The AvatE;R: HELLO, BOYS... I'M BAAAAAACK! Turf Wars is a three-part comic or... "GrApHiC nOvEl" series, written by co-creator Michael DiMartino and illustrated by Irene Koh. And it's the continuation to my favorite TV show, The Legend of Whorra. Sokka: "You've said some very unkind things." Much like Whorra's beginnings episodes were laterally used to justify the deus ex bending gumball machine from the end of 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' these comics are to justify the Korra finales do X's - Mako NOT. And if that had been all I could--- put up with it, but they also Dumbledored Kyoshi Mako: Deal with it!! Whorra: You deal with it!! - [And like that Mako died. R.I.P] Let's get this out of the way: I'm not a fan of how loose the art is They should have hired another illustrator for backgrounds. And the covers are borderline false advertising All right. Now before I get into the plot summary, we should first delve into the meat folds of the Korrasami ship. Skip to the timestamp shown if you just want to get straight into the comic Whorra: Let's do this! E;R: Korrasami is the creator approved name of the romantic pairing of Whorra and Asami - initially fanshipper stock but later made real by Bryke in the show's finale. Said ending came as a bit of a shock to the people stupid enough to still be watching after book two. (Bryke do their best NGE impersonation) Don't take my word for it! Take it from the Turf Wars Wikipedia page, so don't worry you homophobes, it wasn't just y'all and it wasn't just because straights reviewing the show with a hetero lens. (I wonder what gave them that impression) PLENTY of the Korrasami shippers didn't see it coming either: (A grown woman has a minor fit as a Nickelodeon carton is too much for her to emotionally handle, clearly showing how more mature the fans of this series are in comparison to The Last Airbender...) (Rest in Peace, sweet prince) Korrasami was not endgame from the start of the series. Bryan's tumblr confirms this - he even admits: "There was no earnest intention of it until Book 3." However, this is a bald-faced lie as very clear evidence for Korrasami can be found in Book 1, in the very first episode in fact. But Bryan's right in the sense that the ball didn't really get rolling until Book 3. Moreover there's barely a FRIENDSHIP between these girls for the first two Books. In Book 1, Asami was a little more than a cardboard wedge in the Makorrasami love triangle. In Book 2, it takes until episode 4 before Whorra and Asami even have any spoken interaction. And it's only Asami chiming in with two words. She's busy salvaging her father's company, even though it was largely responsible for a hostile citywide takeover So it's totally fine to let it continue operations to manufacture MECHA-TANKS Random dude: You need to sell some mecha-tanks. I know some people who need them!! We'll ship 'em south!! Whorra: That's P E R F E C T! And for the rest of the Book: Yeah.... Friendship really '''''''''''blossoms''''''''''' in Books three and four. Whorra: I kissed Mako when he was going out with you soooo- Asami: Y o u w h a t ?! There's a hug / GONE SEXUAL / though Whorra hugged the guys too? And she exclusively smiled at Mako. But Asami also holds Whorra's hand out of wedlock. (Ew, get that filth off the screen) In Book 4 there's another hug although she hugs Mako too, but this time she 'blushes' with Asami. There's a group hug With Mako... Oh, and Asami got Whorra some tea during the throwaway clip episode I guess..... (True Love if I've ever seen it) Then at the very end, there's another unprotected hug. And of course the Eye-fucking just before our heroines jet off to the spirit world (Bruh, really? I was pretty clear on this) And yeah, that's really not a lot Especially compared to the instances supporting Avatars Kataang ending such as but not limited to: A Kataang prophecy, three kisses smack on the mouth, one [two] more in a dream, lots of cheek pecking, hugs GALORE and several blushes before the de facto deal sealer. (The De-Facto Deal Sealer) (True Love if I've ever seen it) Romance was a tiny fraction of Avatar's story, yet even so Kataang was afforded so much more than Korrasami ever was. Asami: And I'm loving the hair. / Whorra: Thanks!
