Flex Seal, Concrete and Metal Gun Barrel Obstructions... I TRY THEM ALL!!!

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👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Jeeperdy 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Why is there a video of Matt from demolition ranch destroying a bunch of hi points?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome to demolition ranch do you guys remember back in the day when demolition ranch was strong when we had tons of subscribers and got tons of views fully monetized we shot Barrett's we shot machine guns those are the good old days you know guys times change and so does this channel today you know we're not no prime anymore that's for sure it's it's slowing down and well the arsenal has changed just a bit we've moved on from the golden guns from the tricked-out Glocks from the fancy Gucci ARS so where we are today I next to me have a table full of five points I'm sorry - militia I've let you down I really have I'm not proud of this I'm not happy about this but times are tough and so we we've swapped out all the amazing guns for this table of high points but it's for science let me show you what we've done to this table full of these disgusting guns so in this line we have 10 45 ACP chambered high points and then over there we have a heat cannon but on these we're gonna be shooting first we have stuffed the barrels full of a bunch of random things I've always wanted to see certain things put in barrels and I thought you know what I would not mind seeing explode High Point pistols so I got a bunch of high points and I'm gonna try to destroy them all with a bunch of things put in the barrels let's walk down the line the first barrel is full of marshmallows number 2 full of easy squeeze cheeze the next one toothpaste we're getting tougher and tougher as we go down the fourth one spray foam and these barrels are completely full the next one hot glue the next one gorilla glue the next one flex seal should take a lot of damage number eight solder from a soldering iron that's metal that's legit metal in there number nine concrete straight up barrel full of hard concrete number ten well we have a ear foamy plugging the hole because the entire barrel is full of black powder this one either is gonna be very boring or very exciting not sure which and then to wrap it up we are gonna try out the new yeet cannon so I decided to our old retro shirt our old custom shotgun shell shirt because this episode is very similar to those old videos where we would kind of like test things that were interesting but had no actual purpose same deal with this I don't think anyone's wondering if I should put toothpaste in their barrel but that's what Demolition ranch is all about science that you don't need so link in description below if you want to get yourself a retro t-shirt I think we're actually only gonna have these things for a few more days so if you're interested check them out marshmallows we have it loaded up on our platform here I have a string tied to the trigger and the string goes back there where I will be back behind cover and we pull the trigger man I think the high points are just such terrible guns and have really really heavy triggers so I just need to pull harder I had to pull so hard yeah forty pound trigger on that high point right there guys I'm sorry to admit the high point survived looks like it fired all of our marshmallow and bullet straight out the barrel and I think it's still in the fight let's up the ante easy cheese looks like it fired it all out and cycled and work totally fine toothpaste and another good job to the high point spray foam safety off you are impressive you are impressive the first challenge this is hot glue this should be interesting dang it dang it dang it so far our high points have said I don't care about your barrel obstruction to five out of five barrel obstructions but number six is full of gorilla glue this should prove to be a bit more interesting maybe sounded different I don't know here's our high point that was full of gorilla glue and you can see straight down the barrel it cleared it out completely it's known to take a lot of damage but can flex seal handle a 45 ACP exploding next to it there's only one way to know holy mother of pearl this thing just fired out of here like nobody's business cycled out locked back the slide the only reason these shells are not coming all the way out cuz they're hitting this wood here but it's cycling just fine high point seven Matt zero but not for long because next up is the solder the barrel is full of metal there's no way that this High Point is gonna clear all that out right I think that sounded different you gotta be kidding me what the heck man no way no way that is insane it's still even as solder like jammed up in here and it's still cycled we also put a little bit on the front post oh no it even shook that off what the heck man it's impossible number nine concrete solid concrete in the whole barrel you may remember number 10 is the gunpowder that one is going to cycle after seeing all these it's gonna cycle the question is gonna be doesn't make a huge puff fireball there just shoot the stuff out the barrel unburned so really I think this is our only one left that has a chance of plugging this barrel I want it to just plug it but every single barrel we've done has shot out everything and we'll for sure shoot another round through it this is our last hope to stop the 45 ACP out of the high point to stop the almighty high point firing no no go what what nine out of nine have totally cleared our barrel obstructions as you can see the entire barrel is full of gunpowder so question is will that 45 ACP bullet just go down and shoot all the gunpowder out or will all the fire behind it also light it on fire and make a big piece out the front of this thing there's only one way to know and you came to demolition ranch to find out its gunpowder time guys we of course lock the slide back on this stupid stupid dumb stupid gun the worst part about the stupid video is I expected to have like three working high points at the end of this video and I can't go out in public people no one I have these guns like this is just embarrassing this hurts my image it hurts everything even Meredith's gonna respect me less than she finds out that I have 11 working high points but you know we can do we still have not tested out the heat cannon so let's go ahead and do that right now the heat cannon by a high point I've actually wanted to get my hand on these for quite a while it's a it's an interesting gun I think all they did was make a compact high point and then print yeet cannon on the side of it still has the same high point beauty that they all have the biggest stick I've ever seen I try to take it off you can't so that's just gonna stay on there we do have a little flip safety here it feels like there might be a gummy bear stuck in it or something but it does work ergonomics are exactly what you'd expect from a high point amazing so we're just gonna test out you know reliability durability today and accuracy okay we have a got a red hog down there it's probably up 40 yards I'm just gonna aim center mass make sure these sights are on got the safety off not bad sights are a little off to the left [Applause] Bobby I'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 8,918,554
Rating: 4.9070168 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr., hi point, barrel obstruction, barrel, obstruction, obstructions, concrete, cement, flex seal, glue, flex, seal, tape, gorilla, spray foam, toothpaste, marshmallow, marshmallows, solder, metal, easy cheese, cheese, can, canned
Id: a3V8mK5FadI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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