$3 Pistol?! | We Bought 10 Weapons From Wish.com!

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sorry Marsha there we go oh man that got stuck in there good it's a water beep up there in the bushes what's going on guys welcome to dope or no outside edition why are we doing it outside tanner because it's beautiful just like you viewers a beautiful day got this little table if you guys recognize this table it was from a doper note video I don't remember which one I don't either but I'm honestly more shocked that it's making a return this thing is janky super J collapses halfway through just more jokes for you whenever it collapses the video ends we're gonna play the violin hi guys so today's video is we bought 10 dangerous weapons from which calm some are gonna be dangerous some of them as you know from wish are probably gonna be hot garbage neither mad nor myself has seen any of these products yet the team has purchased them and they have gotten I'm ready to go and we're gonna react and decide if they are dope as in if they work we're if they're nope as if they're just normal wish product I'm super worried alrighty I'm honestly as well as my kid could just come running through that corner over there so don't even this way first one is a USS hello fast shipping 8 inch tactical hand pistol and tactical folding spring-assisted spots pocket Spock it knife pocket knife with holster why they all caps hold on so does it shoot does it shoot the knife or it's just an oddly shaped knife handle I think it's an oddly shaped knife handle but I think it also is like what are those things called bayonets oh if you look at the other pictures here look it's folded up here wait so is it oh is it a blaster or is it a knife it's a knife it's just a knife it's just a knife with a really dumb handle so when you open it it's just way too hard for you but it's also like like you pull this out of like a threading like bamboo buy so we got two of these things because Michael and Chanelle were insistent that we would love these yes of course us-american let's have a duel look an actual and here's your's this is what it comes with this one's black elite edge and here we go we don't have a top-down camera so Sukkot complainers ya complainers here we go stuck it tiny very tiny no one would would think this peashooters an actual gun only people that have never seen an actual gun which is actually probably a lot of people true I've seen guns i watch counter-strike no this is actually the size of some guns though you know that right if there are guns this tiny okay that's kind of cool wait want to see that watch I've been priming the gun actually it's just like this town ain't big enough for both of us I see your hands in the way though how are you supposed to do that that's not working catch ah look so you're just gonna miss your none but you tend to do business that's for taking my husband Stacey if you put it too far deep it doesn't do it that's really honestly I might just let it out that's what she said that's not the most American thing you've ever seen in your life alright you're right you want silver you obviously want black yeah alright well let those hang out there for the rest stop so what do you think of this dope or nope I think it's a note am I really supposed to use the knife like this just like opening boxes like can you imagine just imagine you're putting on butter you just like where where's that where's the use case for this where can I use this I can't take this to work no you're on lockdown you run out of shavers so what are you doing I'm gonna say that's a nope next product Oh what why would they pick this out we're gonna know you're he's piercer earring alcohol pad say could you imagine doing this is this the thing that they you got your ears pierced yeah you're kind of a fancy boy is this what they use no they used like a a bit more of like a mechanized version of this like a like metal yeah you know this is more like I could see kids using this though there's it's really really common right now for kids appears themselves that sounds so strange that I know that fact but it's mainly because my girlfriend has like has siblings in high school they're like it's like the craze all these kids are doing like you guys are so you guys are crazy if you can handle that pain that you're giving yourself you heard of tetanus tonight I could never do that to myself fill her pink light blue a B color how about a/b test wow your new nose no thanks they got some really nice noses in this though look at that this isn't wait what is that that's just a girl's selfie she's like oh I wouldn't do this if I were you but Tanner's gonna try it no I think we have a dummy like a dummy face I'm not talking about the farts my right viewers let's do pink bye don't let the flower box take advantage of your thoughts what does that even mean how could something take advantage of my thoughts you ever been on the Internet Oh oh it's because it's got a wig okay where's the haircut bro is this a head in a bag no that's a head where you just do the hair oh no I think there's a face on that this is so