Katara: I like your hair! / Aang: I HAVE HAIR?! No one needs to write up essays on reddit to prove Kataang was real all along and the creator's certainly didn't need to take to their tumblers to confirm it. The Korrasami shippers best counter to this is that Kataang was: blunt and pretty anime. While Korrasami by contrast was: more subtle, more natural and more "realistic" ---- which is ---- ehhh really not convincing after two books with some of the bluntest relationship garbage committed to television. Bolin: Wait a minute - are you two....OOOHhhh You're dating again?? w h u t ? Mako: Dating noooo-
Asami: That's crazy!! [Reminder: Mako was called Mako in honour of Uncle Iroh's voice actor - a two-timing adulter with weak moral convictions, what a joke] Bolin: Whorra just left a week ago!!! What's more likely: Bryke discovering subtlety just in time to craft one of the first mainstream lesbian relastionships for kids OR Bryke not setting up a romance very well - A G A I N - Whorra: You betrayed me and my family!! (Whorra is literally wrecking a table bc she can't handle her emotions) So - what? Are you breaking up with me? (Wow, she is bipolar now or the script is bad. You can decide.) Mako: Yeah, I guess I am. (MAKO HAS RECEIVED HIS NAME TO HONOUR IROH, pls kill me) (Hay, can I get some help with the desk pls?) E:R: You be the judge. Regardless, the point is Korrasami is sparse and easy to miss, but I think it was also overlooked because it's fucking disgusting. Uhhhggh! The Gays: Why [did] you say that E;R?? Because it's
H O M O S E X U A L????? You Little Lesbian! Imagine you are Sammy: the handsome son of an industrial magnate, you're out on your gay little moped one day and you sideswipe this adorable klutz of a girl - who instantly falls for you. (You're out on you gay little moped one day and you sideswipe this adorable klutz of a girl-who instantly falls for you.) (OWW) Her name is Mako-chan and like the debonair ranked charmer you are, you take her out for a night on the town. You pay for her fancy dinner with daddy's money and even decide to fund her sports career. And after an intimate and emotional carriage ride with her you're pretty much boyfriend and girlfriend. Unbeknownst to you: Some dude named Whorrok has been crashing your girlfriend's tournaments and trying to get with her. And he's something of a celebrity. Your girl remains loyal to you, though. So Whorrok instead gets with her dim sister: Bolina. This upsets your girlfriend, who confronts and tells Whorrok to leave her sister alone. Whorrok accuses Mako-chan of jealousy and forces himself on her in front of a devastated Bolina. Your girlfriend is ''''''''guilt-ridden'''''''' from macking on another guy, but is also a bit of a two-timing hoe and develops feelings for Whorrok. Bolina is the one to spill the beans about the kiss to you. You break up with Mako-chan over this but she doesn't seem to give a shit and shamelessly starts dating Whorrok. You pretend it doesn't hurt... Now: do you, Sam, see yourself becoming best friends with Whorrok? Not only friends, down the line: do you see yourself becoming lovers with Whorrok? The sniveling belligerent jackoff, who took your girlfriend?! Zuko: That's rough buddy. If you adjust the angle of your lens just a liiiiittle bit Korrasami looks incredibly creepy. To appear innocuous you have to forget that Book 1 happened. Mako: I'm with Asami!! Whorra: Yeah, but when you're with her you're thinking about me, aren't you? (Wow, such a mature handling of relationships! This is definetly NOT a cartoon for kids!!!) Jesus Christ, Bryke! So I can't really blame anyone for having a mental block about Korrasami. But what if I told you that the biggest reason many didn't see Korrasami, was because Bryke didn't want us to.. Alright put on your tinfoil lenses and strap in It's a little naive to think Bryke and Nickelodeon were ignorant of the reaction Korrasami would have. So to that end one could imagine that said reaction was not only expected, but as well their intent, that they wanted to use "The Legend of Whorra" for a publicity stunt. While it does look like Korrasami was planned by the start of season two, at the earliest, just as Bryke say, it also looks like there was a deliberate ambiguity to it. An attempt to hide Korrasami until the ending reveal, where it could generate the most controversy as suddenly and as safely as possible. Bryan kind of hand