually not have long left within weeks of this diagnosis vera was already bed bound she was in so much pain all day every day and harold actually had to be her full-time carer no one else could do it his father worked full-time he was the only wage that the family lived off so he couldn't stop working his younger brother clive was only 13 years old so i mean he can't do anything really and harold's older sister had already moved out of the home at this point so harold was kind of the only option so he had to care for his mother into her dying days and while it was really really hard for harold shipman to to go through this to watch his best friend literally like deteriorate in front of his eyes he he was quite incredible when it came to the final days of her life he stopped studying as much he stopped all of his like extracurricular activities all the rugby all the running just so that he could come straight home from school to care for his mother every single day so that he wouldn't have any other commitments he went to every single hospital appointment with her every single doctor's appointment with her he read all the notes that the doctors gave them because he wanted to be as knowledgeable on his mother's issues and her treatments and all these different things as he could possibly be he did loads of research on an evening like in his free time he was reading all these medical books he just really wanted to be there in the best way that he could for his mother but it was at one of these hospital appointments that harold took her to that vera was told by the doctor that her lung cancer was now terminal and at this point it couldn't be treated it was more of a case of just making sure that the last few weeks of her life were as happy and comfortable as possible vera eventually passed away in her own home in 1963 and while the family had been expecting this for a long time of course they knew this day was coming it still didn't make it any easier to deal with harold just did not know what to do he just didn't know how to process the loss of his best friend he decided to just go out on a run because like i said that was what he did to clear his mind it was like his meditation but he went out on this run and he was just running and running and running for hours he didn't want to come home because he knew that the second he went home he had to face the reality that his mother was no longer there so he was just running and running and running as an escape over the following days harold shipman just fell to pieces and well behind closed doors he fell to pieces but outwardly you actually would have never known that he was struggling he didn't let anyone see that he wasn't coping well and actually from an outside perspective he looked to almost be thriving he seemed very inspired by his mother's death and i know that kind of sounds a bit weird but that's just my wording of it um because his mother was very very ill and he wanted to help her in any way that he possibly could that made him want to go into the medical profession he wanted to become a doctor so that he could help people like his mother people in his mother's situation in the future so that he could give families that kind of relief that the doctors had given his mother so even though his mother's death was genuinely the worst thing that ever happened to harold shipman at this point in his life it was the hardest thing he ever had to go through it was also probably one of the best things for the direction of his life it actually gave him purpose now he wasn't passionate about anything before anything other than his mother but now he was really passionate about medicine because he wanted to help people like his mother it just seemed like such a great path for harold to go down but little did anyone know that would be literally one of the worst decisions anyone's ever made in the history of the universe so at the time in the uk when harold shipman decided that he wanted to become a doctor there was actually a shortage of doctors in the country at that time can you believe it and so universities were actually accepting people into their medicine programs that didn't quite meet the usual requirements so the usual requirements were three years you needed three years to get onto the course but because they desperately needed more doctors they were letting in people that had like b's and c's harold had a b a c and a d and he somehow managed to get onto this medicine course so at the age of 19 harold shipman enrolls in the university of leeds medical school and he really really enjoys it in fact he's really good at it he settled into university life really well he made a ton of friends he really liked the nightlife he was quite a party animal and he just really liked the big city just in general he liked the energy of a city compared to the small town that he'd grown up in he was much more of a a city kind of ally but anyway during his first year of university the now 19 year old shipman met a girl and this girl was a local farmer's daughter she was 16 year old primrose mayor oxtaby and harold shipman was absolutely taken with this girl he'd actually never really been interested in in girls or relationships or anything like that all his life he'd been so focused on his studies that he'd never even paid attention to the girls at school he'd never had a girlfriend never been on a date he'd just never been interested in pursuing anything with any girl until primrose she was entirely different and actually for primrose she was in the exact same situation i mean she was 16 she was younger but she too had never had a boyfriend never been on a date never been interested in boys until harold shipman it was like an immediate connection as soon as these two people spoke to each other for the first time i don't actually know where they met so i think they must have had like something in common with each other that meant they saw each other quite often maybe they like had the same route or maybe they shared a bus stop or something like that i don't know but they saw each other often and the two of them would flirt with each other every time they saw each other but it never went beyond that they were both too shy to make the first move and in fact it was actually 16 year old primrose who was eventually like i cannot wait any longer for this guy to ask me out and so the next time she saw harold shipman she asked him on a date and he said yes so the two of them went on their first date and they had a great time then they went on their second