The cop who went into the wrong apartment

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel this is the fourth time I sit down and try to film it today and it's not working my depression just keeps getting in the way and halfway through the video I just lose all motivation what is wrong with me I don't know but if my energy is weird that's why so there are plenty of cases that get me angry get me frustrated get me disappointed but this one this one has been grinding my gears since I've been reading about it and I don't even know exactly where I stand but I know that I'm [ __ ] annoyed okay you've probably heard about this because it's been making massive massive headline and that is the story of both Amjad and amber I think it's Geiger her last name of the police officer who shot a young black man by the name of both and John in his own apartment the more I read about it the more it's unbelievable to me the circumstances under which this supposedly happened because of course there's only one person alive to tell the story at this point so what we're gonna do is read a timeline of what happened and we can come to our own conclusions amber Geiger placed her key in the door apartment number one four seven eight at the Southside flats apartment complex in Dallas she set off a chain of events that cost an innocent man his life and ended her career as a police officer a little more than a year after Geiger 31a fatally shot both Amjad when she mistook his apartment for her own apartment one floor below prosecutors are asking a Texas jury to convict her of murder but defense attorneys have countered that Geiger made a tragic and quote/unquote reasonable mistake believing she'd interrupted an intruder in her own home and using lethal force to defend herself I know we're really early in but I don't really think going to the wrong floor of an apartment building is a reasonable mistake I've lived in multiple apartment buildings in my life I don't think that's ever happened to me to forget that I live on floor 2 for example and go up to floor 3 I know that's just my anecdotal personal experience you guys can let me if you think that's a reasonable thing that happens to everyone every so often but I've never heard of that happening to anyone I'm just saying that and of itself to me is strange had he lived John would have celebrated his 28th birthday on Sunday Geiger was convicted of murder on Tuesday here's a timeline of events that led to the days of protests in the street of Dallas and calls for justice from John's loved ones in the Caribbean nation of Saint Lucia September 6 2008 teen both am John an accountant at the International auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers is in his apartment eating ice cream when Geiger who has just capped off a 13 and a half hour shift as a Dallas police officer by helping a SWAT team arrest three suspected robbers enters through his unlocked door and fatally shoots him in the chest after mistaking him for a burglar moments after the shooting Geiger realizes she's in the wrong apartment now one thing I want to note is I've read numerous articles on this there also was a tweet posted showing that the door couldn't be open because it's one of those heavy doors that closes by itself kind of like a lot of hotel doors are heavy and just closed by themselves because there were also accounts that the door was somewhat ajar closes and slams on its own the status of the door is important because I feel like that would be essentially the first towel aside from the number next to a door since it usually says what unit number it is the next towel would be if your key doesn't fit in the door my first thought would be like is this the right door right so that also to me is suspicious it's suspicious that there was no moment of pause between any of these things can you tell I'm annoyed September 9th 2018 an arrest warrant is issued for Geiger charging her with manslaughter she's released on $300,000 bond and put on administrative leave from her job Geiger according to an arrest warrant affidavit told investigators she arrived home from work about 10 p.m. and mistakenly parked her pickup truck on the 4th floor of the building instead of the third floor which corresponded to her apartment she claims she then walked down a hallway to an apartment she thought was hers but when she answered the key she found the door was slightly ajar as she entered the apartment she heard someone inside and saw a large silhouette in the nearly completely darkened apartment that she thought was a burglar she fired twice after telling the person she believed to be an intruder to show his or her hands authorities said so again we have a jar thing you saw the video of the door so I'm skeptical my knew she shot him on September 6th and she only turned herself in 72 hours later when there was a warrant for her arrest so for 72 hours she's unaccounted for September 11th Lee merits an attorney for Jon's family called Geiger's story highly implausible Dallas County District Attorney faith Johnson says she has not ruled out a murder indictment I also agree the story to me does not add up whatsoever this does not read as believable to me September 13 2018 hundreds of friends loved ones and work colleagues packed John's funeral at the Greenville Avenue Church of Christ in the Dallas suburb of Richardson several bus loads of students and former classmates of Jean from Harding University a Christian liberal arts college in Arkansas where John graduated in 2016 also attend the service the sound of gunshots did not have the resonance to be heard on our small island but their impact was of nuclear proportions John's uncle Ignatius John who traveled from st. Lucia tells mourners anouk has been unleashed on our family by someone charged to protect and serve September 24th Dallas Police Chief Renee anounces Geiger has been fired hull says her decision to terminate Geiger was made after an internal affairs investigation concluded that Geiger engaged in adverse conduct when she fatally shot Jean November 30th a Dallas