Umm... I Think There’s a Glitch in the Matrix (Reddit Compilation)

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um i think there's a glitch in the matrix i died last night but i'm still here so this actually happened last week it just took me some time to come to terms with it i got a phone call from my next door neighbor late in the evening asking if i can help him move a mattress into his upstairs his mum is ill and has a big heavy sleep number bed i of course ran over to help because they're great neighbors i get over there and his friend who is also a priest was there to help i helped them figure out how to separate the mattress from the bed so we could fit it upstairs we get it all moved up and back in place when my neighbor asks if i can help them move an armoire upstairs too i think nothing of it and we pull it out of his travel trailer and start bringing up the front stairs of his house this is where i died the front stairs are 11 steps i was on the lower end of the armoire about six steps up when my neighbor and his friend lose a handle on the armoire and it comes crashing down on me and i fall backwards towards the pavement i then wake up in my dining room to my phone ringing and my wife asking me if i'm going to answer the phone it's my neighbor asking me if i can help move a bed upstairs for his mom i go over there and meet his priest friend again as this has been the first time i met him i say i can help with the bed but i cannot help with the armoire my neighbor was like how do you know about the armoire i then proceeded to tell them i'm pretty sure i just died i spent the next hour talking with the priest he had so many questions my neighbor didn't believe it until i described the upstairs bedroom in perfect detail down to the metal mattress frame on the floor and the intricate headboard leaning against the wall and i had never been upstairs in their house before the priest asked me what i saw after i died i told him i never actually died before it happened i woke up at my dining room table tl dr i experienced my death but woke up alive about 20 minutes earlier in my life i was someone's glitch in the matrix i went out parked in front of a store bought a six-pack of water and went to register nr2 paid with change half an hour later i remembered i wouldn't be going out anytime soon again so i decided to buy more water and everything happened in the exact same order i parked at the same spot entered bought a six-pack register two is free same girl working there i even paid with same amount of change coins she looked at me with a bit of horror and confusion but couldn't see me smiling under my mask something is wrong with my girlfriend me m26 and my girlfriend f25 have been living together in an apartment for two and a half years everything has been normal until quarantine started around four weeks ago when i started noticing some odd things for instance for the last three weeks or so my gf has been putting sugar into her morning coffee while throughout our entire relationship she's always been very much against it it may seem like a small detail but she's always been complaining about how i don't know what real coffee is since i put quite a lot of sugar on the first day that i saw her drinking coffee with sugar i asked her why would she do that and she looked at me weirded out and said something like what are you talking about i've always been putting sugar in my coffee i felt a bit confused for a moment but then we started talking about some other things so i didn't think any more about it until the morning after when she did the exactly same thing and had once again the same reaction fast forward a few days and another odd thing happened we were having sex and she suddenly suggested a sex pose that we had already tried once but it had gone wrong and it hurt her a lot so we had simply decided not to try it anymore naturally i was very surprised with her suggestion and reminded her about the time when it went wrong and she just completely dismissed it saying that i probably mixed her up with some ex-girlfriend or that i was just tripping we then did the pose and we actually enjoyed it today the weirdest thing happened which is the reason i'm writing this post in the afternoon i was working at home i'm employed as a phd student at the computer science department of a university when my gf asked me what's up with a guy who i've never heard of before i asked her who is she referring to and she said well it's that college of yours who you always talk about the one from the company where you are employed at i froze and asked her to repeat and she said the exactly same thing all over again then i told her that i don't work at any company nor have i ever worked at any company since i started a phd straight after my master degree at this point she also completely froze and we were just staring at each other completely confused and shocked for a few moments she then asked me wtf is going on and i reminded her about the coffee thing and about the sex pose and that i don't know anymore what is going on at this point she started crying too and asked what is wrong with us nor she nor me nor anyone in both families have ever had any mental problems in the past we don't know what to do about this can anyone explain what's wrong with us mom died years ago dad got a phone call from her my mom died 13 years ago about four years ago my dad was on vacation in arizona with his girlfriend he said he was up watching tv and the hotel phone rang he answered it and said it was my mom's voice saying i'm okay he said he said cass and he said the phone was crackly and said tell heather me i am okay he said his girlfriend was confused why the phone rang he immediately called me even though it was late and he was crying my dad doesn't believe in the supernatural but still to this day can't explain that call i'm still crapping my pants over this about 30 seconds ago i was sitting on the couch as my dog walked by to go sit on her bed we have behind the l part of the sectional but she had something small caught in her throat last night i think a popcorn shell so i was paying attention to her breathing just to make sure she got it out for a few minutes she was breathing fine and then what sounded like a light snore started happening this is semi-normal for her depending on what position she's laying in so i didn't bother to go over and check on her that went on for about five minutes until the most disgusting and to my now realization terrifying snork off wheezing sound started happening i go over to her to make sure she's okay and the exact moment i looked at her bed the sound stooped mid-breath and she wasn't there she was outside with my parents had been for around 30 minuets there's no way to get out of the room without walking right past me i don't know whose freaking dog i saw and what was making that creepy bus sound five feet away from me but i'm going to be staying outside for the rest of the day and hiring an exorcist sister with ds knows things about people she's never met okay i've been lurking and commenting on this sub for a while and always wanted to post this but was always too nervous too since reading a recent post by you salty bugler i've decided i should share my stories about my little sister we'll call her diana here for safety reasons a bit of backstory my little sister has down syndrome if you're not aware what ds is here is some info on it from my understanding about ds many people with it are on the autistic spectrum my sister is considered high functioning autistic as well as having ds okay here are the stories our mom had tons of difficulties with her pregnancy with diana and had multiple strange occurrences while she was pregnant with her the main one being that at around six months along in the pregnancy our mom walked into her bathroom to find the box holding her wedding dress on the floor that box had been in the attic since we had moved into that house no one in the house knew how it got there mum starting having contractions just after that incident and started bleeding dad took her to the air and after a day of her being in intensive care and having multiple tests done my parents discovered that diana has ds after mom gets out of the hospital she sits me and my older sister's down to talk to us about this telling us that diana will have an abnormality her words and explains to us that she will be different than normal kids i remember very clearly that everyone but me was crying i remember saying something along the lines of but none of us are normal mind you i was 12 and for sure my family is not very normal fast forward dianna is born premature i believe she was born at seven months it could be off a bit has a ton of medical issues and has to have surgery immediately after being born she was in nicoo for the first two months of her life we finally get to bring her home after she recovers she was the tiniest little thing by the time diana was about six months old my parents started doing physical and speech therapy with her because she wasn't developing the way a normal baby would have been by that age i guess i remember we were learning sign language with her until she was about two years because my mom was afraid she wouldn't be verbal mum couldn't have been more wrong diana started babbling by about eight months and she'd always just lay flat on her back and talk to the ceiling and just giggle like someone was playing with her mum always joked that diana was talking to angels fast forward a game to when diana is about three or four years old my mom diana and myself are at a little christmas party at a place for physically and mentally disabled people where diana took classes and the rest of us volunteered but the three of us are sitting in these pews waiting for santa claus to come on stage so all the kids can go have their photo taken with him out of nowhere diana stands up and runs away from my mom and me into the crowd we chase her and she runs straight toward this older woman we had never met diana grabs the woman's leg and starts bawling my mom and i are apologizing to the woman saying we don't know what got into her the woman looks down a styler and asks her what's wrong this is where it gets weird diana tells her word for word in the clearest way i had heard her speak i'm so sorry that your mommy left you the woman starts tearing up and tells us that her mother had passed away a couple nights prior after a long battle with cancer the second time diana freaked us out i was visiting with my mom and diana when she was about 10 diana starts telling me how she talks to grandpa all the time he passed away when she was about five and starts telling me that she met grandpa's wife grandpa's wife our step-grandmother was still alive at this point and that's the only grandma diana ever knew so i tell her of course you've met grandma she corrects me and says no mommy's mommy my mom and i both froze our mom's mom passed away when our mom was pregnant with my older sister meaning none of us had ever met her so our mom starts asking diana questions about grandma she asks what color was my mommy's hair and diana responds yellow but not real mum goes on to explain to me that grandma wore wigs because she had been balding after years of battling anorexia and she's always wear big blonde wigs so mom asks diana do you know grandma's name she says genie which was in fact our grandmother's name diana had never heard about genie it's a very sore subject to bring up around our mum so none of us really know much about her there have been so many other instances of her just knowing things like when i was in a very abusive relationship that none of my family knew about and she once called me in the middle of the night crying hysterically that i needed to leave my house and come home after that phone call my fiance came home drunk and beat the living crap out of me i left him after that and honestly can't say i would have had the strength to leave had it not been for that call from my little sister even to this day she says she's talks to grandma grandpa and other people who have passed away he thinks we both died i'd like to preface this by saying my husband is an electrical engineer and i'm a teacher we're not crazy people so back when my husband and i were dating my husband was in a terrible car crash his truck hit black ice and he slid into oncoming traffic his truck was completely totaled so was the other trucky hit the weird thing is though both he and the other guy were completely fine not a scratch on them all my husband had was a bruise on his knee the first responders were baffled as was the towing company and insurance when they realized no one had died was severely injured fast forward to a few days after the crash my husband comes over to my apartment we're having a conversation about a university class we're both in and he casually asks when i got the flat screen tv sitting on my dresser at this point i very confused because i've had the little flat screen since i was 13 and had had it the entire year and a bit we'd been dating i asked him what he's talking about as i've always had that tv he told me to quit pulling his leg and asked me what i did with the old tube tv i had no idea what he was talking about and told him so he's convinced i had a tube tv i proceeded to get on facebook and showed him a picture we had taken two weeks prior with a tv in the background it's a flat screen in the picture my husband goes white like he's seen a ghost and just stares into space for a minute his eyes started to water i asked him what's wrong and he said i swear to god i'm not crazy you've had a tube tv since we started dating it was a tube tv when we took that picture i brushed it off as his head being rattled from the accident and he didn't bring it up again however anytime we hung out in my room he'd always look at the tv weird fast forward seven years my husband and i have been married for a few years and decide that we're ready to be