Ben Field: an artist of cons

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're going to talk about crime and I've been noticing that people have been getting frustrated at some of the titles I use and the reason I use vague titles or I downplay things is because if I don't well even if I do sometimes YouTube will not only do monetize me but potentially hide in my video therefore throwing all the work out the window so it's not because I feel like these are irrelevant things otherwise why would I talk about them on the surface twenty-eight-year-old field was a charming caring and religious man who gave sermons in his father's Baptist Church but the former church warden had a sinister project to befriend a vulnerable individuals and get them to change their wills so right off the bat we know that this guy is a scammer and that in and of itself is bad enough but it gets so much worse and so much creepier Mark Glover who led the investigation into his crimes some time up Benfield is all about Benfield and nobody else field has been convicted of murder and fraud after a 10 week trial he was described by police as cold calculated manipulative controlling evil man the court was told he targeted two lonely neighbors who lived a few doors down from each other in the village of Maine's Morton Peter Farquhar 69 was a guest lecturer at the University of Buckingham where Fields studied English literature and more Martin 83 was a retired head teacher both victims were deeply religious single and had no children for me the fact that they're both single and have no children immediately puts them at risk for scammers like this because there's nobody to kind of butt in and be a little bit suspicious about this and that's something that scares me a lot about older people in general who don't have family around them because I know that people tried to pull [ __ ] even just with my grandpa and I always got worried for his friends who didn't have any any family left really because they were so easily taken advantage of with Internet things or things that you know older people might not be as familiar with not all old people but a lot my grandpa especially mr. Parker had a wide circle of friends and acquaintances and was well traveled but he was also lonely a gay man he struggled with his sexuality regarding it as incompatible with his Anglican faith miss Moore Martin was Catholic and also went to church regularly she liked her neighbor had friends aplenty but was fiercely private she was very close to her niece so much so they regarded each other as mother and daughter feel the seduced both his victims and they were besotted with him mr. Farquhar thought he had found someone to love and grow old with while Miss Moore Martin's sister-in-law said she seemed hypnotized by him like a love-struck teenager you know that's something I always wonder when I see crimes like this where I'm not saying it's obvious it's obvious to us as Outsiders because we're reading it after it's happened but I really wonder what it is that scammers have that they can get away with [ __ ] like this and of course they must have some kind of charm some kind of appeal some kind of way of manipulating people to make them believe that they have their best interest at heart and I mean they're also aiming for people that are easier to take advantage of like people who are single or lonely the defendant proposed marriage to them both and even held a betrothal ceremony with mr. Farquhar in March 2014 while Mr Farquhar wrote in his journal it is one of the happiest moments of my life gone are the fears of dying alone the court was told filled motive was purely financial gain and that he was also seeing other people as much as financial scamming is disgusting and not okay it really bothers me that he went the extra step of making both of these individuals believe that he wanted to marry them especially cuz they're both older and both single I think it makes me even more annoyed because they don't have all that much time left and the little time they have left you're gonna just lie to them continuously and make them feel like they found someone when they really haven't that's just really [ __ ] sad and the fact he was seeing other people is not surprising but I don't know how he had time to do all this I also wonder that because you need to nurture a relationship you can just pop in and be like so we're getting married anyway gotta go if he was to inherit mr. Parker's house his victim had to die and if he was to get away with it he needed death to look like an accident or suicide field drugged mr. Farquhar secretly spiking his food and drink by feeding him a cocktail sedatives and hallucinogens bought off the internet they were covertly administered in various ways on his toast in his tea and broken up in chocolate a video found in fields possession shows the academic looking exhausted and struggling to form a sentence so I can't show the video because I'm going to get copyrighted within 5 seconds by the BBC but I will leave a link down below if you want to watch the video it's sad just because like you can tell that Farquhar is being drugged and the fact that Fields would record that is also alarming before his death mr. Farquhar told friends he was suffering from night terrors hallucinations and bouts of sleepwalking some of his friends thought he had become confused or appeared drunk he told friends he thought he was losing his mind and compared himself to Shakespeare's King Lear now here is where I'm gonna start getting really [ __ ] pissed off because my grandpa suffered from dementia and I'm not saying it's the same thing but to seeing someone lose their minds in a way is alarming and I can't even imagine what it's like to be the person forgetting things or not being aware of the situation you're in that's horrible so I can't even imagine the fear that would be in his heart when he feels like he's not in control or like he has hallucinations that's terrifying that is disgusting and honestly that's just torturous that's torture to me doing that to someone is torture field constructed a narrative to explain mr. Farquhar behavior he told friends he was ill or that he was drinking more than usual the prosecution said field was treated as someone shouldering the burden of looking after him I'm so bad on the inside right now can you imagine this guy just being treated like he was a saint for dealing with this ill man who's drinking and is generally unwell and they're treating him like he's a saint when reality it's all his fault and I'm not blaming the friends like it's not like they could assume that this guy was poisoning him but still I just feel like he would have gotten so much gratification from bat being like oh they think I'm a saint well really I'm trying to murder him in court field admitted drugging mr. Farquhar telling jurors he did it