County grand jury indicted sky gir on one count of murder I truly believe that she inflicted tremendous evil on my son he didn't deserve it John's mother Alison John tells reporters he felt safe in that apartment and he was violated Geiger pleads not guilty not guilty how how hat I'm gonna maintain a cool calm and collected demeanor but my wrath my wrath is there January 20th 2009 teen a woman who filmed the aftermath of the shooting of John claims in an interview that she has been receiving death threats and was fired from her job after she uploaded the video to social media the footage shows an apparently distressed Giger still in her police uniform talking on the phone as she paces back and forth outside of John's apartment on September 6 April 30th the 911 call made by Geiger after she shot John is obtained by ABC Dallas station WFAA and the call Geiger reportedly tells a dispatcher I thought it was my apartment and says I'm going to lose my job September 23rd 2019 Geiger's murder trial begins in Dallas prosecutor Jason hermus asked the jury to convict Geiger of murder saying she gave John no opportunity for de-escalation no opportunity for him to surrender before she opened fire killing him defense attorney Robert Rogers accuses the prosecution of making mistakes into evil acts he says only justice in this case is to find amber Geiger not guilty September 24 the jurors are shown the harrowing body cam footage in court from inside the apartment complex that captured arriving officers confusion after the shooting Geiger's seen directing officers to John's apartment telling them I thought it was my apartment I thought it was my apartment at one point in the video officers on the scene could be seen taking turns desperately trying to revive John as he laid unconscious on the living room floor September 25th Texas Ranger David Armstrong lead homicide investigator on the high-profile case testified without the jury in the courtroom saying that based on the investigation he doesn't believe Geiger committed a crime when she shot John and that it was quote-unquote reasonable for her to perceive him as a deadly threat judge Kemp to allow Armstrong to state his opinions in front of the jury no absolutely not I know this makes absolutely no [ __ ] sense how could she be not guilty it wasn't her apartment and she shot him seemingly without waiting a second because apparently apparently according to her anyway she said show your hands but if the room was dark well she wouldn't even be able to see right because they said the room was dark so let's just keep going September 26th Geiger testifies in her own defense tying the jury of the moment she came face-to-face with Sean after opening the wrong apartment door I was scared to death she testifies adding that her heart rate just skyrocketed overcome with emotion Geiger breaks down several times on the witness stand telling the jury I'm so sorry I never wanted to take an innocent persons life she adds I wish he was the one with a gun that killed me September 30th jury begins deliberations October 1st jury convicts Giger murder October 2nd Geiger's sentenced to 10 years in prison for the killing of John prosecutors had recommended 28 years the aged John would have turned this year an extraordinary moment brand John both um's 18 year old brother expressed forgiveness to Geiger and said she should find Christ and asked the judge if he could hug her the two embraced with Geiger crying and the judge wiping tears from her eye both thumbs brother is a legend for being strong enough to forgive Geiger I don't think I would be capable of that so so far I think you can tell I'm not really buying Geiger's story it just logically it does not align to me logically it does not align this is not a thing of like [ __ ] all cops or whatever because you guys know I'm not like that logically speaking this does not compute to me am I being too harsh let me know in the comments down below the thing that weirds me out even more about this cuz I can understand the brother hugging Geiger right what I don't get though is that the judge hugged Geiger I'm not a professional I don't know everything that happens in a courtroom my aunt is a lawyer and judge though and I've never heard of hugging a convicted murderer Oh I don't know that makes me feel weird I don't like that I don't like that it's one thing for the family to hug because they're the ones who pick if they forgive her this a common thing have you guys ever heard of this cuz I've never heard of a convicted murderer getting a hug from a judge and it says judge Tammy Kent ugh Geiger who was convicted of shooting and killing both am John it came after his brother Brad Jean said he forgave her before hugging her okay so there's an update as I've when I'm filming this which is October 3rd there's been a complaint filed over judge Kemp's hug after the Geiger trial and it says the Freedom From Religion Foundation on Thursday filed a complaint against Kemp with a Texas state agency that investigates allegations of judicial misconduct the Wisconsin based group said Kemp went too far after Geiger was sentenced to ten years in prison and then it also says Kemp has also been criticized by activists who wondered whether a black defendant would get the same treatment this case rubs me the wrong way for multiple reasons and like I said both UM's brother Brant is a legend for forgiving her because I don't have anything to do with this and I'm pissed I don't I just get an off feeling about all of this the most important thing is that the family is now doing better and I hope they are bottom line conclusion is something's amiss something is not right here what do you guys think let me know in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching I think each of my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music] you
Views: 140,516
Rating: 4.9552689 out of 5
Keywords: amber guyger, Botham Jean, Jean family, current events, news
Id: ww0hGGRccTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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