waves this in his tumblr post by saying these mere "alLuSiOnS" were because they operated under an unwritten rule: that they couldn't have their main characters be gay. Which is a nicer way of saying: "Yes, we were deliberately being ambiguous, but not to trick YOU - the people - we were afraid of the network." Until we got to the finale and then we approached the network and they were cool with it. You might be thinking: but E;R - Why would they want to drum up controversy for a show so beloved and popular as "The Legend of Whorra"? Doesn't that seem like an unnecessary risk? I'm glad I asked that Following Book 1, The Legend of Whorra was really not that popular (But I think they liked me - Can't imagine why?) Sooo - a little trivia for you - "The Legend of Whorra" is only two seasons each containing two Books Contrary to absurdly popular belief, BOTH seasons and therefore ALL Books were ordered before the first episode of Book 1 aired. 1/2 Bryke: Before we even aired ehhh Book 1, we had already been booked, picked up all the way through Book 4. So by that point we were able to kind of plan it out. And even before book 1 way into production, Bryke were well aware that Nick was interested in potentionally more. 1/2 Bryke: Well, they said it we greenlit a miniseries but it - it could be a couple miniseries.
Other man (probably an interviewer): Sure! 1/2 Bryke: Like these these cycles of 12.
Interviewer: Yeah, yeah!! With three more books greenlit, production overlapped so much that at one point the core crew were working on 30 episodes simultaneously. 1/2 Bryke: The thing is that is was so much overlap, I mean at one point we were working on 30 episodes at one time. This is quite unlike "Avatar The Last Airbender" which as far as is indicated by the timeline in the artbook, was produced on a season-by-season basis or something close to it. Really bends the mind.... Whorra's first season's ratings, that is by Book 2, sunk the all-time lowests for Avatar. For a multitude of reasons and they never clawed back up. Nick couldn't even get kids to watch it with their "tried-and-true" method of baiting them in with Spongebob. Kids were actually switching that shit off. So I don't think it's unfair to say that if the Legend of Whorra hadn't been bought and paid for upfront Nickelodeon probably would have cancelled it. When you look at it that way: why not stoke a little controversy? Especially for a noble cause the media will just gobble up - and if Nickelodeon was for it, as Bryan says, Full speed ahead!!! Well not full speed - it wasn't yet the year of the present. So there were probably some limits on what Team Whorra could do, but all the better for the controversy anyway And boy was there one. I'm not saying 100% - that Bryke and Nickelodeon used queerbaiting to save their poorly viewed show from irrelevance, but Ehhh, Seventy-Five percent. Maybe if Korrasami wasn't so gross? You know, Whorra goes out with all three of her best friends. She can't seem to keep it in her goddamn pants! Maybe if there was more to go on than a blush, maybe if Whorra had written Asami back more than once? Throw an ulterior motive with some strong potential on top of all of that and - yeah I don't really buy that Bryke were just trying to fly Korrasami under the network's radar - until they s u d d e n d l y got the okay. It's possible - but I don't find it particularly persuasive as the whole truth. I suspect, Bryke took a leaf out of the masters book and tried to concoct a finale twist to shock and awe. But they also kind of half-assed it and thought a handful of merely suggestive moments, seated among 26 episodes would be enough to make it work. (Aaron Ehasz: You should have tried harder) All right, that's enough conspiracy talk out of me. I know all this might seem like a little much, and yeah, alright it is but I'm only trying to hammer home that Korrasami was a little weird, which led to it's very mixed response This is important to Turf Wars because it reads a lot like a response to that response. It's almost like someone felt a little called out over Whorrasalami and it gets pretty funny. We open with the lovey-dovey Korrasami couple physically entering the spirit world from the brand spanking new Republic City portal. WOOOOWWWWWW! They see the sights, ride some spirits AHHHHHHHHHGHHGGHGGHH! Jump on some mushrooms and climb on a rock spirit that almost fucking murders them. It would