The Ultimate Guide To The Company

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oh yeah all right let's do this one last time left left left back back back left left left you got anything met no last last time we were in update 39 the launch version since then the game is updated to version 45 with some major changes most of the fundamentals are the same but the rail cheese has been removed and Titan has been nerfed into the ground and with the new new update fumpers are faster but get stunned when they run into walls nutcrackers have been slightly changed and shovels have been buffed we spent dozens of hours trying to grind to a new world record with our old strategy I thought we'd washed up we couldn't even make it to 1K granted we were going hard one bad day was grounds for a reset and with the newly nerfed Titan being our Main Moon this was happening a lot as it turns out Ren is the new meta we figured Dy has to be better than Ren especially with the fire exit but as it turns out D is only marginally better than Ren with much worse enemy spawns Christ the enemies yes I know we can't use rail cheese anymore Jesus guys did you not see the over 500 comments to be fair there were a ton of inaccuracies in that video it was just the state of the game of the community at the time we didn't really know now we've had multiple people dive into the code and bring us data and we have plenty of real world examples to verify it so let's quick fire the guide again starting with the moons as outlined in warp's wonderful Moon guide there are three main things to consider loot amount type and spawn locations monster spawns and map size we still believe in the tier three Moon as soon as possible matter so the run is split into two categories before tier three moons and after experimentation and offense are low loot moons with low value loot we used to think experimentation was okay since you can reliably get every piece of loot for solid 300 to 450 our main pre- tier moon was March but there a cavia it has a two times size multiplier this is partially negated by having three fire xes so we split up to cover all four entrances plus it has high B spawn which can sometimes double the amount of scrap you get in one day if you're lucky however vow is just as good it's a tier 1 moon with less loot the March offense and Assurance but the map size and the bees make it really worthwhile B also has the added benefit of monsters bees count towards the maximum monster value so if you get five bees you're likely to only see one or two of the monsters meaning basically free reain in the facility plus the monsters you get vow are generally easier so the main meat of the strategy tier three moons as I mentioned Ren is the new meta Titan was always huge but the monster types and spawn amounts have been drastically increased while the loot spread has I've stayed the same or gotten worse no longer can you reliably stick your nose into Titan and immediately find 500 worth of lot at your feet trust me when I say the Titan it's almost only worth going to if Ren and D are eclipsed I say almost because high risk High reward you don't set records by playing it safe and to rip salt in the wound fall damage can kill you now so you can't jump from the top of Titan so we're left with Ren and dine and honestly it took me until warp's video to get into my tiny little brain that Ren is better than Dy even now I still think Dy has more potential but I'll get to that in a sec Ren is pretty small during testing we were consistently exploring and looting every single room in the mansion by 400 p.m. which is helpful since night time on Ren is Pitch Black for this reason I recommend leaving an emergency flashlight at the fire exit just in case although during the course of the Run we discovered that turning right from the fire exit is better than going towards the main path of lights and you can pretty much do it blind once you've done the route a few times the main reason for Ren though is that the loot type and amount is almost identical to Dy but Ren has better enemy spawns it has the highest Nutcracker spawn which is a good thing since once you get one shotgun you can Farm nutcrackers to either sell or use the guns plus no turrets spawn on Dy so why do I still want Dy to work well with Dy not being much bigger than Ren if we're consistently leaving Ren with all the loot wouldn't that mean that we could also do the same for Dy and the real benefit to Dy is the fire exit it's so close to the ship so technically yes but the monsters are way worse as well as turrets being able to spawn and dine it's something we haven't really put to the test yet but I'm a firm believer that as the world record keeps getting higher and higher these riskier strategies will become more essential okay it was supposed to just be a quick correct so I'll do the monsters after we hit a few ques it'll be me and Glen man you guys Fire EX we've got like nothing [Music] man [ __ ] baby in the distance that's Glenn he cries sometimes he cries when there's no loot nothing oh my God use the bad luck up now we'll have good luck later right that's how it works cool I'm going to lure him away who a good boy who's a good boy oh hello someone's definitely dead howy sure how you doing oh no mate no mate no mate no mate no mate no mate no mate no mate no mate [ __ ] off [ __ ] off [ __ ] no oh I just escaped him uh should be take over or no it's this way you near go hey loves us oh uhoh you okay Glenn oh Glen give him back give him back all right cool I'm going to kill [Music] myself [Music] this hey hey no don't do this [ __ ] it in the ship what the hell no no no yeah go away go away go away go away oh my God what is going on it's I hate this they did this last time and they killed me and he's going to kill me again what did I do to you I'm hiding oh there's two items left I think yeah two items one at fire one at M [ __ ] baboon