The Comedy of Darth Reygueis: The Rise (Part 1)

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This is good rat

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ten seconds in and I'm already grinning like a loon. Thank you for this greatness E:R

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Moderately_Competent 📅︎︎ May 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Propaganda from Jojo part 2 intensifies

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Taliisbestgrl 📅︎︎ May 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

The wreckage of Death Star II just-so happens to conform to the contours of Jar-Jar's nose?

What game are you playing, Sheev?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/darmodyjimguy 📅︎︎ May 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
somehow the semi colonizer returned [Music] after nine movies finally the Skywalker trilogy is complete or well a completer Return of the Jedi wasn't quite good enough for some fans and the endlessly avaricious corporation intent on exploiting a nostalgia under the guise of repackaging for the new generation what inspired you to build a sequel trilogy right next door to the original incredible opportunities so I really am glad Disney stepped up to bat that dead horse ain't gonna stay dead and I'm glad they got JJ back to direct the conclusion to this trilogy ryan johnson nearly ruined everything when he undid the end of the previous movie he tossed aside all prior character development in fertilised the universitat stakes and then got rid of one of the only characters anyone gives a [ __ ] about in the dumbest way possible thankfully JJ's back to put a stop to all of that let's see oh he Faraday and the super final conclusion for real this time star wars the rise of Skywalker the dead speed palm down crawl we already know force go star thing oh you meant that seriously dead guy is actually alive the one who should have died from being tossed down a shaft and vaporized did he teleport so yeah Palpatine's back somehow somehow Palpatine returns they better have a damn fine explanation for this you'll do it first oh cool okay so he's a zombie oxides cloning secret you wait so he's a claw many abilities some consider to be unnatural so he's immortal which the [ __ ] is it well it doesn't really matter it's all [ __ ] it wasn't for shadow to even remotely in TFA or tlj because yeah this was a last minute desperate attempt to shove more of the OT into the Disney sequels the return of Sidious is as damning a confirmation as it gets it confirms the worst Disney did not plan any of this dumb [ __ ] out billions to buy Star Wars millions more to churn out more installments and zero plans for where to go with it where are you taking this thing and you thought your life was lacking direction of course this was always a scaled-up cash grab so passion for good storytelling wasn't ever really there but come on how did Disney not have even a basic outline for their trilogy we have a plan I'm gonna let you in on a little secret compadre the mystery box was always empty what's in the box it's an illusion what's in a [ __ ] box a trick to drum up intrigue in anticipation with potential instead of putting in the extensive amount of work and plotting these types of narratives need for TFA all JJ and Lawrence Kasdan had to do was point vaguely in directions the story could go good question for another time then left it to the audience to assume the best it worked when it was time to actually follow all that pointing to an actual conclusion well JJ's been known to get a little lost crazy to think about the guys who copy pasted a new hope didn't have any big ideas of their own when Ryan said Disney didn't give him any bases to tag well yeah did you watch his movie but if that wasn't enough to convince you no one was steering this ship then here you go somehow Palpatine returns somehow now to be fair it's not like the original trilogy had some big comprehensive blueprint behind it Leo wasn't macking on her brother because Lucas went all-in on Star Wars is Japanese influenced Lucas and everybody else just didn't know Leia was Luke's sister yet somehow I can't spell laya without a li e in a way Disney Star Wars is carrying on the tradition of flying the ship by the seat of their pants problem is they crashed it and now we're left carving a ship in the shape of the wreckage but Palpatine has been back in the books for ages what books now we thought Palpatine was gone because for all intents and purposes he was gone until Disney decided that he wasn't because they wanted another billion of your money no one's ever really vaporized but that raises a question how is race supposed to get rid of this guy that's kind of very important for the stakes of this film make all the excuses for Palpatine's resurrection that you want but if they're going to bring him back from the dead they need to set up a way to kill him for real how much you want to bet they were smart enough to do that you have bet on bad odds alrighty we're two sentences into the movie so far making good time so it starts out on some red planets and kylos they're making it even redder and racking up those style points he's there for this chaos gem which is actually a GPS that leads into Palpatine's hideout a planet called EXA col Palpatine leaving his address lying around and a Kaos gem seems kinda counterproductive but don't worry about it too much this is a movie about space wizards intended for man children kylo shows up on X goal and finds none other than helped us I've been really busy being dad oh and smokes back a whole bottle of them