appear Whorra isn't so appreciated in this realm for her open portals policy. When they lose all their supplies in the attack, they decide it's time to head back to the city, but not before finally sharing their first kiss. (Yo fam, that's pretty gay) What follows is about two pages of the girls explaining that they totally liked each other for a long time really.... (not buying that but ok) then Whorra switches things up and takes Asami through the portal to the South Pole to see her parents. If this all sounds a little rushed to you - that's because it is. These girls have been dating for a few days at most, their lips are still wet from first base.. Chris from 'Get Out': Gauhi, Lol. Over dinner Whorra comes out of the closet - Tonraq and Senna, who couldn't be happier. Tonraq advises Whorra to be careful about dropping this bombshell on everyone. To which Whorra responds: "I've dealt with a lot of narrow-minded people. I just didn't realize you were one of them." (Whorra is getting worse with every second she speaks and no one can change my mind on that one.) Then she storms off... BITCH ARE YOU FOR REAL?! Your dad instantly accepted you ending his ancestral line, but just because he says that OTHERS might not be as accepting, he's narrow-minded?! I have to hand it to Mike here - REALLY keeping Whorra consistent as a bipolar nut bar Whorra: Maybe the problem is me!! (If you were so awake of yourself in Book 1, we could have done better in Book 2 but NOOO.) While leaving in a huff, Whorra goes from hot to cold in another instant. She apologizes to Asami for her
i n s e n s i t i v e p a r e n t s INSENSITIVE PARENTS Whorra and Asami go back to the portal and come out at the --- Republic City portal??? Ehh? Or maybe the trip from here to the Republic City portal is implied? Whorra: I got nothing. Upon their return, they discover an enterprising businessman named Wonyong KeuUUUm is already trying to turn the portal into an amusement park. Yet, another spirit is unhappy about Whorra leaving the portals open to enable this, which Whorra half-heartedly deflects by saying: It'll be good -
for the people of Republic City (she is such a terrible Avatar) Yeah, there's just NO WAY that kind of accessibility could ever have unintended CONSEQUENCES Whorra is not happy about the spirit world being turned into a resort either, which is sort of ironic since that's what she was using the spirit world for just a moment ago - a honeymooners getaway retreat - HYPOCRITE (sums up all the logic she tried to use on other people pretty well) (1) A person who engages in the same behavior- Later in theeeee
Evening, I think? gangs are fighting it out in the streets somewhere. The triple threat triad against the creeping crystals with the alliterative assholes somewhere off panel. The triple T's are headed up by a new leader: Tokuga, who uses chi blocking and Jet's hook swords to single-handedly beat off the C-twos without bending. It would appear the bending Mafia is now a little more equal opportunity and inclusive. Amon: A new era of equality has begun!! The cops show: Lin Beifong Mako and the newly recruited Bolin, to arrest the stragglers and they learn who Tokugba is and how he's been busy usurping power in the underworld. The next day - I guess - Whorra and Asami show up to this temporary evacuee camp for displaced people Why are they displaced?, you ask. Part of it is probably the damage by Kuvira's spirt cannon, but it's mostly because Whorra plopped the spirit world on top of their homes, because of Kuvira's spirit cannon. And it looks like no one begrudges Whorra taking time off while they stayed behind to mop up the mess. Not even her long-suffering Mentor Tenzin and to be fair to Whorra at least the displaced people are a pretty diverse mix. Wait - aren't there only four distinct peoples in the Avatar world corresponding to the Four Nations? So, where's she from? Or him? Is that a head covering from Wan's era or does the Avatar world have peace benders now? Here to answer your provocative questions: Irene Koh Irene Koh, self described meat enthusiast: Yeah, I've added black folk to the Republic City populace, because why the fuck wouldn't there be? (com'on Irene, I know Whorra is touted as being "more mature", but kids still watch the show, and a eager young fan could find this post, so please mind your language.) Haha, I try to diversify the crowds where I can, especially with