Hawk uhoh nice it took the it took the item well played Cat well played another worm God damn you know what you stay you stay I'll I'll go over it hey yeah I see you you took our loot I was scared of you I don't scared of you this is mine [Music] now nice C all right so you've made your first quer now you have to make a choice first of all are you going to sell 550 wor to go to rent and are you going to sell more to buy equipment we always go to rent and this time we decide to buy some equipment Pro flashlights a radar booster and a lock picker are great items to get you started if we can afford it I'll grab spray paint the thing to remember is that you get an overtime bonus when you sell over the quota since we're selling just over four times the quota we reliably get around 100 overtime so you can use that to buy equipment at no extra scrap cost remember the first few quarters are where you make the most backlog scrap so it's important to both save as much scrap as you can but also buy what you need to ex scrap the most loot you're capable [Music] of yeah I need spray paint I get lost so easily oh no [Music] cracker Lo at dude no they're not to do I'm going to grab [Music] it yeah chaos the lag it's impossible the lag wasn't the issue I couldn't [ __ ] see go welcome to the company nice couple [Music] days I'll drop this I'll be great live is alive that's a mimic sin died I'm so confused look I'm right next to you rck all right I'm going to go help them don't die don't [Music] die couldn't do anything he's going to open good just please don't die I won't I'm pretty good with the [Music] lightning oh you w that was so fat there was no noise yeah he's going to see that I'm dead and he'll be fing hey hey bud a he's got that New Zealand ping [Music] whoa he's got it he's got it actual gaming let's see what rck test is you son of a [ __ ] there was loot left how dare you leave loot back there you son [ __ ] it's fine you you recovered that was mostly on S all right so about those monsters remember earlier when I mentioned monster values each Moon has a maximum value for indoor daytime and nighttime with some deviation killing monsters will allow more possibly worse enemies to spawn so it's worth keeping certain enemies alive like the bunker spider loot bugs and even the Bracken since his value is so high you can see how free snare fleas nutcrackers coil heads and mimics are only worth one bunker spider Bracken Thumper or Jester there's also a maximum amount that can spawn there can only be one Jester or Bracken at a time whereas you can have up to 10 nutcrackers or mimics or eight loot bugs loot bugs are the same passive until provoked and a quick free shovel hits to kill if you want the loot you can can sometimes sacrifice a piece of loot to deagro them slimes haven't changed hitting them makes them bigger boom boxes can make them move faster otherwise they're just an inconvenience you can jump over them and they can't be killed Spa lizards are also passive but they'll hurt you if you walk into them they also can't be killed snare fleas are two hits to kill and can be hit off your head when they get you you drop all your items if you had a shovel or a flashbang you can pick them back up and hit them or Flash them off your head exiting the facility will also kill them and you can be saved by a Teleport Rens silently stalk you and attack you if you look at them twice after a few seconds grace period if you or a teammate look at them while they Retreat they'll attack you can outrun them or jump over an obstacle a couple times to lose them it seems to chase you for a set amount of time before giving up you can also unreliably kill them by backing up in a circle and hitting them which might be easier with the shovel buff in the latest update coil heads run at you and kill you if you're not looking at them paired with veren these can be a real nightmare they can't be killed and can end up being your main adversary when looting in my opinion you essentially have to have someone watch them while the rest loot cutting your Manpower you can lose them and they'll wander around without attacking for a bit but it's not worth the risk of being rushed up on and instakilled the only strategy to permanently deal with them is to lock them behind a blast door but we don't think it's worth it you have to be absolutely cracked at coms and monitoring and lucky enough to have a worthwhile blast star near enough to locking up which you don't even get in manions bumpers have the most difference since last time you can't rail chose them anymore but you can reliably kill them by hitting them and backing up the line of sight based so running around a few Corners will lose them as with all monsters you can hit them from quite far back and hitting them resets their acceleration so once you get the hang of it it's pretty easy I think it's harder for the host I have a skill issue as such I struggle with them a little bit they've also been changed in the latest update increasing their base speed but also increasing the max speed drop off they now have a mechanic where they get stunned if they run into a wall the shovel buff should really help here as hitting monsters resets through acceleration the bunker spider didn't change in version 45 but in the latest update it moves faster each time it gets hit it moves just a tiny bit faster than you and you can reliably run away from it if you get cornered you can also reliably jump jump over it it never oneshots you at full health so these are just a roadblock the walk backward strap for the fper also works here but even better just remember that touching or destroying the webs Agro them the jester didn't change until version 47 where it takes a little bit longer after following to start winding one thing we did discover however is that he has weird momentum like the fper so you can kind of kite him and reset his acceleration giving you