parents i'm not on birth control and we decide whatever happens happens we're not actively trying but not preventing it either so we're on vacation in italy wandering around rome and i feel like crap i had had my period the week before and it was the worst one i had had in my whole life as we're walking around i am suffering from back pain chills and horrific cramping i go to the bathroom in a cafe and hurl my guts out have diarrhea and realize i'm menstruating heavily obviously i'm weirded out since i had just had my period the week before i clean myself up go back to my husband and tell him i think i need a doctor i have a pretty high pain tolerance but this is insane it's getting to the point i'm having trouble walking and i'm starting to feel pain in my shoulders i don't want to ruin our vacation but i'm starting to really worry my husband is smarter than me sees the state i'm in and says i'm visibly paler than when i went into the bathroom and gets me help 20 minutes later i'm on a stretcher and being taken to the hospital an hour after that i'm being prepped for emergency surgery as doctor tells me i have a ruptured ectopic pregnancy i have heavy internal bleeding and if he doesn't perform surgery i am going to die six hours later i wake up very sore and tired doctor tells me i'm very lucky and if i had waited any longer to seek medical attention i'd be dead a husband stays with me in the hospital the first night then gets a hotel for the rest of my stay a week later we're cleared to fly home and i go through a growing month of healing from the surgery two months after our return somehow my husband and i get on the topic of fires and he goes on about the dangers of kitchen fires and i say no need to worry we're all set with the extinguisher in the closet he looks at me like i have three heads and asks me what i'm talking about i remind him about the extinguisher in the front closet where we keep the coats we've had it for three years he insisted we buy one when we bought our house my husband shakes his head and tells me he has no idea what i'm talking about and we don't have a fire extinguisher i remind him about not only my memories of fighting about if we really needed one where to put it buying it from home depot but also installing it to the wall in the closet he looks at me with confusion and tells me none of that happened i get up go to front closet to show it to him all the while cursing him for being in butthole for forgetting our two-week fight about it and lo and behold no extinguisher not only is there no extinguisher there's no holes in the wall where i know we installed it no fresh paint this wall has never been touched i insist he's moved it and fixed the wall and asked why the fricken would play such a stupid prank he continues to insist we've never had one let alone talked about getting one this goes on for several minutes i'm approaching hysterics telling him to quit playing with me when finally he says now you know how i feel about the tv we didn't speak about it for a long time then after i found this thread he brought up his theory that perhaps in another timeline dimension whatever you want to call it we both actually died and we reset like a video game in the tv and extinguisher a glitches i don't know if i agree with him all i know is that i have never been so rattled in my whole life and every time i get something out of the closet i'm overwhelmed with this feeling of wrongness i know it should be there but somehow it's just not i can't explain it he says he will go to his grave swearing i had a tube tv [Music] i called my dad in his past about more than 30 years ago i recently posted about me disappearing into thin air when i was sleeping and my family couldn't find me and when i woke they swore up and down that they have searched all over for me but weren't able to find me this is not an update but something that just happened yesterday three days ago i was having conversation with my father and he was telling me about his university life but basically my dad came from nothing he had a very difficult upbringing and went to the worst school and high school in our city when it was time for him to join university my grandfather passed away leaving my dad to take care for the rest of the family as he was the oldest son he took a wrong a major because of the wrong advices of the people and how he regrets that to this day the courses were taught in english which is a second language for us and how he didn't even know the language my dad told me that it was the darkest times in his life and he just wanted to run away and was even thinking of taking his own life now very recently he got his masters in english literature and he was telling me that he didn't think it would be ever possible for him my dad just recently finished this degree at an age of 55. the next morning my dad had to drive to this town because his distant relatives live there and they are struggling financially my dad is very a kind soul and he wanted to help them but the town is three hours drive away he usually takes public transport but didn't because of recent crisis he drove there and my mom was worried so we decided we will keep calling him after every hour to check well i decided to call him now keep in mind because it's highway network signals get very weak he told me to wait and parked at a nearby restaurant it was like a checkpoint for trucks i don't know what came over me but i started crying and went on to tell him how proud i was of him i just babbled and kept saying that he shouldn't think he is lacking because he is not he was an amazing father and a great person to look up to you guys my dad started crying he told me that he will talk to me when he returns well he returned and he just hugged me and was telling me that how 30 years ago he was visiting the same town and it was the time when he was at his lowest he was visiting the same relatives and he was in a bus which stopped at a petrol station he called his mother and when he picked the phone without even darling he heard my voice it was me telling him the exact same thing which i just said yesterday he said that he didn't even called my grandmother he just stood there and cried it gave him strength to keep fighting he said he just now realized it was me whose voice he heard my parents are now taking this a sign from god who helped my dad when he thought no one was there for him i think i just became the background character for another person's glitch this technically happened last night but i was just starting a graveyard shift and i'm only now getting it all down i work at a gas station chain with only numbers in its name we're just outside of a large chunk of suburbs none of that middle of nowhere like we aren't exactly near any other businesses but we are rarely completely dead for hours at a time it was just past midnight and with everything going on in the us right now not a lot of things other than gas stations and bars are open at night anymore so it was a slower evening i was the only one in the store and the car pulled up to one of the two double-sided pumps out front a pretty standard white four-door i'm not great with car brands but it was a little nicer like upper middle class and probably only a few years old a woman gets out and starts walking towards our door like she's in a daze legit this woman looked like she saw a ghost she wanders up sort of freezes at the door for a second with a thousand-yard stare before opening it and coming in she didn't go looking for anything didn't start shopping just sort of stood inside for what felt like ages are still open so i think maybe she's a little drunk or had a rough night or something so i give the usual welcome to gas station let me know if you need any help finding anything and she finally notices me and immediately asks me the weirdest dang question i have ever been asked on the job you can see me right yeah like what else do you say she breaks down crying in the middle of my store so i'm already headed around the corner to see what's up i have my cell phone out in case i need to call the cops or something for her i get her to sit down on a nearby palette of soda and i'm grabbing her a bottle of water and after she catches her breath a little she tells me i thought i had died again i'm thinking maybe she is on something but she's a middle aged woman who looks like a standard local suburban housewife we're a pretty boring township without your average junkies like you'd find closer to the cities so she asks if she can call her husband to pick her up and wait with me she has her own phone and as so not really telling him anything either just where she is at and if he can come get her he says he'll call an uber and be there as soon as possible we're waiting so far nobody else has showed up so i'm keeping most of my attention on her and eventually she starts to explain to me i was driving home from dinner with my co-workers and as i'm driving through nearby intersection i recognized a truck ran a red light and hit me now her car is still at the pump without a scratch on it she goes on to say she remembers her car being pushed into a pole going airborne and then nothing i tried to calm her down letting her know that her car is out front and it looks fine but she insisted that she completely blacked out woke up in an ambulance for a split second passed out again and then woke up again in the driver's seat of her car at the intersection waiting for the light to change perfectly fine this whole thing freaked her out so badly that she drove to the nearest anything us just so she could get out of the car a husband eventually showed up to get her he asked if i had any idea what happened and even though she sort of explained to me i just shrugged because no i had no idea what was happening anymore she reluctantly got into the passenger seat of the car and he drove them back home that was hours ago after which i worked an entire shift at the station trying to wrap my head around what the absolute heck i had just witnessed today my dead friend left something for me i am a bit shocked i had a very good friend who crafted small jewelry and i have a few pieces from her i got a pair of earrings more than eight years ago and lost one of it after wearing them just a couple of times i always told her she had to craft a replacement but unfortunately she got very sick and died off cancer very quickly she never had the chance to craft anything else i kept the single earring in a little box with some other small random memories and trinkets i am now moving to my own place and checking the memories in this little box both earrings are there and i can't explain when or how why probably in other universe my own me lost the unique earring she had um i think there's a glitch in the matrix i had a gf i never remembered i don't know if it is suitable for this sub but still here it is the year was 2011 i was in med school while my brother joined engineering college in same city my brother is three years younger to me one day i asked him to come to my hostel as it was his free day from college he used to come in his free day as he missed family we were chatting and having foods while he suddenly asked me about a girl convo bro do you remember nisha altered name for obvious reason minisha ooh bro it seems like you have forgotten her good for you me visibly confused which nisha you are talking about bro still playing don't try so hard brother you know exactly about whom i am taking about believe it if that's still hurting you i shouldn't have bring her up me thinking that he is pulling my leg i started to play along yeah i remember i forgot her it was bitter i am not in touch with her bro it is not like that you can be in touch with her anyway me trying to play along yes she is probably married by now bro visibly confused now what nisha are you talking about me exactly the nisha you are talking about bro leave it then me yeah after 30 or so minutes after lunch is over bro do you really not remember her nisha me tired of this game agitated bro stop this game it's not funny anymore i am tired of this stupid game bro what game me i don't really know nisha who is she bro forget it and he left for the day i asked mom after a few days about nisha she was distraught when i asked about her after a few months she told me that she was my gf while i was in school she was my brother's best friend she died in a car accident few years back i was dumbfounded i don't even recall her name face memory dart nothing her memory is totally wiped out for me i was disturbed and went back to home where mom showed me a pic where i was with a girl and my brother i don't even remember the girl in some cases of ptsd selective amnesia happens but that repressed memory can be triggered by related memory but in this case i didn't even recall her i was agitated because i don't remember her till this day i don't recall anything according to family we were close i didn't try to ask her family or any other people because it seems insensitive i experienced a glitch where i saw the simulation that we are in someone experienced it with me and saw the same thing we were all completely sober quick preface i'm currently driving home from my lunch break so i'm using siri to talk hopefully this makes sense so back in the summer we had a huge friend trip to lake powell for anyone that has been there you know it's absolutely beautiful anyways we were boating through the canyons and going deeper and deeper into the canyons lake powell at one point i thought in my mind something along the lines of dang this place is so beautiful it almost looks fake or like it was designed to look this way by something when i started saying that in my mind a friend turned around to me and said dude it feels like we're in a movie and we are looking at movie props it looks so fake and i turned around and looked and and said dude what the frick did you just say i was thinking the exact same thing we were both freaking out about it