Amazing Nomad 2v2 | TheViper & Tatoh vs TheMax & Villese

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to get high-quality Age of Empires - yeah it does both an upload speed both in quality of the equipment so alright ladies and gentlemen welcome to Game five between the Viper and Tatsu and Max and please this is a best-of-seven in the winner's bracket final so I believe what happens here is whoever loses this will move down to the losers bracket final to play the winner of a set which is not yet happened it's really confusing the way this is set up but they will have a second chance Maxim pleased to get to the grand final if they move down to the loser like assuming they lose this they'll go down to the losers back if they win losers bracket they could come back after the grand final I know it's confusing but that's the way some tournaments working age of empires - max is playing as the Mayans in the teal then we have police in the Orange Police is playing as the Malians vipers over here playing as the Malians and then all that confused me I was thinking max oh there's another to see now tattoes TC is here right next to where Viper docked TC spots pretty solid for players tattos isn't ideal i mean that the lumber will be inefficient that's for sure but he will have a few sheep and I assumed he was Scouts to the south of him and when he does that I'll find more sheep and two boars which is solid lots of gold surrounding him not that much stone there's five gold piles around him okay and the stones a bit further as well as another board mm-hmm scuse me if he wants it um Viper's TC thence to the north I mean he has a gold and berries and short fish you can collect the shore fish when villagers are collecting them anyway and very strong a few deer it's weird that there's only two deer for Viper does he have any boars I'm not really I mean this is this is just as close to Belize as it is to him I guess you could make that journey and then they could make the journey to the deer here as well but it's not not the best boar wise for Viper fleas I already pointed out the boars to the north which he scouted he has the deer here as well a stone gold berries more deer another two Pacha deer and I think he'll find these boars too because his ally will tell them they're here so yeah great scouting from max max he could take all three or he could share some with his ally three boars here stone golds he's mines again so if he builds a castle I'll be a real force to be reckoned with with this plumed archers hey Jacob what's up man so what do you think of the TC spots guys this area in between Viper and release will be important because there's a lot of stone there and castles are so big I'll know Matt for map control wow tat oh yeah he's able to find some boars I guess they'll find these too lots of sheep holy cow I guess the space between tattoo and max won't be all that important because they both have resources close by and they're further apart tattoo and volley are sorry max and leaves are very close together as a team so that could help or hurt them depending on how aggressive the enemy team is like if they need to defend from an attack it might help them cuz they're close together however if the attack is too difficult to deal with both of them could could feel the heat from it part two of job interview at 10:00 a.m. today t90 awesome well it's past 10:00 a.m. for me so maybe you're on the west coast or something regardless if you made it to the second interview just keep doing you I think you'll be fine man Phil counts interesting 1111 for vipre and tatto and it's 13 11 max has a few more bills that makes sense though because it's a Mayan start you start with an extra bill so you have an extra bill to collect resources and you also have an extra villager to build that TC what about the doc positions tattoes doc is on this side so it's it's close enough to Maxis which is by his TC here you loop around and then you see valise his dock and then Vipers doc is a yet again in a very safe position I I feel like he places the doc early enough where this is not a tactic he just ends up getting lucky but you see how far away this is from enemy docks that's gonna be huge because safe fish is always important to nomad hey muscle confusion what's up man Oh a tree thank you for gifting nubes to sub I saw nubes say he loved me earlier so I can get on board with that nubes thanks for hanging out here man mhm enjoy the emotes hmm muscle confusion says not much I'm working don't tell my boss alright I won't tell them I promise this is a great TC spot for me I know can be awkward for golden stone but considering he had so many bores that he T seed right on top of the deer so the deer will continually come back there saying eat me that's essentially what they're saying this is good stuff for max I really want max employees to get a win I really do I want this to go 3-2 I want to see game 6 at least because the next game will be fun to watch with the settings I've just hit my my first wind of the stream when I start streaming so early at really struggle of times and so it was kind of been a grind for the first two hours but now I'm I'm like getting excited and getting into it and that's a problem if I want to go offline in an hour to like I'll tell you what I'm doing later have you guys heard of the game fusion frenzy it's a classic Xbox game I'm sure many of you have heard of it so I bought it off eBay a few weeks ago and I'm going over to my friends house and we're gonna we're gonna play some fusion frenzy tonight I can't wait drinking games with fusion frenzy oh yes would be so much fun so I have to I have to have to quote unquote business meetings to talk about Age of Empires stuff yeah I'm joining team secret that's what's happening Kappa and I also have to work on some content and then I have to still have time to go over there so I really I want to stream longer today but time only allows so much fifth person to say I love T 90 gets a sub gift from me here hold on how's that can you sub gift me I beat everybody except Ducks I get a sub now that's how it works right I typed it in there myself all right the Lee's about to hit futile age tattoo has already hit futile