some time to dip the only thing I got wrong is that it resets almost instantly once he pops as long as no one is in the facility I recommend waiting inside the facility until he pops so that you can accurately re-enter without wasting time do however keep your ears open in case someone else wasn't able to get out in time as he'll be active until they leave or are killed I also recommend waiting outside the facility for some time to give him time to wander away otherwise as soon as you re-enter he'll be following you ready to wind up again the ghost girl is where I really got it wrong so she still haunts you and kills everyone one by one but it's based on a hideand-seek mechanic so the counter is to just not look at her it's so funny that we didn't know this you just completely negate her even when you're running around inside by just not looking at her she makes a noise when you up so if you're haunted keep your ears open and don't make any sudden turns and you'll be fine also don't walk backwards into her mimics or as they're called in the game masked are another enemy I struggle with as the host skish they can spawn naturally or by putting on a mask if they kill a player they're converted into a mimic if everybody leaves the facility they will also leave and make their way to the ship and hide on it they're pretty easy to avoid as they don't Sprint as often as you and most of the time they'll stop and stare at you before attacking if they grab you someone can save you by hitting the with a shovel and in version 45 this would glitch your game and you won't be able to move your mouse however this has been fixed in version 47 you can probably also be saved by a Teleport if they do it before you get grabed you can kill them relatively easily in four hits by backing up as you hit them or with one good shotgun blast just try not to do it when they're launching for you also avoid stairs and gaps because they teleport across them in fact all monsters teleport across gaps they also get up after death just make sure not to teleport a zombie player and now we have the Nutcracker while I'm still working on my skill issu L is cracked and can kill them 99% of the time one trick is to use a corner they need you in your sights before they shoot so if you let them see you dip they shoot Let Them See You Again dip shoot and when they're reloading you can get one single hit repeat four times on the third hit they speed up you just need to practice to know the timing but once you kill one just remember to put the safety on when you're done if you kill them right after they reload they drop two shells plus a fully loaded shotgun in the late update they made them move while aiming so you can no longer Crouch under them for a free kill and quickly the outdoor aims tree Giants were nerfed they're now a little bit slower and easier to outrun but still [ __ ] the main thing is that the radar booster can now stun them though the range is poor and if you carry it you'll be blinded in the latest update they were nerfed again so that they'd leave the ship sooner after chasing a player to it mouth dogs are the same but now all dropped items make a noise so be careful you can also kill them by hitting the closed ship door and then hitting them through it it seems that they fixed dogs killing you through through the walls we still use the ship horn and drop pod to distract them one thing I feel has changed however is how long they remember a sound so do not make a sound in the ship even with the do closed because sometimes they'll come in as soon as the door opens baboon Hawks are supposed to back off when you yell at them this is misinformation the original Mechanic was supposed to be whether or not they outnumber you but it's completely unpredictable lately they've straight up been coming onto the chip and killing me I have no idea what these guys deal is they'll also steal your loot and fight with the dogs and the worm is still the same I can bet it more often than not now you just need to wait for the particles and have quick reactions also yes I know the worm can kill the giant but come on how often is that going to happen plus as I said Monsters Just respawn if they die should I do the items as well Ahah [ __ ] it we don't use walkie-talkies since we always follow a similar strategy and check the monitor frequently but they're still worth using the new signal transmitter works just fine we don't want to waste an item slot and all the time it takes to communicate the cheap flashlight is worthless just buy a pro one shovel is MVP always 50% off on the first quarter use them until you kill a nutcracker for a shotgun or as a safety net against mimics and snare fleas lockpickers are great once you have the money it's worth bringing one to Main and to the fire exit in case of lock doors if you get a good sale buy a ton of them and use them disposa the pro flashlight I've kind of done a 180 on this I like to use the flashlight now it makes navigating way easier and nicer on the eyes again get a sale and buy a ton of them and use them disposabl they last about half a day so bring some Spar to each entrance the stone grenade was kind of indirectly nerfed by the radar booster but it's worth having a couple on the ship ready for Giants the boom Box gives your team a 69% morale boost but the only real use to it is to make slimes move faster which is massively impractical TCP is still a joke if you have tons of money on high quota you can leave them outside the facility you can use them to get to the facility faster and get loot back a little faster we do it late in the run when we have infinite money but it's negligible the zap gun is still too expensive to risk and not useful enough to bring it's good for getting your first Nutcracker but chances are you can kill a nutcracker with a shovel before you can afford a zap gun and then you have a gun to get more guns so the jetpack has a hidden