unsettling oh there's a face this is like the grudge's face sorry this feels concerning this is from now wow it looks really real it's freaking Marsha okay Marsha like from The Brady Bunch yeah this is a tiny boy this is the packaging comes in this is really good you let me do this to you like on your I have no desire for piercing yes until you watch me do it to Marsha I don't know I it just seems like something else to take care of I'm gonna show the viewers the more up close angle do it I dare you Marsha want some new ear Pierce you have so much hair Marsha I feel weird holding it it just broke no it just broke needle where did my needle go did it go in here that's what you don't want to hear from a doctor where did my needle go well that's where the needle was what wait we have to find that my kid plays in this yeah I know you're gonna pierce the bottom of her foot my kid tanner you decided to do it outside I think it's gone I think it's gone I think this metal disintegrated okay well looks like there's no piercing today because they only came with one singular needle and before Tanner was even able to try it the needle fell out just fell out and then it actually up two of the plastic pieces just broke on a rope just naturally so I think that warrants a note and a cause for concern and a warning of caution for all of those who want to pierce their body in unethical ways yeah but we're keeping Marsha here what's an ethical way to pierce your body I don't know tats neck tats yes appear snagged it back tats next product yo guys before we get on the next product we have something super sick we have a golden weapon of love look at that thing and it actually fires off so we've used one of these similarly in the past and what you guys can see in the car right above if you want to see us use it there but Matt and I want to have a shoot off and we want to do with gold ones two millimeter round this is a legit gun is it not no I think it's still classified as a toy yeah still a toy we're gonna have target practice and we're gonna buy two of these and see who's the best between us me and Matt if you guys want to see us have that little battle that little boy battle that boy battle whip out a little take that out and go in like this video 150,000 times because it's $150 and we're buying two Siamese three hundred dollars let's do the math all right so we're gonna not add its basket that's your job hello you add it to basket baby yeah comment below out at the basket so this is a seven dollar pistol we originally bought it for three dollars I found this pistol originally oh I thought you said in the beginning of the video a long long time ago I showed Michaels like Michaels look how cool this is and he was like dude that's sick so it's a three dollar pistol good fun with handy torch all my mates fell for it like fell in love with it no fell for it like this is a little toy lmao I just leave it laying around the house for my friends to be curious enough to check it out oMG I love it and arrived on time good deal why is it something here's what I loved about every part of the product features plus it arrived on time plus the seller he was sick he's a legend he gives complimentary spankings whoa God three people already works great just wish it was a little stronger that's such a Jeremy thing to say I've never met one Jeremy who wasn't a little crazy got three people already wish it would give him a heart attack but just didn't work like the fork in the socket trick we used to do okay Jeremy cool bye bye right now right wow thanks Chanel guys this is what it looks like Wow delicious delish it's a shock pistol so it's a pistol that I'm guessing whenever you press this no it's a sideways trigger what's a sideways trigger it's not the real trigger because it wouldn't be sideways well it doesn't look at this this gives it away why does it give it away there's an electricity sign on the side of it if you guys can see it oh yeah there is it's made in China all they do is shock you over there in China they're just like Oh [Laughter] with utter disappointment it is with me it was so strange because I pressed it I literally press this trigger thing and it didn't work at first it was like so faint like does this not work press it harder and the last thing you want to be thrown around I don't like lay shocky lay sake it's a light stop it um not huge fan you know what I mean no I know what you mean I don't like things a shark um call me whatever you want it doesn't hurt my feelings okay but you can wait it just went down in price 50 cents there really yeah look now I see I didn't see it was $7.00 before no it 665 that shows you how fast the price is for licensed water paintball gun safety water gun bullet toy safety water safety gun oh my gosh what is this product look at that that it's a mega okay I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure that's Photoshop you think so it has to be no way it looks like it's oh there's no shadow on it's a hundred percent photo shot it has to be because that gun is enormous either that gun is enormous or she's literally 2 feet tall that's something