age as he's done so often tattoo is committing to water and it's interesting because belize's new dock is right next to where tattoo stock already is I've least found out that was there the hard way fleas has his fish to the north oh they're not working did he miss click them he missed clicked them he tried to click a fish I'm sure of it and he completely forgot about them that sucks he only has two working fish ok he's realized whew but it's two docks here I guess stats of his two docks are just further apart yeah we need to focus on the fishing ship count Viper has 15 15 fish because of this Opie dock location this one's not too bad either though he does need to be careful because you could be pressured on the right hand side but I think police will want to come to this side due to the fact that tattoes down here and then Viper will be able to mix in well Viper well he's still in futile so I'm sorry still in Dark Age on his weight if you don't so he'll be completely safe with his fish boom and I can't stress it enough Piper's economy is so far ahead because of that now on land I don't see any action so it's all water right now a tree thank you for gifting subs guys thank you for being here you wouldn't get the gifted sub if you weren't here supporting me in the chat so thank you I feel a little bit weird about it though do they truly like me or do they just do so for for the benefits I don't know this is this this might be what friends-with-benefits feels like I don't know I think I'm getting used alright the leaves will go for fish he kills one it just forget about tattoos fire and go for fish it's what you had to do with this meadow yeah well he kills one I don't know if that's worth it honestly I think tat says defend well there if tatto makes it up here and he has he will find Max's fish and she will find Lisa's fish max is about to hit the castle age and he will go for cleaned archers now I think we'll see his swing again honestly the LEAs is full stonewalling I think he'll build a market and he'll sling resources to max and they'll just be all about max making those blooms Italians and Malians are very good overall on nomads but first boomed archers they don't have that many strong options in early castle age so you know plumed archers they can be countered by skirm semakin else but kun doctors have the mobility to run away from that right so our this is kind of panning out to be similar to the games we've seen in the past where a tattoo and Viper they're they're ahead overall as a team but then max is the one to carry the Finland players now in the past when they went for this strategy they lost all their fish so I think it's important that a max or valise is able to hold on to their fishing ships only for for release down only 7 for max it's 24 for Viper 20 for fishing ships and that's because of the great starting dock location and basically because tatts has been the distraction since tat is doing so well on water viper he doesn't even need to make anything on water himself so it's hard to say that someone has been the MVP in any of these games for for the secret players because Tatsu and Viper adjust their team's strategy is more solid all around right the strategy is for Tatsu to go full water that's why he is top scorer and then Viper will have a big boom and then Viper will probably get top scorer later on so what Viper could do is go for cavalier he's making one Scout so he can scout what his opponents doing actually is making two Scouts and he oh he stopped the wall off that's huge he stopped the wall off he has a defense upgrade an attack upgrade and blood line so he'll probably go four plus two nights you know I didn't know if I wasn't sure if I per would be able to afford plus two nights because it's so tough to do that on nomads at this stage but he can do so with that many fishing ships look at his food count and he hits Castle age and out come the Knights so he added that additional Scout just to ensure that his opponent could not wall that off now Vipers going to send a villager through as well now coinage for tat oh so tatoes stonewalling and tat double sling vipers so no sling for Finland yet I'm surprised I still think valise might go for it now max he has six military and that's five plumed archers so it's really not a lot but vipers getting chained barding before receiving any sling and the Knights are already incoming so a siege workshop and the Knights the LEAs is in trouble so when I mentioned that Malians didn't have the options to counter the plumes I was saying that assuming Viper wouldn't be able to afford the +2 Knight spam because you only have thirty villagers now so normally if you're around seven or eight fishing ships you just can't afford to do it but Viper he has 24 fishing ships and tatto he's the buffer here he's protecting him so unless police gets down here and changes that with a bunch of fishing ship kills I think he's in big trouble and max he can't push forward and do damage to tatto he can't really damage Viper if he wants to address this he can't because they're siege so this is just the perfect storm for Viper [Music] mintberry crunch says do they realize their new team name is a woman co Turan i don't know you'll have to ask them that's funny though man police is so far behind now it's the fish guys look at the fish that market is only going up so police can sling 100% [Music] he quick walls his villagers in but he's taking losses regardless he got fletchings to his TC we'll be able to do something against the Knights but even that won't be much Knights have +2 defence and Viper he can send Knights in to kill these villagers going after his battering ram safe to say that if max doesn't do something soon this game's over wow that quick wall from the lease was pretty sick though the Sabres VLEs I thought all those bills were gonna die but he quick well that and now I can go back to his base man this is making me hungry for some salmon all Vipers fish let's get some exclamation marks salmon spams going in the chat kappa yeah i don't think there are sometimes situations where I can see ways back for teams but you know max is gonna put are through here that's cool but with three plumed archers he