but then it got a little freakier we were sitting at the back of the boat looking at our 10 or so friends standing up while the boat was slowly going through the canyons and as i watched them looking at the scenery i experienced an altered state of conscience the best way to describe it is the facet of the human experience was dropped and all of a sudden my friends looked like gods or angelic beings experiencing earth and just enjoying the moment my friend turned to me and said dude look at our friends they are so beautiful and alive they look like angels and i knew at that moment we were both experiencing the same thing the best way to describe what we saw is it looked like we placed ourselves in a video game and were enjoying what we created it's super hard to describe this experience if you've seen maze runner you know how they make you forget everything before you go into the maze but yet you had an existence before it felt like that that nature of reality teased us and slightly withdrew and we saw our friends in this earth for what it could truly be for a brief moment in time i created my boyfriend in the sims years before i met him when i was a teenager living in vienna in the small country austria i excessively played the sims i created all kinds of families there with all kinds of crazy stories most of them were unrelated to anyone i knew just straight out of my imagination as the game got developed to the sims 4 version the details got very much on point when it came to creating your sims i was always very hesitant to create myself or anyone i knew because i would feel bad of anyone dying in the game as they would portray my real life people i also didn't want to put anything out there if you know what i mean like attract anything bad with the sims 4 though i decided to create myself with a different last name though matching my sims husband's last name the husband was of color as my celeb crush was 50 cent i was 17 by the way was wearing a black tank top camouflage pants trainers and a black watch they lived a happy life together had kids and i made sure that they died peacefully as i did believe in attracting situation i met my boyfriend two years ago after i moved to london we are in a very happy relationship one day we were at a market and it was really hot so i bought a dress so i can change into something more light and my boyfriend bought some pants in thin material he asked if i liked them and i turned and it was some camouflage sweatpants i said yes and we proceeded to go home we lived a minute away to change we changed our clothes and my boyfriend asked me if he looked good i finished dressing up and looked at him to check his clothes and he was wearing a black tank top the camouflaged sweatpants trainers and a black watch i had just bought him as a present some weeks ago i immediately realized he looked like my husband in the sims i created years ago i started laughing and told him you look like my sim he looked at me confused and as i told him what i meant he told me oh so you attracted me into your life with a cheeky smile and i guess he was right that was my most glitch moment i have ever had but i don't regret at all my ex's mom passed away and sent us a message on my phone this is my first post so bear with me but after reading many other glitch stories i wanted to share mine here in early december 2015 my now ex-boyfriend's mother passed away in the home following surgery and other health problems related to her heart she was born with a rare condition unfortunately she went into cardiac arrest and we were unable to save her so the event in and of itself was extremely traumatic and unexpected a couple of nights later we decided to go see some friends who wanted to offer their condolences to my ex everyone loved his mom but we were all sitting in our friend's living room watching tv and to be honest they were really trying to distract us from everything one friend was just being her goofy self and i was taking snapchat videos and i distinctly remember taking a video of let's call her amy i saved the video but when i looked at my screen to watch it it was not amy it was a grainy video with a background that appeared to be outside and 100 000 not in a living room but on the screen was my ex's mom she said the words i'm okay baby i'm okay and multiple other friends saw it on my phone before it disappeared she looked young and vibrant and has a huge smile on her face someone had tossed my phone to another friend across the couch to see in the video than disappeared when we watched the original video back immediately after my ex's mom was gone it was amy in the video again just like i saw it while recording it in the first place my ex and his mom had a very close relationship best friends really so when we saw her on my screen letting him know she was okay it was astounding i saw it first and everyone noticed i was visibly upset i cannot imagine what went through my ex's mind and heart when he saw that but to this day it's something we talk about and something he shares with new friends something we simply cannot explain other than her coming through on a glitch to let us know she was okay i vanished for three straight days this happened in january 2015. i was three months pregnant with our first son ex-husband woke me extremely excited manic you could say where were you and wtf he yelled it was no later than 4 a.m so i was very disoriented and immediately started an argument which ended with me really not remembering going to bed the night before talking more about it i realized extra two days have passed don't remember days of the week and i had a complete blackout last thing i remembered was throwing leftovers from the food we ordered for dinner it was about 7pm and ex-husband went to get his car back from the mechanic he said i okay at him calling uber from my phone but i can't recall that after coming back i was nowhere to be found my keys wallet and phone were there but i was gone he immediately went to the only neighbor we used to hang out with at a time but i wasn't there neither he waited a few more hours and called the police from what he said next two days were heck hospital kept calling i'm a nurse friends i made plans with called and no one had any idea where i were on the third day i just appeared in our bed in jammies the door was locked and ex-husband didn't even sleep he was drinking and walking around the house all night i didn't lose my job and we had no problems with authorities but to this day i can't figure out what could have happened did i slip into a parallel reality this odd glitch occurred when i was about 13 or close to my family was moving into a new home we were having trouble with a bookshelf that was a little too big tall and wide for the doorway we eventually had to take it apart and bring it in piece by piece the shelf went into my sister's room she helped put it together here is the interesting part as this glitch was experienced by my sister as well only more so she used a shelf for her books and stuffed animal collection i left her as she was putting things onto the higher shelves using a kitchen chair to reach that high as soon as i stepped through the door there was a loud crash i'm thinking the shelf fell on sis or she lost her balance and fell so i check she is standing with her back against the wall and looks terrified i peek further in and there is no shelf it was completely gone her things heaped on the floor in that spot the chair somehow teleported back into the kitchen my sis and i are the only ones that heard the crash not one person in our family remembers ever having that bookshelf creepiest thing i have ever experienced if i told you what i saw last night you would not believe me like i can't even wrap my head around it scariest crap i've ever experienced i can't even talk about it without sounding crazy so here it goes i went to do laundry around 2am with my oldest son after we put the laundry in we went to a mcdonald's drive-through to get something to drink the drive-through was packed with about five or six cars ahead of us i noticed none of the cars were moving forward and it had been like five minutes already waiting so i decided to go around the car in front of me to the next drive through lane mcdonald's has two lanes as i'm pulling around them i look to their car to see why they are not moving and i kid you not both people driver and passenger looked dead heads tilted all the way back eyes shut not moving dead i freaked out and tried to peek out and tried to beaked out and tried to peek out and tried to beaked out and tried to peek out and tried to peek out and tried to peeked out and tried to peeked out and tried to beak out and tried to beaked out and tried to beaked out and tried to by panic thinking maybe they were all shot or someone killed them all so i freaking hit the gas and got the frick out of there i couldn't fathom what happened or barely speak i was hyperventilating so my son called 911 and told them what happened and they sent an officer to check a few minutes later the cop called us back said everything was fine at mcdonald's mind you my son saw it too we both saw the car in front of us the people looked dead this crap was terrifying it literally looked like one of those rapture movies or end of the world type of crap needless to say i can't wrap my head around what we saw or why i'm still scared over it i know i'm not crazy because my son saw it too but it feels crazy to even say it anyways yes scariest crap ever my friend messaged me and said she thinks we experienced a glitch and this is so new to me i had never heard of glitches even being a thing but i am super freaked out and would love your thoughts because i have severe anxiety and i feel so crazy now my partner just glitched and it's freaking us out hi all let me preface this by saying there has always been creepy crap happening around me and i have several stories of my dad's old house which myself and my siblings all agree is haunted as frick i also had my dead best friend visit me twice which was nice so this evening my partner 42m and i 30f were upstairs sorting laundry when his daughter 17 called us downstairs as dinner was ready i was heading down the stairs my partner right behind me literally two steps behind me he did his usual thing of tickling the back of my neck as we walked the bottom of our stairs is wooden so you can hear when somebody steps onto it from the carpeted stairs when we got to the bottom my feet hit the floor as usual i turned to ask him something and he wasn't there he wasn't freaking there i totally froze for a second and looked up the stairs and there he was on the top step pale and shaking asked him what the frick just happened and he kept saying i don't know i don't know i was behind you and before i hit the bottom the next step took me back upstairs we are very freaked out didn't say crap to our girl as she is already leery of this stuff although he and i are somewhat used to it i am trying to get the courage to leave my laptop recording audio overnight because there definitely is something weird happening i was just talking to my partner about the jump while we were cleaning our bedroom and the second he made a joke about spooks a pop in our bedroom door and bathroom door just slammed shut one after the other i'm chalking it up to our bedroom window being open a crack i don't want to think of alternatives further update to the people messaging me saying my relationship is yikes and to join certain subs female dating strategy i appreciate the concern to the other eg2 message calling my partner a sexual deviant kindly relax and focus in your own relationship if you have one we are together 11 years i'm second mom to the kids not every relationship with an age gap is abusive not every relationship with an age gap is coercive i love him and the kids more than anything and i would do anything for my family so please i appreciate the concern but don't assume he is abusive or that i was groomed as one lovely person messaged and finally to the person who asked me why i would want to be fake mom to his kids i'm sorry that's how you view my life from this one small snippet i posted and i hope you are content in your own life i felt myself die in another timeline my mom and i were on the highway driving home and there was a semi-truck in the lane next to us suddenly the semi swerved into our lane luckily my mom was able to get out of the way before it hit us but soon after i began feeling strangely the entire right side of my face felt hot and sticky i tasted blood and smelled the very pungent scent of gasoline then my head and right arm started to ache really badly and i couldn't feel my legs just as soon as the pain started to worsen it went away replaced with a cold eerie chill i told my mom about this and she couldn't come up with an explanation i think i was feeling the pain in another timeline where my mom wasn't able to avoid that semi i think i died in early july do you guys know the whole theory about how when people die in one timeline they shift into another i think that may have happened to me back in early july of this year my family m45 f54 me 19 b16 s 13 were going on a road trip to montana to visit our grandparents prior to the trip i had a horrible horrible feeling about going i kept having flashes of car accidents in my head and i was sure that we were going to get in one if we left it was so strange because i have a pretty severe anxiety disorder but this didn't feel like my anxiety at all and i never have anxiety about road trips i love them so we left saturday of that week i had told my parents i had a bad feeling about driving up there but they dismissed me as being anxious but i had never felt so certain about something in my life getting into that car felt like signing my death sentence so we get about six hours in and at this point i start to think i was being ridiculous and a wave of calmness just washes over me this is where crap gets strange my