What Are Things Only Rich People Buy? (1 Hour Reddit Compilation)

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what's the worst case of rich-kid syndrome you've ever seen I deliver pizza in a very rich area I'm talking seeing Rolls Royces and supercars on a daily basis kind of rich my manager told me a story of someone that used to work there this guy would deliver pizzas and a brand new BMW m3 and just put absolutely no effort into his job delivering pizzas and hard apparently this guy only had a job because his parents wouldn't pay his allowance if he didn't work how much was his allowance $5,000 a month this guy was making $60,000 a year to deliver pizza part time that's actually super common with wealthy families an acquaintance of mine has the same deal with his parents work 40 hours a week and get dolla sign 100,000 a year allowance plus the dollar sign 15,000 a month mortgage paid for friend in college literally went to the local gamma stop at midnight every Tuesday he'd buy every new release for every console we went over to his house one time that year and he had about 60 ish games that were unopened one time we were walking around campus and he stopped by the ATM he got his receipt and called his dad turns out his dad was worried his funds were running low so he sent him $25 K just to make sure he wasn't going to starve that was close I only had 20 pounds of cabbage I left a kid that used to work for me came in to work super P off one day I asked him what was wrong to which he replied my frickin maid didn't make my bed again but my dad still won't fire her group of rich high school kids in Montana out driving around drinking found two combines large farm tractor things worth about 250 dollars caged out in a wheat field decided to have a demolition derby got caught in the judge's chambers with the farmer who just wanted the damages reimbursed at the high end family lawyers asked what the heck they were thinking when they did it the response well you can't put a price on a good time turns out that was the wrong answer I need the ending to this two girls both nice and fairly level-headed but also just raised too dang rich one would take a taxi everywhere in town it was a very safe small college town with free campus buses and she'd taxi across campus she lived two blocks away from me and would take a taxi from her dorm to my house Google Maps says it's a full four minute walk she swore she just had a terrible sense of direction and couldn't figure out where we lived but you'd think after the first embarrassingly short taxi ride she'd throw our address into Google Maps and just walk the other would regularly complain about people not knowing how to manage their money it took a while to figure out but eventually it clicked that she meant very poor people didn't know how to invest their money in stocks and bonds then one day we were having a conversation where she revealed she didn't think a house in Detroit in 2010 could possibly cost under $1 million I told her I grew up in a nice 180 dollars K house and she thought I was dumb or lying shattered her world when I showed her my home on Zillow when she graduated college she complained about how much stuff cost all the time it was nice seeing her learned the value of a dollar finally I have a kid in my MBA cohort that outsources his homework and projects to India he bitched and moaned when one of our professors gave him a C when he only showed up to two classes after he dad donated ten thousand dollars to school overall nice guy but doesn't really have a clue comic outsources his homework and projects to India he is just practicing for when he goes into the corporate world a kid who would dramatically throw down his smartphone on the ground in mock frustration broken phones were replaced with few to no questions I did that but with an old flip phone so it didn't break got a few laughs when the battery flew out and more when I put it back in and it still worked I chucked it halfway across a football field once and that thing stayed intact back in high school we were doing one of those icebreakers where we passed her beach ball around and whoever course it had to answer the question their thumb landed on well this kid who has proclaimed being rich numerous times before talking about his parents owning an own pizza place and how he drives an expensive sports car caught the ball and his question was if you won a million dollars what would you do with it his response was somewhere along the lines of a million dollars wouldn't make any difference in my life thanks a lot Brad you ruined the game kid in my high school crashed six cars within a year and they weren't like 1990s Toyota's and Honda's most high schoolers by themselves these were brand new Subaru STIs a Biasi a BMW brand new G crap like that the last car his dad bought him was a semi new Ford Focus a decent car better than my 1997 white Camry every day he'd complained and threw a fit his dad welded by him another $30 K Plus car sounds like his dad needs to buy him a driving tutor my boss bought her kids a two million dollar house to live in while they went to college my boss also paid for their college so of course they move out of the two million dollar house five months later because they want to be independent oye and expect mommy and daddy to pay for their rent utilities college cars vacations to see friends and different states et Cie I would just stay in the two million dollar house maybe start a crayfish farm in the backyard to help pay for the house crayfish racers will pay a lot of money for a fast crawdad went to college with a totally chill dude who was apparently rich as Frick he was on our college golf team and enjoyed destroying a club if he hit a bad shot he wasn't even angry it was just like a reflex to go Bo Jackson over his Neil whatever I asked him how he keeps playing and he basically said that at the end of every round he just bought new clubs for the next round he showed me in the trunk of his car he had like five boxes of earrings and always took the plastic off a new driver for every round I saw him play and he played everyday at least eighteen if not 36 holes he said it wasn't an a rounding error in his dad's credit card Jesus I play golf and my golf clubs are really nice and custom-fit to me but that's because my dad is a PGA member and could get the wholesale price I can't imagine getting them replaced every day without hurting or even replacing them every year like some do I once had a mom asked if I could open up the back of our ambulance so her kid could see what was inside since he wanted to be a firefighter I'm a medic not a firefighter I agree as long as he doesn't touch anything of course the second the doors open the kid hops in and goes straight for our expensive monitor I tell him no that's it's dangerous and could break to which he starts screaming I don't care my mom will buy it and the mom says it's fine just let him play with it if it breaks on replace it I had to physically pick him up and carry him out of the ambulance since she didn't even try to control him while this is happening we get paid out for a call and this bee suggests that she could pay double our hourly wage if we stay for a few more minutes so her little crap could explore destroy more of our equipment freak outta here with that crap lady you're willing to delay an ambulance so you won't have to deal with precious little jellies tantrum unbelievable that's a winner right there ignore your call it's probably just a poor person anyway he was 25 years old when I knew him his father owned oil fields he had a credit card that he use for anything and everything that they paid the balance on every month he never even kept track of what was charged on it just bought whatever caught his fancy he openly and shamelessly admitted that he had offered his college professor money to give him a pass in grade one day he was cranky about something and said I wish my parents would just die so I could have their money why should I have to wait sounds like his parents should find out how he really feels and be left with $1.00 in the will my roommate refused to go with his family for spring break since there wasn't a flight with first-class seats and only business class was available he ended up taking a connecting flight that did have first-class available while the rest of his family just took business on the direct flight you gotta be comfortable you know business class the new cattle class I don't know about rich but just spoiled my cousin insisted on a fifteen thousand dollar wedding ring and thirty thousand dollars wedding she and the groom made $20 25k a year combined her dad paid for everything they divorced within six months she wanted a wedding not a marriage the dude who relentlessly bullied me in school was also the son of one of the richest people in the city one day a teacher caught him with his hands around my throat and I was pinned against a wall we were both taken to the teachers meeting room where it was explained to me that we should try and get along and that we should apologize to each other did I mention his dad also built the flashy new cafeteria for the school that year he was caught on numerous occasions with me in some state of distress and every time they found ways to make it both our problem his dad pumped a lot of money into that school he also flew his friends on his private airline to Manchester United games so nobody stood up for me because they could lose their privileges my saving grace was a lot of his mates in early years of secondary school turned on him in the later years because he was such an butthole butt man I'm clearly not entirely over it wouldn't exactly call its rich kid syndrome but it took me a while to get used to my gfs lifestyle I grew up in a very working-class family with both my parents working full-time just for us to stay afloat went round my gfs house and saw a lady making food in the kitchen you must be mrs. surname trying to be really polite and introduce myself to her family that was actually there made awkward luckily they're all really down-to-earth and stuff cause turns out her parents