won't kill well no [Music] was that quick walnuts or what tatse will actually wall this off he'll take villager losses but as long as he doesn't die like the leases he's fine that was an insane quick wall but even still I was going to say okay the pitar just butts that down even still I don't think it really matters all that much tat so can still keep his eco alive if Labour sends a few nights over right so tattos taking losses it's all about Max and and VIPRE lease will lose his TC at this rate and Max is coming over with a few monks and blooms so if he gets two conversions and he masses enough plumed archers gets ballistics and thumb ring then maybe we'll see but he's not at that point yet max and he doesn't really have a guide to sling him which is the problem the Viper and kills the monk and he'll kill Louise's TC at least I believe so Louise he's fighting with bills VIPRE takes a good engagement here verse the plumed archers viper Lewis is a knight to that month police kills the battering rams he hops back in the TCE she probably send the monk in there as well he's barely staying alive it's at so meanwhile so let's compare bill counts ATS is at 28 so he doesn't have that much going for him and here come the Knights from viper and yeah i guess is we cleaned up so it's still a very good situation for i keep wanting to say the tyrants so the secret tyrants is what we'll say Piper doesn't really need to continue to push against filiz either whoa where was that I heard a demo I heard a demo Viper has 23 fishing ships still so I think if he just focuses on economy keeps their map control he can eventually go towards him go for the forum be' cavalier Felix this is long but I'm gonna read it he says I don't know you personally so I can't say it like you but I honestly say have a great sense of appreciation for you making watching this game truly enjoyable watching the players streams is bit stressful since they're so fast and also has a less skilled player I often feel a bit lost you're informative entertaining and have a positive community amongst which I made a friends Hebert that's what it's all about man so what's all about yeah you guys don't you guys don't know me in real life I understand that I'm pretty much myself on the stream but yeah I get that but as far as appreciating my content and bringing the community together I appreciate that man it's um it's why I do it like it's not just to stream Age of Empires 2 but it's because I want to affect people positively I want people to have a good time that's what creating content is all about even if I was doing another game that would be the main reason I'd be doing it it's because I want people to enjoy their lives meet new people make friends all that good stuff so yes some of you know me IRL because I've met you in real life or because you're stalking me like vine smashes so I think max now I mean he does have a ranged unit that when snowball can be quite strong so okay he clicks up to the Imperial aged Viper might do the same soon though yeah Viper will do so he's actually just missing a building I think now he's not missing a building he's clicked out [Music] maybe if max gets a few conversions because he has five months of five conversions you'll have a big power spike when getting bracer and chemistry again this is assuming he can afford all this yeah I just think Viper he's in a much better position economically that's what I keep going back to right because he has 80 villagers he's 21 fishing ships and tatts is slinging him with more so quick maths tell you that Viper is going to be way ahead here in eco and thus he can get upgrades and just overwhelm what max has and also Viper has more mobility so the first upgrade to Viper will go for his Cavalier and then he'll go for the plate barding armor so it's the final armor on his Knights but then he'll go for fur inba and fur inba gives him eventually +7 attack on these nights actually viper is going into longsword so what maybe he expects Eagle warriors it's kind of weird I think he needs to continue making the Knights I guess Malian infantry they have fierce armor so they're better versed archers they're called champs carl's but why not continue cavalier maybe he expects to help switch from his opponent personally I would have committed some more cavalier I mean listen to listen to me guys acting like you know better than the Viper but I would have continued with more cavalier but and then maybe switch in the Champs once you see house but all right the bracer coming in from axe now he is going to sit in the gate and Viper he needs to leave this fight I think five conversions bracer will complete in a moment not bad in the end I guess Viper has so many resources he can replenish these forces now he's buying himself some time right that's as good a fight as max will get that's his bad a fight his Viper can take as he builds a second castle here and two-handed swordsmen on the way look at the pierce armor on these units it's nuts that's why they call them champs carl's and oh he's through the gate as well not that it would have mattered all that much because I'm sure Viper will batter his way through but yeah guys Viper will get full sling from tatto tattoo yeah just sending everything he has to Viper right now it is max first Viper yet again max has his second castle up he'll go for his third and again for me I think if she would have gone Cavalier to start with fur in boat he would have had more pressure here at the moment but anyway he's getting he's getting champions max is holding on though max is holding on max says 90 villagers Viper has 90 villagers max just doesn't have the fish this is giving valleys some time look at that lease repairing his allies castle it leaves some time - he's not really adding much eco and neither is tatto so just one one villager at a time I haven't seen the champs Carl's face off against the leaf bloomed archers much so I'd like to see this I assume that thumb ring has already been completed for max [Music] yeah I mean if I fur mixes and seeds it's a different story but I think I think he switched in I mean they still have a big lead here for sure but I think it's possible he switched into this too early it's