dad passes an underpass and everything just shifts i feel like i saw everything in slow motion for a whole four or so minutes my parents were joking beforehand but their faces moved so slowly and then the light and the car started to shift this was the scary part because i thought i must have been going insane for a few seconds there was a huge illumination of light into our car and i looked at my family and could not tell who they were or what they meant to me and then it's like everything just came back the light shifted back and i knew who everyone was but it felt like something imperceptible had changed i closed my eyes and tried to make sense of the past few minutes and when i reached back to remember i saw blood our car and another mini van and shambles on the side of the highway right beyond the underpass and mangled bodies i remembered sensations i should not have known what spattered brain matter looks like the smell of something burning the way i couldn't breathe but this never happened yet i remember that the car in front of us had switched lanes even though there was a truck in front of us realized it at the last second and hit us with a lateral impact i have no history of psychosis and i have never been in any sort of car accident this wasn't ptsd and i have never had anxiety over being in the car in any sort of way prior to this and maybe i could have just brushed it off but i still think about it when i'm driving in my own car and it's made me a more cautious driver i don't know what happened it was just a weird situation and i remember having the distinct feeling in that moment that i had died in some sense i am not a spiritually sensitive person by any means i am a scientist at heart but this truly was something i cannot explain and i fully accept that i might be reading too much into this and for some reason i imagined an event that never happened but i thought i would share anyway meeting our son before he was born corner so this happened about seven or eight years ago my husband and i were laying in the bed one night watching television out of the corner of my eye i saw a child in the doorway of our bedroom thinking it was our only child at a time i tapped my hubby and said hey shhhb look but i think conor is going to try to scare us he turns and looks and this child walked into our room i can't explain it bc it was one of those moments that seemed somehow different we watched in silence soon realizing that this child was not out sun he toddles in head slightly tilted back curls bouncing and diaper squish squishing as he goes to the end of our bed we see his head go down likely was crouching and when we got up to look he was gone i looked at chris my husband and said did we just see a ghost then almost as an afterthought i said well we know if we have another baby and he has curls that he was here before he was born we both laugh bc we were not trying for another baby at the time but fascinated we go to check on our son and he was fast asleep a few months later i'm pregnant surprise so fast forwarder nd our new baby liam is two he toddles in the room head titled slightly back and curls bouncing and it hit me like a bucket of ice water holy crap this is the baby that came to visit us i mean there is absolutely no doubt in my mind now on top of that whenever liam is staying the night elsewhere like with my parents he comes to visit me in my sleep for example one time he came and just smiled at me while i was taking a nap he was in a little red shirt and his hair was cut short he left with it long the next day i go to pick the kiddos up from mom and lo and behold his hair is freshly shorn and he is wearing a little red shirt i asked my mom did he wear this yesterday and she replies oh yeah he did but he insisted on wearing it today so he is so i look at him and say did you go see mama yesterday in mama's dreams he just looked at me he was for all big blue eyes and serious and nodded his head so that's my glitch in the matrix story one of many but the most profound our son i guess travels astral and even stopped to see us before he was born i would know those curls anywhere the fact that my husband witnessed it with me makes it even more weird but utterly fascinating creepiest thing i have ever experienced if i told you what i saw last night you would not believe me like i can't even wrap my head around it scariest crap i've ever experienced i can't even talk about it without sounding crazy so here it goes i went to do laundry around 2am with my oldest son after we put the laundry in we went to a mcdonald's drive-through to get something to drink the drive-through was packed with about five or six cars ahead of us i noticed none of the cars were moving forward and it had been like five minutes already waiting so i decided to go around the car in front of me to the next drive through lane mcdonald's has two lanes as i'm pulling around them i look to their car to see why they are not moving and i kid you not both people driver and passenger looked dead heads tilted all the way back eyes shut not moving dead i freaked out and tried to pull out of the drive-through entirely going around the other cars just to get out of there and i kid you not the next car i passed all the passengers or singers or singers or singers or singers or singers or singers or singers i panicked thinking maybe they were all shot or someone killed them all so i freaking hit the gas and got the frick out of there i couldn't fathom what happened or barely speak i was hyperventilating so my son called 9-1-1 and told them what happened and they sent an officer to check a few minutes later the cop called us back said everything was fine at mcdonald's mind you my son saw it too we both saw the car in front of us the people looked dead this crap was terrifying it literally looked like one of those rapture movies or end of the world type of crap needless to say i can't wrap my head around what we saw or why i'm still scared over it i know i'm not crazy because my son saw it too but it feels crazy to even say it anyways yes scariest crap ever my friend messaged me and said she thinks we experienced a glitch and this is so new to me i had never heard of glitches even being a thing but i am super freaked out and would love your thoughts because i have severe anxiety and i feel so crazy now i saw him in 20 years my partner and i were getting in bed the other night he was getting in on his side and he stopped and sat on the edge for a second he looked over at me and simply smiled very lovingly for whatever reason there was a very quick shift and as i was looking at him like a flash he morphed into an older version of himself high face had matured but was still absolutely him his hair was a little longer and green even his corrective lenses has changed but were a similar style it was only a millisecond but it was so real he was smiling at me and i saw him 20 years from now in a similar moment my heart almost skipped a beat and he could tell i was suddenly shaken up but i waved it off i don't smoke or do hallucinogens and i don't drink i am on medications but for anxiety i cannot explain what happened but i swear i saw him my daughter and i both witnessed and talked to my husband in our house while he was at work my husband recently took an overnight job to help us out during covered he's only been there about two weeks and works evenings overnights 9 p.m to 6 a.m last night was no different he left home around 8 15 p.m our daughter age 11 and i decided to make it a movie night around 11 p.m i heard keys in my back door and the usual sounds my husband makes when he comes home i creep out to the kitchen to make sure it was him and it was he told me he needed to grab his knee compression sleeve walks down the hall says hi to our daughter as he passes the living room and goes upstairs he came back down gave me a kiss and left again we finished our movie and went to bed in the morning when he got home i made a joking comment about him forgetting his knee sleeve he was genuinely confused as i recalled the previous night our daughter confirmed everything i said and he still was acting confused i pulled up our security motion camera on my phone to show him when he popped in quick but there was no footage from the night before or any other night of him coming home after he is left for work my daughter and i both heard him saw him and i touched him but he was never home during that time nothing else out of the ordinary happened that night we seriously have no idea what happened my eyesight corrected itself until i realized i wasn't wearing my glasses for a bit of context my eyesight is horrible even half a foot in front of my face is nothing but blurry color yesterday my mom and brother picked me up to go to an appointment i was running a little late so didn't have time to put my contacts and do my makeup and was getting ready on the drive so while mom was driving i was in the passenger seat with the mirror down i took off my glasses to apply my eye shadow my brother who was sitting behind me asked me a question and i turned to look back at him when i turned my head back around i quickly finished my eye shadow and shut the mirror i was looking out my window at the farmland just off the road and thinking how beautiful it was when i suddenly realized that i hadn't put my glasses back on they were sitting on the dashboard as soon as i had the realization my perfect vision went back to being just blurred colors it was instant like flipping a switch on my site it was so shocking that i yelled holy crap my outburst startled my moment brother so i told them what had just happened and they said they believed me but couldn't think of a rational reason for it we tried to figure it out for the rest of the drive but honestly couldn't tbh if there's some secret to magically fixing my eyesight that i accidentally stumbled upon then i wish i could find it again my dog saw the same glitch i did this is only a small thing but it still confuses the heck out of me and i can't think of any explanation i was playing fetch with my dog in my living room i threw the ball she'd bring it back you get it my dog dropped the ball on my foot and waited while style went down to pick it up but then i blinked and it was gone i quickly checked under the sofa thinking she'd nudged it under there or i'd accidentally kicked it but it was nowhere to be seen my dog was still staring at the spot where she dropped it and when it disappeared she looked just as confused as i was and jumped round looking for it i scoured the whole room which wasn't very big and eventually found it on the opposite side of the room in the middle of the floor even after i'd looked everywhere we only had this one particular ball at a time so we couldn't have mistaken it for another one not particularly exciting but i can't think of any explanation my dog was just happy to have her ball back at least i was still talking to my friend on the phone when she texted me the line dropped call me back asap so this event happened on the 7th of october 2019 at 5 46 p.m and i'll briefly try to describe it i was on my way to running some errands riding in my car while on the phone with this friend i remember the weather being super weird cloudy but hot i don't really know how to describe it but it felt like the air had some kind of heaviness to it while i was talking to her she said a few sentences to which i replied in agreement suddenly she start saying the same exact sentences she just said 30 seconds earlier only in a different tone and pace it really sounded like she was repeating herself and not like the actual voice glitched and repeated which is what made it even creepier so at this point everything became fuzzy and weird almost as if i lost sense of time in the meantime i heard my messages ringtone going off a few times through the earpiece but i decided to check them out later on so i go on and tell her i'm pretty sure that she already said to me all of those things and the most unsettling thing is that her voice would stop whenever i tried telling her as if she was actually listening but would continue on as soon as i'd go silent without saying anything regarding the fact she was repeating herself over and over it was like talking to someone who was purposely trying not to answer it felt incredibly odd especially considering each sentence was slightly different than the previous one but the meaning kept on being the same that's when i lost her completely the line gets cut off and i go check the messages i received earlier turns out they were actually from her two of them were missed calls and the last one said i should call her back as soon as i could i was still actively talking to her while at the same time she was asking me to call her back definitely one of the most bizarre things that's ever happened to me um i think there's a glitch in the matrix the strangest thing happened yesterday insane yesterday i decided to drive to the mall the one i go to is massive it's circular you can drive around it it has a massive car park on one side so all seems normal on my way to the mouth with my girlfriend who is still in shock as mighty bh we haven't really spoke about it since so as we get there it looks really quiet there's about 10 cars there so i'm questioning whether or not it's open which is really weird so we drive around the other side just to see what is going on and there's a few people about and a few cars but nothing so we decided to go round back to the first side where we normally park and our plan is to walk to the entrance and see what's up this is where it gets weird as we pull up around to the other side again the whole car park is full there's literally people walking about everywhere people sat outside having coffee there was even two ambulances so very very weird me and my girlfriend were unbelievably shocked we were speechless we literally sat in the car for 10 minutes just trying to get our heads around it and i haven't felt right