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so today's video is going to be another true crime video and today's kiss is my most requested case in the history of my channel like ever also so many of you guys have been requesting this case for literally months but today we are gonna be talking about the tragic murder of James Bulger and before I get into it I just want to say if you are sensitive at all to violent deaths or child deaths please just don't watch this video it's gonna be too much for you it is a really hard-hitting case it's really sad I know a lot of you guys that are subscribed to my channel can't watch the kind of child the videos about children which I totally understand this video is not gonna go into details so don't worry about that but still if you don't want to but if you don't want to watch this video that's completely fine just click out now before I get started I just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talked about in this video this is all just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video so James Patrick Bulger also known as Jimmy Bulger was born on March the 16th 1998 and he was 2 years old just a couple of weeks off of his 3rd birthday at the time of his murder he lived in Liverpool in Merseyside in England with his mother Denise Bulger who is now Denis Fergus and I'm unsure whether he lived with his father Ralph Bulger at the time he was a gorgeous little boy he was very friendly very cheeky very social he was just a lovely little boy on the 12th of February 1993 Denis Bulger her son James and Denise's friend I went to the Strand which was an indoor shopping centre they walked around for a while they did a little bit of shopping and then Denise and James went to the butchers around 3:40 p.m. Denise let go of James's hand for a matter of less than a minute just to kind of get the money out of her purse hand it to the cashier get the change put it back in and when she looked back down to take hold of his hand again James had gone so his mom immediately starts panicking she's looking around the shop she's looking outside the shop frantically just trying to find her son so the shopping centre put a routine call out for me in children for like people to report any sightings I'll bring him to the front desk or whatever this wasn't an uncommon thing to happen in a shopping center I mean there's toy shops the sweet shops kids like often just go wandering from their parents it's not it's not an unusual thing to happen this announcement fed back nothing no one came to the desk to say that the scene James no one brought him in and the manual search that his mom and all the staff were doing that also came back nothing and so police were contacted it wouldn't answer your mind that he had been taken by anybody but all they were concerned was for his safety and where he was because it was a busy road I think that as time went by the search extended beyond the shopping center because obviously the more time that goes by the further gyms could have gotten and so people started to search the streets nearby the shopping center we searched near canals because you always think he might have falling in we're going to search there like your hearts scrappy it's a quite industrial area it was such a vast area to sort of see really meanwhile Denise James's mother was taken to the police station I had police walk in the room and holding a pair of shoes in front of my face and have a shame Edna not as and that was a sign of you know kinds of relief them and them shoes weighing James but still that night nobody had come forward to say that they'd seen anything and at this point it was really worrying it was really looking like an abduction at this point the next morning it had been almost 24 hours since anyone had last seen James and Denise and her family had been at the police station the whole time almost 24 hours and that was when police finally got their first lead the shopping center had looked over their CCTV footage and they found a clip of a toddler leaving the premises of the shopping center with two young boys and we assess the ages to be about 14 15 although wasn't clear because films get to know by day this poor visibility CCTV footage was really bad very unclear although Denis could still identify James due to the outfit that he was wearing that day I knew straight away it was James the thoughts I've got a perfect chance of getting about here those words go now and it could be class numbers brother you know brother that they've won certain they've probably got him in a shed somewhere feelings beats and he looking after him initially this comforted Denis and the rest of the Bulger's knowing that he'd gone off in the company with two young boys like the chances of getting him back were pretty high and their intentions were probably not malicious whereas if they'd seen him leave with like a middle-aged man on the CCTV footage you can imagine the intentions and you can imagine the chances of getting him back weren't gonna be very high were they playing some kind of game within perhaps was he being held hostage or was he being kept by them somewhere as a playmate or had some harm being done to him so as with most missing children's cases Denis took to the news to give a public appeal to try and get whoever had James to bring him back but despite this and despite the CCTV images being made public nothing really came back we have these two boys and we had to find them it was assess that we had to look for boys within an age range of 10 to 18 but we concentrated more or less looking at boys about 14 local police were contacted to see if they had any young children on file that had been in trouble before that might fit the description of these two boys on the CCTV footage give interviewed local police officers and ask them who do they suspect that would be these children I was unfortunately an area where a lot children were always in trouble before but despite all the appeals and the whole of Liverpool searching for this little boy the next year Denis received the worst news she could possibly get protected under a police tent lies the body of a young boy found this afternoon by children playing on a railway embankment two days after his disappearance James bulges body was found on a railway line and it was actually found by a group of children who found by children not by adults and those kids must be still effective today as a result of what they saw so now this investigation turned to a manhunt for two young boys that are now