And Then The MSM Called Helldivers 2 Fascist - Gatekeep HARDER

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and then they started calling hell divers too fascists exactly like I said they would as I mentioned this in a couple of videos previously that the first step that would come out of the progressive side when hell divers 2 became popular was to first try to infiltrate it we saw this in the hell divers 2 band's politics video where we had a look at an account called hell divers alert which presented itself as an official account account but was in fact a fan account which said don't remember don't be a fascist Etc beginning the slow push of beginning to move political ideas into hell divers however the hell diverse developers then did something very clever realizing that their video game would now inevitably be used as an arena for political discourse they simply said let's not do that at all let us enforce 100% neutrality by simply Banning the conversation completely and that was the correct move though there have been some potential breaks in that barrier as we covered a couple days ago one of the community managers mentioned that they were not apparently Banning people for LGBT cap nonsense Etc they were only Banning the people in the opposite side of the spectrum this has since not been commentated on though there have been several rumors that a lot more people have been banned from their Discord as well now I popped onto their Discord briefly I did see some people arguing that the game was fascist quite openly usually with the flags in their bio not being banned and I did also see them apparently arguing with people who weren't on the server anymore so that seems suspicious but I'm not going to say anything categoric on that account as I haven't really been able to see any confirmed instances so far of people being banned for their politics or arguing against there being politics so grain of salt Etc this however was the moment of weakness cuz as I mentioned again the mainstream media was fing to call hell divers fascist they were desperate to do it but they couldn't do it right away because the game was way too popular if they did it they would only cutting be cutting away their own support even earlier and even quicker than they already are they needed a moment of weakness and this was that moment the moment this started kicking up the same day this started appearing yeah you're FAS is in Hell divis 2 but it's also intentionally over the top that it's impossible not to smile hell divis 2 comedy comes from propaganda that's why it's so fun wait are we the baddies same day day thereafter hell Liv to politics appear to be flying over the heads of some within practically a day we saw three to four articles come out all in and saying yeah no hell lives is definitely fascist but we're totally digging it guys which is the soft beginning entry point into essentially beginning to Tar the company and the game with the label of fascist cuz here's what comes next they were unsuccessful in infiltrating hell divis 2 using soft power and here's the thing progressivism cannot exist in a politically neutral State because in a neutral State progressivism which is inherently racist and sexist cannot exist in our current Society they require repressive tolerance to get anywhere this is why they began with the Vanguard demand of hey give us lgbtq and trans capes that Vanguard demand was not met and so it escalates this is all just the slow grind of the M mainstream gaming media beginning to move in on hellis 2 as we have seen them done to so many other titles now if they were calling super Earth fascist in and of itself at least they would have an argument but they're not they're calling the game fascist they're calling the fans who like it fascist by saying that they don't get that it's satire Etc and again if they were calling super Earth fascist they might at least have potentially an argument as it sort of depends on the AI in law the AI is said to receive a handful of answers from each individual person from these answers the AI then determines who you are supposed to be voting for by going through all of your interests and your needs Etc and then cross referencing that against the available candidates and going okay you should vote for this guy if that system works like that and it suggests the candidate that it would suit your personal requirements and beliefs best then that is not fascism if however the answer to every single set of questions is what you require right now sir is a strong State then you might have a reasonable argument for fascism but amusingly enough of course is that this is actually a quite common talking point on the left new research and Trump voters they're not the sharpest tools in the Box to beat Trump we need to know why Americans keep voting for him psychologists may have the answer for years now we've been essentially bombarded with the idea that if you vote for Trump you simply just don't know what's good for you you're you don't understand you're dumb you're low Q you're the basket of deplorables don't you get it we know what's best for you for this group of people to criticize the idea of the super AI voting for you is deliciously ironic in my opinion as half of these people would probably throw themselves on the mercy of the AI within 5 seconds and this of course also then gets led into this thing here so Grumps was kind of on the Forefront of this [ __ ] store which is still developing at