overheating mechanic that I wasn't aware of it's not based on how long you hold it down but rather acceleration while holding it down does generate heat it scales like the acceleration so tapping it on and off won't reset the heat it's really finicky I still don't fully understand it the only method that seems to be reliable is to just not go fast despite my insane skills with it I'll always randomly take damage and randomly explode so it's a no-o for me the extension ladder is far less useful now that we don't go to Titan you can even get to the Dy fire escape without it so it has little use there was a glitch where you could fly using the ladder and move at insane speeds clip through the facility but I'm pretty sure that's just been patched the radar booster got a massive buff with the stun we need to do some more testing but it's not worth bringing to the facility with you unless you have a monor guy and even then it's dubious you get badly blinded when it goes off we mainly use it for Giants camping the ship but even then they've just been nerfed spray paint is the new consumable I love it I use a system of two dots to Mark the way out and one dot for explode in version 45 the markings would persist through days but that got patched the day after our world record run it does make looting a little slower but for me it's almost essential it'd be a great tool for Titan but all of my testing resulted in me dying as I tried to scout ahead without monsters it would take me consistently till 1100 p.m. to Mark the whole facility the loud honn can be used with the ship dog closed to bait dogs to the front just be warned they still prioritize player sounds make sure the door is closed or there's a chance will run inside the signal translator lets you send short messages to the whole team it's worth it for our runs without walkie-talkies to keep each other in the loop as we individually take loot back for example when I take my first loot back I check the monitor see there someone is dead and transmit cat dead for L cat dead the teleporter is still not super useful we spend all our money so we don't get fined it is useful for later runs when you have enough money to switch moons every day where you need to prevent large fines as mentioned earlier you can save people from a snare flea and also from the Forest Giant you can probably save someone from a mimic too if you start the teleporter before they get grabbed the inverse teleporter is still a garbage meme tool it's not so bad at Ren since you can likely find your way out but it's not worth it for the chance of being teleported behind a locked door technically you can just have someone wait to see if you need to be teleported back out but come on it's a meme okay back to the room you have to I'm lost in the [Music] [Music] Darkness [Music] yeah you [Music] good I'm getting them so we can it die trying this is some [ __ ] dude you need to [ __ ] off about to die [Music] [Music] oh o oh loads [ __ ] loads where where where upstairs upstairs [Music] upstairs oh [Music] [Music] what nice I got the coil oh no better me than them better me than them watching watching oh let me in Little Piggy oh what the oh my God there's one upstairs upstairs you save me I love you oh they need to get back did you get the did you reload your shotgun shells we have to run we got to go quick come on oh my god oh oh my God we're loaded we're [ __ ] loaded oh I made it made it I just we're loaded we are loaded I grabbed onto the ship as it was like leaving I almost missed that back oh there's just one day left until the next phase of the run and uh I'll just let you watch the disaster remember R over confidence slow and killer p sladen with loot I often low on Supply he sh I hear I can grab it I can grab it I can grab it yes right this is where the greed comes I'm wasting time oh dude there's so much loot yeah okay I'm going to put the loot here take this loot K take that take that loot I'm going to put more there I'm going to help but all the loot is downstairs I dropped it I I'm looking no we need to we need to F it we're getting greedy we need to Ferry we need to Ferry braen oh come on it just keeps going barely even worth picking up oh there's tons of loot 3 p.m. not the worst in the world oh what the [ __ ] why aren't they bringing the horn use the horn well this can be [ __ ] why do you have to talk about to leave just go on the Roof oh that worked too he made noise so God I like how we don't speak as well we still got a thousand how did we get a thousand I saw the Run Flash before my eyes well after chaos saving the run we're at a point where we have spare money we're not at the point where we can switch moons yet or reasonably buy a teleporter so it's still wise to spend our excess I'm just going to buy a [ __ ] ton of flashlights while they're 90% off which is now enough that we can buy any handheld equipment I don't that sounds really weird oh mimic now is my time yeah mimic 10 you're mine yeah I can't there's two coil heads where who's all right you no you go you go you go you have stop oh Jester Jester winding just a winding oh a he's right there he's got it right oh yes over there in a dark board yeah I can somewhere around this point we transition from spending money to saving money so that we can switch moons exactly when is most efficient to do this is Up For Debate and depends on how much equipment you have and lose this is when the teleporter starts being useful before now you could argue that you could save someone but you'd have to waste precious Manpower on the terminal now however its main use is recovering bodies so that we don't lose money between days there is essentially a point where you have enough money to switch moons once or by the teleporter but not be able to switch but not long after that you have so much money you I you don't finish the script apparently why I'm going to get revenge from my boy