were basically homeless and living out of a storage space when they were my age but her parents started up a little business net actually became successful enough to support them and then just kept growing figures people who come from her beginnings often turn out to become decent people when and if they do get rich I went to middle elementary school with some very wealthy people typically I was oblivious enough to not really realize it but two instances come to mind in fifth grade we did some an exchange trip type of thing with some kids in Canada on the flights over there one of my classmates said wow this is crazy I've only ever flown first class before later in eighth grade I was at that same kid's house an absolute mansion on top of a hill with the long landscaped entrance Drive marble floored entrance hall with stairs winding up by the side etc' and he and a girl who had been dropped off in her dad's new Ferrari started having a discussion comparing the merits of their relative and home movie theaters alike not just a living room with a cool a/v setup but full of movie theaters with rows of seats that could seat about 50 people my family wasn't poor but that was when I realized we weren't rich Ivor one of the kids in my grade brought bags of cocaine to senior prom not only did his parents let him go but the police did too now I believe he's in an engineering program at Yale good luck with that money won't save you from thermals and fluids a very distant relative of ours egg some weird branch off the family tree offered her son a bribe of an entire apartment building if he finished his undergraduate accounting degree I just went huh sir you get an immediate investments after graduating and you can rent out the place for mega dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign my sir has rich aunt and uncle with an only child when he graduated college his gift was a complex that brings in enough money that this kid could retire on it if you ask him he's self-made though know a girl who comes from a multimillion-dollar family she made several blog posts about how she and her sober broke spent the year living really lavishly and that they were going to end up on the street BC there was no place to live available in their price range and she genuinely wanted to kill herself turns out what she meant is that there wasn't anywhere available above the normal rent eight ended up in a top floor penthouse guest daddy came through neither of them work attended an international high school in Ho Chi Minh City where a lot of New Wave millionaires kids live the school was ridiculous a third of the kids were expose perfectly lovely kids a third were local Vietnamese kids whose parents were working their asses off to send them to a private school and the other third were these millionaire kids they wouldn't ever hesitate to show off their mummy and daddys wealth they'd pull up to school and Lamborghinis Ferraris etc etc and if their rolls-royce didn't come on time to pick them up after school it would be a straight phone call to their other driver to come pick a me up right now they'd be such dogs 24 Strokes 7 to the non-rich locals classes ask kids and constantly just bringing up the most trivial things and complaining about them I'm literally not exaggerating here when I say this for example my maid bought me the wrong LV bag I told her it was the tan brown one not the light brown one a guy can't believe it now we have to send her on the jet to Shanghai to get it they all paid and used family connections to get into Harvard Stanford UPenn etc etc and even now constantly complain on Facebook and Instagram about how crap their residents are all food was so they just hired some freaking personal chef or something to mind you these kids were the dumbest bunch I've ever seen one of them literally was clueless about the most basic facts but still got into business management despised a lot of them glad I'm in Europe far away from most of them brought my college roommate to my mom's house for Thanksgiving because he lived in a different state and I only lived 15 minutes from campus I gave him a quick tour of the house and he was astonished by how clean it all was my mom's a neat freak and keeps a very clean house he then said to my mom wow you guys must have a really good maid service I've never seen my mom laugh that hard before what is the worst example of rich people problems you have seen my rich friend has had to respray his cart multiple times because a peacock on his land keeps seeing his reflection in it and attacking it like crazy my neighbor had peacocks when I was growing up we had the crappy above-ground pool and the stupid birds would come over stand on the edge scream and poke usually at 3 a.m. I was pumping gas in a rather dicey neighborhood at a cheap gas station and this older woman pulls up in her Bentley she pulls up on the pump ahead of me and cracks her window slightly and asks me for help I asked her what she needs she asked me to pump her gas cause she was too scared to do it herself I asked her what type of gas she wanted and she said the cheapest I asked her if she was sure with such a high-end car did she really want to put in budget gas she said it didn't matter since she could easily afford any new car she wanted so I insert my debit card and she hands me a $100 bill and says keep the change I fill up a tank and my own 12 gallon Honda Civic tank and made about $30 in from the change I finish up at the gas station and jump on the freeway to see my girlfriend at the time and I am going the same way at this woman I get off at the same exit as her she is making a right to an affluent area and I am making a left off the exit to a less nicer area she rolls down the window and yells at me I thought you were following me I am so sorry where are you heading I told her to which neighborhood I am heading to she gives an awkward smile and says I will tell the dispatcher that you are not following me and that I am not fearing for my life be called the cops on me thinking I was following her too robber I ended up getting to my destination chill with my girlfriend and didn't get pulled over I work at a hotel and whenever I valet a Rolls Royce or Bentley I just think of this old lady stuff like this his wife I ever to get to a level of income that could be considered rich why I won't flaunt it I wouldn't want to have to be a paranoid aging dragon of a person clutching my pearls at every turn while simultaneously trying to show off the same pearls I knew someone who traded in his Porsche and bought a new one every year his parents were wealthy died when he was in his teens and left him a multi-million dollar trust fund what was sad was that he felt that he couldn't pick up women without flashing his cash and expensive sports car but he would dump them all in a couple weeks because they were only into me for my money loneliest guy I ever met that's actually kind of sad first when it comes to this thread wife is a flight attendant wife what would you like to drink passenger I'll have a water wait where is your water from wife but what passenger what country is your water from I only drink water from France I went to a fine-dining restaurant a few years back that offered us a chance to look at their water menu before dinner my wife immediately said no because obviously we're not ordering fancy water off the water menu that still kind of disappointed we didn't at least look at it that had to have been hilarious complaining about your allowance from your daddy at age 30 which is the rough equivalent of two average salaries all complaining that your dad bought you a used car instead of a new one when you were 21 he only spent 10 K the girl could have been thankful that he even bought her a car they bought a new yacht because the wife didn't like the beds they bought a new yacht because the old one had ants and they couldn't find the hive girl in college lost six thousand dollars in traveler's checks but doing the paperwork to have them replaced was too much bother I'd have offered to do the paperwork for a cat I had friends who had to break their phone it was the latest iPhone model and perfectly working but there was a newer one coming out that they wanted and their parents would only buy it if their other one was broken why I had to endure these kids throwing their phones against walls and being frustrated that their phone wasn't broken yet my friend wants to marry her boyfriend they are going to school in America but are both from China her Beijing him near Shanghai they both paid all assigned 60,000 /year to go to high school here however she can't marry him because his family only owns two houses in Hangzhou whereas her zone 7 in Beijing I worked with a guy from China computer programmer like me so he was probably making high five figures low six figures he would take extra money every year and buy our piece of property in China he retired early my rich art doesn't let us park in front of her house because it makes her mansion look bad she should buy you guys new cars so that it won't look bad when you park there when I was in high school my family was pretty poor and I had a fairly rich friend my single dad spent years saving up for us to go to Disneyland we finally went to when I was 16 first found a year my friend is going to Disneyland for Halloween break her dad told her to invite two friends so she invited me and another girl I was freaking stoked but she kept saying I don't know it's probably going to be boring my grandma takes me to Disneyland like every break and when we got there all she wanted to do was sit on benches and text all of the rides were boring and she'd already been on them dozens of times it ended up being pretty boring for me because I didn't want to go on the rides without her young girl about five years of age getting ready to go into New York City to visit her grandmother NJ suburbs she was at her aunt's house and did not have a pair of shoes that she liked she called her chauffeur told him which pair of shoes she wanted the dude got the shoes and drove some 20 miles to deliver them and she told him he got the wrong ones and