just hanging out on these mad scientist's tubes if you thought your Snoke Theory sucked why do you still have smokes lying around pal P you better not be doing anything weird with them help speaks and promises kylo an empire if he kills the last Jedi that raises a fleet of a thousand star destroyers right out of the ground this genius spent the last thirty years planning and building these things beneath this planet's surface presumably but forgot to install hangar doors well what pops Laxton brain power he makes up for in firepower because each destroyer is outfitted with its own death star laser cannon hitting five planets in one shot with some [ __ ] [ __ ] now they can drive by hundreds thousands billions of planets take that Empire while you can kylo not gonna be a lot left over I thought it was a little on the nose to call the fleet the final solution but I'm not one to talk open and Chewie are out with the Falcon in some space iceberg they're there to pick up some message from a spy within the first order hmm one who that could be possibly the only first-order officer who has a name the messages that Palpatine's alive somehow I'm sorry is this new did you all not catch the message Palpatine sent out to the entire galaxy already in fortnight Lagrange the spy also tells them about the super Death Star Fleet which obviously the resistance can't hope to even begin to defeat so why even [ __ ] bother sending him this message pucks because it's a trap immediately Tie Fighters rush in to blow the fellows to bits Poe and Finn don't realize they were set up and take their time to say their goodbyes to this thing before hold on maneuvering through the ice JJ took one look at hold OHS trick and went that's a good trick that's the first thing I want the Falcon to do but not to be outdone by Ryan JJ introduces his own new trick what are you doing Lightspeed skipping when you can just go to Lightspeed over and over and over again in rapid succession and it just works yeah it breaks hyperspace even more than I would have thought possible but look at all these colorful visuals that gives us Oh looks like Thai fighters can do it too though so it's not super useful how SPO gonna shake his tails now oh so they'll just be too slow to react to the massive monster mouth in front of them well can't get any stupider than this oh no looks like she flies now with floating rocks circling her as she meditates in order to connect with the past Jedi lives [Music] think I'm doing it wrong haha hey at least Ray's not a you-know-what right since she fails at something sure now she can hover by the power of her own vanilla scented farts but that's nothing on Gary Stewart over here who forced hovered upside-down while balancing Yoda on his foot ray frustrated at her charming imperfection vents to Leia thoughts of you think it is impossible have the voices of the Jedi who came before Slade don't say that if Rey doesn't have limits she might call it a mom a man it overpowered [ __ ] gen ray gets to training and they hold up choo trains no she trains now guess she trains now whoa careful ray you might fall whoosh like a boomerang god damn was just a stick and that slit catch ain't she something special but but but we must assume she worked her way up to being this special so she's not a well like a Luke remember when Luke shut up in his third movie all decked out in black and toss people around like it was nothing ray doesn't need a wardrobe change to fake growth and character development so anyway ray ditches training to read some of those sacred Jedi texts as they're such page-turners and once you know it there's a section on chaos gems a little obvious that Poe shows up with race ship on fire in case you didn't notice the movie pretends ray and Poe are characters who have interacted beyond their introduction at the end of tlj then Poe drops the bombshell on the resistance somehow Palpatine returned wait why is everybody so shocked Palpatine already notified y'all I really like how dramatically Poe delivers all this exposition like he's in a movie or something and how everybody else doesn't have better direction than to glance at each other uncomfortably these next few lines of dialogue have been brought to you by no [ __ ] Sherlock so Palpatine's been out there all this time pulling the strings always in the shadows from the very beginning if we want to stop him we must find him must find x''k Oh no [ __ ] [ __ ] ray tells Leia she just read about the Kaos gems conveniently I need to finish what they started find X ago find the Emperor no the [ __ ] you mean no come on lad what else were you training her for Ninja Warrior Rey rightly shoots her down and insists she's going what you would do no brand her friends about to head out except for Rose rose last chance the general asked me to study the specs of old destroyers so we can stop the fleet if you find it JJ did you know like roses character or something specks of old destroyers so we can stop the fleet if you find it did a back of the bus I almost feel bad for her the general asked me to study the specs of old destroyers yeah get back to studying Asian she doesn't even get her BM AF relationship out of all this I guess it really didn't go over too well with the Chinese but can we actually say fin friendzone Rose if they were barely even friends in the first place at least he invited her and gives her a little shoulder path it's so much I want to tell you tell me when you get back that's a death flag and that should be completely destroyed there's been no attempt to explain how it went from to this should at least show ray fixing the damn thing next up