date they had a great time and before long the two of them were officially a couple and primrose's family absolutely adored harold shipman they felt like he was the perfect man for their daughter they loved how he was with her they loved that he was also a christian they were christian they shared a lot of the same values he was studying to become a doctor he was going to be able to look after their daughter they just thought that she'd found a cracking man but all of this excitement and happiness wasn't gonna last very long because shortly after the two of them got together primrose actually fell pregnant now this was a huge issue because like i said both families very religious they did not agree with premarital sex and the two of them weren't married and now they were pregnant so as soon as the two of them told their families about this pregnancy chaos ensued everyone was furious it was such a scene because it was considered very shameful to have a baby out of wedlock at that time only like eight percent of babies in the uk were born out of wedlock and it was it was seen as very embarrassing for the family that their child had had a child out of wedlock but yeah both families were just very very embarrassed and harold's father even went as far as to say that he was glad that vera wasn't around to witness this because he said she would have been very disappointed and this really crushed harold shipman as i'm sure you can imagine all his life he had lived to make that woman proud every decision every choice he'd ever made was to make his mother proud and now his father is saying that she would be disappointed it harold knew that he had to do something to sort this out because he was not happy with himself now that he knew that his mother would have been disappointed with this he wanted to fix it as quickly as he possibly could so in 1966 when primeras was five months pregnant she and harold got married so now the baby would not be born out of wedlock this would no longer be a shameful situation the baby was born the following year they had a beautiful baby girl named sarah and quickly the three of them settled into this new family life shipment really really enjoyed you know just having a wife and kids just having them at home for him like he would come home from university and then there's his wife and kid there's his little family it really helped him to get through those long days at medical school knowing that he was going back home to his wife and kids it was just a really nice feeling for him it was a feeling that he hadn't really experienced since he had his mother because his mother was that constant thing for him all the way through his life and then he lost her and then he didn't have a constant anymore but now his wife and his kid were his constant after the birth of their first child harold and primrose later went on to have three more three sons named christopher sam and david and everything was just going swimmingly for the shipment family everyone was so so happy but little did his family know that harold shipman was holding a dark secret over the past few years harold shipman had developed a drug addiction and this spanned all the way back to his teenage years was when this began but it had only got really bad recently it was something that he'd always kind of been dealing with but lately it actually got to a very concerning rate so it started out like i said when he was a teenager he was doing a lot of sport a lot of athletics his long distance running and he used to get very achy muscles so he would use a lot of sloane's liniment which is very similar to like deep heat it's kind of like a gelled substance that you put on an aching muscle and it'll just help the muscle relax he would use like excessive amounts of this on his muscles after he'd gone for a run which in itself i don't know if that you know constitutes a drug abuse situation but after a while he did start to like inhale the fumes from this sloan's liniment whatever it is and whenever he would like inhale the fumes he would get a bit of a high so he was essentially like sniffing the fumes and that is kind of where the drug addiction the drug abuse kind of began so that was the extent of the drug abuse for a while was him just like sniffing these fumes but when he started university that was when it took a step up because in his medical course he was taught how to safely give an injection and this opened up a whole new world of drugs for him i don't know how he managed to get hold of this but he somehow got hold of morphine and started injecting himself with it pretty much every single day i think the reason he wanted to go for morphine instead of like any other kind of drug was because his mother had been on morphine when she was in the last few weeks of her life when she was in a lot of pain and every time he took her to the hospital and they gave her this morphine injection he would watch like how relaxed and relieved she looked and he was always like oh i kind of want to try that so now that he learned how to give himself injections he was doing this every single day he quickly became addicted to a lot of different injectable substances whether that was opioids painkillers just loads of different things and no one had any clue that any of this was going on not his family not his friends not his professors no one in 1970 when harold shipman was 24 years old he officially graduated university and he was officially a doctor he got his first job at pontefract general infirmary and there he was just kind of a i don't know what they're called kind of like a runner but i don't know what they're called in the context of a hospital he was just like a junior member of staff so he wasn't really doing anything too serious he was more just like cleaning up all the equipment and like getting things for the more senior doctors he was there at that hospital for i think about four years but he realized as he was working in the hospital that he didn't really like working in a hospital um he enjoyed the medical profession but not the fast pace of a hospital he would much prefer like a doctor's office where everything is a bit more chill so for that exact reason harold shipman went out and landed himself a job as a gp a general practitioner which that's basically like well i mean it's just like your doctor it's the guy that you go to and you tell him what's wrong with you he can give you medication or if it's something more serious he can like refer you to the hospital it was kind of ideal for harold shipman he got