he was an idiot no one in the family thought this was inappropriate no one in the family thought this was inappropriate and that is how a rich kid becomes a spoilt entitled brat a person I know only drinks every norvos water because he is allergic to tap Evie and his naive spelled backwards my cousin's best friend yelled at our dad and said that she hated him because he wouldn't take her to London to buy a dress even though the exact same dress was available from the exact same store back home she needed the one from London because they make things better over there has to buy up all of the surrounding plots of land to get some privacy superhitch docked in Italy at a high-end marina owners wanted the bottled Perrier water for a party they were having in a day or two they wanted the marina to supply them with a pallet of said water marina said it was against policy for them to get a pallet of water to their boat so they get a private jet from America to fly in a pallet of said water and get it dropped to the boat price was about twenty-eight thousand US dollars as far as I remember but even that amount seems low for that I had to help a girl pay her tuition bill she was upset because she genuinely thought the process of putting in credit card information was difficult yes she took her dad's credit card and paid 20k for the semester like it was buying a stick of gum it put my tuition on my parent's credit card if I could 40k off purchases would end give them a nice pile of points and it obviously transfer them the money to pay it off drove a client's wife home from the airport after the first big snowstorm in Boston this year I felt soo bad if she told me Oh Rojo's so sad they could only clear the snow from in front of two of our garage bays he wanted to take his BMW out but he's stuck driving my Mercedes for another week oh well how does he go on I went on an amazing trip southern USA with my girlfriend at the time during the summer and she had an uncle who was very rich and she was used to call his wealth I was not I couldn't believe that we got to do all the amazing things we did money was just not an object or something you had to worry about the third day of the trip I was getting aboard his yacht he owned the largest one in the club and it was incredible glass tears stone walls and dark beautiful wood we all sat down near the back at a table and the wife freaked out she yelled where are the mats apparently there were supposed to be mats to be set down on the table before the giant glass bowl of chips and freshly made guacamole could be placed in front of us she was really mad and almost embarrassed I've never been so weirded out by someone's anger I couldn't believe that it was such a problem I said to myself it's fine seriously I could walk in there and grab them in point four seconds I'll never forget and I learned that extremely rich people don't have the same kind of problems that regular people do good thing they didn't serve nuts out of a bag instead of on a plate probably would have had to turn the yacht around I was once friends with a Chinese girl whose family networth appeared to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars she told me a story about her rich uncle who owned a super yacht and loved to travel around the world apparently his favorite thing to do was pull up into a port and bathe in the stares of everyone admiring his yacht since it was always the biggest one well one day he goes somewhere say the Bahamas and he pulls into the port and he isn't getting the usual attention since someone else happened to have a bigger yacht in him for once this girl said it ruined his whole weekend he was in a terrible mood and couldn't enjoy anything I was speechless also this is the same girl that constantly complained about how her friends weren't that smart or nice and how she doesn't know what to do with all her free time and money that girl taught me something apparently there are a lot of rich people that have so little problems they just make them up and yes I've seen her facebook pictures met her friends seen her cars and talked to her long enough to confirm that she probably wasn't lying apparently there are a lot of rich people that have so little problems they just make them up I think it's human nature to perceive anything to be a problem if it is worse than our expectations regardless of wealth or class I imagine that a lot of the problems that an average poor American has would seem made up to many many people in less fortunate countries had a former friend who went into despair because hurricane sandy flooded her living room with her childhood home told everyone she was homeless now and she knew what it felt like to lose everything the way her Jewish ancestors did in World War two thing as she had an apartment she lived in on the island her parents owned several more vacation homes up and down the coast they were a little in confidence maybe but far from homeless one guy I know on the island lost her boat during sandy but ended up finding a different one in the middle of his house I worked for a gal who had a speaker go out in her Ferrari and she refused to drive any further under those circumstances so she pulled over to wait for one of her house staff to bring her the Porsche true story I observed something similar a guy had to pull over with his Lamborghini because of bird dung right on the center of the win he didn't know how the windshield wiper works I was invited to a graduation party hosted by a very wealthy couple whose daughter had just graduated from Yale her father came out in front of the guests displaying his Rolex and cartier watches asking which one of the two expensive watches the group thought would be the more appropriate for the occasion everyone just looked at each other silently not quite sure what to say that peasant nope a tux or Demers Vacheron Constantin but when the recession hit one of my very best friends family was very distraught because they had to sell one of their three private jets I occasionally hung out with a kid whose dad was super-rich he would just ask for money and get it he tried to use her ATM and had no idea how to so he asked me or someone else to get money for him it was so confusing for him most simple tasks were because he was raised not to lift a finger ironically enough in a lot of countries being annoyed that someone doesn't know how to use an ATM is a rich person problem I worked for a nonprofit that helped extremely low income women start their own business these women would give up food to scrape together enough money to join our program one of our ridi said she wished she could relate to our clients more but she has never been poor she owned two homes in one of the most expensive ZIP codes in the u.s. also another woman whom I really did respect but not always agree with believed people chose to be in poverty we would debate for days about that statement I realized working there that people who run advocacy programs for poverty have no idea what it's really like this is a problem because policy and law makers are looking at these institutions for advisement on drafting new social safety nets and welfare programs to help the working poor and they just have no clue it motivated me to go back and get a masters degree to fight this I grew up super poor and can speak from experience not theory my boss complained to me recently that they owned too much land and too many properties she's like don't own too much land and properties it's just a hassle a kid I know claimed he wasn't rich saying I don't get to pilot my helicopter as much anymore the guy sitting next to him when prompted to define an income bracket for middle class couldn't answer he eventually arrived at a 700,000 annual income as a rough estimate I just moved to a 50 Mbps from a 2 Mbps life is not the same anymore I saw a guy on Instagram who couldn't wait for a car he custom-ordered so he went and bought one from the dealer while he waited for the custom one I've heard of this more than once custom orders on high-end cars can take a long time six months a year maybe more sometimes the dealer will throw in a cheap lease off a stock model until the custom build is delivered dunno if this is the problem exactly but I was on the tube in South London and a bunch of young banker types in fancy suits whether were they're equally well-dressed on candy girlfriends and one guy was like everyone keeps telling me to get a Bentley but I'm more of a Lambo man this was at a point in my life where I was living off one-pound boxes of pasta from Tesco so it was a bit of a surreal moment my London banker friend is having a baby she's upset that Jimmy Choo doesn't make diaper bags if I know I'm late to this thread but oh man I work at a place where I interact with a lot of rich people I have come into contacts with lots of rich people problems here are a few I've witnessed one 14 year old kid looking despondent and I asked him what was wrong he replied were going to Paris again I hate it it's so boring - mums talking I took her to her little friend's birthday party but I didn't know what to bring do kids like coach bags still I have no idea three ladies talking what are you guys doing this summer 2nd Mon replies oh nothing last summer was crazy busy so this summer we are taking it easy we are spending one week in London and one week in Hawaii but other than that nothing we are relaxing this summer three ladies talking they can be expensive but buying nicer cars like crosses and Mercedes is worth it we had a GMC once and we only drove it for like four years and we had to have something fixed and it just felt old there are many more but those are a few what was a meal you loved as a kid but now that you're an adult you realize your parents only made because you were poor hardtack flour and water mixed and hardened to stale biscuit consistency in the oven my mother would cut it into cookie shapes and give it to us as dessert a treat in our lunches and admonishes us if we ate more than two or three pieces I realized later that was so on nights we had no food in the house but flour and could eat all the hardtack we wanted we'd