they show kylo getting his helmet fixed Wow JJ I do find it kind of funny to think kylo did the virgin walk back into the elevator to pick up the pieces off the floor while avoiding eye contact with everybody kylo shows up to the first order board meeting to show off his new mask this ball dude starts bad-mouthing Palpatine general pride is having none of it sit fleet will increase our resources ten thousandfold such a range in power correct the arrow Starkiller base yo someone's finally bringing that up it was an error wasn't it thank you for saying so pride always found you the voice of reason in these movies by the way where the [ __ ] did you come from Baldy tries to start some [ __ ] again what is he asking for in return yeah how dare you question Palpatine's benevolence Ranko fly to yet another desert planets the Star Wars galaxy is just packed to the brim with sand you sure this is it oh no sorry combs the other doesn't plan it back there are you on drugs burning man's being held here so probably some little alien kid gives ray a little festive necklace to mark that she's a tourist that they can rob later then ray is pulled into a force call with kylo as someone who likes and relies on a fair number of cut music jokes I found this transition pretty funny I'll put in what you're good kylo wastes no time seducing ray we'll see oh no I'm [ __ ] kidding me now we know where the zoo torian's went so if this force call feature is so interactive that kylo can grab whole items through it why not grab Rey's neck with a little force choke action she'd be into it kylo has the necklace analyzed because I guess they have intergalactic necklace experts on board and learns it's from the one specific desert planet out of the sixth resilient of them I know it seems insanely coincidental ray just happened to be given a necklace that could lead kylo right to her only seconds before he rang her up but shut the [ __ ] up the first order had to Burning Man only it turns out they already have forces on the planet enjoying the festivities anyway this one dumb [ __ ] clone trooper immediately finds Rey without the Nancy Drew deductions and tries to hold up the last Jedi and her friends without any backup at all then he's suddenly killed by a mystery arrow because stormtroopers armors made out of [ __ ] styrofoam the mass crossbow man is big reveal time old man Lando in the whole theater class Randall just happened to be here at the festival and spotted Threepio sexy Android mood glimmering from across the desert well actually lay I just called ahead she just forgot to tell Ray that Lando was even there and how he has extremely pertinent information for their quests oopsies it's almost like JJ wanted this to be some epic reveal and didn't give a damn about how it fit into the story Lando was shocked when Poe tells him they were looking for ex goal leh I just forgot to mention that to him to heaven help you a woman Lando tells the kids he came here years and years ago following some Jedi assassin named ouchy who had a clue to one of the Kaos gems but they never found him or his clue just his ship the gang head out for said ship pursued by storm troopers on treaded bikes I guess they don't fly now what follows is one boring low octane chase sequence it never appears like our intrepid zeroes were ever in any danger Ray's driving while simultaneously nailing shots Finn tosses some rope and it all works out until one brilliant stormtrooper finally decides to try using rockets which works but the explosion only sends the gang flying in to be cushy quicksand pillow completely unharmed however ray forgets she can fly now or use force pole so they all sink and die anyway right the quicksand deposits them inside a bunch of tunnels underneath it the sand magically doesn't deposit itself into the tunnels because sand is nice and gentle and doesn't get everywhere I like sand okay the clue they needed is exactly where they accidentally ended up it's a dagger with the coordinates to a Kaos gem inscribed on it and you might be wondering why would anyone think to inscribe these coordinates on a tool meant for orphanage children but that ain't even half of it there's one hiccup the coordinates are written in Seth which Threepio can translate but he's otherwise forbidden from speaking the translation because Seth is hate speech in that case probably should have deleted the language from his data banks altogether but what do I know so his Threepio also forbidden from writing the translation down at the very least you should be able to drop hints right and I a giant sand worm somehow sneaks up on them ray viscerally decides to pet it and all she can heal massive wounds at a touch that's novel and it doesn't appear to wind her at all that's powerful but we can't say ray is in the air emai you say because of this anything's possible with the force and rays merely a conduit for it yes I perfectly understand this makes the force seem much more inconsistent and fickle than ever before but honestly what did you expect it is female I suppose obi-wan here just hadn't trained as hard as Ray no don't cry Obi he was always gone this next sequence of events is an interesting one see if you can follow along Branko decided to leave on ouchy ship which is unlocked and still flyable a little too convenient but whatever we'll call that a nitpick but then Ray senses her boyfriend through the forest and dashes off to meet him in the middle of the desert alone no one even tries to stop her strike one Chewie goes the follower with the dagger but the Knights of Ren are already here on the ground how so they captured Chewie but ignore ray