The SD card found in the street

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channels so I came across a story and the story is still pretty fresh I'm recording this video on October 10th so if there are any updates I can manage to include I'll include them an SD card found on an Alaska Street showed a woman's murder now a man is arrested now I don't know about you but when I first read this I thought it sounded like a movie essentially didn't sound like real life people will always find a way to be disgusting and disappointing so really should I be surprised no the memory card was labeled homicide at Midtown Marriott and contained 39 images in 12 videos of an assault and murder now one thing I have to say sounds strange to me is to label a memory card that I guess transparently as much as this person is probably extremely organized it seems bizarre to me and I'm sorry if I laugh if I laugh I'm not disrespecting the victim I'm just I'm thinking about this criminal being like oh yes let me look through my murder files oh yes remember this murder at Midtown Marriott look it just seems strange like I feel like you try to hide that right I don't know maybe label it something less suspicious so I figured out what's weirding me out about the labeling it's the casual nature of it all as if like there's nothing to hide you know what I mean it's acting as if it's any label but it's not like you're labeling a murder and you're just like yeah this is that murder it just seems too casual for me that's what it is an Alaska resident found a stray SD card lying on the street in late September and discovered gruesome content inside images and video of a woman appearing to be assaulted and murdered Bryan Steven Smith is shown being arraigned on a charge of first-degree murder at the Anchorage Daily Wednesday October 9th 2019 in Anchorage Alaska this week Bryan Smith 48 was charged with first degree murder of the case the Anchorage Police Department said in a Wednesday statement also how do you exactly lose this because obviously I'm not a murderer but if I were I would just be anxious carrying something like that around for this precise reason also because it's labeled some suspicious like that if it were labeled Tommy's 10th birthday I don't think anyone would really give a [ __ ] and they'd probably just throw it away or I don't know list is found on Facebook or something but to list it like that and just casually drop it is bizarre now that's under the assumption that this person didn't want to be caught there's some murderers who like showing off their work and in the end almost want to be caught because at least then they'll have credit for what they've done so I don't know what the intention was but either way absolutely unreal the memory card which was labeled homicide at Midtown Marriott was given to police by the woman who found it charging documents obtained by NBC affiliate Katie you you and Anchorage showed it had 39 images in 12 videos that recorded the alleged crime the graphic videos show a woman being strangled in a man's voice saying just die The Associated Press reported police were able to identify Smith a native of South Africa from the video after recognizing him from a separate unspecified investigation in part because of his accent after human remains were found along a highway just south of Anchorage two days after the memory card was found police were able to start putting pieces together cell phone records trace Smith to having been at the place where the remains were found within minutes of when the last photo on the SD card was taken police documents outline Anchorage police think the human remains belonged to the woman seen on the memory card and the medical examiner is working to confirm the connection and the cause of death police did not say why the SD card was in the street but they believe Smith recorded the images himself according to the AP Smith remained in jail on Wednesday where he's being held on an outstanding warrant police said they will release the name of the deceased woman once her identity is confirmed and family is notified so then I googled Brian Steven Smith the alleged murderer to just see if I could find more information about him and there's an article by heavy comm that says Brian Steven Smith five facts you need to know which I thought would be interesting since there's not all that much out there about him as of now this was updated today October 10th believe the article down below because I'm only going to read the points because they outline the alleged murder so I don't need to repeat that Anchorage Police say a citizen found SD card which was quote unquote lying on the street at 4:06 September 30 2019 Anchorage Police responded to the 3600 block of Lake Otis Parkway and reference to a suspicious circumstances according to a police news release a citizen had called a PD dispatch and claimed they found an SD card containing a video of homicide officers met with a caller who stated the SD card was lying on the street in the Fairview neighborhood to Smith is married to a former immigration agent from Alaska according to their Facebook pages I don't know why that's even really relevant honestly three Smith hails from Queenstown South Africa and served in the Army there Smith is self-employed and went to Queens College he lives in Anchorage but is from Queenstown Eastern Cape that's in South Africa on Facebook Brian Smith shared photos of the Alaskan landscape and snow and commented on the temperature he shared photos from Heathrow Airport in London and from a friend's cabin okay I have to say of all the things that I wanted to find out none of these are extremely interesting Smith called black South African savages in a now-deleted racist post on his Facebook page now this is more relevant I feel like because that speaks towards character more than taking pictures out of a cabin so his post says please keep sending money to blacks in Africa so they can buy soap to wash blood off their hands the black Africans are only this blatant about their racism towards whites because they all have these bleeding hearts whites who feel sorry for these savages yikes v Smith was taken into custody at the airport and Anchorage Police say that on October 8th 2019 around 3:30 p.m. Smith was taken into custody at the Ted Stevens International Airport he was questioned by detectives and remanded at the Anchorage jail overnight on his outstanding warrant the Anchorage Police extends his gratitude to this citizen who stepped forward with evidence of this crime they played an instrumental role in making sure Smith will be held accountable for his actions this serves as an example when you see something suspicious say something Smith said in court they can't afford a lawyer this is update Julia from a couple days after I filmed what you just saw and I wanted to give you the most updated information this article was posted 14 hours ago as of 1:00 I am filming this on Tuesday October 15th one key element that has been discovered is that they identified the woman that was being brutally murdered in the video her name is Kathleen J Henry and she was 30 years old since then Henry's Facebook profile has become home to messages from friends family and strangers alike rest in peace dear stranger one person wrote adding a red heart others shared their anger and desire to see swift justice the rest with Jesus Kathleen I screamed for justice / life in imprisonment another Facebook user wrote a friend who only wish to be identified by her first named Gail said she used to live in that village of eek Alaska where Henry was from she described Henry as a generous person who loved her family she said she last saw Henry and August near beans cafe she was really happy to see me she was hugging me and kissing me on my cheeks saying if I received my PFD I'll go to my village and she wanted to see her nieces and nephews the woman explained but Henry wouldn't get to make that trip and then it also adds Henry's death is the latest calling attention to Alaska's high rate of missing and murdered indigenous women a pattern the group native peoples action wants to see change it's really tough said executive director Kendrick luster we're just really tired of hearing all the violence that's going on against indigenous women it's heartbreaking it's traumatic for our communities and this is why this is one of the top issues for us we can highlight the topic and start talking about it and figuring out what we can do to increase public safety all across Alaska so Alaska actually has a very high murder rate and it only continues to increase according to a couple of articles I've read I'll link one of them down below I really do hope that something is done I don't really know what can be done I thought it was important to identify the victim since we've spent so much time talking about the murderer because there wasn't really much on the victim before this she is crazy I think the craziest thing about this story so far is that a person just found an SD card in the road and you never really expect to find a murder at least I don't expect to find an SD card with a murder on it so imagine looking through it just trying to find like a selfie of maybe the person who owns the SD card and the camera and instead you find that like can you imagine how absolutely we horrifying that must be I genuinely feel so bad for the person who had to see all of those graphic images without really consenting because when they opened it they I'm assuming they didn't expect to find that honestly there's nothing of more jarring and scary than seeing dead people lucky that I haven't seen much but I sometimes had people send me links and stupidly I'd click on them and it was like someone getting shot in the head and I could tell it was real and not a movie which is it changes you and I'm not saying that to be funny like it really [ __ ] you up anyway my dark little story aside let me know what you guys think in the comments down below do you think he wanted the SD card to be found like do you think he just dropped it let me know thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music] you
Views: 242,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: current news, commentary, Brian Steven Smith
Id: KweYDpnJ4iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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