feel like we were having a special celebratory meal of cookies okay you win my parents were poor but they weren't 18th century Royal Navy poor you'll ever had sleep for dinner as a grown man with a baby I really would like to have sleep for dinner I remember being so stoked when we got to have pancakes for dinner only too much later realize it was because flour was pretty much the only food we had in the house pot pies would go on sale for like ten dollar sign one my mom would fill our freezer this was college for me those things were like three for one dollar or something my father used to tell me he bought a happy meal from McDonald's when in fact he just kept the box and cooked the little chicken nuggets and french fries I always asked about them being different sometimes but never found out now it's a family story about how far we've come my mom used to have McDonald's night where she would make us pan-fried burgers and oven fries and then wrap them in wax paper for us we loved it we would put on Beatles tapes and maybe even get a soda if we were lucky so we could pretend we were at an old-fashioned diner what I fondly referred to as the summer of potatoes my dad was a teacher and was off for the summer so he cooked dinner all summer one year he cooked potatoes every day but in different ways he was always on the lookout for a new potato recipe it wasn't until I was an adult buying my own groceries that I realized how cheap potatoes were we had to eat potatoes because they were affordable and he didn't want dinner to be boring this one is the realest because compared to of the other things in this thread potatoes will keep you going and there are nearly limitless variations to potatoes your dad's a real one am I the only one compiling a grocery list off of this post this is 100% why I clicked over here I'm the youngest in a big family some of my siblings and I were arguing once about our mom's dragon soup we all remembered it having different ingredients finally we went to her to settle who was right she was confused for a minute and then said oh that it was never the same I called it that because at the end of the month I'd be dragging cans of vegetables out of the pantry and throwing it in a pot we called this a Moscow meal didn't realize what it was for years until my dad explained grandma would root through the fridge pantry and say this must go that must go made me laugh my ass off and now I do the same thing fried bologna sandwich with mayo I never really knew we were poor as a kid we didn't get to do a lot of the things other kids did we didn't go places other kids went but we had a roof over our heads and a decent plot of land so we were good with it our mealtime fare was pretty basic but the old time special meal had it about once every other month was clams casino we had a bag of shells that we had collected every now and then adding new ones as we found good ones at the beach and mom would make up a prime batch of clams Casino so years after moving out I have my own place I am doing well and I take this girl man she was beautiful to this fancy restaurant down the shore on the menu I see clams casino I am stoked I hadn't had it in over a decade I tell her all about it order it and then it arrives steaming five or six perfect shells with the Blessed concoction awaiting my next move I pick one up bring it to my mouth and slurp it up immediately then proceeding to spit a foul rubbery demon seed out onto the table I was shocked and horrified what the frig my mother never actually used clams and clams Casino just a little bit of clam juice to give it flavor my most special favorite meal growing up was reading I hope you had a great laugh and another date I'm pretty sure this is common mid my mom used to buy the canned Minute Maid concentrate and then dilute it with way more water than necessary to make it last longer it was pretty much orange flavored water at that point on a somewhat less serious note when she was pee and we asked her what was for dinner actually not sure if she was pee or if this was an actual serious response she would respond in Chinese the northwest winds essentially she told us to go to the yard and open our mouths and swallow the air to feel full I didn't realize until a year or two ago that you're only supposed to dilute the concentrate like 3:1 I've been filling the pitcher all the way with tap water because that's how mom did it Hawaii's own Hawaii's own juice is way too sweet if you actually follow their directions be in surprise baked beans with stuff cooked into it hamburger bacon etc sometimes the surprise was that it was just beans for a few months when I was little we had surprise for dinner not because we were poor we were but it wasn't why but because my four year old self tore all the labels off the cans when my mom wasn't looking my mom said she learned two things one cans of fruit are generally larger than cans of vegetables and two they bought way too many cans of beans WTF on the flip side a meal my roommates and I used to make I was freshly divorced and was working in a restaurant that ground beef daily for burgers and discarded the waste each night but the grill cook like fruit juice so a few juices throughout the night from the bar turned into fresh ground beef for me one time I called my roommate and told him to go buy cheese I got the ground beef and about 5 pounds of mashed potatoes also would have been thrown out and we made three days worth of shepherd's pie for three dollars and fifty cents that beef was a daily thing meatloaf burritos you name it crap got us through some hard times yo fruit juice it's okay you're off the clock no need for euphemisms cheese sandwiches it was just American cheese and bread sometimes Mayo - my mom would always say grandma eats cheese sandwiches every day she's probably eating one right now for some reason that made me want to eat them that's really cute helper we couldn't afford hamburger meat I don't know why they call this stuff Hamburger Helper it does just fine by itself my mom put jelly on my birthday cupcakes one year I asked for it again the next year and she had to explain that we could afford real frosting this year it was good though Crescent dogs I thought that was the finest gourmet cooking they're cheap hot dogs wrapped in Pillsbury Dough and tossed in the oven for a while that's fancy pigs-in-a-blanket breakfast for dinner aka a bowl of cereal also a bowl of mixed cereal aka last bits of whatever cereal is left mixed together slop it was rice chicken and cream of chicken all mixed together with maybe some salt and pepper just cooked in a big pot I make a version of this the only difference is that I had a bag of frozen mixed veggies I am a huge fan of cheap meals Spanish rice was always an end of the month money is tight meal it was a pile of rice with whatever was ready in the garden or left over in the fridge mixed into it it was different every time sounds like my grandma's refrigerator soup at the end of each week she'd take all the leftovers and throw them into a pot and make soup out of them my mom said sometimes it was okay other times it was awful but it was never the same this is actually my dad story but I feel like it belongs here my dad is 75 I'm 37 shut up setting the Bronx mid-1950s my grandfather and my dad had a lunchtime routine on the weekend they'd walk down to the deli and get basically the dollar menu item of the time a hard road hollowed out slathered on the inside with a thick layer of butter and stuffed with raw onions it might sound disgusting but my dad has made it for me before and frickin disgusting homemade pizza turns out nobody else considers toasting bread then microwaving it with cheese and adding a couple pepperonis to be a pizza kinda reminds me of what's a common kids snack an NSAID bread Lahav sock hamburger buns topped with canned spaghetti which has a sweet simple tomato sauce kind of like a cartoon version of pasta sauce then cheddar cheese all baked - my mother used to call it mini pizza but it really wasn't sliced spam fried with eggs and cracker coating this is going to sound like I'm one-upping you but I'm not it's just funny in hindsight we were so poor we couldn't afford spam most of the time we ate treat the armorer brand knockoff version my mother made a lot of chicken when I was a kid I loved it at first but after eating it six days of the week we had pork chops sometimes usually on Sundays for 15 years I really got sick of it I was poking some fun at her one day not too long ago about how much she just lived through chicken because I never saw her eat it anymore and she admitted that she actually hates chicken but it was cheaper than any other type of meat we got goulash a vat of it and nobody anything different until it was gone we weren't super poor but definitely were living paycheck to paycheck and neither of my parents had great jobs I love cheese sandwiches as a kid just American cheese and a bit of mayo on white bread didn't realize that it was a poor person meal until my slightly but she college roommate said that when she saw me making it one day I don't care I still like them and they really are a cheap everyday lunch in my childhood we ate a lot of deer rabbit and squirrel because we had to my mom would dip the squirrel in flour and fried in butter till browned and then simmer it in gravy with Merril mushrooms and onions or ramps she would do the same with deer as well we always had a huge gun I can say from personal experience that there is nothing that tastes better than French flies made from potatoes that have been out of the ground for less than 20 minutes close second would be sweet corn pulled directly from the stalk and roasted husk on over hot coals of a wood fire another faith was when we would open up a jar of everything we can from summer and in homegrown cabbage potatoes and turnips onions from the root cellar and cut-up deer steaks and Bali to make killer vegetable soup we did not really know we were poor actually honestly you probably ate better than most of modern Americans spaghetti noodles with butter and Parmesan cheese I still crave it sometimes my parents were not poor