since tbh the time difference for driving round was about two minutes it would have been physically impossible for all them cars and people to get there and all be empty what happened i would love to hear your thoughts it might help me feel like i've gone a bit crazy i was suddenly much taller than normal this happened a few days ago my husband and i were at home neither of us were intoxicated etc just a normal evening for reference i'm five feet eight inches and my husband is five feet seven inches we've been together for years and know very well what the other looks like head on i had gone to the kitchen to make a sandwich and something felt off i wasn't sure what until my husband asked if i was taller than usual i was flat-footed and barefoot but realized my viewpoint was as if i was on my tiptoes i could see the top of the fridge and my hips were above the kitchen counter i turned to face my husband and he seemed much shorter to me than usual our eyes are usually pretty close to even but they seemed much lower than mine he says he felt like his height didn't change at all just mine understandably we were both freaked out and were wandering around our apartment trying to figure out what was going on suddenly everything felt right again and i returned to the kitchen i could no longer see the top of the fridge and the counter was back even with my hips my husband returned and both of us looked right again to the other it was like once we couldn't see each other anymore it fixed itself i've heard of alice in wonderland syndrome before but for it to happen where someone else can see it seems impossible has anyone else experienced anything like this or have any ideas i met my future self maybe backstory this is important later for about nine months or so i was planning to move to california last september plans fell through due to financial reasons and other opportunities had come my way this happened to me while i was at work closing so i was completely alone a customer came in he was maybe in his early 60s i'm 21 i wouldn't say he looked like me but he was definitely dressed similar to me and that's how i'd expect myself to dress at that age a kind old man surfy socal vibes but this guy says man i need some caffeine i know it's late but i've been consuming that stuff daily since i was a little kid i told him me too since i was about eight i started drinking coffee which is a fact about me this guy continues to talk about how he loves the music i was playing in the store etc then out of the blue this guy says so i have to ask why do you choose not to move to california i did not mention california to this man at all i have never met this man i don't know who he is or how he knew none of my co-workers or really anyone beside my family knew about my plans for california i served him his drink and as he walked out he said you'll go maybe not now but you love that place again i never spoke about california to him but he knew i was planning to move there and he knew i loved that place he walked out and i have not seen him since i asked my parents and anyone who knew about my plans if they had told anyone more specifically an older man they all said no for my request to keep it on the down low to this day i am still in awe my friend seems to have just disappeared from the face of the earth and i don't mean went missing just disappeared with nobody recalling her ever existing so two years ago i went on vacation to spain it was a package tour for teens i befriended a guy and a girl there who were a few rooms away from me in the hotel since we were over 18 we were allowed to hang out alone outside of the hotel and so we practically spent the whole trip just walking around town and drinking together i clearly remember adding the girl let's name her ex on facebook and talking to her on messenger since that's how the three of us were planning our days i even started a group conversation with x and that boy let's name him y fast forward to today it was her birthday so i wanted to wish her happy birthday on messenger and she just wasn't in my contacts i thought maybe she unfriended me because of my copious amount of [ __ ] post but looking her up on facebook didn't bring up anything i decided to ask why whether he'd heard from her recently and he said he never met that girl i looked through all the people me and x both added on fb during our trip and even asked some of them about her nobody seems to recall meeting x y claims we were hanging out with another girl who i do know and spoke to on the trip but never hung out with i don't know what to make of it and i'm kind kinda freaking out i'm thinking maybe my mental health is much worse than i thought but honestly there's a huge difference between mild seasonal depression and hallucinating a person for two weeks straight i remember a family member committing suicide but he is now alive hey this is my first post on reddit i recently discovered the sub and as i have been reading stories i realize that this is a great place to post this story if i am wrong please remove it back in the early 2000s i remember vividly my mom telling me that my cousin jay had shot and killed himself i remember it being a big deal because he had a few kids and they were concerned if the mothers would still let my aunt and uncle see them he has three baby mamas we all talked about how bad we felt for his kids fast forward to a year ago i got a call from my mom she starts telling me all about how jay was engaged and getting married she wanted to take my kids to get a dress i was so confused i kept thinking to myself i thought he died i just kind of went with it so i didn't sound like a complete jerk and delusional but i was going through some mental confusion badly i remember he died after that call all of a sudden jay is around all of the time at family gatherings etc i never said anything to anyone but i have been horribly weirded out by this memory he hasn't been around at all since i remember he died i hadn't seen him or heard his name for 15 or more years all of a sudden he is just there alive i seem to be the only one who is confused i finally said something to my mom last night after reading stories here and deciding i should see if anyone else has this memory she had no idea what i was talking about and now probably thinks her daughter is losing her mind this is really bothering me and i can't understand why i have this memory and he is just around now it is very creepy to me someone i know died years ago but apparently he's still alive okay i'm still confused about this first some background information for context i'm 28 years old two days ago i was sitting on the couch with my girlfriend for 10 years and her best friend f we went to some same high school so we were talking about memories and classmates from that time like what happened with them career-wise love life etc so we started talking about my ex-girlfriend she was friends with my gf's best friend suddenly i remembered xgf's cousin 27 yo atm whom had a short fling with gf's best friend at that time i had this strange feeling of dread like oh dang i forgot he passed away like six years ago so before i started talking about him i looked him up on facebook turns out he's alive and kicking thank god so my brain made a mistake but for the good he looks happy has a boyfriend now and he's alive so i start laughing and told my gf and her friend wow i had this weird feeling that guy's name had died but i'm so glad i was wrong so my girlfriend looks at me with shock and says no you are not wrong he died years ago so i'm flabbergasted i show my gf his facebook page with an update or photo uploaded every month for the past years and recent stuff not in memory of her jaw drops to the floor gf's best friend doesn't really react to it not confirming nor denying it so my girlfriend says i remember his facebook said in memory of he was passed away due to illness and friends and family replied with grief and sadness we were at your mom's house when we found out my brother's name and her brother's name were there to call them and ask if they remember so i called my brother first hey bro do you remember guys name he replied yeah sure that tall cousin of xgf what's up with him so i answered his question with a question do you remember something weird about him you mean that he died a few years ago i lost my crap told my brother he was still alive and my brother was very sure it happened i even came with the suggestion that maybe we got two guys mixed up my brother said nope 100 sure it's him would be a crazy coincidence if we all had the same mint-freaking going on right he was right so i called my gf's brother my best friend do you remember guy's name so he replied yeah of course the giant so i said remember something odd about him he replied um yeah i remember it turned out he was attracted to men so i said oh okay that's it coma and he died a few years back cancer right he added so i said surprise he didn't best friend start to laugh manically yeah he freaking did but he didn't so my gf my brother my best friend and i can all recall the moment we found out my best friend suggested that maybe it was some kind of sick joke but we all remember that his family replied on his facebook with great sadness or maybe it was some kind of symbolic death that he was reborn but it didn't make sense he already came out before this news and again friends and family replied with grief okay here comes the second twist coincidence or not this whole situation took place in one hour so i go back on facebook see a message that someone else died that i knew from back then young guy 27 years old passed away about an hour ago like stories and signals got mixed up i can't wrap my head around this whole situation seriously what happened update dang guys a lot of theories over here ranging from innocent digital mistakes to insane scary possibilities about sick people pulling sick pranks or faking their own death and even interdimensional theories which intrigue me a lot time to get the point no reaction yet too bad i can't even see if he read it or not because we're not facebook friends anymore i can't recall when his update stopped popping up that makes this crap extra weird i didn't delete him from facebook and the last thing i remember seeing from him was the post that was about his death if something popped up after that post i would have been aware of him being alive before this weird situation i can still see his public posts though and scrolled back to when he died estimated not sure when this exactly was nothing out of the ordinary i saw a lot recent pictures with him and his bf you can see them both getting older so these aren't old snaps i'm starting to feel like a creep investigating this guy so i'm letting this rest until i get a reaction if he does react i'll report back first thing i don't even know if this is the case but i'm assuming i won't be able to see if he has read my message or not update to 20th of may he messaged me back guys we talked a bit about our lives in the past few years he's doing great he still is a cohesive person with no signs of mental illness whatsoever i told him that i remembered the day i went on facebook and i saw messages that he passed away that me and my family were in shock he says that he has used facebook very frequently for years and he never has seen anything like that nor has he heard about it maybe you guys confused me with someone else no dude we're all sure we didn't he has no answers and now i just laughed it off so he wouldn't be creeped the frick out he probably is though so guys i'm sorry that there is no resolution to this story the show is over he isn't insane he's alive he's never been hacked facebook never killed him off digitally his friends didn't freak him over it never happened i'm off to pick up my girlfriend best friend and my brother time to get a check up at the psychiatrist maybe we'll get a group discount jeans i lost a year or so ago suddenly turned up at a consignment store 1 500 miles away with more weird details today i was selling some clothes i don't need any more at a popular teens consignment store called plato's closet i've never sold with them before which is important i was browsing while they were sorting through my clothes and found a very distinct pair of jeans that i lost track of a year or so ago their genes that i distressed by hand and had a now former friend patch with galaxy fabric and she did a really crappy job at it and also added a semicolon decal which are the two most identifying characteristics i found the video of me distressing them and it was done in 2018 and when i moved to idaho in 2019 for college i lost them i moved back to texas in 2020 i didn't like them so it wasn't a big deal but now they're in the store that's 1 500 miles from where i lost them and they've been there for four months max according to the associates since they cycle things out every two seasons more weird details they somehow had my old home address in the system despite me never selling with them before india they used to enter me in the system having my current address on it this can't be explained with someone selling the jeans in my name you have to have photo it to sell with them and when they scan the it it brings up the info on your it and nothing more and to top it all off here's my receipt and order number for the transaction this has been a very weird and surreal experience for me i met me from the future and can't stop thinking about it this is a story that haunts me daily this happened in 1992 i had just graduated high school and was working in a warehouse i kinda enjoyed it and settled thinking i will probably retire here yup i had zero ambition i was a sad lazy cringe-inducing [ __ ] bag a new guy started it's a warehouse with high turnover so nothing unusual about new guys and everyone asked if we were related because we looked alike he was probably late 30s early 40s and i was 18 at the time and he was fatter he seemed to carry