possible murder suspects but moved the story to a new depth shall we say of shock and dismay and by now the world's press were descending on Liverpool and the eyes of the world were a Liverpool Magazine Editors offered their services to police to try and clear up these images of the CCTV footage I mean the whole of Liverpool was coming together to try to solve this we were still looking at age range 14 to 18 you know evil sort of children I could have committed then attempt to try and get members of the public to come forward with any information they might have police released the details of James's last steps from where James was abducted to where he was found it must be nearly three miles a long way to walk a young child but where James were found then had to climb up the side of a railway bridge which is very near to Walton blame policing officers questioned over 60 young boys around the edges of 14 15 16 because that is how old police believed these two boys on the CCTV footage to have been and just decide now one of these innocent boys that they questioned out of this 60 he actually had to flee Liverpool with his whole family because he was getting threats from so many people that knew had been questioned and thought that he was guilty although it was innocent but he still had to flee because of threats after a few days a woman contacted police saying that she'd just seen this CCTV footage on the news and she actually recognized one in the boys she said that this boy had actually skipped school that day with his friend and I mean there were two boys on this CCTV footage during school time as well so all the other kids were in school so what are the chances that these two boys skipped school together and there were two boys on the CCTV footage so this was an immediate lead I was called to brief officers to arrest two young boys one had been seen to have paint on his shoes pinch along with other items that we'll talk about later were actually found at the crime scene well the boys that were being accused were just ten years old both of them whereas police believed that the boys in the CCTV footage were like 14 15 so they didn't believe it a hundred percent at first they were originally just going to the house to question them and then be able to eliminate them as suspects so when they said ten-year-old boys anything oh well it's got to be done the informations come in so we've gotta go and see him an interview you know they could possibly be the one oh no I didn't I don't think the other detectives did as well so a team of officers went to speak to ten-year-old Jon Venables who was the boy that the woman recognized from the CCTV footage and a separate team of officers went to speak to Robert Thompson who was also 10 years old and Jon Venables friend Roberts I'm here because of James Murdoch says yeah no see it but we've been told that you might be involved and it then he started sort of panicking Phil then told Robert that he was arresting him and taken him to the police station for further questioning um told him I was there for and the fact that was arresting him I then he started crying but it wasn't the tears there it was they were crocodile tears I was was taken back a bit so well Thompson and Venables were taken to separate police stations for questioning the first thing I notice about John is that he looked far younger than the 10 years that he was in actual fact he looked like an eight-year-old little cherubic angelic looking face so before we carry on with the kind of story and the questioning the police questioning and stuff I want to give you a little bit of background on Thompson and Venables and kind of their upbringing and stuff so we'll start with Robert Thompson he was one of seven children so it was a huge family and and it's believed that his father also called Robert Thompson used to beat his mother and before eventually starting an affair with a woman that he met on a family holiday with the rest of the Thompsons his dad made no attempt to hide this affair from the family either he even told his wife and if she had a problem with it if she complained about it then he'd just leave and just leave her and the kids he barely spoke to his wife and kids as it was anyway spending most of his time either at the pub drinking or with this other woman eventually he did leave and all seven of his sons to go off with this other woman and he actually left and five pounds which is all he contributed to all seven of his children's upbringing other than that the Thompson's never saw the father again other than one occasion his mother's funeral when Robert was just six years old and even then his dad didn't speak to any of his kids was then Robert's mother Anne turned to alcoholism and all seven kids were pretty much left to fend for themselves and their emotional and physical needs just weren't being met just seven weeks after their father left them all of the Thompson family were out for the day and when they returned home they found that the house had burnt down and so all eight of them had to spend two months in a hostel eventually after these two months the Thompson's were rehoused into a tiny little Terrace house for all eight of them seven young boys and their mother in a tiny little terrace house and this was when and our colors and just got so much worse she started keeping a bottle of alcohol under her pillow so she could drink it last thing at night first thing in the morning so the Thompson kids now not getting enough attention I mean one parent is now gone one parent is an alcoholic they're just not getting enough attention that children need and so they all started acting up they all started getting into trouble constantly social workers will constantly come into the house and here today that social workers will come into the house and just nothing changed eventually the boys started bullying each other as well like the older ones were bullied the younger ones and so on and so on until it got to the youngest and they would all skip school sometimes because they wanted to skip school and sometimes because the older brothers would threaten the younger ones saying that they would beat them if they did go to school in one term alone Robert missed 49 out of a possible 140 days in school so that is over a third of the time in one term that he missed and because he was missing so much work he was getting behind he wasn't on the same level as the rest of his classmates and so it was held back a year in school often times when he would miss school Robert would