South Asians who are underrepresented in... all media Indian folk, Malaysian and Indonesian hijabis, Filipinos, Bangladeshis. If there is anything y'all want to see just tell me I mean It's not like there isn't ANY room for Asian diversity in the Avatar world. Guru Pathik resembles an Indian man: Guru Pathik: Chakras chakras [with] chakras everyday is good. (solid advice, that.) Hell, all of the fire nation is Indian if you want it hard enough - imagineAsians the limit. But how do Wakandans factor in? (That's rough, buddy) Which elements are Malaysians coded to? Or how about the "black folk"? I expect detailed answers on my desk by morning Irene! By the way - lovin' the look you're going for. The skin lightening, the hair dyed blond, the blue contact lenses. Roku: The spirit's name is Koh, but she is very dangerous She will steal your race. (Stop appropriating European features, you over-payed artist you.) Whorra gives a rousing speech to the crowd about how having their homes all destroyed has made way for a new beginning. The people don't tar and feather her for this. She visits president Reiko next who gives her shit for: gallivanting around the spirit world Sane people the world over: Thank You!!!! They request funds for housing the evacuees and since Reiko needs votes for his reelection, he agrees. The first democracy really working out for the Avatar world! That evening, presumably, at Air Temple Island Korrasami are confronted by Kaya who outs the girls with her gaydar. Turns out Kaya too was gay all along. Kaya explains how Water Tribe culture likes to keep the gay low key, whereas Aang's air Nomad culture was all free love and shit. A little trivia for you: The Dalai Lama, Tenzin, Gyatso, you know that major buddhist figure aang was obviously based on? Well, he considers gay relations a transgression. Just something I found a little amusing.. The super bigoted Fire Lord Sozen agreed with the Dalai Lama to the point that he decreed same-sex relationships were criminal. Whorra: That guy was the worst!! You really think so Whorra? What could EVER lead you to think that? I mean- The guy ONLY left his best friend to die in a volcano, ruthlessly hunted your previous life down, genocided his people entirely Katara: Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked-- It's not like he fought flamers with flames sheesh. Kaya doesn't stop there. She now says that even Avatar Kyoshi had the big gay. But for all her sleeping around "was unable to affect any real progress" because the Earth Kingdom was "Militaristically repressive" I guess we're going to skip over the fact that Kyoshi formed and personally trained the secret police that ended up controlling Ba Sing Se from the shadows. Was Kyoshi part of the repression or what? (LGBT Ally mumbles something) Mike Pence: There is no GAY within the walls. Here we are STRAIGHT. Here we STAN HETEROSEXUALITY!! E;R:So is sexuality fluid for the Avatar? It wasn't for Aang: he was straight as an arrow (bu-dum-dum) Well because the other Avatars were happily married, only Kyoshi or Yangchen hams could be fisted into being [gay or] bisexual. And Kyoshi lost the coin toss. Haha Mako and Bolin reunite with the girls at last. Bolin asks them how the spirit vacation was and they HAVE TO make it weird. Their meeting's cut short though as they're alerted by Jinora that the triple threats are attacking the people arround the portal. But the spirits decide to take matters into their own tendrils One of them mutates Tokuga who flees and- that's that I guess. Whorra and Asami have a victory smooch in front of everybody - so much for sparing Mako here..... - and confirm they're an item for the 30th time. Bolin, Opal and Jinora are all about it. Mako is a little taken aback. Understandably. This is the face of a firebender packing so little heat, he froze both his exes' wombs completely. Whorra figures Wonyong is the one who sent the triple threats in to scare everybody off. She's right and Tokuga's really not pleased with them after being turned into a lizard person. Aye-aye spirit: I don't know why he's screaming, right? He's better-looking now! Tokuga informs Wonyong that he's taking Keum Enterprises. Evidently, all that was stopping him from doing that before was a sick-ass tentacle arm and that's the end of Turf Wars part 1. All in all: pretty gay Whorra and the airbenders flying to the portal to smooth things over with the spirits. On