and ouchy ship strike two then ray plays chicken in the desert with kylo ship and strike three where ad we were all scratching our heads when we saw this [ __ ] in the teaser trailer but even I thought the movie would you know try to set it up but it doesn't not even a little ray walks out onto this desert to stare down kylo for no possibly good reason and kylo inexplicably bears down on her like he's mowing down pedestrians who came him lip and GTA but you don't run people over when you're [ __ ] flying and I thought Kyle wanted to turn her to the dark side not into roadkill I'm going to find you and I'm gonna turn you to the dark side ray tries flipping because that's a good trick well he's [ __ ] dead then does what he does second best screaming helplessly as he watches his friends be taken away hey got Joey thank God ray has other plans now I know some of you might be tempted to say that holding a moving spaceship in place is a MarySue move and you might even cite evidence like Yoda struggling to hold up some pipes that one time and well yeah but you guys forget there was a character in a video game that force pulled an entire Star Destroyer from the sky hey that's not even canon you might say so what about when baby Yoda stopped the charging rhino and he's just an infant oh I get it just because they're dudes probably they don't get the hate ray does sexist well Kyle [ __ ] lived somehow feeling left out he enters into this game of Tuggle force didn't work out so hot the last time [Music] something's gotta give but then something magical happens ray accidentally kills Chewie by sharding lightning yeah a lightning shark she strains herself so hard that the darkside energy she didn't know she was holding in spurts out and blows her friend into big brown hairy chunks more Thai fighters show up in Rey skedaddle even though she can blow them all up with super lightning now Rey has a little cry about killing Chewie because it means she's destined to be the Sith empress or something typical historic but maybe there's something to this did ray perhaps secretly loathe Chewie for are always chaperoning her we all know about how she feels about guys holding her hand maybe that quiet contempt translated to a couple bajillion bolts by accident who knows not even a minute later yeah Chewie who was on another transport ship all along everybody just missed that actually Finn did see which ship Chewie was loaded on to and just misdirected everybody way to go Finn well the gang is at a loss for what to do after losing the dagger Threepio reminds them he already read the dagger so duh they don't need it true inscription they head to some place called Koji me to find some guy named Babu Frick who can rewire Threepio to say the SIF translation one catch it'll wipe all of his memory no one cares on the way bb-8 reactivates a droid on the ship whose name I don't remember and the character is not important enough to include on the Wikipedia page the Droid act scared and Rey reasons it was mistreated someone treated him badly this is directly after the scene where the group decide without any hesitancy or reluctance to have Threepio wipe for the Sith translation a complete what two terribly dangerous and sinful act performed on waiting right let's do that we're all in this to the end except for you tan head drink the [ __ ] bleach bit on Cugini the gang is almost immediately found by some helmeted lady named Zuri bliss but she's actually very pissed because PO once stood her up to join the resistance yeah sorry everyone looks like pose a cyst had Zoe tries to turn the man with her men but Rea beats everybody up with ease and holds Ori a saber points szura's response is to say she likes ray nothing you care but I think you're OK no no no before you marry sayers pop out of the [ __ ] woodwork about Mary Sue's are instantly liked by everyone they meet this is actually a sneaky boy by his Orie to lower Ray's guard and it works because race shuts off her lightsaber without zouri lowering her gun just kidding Zoe thinks better of frying this girl's brains out on the street and takes them to Babu we make him translate it he won't remember anything I feel kind of bad for Threepio here we're doing their Threepio taking one last look sad and my friends they don't consider him a friend and he's flat-out a nuisance to Poe this scene could have had a little gravitas or a real motion to it if just one of the characters voiced the slightest bit of reservations were killing their friend but they don't no one at all speaks up not one there must be another way we make him translate it he won't remember anything let's do that Threepio is merely a tool to them and nothing more [Music] yep they rounded out the supposedly emotional scene with a character straight up saying sad don't think I've ever seen that before well the procedure works through Pio translates where the chaos gem is Annie's own no tragic music no sadness no tears just you up okay that's gonna be a problem true friendship and if you still felt a pang of loss for Threepio don't worry they take that the [ __ ] back - speaking of chewy ray can feel chewy alive all the way up on Kyle's Star Destroyer begs the question how didn't she noticed she didn't actually snuff out chew his life force here mmm must have slipped under her radar the gang heads up into the Star Destroyer with some super special get on any destroyer free coin that Zora just gives poe because she creamed her space suit when he gave her this look want to come with me after parking for free their brilliant plan is to run out onto the landing Bay completely I'm skewered and shoot everything