go out and shoplift sometimes stealing things for his baby brothers and for his mom to try and help the family out because they were a poor family she was a single mom looking after seven boys like they didn't have a lot and so Robert sometimes would steal toys for himself as well because he they didn't have much like I said the older brothers would abuse the younger brothers often tying them up locking them in the pigeon shed outside and one time one of the older brothers even pulled a knife on one of the others on one occasion during an argument and Thompson actually hit one of her children and so he called the social services and asked for them to take him away and so the dead they came and they took two of the boys away both of which later in life attempted suicide in 1993 one of Roberts younger brothers was found wandering alone around the Strand that same shopping center where James Bulger was abducted from he was scared he was crying and when someone asked him what had happened he said that his older brother Robert and his friend not Jon Venables a different friend had taken him to the Strand shopping center kicked him and left him there and gone home and that's about it for Robert Thompson's childhood up until the point of James Bulger's abduction a pretty horrific childhood honestly so now for Jon Venables he was one of three siblings he had a younger sister and an older brother both of which had learning disabilities although John himself didn't have any disabilities he would adapt some of the behaviors that his brother and sister was showing onto himself Brown's father Neal believed in very traditional family roles he believed it was up to him to go out and get a job and money for the family meanwhile his wife Susan Jon's mother should be at home looking after the children which was a lot of work for Susan she had three children two of which had special needs due to their disabilities and it was just a lot of work for her this meant that she would often spend a lot of time with John's brother and sister because they required extra care than John did and although she maintains that she looks after them all cared for them loved them equally although you can imagine that John sometimes was swept to the side a little bit when John was just one year old his mother Susan's father died and so now her mother needed extra care because her husband was no longer there so Susan took all three kids and moved in with her mother John's father Neal got his own place it's not clear why he didn't move in with the rest of them although they claim to still have been together just living in separate houses they eventually moved into a new house but John was pretty badly bullied by the children in the neighborhood they used to shout things at him throw things at him and make fun of him for his siblings being backwards this led him to misbehaving he was clearly distressed he used to cry a lot and his schoolwork suffered due to this he would sit in class rocking backwards and forwards mumble in and making noises he would throw things off the desk he would bang his head really hard against the desk like enough to cause pain and obviously this was disrupting the rest of the children in the classroom learning and John woods his desk and cry because of the bullying and like I said it was all just really affecting John's classwork and so his mother was called in Susan told the school that she was having the exact same problems with John at home he would be abusive to her and he expressed multiple times that he didn't want to be in his school he wanted to be with his brother and sister at their school it's been theorized that him acting out hitting his head on the table rocking backwards and forwards was him imitating his brother and sisters behavior to try and trick people around him into thinking that he also had like learning disabilities or whatever to try and get put into their school for people that needed extra care it's also been theorized that he wanted to move into that school in the first place because he thought bullying just didn't exist in that school I mean it was a lot more tolerant they had a lot of different people with like unique differences and he just thought that if he moved to that school with his brother and sister he wouldn't be bullied anymore John's behavior only got worse he started pulling displays off walls he would hide under the tables where no one could reach him he would harm himself with scissors in class and eventually he just got banned from going on school trips because he was that much of a disruption one day John even tried to strangle another student with a ruler and it actually took two teachers to get him off of this other boy and because of this incident Jon Venables was suspended from school for two days although as a form of punishment his mother kept him away from school for ten weeks and at this point he missed so much school he was such a disruption while he was there that he just had to move schools and when he did they put him back a year putting him into Robert Thompson's class and Thompson and Venables got talking while they were in class I mean they were both older than everyone else in their year so it was just kind of meant to be that they were gonna be friends although John did try to stay away from Robert at first because he said that he was trouble but eventually they became best friend anywhere Thompson's bad behavior of skipping school and stealing and all that kind of stuff began to rub off onto Venables both boys mothers were bollocks both boys mothers attempted suicide both boys didn't really have a father figure both of them were bull age they were both put back a year in school like they just had so much in common they were just meant to be best friends and that is what he's so creepy about this star right and that brings us to the day that they were arrested and they were taken to separate police stations for questioning Robert Thompson in his first question in told police that it was Jon Venables like it was just all Jon Venables he was the one that grabbed James to take him he was it was his idea it was all Jon Venables and then Thompson starts getting emotional saying that he was begging Venables to take the baby back but other than that Thompson was very hard to question very hard for police to get anything out of he would often lie and he wouldn't tell police a full story it was like stopping starting yeah I miss going so far with him they left him and then we produced all their evidence well you've been seen on the