but we ate this all the time now that I am poor I'm really glad I developed a taste for it crapola shingle chipped beef W homemade white gravy and you eat it over toast and now that I've been reminded of it I really want some ramen for sure but now I enjoy it more knowing that my parents did what they could imagine to feed us cut-up hot dogs and off-brand mac and cheese it was like the exciting we're eating a hot dog not how it's meant to be with a bun and all meal but in reality it was b/c we didn't have enough to warrant buying hot dog buns for one meal wait I ate all these meals as a child will we secretly pour they are also easy to prepare for a busy parent tuna melts basically just tuner and cheap cheese on bread bakes in the oven for a while someone kept donating frozen airline food trays to our food pantry the first-class stuff was crazy I loved the duck and kraut and fancy chicken Kiev's those cheap $3 pizzas I still enjoy them my mom made this concoction of mac and cheese canned tuna and peas at least twice a week considering the total cost of that meal is less than three dollars and he fed three of us for two meals it made sense I tried making it for my wife once after explaining it to her and it was met with a resounding no OMG we ate at two tuna noodle casserole mom called it sloppy joes we made them high-class by calling them disorderly joseph´s zat arranged red beans and rice and black beans and rice box meals with a Connaught two of cubed spam that has been browned ahead of time we had eight mouths to feed and for some reasons a trains was always on sale my dad would just fill a huge stockpot with the stuff and it would feed us for two whole days I miss it rice and beans was straight fine dining in our house my little brother and I would request it multiple times a week no salsa no fancy extras rice beans I imagined my parents who were pretty relieved we thought it was so fantastic that arranged jambalaya was the delicious replacement when our palates became more refined Hana my mom's whole cooking repertoire is food for a poor family she was one of seven kids of the grocery store manager and a school teacher in Omaha in the 50s so once she had kids most of her meals were pasta heavy and her nutritional knowledge was basically ground beef starch steamed vegetable you are set my favorite is her or I guess my grandma's shepherd's pie all she did was brown ground beef with salt and pepper add some flour and water put a little mashed potatoes and paprika on top and heat it in the oven when I found out that most people put vegetables in it I was shocked as a student this is basically gonna be my cookbook not a meal and something I hated but I didn't realize while that I was poor until years later I used to go to the school nurse for a stomachache almost every morning she would feed me saltines with peanut butter I choked those things down with a carton of milk I'm lactose intolerant and went about my day feeling better yet gassy I never understood why mrs. Dickinson gave me dry paste on crackers until I was about 25 it was then I realized I never got breakfast and she was just making sure I was comfortable until lunch each holiday season she would deliver bags of groceries to our house or send us home with them we lived across the street from the elementary school still I didn't understand why I'll never forget that sweet woman even if I can't stand saltines or creamy peanut butter to this day I had something similar accepted was that a Thanksgiving and Christmas only certain kids were given vouchers for free turkeys I always thought I was lucky because I always won one it wasn't until I was older that I realized it was because my family was low-income and it was the community's way of making sure low-income families could afford to celebrate the holidays tuna noodle casserole still so good though grilled Bologna and cheese sandwiches dipped in tomato soup those who went to private school what was the best rich kid meltdown you witnessed I know a guy who didn't get into a college he really wanted to go to instead of accepting it his parents spent millions to pay for a wing of a new building to be built and after that the college accepted him he still had to pay full tuition sixty K per year after that to the lobbying to get your kid into college is more common than people think writing a check for a few thousand bucks or better yet knowing some donor that writes even bigger checks and getting him to send in a letter of recommendation for your kid this very thing happened with a family friend of ours and his child got accepted only to be kicked out a year later finally get to tell this story my mom works at a prep school that I went at important to this story as the snowstorm that has been forecasted all week as I am putting together my bag off ski stuff in her office her richest student showed up at the door this kid is billionaire with a B also sobbing his fricking eyes out like my leg is broken or his dog had just died the problem was his dad's helicopter was grounded in NYC and not allowed to make the flight to their private jet in Teterboro NJ instead his dad would have to rent a limo to take him to a hotel in the area this was delaying his trip to Belize or Cancun and meant he would not get to start getting wasted for another three hours or so and he was just Saru stressed I really do feel bad for these kids they're going to be miserable and not understand why as an adult because their parents never taught them how to be a normal kid I was going to a normal public high school at the time there was this girl in a youth group I was and who put everyone else down she would go on and on about how much her parents loved her and how they loved her so much that she got to go to a fancy private school she would really rub it in to not having a good day grades not so good sick day well if only your parents loved you enough to send you to private school like mine do it was annoying and hurtful to everyone well one day I am walking down the hall to my next class and I see the principal introducing a new student to teacher it was none other than this girl her folks must have gotten sick of her attitude and they decided to put her back into public school for an attitude adjustment the next few weeks were great how much do your folks love you and that story was super satisfying too many of these suckers just get away with it and learn nothing a bit of backstory Sal Paulo has really really crappy traffic and rush hour is just miserable hours to go a few miles so this girl who used to be nicer when young became a total B in high school one day her driver picked her up in the wrong car it wasn't the mercedes-benz s-class but a more normal car she completely ignored him refused to acknowledge he was there or waiting for her to get in the car so that poor guy had to drive back to her house without her in the crappiest traffic imaginable to get the Benz drive back in the crappiest traffic imaginable to pick up a spoiled brat who started yelling at him for being incredibly late and I'm 100% sure he didn't drive the Benz in the first place because her dad forbade the driver from taking it I went to a boarding school in the late nineties and I remember a girl in my Spanish class trying unsuccessfully it had great lengths to argue her way out of Atari because daddy's secretary forgot to call and wake me up this morning good lord do private colleges count if so there was a rich girl from LA who went to my college and demanded a private apartments in one of the dorm buildings because she didn't want to run mates shortly after she decided she didn't want to stay in the dorms at all and had her parents rent her a house that was $7,500 a month but this was in San Francisco so I'm pretty sure most of you can imagine how expensive things can be not a kid but a parent I went to an expensive private school on a scholarship and was friends with this girl Samantha whose mom had security cameras in every room of the house and would constantly spy on her also had monitoring programs on the computer etc my parents mentioned this to me once and being a stupid kid I told Samantha the mom flipped crap I'm talking calling my parents several times a day to berate them to the point where they had to block her number I was never allowed over to her house again Samantha and her friends bullied me relentlessly for the rest of the year it was pretty traumatic honestly I didn't understand what was going on because I thought I was doing the right thing by telling her I went to boarding school for two years I was on scholarship most of the other girls were trust fund babies they'd go skiing in Europe every week they'd go on shopping sprees at the mall and make room in their closets by throwing out brand new still with tags outfits I didn't have money to go shopping but I love those days because I could pick through the new clothes in the trash cans and find beautiful things for me and my sister one day one of the snottiness rich girls found me looking through the garbage and said some horrible things about how I was a trash picker poor and other stuff I've blocked out I hid from classes for two days because I was so embarrassed a few months later I was in the study hall late at night going back through the hallways to my room I heard her sobbing in the hall I almost walked right by but I felt really bad for her I stopped to ask her what was wrong and she blurted out that her parents were divorcing then she realized who I was and started getting [ __ ] I gave her some Kleenex from my bag and told her I was so sorry that was happening to her then I walked away she wasn't super nice to me ever but I think she got a bit nicer after that especially when her buddies weren't around that's some good hi roading I probably would have said something about it being her fault on account of neither of her parents wanting to be responsible for raising such an author person I went to an old woman's private college my second year run mate was a disaster screamed on the phone as loud as possible with her parents if they didn't send her five thousand a week she wanted a new snowboard and had spent a five