because his partner would often be awake in the middle of the night enacted in the house which would disrupt his own sleep shared an if that were the case you could just tell them you should take sleeping pills or you should see a doctor you don't have to do it secretly that's so [ __ ] up like as if that's even a valid reason so they included a picture in this picture makes me really sad because it's mr. Farquhar with his face all bruised and it says that he would often fall over after he was being drugged for months mr. Farquhar was tormented by his mystery illness he saw a number of doctors including a neurologist and had various medical tests but filled rang NHS 1 1 1 and 999 and lied to health workers telling them the retired lecturer was a frequent faller who probably had dementia the court heard field gaslighted of both his victims manipulating them psychologically so they ended up doubting their memory in Sandy and that's the part that really pisses me off I feel like every part of this pisses me off but the whole manipulative thing between emotions and you know their state of mind is terrible can you imagine how scary it is for someone to convince you that you're actually losing your [ __ ] when you're not field moved things around the house so Mr Farquhar would get irritated and confused when he couldn't find them only for feel to arrive and to find the missing items immediately I feel like this guy is probably one of the criminals that has angered me the most because I feel like he's doing every single thing that personally pushes my buttons the jury was told how filled publicly humiliated mr. Farquhar at a book launch at Stough school by slipping him hallucinogenic drugs he had retired as the public schools head of English in 2004 to concentrate on writing novels and one book launch attracted a large number of friends those who attended told a similar story of a frail confused an apologetic man slumped at a table visibly struggling to sign books who at one point thought he was being attacked by shards of light what was the reason for that I mean I understand he's trying to convince everyone the field was trying to convince everyone that far whare was unwell but this just seems like open cruelty to me you didn't need to give him hallucinogenic drugs if he was frail and had a bunch of bruises and felt all [ __ ] up there was no need to give him that drug so I felt like that's just fun four fields at this point in October 2015 mr. Farquhar died he was discovered in his living room by his cleaner a half bottle of whisky beside him his friends thought he had drunk himself to death as did the coroner who certified his cause of death as acute alcohol intoxication but during the trial the prosecution said field had suffocated him when he was too weak to resist before his death mr Farquhar had changed his will giving field a life interest in his house when the house was sold he split the proceeds with mr. Parker's brother I just can't imagine spending the last years of your life thinking you found someone who loves you who wants to marry who wants to take care of you and the whole time they're plotting your demise I'd like to know Fields address just to have a conversation I mean now it'll probably be a jail cell address but nonetheless field had been introduced to Miss Moore Martin by mr. Farquhar and the defendant pursued her in the same way take me an advantage of her loneliness and working his way into her affections despite the 57 year age gap they developed a sexual relationship unbeknown to her he took a photograph of her performing a sex act on him during his evidence he said he thought it could be used as something to blackmail her with if he needed to he gave her a number of items so she would feel closer to him those included a framed picture of him with the words I'm always with you written capitals beneath his image which she placed above her dressing table the fact that she hung it up makes it so much sadder for me because she clearly really did care about him because you don't just hang up the pictures of someone you don't give a [ __ ] about in your bedroom you know like over your dresser you see everyday all the time he gave her a hand counter and told her to click it every time she thought of him in onenote she said she was concerned she had not seen him several days and wrote my hands tally counter is being well used in another note the words clickety X click appeared next to hand-drawn flowers and the words I love you these two people really did not deserve what Fields did to them so then there's the note that Miss Moore Martin wrote to field I'll put it on the screen if you want to read it but essentially it says that she's using the clicker a lot so she's thinking about him and that she hasn't seen him in a few days and that she knows he's busy and then at the bottom it says all my love as always and forever so I'm gonna go put my fork in the plug now one field wanted money he lied about needing a new car and Miss Moore Martin gave him four thousand four hundred pounds he told his younger brother Tom field was seriously ill with a kidney condition and needed a dialysis machine it was another lie but she was taken and handed over 27,000 pounds I mean I know we already know that fields is a piece of [ __ ] but lying about a dialysis machine is also a new level of [ __ ] up I did not expect in a recording of a phone call played in court field was her to ring her bank than handing her the phone so she could speak to the operator about releasing money from bonds she told the bank I'm thinking of withdrawing all the money held in my accounts I have a very dear friend who's the brother of another dear friend he's extremely ill he's got kidney difficulties and is likely to die if he doesn't have his own dialysis machine and I've been thinking of a way in which I can help him she ended the call by saying in life one must not be selfish and keep everything to yourself Fields did not deserve one cent of this woman's money or kindness and I'm so angry that she was willing to do that for him I mean it's not her fault I'm just mad that he took advantage of that Fields to see extended to writing messages on his deeply religious victims mirror in the hope she would believe they were messages from God in his sketchbooks he planned the messages how the writing would look what the messages would say and what reasons there could be for them appearing some of the messages told her to leave her house to field ok I'm sorry but this is so stupid can you imagine God saying what's up from above and the first thing he tells you isn't like I hope you're well or I've seen you coming to church and [ __ ] no no what he says is hey what's up leave your house to this person it worked and she changed her will in February of 2017 Miss Moore Martin became ill and suffered a seizure it was during her