to do what he loved helping people within you know the medical profession but it wasn't too stressful it wasn't too running off his feet kind of energy so in 1974 when harold shipman was 28 years old he started working as a gp at the abraham armarod medical center in calderdale west yorkshire and in this job harold shipman was met with very mixed reviews so the patients loved him they adored him in fact they thought he was sweet caring comforting intelligent he was like the perfect doctor to ease your nerves everyone always complimented him on his like bedside manner he was just a great doctor great at his job but his co-workers on the other hand it was as if they knew a completely different harold shipman to the patients i don't know how this is even possible but they said that he was like unbearable he was described as arrogant cold aloof they said that he didn't take criticism very well that he got angry very easily he had a really bad temper but how was this the same guy that all these patients were seeing it was so confusing all the other doctors in the gp's office started to dislike harold shipman but at the same time he was really good for the customers and the patients and stuff so he was kept on board and with this new job came a lot of new responsibilities responsibilities that harold shipman would soon come to abuse now he had the ability to prescribe medication to patients he would use this to feed his own drug addictions so he would find a patient that wants the same medication that he wants it was usually some form of speed or opioids or something like that and he would prescribe more than the patient needed and then he would just keep the excess for himself at the height of his addiction harold shipman was injecting himself every two hours and between that he was consuming alcohol all day long even at work he was always drunk and high at work and i don't know how he managed to get away with this for so long because well i don't know because he was drunk and high all the time at work and he's a doctor and he'd also gained a bit of a reputation among the young people in the area because they knew that he could get hold of stimulant drugs like speed so they would go to him and ask for slimming pills which like technically was the right thing to ask for to get what they wanted but harold knew what they meant they knew what they meant they knew what was going to be prescribed harold shipman would prescribe these kids with amphetamines and he would over prescribe them and then of course keep the excess for himself but before long shipmen was finally caught in the act not prescribing speed to kids but he was caught prescribing excess drugs and keeping some for himself and luckily for him that meant that his violations of like his job or whatever weren't quite as serious as they could have been because in this instance that he was actually caught for he's only hurting himself by doing that by getting excess drugs and keeping them for himself he's the only person he's harming he was just very very lucky that you know the police and his co-workers didn't find out about the other stuff that he was doing because otherwise he would have lost his job but he didn't actually lose his job over this he was charged with some kind of drugs charge and forgery and for that he was fined 600 pounds which in today's money would be about 5 000 pounds and like i said he did manage to keep his job although his boss did order him to go through some kind of rehab facility some kind of rehab course to ensure that this wouldn't happen again and all of this all of this news coming out him having to go to rehab him not being able to work for a few months while he was in rehab all of this put such a strain on harold's marriage his family life first of all his wife primrose was just absolutely fuming that he'd never even told her like she understood why he didn't want to tell her because he didn't want a warrior he didn't you know it's kind of hard to admit that you're struggling when it comes to stuff like that but she just couldn't believe that he'd been doing this before they'd even got together and now they had four kids together and somehow he'd never brought it up to her never confided in her you know she she just felt really almost hurt by this i know it's kind of not really a thing for her to be hurt about but it was just the secretive nurse and she was also just very disappointed in her husband for risking his career like that a career that he'd worked so hard to get a career that he was so passionate about and he was you know risking losing it every day to what prescribed kids speed primrose was just really upset because at the time she didn't work she was looking after all four children on her own all day while harold was out at work and now not only did the family have to pay a 600 pound fine which is the equivalent of like five grand today who has that just lying around absolutely no one well obviously rich people but like normal people don't have that lying around they didn't have that lying around and of course because harold was now being ordered to go to a rehab facility for a few months they lost their only paycheck in this household that was now leaving primrose to care for all four kids by herself day in day out basically everything was being pushed to its limits right now all because of harold being found out you know this compromised a lot of areas of their life but primrose stuck by him she was in love with him and she was gonna do this for him with him so harold shipman attended his rehab course thing that he had to do and he successfully completed it came out and went back to work again but nothing was the same of course harold shipman did not like working there anymore because obviously a lot of relationships with his co-workers and stuff were now very tainted they didn't like him enough to begin with but now they all hated him they didn't trust him they just thought he was like i don't know the vibes in that office must have been off so he decided that he was just going to leave that job leave him all behind just go and find a new job find a new bunch of co-workers find a new place essentially just start over again so he decided to move to a different medical center this time in manchester so he's going from west yorkshire to manchester well i say manchester it's it's not well yeah it is it's manchester it's hyde if you know where hyde is it's kind of a smaller town on the outskirts of manchester so it's it's quite a quieter place it's it had quite a big elderly population