grand on going out in God knows what and she had a total meltdown in the hallway of the dorm screaming that her parents really didn't care about her I can't impress upon you how loud she was screaming I was like if I could get fifty bucks a month I was thrilled but my parents never sent me money ever kid in my school who got a Jeep for his birthday and complained for ages the next year his parents got him a boat apparently he didn't like the shape of the interior the brat couldn't even sell it was basically like a floating RV that stayed at the marina and never went anywhere the next year he got to helicopter which surprise surprise he didn't like for some BS reason a running joke that his parents were always buying him modes of transportation so that he'd leave home and they wouldn't have to listen to his whining not exactly a meltdown but a behavior issue this kid was the senator's son and in my history class behind me he always acted entitled in the teacher even praised his father like he's God we get our test grades back and he happens to see I got a really good grade for some reason as we were passing our tests up the rows for the teacher to recollect he says pick these up by yourself nerd and throws them all across the floor in front of me this was high school I hadn't even witnessed such cheap but way of bullying since elementary school my mom was an English teacher at a private school that I also went to but her stories always seem to be more intense than mine once she was teaching a particularly badly behaved class trying to get them to shut up and do the assigned work this one stubborn kid decided that the best response was to say why should I have to listen to you my parents pay your salary she flipped the freak out and that kid barely spoke for the rest of the year my wife taught at a private school too and was basically told that she could not give one of the kids the f' he deserved because his parents were important for the school this isn't from me I went to a private school but the kids there were reasonably well-adjusted if a little out of touch with my mum teacher at a private school prepare yourself for the wall so for this kids 18th birthday he gets this sweet-ass red Porsche which he drives to school he doesn't need to drive it to school because he lives literally 30 seconds walk away on the estate where the houses start at about 3 pounds million but he does because he is a douche because this beautiful car must not be forced to mingle with the commoner cars or the other sixth form students he is given permission to park it in the staff car park which is still common a cars but on a secured lot around a week on he's showing off to his friends by [ __ ] around in his car in the staff car park and slams the passenger side of his car into the back of a staff car the staff car is an old farmer mobile Jeep from the 90s so it is not in the least disturbed or dented from having a sports car wrapped around it no one was in the passenger side and the driver was fine but the car itself looked like a really expensive boomerang of course kids start screaming and crying and complaining threatening all sorts of legal action my mum was his head of year at the time snow he comes running to her demanding something be done but she does everything but outright laugh in his face and tells in the Lassen de Lac he's on his own the next day my mum comes into work and some very irate and powerful parents are waiting in her office demanding to know why the school wasn't doing anything about the fact a staff member had crashed into their son's car and threatening to press criminal charges if the school didn't pay up kids there with a crappy tin grin on his face but this isn't my mother's first rodeo oh no she's prepared oh well that's not what teacher who owned car said what happened let's review the CCTV shall we obviously the kid is now breaking it and the parents agree to watch it knowing they will be vindicated of course it shows the kid donut around in his car before smashing into the GEEP the parents slowly turned to the kid the kid starts ranting and raving honest to god full breakdown my mum was worried an ambulance would have to be cool to commit this child eventually the parents of we'd to pay for any damages to the staff car the kid got a new car but it was something like a third hand Ford Ka and he wasn't allowed to drive it to school anymore got even better when the next year his bro came into the sixth form and got a sweet ride and he told my mum that original douche had been banned from driving it as well as the parents new cars when he had crashed his ka Wow rich reasonable parents that's doubly rare I went to private school for a few years but it wasn't an ultra rich wealth one one of my classmates name was Murray Patrick we all just called him Murray because double first names are goofy he didn't cur Murray was chill and a good guy on an open house night we met Mira's parents they thought they were upper-class New York aristocracy they were dressed like they were out for a night at the Opera I called after my buddy Murray hey Murray I was scolded by his mum immediately his name is Murray Patrick don't call him Murray that isn't his name young man she snapped at me she then stormed off indignantly like a cartoon of an offended rich person Murray was mortified by his mom for context this private school was in the suburbs of Canada in a rented space above a Community Services Building it was an alternative school not an exclusive private school at that point I wouldn't have taken the pee and started calling him Musa I go to a normal school but this one made me laugh in here nine thirteen strokes fourteen we had a ski trip to Italy which was dang cool this mega-rich stupid girl who sees Kim Kardashian as a role model because she gets expensive things had a meltdown so bad we could hear hear wailing from the other end of town so we went over to see the commotion we see this girl sitting on the floor covered in tears and expensive Gucci hang bags and scarves etc she's crying because she spent the two thousand euros she came here with and can't afford the eight hundred euro Gucci purse in the window of this shop and she got on the phone back home and explained the situation to her mother who apologized profusely and sent her another three thousand to her bank account so she can buy more Italian brands I'm fairly sure she still ran out this year in year 13 17th stroke 18 were having a prom so we can all get ludicrously wasted organized by students she managed to get on the prom committee and threw a fit so large that we could hear at the other side lock the school building upon asking the other members we found out the screaming was because the prom wouldn't be fancy dress the rest of the school agreed that fancy dress was a stupid idea but yet the complaining continues she's not too bad anymore though because she's the only super rich person at my school so her friends rein her in a bit when she's being ridiculous thank God I briefly attended a private school for about three years a girl that had been going there since kindergarten received a low grade on a Spanish test and went off on the teacher about it she got her parents involved into everything and ended up transferring schools because the teacher wouldn't adjust her grade I went to a normal high school but I remember there was a rich girl that lost her crap one day because one of her nails broke on her manicured hand and she called her mom to come get her so she could get it fixed immediately the school was okay with it because they didn't want to hear her freaking whining about it anymore it wasn't a private school rather a public school in a very wealthy town we really did have the best if everything at my school my family is fairly wealthy some of the kids I grew up with though we're heirs to vast fortunes insurance DuPont sports empires etc I was sitting in the lobby at my high school this girl had just gotten the ultra-exclusive Dolce and Gabanna Motorola RAZR but she was going on and on about how exclusive it was this other girl rounds the corner and was like OMG I just got the same phone the first girl looked like she was going to choke her out she got the girl to hand her her phone and said poor girls like you don't deserve fashion accessories like this and snapped her phone in half the other girl took it unbelievably well I actually became friends with her after that turns out that she was not poor at all mother was one of the heirs to the Sears fortune and her father was a bigwig at Motorola best part is that she got her father to give her 50 of these stupid gold DNG phones and handed them out a few days later to a bunch of kids at school I still have mine somewhere in the box I appreciated the gift but never used it my sister cried as she gots a laptop for Christmas for the previous year she wanted a laptop but for this she only wanted clothes it was made better when my mum opened I loved my rotten and grateful children's fridge magnet after my sister went upstairs currently in a very wealthy private school in Manhattan menon are wealthy and many ant who are on financial aid but culture in the school is to be pretty humble about wealth a girl that actually just moved here was telling me about a 50 million dollar trust fund and her daddy's private plane she picks up a phone and I see a text from her mom I look over and see what appears to be a long apology from her mum about something I asked her what she's apologizing for the girl explains that she went tape on her parents the night earlier for making her fly first class commercial but she was the one receiving the apology I don't think I managed to stifle my laughing I used to work at a private alternative school for at-risk youth in the northeast parents sent their kids there from all over the world and paid about $80 K for their entitled kids to go their biggest meltdown I ever saw was from a kid who lived in my dorm we had a status system sellers on the lowest status couldn't have their personal electronics from the time they turned them in the previous night until about 6 p.m. the next day this kid notoriously skipped