I think I've noticed when looking through wishes they make all of the the weapons stuff looks super real like hyper real yeah like look at this dude this doesn't look half bad product parameters infrared switch I doubt it's gonna have any of these things it's gonna be jumping buttstock I don't know what a buttstock is my kind of stock I'll tell you what triggers bolt tripod bar ah look at the bar Oh hot bar magazine is evidently in the scope is it rip oh it's because that's where you put the bolt yeah yeah what if it's shot out of the scope someone's looking at the bar they see this good buy did you just break it no just literally picking it up so yeah let me put that right where's the bar but stocks oh the bullets okay so thing is tiny okay that woman must seriously be two feet tall unless they did Photoshop it which is possible okay put it on for me dog here's the infrared it's literally just [Music] told you in for an inning did any new laser yeah it goes over to here I got the bar coming your way one second I also have this bag of water ammo just destroy your keyboard those guys a re Siri not yeah did I say it out loud I don't think I said it out loud but I was thinking it this is just gonna destroy the bead probably well let's try with these lungs here we go so we're up it's just destroying them these are biodegradable so I don't feel bad for losing your garden you're not you haven't gotten any in I didn't have a perfect man all right not bad it actually didn't destroy it didn't really sting it all either no it's not gonna sting it's a water be pop hit flung out of the barrel guys these are just water beads oh look at this Chris Kyle this is my gran the bushes just getting broken bezel that was my camera oh this is accurate we should see that it's blue I saw it it goes like 35 feet here I read this one a bunch over 16 bucks 16 is that it yeah that's kind of fun you know you got enough range to just kind of chill out in the bushes while your mom walks by ya peltor with a couple of these water beads hey they're biodegradable Robo time 172 pcs what does rowboat I mean Robo time it's rowboat just the Terminator walking out with a wooden rubberband Chuck let's be from the past and the future don't get me near water i bloat 172 pieces DIY 3d shoddy body with rubber band bullet wooden gun toy so we've used something similar to this in the past capacity barrel trigger grip get a grip just like a sawed-off shotgun kind of cool [ __ ] I'll put this together so thank you Chanel I shouldn't say until after we buy the product wow thanks Chanel guys this is it oh that's kind of cool the Robo time rocker is what it's called what just fell off one piece fell off okay so I think all you're supposed to do oh you actually prime it like it no that's just for looks yeah one more time oh oh it has a little gear mechanism here that's kind of cool that every time you press the trigger it throws it forward it's kind of like the chain gun thing we had yeah and without chain gun thing oh no it's just very sudden oh here we go never seen anything shoot so gently in my whole life opposite of that I don't know why these look so taut but they're just like oh I'll shoot it straight in the iron you guys will see how not faster come them okay so how this works you can see right here if I prime this like this let's see how far it goes measure measure it with your feet never mind you don't have to measure that that's exactly eight feet yeah that's about it for you oh wow how would you get that you just have to get more taut rubber bands I do have more top rubber bands in here rubber band e boys okay here we go let me see okay this will work better a little better yeah let's let's even try a more more high cot back can you believe I just caught that cuts together like I did that'd be so sick oh that was good that one about 15 feet in the air whoo this one's gonna be really good okay triple the distance it was the fans that came with it those were all a pupu oh that's vicious this could be cool if you got like some really thick rubber bands I just worry about playing with these things because you gets like splinters I think this is more about just kind of like having something that you built also technically useful yeah cool just kind of neat just kind of like whatever was it a doper know let's say dope I see it up to next product cat gun opener catapult pistol bottle opener new bottle opener new gun shape projectile opener so that allows the camping you know I feel like places like Amazon and wish and sites like that maybe Etsy if they just put space for the the shop owners to put tags somewhere else they wouldn't tag spam the title yeah or they do that and just the shop owners are pretty stupid yeah do you know be a really cool idea I think for a website make it where the title isn't there at all what if it was just who can really make the best thumbnail who can like show their item the most clearly those bugs are mating in front of also YouTube when is YouTube gonna do gift thumbnails they already have gift them knows what are you talking about no they have like you can show like a preview