the way Tenzin congratulates Whorra for hooking up with Asami. Congratulations! Congratulations!! Congratulations!!! At least they're happy for her.. The spirits sure don't put up with her, forcing everyone to beat a hasty retreat. Outside, General Iroh has been ordered by Reiko to surround the portal with tanks. They even build a wall. Whorras all: "BrIdGeS nOt BoRdErS" But orders are orders. Mako and Bolin submit their report of the event to Lin, even including the Korrasami kiss, in case you didn't get it yet. Meanwhile, probably Whorra confronts Raiko and demands he make the United Forces stand down - or else there might be another Spirit crisis Reiko points out, rightly, that none of this would have been remotely neccessary if she hadn't popped open a portal in the middle of the city. Thank you! Whorra says: "I didn't exactly do it on purpose Kuvira's spirit weapon was out of control. I had to save the city. Okay, okay, okay, okay. BUT the ONLY reason and I mean the ONLYY reason that Kuvira could create a SPIRIT WEAPON was because you left the portals open!! No one ever acknowledges this. Raikou does however acknowledge that Whorra had a hand in leveling these people's homes, he even tells the evacuees about how she went on vacation during their crisis and they turn on her immediately. Like I know the point is that Raikou is just some shitty politician, but he's fucking right about THIS! Yet the good guy is all act like Raiko's totally in the wrong Raiko: Why you bullying me? I'm right!! Tenzin and Whorra suggest to Zhu Li that she run for president against him - for being mean to Whorra.. This is blatantly ignoring what she was party to in Book 2, but she takes it under consideration. Mako and Bolin find some street urchin who's been a messenger boy for the triple threats and get their location out of him. Shortly before Bolin straight-up roasts his brother. Bolin: Why are you so cranky, anyway? Is it because you two ex girlfriends are dating each other now? The world's one Mako fan: Stoppph, he's already dead. (No but fr, why did Bryke think it would be cool to massacre Mako like that?? By now I actually feel sorry for him.) That night Asami is visited by the leader of the Creeping Crystals: Jargala Omo. I think she's one of those purported "South Asians". So this confirms Indians are coded to earth-bending. There you have it, designated street-benders. Anyway, Jargala makes Asami an offer she can't refuse. She refuses it. Tokuga reveals himself to his men as a horrible lizard mutant, then his plot to take over the city with Wonyong's money, and Kuvira's leftover machinery. As this is happening Lin, Mako and Bolin sneak into the hideout. Turns out it's the wrong hideout!! (wow that progression is sooo realistic and doesnt seem too fast at all) Tokuga predicted their arrival and BOOM goes the dynamite-- (The Dynamite goes Boom) All right, Lin used Geo Radar to confirm there were people on the lower level and her ability to do that has to be why Tokuga planted fake people rigged to explode. But is Lin's Geo Radar really that poor? Toph, the human lie detector, was out here reading people's heart palpitations. But Lin can't tell real-life people apart from dummies?? Toph: Haha! (me during the whole video because TLOK generally pissed me off.) I'd understand if the dummies were encased in a metal room or something- it just doesn't look like it. And what's the mechanism exactly that causes the dummies to explode? It's not super clear... I like what's being attempted here. It just needs to be reworked. Well, this whole trilogy needs to be reworked - ideally into a garbage can. (truth) Whorra learns of Asami's encounter with Jargala, which angers her. Asami calms her down, they hug and decide to go on a date that night. I can't help but notice someone has all the junk in this relationships trunks relationships trunks Random woman: Personal attack, or something? At Varrick's prompting, Zhu Li decides to run for president. Great idea!! Have Varrick sponsor more presidential candidates! Better yet - have the main accompliced of the man who attempted to kidnap the president run against the president. Democracy really working out for the Avatar world Space Hitler: I love democracy. Whorra gets stood up because Asami would prefer to get kidnapped than go on a date with her. (who wouldn't honestly?) With Mako and Bolin's help Whorra finds the Creeping Crystals and