class to play Wow all day long and simply refused to turn his electronics into me his advisor finally convinced him that turning in his electronics was a better idea than not doing it so he turned them in to me the kid came to me asking for his electronics a few hours too early and I said no since this kid was 18 he threatened to drop out in literally walk home this was the middle of nowhere NH and this kid lived in VT about an hour or two away I stood my ground and still said no so he ran downstairs to his room to pack his things I called the admin on duty he came and determined it was a situation for the headmaster to get involved in he also came and the kid threw enough of a hissy fit a day both came me asking for the electronics I handed them over and the kid calmed down but it didn't end there he decided he needed revenge so one night he and another student decided that they would spray my car with a fire extinguisher the only reason I know it was M was because my advisee managed to get a video on it the guy who was the head of the dorm next to mine was a volunteer firefighter so he said to me the next morning hey man it looks like your car got sprayed with a fire extinguisher I didn't think anything of it but he continued with that stuff will melt your paint off your car and etch your windows you need to go wash it now so I booked it to the nearest carwash and spent about $100 to save my paint luckily the school reimbursed me and charged the families of the two kids for the costs of the wash what is the worst example of rich people problems you have seen my rich friend has had to respray his car multiple times because a peacock on his land keeps seeing his reflection in it and attacking it like crazy my neighbor had peacocks when I was growing up we had the crappy above-ground pool and the stupid birds would come over stand on the edge scream and poke usually at 3:00 a.m. I was pumping gas in a rather dicey neighborhood at a cheap gas station and this older woman pulls up in her Bentley but she pulls up on the pump ahead of me and cracks her window slightly and asks me for help I asked her what she needs she asked me to pump a gas cause she was too scared to do it herself I asked her what type of gas she wanted and she said the cheapest I asked her if she was sure with such a high-end car did she really want to put in budget gas she said it didn't matter since she could easily afford any new car she wanted it so I insert my debit card and she hands me a $100 bill and says keep the change I fill up a tank and my own 12 gallon Honda Civic tank and made about $30.00 in from the change I finish up at the gas station and jump on the freeway to see my girlfriend at the time and I am going the same way at this woman I get off at the same exit as her she is making a right to an affluent area and I am making a left off the exit to a less nicer area she rolls down the window and yells at me I thought you were following me I am so sorry where are you heading I told her to which neighborhood I am heading to she gives an awkward smile and says I will tell the dispatcher that you are not following me in that I am not fearing for my life be called the cops on me thinking I was following her too robber I ended up getting to my destination chill with my girlfriend and didn't get pulled over I work at a hotel and whenever I valet a Rolls Royce or Bentley I just think of this old lady stuff like this his wife I ever do get to a level of income that could be considered rich why I won't flaunt it I wouldn't want to have to be a paranoid aging dragon of a person clutching my pearls at every turn while simultaneously trying to show off the same pearls I knew someone who traded in his Porsche and bought a new one every year his parents were wealthy died when he was in his teens and left him a multi-million dollar trust fund what was sad was that he felt that he couldn't pick up women without flashing his cash and expensive sports car but he would dump them all in a couple of weeks because they were only into me for my money loneliest guy I ever met he is not Batman his parents died in a car accident and his brothers name is Devin not Alfred that's actually kind of sad first when it comes to this thread wife is a flight attendant wife what would you like to drink passenger I'll have a water wait where is your water from wife but what passenger what country is your water from I only drink water from France I went to a fine dining restaurant a few years back that offered us a chance to look at their water menu before dinner my wife immediately said no because obviously were not ordering fancy water off the water menu but still kind of disappointed we didn't at least look at it that had to have been hilarious complaining about your allowance from your daddy at age 30 which is the rough equivalent of two average salaries or complaining that your dad bought you a used car instead of a new one when you were 21 he only spent 10 K the girl could have been thankful that he even bought her a car they bought a new yacht because the wife didn't like the beds they bought a new yacht because the old one had ants and they couldn't find the hive girl in college lost six thousand dollars in traveler's checks but doing the paperwork to have them replaced was too much bother I'd have offered to do the paperwork for a cat I had friends who had to break their phone it was the latest iPhone model and perfectly working but there was a newer one coming out that they wanted and their parents would only buy it if their other one was broken I had to endure these kids throwing their phones against walls and being frustrated that their phone wasn't broken yet my friend wants to marry her boyfriend they are going to school in America but are both from China her Beijing him near Shanghai they both paid all assigned 60,000 /year to go to high school here however she can't marry him because his family only owns two houses in Hangzhou whereas hers owns seven in Beijing , rich people benefits a lot of the other students simply by their citizenship obviously illegally if they are not the brightest and can't get into the esteemed American schools their parents expect I worked with a guy from China computer programmer like me so he was probably making high five figures low six figures he would take extra money every year and buy our piece of property in China he retired early my rich aunt doesn't let us park in front of her house because it makes her mansion look bad she should buy you guys new cars so that it won't look bad when you park there when I was in high school my family was pretty poor and I had a fairly rich friend my single dad spent years saving up for us to go to Disneyland we finally went when I was 16 fast found a year my friend is going to Disneyland for Halloween break her dad told her to invite two friends so she invited me and another girl I was freaking stoked but she kept saying I don't know it's probably going to be boring my grandma takes me to Disneyland like every break and when we got there all she wanted to do was sit on benches and text all of the rides were boring and she'd already been on them dozens of times it ended up being pretty boring for me because I didn't want to go on the rides without her young girl about five years of age getting ready to go into New York City to visit her grandmother NJ suburbs she was at her aunt's house and did not have a pair of shoes that she liked she called her chauffeur told him which pair of shoes she wanted the dude got the shoes and drove some 20 miles to deliver them and she told him he got the wrong ones and he was an idiot no one in the family thought this was inappropriate no one in the family thought this was inappropriate and that is how a rich kid becomes a spoilt entitled brat watch the queen of Versailles it's riveting and all about rich people problems and it's not about Marie Antoinette as the title would suggest it's a documentary about a ridiculously rich family before and during the Great Recession and the effect effect that the housing crisis had on them I love that part too it was also interesting that she had been a computer programmer before she married that guy she wasn't done she just spent 20 years totally isolated from the day-to-day realities of life it can change a person a person I know only drinks every norvos water because he is allergic to tap Evie and his naive spelled backwards my cousin's best friend yelled at our dad and said that she hated him because he wouldn't take her to London to buy a dress even though the exact same dress was available from the exact same store back home she needed the one from London because they make things better over there has to buy up all of the surrounding plots of land to get some privacy super yachts docked in Italy at a high-end marina owners wanted the bottled Perrier water for a party they were having in a day or two they wanted the marina to supply them with a pallet of said water marina said it was against policy for them to get a pallet of water to their boat so they get a private jet from America to fly in a pallet of said water and get it dropped to the boat price was about twenty-eight thousand US dollars as far as I remember but even that amount seems low for that I had to help a girl pay her tuition bill she was upset because she genuinely thought the process of putting in credit card information was difficult yes she took her dad's credit card and paid 20k for the semester like it was buying a stick of gum it put my tuition on my parent's credit card if I could 40k off purchases would end give them a nice pile of points and it obviously transfer them the money to pay it off drove a client's wife home from the airport after the first big snowstorm in Boston this year I felt soo bad if she told me Oh Rojo's so sad they could only clear the snow from in front of two of our garage bays he wanted to take his BMW out but he's stuck driving my Mercedes for another week oh well how does he go on ace I was once friends with a Chinese girl whose family networth appeared to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars she told me a story about her rich uncle who