reservoir talking to an old woman oh yes after that we just left him after that and then what you've been seeing after that yeah well once I've been there I left him there and once police managed to get Thompson to I've made to Ben on the railway that day he once again just blamed everything on Venables Venables did it all Robert just didn't do anything meanwhile inventables interview which was going on parallel to Thompson's right at the same time Venables was lying to police saying that he wasn't even at the shopping center that day he wasn't even in Liverpool he was miles away but on his second day of interviews police told him that Robert had admitted that they were both there on the railway that day suddenly there was silence and he said yes we were in the Strand but honestly mum we never grabbed a kid and there was the most terrible wailing and he jumped out of his seat very tactile boy and he hugged the police officers and he hugged his mum and he was screaming and crying we didn't harm him child we never grabbed a kid mum in his interviews with police all Venables ever had to say was we never did you take the boy we never did you hurt the little boy we never and then Venables got equally as thick emotional as Thompson did in his interviews Jon Venables solicitor went home and decided to rewatch the CCTV footage of the day of James's disappearance when I could clearly see that little boy being walked out of the shopping precinct by two boys one of whom which looked like Venables wearing a mustard colored coat so I couldn't wait to get in there the next morning first thing I said to him what color's your coat and he said mustard and my heart just sank so now they knew for sure that the boys had done something but they needed a confession and so the questioning continued finally Jon Venables admitted after two days of questioning what they'd done on that day and then he made what were the first admissions and it was yolk I killed the baby I'm very sorry can he tell his mom I'm sorry I think he said and then from then he made certain admissions or certainly that he was he was present and inflicted some of the injuries caused on on James so Thompson's version of events that he told police was that the boys took James from the shopping center they walked around took him onto the railway track Thompson watched Venables assault this child but then Thompson went home and he never took part in the assault he never watched James die he just he was never a part of it he was just watching being wild Venables as you've guessed place most of the blame on Thompson saying that he was even throwing bricks at James I must follow what they're saying all day on top of Venables verbal confession there was also some very strong forensic evidence that proved that the boys did it there was blood on Venables shoe finally police discovered exactly what happened that day in February so the boys took James by the hand and led him out of the shopping center and that we already knew it walked for almost three miles in turtle Jim's crying the whole time and the boys assaulting him the whole time they were seen by over 38 people on this three-mile walk that is 38 people that could have intervened and saved this baby's life that number does vary over 38 is the most commonly believed number it's somewhere between like 2 and 6 day although 38 is like the number that was using cart and stuff that is the most believed number couple of people did stop the boys and wonder what was going on and asked why James was bloody why he was crying but the boys had a story read a oh he's falling over that's why he's got injuries on him these are injuries that they inflicted it's crying for his mother and we're taking it home to his mother was the story they told very coming but the boys didn't go straight to the railway line that wasn't even a part of their plan to begin with their initial plan was to steal a child go outside the Strand and just push them in front of a car but that didn't work James wasn't even part of their initial plan to begin with the boys had actually tried abducting another child earlier that day but the child's mother caught them before they could take him aware the boys did successfully abduct James Bulger and so when they plan to push him in front of a car didn't work the boys decided to take him to the canal and there they were gonna push him in and drown him but somehow it didn't work I don't really know how this all played out but it didn't work pushing him into the canal so he somehow got dropped on his head by one of the boys and that was why it was bloody when people were passing reported seeing a bloody little child that was crying and that was where the blood came from he got dropped on his head by this canal so now the boys first two plans hadn't worked so then they decided to take him up onto the railway line and once they were upon this railway the two boys tortured this little bit like sadistically horrific ly tortured this little baby it's believed that Robert Thompson had more involvement in the torture and the assault of James although Venables did have his part in it he was equally as sadistic and her and just awful as the other boy so I'm not going to go into too much detail at all with this because it's just is one of the worst cases I've ever read about I actually tweeted about it as I was researching this and I must have cried for about half an hour reading this stuff it is all online if you want to go and do some further reading but I do warn you if you do that just please like if you sensitive to this kind of stuff just don't look it up because it is the most horrific case of torture I have ever read about literally no one like this is such a well-known case in the UK everyone knows about it but no one talks about what those boys did to that baby it's just unspoken off it's not in any documentaries news articles just no one talks about it because it's just so heartbreaking and it's a beer Bay it was a beer Bay like I said it's such a well-known case in the UK and I am 19 years old now I've known about this case all my life and when I was researching this for this video that was the first time I've ever found out what these boys did to that bear bear it is that unspoken off so I will put a time stamp on screen like I said I'm not going to go into too many details so don't worry about that if you do want to watch this bit but I will put a time stamp on screen in case you just don't want to hear about any of this at all and but yeah I'm gonna put in some clips and I'm going