show yourself stupid call me stupid down here oh no live live chaos live oh thought I was dead oh this is awkward B luck to you to [Music] oh empty you [ __ ] he gave me an empty gun [Music] Yi yeah y yep wrong little wrong [Music] turn [Music] himself name is pretty I know he's a Franken AA sper spider [Music] what are you doing run back to [Music] me you can piss off oh should kep the light dude we found it there it is yeah there's a painting I could maybe get but oh you dead you just got CLI through the wall well a good does oh he's in the [ __ ] way yeah I'll I'll get the team killed if I do that I could probably have they block doorways 10m we have a teleporter now [Music] remember are you kidding four in a row I'd go and get it but i w get back in two [Music] hours oh okay well I need to F that loot I can't now theoretically there's not really many places an enemy could spawn behind me we haven't confirmed the cat's dead oh sorry I had to risk that cuz it was about to pop yeah why'd you buy so many BS man playing the more loot that's on my screen at least for me at some undefined point we essentially have infinite money we can swap moons even when people die we can buy disposable tzp and use jetpacks without much fear of losing them we're in the end game now there's nothing to do but keep looting we can no longer meet the quota in the days that we have so we simply pray that our backlog is enough but don't despair remember that you are a great asset give me that it's a Christmas miracle oh [ __ ] me get N Get N dog dog [ __ ] I dropped shotgun yeah got it [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh you kidding all right this is going to be close you oh [ __ ] you I don't think I'm making it out oh let me through [Music] he left left left back back back left left left forward forward there you go there go the best instructions out here oh no you're [Music] kidding going be a man source of income is CHS teleport me teleport me what are they doing teleport me why yeah that works yipp damn oh God I took a oh very good I can't really do anything here you got a coil head once I leave we lost a lot you got anything met uh no at least this pris has me the timing [Music] well we beat we beat uh PB so uh 5.2 all right that's our personal best after quite a lot of bad runs I was really happy with our result and we could easily keep going with this much scrap this SC wait no not like this it's 11:30 chaos is lost in the darkness and while trying to guide him home I must have made a noise on the terminal right as the door opened no what the [Music] [ __ ] oh that's say I was down the [Music] drain he made it I don't think you understand how fast my heart is going oh what the [ __ ] I I need I need a break was playing G's oh [ __ ] we we owe everything to you chaos oh my God Jesus just before I died I I hit the door locking the dog in and Chaos out had he been standing in the doorway the dog trapped inside would have clipped through and killed him just like how I died during takeoff a couple quarters ago move over Glenn now chaos is the company's greatest asset literally 10 minutes later we come back still shook but the company never sleeps so it's time to get to work at the time the record stood at 7,900 so that's our goal after all the bad luck and close calls we weren't super hopeful but that took the pressure off and just like last time it all came together in the final [Music] runs you I'm so [Music] sorry oh [ __ ] he's active nice [Music] work how are you alive Rook how the hell are you alive holy [Music] [Applause] [Music] moly [Music] no I couldn't do [ __ ] cuz of the [Music] turret is that another one hell yeah what you're about to see is what I call Pro Gamer [Music] moves this is it okay this is it we mathematically cannot reach the quarter after this and there's a very real possibility that we can match the 7.9k world record so we sell everything on the [Music] ship I want to be optimistic and say 8.3 8.7 imagine no it's going to be like a while I'm going to be optimistic [Music] 8.3 7 8 2 3 4 oh my God we beat the [ __ ] record by 600 and with one less person cuz we weren't using the more company mod eat your hat out in some well I haven't made a video in a month so I better wrap this up the next day the record was beaten by Jimmy the duff with 9,395 Andy went on to beat it again with 11,261 I'm not sure if we'll push for higher at this point it's just who can grind out the RNG for the higher quer since it's random how much it increases by each time I think if I do return to this it'll be with the more company mod with like 12 players or to try and get the theoretical Max by restarting every day to get Max loot as always thanks to all the channel members and patrons there were so many gifted over Christmas and New Year's that the list is too long to to readout we also hit 100K Subs if this is the last time I make a lethal video I just want to thank you all for joining me through this little journey of ours I'll always look back on it with fun memories take it easy everyone ain't nothing going to bring us down hell yeah oh my god oh what the [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] welcome to let's [Applause] [Music] go yeah still in it
Channel: Ricksdetrix
Views: 574,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lethal company, lethal company wr, lethal company quota, lethal company guide, world record, lethal company montage, lethal company monsters, lethal company speedrun, lethal company world record, lethal company highest quota, brutal company, lethal company monster moments, high score, speed run, Lethal company all monsters, lethal company moons, lethal company moon guide, lethal company advanced guide, lethal company tips and tricks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 38sec (2378 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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