himself like me the way he walked and spoke his second day we worked together on a rapping station and the first thing he said to me was you still have that penthouse magazine under your mattress i did weird but totally normal 14 boys i suppose he then said i know everything about you you are worried about never getting a girlfriend i was flawed but i again thought it was a usual teenage thing i mean i wasn't the best looking guy so i guess it wasn't a stretch to guess probably the start of bullying in the end of my job as one thing i liked most about myself is that i have no problems fighting anyone anywhere anytime no matter how big or how many i was always down i never won but could take a beating and the person usually quit and never messed with me again i asked him why he was saying all this crap and he looked at me and his expression is seared into my mind and left an image i see daily he said i am you he then went on to tell me everything about myself i mean my deepest darkest secrets that no one knows then he kept telling me more about myself then we went to lunch and we're outside smoking and yup same brand camel wide regulars hard to find where i live so i never seen anyone else smoking them i asked him to be serious and how he knew all this crap he said i already told you tom thorpe tom thawk is a nickname only one person called me and he was my dad's friend i barely saw a crappy jetta pulled into the parking lot and he said that's our girl she is a demon who is horrible to us i asked him why he is with her and he said she is the best we could do when she got out she was disgusting looking i mean trailer trash would be to kind and she waddled her butt over to us she said let's go before he left he stared right into my soul and said we deserve better please go to college and stop being lazy and make something out of yourself trailer park girl just kinda laughed like you're right he left with her and i never saw him again i think i ran into a younger version of her at a friend's house years later and he introduced me and said we should hook up i said number i went to college and stopped being a pathetic lazy cringer fest i accomplished everything i set out to do as i always felt the need to not let him down i know none of this makes sense how can i explain something that i can barely understand myself none of it makes sense whatsoever like why would a future me get a job with me he had to fill out a job application and have his references checked right yes i asked my manager who was a pose who just told me to mind my own dang business and focus on my job and to try to be less of a screw-up has anyone had something like this happened to them it's haunted me daily since i am 48 and have not seen any time travel machines help me out here maybe end this once and for all my cat glitched this just happened and my heart is still beating like crazy i was chilling on the couch scrolling through instagram when i heard my cat jumping down from his bed he usually wants to go outside after sleeping so i looked at him and said you wanna go outside buddy with my annoying cat voice he just looked at me not answering like a normal cat i was ready to go let him out but looked back at my phone for just a second that's when it hit me i let him outside a few hours ago i turned my head to look back at him in confusion but he wasn't there i went to the front door and yep he was outside and came running when i opened the door i have no idea what just happened everyone disappeared and i feel like i'm going crazy i really don't know where to start with this i'm gonna try to give every single detail i remember it happened this morning so it's not like it was that long ago i've been looking up things online basically all day trying to find some sort of solution to this but i really truly feel that i'm losing my mind i can't find anything and believe me i've looked the closest thing i could find was a link to a post from like three years ago in this subreddit that really had nothing to do with my problem but i'm gonna tell the story here in hopes that someone can tell me what the heck happened i don't really have a history of any prior mental health issues i had adhd as a kid and went through a small cycle of depression years back but that's about it i've always been a late riser this whole corona situation has me working from home so that allows me basically a sleep schedule of my choosing when i woke up this morning it was probably closer to noon the family wasn't home this isn't strange as most of the time the old lady and the kids are off doing their own thing by the time i wake up but when i went to go make a bagel i saw that the back door was open i thought maybe she had taken the kids out back to play so i went to look but nobody was there i kinda scoffed at her under my breath for leaving the door open the bugs are pretty bad and closed it but immediately after turning around after closing the door i saw that across the living room the front door was open too i could see through the wide open front door that both cars were in the driveway so i went to go see if they were out front nope this made me a bit nervous as both cars were in the driveway and both doors were left wide open i started assuming the worst across the street i saw our neighbor's front door open as well we are very close with our neighbors the dad is a childhood friend of mine and the kids have known each other since they were born pretty much so i just walked over and went in the front door thinking my family was probably over there nope not a dang trace obviously at this point i started getting panicked i couldn't find my family all my doors were open and my neighbor's house was in the same exact state all of their cars were parked as well i went to walk back across the street to get my phone and i noticed the house next to mine had their front door wide open too and the one on the house on the other side this is when i lost my crap i felt like i was in a god dang horror movie or something i looked down the street and every single front door i could see was open and not a dang soul could be found i went back inside into my room to get my phone that was charging from the night prior and as soon as i pull it off the charger and unlock it i hear the front door open and my wife and kids muffled voices i sprint to the kitchen to find my wife with bags of groceries in her hands she just tells me to help her unload them i ask her where the heck her and the kids have been and how they even went anywhere without taking one of the cars and she looks at me like i'm stupid tells me she took her car and she's been gone for like an hour i explained to her the entire story and she still just looks at me like i'm stupid asks me if i'm sure it wasn't a dream i am positive i was not dreaming absolutely positive she tells me she believes me and that we can look into it but i could tell she really didn't who can blame her typing all this and going back to read it i sound like a freaking lunatic but i don't know where else to tell this story or anyone else who will really listen to me i think i'm going crazy the universe is listening i was watching a reddit video on youtube today about glitches in the matrix when i came across the story of a user that said their teacher had once told them that if you ask the universe for something it will give it to you this caught my attention because i had been looking for a very important set of papers for days and i just couldn't find them anywhere i even hurt myself moving my couch in case they had fallen under it but there was nothing so i stopped the video and watched my phone to see that it was around 3 50pm 10 minutes before my study group had a session i wasn't even going to join them because i didn't have the papers to study from so i thought might as well give it a try and ask the universe to guide me to the papers if it was my destiny to pass my college admission exam i start walking around my room and for some reason i open my closet knowing that there's no way the papers could be there because i only keep clothes and nothing else in there but then i look under a box of shoes and there was a freaking plastic bag with all my papers turns out my grandma had put them there weeks ago without telling me in the end i got kind of spooked about it but i was able to join my study group so i'm kinda excited about it especially because i really want to get into that university and i took it as a signal that everything will be okay if you've lost something try it a very weird spine chilling call ghost or time slip phenomenon hi guys i work in a call center as a customer service representative this happened three years ago but it still baffles my mind got a call from a customer complaining about his bill and want to file a dispute usually bill disputes may take a while to be investigated five business days so i advise the customer named mr joe that i will call him back after five business days and saved his telephone number for the scheduled follow-up so i called him back with the same telephone number and i spoke to a woman her name is mary i asked her if i can speak to mr joe to give him the good news that his bill dispute has been resolved and he will get the right amount of credits mrs mary was shocked when i mentioned the name of mr joe she said that was her husband but she was shocked because she just informed me that her husband mr joe died five years ago she admitted that she does have a bill dispute but doesn't have time to call because of her busy schedule she thanked me about resolving the bill dispute even if she didn't called but still baffled that her husband died five years ago made a phone call to file a bill dispute she also told me that her husband is the one who always follow up with the bills weird right um i think there's a glitch in the matrix i'm in the uk and my car radio picked up a station out of nevada time didn't feel right and i still have the chills now this was just a few hours ago i cannot stop thinking about it the whole experience was extremely strange my two-year-old daughter was meant to be having her weekly custody night with her dad last night taking kids between parents houses is currently permitted undercovered 19 restrictions usually she's fine with him but he rang me at 1 30 am saying that she was coming down with something and was very anxious and screaming for me he stated he'd given her medication and done everything he could think of to calm her but she just wanted me it was clear he wasn't doing well so i asked if he wanted me to come get her and he said yes he lives 10 miles away so i wasn't very happy about having to go but of course my daughter needed me so i had a quick coffee and hopped in the car a good portion of the route is pretty much on the motorway highway and i only remember seeing two cars on there as i got onto it i presume key workers on a night shift i usually get irritated by music in the car but it was eerie and i also wanted to keep myself awake so just put on a generic top 40 station that was playing ads as i got to my junction i remember suddenly jolting and having this weird feeling of weight i'm here already i remembered going onto the motorway and putting the radio on and then suddenly it was time to pull off usually i'd have been on the motorway 10 minutes you could just say that because nothing significant happened and i was tired my brain just saw no reason to log the journey but around halfway between my two junctions there is a huge sewage plant right next to the motorway and you can always smell it very strongly even if the windows are up usually on this route i know when i'm approaching it and hold my breath seemingly last night though i just went past it without acknowledging it get to my exes soon after and pick up my daughter i have a coffee in his kitchen while he gets her stuff ready because i'm worried i'm too tired to drive safely and i'm regretting my decision to come and get her my daughter is a lot calmer by the time i got there but still very clingy towards me we set off again my daughter quickly fell asleep in the back and i had the radio on a low sound but still intelligible as i pulled onto the motorway again the radio started going glitchy and static i just kind of left it as it was expecting it to pick up a game soon suddenly it starts blaring nirvana and weirdly loudly as well obviously a top 40 station wouldn't be playing nirvana in 2020 so i assumed it was just interference and the rock station had took over bit weird but it happened i kept it playing and didn't give it much thought until the song ends and suddenly starts telling me the latest news headlines in reno nevada some random american city i've never heard of it definitely wasn't a uk based station for americans in the uk or something like that it was telling me local news and the clearly american presenter then started on a tangent about some event that had been cancelled in the city due to covered 19 and how disappointed his wife and kids were about it i was dumbfounded and just carried on listening wondering how the frick this was possible and when it was going to cut out eventually i did just as i was about to pull off the motorway again it must have been on at least five minutes after it cut out the local top 40 came back pretty instantly i've been a home few hours ago and my daughter has thankfully slept well i haven't i read online radio stations can travel further at night and bounce off the atmosphere but freaking nevada why would i be hearing that in stockport england perhaps if it was a station in on the us east coast it might have made a slight bit more sense that way would only have had to jump across the atlantic and not the entire continental us as well that along with the weird time lapse has definitely given me the feeling the atmosphere was not right on that motorway i cannot stop thinking about it check your dna this happened to me back in 2013 my youngest brother had suddenly passed away and it was pretty