to talk about a little bit of what they did to him there's bulges official cause of death was beating these boys just beat him so badly and for so long and so viciously and they just tortured him for so long so many different ways but his official cause of death was beat in the boys beat him and tortured him and then weighted him down on the railway track so that he couldn't get up and then they left and let him get hit by a train James was hit by a train and he was cut in two although it was believed that he was dead before he was hit by the train due to his injuries the post mortem showed that he had a lot of what are called split wounds and lacerations mainly to his head which were the result of being struck heavy blows with the bricks and the iron bar that were found at the scene James's body must have just been in awful condition when he was found not only do I feel for James and his family and friends obviously but for that group of children that found him they must have found him in such a like scarring where that must have just been traumatic for those children to see that it was believed that there was a sexual aspect to this crime and to this murder and like I said I'm not gonna go into details but the way in which his body was found it was just obvious like all of his clothes from the waist down were removed and among other disturbing details of how his body was found but it was just it's obvious pure aware of Jon Venables now then it's pretty clear that there was probably a sexual aspect to this crime if you don't know about any of that don't worry we'll get into it later in the video although both boys did claim that there was no sexual aspect to this crime whatsoever okay so that's it that's the details over if you did skip to this bit hi welcome back and we're now onto like the trial and stuff so both boys were subsequently charged with abduction attempted abduction and murder abduction and murder for James Bulger and attempted abduction for the boy earlier that day the boys first appearance in court was just 10 days after the murder where the boys were just known as child heir and child B and because they were just 10 years old their identities were at first protected from the public outside the court that day it was such a scene there was hundreds of people that turned up outside that car to riot throw things at the van and shout things just express their general disgust and outrage and anger at this case like I said it was one of the most horrific cases anyone had ever heard of in the UK history it was just disgusting and so people turned up in their hundreds to try and express this anger [Applause] the boys trial was set to later that year where they would be sentenced and again over 500 people turned up to the court that there were queues outside the the course because there were 44 seats available for the public to listen in and they'd be queuing up all night to get in it was just a show trial and the doc in the courtroom where the boys would have been standing to do the trial actually had to be raised by 18 inches they had to put a false floor in there because these were two ten-year-old boys and they couldn't see over the railings because they were so tiny I mean you never expect to have ten year olds in a courtroom for something like this and that that just shows it really doesn't that like a courtroom is made for adults it's not made for two ten-year-old boys in the UK the criminal age of responsibility is ten years old these boys were both 10 years old have they been a few months younger than they were these boys would have got off completely for this crime they just wouldn't have been charged it was in this trial that the details of that day before the abduction surfaced Jon Venables had actually been chosen to look after the school gerbils that week and so that day on the 12th of February he was on his way to school to pick up these gerbils on his way there he bumped into his best friend Robert Thompson in town and like we know the two of them often got into trouble together and Thompson managed to persuade Venables into going shoplifting within that day the two of them went to the Strand there were shoplifting for a bit but they got bored I mean they did that a lot and that was when Thompson turn to Venables and said let's grab a kid so Venables forgot all about his journals forgot that he was supposed to be going to school and after a failed attempt at abducting another child the two of them eventually abducted James Bulger they walked him around for hours passing so many people so many people that could have made a difference and saved this baby's life a few of these people did stop the boys and ask them what they were doing why this baby was crying why he had blood on his head but the boys had a story read a they said that he was their little brother and he'd fallen over and they were just taking him home on another occasion they were stopped by a woman walking her dog and she asked the same question like why is the baby crying why is he got blood on his head and they said that he was lost and they didn't actually know this little baby and they asked for directions to the nearest police station so that they could take him that the woman gave them directions to the nearest police station and just left and let these two ten-year-old boys take a baby to the police station it came to light in these trials like I said that Thompson seemed to have the leading role in the abduction the murder and in the torture of James Bulger although it was Venables idea to take him up onto the railway line Venable said in his child that James Bulger seemed to like him more than Robert Thompson he would let John pick him up let him hold his hand whereas he wouldn't let Thompson do any of that Thompson Inventables trial lasted 17 days and then a verdict was finally made both boys then 11 years old were found guilty of the murder of James Bulger which made them the UK's youngest ever convicted murderers because they were 10 at the time of the murder and that is the youngest-ever murderers in UK history when they said they were guilty Venables knew [ __ ] away I started to cry Thompson looked at me and just glared at me I just glared back to him and then he realised Venables was crying so I was behavior changed and he started to cry like one see any tears the judge also made the controversial decision to release the boys real names and the boys school pictures so that the public could identify these two boys that don't all these things to this little baby something