at the time of this case it was one of those communities that's very tight-knit and everyone knows everyone everyone knows everything about everyone and harold shipman just hated that that wasn't his vibe at all he much preferred like city living and like being a bit more anonymous you know you're one of hundreds of thousands of people in a city but here in hyde it's it's not as easy to like i don't know fly under the radar but also at the same time harold shipman couldn't really afford to be picky with his jobs right now because not many places wanted to hire someone that had a record like he did of like stealing the drugs and stuff so he was offered this one particular job at a medical center in hyde and he took it knowing that it wasn't really his long-term goal he didn't want to do that forever but like sure for now it was a job so this new place that he worked was called donnybrook medical center and they had actually been informed i don't know who by maybe his previous employer about the drugs issue but shipman himself didn't know that donny brook had been informed and so he went to his job interview and he actually voluntarily offered up that information he was very open and honest about it he was like look i've struggled with drug addictions in the past i've been in rehab i am better i'm no longer addicted and i wanna work in the medical profession again and as soon as donny brooke heard this of course they already knew that he struggled with his drug addictions but they were waiting to see if he was gonna be honest about it and he was and this was actually the perfect move harold shipman could have made in this job interview because to the employer him offering up this information showed honesty and openness and trust it just made them respect harold shipman so much before they even really knew him that he was willing to bear all in a job interview like that and be sure on it so honest and raw it just made him look really good to be honest and he ended up getting that job however within the first few months of working at that job the same pattern emerged it seemed the patients loved him but the staff found him unbearable it's very very interesting how one man can be a completely different person depending on who they're talking to i find that very interesting about shipment but anyway now he is working with an entirely new patient base in manchester a patient base that is actually predominantly elderly people and with this harold shipman saw an opportunity because he was still very much addicted to all these drugs that he was taking yes he went to rehab but it never fully you know maybe it cured him as soon as he came out but he eventually got back on the drugs and at this point he was back on them and he knew that it was going to be very very very hard for him to be able to steal drugs in his new job because his employer knew that harold used to do that so he's probably like keeping an eye on him so there wasn't really gonna be any chance for him to be able to steal drugs when he's not being watched in the office so that's where this opportunity comes in with his elderly patient base he came up with an idea what if he was to start offering home visits because that way he could act as though he's doing it for the benefit of his patients you know these elderly patients don't have to leave their house they can stay in the comfort of their own home but of course it's a win-win for harold chipman too because none of the doctors are around to see him prescribing extra medication and taking the spare for himself so that's exactly what he did and these home visits actually worked really well for him in that aspect like he was able to get away with this for years actually he was in this job doing home visits stealing medication for years and his wife had no idea that he was back on the drugs on november 6 1989 harold shipman is about 43 years old at this point in time and obviously he's been doctoring for years and years and years he's been doing these home visits with his elderly patients now for years they all love him he's doing really well in this job however on this particular day november 6th he received a very concerning phone call from one of his co-workers this co-worker was a nurse with whom harold shipman shared a patient 62 year old joseph wilcoxon joseph wilcoxon had a very serious wound on his leg which required nurses to come out to his home almost daily to like repackage the wound and make sure it was clean but he also had a bunch of illnesses as well which meant he needed a doctor like harold shipman to come and give him medications every day so there were a lot of different um doctors nurses working with this one particular person but that morning when the nurse arrived at joseph wilcoxon's house to go and redress his leg wound she found him dead sitting on his surface still fully clothed and still warm so he died that same morning of course because this was a shared patient one of the first things this nurse does is call harold shipman and tell him the news she asked him if he'd been to see joseph that morning and shipman said that he hadn't he actually hadn't seen him in a while which was funny actually because the staff at donny brook medical center could have sworn that harold shipman was due to go for a home visit at joseph's house that morning shipman denied it he was like oh no i'm not i'm not meant to be with joseph for another few days i didn't go and see him this morning and so the staff went and checked on the medical records because they were like no i'm sure it was supposed to be you that was going to see him this morning they went and checked on these medical records and just as harold shipman said there was nothing there everyone was a bit confused and said they were like oh well it's buzz not harold shipman ruled joseph wilcoxson's death as just old age and no one really looked into it beyond that because well i mean he was only 62. i don't know why everyone just kind of accepted an old age death i don't think he really had that much family to challenge it really and so that ruling was final after this harold shipman actually decided to leave his job at donnybrook medical center he blamed it on the new computer system that they got in he said it was just way too complicated and hard for him to work so he just needed to go somewhere else that was a bit more old-fashioned everyone was a little bit confused at this reason for him leaving because everyone else that worked there thought the new computer system was really easy to use and it made