hospital stay she confided in her knee about her relationship with field and the writing on the mirrors the police became involved in an investigation started Miss Moore Martin reversed her will and changed him back to benefit her family and in May of 2017 she died of natural causes in a care home I'm glad she wasn't murdered first of all I'm glad if she changed her will to go to the family because I feel like you can go up at least hopefully she died with peace knowing she wasn't taking advantage of until the end her niece Ann Marie Blake told the court that before she died her aunt had begun to realize she had been duped and could not believe she'd been so stupid as to fall for fields lies she was tortured by it and found it very difficult to get her head around the betrayal she said mrs. Blake said that when she met field at her aunt's house after her hospital admission she thought his manner was weird she challenged him and asked him if he'd been taking things from her aunt's home accepting money from her and trying to change her will he said he had she also asked whether he was in love with her aunt to what she said yes Yeah right in love with what her bank account during her stay in the hospital field tried to visit her but he was denied access the court heard he complained to the police and told a call operator a friend of mine was admitted to hospital and when I called the hospital and tried to visit security have said I can't see her and for more information I need to contact the police I was calling to see if I could find out anything or what had been said about me what the situation was in court he admitted he hadn't made the calls to see how much the police knew about him and whether he was in trouble his barrister David Jeremy QC asked him what had been the purpose of the call and he replied to find out if my fraud was Rumball or not I mean I don't think it's hard to understand that he obviously wasn't in love with her but I don't even know why he'd bother lying about that when he's being so direct about like oh the reason I was calling the hospital wasn't to find out how she's doing her to actually see her it was to find out like how much you guys know the police investigation established the link between Miss Moore Martin and mr. Farquhar and 19 months after the latter's death a decision was taken to exhume his body a second post-mortem examination established he had consumed less alcohol than had been thought and there were sedatives in his system dr. Bret lock here a consultant forensic pathologist said Mr Farquhar died as a result of the combined effects of alcohol and razza Pam which could have affected his breathing he said he could not rule out that mr. Farquhar might also have been smothered by a pillow the pathologist said a toxicological analysis showed mr. Farquhar had been repeatedly exposed to lorazepam in the two months before he died as well as other sedatives field was arrested in his home was searched where the police found Diaries and notebooks containing a list of people's name with the title a hundred clients it was described by field in court as a list of people who may be useful to me either as targets of fraud or in other ways this guy is a psychopath that is so concerning already what he did so far but the fact that he just had a bunch of names lying around of his next victims members of his own family were listed and so was Miss Moore Martin books about poisoning people and planning a suicide were also discovered principal investigator mr. Glover said field got massive pleasure from other people's misery and pain and it was all about financial gain or gain in some shape or form to Benton field he was a nasty cruel man although he denied it planning to kill the two neighbors he did admit to being in fraudulent relationships with them as part of a plot to get them to change their wills field also pleaded guilty to defrauding miss Moore Martin out of money he said it was for a car and a dialysis machine but was acquitted of conspiring to kill her he stood at trial alongside his friend magician Martin Smith 32 from Cornwall who was accused of murder conspiracy to murder fraud and burglary he was acquitted of all the charges wait I'm confused at what Martin Smith has to do with this like was he in on it because I don't understand how he's essentially related to this I mean I guess it could have been a two-person plan but we haven't heard anything about Martin Smith so far Fields younger brother Tom field 24 was also acquitted of one count of fraud Ben field is now facing a life sentence but his early confidence that he would get away with most of it secretly recorded while he sat in a police van was not entirely misplaced in terms of the death of Peter Farquhar there's a very good chance that benjamin field would have got away with that death had it not been for the suspicions that were raised once and where martin was removed from Benjamin's control fact at that stage he had already gotten away with it it was only due to the new forensics that came from exhuming the body that we were able to build a case that indicated Benjamin Field had in fact killed Peter I feel like this is genuinely one of the most bizarre stories I've read so far mainly because there's this much detail because as you guys know a lot of articles leave a lot out and sometimes rightfully so but it's genuinely astounding what this man did and how he went out of his way to do it from believing you would get away with it to what I think happened where he killed Farquhar being entirely honest like if you're drugging someone it's not a big leap to think that you would kill them with a pillow - then going for Miss Moore Martin and taking a picture of her during the sex act - the messages of God on the mirror saying leave your house to me I just can't this is terrible I hate all of it I do hope he gets a life sentence because I genuinely feel like someone like this I can't imagine him being reformed and if you disagree you can tell me in the comments down below but to me it seems like he has a very big problem because he didn't even wait anytime between Farquhar and Miss Moore Martin he pretty much bounced from one to the other and he seemed to have the plan to bounce to other people after as he had a notebook filled with other clients so he is a danger to society considering that in my book he's a murderer so I don't know how you can really be reformed when you're like that I think a life sentence I'd be okay with I wouldn't cry if he got a life sentence let me know what you think of the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always let's get right into the banner [Music] [Music] [Music] you
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Keywords: ben field, news
Id: 7c9y4kFTgMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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