that is very rarely done with child criminals I was always against their identity being revealed not because of John I wasn't bothered what I owed about John but he had a family who was completely innocent of course even though they done the judge also ruled that no more information about these two men as they grew up in prison and whatever no more information could be leaked about them and that when the left prison there would be given new identities both boys were sentenced to eight years in prison eight years for the horrific sadistic torture and murder of a bear bear I'm sure pretty much like 99% of my audience will agree that eight years is not enough if you look up the details of this crime you will know that eight years is not enough for what they did to that little bear Bay and it's clear that they didn't feel remorse they were laughing in court so what are the chances of them getting out in a year's time when they're 18 years old 19 years old and reoffending like the chances are pretty high of that and this as you can probably imagine was met by complete outrage from the whole of the UK and due to this the boys trials were actually reviewed and their sentencing was increased from eight years to 10 years two more years everyone was in awkward at the sentence that Thompson of animals were given him you know I can't thank people enough for the way they've even sober me to this day a national newspaper in the UK called the son actually started a petition to try and get the boys sentences increased further and this petition got over 280,000 signatures and it worked the government increased the boys sentences from 10 years to 15 years which a lot of people still believed was two shots I wasn't pleased with the poll I once of willing to live with it what asserts well you know at the ends of the day the efforts on 15 years or go 2 to 15 years you know we can't ask for more than that however like I said this second increase in the boys sentences from 10 to 15 years was done by the government not by criminal lawyers and so it was deemed that it wasn't fair the government didn't have a place to do that and so those sentences were brought back down to 10 years vinegar brought back Salman Li says it wasn't answer my Halawa to increase it was just another knife in the bar and I just told us how much more can we take as a as James's family so now it had to be decided how the boys would be sentenced and rehabilitated because without rehabilitation like I said they were likely to reoffended bars were put into separate kind of child criminal rehabilitation units it was like half prison half rehabilitation full of children and and while both bodies were there in separate places it was reported that both of them were experienced in PTSD from the murder Venables particularly was suffering pretty bad with post-traumatic stress and he would have nightmares he would have flashbacks Thompson was experienced in it but Venables was much more severe both boys had really secure accommodation like they were always supervised doors would be locked before and after they would enter every room so like they would go in the doll would be locked behind them so no one could none of the other prisoners prisoners were the prisoners because they were children but none of the other children in the unit could attack them both boys got a good education they had nice food they had TVs in their rooms with video games and movies honestly it was more like a hostel than it was a prison like these boys were doing time for torture and a murder in a bear Bay and they were getting TVs and video games and movies I just told you know whatever adults as you say of this you know that they should be getting punished not rewards both boys were taught how to conceal their past and their real identities as well as having one-to-one tuition to pass GCSEs and a-levels there's one on one teaching em you know if there's people that you've got to pay for that kinds of education they got us go free like I said it was like a hostile these boys were getting more in this prison setting for torturing and murdering a bear bed these boys have more than some power families have like some poor families don't have TVs don't have video games on movies or one-to-one tuition for GCSEs and air levels whereas these boys committed such a horrific crime and they were almost being rewarded for it when shopping for themselves as well buying all kinds designer clothes you know a lot of people out there work so arts and so can't afford things like that for their kids but they know they're go kids but these two committed a crime and work she's like that designer clothes you know I actually found an interview with a boy called Leon that was in Robert Thompson's unit at the same time as him he he actually spent five years in there with him and he said that he knew who Robert Thompson was everyone knew who he was but his crime just wasn't spoken about in there like one time we was all sat there and it come up on the news cut member it was about I showed you his picture like a member of staff turned off and he went like barging into his room and you could hear him like I came with her stuff got me what I was saying he's swearing I must've loved Thompson's room and this unit had a lot of luxuries for a prison cell you know for someone that is serving time for murder it just it literally looked like your average little boy's room not a prison cell me alone Liverpool posters had like pictures when I climb I painted like much thick people and stuff like that and the other like a Liverpool do they decide how the for spire in his room I like he was lending the PC from education he stopped at any of them as well now as you can imagine to keep two young boys under such accommodation where they get so much and they get like private futures and they get a completely decorated bedroom you can imagine it it's a lot of money to keep these boys where they were on average it cost somewhere in the region of three thousand pounds a week but I regard that as an investment for the future if I can effect positive change in a youngster return them safely to the community then perhaps we won't spend large sums of money they incarcerated them for the majority of their adult life it wasn't just the boys lives inside the unit that was causing outrage the boys were often let out of the unit to go shopping go to football games meet up with family Thompson was first let on his first day out just a year into his sentence a year after committing such a horrible crime he was let out