threatens Jargala over this, only it looks like the Genomite Junkies were not responsible. No time to dwell on that. The trio have to rush to the police station which is under assault by Tokuga and the triple threats. Tokuga reveals he's holding both Wonyong and Asami hostage, and will kill Whorra's gal pal if opposed. Whorra is powerless to do anything. The comic closes out with Whorra admitting she's at fault. (ONCE in her lifetime she realises that) Whorra: Oh, right. So I guess that's my fault too! (YES, YES IT IS) And Tokuga goes forward with his domination of the city. Part Three begins with the city completely unaffected by Tokuga's attempted domination of the city. Tenzin and the rest of the Air Nation are protesting the United Forces occupation of the portal by hanging around the wall. Is General Iroh and the United Forces unaware of the lizard gangster currently terrorizing the police with a small army? How???? The Avatar world has phones and radios now - What's the hold up? Ring-ring ring-ring ring-ring (banana phone!) Tokuga is proactive and demands Asami building a gas dispenser add-on for his new airship. If she doesn't do this so he can douse Republic City with poison gas, he'll kill Wonyong. Remember? The guy nobody likes. So Asami just agrees to help gas the six million residents of Republic City. (what an intelligent and thoughtful character!!) Alrighty, then Whorra is a little depressed that the situation's gone farther south and Makos southern pole has ever gone near her igloo. Regardless, Mako cheers her up and ensures she did nothing wrong. (sheesh the whole series is so stupid and I don't understand how anyone could watch all the episodes of this shlock) Also, he says this: I think you and Asami are both perfect for each other. And I'm the most qualified person to say that. (Oh god that character is so pathetic) (His smile and optimism, gone) Is no one going to put this poor guy out of his misery? Alright, I'm on it.
Alright, Amon it. Raiko visits the portal to bully the airbenders with some waterbenders. Zhu Li appears suddenly with some earthbenders and tries to make Raiko look bad with a camera crew. Between both of them: this sure is a good use of time and resources right now. Whorra, Mako and Bolin go back to the Creeping Crystals because they believed Jargala can lead them to Tokuga's hideouts. Jargala goes into a little spiel about why the Triad is called the Creeping Crystals, by pretending Jennamite is some threat kind of like King Bumi did before he revealed it's just rock candy Bumi: Delicious!! Wow, the rock candies! Menacing! Jargala does know where Tokuga is and takes them to his airship with Asami's gas dispersal unit. But they're unable to stop Tokuga from taking off without a hitch and with his hostages. So... great! Tokuga rides right up to the portal and demands Reiko remove the United Forces from the city or else he'll zyclon everybody. He thinks he'll get away with it too - in front of all these meddling airbenders. Remember how Aang and Katara ALONE rearranged the clouds that one time? Yeah. This is what we call an empty threat. Asami and Wonyong work together to somehow release the gas inside the ship while they steal what would appear to be the only two gas masks. Whorra hops on board from a sky bison because I don't think N A G A is featured even once in these comics. (Ah, poor pup) Well Whorra and Asami gain control of the ship. Asami: Get your slimy scales off my girlfriend! Jinora: Stay away from my dad's ex girlfriend!! E;R: The plan is to drive into the spirit world because the poison won't affect the spirits. Wan: That doesn't sound so bad. E;R: Shockingly, the spirits aren't happy about this. Double shockingly, the airbenders effortlessly take care of the gas. And a bit of a twist: Tokuga flees and Whorra does nothing to stop him. E P I C Anyway, the spirits were all like: What in the fuck?!?! But Wonyong's like: I've decided not to turn your world into do a petting zoo. Holstering that gun he had drawn on them is apparently enough to placate them.. Random spirit: Shit, Negro, [that's all you had to say]. E;R: The epilogue is three weeks later at Zhu Li's election party, where she wins against Raiko. Bolin decides to quit being a cop for no reason. And Zhu Li immediately gives the Republic City portal to the Air Nation despite being only two percent of the Republic City population. Whorra and Asami share a little