their job so much easier but you know each to their earnest birds so harold shipman left that medical center but instead of joining another one he decided to just open his own he was just gonna do the thing himself this is like a hundred percent a power thing like an eager thing because harold shipman saw himself as the best doctor in the world he didn't think that he should be answering to a higher up because he thought other people should be answering to him going back to his whole family's just sense of superiority and entitlement this was just kind of something that ran in the family so yeah he gets this new doctor's surgery and funnily enough one of the first things he does was implement the exact same computer system that made him leave his old job so if it was that confusing why why are you bringing it into your own business anyway that aside harold shipman was actually very very lucky when he left the last place in that he found a loophole in his contract that meant he could take his existing client base with him so that is exactly why he stayed in hide and set up his new business in hyde because he already had a patient base of 2 000 people that he could just carry over so he starts this new doctor's surgery he hired his wife primrose to work as a secretary and this business was just booming it went from strength to strength his client base grew from 2000 to like 3100. and all of his patients adored him by the way harold shipman is always described as being almost celebrity like for a doctor he was very very well known in the area everyone loved him all his patients loved him one of them even described being accepted onto his patient list as being like winning the lottery like that's a bit i don't know it's just a patient waiting list but like on november 24th 1997 harold shipman made one of his usual home visits to a 67 year old patient named marie quinn marie was a regular person of his so regular in fact that he actually had his own house key somehow just so that he could let himself in every time he came for one of the appointments so that marie wouldn't have to get up and let him in so anyway on november 24th harold shipman arrives at marie quinn's house he unlocks the front door walks into the living room and finds her dead on the surface shipman made no attempt to resuscitate her because he believed that she'd been dead for some time and he actually ruled her cause of death as a stroke so he called up marie's family and informed them of her passing and then when he put the phone down he actually walked out of the house locked the door behind him with marie's body still in it and then went back to his doctor's surgery and just carried on working all day left this dead body in the house gone back to work and marie's family actually didn't have a key for her house at the time the only two people in the world that had a key for that house were marie and harold shipman and neither of them could open the door for the family or the coroner or anything so now marie quinn's dead body is just locked inside that house and no one can get to it i just can't imagine how that must have felt for marie's family to know that their loved one's dead body is inside a house and they just have to wait outside of it until someone can come and unlock it they actually had to wear outside that house until the evening because harold shipman couldn't come down until he'd finished seeing all his patients for the day so he came down at tea time to finally let them at tea time by the way i'm from yorkshire the 5 p.m ish 6 p.m um he didn't come around until the evening to let them in sorry about my little yorkshire tangent but it's tea time tea time dinner time over here but anyway when that time did roll round when it was tea time um harold shipman didn't even go straight to marie quinn's house believe it or not he knew that his now deceased patient's family were waiting on him to let them in her house so that they could you know recover her dead body but instead he was in no rush to get there he he had no urgency about this at all instead harold shipman finished work went and got in his car drove to his own house spoke with his wife for a bit told her about the update got her in the car and then both of them eventually made their way to marie quinn's home to let her family in what do you mean you went home to your wife and brought your wife along with you in fact the coroners actually did bring it up to harold shipman because they thought it was really weird that he went home to pick up his wife before coming to to let this family in to their to their loved ones dead body like it's just such a who would do that who would go home to their wife first but shipman did have an excuse as always he was like oh no i thought i'd go and get primrose because then she could look after marie's cats she could look after marie's cats marie has family that might want her cats now that maria's passed away like why does harold shipman take it upon himself to get his wife involved anyway i'm getting a bit i think i'm getting a bit heated the coroner's just had a funny feeling about harold shipman at this point in time i mean everyone did there was just something about that man that people couldn't put their finger on but something wasn't right about him no one did anything about it at the time no one said anything to anyone no one shared these concerns about shipment but they should have because things were only gonna get 10 times worse from here and that is where i'm gonna leave part one thank you so so much for watching remember make sure you subscribe with notifications on so you don't miss part two thanks again to kiersta five for sponsoring this video remember you can go to forward slash eleanor the link is also in the description of this video and that will automatically apply a 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Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,628,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, killer, murder, serial killer, buzzfeed unsolved, podcast, true crime podcast, netflix, storytime, interview, news, harold shipman, harold, shipman, doctor death, dr death, serial killer doctor, 250 victims, doctor serial killer, harold shipman documentary, wife, children, hospital, manchester, uk, uk's worst serial killer, england, 2021, true crime daily, patients, lethal injection
Id: 3eQPm3FsPFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 39sec (2799 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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