that moves it works and no not because Ray is wearing soup la armor or anything Luke Skywalker did the same [ __ ] what a hothead I guess there aren't any cameras so sure right all you want it's okay that we're here you're relieved that we're here we're looking for a prisoner and his belongings all right so go ahead and tell them to release Chuy or not the cameras hold up so there are cameras but when shooting them alert anyone monitoring them great c'mon the dock is on the ship we need it Why What feeding Oh a feeling the last time she had a feeling she ran off to play with Kyle oh and supposedly killed chewy so maybe you guys should try to stop her I'll meet you back at the house ray you can't we're not stormtroopers are so [ __ ] useless holy [ __ ] one does manage to cinch bow in the arm though and that's enough to get them captured Rey bust into Kyle's room to smell his bedsheets but it's caught in the act as kylo force calls her again right Kyle Busch's raid to remember her parents undoing all of her hard hard work for pressing her memories of them sure your memory hard work like waiting all of our life on jakku for her parents to come back just to see them again we're jumping into a dark side fool to discover who they really were only now that Kyle Lohse whispering bitter something's in her ear can she handle the truth about her parents obviously but yeah her parents were nobodies by choice to hide ray from Palpatine because she inherited his power has his granddaughter Oh finally it's that Palpatine midi-chlorian count coursing through her veins and now that we can explain Rey's incredible aptitude for the force well she can't be a Mary Sue checkmate racist she's a pal PUD he tried to stop this perhaps years from now people will see but it's not yet that day I never lie to you your parents were no one well no you said they sold her for drinking money so they didn't really value her highly did they like why would they even try to sell her if they were protecting her there had to have been a couple other options before the hit indentured servitude on a desert planet may be an alien orphanage on a slightly more temperate planet perhaps a space nunnery he'll drop her off I can't so bite at least those child slaves probably get air conditioning and horse dogs by the way I'm the spy no really I knew it tell him we find out spy can't hide from the fried but wait wouldn't killing the supposed suspect make pride look super suspect not if you don't think about it Kawa proposes to ray once again and goes on about something called ad ad which is a bond in the force that makes to one essentially ran kylo are destined to make the reloj ship sail so he's saying this should team up and take down palps with their combined strength and you know what provided he's telling the truth for once and he is not a bad idea Palpatine is the bigger threat at the moment with the Death Star Fleet and it can be reasonably assumed by Ray that kylo can reach him so maybe just go dark side for a little bit for the greater good that certainly would be the more interesting choice for her character winning it abandoning the light to save it not only that but it make your visions of a sudden and inexplicable turn to the dark side a little more credible than you no not at all in just about every way I can think of ray temporarily going to the dark side makes for a better more cohesive story so she jumps away into the Falcon and skips off then crashes into the Endor moon and that's what's left at the Death Star good luck finding her chaos gem kids works cut out for you oh no no no no no no yeah yeah ray uses the dagger which has been cut into the shape of the Death Star wreckage to determine the location of the Kaos gem against the Death Star wreckage god damn another prime brain hurting movement think about this someone cut up a knife Wyatt this spot at this specific angle how did ray know to come exactly here anyway when was this dagger maeín how's the death star wreckage stayed perfectly structurally intact in all this time since and in ocean [ __ ] how is there even this much of a death star chunk left intact after an explosion like this does reactor fuel not melt steel beams no we got to stop thinking we're getting into the red but how did this planet even [ __ ] survive getting hit by something so gargantuan and indestructible my brain I can't stop it [Music] after busting the Falcon our protagonist can't reach the death star without braving these wicked waves so they start repairs with some new character named Jonah and her gang Jonah reveals she was a first-order conscript just like Finn so they bond over that despite that Finn has coldly murdered countless conscripts like her he could just as well kill her too for all the purpose she really has in this story Rey impetuous as ever heads out and effortlessly Braves the treacherous waters by herself she sails now which isn't a MarySue move by the way she trained her whole life for this with all that doom surfing ray finds the emperor's old throne room and hey-o the chaos gems right next door no one not a single person must've thought to check up on those Death Star leftovers in all these years Rey is the first scavenger to scavenged Emperor's throne room that's [ __ ] and I don't believe it Darkrai makes an appearance and flashes some of that good old british dental work for a scare but it's no biggie the moment raised attention shifts she disappears the implication here is that dark trey is a figment of Ray's imagination so if that's the case did ray invent this folding saber design guess we found something ray isn't very good at kylo operates in because