owned a super yacht and loved to travel around the world apparently his favorite thing to do was pull up into a port and bathe in the stares of everyone admiring his yacht since it was always the biggest one well one day he goes somewhere say the Bahamas and he pulls into the port and he isn't getting the usual attention since someone else happened to have a bigger yas on him for once this girl said it ruined his whole weekend he was in a terrible mood and couldn't enjoy anything I was speechless also this is the same girl that constantly complained about how her friends weren't that smart or nice and how she doesn't know what to do with all her free time and money that girl taught me something apparently there are a lot of rich people that have so little problems they just make them up and yes I've seen her facebook pictures met her friends seen her cars and talked to her long enough to confirm that she probably wasn't lying apparently there are a lot of rich people that have so little problems they just make them up I think it's human nature to perceive anything to be a problem if it is worse than our expectations regardless of wealth or class I imagine that a lot of the problems that an average poor American has would seem made-up to many many people in less fortunate countries had a former friend who went into despair because hurricane sandy flooded her living room with her childhood home told everyone she was homeless now and she knew what it felt like to lose everything the way her Jewish ancestors did in World War two thing as she had an apartment she lived in on the island her parents owned several more vacation homes up and down the coast they were a little in confidence maybe but far from homeless one guy I know on the island lost her boat during sandy but ended up finding a different one in the middle of his house I worked for a gal who had a speaker girl out in her Ferrari and she refused to drive any further under those circumstances so she pulled over to wait for one of her house staff to bring her the Porsche true story I observed something similar a guy had to pull over with his Lamborghini because of bird dung right on the center of the windshield he didn't know how the windshield wiper works I was invited to a graduation party hosted by a very wealthy couple whose daughter had just graduated from Yale her father came out in front of the guests displaying his Rolex and cartier watches asking which one of the two expensive watches the group thought would be the more appropriate for the occasion everyone just looked at each other silently not quite sure what to say that peasant nope attics or Demers Vacheron Constantin back when the recession hit one of my very best friends family was very distraught because they had to sell one of their three private jets I occasionally hung out with a kid whose dad was super rich he would just ask for money and get it he tried to use her ATM and had no idea how to so he asked me or someone else to get money for him it was so confusing for him most simple tasks were because he was raised not to lift a finger ironically enough in a lot of countries being annoyed that someone doesn't know how to use an ATM is a rich person problem I worked for a nonprofit that helped extremely low income women start their own business these women would give up food to scrape together enough money to join our program one of our ridi said she wished she could relate to our clients more but she has never been poor she owned two homes in one of the most expensive ZIP codes in the u.s. also another woman whom I really did respect but not always agree with the lead people chose to be in poverty we would debate for days about that statement I realized working there that people who run advocacy programs for poverty have no idea what it's really like this is a problem because policy and law makers are looking at these institutions for advisement on drafting new social safety nets and welfare programs to help the working poor and they just have no clue it motivated me to go back and get a masters degree to fight this I grew up super poor and can speak from experience not theory my boss complained to me recently that they owned too much land and too many properties she's like don't own too much land and properties it's just a hassle a kid I know claimed he wasn't rich saying I don't get to pilot my helicopter as much anymore the guy sitting next to him when prompted to define an income bracket for middle class couldn't answer he eventually arrived at a 700,000 annual income as a rough estimate I live in the part of my country where Internet is really expensive 16 megabits per second plans are considered plans for extremely rich people one fine day one of my friends threw a fit at his dad because he was getting 15 megabits per second instead of 16 for like an hour holy crap dude I live on a 2 Mbps connection which turns into a 512 kb PS connection after a 30 GB data cap I just moved to a 50 Mbps from a 2 Mbps life is not the same anymore I saw the guy on Instagram who couldn't wait for a car he custom-ordered so he went and bought one from the dealer while he waited for the custom one I've heard of this more than once custom orders on high-end cars can take a long time six months a year maybe more sometimes the dealer will throw in a cheap lease off a stock model until the custom build is delivered dunno if this is a problem exactly but I was on the tube in South London and a bunch of young banker types in fancy suits whether were they're equally well-dressed on candy girlfriends and one guy was like everyone keeps telling me to get a Bentley but I'm more of a Lambo man this was at a point in my life where I was living off one-pound boxes of pasta from Tesco so it was a bit of a surreal moment my London banker friend is having a baby she's upset that Jimmy Choo doesn't make diaper bags I know I'm late to this thread but oh man I work at a place where I interact with a lot of rich people I have come into contacts with lots of rich people problems here are a few I've witnessed one 14 year old kid looking despondent and I asked him what was wrong he replied were going to Paris again I hate it it's so boring - mums talking I took her to her little friend's birthday party but I didn't know what to bring do kids like coach bags still I have no idea three ladies talking what are you guys doing this summer 2nd Mon replies oh nothing last summer was crazy busy so this summer we are taking it easy we are spending one week in London and one week in Hawaii but other than that nothing we are relaxing this summer ladies talking they can be expensive but buying nicer cars like crosses and Mercedes is worth it we had a GMC once and we only drove it for like four years and we had to have something fixed and it just felt old there are many more but those are a few the movie this is 40 honey we're in debt and both our businesses are operating at a loss okay let's go spend the night at a nearby luxury hotel and order room service I'm a nanny for a rich family a few examples when I get paid in cash my boss says man now I'm gonna have to go all the way to the bank to get more cash when they travel they prefer two-bedroom Suites one time they could only get a one-bedroom and he said well that just ruins the whole trip my car got broken into one dimensioned it felt so awful to drive it's knowing someone was in it his idea of empathizing that happened to me I had to buy a new one the least he could have done was offer you another car my mom works at a Baptist Church the pastor makes somewhere between 90 - 100 K a year with all his insurance and gas paid he is rich as heck owns two homes and has a ton on money on top of his salary when he takes mission trips and past took conventions he holds offerings to pay for his affair and everything else meanwhile other people that had come with him pay their own way this is a church full of poor and retired people disgusting was at a marina in the Bahamas to do laundry stock up on water and supplies with my 25 year old bitter sailboat was walking the dog when I met a guy walking his dog he was off a 140 foot boat with substantial crisply uniformed crew and could not stop complaining how the Bahamas government had charged him two hundred and fifty dollars for a six-month cruising permit fishing license same rate I paid bTW he went on and on how they don't have lighthouses boys etc he had to be paying that much to dock for the night let alone crew and fuel but probably cost 10 million or more I ended the conversation by saying I had paid more than that for the bottom paint which kept Barney from growing on my hull an executive had to have repairs done on the bridge that went to his 75 acre estate and so the bridge had to be closed this created issues where some staff members who normally went home every day had to stay overnight and certain staff members got the day off my mom's got a new boss at her not-for-profit domestic abuse prevention job the woman didn't like the line of work and had even told some of her employees she was only there because she enjoyed not asking her husband for spending money which is actually respectable as however she didn't enjoy her work environment and had over half of the current staff replaced with people she felt better suited her work environment within two months of her arrival six of the women earning less than 40 K year most of which who was single and depended on the income will let go basically so this woman could find her workday more tolerable and so she could spend her money on non-essential crap you have been visited by the wealth wrath subscribe in 12 seconds and he will share his wealth with you thanks for watching if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 264,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit 1 hour, 1 hour, compilation, rich people, rich people lifestyle, rich people vs normal people, rich people problems, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: S0PtOvYZ2sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 2sec (4982 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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