of the video oh I think it's better to do what they're doing well a thumbnail what if you could show a really good gift yeah but then then it's like clickbait I like the fact that they just show what's inside the video I'm saying more so for videos that need a better representation than just a picture you know like what if you could throw like a quick gift together like a quick three second gift that would loops are you talking about this I don't know what do you guys think we're here to be personable but in the meantime we got a cap gun so this this takes off the bottle cap and then it shoots it mm-hmm I just like you to go one for you and kill me it's the worst one ever yeah no yeah cut here comes old spurt in your face yeah and there's no with my disease you know healthcare professionals to help you anyone either you're gone alright so we got a lot of bottles to price so we have to open this to not be wasteful we got to do it first try oh there's already used ones too in case we don't want to crack but we got to test it I guess here it is guys about as silly looking as you are comes with a little trigger it was pretty satisfying them I hate that it's plastic should I've done that beforehand yeah that's cool I [Music] mean it works it worked but I mean for what reason guys want some hay to be fair it is kind of a fun game to like every bottle cap you have you just throw it into like a spittoon like I think it's a fun what's the spittoon you know you know the things that you spit into in the old days if you get it like one of those and you throw bottle caps that's really really fun so maybe you keep this on your side at all times and you open a bottle how many can you drink in my life that's the most emasculating the derivative is is the getting hit with a bottle cap in the top of the head alright guys that was a dope in my opinion Nelson no no you know what before we go to the next product this is a membership shout out from a group of friends to a family and that's to Ashley Nicole Ashley Nicole it's her and her son in the profile picture we love that family is like watching to open up if you're a family comment down below the name of your family if you're a family a family if you watch this with your finger if you comment everyone down below we'll say hello some of them everyone types a different letter together but huge shout out if you guys want to shout out just like them go ahead and hit the join button down below check out the multiple tiers there's BTS videos right now we're trying to coordinate some stuff from like everybody vlogging from their own positions of what they're doing I think ringing together so you guys can see what we're doing for an Oprah nope there's also live streams that are gonna be exclusive gonna be a bit more difficult in this time but we'll probably do something before shoots there's a lot of things we're gonna be an emoji stuff like that so if you want that exclusive content hop on in there we've also added deleted scenes as of late so if you want some cool bloopers they're there until then next product Thank You Ashley and Nicole have a go - Leigh Nicole Thank You Nicole and Ashley no just one person next product you know what I mean like who that those are legit cool-looking fidgets spinners and I gotta be honest with you I still like finish the finish spinners I do see they're still not yes so they're so satisfying to look at like the more intricate ones the more well-crafted ones not just the plastic ones those are annoying to me but like these like looking at these are just they're so interesting and intricate I like little objects you know that don't really serve tons of purposes they're more just like tokens mmm there's something about that but I think they like in every sense of it Pat and I discovered even with food smaller is always better than the bigger version mini corn dogs are better than regular sized corn dogs unless you're hungry no cuz then even in the bite size stuff is always better I don't what if you don't have enough I mean what would you rather have a regular corn dog or one mini corn dogs I'd rather have a lot of mini corn dogs rather than women no no one you can't committee some of these these are pretty cool-looking things though add their metal darts so he's supposed to be able to spin them and then swing them see the issue with having blades on your spit spinner is that you hold a fetch a spinner like this and it'll just cut the webbing on your hand yeah and you're no longer though the weenus so were Add to Cart is that the only one we have or do we get multiple because this one's kind of lame that's the only one we have that's sad alright so this is the one we have guys for some reason it's blue and not a huge fan kind of gonna be gonna be honest with you that's kind of satisfying but honestly does it metal catch your finger in there yeah it's metal it's pretty satisfying you know yes my bun definitely not the dart version yeah this doesn't feel to get the dart risen I think I don't know but aren't all fidget spinners darts Swedish I don't know these are meant to be thrown nice try well good damage