recent this was on a saturday about a week after his passing when he died his cause of death was ruled a pulmonary thromboembolism my mom had died of exactly the same cause in 2009 also unexpected death after my brother's passing i started to get a strong feeling that maybe these two deaths were somehow related and their cause of death were not a coincidence i told this to one or two people but neither paid much attention to what i said so anyway that saturday i woke up quite early for me and for a saturday around 7 30 a.m i was uneasy back then i owned an iphone and as i decided i would get up and stop tossing and turning in my bed i did what i do every day i grabbed my phone to check the time messages etc at the very top of the phone where the battery level internet and mobile service are indicated and which btw are always still as in those indicators do not move i clearly saw the following message check your dna i was really surprised to say the least i touched that part of the screen blinked and yes the message was gone oh well i must have imagined it i thought but still something seemed off i went to the kitchen and i received a whatsapp from a childhood friend who i hadn't had contact with for over 20 years the message said hi i just heard about your brother and your mother's passing i'm really sorry for your loss but i do not think these deaths are coincidental and i would like to run some dna tests on you i was flawed could this have been a strange coincidence a glitch in the matrix a hallucination i have never made this story public until now i watched a kid disappear off the face of the earth for 10 minutes and then respawn when i was a teenager i worked as a lifeguard in a water park we had five water slides that started from this one tower and ended at a single pool that was line of sight but with the layout of the park it was a few minute walk from the slide pool to the top of the slides again one lifeguard sat at the top of the tower and another would be at the pool at the bottom so we would signal to each other if someone was messing around on the way down or if we needed to pause the line for any reason with the layout of the park you could not just see the slide pool but see the entire park from the top of the slide tower you could even see someone as they walk the entire few minute path from the slide pool up the slide tower again the last two hours of the day were always really slow on the slides so i would frequently skip my breaks to sit on top and twiddle my thumbs for the remainder of my shift anyways it's about 30 minutes before closing and i'm doing my thing chilling on the top of the slides only two kids a boy and a girl were going down the slides and coming back up since there was no line at this point as i said it was a long walk so the boy would come up and go then about two minutes later the girl would come up and go two minutes later the boy again etc well the boy comes back up and he goes down slide two slide two is completely enclosed very fast under 20 second ride and has about a 24 inches diameter i'm bored so i'll lean over the rails watching the bottom and never see the boy come out of the slide a minute later the girl comes up and she says she wants to go down slide two i tell her to wait a minute and have her wait while i watch for the boy to come out he never does after a solid two minutes from me sending him down keep in mind it's a fully enclosed 20-second ride i radio the guard at the bottom and ask if the boy came out the guard says he never did then i scan over the entire park there's maybe 20 people in the park at this time of day and i don't see the boy anywhere at this point i'm getting confused but chalk it up to the boy coming down jumping out the side of the pool and going to the nearby bathroom after finally concluding i must be crazy i send the girl down slide two sure enough twenty seconds later the girl comes out of the slide and runs off no issue a few minutes later the girl comes back up goes down slide two again and comes right back out 20 seconds later so i go back to waiting for the next person to come up the slide tower when all of a sudden the boy comes out of the bottom of slide 2 it had been at least 10 minutes since i had sent him down and the girl had gone through that slide as normal two times in those 10 minutes to this day i can't figure out what happened like i said slide two is fast narrow and fully enclosed there's no way to stop yourself on the way down trust me i've tried and even if he did manage to stop himself there is no way that girl could have passed by him at all let alone unimpeded in the normal 20 seconds this boy just disappeared off the face of the earth for 10 minutes and respawned in the middle of slide 2 like nothing happened i've gone over it in my head many times and to this day have no clue what happened to that boy for 10 minutes am i actually dead i believe i was killed in a car wreck in 2001 i recall the moment of death when my neck broke i was not wearing a seat belt and my face hit the area right where the windshield meets the roof my head back of my head touched my back and my neck broke i think but in this reality i walked away from the wreck but everything has seemed off ever since like a burn in the top of your mouth that you can't quit plunging your tongue into it just aggravates my mind the oddities never stop to remind me that i died that my consciousness transcended through the multiverse to this reality but i knew i knew what is happening it started with just odd things until i came to this conclusion as we are spread across this multiverse every choice creating a new dimensional existence do we all share a consciousness on some level in the rare occasion does the consciousness in one reality pick up on what happened in a neighboring closer reality i'm starting to ramble and i've got to clear my head as it's starting to hurt but ask yourself if the little random oddities in your life are not so random and are actually clues to the truth the everett model is correct every choice causes another reality to open up and they're infinite i pray your mind doesn't get spread across multiple realities or you'll eventually end up like me one domino away from insanity my boyfriend and i heard my voice saying his name it was not me okay i have to say that i'm very skeptical about paranormal stuff and such but this specific incident got me thinking about parallel universes other dimensions etc it happened a half of the year ago i think my boyfriend and i were chilling after work we lived together in a small flat it was already after midnight i was laying on the bed my boyfriend let's call him james was standing near the bed where the phone charger was i remember i said something he answered and right after this like not a single second passed i looked at him and heard him saying his name and my voice without his mouth moving something like james very casually i remember thinking why would he call himself then he freaking turned around and then back asking did you call me it was too obvious who i swear heard the same voice my voice calling his name and it was coming from somewhere in the air i don't know this is so far the weirdest crap i've ever witnessed experienced a car crash this morning that didn't actually happen so i don't really know how to explain this or if it even fits on this sub or even what actually happened if i'm being honest but regardless i will try to relay the story i was driving to work this morning and i'm coming up a side street that connects to a very busy road in my area it's the main road that stretches through like 20 towns i get to the red light at this main road and sit there for about 15 seconds before seeing a car pull up behind me as the car comes to a complete stop behind me my eyes drift from the rear view mirror to the stop light in front of me it was red still i then looked down to my radio clock and it says 7 36 and this is going to sound strange but for a period of time that seemed to stretch on until infinity i kind of felt like this intense pressure all around me like i was zoned out and couldn't clear my head or move my body because i was obsessed with the numbers i was seeing like i was in a trance or something and it wasn't silent around me but it was at the same time at the same time at the same time at the same time at the same time the same i couldn't move but i also wasn't trying to move almost like i was paralyzed with fear and knew i was frozen but couldn't really process it or try to move idk i really can't explain it even now it's so confusing to me after who knows how long of being stuck in this trance suddenly everything snaps back to normal instantly the very first thing i register is that the person behind me is laying on their horn i look up and see the light is green i begin to drive forward feeling completely 100 normal again and once i get into the middle of the intersection i sense this large presence to the right correction left of me i turned my head to look out my driver's side window just in time to see a huge truck coming right at me it hits me and i could feel my body break i felt and heard so many of my bones get absolutely crushed suddenly i'm upside down in my car in so much pain i can hardly breathe covered in glass and i can hear someone screaming the last thing i remember before i passed out about 10 seconds later was seeing cop lights and distinctly thinking to myself wow how did they get here so fast this is important the next thing i remember i opened my eyes and i'm sitting in my car at the red light the intense pain i felt a moment ago is fading fast but it's still there only almost like a ghost version of itself if that makes sense i'm intensely confused at this point and i start looking around in a panicky way and my eyes trail across the clock again it's a 7 36 and i'm just i'm beyond confused i know it wasn't a daydream it was so god dang real i'm frozen in place staring at the clock trying to figure out what the frick just happened after about 5-10 seconds i hear the person behind me start to beep at me but i'm shaking and about to cry and so overwhelmed with leftover fear that i can't even react to it they start to lay on their horn and i still can't move because i'm just so confused and frightened now at this point i was starting to calm myself down and trying to rationalize what happened i was beginning to convince myself that it had to have just been a daydream it was early enough and i was tired enough that i even started to think i just nodded off at the red light and dreamed the crash what the heck else could have happened right if it weren't for what happened next i probably would have been able to go the rest of my life believing i had fallen asleep and dreamed it the moment the clock turned 7 37 like the very second the numbers changed a huge truck comes barreling through the light definitely speeding they ran their red light and crossed right in front of my car a few seconds later a cop who must have just been driving behind the truck in the first place runs the red light as well turning on his lights in the process and beginning to pursue the speeding track they both drove out of my view within a few seconds i was so shaken i just pulled my car to the side of the road right where i was and sat there in silence for i don't even know how long like what normal explanation could i possibly come up with for this there isn't one i hadn't seen the truck or the cop car before they ran the light in front of me so how did the dream crash i had include those very specific and very real details the entire area i live in is covered in trees so it's not like i can see very far down the road in either direction i know for a fact i did not see the truck or the cop car before i experienced the crash i'm still so shaken how do i rationalize this experience to myself i feel disillusioned by something but i don't even know what i feel like i'm going crazy i needed to share this with people who won't automatically dismiss this as a hallucination or a dream [Music] randonnautica glitch so my son used the random nautica app a few weeks ago he wanted to find something new something he's never seen before the app gave him coordinates to a neighborhood really close to ours he said when he rode his bike there there was a street that he's never seen before he said all the houses were one level and every single house had someone outside in their front yard working in the yard or just hanging out and they all said hi to him as he rode by every single person said hi it was like the truman show he said the neighborhood street went on forever like no end in sight to where the road ended he decided to turn around and go home the next day he took us back to where he went we went to the same place but he said it looked totally different than when he went there the day before none of the houses were one level like when he saw them before they were all two stories now nothing looked the same it wasn't even a long road it was all different subdivisions now fifty years in five seconds disclaimer metric system m equals meters yesterday i was swimming at my local lake i put my stuff near the water and went in when i looked back after about five to ten minutes of swimming and diving i saw that a young couple sat next to my stuff i kinda felt weird about them they had this super weird aura they both were about 20 years old i remember the towels they sat on one being red and the other gray then i lost my swimming goggles they fell down to the lake floor i dived down about three meters and came back up which lasted about five to ten seconds when i looked at the couple again because all the time i felt weird about them they both were really old but they definitely retired i thought maybe the young couple went home and the elders came to sit there however the young couple was nowhere there were around 10 people in a 50 meter radius and the towels were the same at first i thought it was a visual glitch but after