of prison for the day just to go for a walk around a park and as of then he would go on like monthly trips to the swimming baths swimming was his favorite hobby and so he used to go there every single month and they were getting McDonald's before returning to the unit they used to know we went out because a lot of space said to stuff or where he'd been they say oh but this shopping center with with him stuff like our to the park with him or whatever perhaps to a local shopping center to buy the clothes that they need from the money that they're allowed and that's that's about letting them that's about preparing them for a return into the community which you know makes sense like they are trying to help these people prepare for life outside of the unit like obviously they're not going to be functioning members of society if they don't have this kind of help while they're in there but I can't help but feel like they're taking the piece of it I'm sorry if I'm getting like unprofessional German this video just this bit of the case specifically just infuriates me like I can't help but feel like these boys are being rewarded for torturing and murdering a beer Bay and they're getting all this they're going out and buying designer clothes they're going to McDonald's they're going to the swimming baths they get in the bedroom decorated to the favorite football team like I just it just infuriates me it really does I mean there's a difference between preparing them for real life like taking them to a shop maybe getting them to buy like a loaf of bread handling money you know I'm just rewarding them giving them luxuries that they just don't deserve I just think it's disgusting in 1999 when both boys were 16 years old it was decided by the European Court that their original trial in 1993 wasn't impartial due to this the by sentences were once again reviewed this review decided that the boys were then gonna be released just six months later in June of 2001 both boys were released they were given new identities new names new passports birth certificates all that and they were put into new secret locations that no one knew about I read on a couple of different sources about the price for giving someone a new identity it can cost anywhere between two hundred and fifty thousand pounds and seven hundred and fifty thousand pounds each for both of these men to be given a new identity and a new life after committing such a horrible crime they were both prohibited from contacting each other if they ever found out each of those new identities they were prohibited from contacting James Bulger's family and they were allowed in the whole Merseyside area and Merseyside is a county it's a big area they're not allowed in the whole of Merseyside and other than reporting to a parole officer every so often they were free men they couldn't get in touch with any of the family myself fought in the family him so I thought you know it's a bit of a bitter conflict but I thought well I'm gone does that mean say I'm a prisoner and me as he said car life and should also may decide that in case a bump into one or were released when they were 18 years old and other than doing time in that little pathetic hostile situation they never did any real prison time they never went to an adult prison they never truly peered for what they did to that little boy but the three different people I could only find the examples of three but I know for a fact there's been more three different people at least have had jail time for sharing pictures and profiles of who they believe is Jon Venables and Robert Thompson's new identities so sharing photos of Jon Venables now mr. sidenote while we're on this kind of topic in 2016 a woman was jailed for messaging Denis Bulger or Denis Fergus on Twitter pretending to be one of the killers and even pretending to be James as ghost I just thought that was kind of interesting information to put in like how sick must you be it's a message someone who's lost their son and pretend to be there girls like sir nine years after his release in 2010 Jon Venables actually reoffended and it was all over the media it was this was huge news due to this his actual cause of arrest like the reason he was arrested was kept secret it wasn't public information but as you can imagine there was a lot of public backlash as there always is in stuff like this and once again the courts went back on their word and actually did release it police called in to his flats or apartment whatever he was living the went through was confused on which Venables shared such the computer off them and tried to smash it up and so bits as quick as he is at the police managed to get the computer off him and that's when he found all the child porn on it the person formerly known as Jon Venables was charged with possession and distribution of indecent images of children he had downloaded over fifty seven indecent images of children over a 12-month period and was actually sharing them and downloading them and posting them on a pedophile Network he pled guilty to this like he knew he was guilty and he was sentenced to two years in prison during this trial however it came out that Venables had been violating the terms of his release the whole time since 2001 for nine years since he got let out Venables mostly pauses drinking in Liverpool in a clubs he's been recourse as integral to Everton games which is only five minutes away from where I'm living because I've been sitting right next to no cuz I spoke some wasn't even has a drink with him I don't know I've got nieces huge income Liverpool how do I know that any of my only seventeen chances or five animals it also came out that he'd been arrested twice before since his release once for a drunk fight and once for possession of drugs it was decided once again that his new identity was not going to be released to the public although it was clear that he was a danger to society like he was still reoffending and for some pretty dangerous stuff as well in 2005 after Venables release his probation officer reported meeting his girlfriend at the who was 17 years old he was 23 so this wasn't a huge age gap it was six years and especially when you got young it's kind of a big age gap but on top of that it just is illegal like a sexual relationship between someone that is over 18 and someone that is younger than 19 just is illegal Venables dated many young girls teenage girls like 17 18 19 year old girls while he was in his 20s people believed that he was just trying to like live his adolescence it was like