the moment with no official statement from Arrowhead at the time of recording where he simply says protect hell divers keep it politically free now this is also where this comes in right some fans are clearly freshes cuz they don't get the fact that it's satire and then also people going here game is an obvious sat out of fascism misinformation in 2003 ERA American politics it's so apolitical well here's the thing I I need to do a video on everything is political in fact I I think try and do that this week because everything is political is a favorite statement of the left which is essentially used to either say that we need to get politics into this thing or arguing that politics were always in this thing and thus you shouldn't object to it that's why you see the phrases like um star wars's always been political Star Trek's always been political or has always been woke or some variation of it what Grumps is saying here isn't that virus doesn't have political elements it does it has in world political elements it satz real world ideologies the bugs are fascists an absolute narcistic hive mind in essence that marches to the beat of a centralized intelligence it is everything within the state where the state exists for the state's own purpose meanwhile the robots are hardcore communist socialists where and here's the thing too A lot of people have been sympathetic to the road robots in fact I even believe one of these articles were talking about how the um uh oh yeah I think it was this one aha yes a super Earth used automaton slave slaves and they're engaging in a fully Justified Revolt the automatons kill people the automatons Carry Out full on genocides the automatons decorate their bases with the torn apart corpses of human beings um I I think there's a point at which your supposed State Uprising which is not exactly a precise uh description of events either mind you loses its moral legitimacy and I think General issue dismemberment is probably round about that point actually what he is saying is keep it free of modernday politics that is the point here and anyone with two neurons to rub together understands that but again a great part of the left's tactic is repressive tolerance and a part of that is extending every favor and every um every charity towards your own side was withholding it absolutely against the opposition Grumps is the opposition and so a very clear statement that can only be read as keep modern day politics out of it will instead be interpreted by chuckle [ __ ] like Joseph stalinator down here thank you for that naming by the way just to hammer home my point yet further in the most dishonest way imaginable and the least charitable way as if he's saying oh there's no politics in the game of course not you can have in-game politics and have the game not be political in fact you can have real world politics in the game and still have it not be political because pretty much everyone in hell divis is in fact not a great guy the hell divers themselves have probably the moral superiority in that if the terminate wins super Earth gets wiped out Humanity gets wiped out if the automaton wins super gets wiped out Humanity gets wiped out if the hell divers win well worst case scenario is slavery of the automatons sucks but it's not genocide and being used as oil breeding bugs for the terminates sucks but it also is still not genocide in the grand scheme of things yeah the hell livs are the superior molal side in a giant war of mass conflict and mass extermination everything's relevant huh and again this is this is the point of weakness the moment this came out and in fact hours later they started bubbling around on the internet the first one came out as IGN that was the starting shot then everything else swiftly followed as a lot of this was undoubtedly I guarantee you prepared long ahead of time that's the only way you can get this many people talking about the same thing in perfect lock step within a day of one another especially as that we also know that they all have each other's emails from the old gamergate days so yeah they are coming for hell divis and now this will be the real test of the game I said this was going to happen this is the moment when the siege begins it is going to escalate quite a bit from here and we will see if the Vanguard demands are met I'm presuming that they will Begin by simply saying okay well you can you can make it clear that the game you know you might be playing a little bit of fasc but you can make it clear that you're not fascist aroh heads just just add in some capes add in a little bit of representation come on now just just a little bit just just the pinky finger and we swear we won't ask for more we'll see if adoh head are is Swedish as that compy location suggests until next time I've been Arch thank you all very much for watching and uh good luck hell divis you are going to need it
Channel: The ArchCast
Views: 46,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arch, thearchcast, Arrowhead Game Studios, msm, helldivers 2, the archcast, woke, gaming, gaming media, trending, entertainment news, gamergate, gatekeeping, the arch cast, discussion, reaction, archcast, entertainment, commentary, helldivers, discord, ign, gaming news, controversy, wokeness, 2024, trending news, games, gaming journalist, culture war, dei, channel, helldivers 2 community, news
Id: jlFc9VlIkik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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