i was walking by i heard that their voices changed as well my best friend isn't the same i know this sounds crazy and trust me i feel like i am going absolutely insane but something has been going on with my best friend for months now and it's been the most confusing experience i stumbled across this subreddit last night and was hoping someone could explain what's happening for backstory me and my best friend lily have known each other since kindergarten we grew apart for a couple years during high school but reconnected when we lived in the same dorm in college we also lived together for the last two years of college all of this is to say i really know lilly i pride myself in how well i know her we've spent several nights staying up until 5am talking about absolutely everything and i cannot for the life of me understand what's going on in february lily got really sick and for a couple weeks we weren't sure if she was going to make it i was absolutely worried sick and spent those weeks crying my eyes out scared i would lose her long story short she had emergency surgery which saved her life she got out of the hospital a week and a half later recovery was hard but by late march we were back to hanging out like normal in early april we were driving to the park one of the only places we can go in quarantine and listening to the radio when a song by her favorite band came on i turned it up because we've sung this song in the car dozens of times before but she immediately changed the station and said she hated that song i asked what she was saying and reminded her how this was her favorite band all throughout her adolescence but she just stared at me confused and said she had never heard of the band i was obviously concerned by this and wondered if her surgery was causing her memory loss so i brought it up to her parents who were also extremely confused and said lily had never talked about that band their posters covered her wall when she was younger i remember it clear as day there's no way all of them just forgot a couple weeks later she was sitting with my family and i outside when she asked me where my brother was i told her i wasn't sure what she meant because my brother had died three years ago in a car accident she got upset and accused me of tricking her asking why i would lie about such a horrible thing i repeated that he died and that she needed to stop because bringing him up out of the blue really upset all of us it ended with her storming out of the house and us not talking for a couple days until she called me to apologize i insisted that he had died and said i would never lie about something like that and she got really sad and started crying that was the end of it but just yesterday the weirdest thing happened i was out grocery shopping with her when we saw her ex-boyfriend he was extremely abusive towards her and my friends and i all despise him and try to keep him away from her as much as we can when i saw him i attempted to distract her from the situation and slightly led her away but she didn't seem phased and looked in his direction saying he was cute she asked me if she should go up to him and ask him out and i looked at her like she was absolutely crazy i told her not to not even bothering to bring up that he was her ex because at this point she was starting to really scare me i texted our mutual friends and asked if they remembered him and they all did so i know i'm not making it up usually her ex would try to come up to her and intimidate her or come on to her or something but he just walked by us and gave us that friendly stranger nod i am so confused i feel so crazy someone please help me make sense of this all the people from my wrestling class disappeared english i sent my first language so sorry for the grammar this happened back when i was in high school but i just can't stop thinking about it when i was in high school i used to take wrestling classes every monday wednesday and friday would start at 6 pm and end 8 p.m even though it started at 6 i would always be there by 5 30 a few more people would come and we would just chill in the park nearby so one day i went to my wrestling class by 5 30 it was kind of weird because i was the only one there i just sat alone and waited all other people to show up by 6 p.m i was still the only person but i decided to go inside and start the class but when i entered there was absolutely nobody it was really weird all the lights were on but there was nobody inside i got outside and decided that i would wait a bit longer at around 6 40 p.m i got a call from my older sister saying that i should come back home also she said there is someone following you do not take the way by the kindergarten come near the supermarket and walk home from there and then the hang up there was actually someone standing there and staring at me i started walking back home and the guy started following me as my sister said i went near the supermarket and then walked home by the time i was near the supermarket the guy went back and stopped following me i rang the doorbell and my older sister the one who called me opened the door with shock on her face said why you came so early either you had the wrestling class when i said that i came home because you called me she said she never called me i took my phone to show her the call history she was right there was no call from her i did not think about it too much either it was an error with the phone and my sister was just joking with me two days later i went to the next wrestling class this time everything was normal or by 5 30 everyone was there and i asked the guys why nobody came last time they all said that everyone was there i was the only person who missed the class i could not believe it so before the class started i went to my wrestling teacher and asked him the same question he said that everyone was there by 6 pm and i was not there he said he tried to call me but he was not able to reach me he wanted to call my parents but he did not have their number i still cannot understand what happened that day what did really happen that day i saw the end of the world this was a few years ago i was sitting in the back seat of a full car looking out of the window it was night time and everything was normal i hadn't been drinking or smoking i wasn't tired and i don't take medication there weren't many stars to look at because we were just outside the city in the suburbs so i was just staring at passing buildings then everything became brighter and i had this horrible feeling of helplessness and dread that pierced me so deep it made my bones ache so i looked up at the sky and saw this massive comet meters all things screaming across the sky it was flaming yellow orange but mostly green and it looked really close like inside the atmosphere close t minus 30 seconds to impact close i only saw it for two seconds before it disappeared behind a building and didn't come back out the other side or crash into the earth then everything went back to normal even the feeling of dread was gone but i was still freaking out because i saw it i felt the horror at its inevitable collision with the earth but when i asked everyone else in the car no one else did not even the person in the passenger seat in front of me who was also looking out of the window they all thought i was playing a prank all of it was weird but the part that really gets me is that the most frightened i've ever felt in my entire life but the feeling was only there for two seconds and then it was gone completely just like the green flaming thing i don't have any explanation for this and it warns me all the time it was such a horrible feeling and no one believes me i don't even know what it could be a vision of the future past even maybe just a glitch maybe space and time folded and i saw something floating in space light years away from earth whatever it was [ __ ] that i got into one car accident with the person i made in a video game not sure if it's a glitch in the matrix or an extremely weird coincidence here's my story my name is steve first post here years and years ago when i was young i used to play video games like any young kid did it was just my thing i played every day i had an xbox 360. i didn't want anyone to know what my real name was or anything idk i was weird but i made an email for my xbox live account the name on the email i created was under the name of tom liza not really sure why i named the account that but it was the first name that came to my head so i was like what the heck i'll just use that so for years i had this account created with a fake name tom laser i stopped playing video games and five or six years go by and i haven't touched the console or video games in general i'm out one night with my best friend will we've just came back from playing dodge ball at this place went to on a friday night for some fun i was 17 then and just got my licenses like any new driver most of the time you don't know where you're going lol i was stopped at red light on route 347 road i was on headed home i whipped out my gps on my phone and it told me that i needed to get into the turning lane stupid me without looking turns into the turning lane and sideswiped this 2004 toyota corolla at this point my heart is pounding through my chest because i'm 17 and i've never been in a car accident nonetheless driving in general for that long this guy gets out of the car p long story short the police arrive file a police report and the nights goes on from there i get home tell my mom that i got in a car accident and all that jazz and she flips out on me a few days go by and i receive a copy of the accident report i open the letter and begin to read the report and i stop i took a second and third look at the police report the name of the person i got into an accident with was tom liza i still tell this story to this day i'm 23 now but i always get the chills from it anything ever happened like this to you guys something weird about me and my girlfriend i found out about this subreddit today read a few great posts and i knew exactly what i had to share i met my girlfriend on a dating app about seven years ago i thought she was really pretty and i noticed she had a small mole above the right cheek just like i do we started chatting and found out we have the exact same last name i know that's not unusual but we were born in different countries even continents we then started dating and getting to know each other better and we found out that we got the last name from our fathers and both our mothers also share the exact same last name weird right but the weirdest part is that and it happens quite often we say exactly what the other is thinking for example when she starts to tell a story with very little context i know immediately what she's going to say it freaks us out a little how similar we think and how often it happens i feel like i'm in the truman show bear with me here because it makes me sound insane my house is on the very end of a row of houses on the far left there is a woman who lives in the middle with her two sons to the right of my house i have noticed within the last year that whenever i leave the house or look out my window the woman and her two sons one baby in a pram stroller and one walking behind her are always walking towards their house we don't live near anything you can't really visit other than a small corner shop i thought maybe she was visiting somebody's house but then it got weird if i was outside really late at night she would be there with her baby who should be asleep if i left the house twice in a day she would walk past both times at one point i was in my garden for around four hours doing some gardening and she walked past twice both times coming from the same direction today was especially weird when i opened the door to let my boyfriend in she was walking past but then at 12am when i let him out she walked past again with her tiny baby to top it all off every time she walks past she looks at me just as she gets to the lamppost with a slight smile as if she is acknowledging something she also always has her hair the same and dresses similarly and i can never make out her kids faces as they are wearing hoods or facing away from me idk if this counts as a glitch but it makes me feel like i'm in a weird matrix simulation someone warned me about something big i was at a surprise birthday party for myself in 2017 i maybe drank a single beer i wasn't by any means under the influence of anything i was sitting talking to my girlfriend when the entire room went quiet very suddenly like people's mouths were moving but there wasn't any sounds then a voice i've never heard before said your dad's gonna kill himself your dad's in pain then as quickly as it showed up it left the party noises came back i got up checking around me as if maybe some weird joke at the time my dad was missing for a year to date he was a narcissist and i couldn't fathom him just killing himself for anything it's very much not him anyway two days later i was watching tv and the same voice happened again the room went quiet and it said it's time again everything went back to normal the next night a knock is at the door and it is a police officer he basically says my dad committed suicide a few states away from my family and myself the voice hasn't showed up since my dad's passing and i have had some neurological tests psychological tests and no doctor can explain what happened those nights i personally think i was getting a small warning like this is gonna happen be prepared he was my best friend if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 69,546
Rating: 4.8630629 out of 5
Keywords: glitch in the matrix stories, glitch in the matrix reddit, glitch, scary, scary stories, matrix, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Id: 8zgVhL-ZRmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 36sec (6876 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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