a delayed adolescence since he was in prison for all of his I said prison but he was in a borderline hostel with video games TVs movies whatever it wasn't a prison as Venables supervision gradually decreased like he was seen his probation officer less and less he began violating the terms of his release once again he was excessively drinking taking drugs downloading child pornography images as well as visiting Merseyside on two different occasions Venables actually revealed his true identity to two different people and so because of this because his true identity was gonna get out he was given another new identity in 2011 he was kept in prison between 2011 and 2013 for his own safety so that because police feared that he would share his neo new identity and like I said it cost a lot of flippin money to give someone a new identity so police were like if you're just gonna go out and tell people we're keeping you in prison you are not telling people you new identity in February of 2018 so just two months ago all not even two months ago like one and a half months ago Jon Venables pled guilty to possession of indecent images of children for a second time he admitted to being in possession of 392 category ere 148 category B and 630 category C child porn images so if you not sure what that means in a nutshell category includes penetration which he had almost 400 of B is non penetrative sexual activity which he had almost 150 and C is an the kind of indecent child images that is not sexual activity so anything that doesn't fall under those first two categories which he had 630 thumb Venables was sentenced to a further three years and four months in prison and that is where we're at now that is the current ear he is in prison I believe that Robert Thompson was successfully rehabilitated and he hasn't offended since and correct me if I'm wrong but I really like I didn't find anything so let's hope he has been like I said the boys didn't show remorse so what are the chances of memory offending I mean Jon Venables is a prime example that if you don't rehabilitate properly if you just give him a frickin video game console then they will reoffending I personally don't know much about the law I'll be honest but it just takes common sense doesn't it like if you can do a crime that horrific to another human being like it's clear that you're gonna need some help to get back to the mental state of a normal human being because you can't be mentally sound in your head should be able to do that to someone else like there's got to be some degree of mental illness for you to be able to carry that out and to further sure no remorse like there must have been some degree of mental illness in those bodies and so without rehabilitation without counselling without help those boys are going to go on to RIA fend it well one of them did but yeah that is it for this case I normally put my own little opinions in the end but I just feel like it's really like unnecessary a kind of inappropriate for this kind of case it's a very hard-hitting case and I just I don't know I just kind of want to leave it there but I mean during this video you have been seeing my opinions coming out I this kiss just infuriates me it really does like I'm cheering up right now this for me this kiss is the most upsetting true crime case I have ever heard in my entire life for me personally like every time I watch a documentary every time I just think about it I just cry like I just cry and cry my mom as well ever since this happened I think it's been like 30 years or something almost now every single time this would come on the news everything every single time someone would talk about it my mom just could never listen to it she has to turn the TV off like when I was researching this kiss me and my aunty were talking about it in the living room and my mom had to leave the room like my mom has never been able to listen to any of this because it affects her so much as well and and it's like that for the majority of the UK if you're not from here like everyone is just so affected by this case it's like every single time I see a picture of that little boy I just cry and you don't understand how many pictures I saw Jim in this Jerry my research but yeah let me know what you think down below I would love to know your opinions on so many different things from this like what are your opinions on the boys prison life what are your opinions on the whole like giving them new identities and protecting their identities and stuff do you think that the their identities should have been let out in the first place do you think that there shouldn't have been given new identities I'm really interested to know what you guys think and since this was a requested case let me know any other cases that you might want me to cover down down in the comments I'm always taking suggestions from you guys I'm always covering cases that you guys want to see so if you don't let me know I won't know but yeah that completes this video thank you so so much for watching I feel like it's been a very long one but thank you for sticking around if you enjoyed it make sure you leave a big thumbs up and subscribe down below if you want to see some more content like this I've lured a true crime or an unsolved mystery video every Wednesday and every Sunday I also if you are new to this channel I do a themed week every month which is coming in about two weeks I think one and a half weeks and where I do a true-crime video every single day for a week and it has a different theme every month and I do have a theme ready for this month so get ready but yeah thank you so so much for watching make sure you subscribe if you want to see some more from me and I will see you in the next one Oh
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 2,434,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: makeup, tutorial, eleanor, neale, beauty, ginger, redhead, pale, fair, 2018, mystery, unsolved, solved, murder, james bulger, bulger, jamie bulger, james bulger documentary, documentary, robert thompson, jon venables, venables, thompson, thompson and venables, venables now, venables and thompson, interview, true crime, disappearance, abduction, missing, found, venables 2018, killers, killer, serial killer, killers interview, cctv, footage, uk, kendall rae, bella fiori, crime watch daily, rob dyke, lisbug
Id: BScEdPfOyaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 22sec (3262 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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