love confession outside and THE END Sokka: That's it??? If this ending seems a little rushed --- that's because it is! The evacuees are presumably still homeless, but I guess they aren't upset with the Avatar now??? (yeah I don't get it either) AGAIN No idea how the Triple Threats were taken care of or even how the Turf Wars ended up. Are the Rock Candies in charge of the underworld now? And what happened Tokuga? The world may never know... A AH AAAAAAHHH But what we do know is that Korrasami is solidified. You can't say Bryke baited you now queers!! The story might have gone almost nowhere, but the Korrasami ship progresses ever forward All's well that ends well. (I love a happy ending) It's unfortunate that I could just tell these comics were Mike's work because the story and writing were just that flimsy and shallow. By the time I get this out. There will probably be more Whorra comics from him and you couldn't pay me to read them!! My money's on that Avatar Yangchen was in fact a man all along. We got L, We got B, and G, now we're just missing the T - s i s Unless Smellerbee was already that. Iroh: That's such an unusual name for young men SB: Maybe it's because I'm not a man - it is ma'am. Do you old Avatar vets form the shipping wars? Remember how Bryke used to troll the fuck out of the Zutarians? (Foolish fangirls indulge their deluded fantasies) The fangirls took it so so seriously too- only for Bryke that dropped this on them right at the end. Classic Bryke: Those that think Zuko and Katara should be together will forever have doomed relationships. Katara: I should never have doubted the will of Mike and Bryan. (Ah, good times) E;R: Now Bryke take this Korrasami ship sooo so seriously, that they've redone Avatar Kyoshi to make it not look so bad. What in the hell happened? I'm sure they thought they were doing a "GOOD THING" But for me, Bryke's fish nosing looks a little more like guilt, from using a demographic to gather up accolades for their under viewed show. Or realising too late that's what it looked like. From retconning the Avatar Spirit to divulging Kyoshi's sex life - I've pretty much abandoned to all hope they will treat Avatar honorably in their Netflix adaptation. Katara: It says..... abandon hope. E;R: I mean, let's put this into a bit of perspective here: When the Bryke duo pitched Avatar to Nickelodeon, they did so his first time potential showrunners and they did something very unique. In an industry where endlessness is practically the goal, Mike and Bryan set about making an animated epic as if it were a trilogy and solidly pursued it from the start with just the initial 13 episode pickup. Then they pulled off the whole thing with flying colors as much as I bag on these guys, they were trailblazers. And now they're on a reboot for live action. Cheap Aang: It's time for you to stop doing this!!! I just want to know why Is Viacom the one forcing it? Is it because you want Avatar to appeal more to adults or something? Well, I personally haven't really enjoyed when you guys try to appeal to a more "mature" audience. Anng, a literal child: Flameo-himen (!) Sokka: Flameo? Lin, a full-grown adult, and chief of police: What the flameo happened here? (Yes, it is so terrible and wrong placed and I just can't get my head around how Bryke planned Whorra instead of working on a continuation of the Gaang.) Sokka: F(BLEEP)o, sir, F(BLEEP)o. E;R: Go ahead and prove me wrong with this Netflix adaptation guys! if you can... until then I'll just be over here grinding my axe. The big N: Roku and Sozin had an intense sexual relationship. (I have had enough, of these mother fucking retcons in my mother fucking franchises!)
That guy is a neo nazi hiding his power level. It's no use. Of course he's going to say "gay bad" but not directly.
Yikes... Given the like/dislike ratio, I don't think it's worth even attempting it sadly. It's one of those things that needs to be buried and forgotten, but sadly faaaaar too many people - as evidenced in the comments - agree and it's... Extremely disheartening to say the least :( Also wtf is their video description??? Jeeez.
Jesus christ, why in the name of god are people still hating Korrasami in the year 2020.
Ahem. Fuck E;R. Rebuttal over.
Do I even wanna know who this guy is?
Edit: nvm, just checked his channel out
This dude was so racist Pewdiepie had to distance himself from him.
He's basically mask off on his racism.