sorry Marsha dude that just bounced off bro yeah that's actually dangerous you have to throw it harder there we go we did it oh man that got stuck in there good talk about danger fidget spinner and it still spins so I guess it's a dope I'm gonna don't I wish it was one of the black or the gold ones because all they sell is black or gold and yet here is blue a blue us a stellar fast shipping 150 pound archery hunting 210 feet per second bow it weighs a hundred and fifty pounds what that's exactly what Michael Henson elk said about the no 150 pounds of torque like that's what I was saying with Michael Chanel and we did that like to buy for the the dart video you're gonna do and so they got a crossbow fit alike to binder like 150 pounds like because kidding your head but it is pretty thick it's got arrow bolt laser to that man got a little bit of wood in it you shoot at targets this is gonna be one of the first actually dangerous ones and there's a little scope along with it say no cut scope perfect for me not too small not too big has lots of power made well should bold up through what I did bold up through what I did up should hold up okay so this person literally said it's perfect it's perfect and then gave it four stars to shed and like the hair it's perfect this is actually dumb fit don't shoot me in the face so the only thing that isn't true with what came from the listing is it didn't come with the scope am I supposed to pull this all the way yes so I talked to Chanel she couldn't do it but her dad could I don't I do what she want to do it so this is why it's a wish product you're supposed to pull it all the way back but this metal piece right here is supposed to bend backward right so Chanel said that she had to set it to fire and then she had to pull it and it would fall back so that you can hold the draw back string and do it that doesn't work at all anymore I mean it also didn't come with a scope it supposed to on top so they lied about that imagine if this accidentally goes off like the other thing we got from wish was that from which to the little like dart shooter yeah I just randomly shot off he knows a wish or Amazon her both how do you get that down that's what irritates me I just can't get it all the way in you have a life insurance no put my name in it should all say that it was when she pressed the trigger yesterday it worked but it only did it one oh my gosh am I win dude don't answer that there's 150 pounds of tension a lot or is that not a lot hundred fifty this is way more than 150 pounds I can lift 150 pounds can you push hundred fifty pounds maybe a can a hundred fifty pounds is two 45s on bench plus ten oh my gosh forget this yeah everything we don't like to just throw New York's [ __ ] I don't want that that's that's piece of junk dude there's got to be some sort of mechanism that helps you prime that you're not supposed to be able to do that if it's a hundred fifty pounds how many people I guess the people that should be shooting crossbows should be at least able to push 150 pounds down but us fancy boys we're not about that life no well guys that was your tenth weapon we have a couple others but honestly they all were super underwhelming it was like a weird broken lighter a laser that didn't really work at all so it wasn't really worth showing and we can't really show the the lens wait let me show I will just shown the lighter will show lighter fluid but like here's like this tiny little grenade here not much of a weapon yeah you they're supposed to be lighter fluid inside it and then what you do is you take it out you rub this like little tip along this and it lights this rod and then you light things with it but it's like seems like a ton of extra work for no reason that's pretty cool when this is a laser that's supposed to be military-grade but it really just shoots blue it's also oddly been stuck dude don't buy things off which is just not hot stuff so technically yeah we bought a lot more but they just weren't worth really showing you guys everything in depth guys go ahead check out that video over there that is the last dangerous weapons video we've done also check out this video over here that's a video you can recommend specifically for you make sure you guys like this video make sure you guys hit the subscribe button if you guys are new here and if you guys want to see more but also tell us what you guys think of this format if you guys are enjoying it and if you guys are nude here put on some pants see you later I hope you enjoy
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 5,562,801
Rating: 4.8370867 out of 5
Keywords: top 5, top 10, trending, popular, hi 5 studios, dope or nope, dope, matthias, wish, wish.com, shopping spree, shopping haul, haul, online shopping, online shopping haul, random, absurd, dangerous, weapons, pranks, shock, fun, funny videos, reviews, unboxing, comedy, jokes, friends, friendship, best friends in the world, fails, epic fails, try not to laugh, reacting to, online, memes
Id: GLhb9FyQVg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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