he must have had a death star shaped dagger - then he crushes Ray's chaos gem leaving himself as the only option for ready to stop Palpatine now she'll take his hand right for the greater good or not playing really hard to get Paolo beats her in their saber fight because gah rants do this is precisely the moments that Leia force calls her son Kyle can't hear her very wall and their nandi add connection but ray thinks he's calling a younger woman gets mad and stabs him in the chest while he's distracted then Leia dies my brain hurt again it sounds like Leia uses the last of her life force to ring up Kyle Oh to reach her son now take all the strength she has been and in the wildest coincidence ever it ran out just as ray sucker savored her boy but that's not how I interpreted it on my first watch I thought Leia connected herself to kylo through the force and the sudden trauma of her son getting skewered overloaded that connection and killed her from the way the scene is edited doesn't it kind of look like Leia reacts to the stab I choose to believe ray killed Leia it's funnier that way ray has instant regret heals kylo then steals a ship can be neatly parked next to them which somehow wasn't washed away by the giant crashing waves I'm not sure why I'm even poor in the show and anymore ray abandons everyone so everyone returns to base rendered useless kylo sees Han but Hans not a ghost you got that it's just kylos delusion but the one I have to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it [Music] my son is dead kalo forgives kylo for cheap shotting the real han and that's it kylo is good now that's all there is to it kylo then throws away it's extremely useful weapon Death Star Destroyer destroys Kazemi zouri and Babu teleport Leia makes pogge eneral hold o cry Rey flees the island world Andrey does Luke's tlj arc in about 4 minutes [Music] ghost Luke pops in and gives Rey Leia's lightsaber she's already got his is brain gonna be given everyone stop she gets all your sabers she gets your [ __ ] ships the only thing this [ __ ] has her own as a stick a [ __ ] stick a fox Ted Ray gets over herself magically chaos gem survives fire magically ghost Luke lifts his ship out of the water magically ship waterlogged for years just works magically ray goes to X Golan sense the resistance the flight path resistance plans to blow up the Death Star fleets because fleet can't go up it can't go up they don't fly now well apparently not without a nav tower to tell them how okay a single enormous ly convenient oversight that the good guys can exploit obliterate the bad guys nothing new to Star Wars an exhaust port a shield generator a woman and this time of direction ah maybe it's me but craft built for flight should be able to lift off and keep lifting I got it it's because these people have been stuck underneath the planet's surface building these things they probably never even seen up without a ceiling before not even a hangar door no [ __ ] wonder they're confused no shields and no way out why don't we blow it up it's always a way to do that we think hitting the cannons might take knock the main reactors we need to put some haul dough maneuvers not a bad idea Mary if one relatively tiny resistant ship can light speed through a mega destroyer and take out a fleet of like 20 other destroyers then surely there are some resistance folks willing to go full jihad for the cause we need to put some hold on the new vism do some real damage come on that move is one in a million never tell me the odds one in the million a great shot kid that was one in a million what a flyboy Luke was betting the survival of the resistance on such bad odds [Music] hold Oh would be beside herself you have bet the survival of the resistance on bad odds and put us all at risk but you know what these odds aren't even that bad all things considered succeed just once and who knows how many ships will be taken out in such close proximity don't be so quick to dismiss the man Finn it could work but now you got me wondering how do you even mess up the whole dome maneuver you just point your ship at something and punch it right so simple even the worst Admiral of all time could do it and if you don't succeed in crashing the first time try try again it's not like hyperdrives necessarily need time between jumps anymore just Lightspeed skip until you collided with something and take out everything around it fortune favors the bold Oh instead Finn's plan is to have Lando and Chewie call off for help throughout the galaxy Leia's call when fully ignored last time but this time they figured Lando has some actual charisma to make it work Luke standing down the first order by himself wasn't enough to motivate all these aliens to get off their asses but a booty call from Panda so Lando will bring the galaxy's horniest EXA coal and have them shoot up the Death Star cannons which in turn will blow up the destroyers well that's a video game weak spot if I've ever seen one they even glow red the resistance zip off 2x ago and make it just behind ray somehow they make a beeline for the nav tower but like the final order switches to another NAB tower on a Star Destroyer the resistance then makes a beeline for that one and they drop Finn Jonna and some nobodies on top of the destroyer to let them run for it on horses in response the final order just banks the ship a bit and slides them off [Music]
Channel: E;R
Views: 1,344,233
Rating: 4.9389348 out of 5
Id: ufix1r7a5Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 25sec (2245 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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