still a leap wind Archer whereas cavalier if he would have instead of making the 20 long sorts of you would have made more cavalier and just got fur Amba i think he would have taken a better fight but let's see this makes the game interesting three Casas for Viper he is very good forward position he's getting the final defense up great now which he didn't have in these fights can max push this it's a fortified position for Vipers lots of castles here come the trebs now for max it's now or never really you have to stop viper from teching into siege to accompany this now tato is ahead of his ally right so tats is going to castle age with the castle age upgrade he might just do a castle each sling in all honesty but he could also add more tc's so eventually if max doesn't push a Viper and tattoo will overwhelmed due to their strong ego wound archers are going towards vipers economy now Viper could go for his unique tech I don't know how to pronounce it hold on I have to watch this fight first because the one thing that's a great counter burst the plumes is the seed red the seed Ramar just a meat shield you need so you can close in not a bad choice from Vipers and now we get to see these guys with the higher pierce armor the final defense upgrade so now there now the plumes need to 2-shot that the champs which is pretty ridiculous yeah I thought Piper would still get away with it you kills to Trebuchet x' he's now pressuring this Casa so it's still looking very good for them what's that unique tech called again it's it's TIG we TIG week town centers fire five extra arrows even when empty so I was thinking maybe he researches that if he wants to deal with the plumes rating next to his TCS but oh we can now add condos all I've forgot about the condos that's such a smart addition here condos are an Italian team bonus only available because tattoes Italians it's a really unique situation we have here max keeps his castle up a viper has to run away with his trip he'll lose this trip what what kill it kill it he's got it there we go I thought for a second he was going to let that live max is raiding with plumes here but the condos will clean him up condos are a bit faster but they benefit from the high malian Pierce which is the beautiful thing yeah they do they do Yoshi they do it's funny I said that just as you mentioned it so there's the Pierce it all max needs to do is is keep his plume numbers up and push the castles and buildings and now VIPRE needs to go on a dare to hold this tatto has 53 bills police is only three villagers behind but Tatas adding TCS where as release is still in futile so in theory tattoo should be slinging more resources to Viper but Viper is losing a lot of his control he's at 148 population it is all max for finland's now can you sense the hype in my voice I'm so pumped now here comes Auditor plumed archers can micro down on udders if you see them and the first shot went off max didn't see it and now he needs to run back a little bit these plumes will get cleaned up but I think Viper will lose this castle and max max micro here we go there's one split there's two splits and he'll kill the auditors don't kill the auditors and that's some sick micro from the max insane play from Finland right now it's all max though of course look at this score from Lees he took so many losses earlier - viper I questioned Vipers decision to go straight into the champions now if you can research if you can get some monitor shots of course I think he'll still be able to hold but the champions not good enough for seasoned archers and Max is doing everything right what he really needs is a castle forward if he could hold this position just build a castle then he can continue to push from beneath that three Islanders for fiber and more auditors will continue I'm sure and tatoes sending him all the goals he gets so we might see the siege I'm sure click soon regardless of the result of this game both teams have played really well both teams have played really really well and Max has had his own auditor actually so he splits up his armies now he's sending plumes you know fibers running out of wood which is interesting he has to come this way for wood Max picks off one of light burrs on atures he's also killing a bunch of vipers villagers and making Viper chase and now Vipers see I'm not a fool now Vipers going cavalier okay but he doesn't have much gold so he needs to get it from tat oh he he messed up the order he messed up the order I think he should have gone cavalier to start and he wouldn't be in this position but Cavaliers still strong here much better against plumes than the champions would be a Viper attacking the lumber camp with max and will he lose the trip because of that he will so that's unfortunate but here Viper gets an auditor shot that's good max he's a risk of overextending here you see how his trebs are separated from his his main army of plumes he lost his plumes in vipers base so that's one risk when you try and be too aggressive is your army get split up and now he's outnumbered big time now he's outnumbered big time and this is where Viper can kill the traps and this stops the push from max entirely and that's huge now Matt okay Max is pushing down here against a toe tatsujin is defending with towers but I think this is the more important side now the Finland players are walled up by the way so condos and cavalier they can't really get into Max's base the Viper has to come save tatto a max has so much map control use five castles two in the south three in the north he lost his trebs both players microing and other castles going up and i imagine the castle will go up regardless of what happens here I purchased finished for ember right yep from the cavalier he has the gold to create them at the moment but tatto he needs to sling some more tattoos going to imp instead and werewolf viper go with this cavalier keep an eye on those I mean tattoos stone here he can sling that's not really important to Viper it's really the gold and there's some here viper also has a little bit of gold left in his base now that's what we'll need to start focusing on as the game goes on where are their golds remember these two golds here that'll be big yeah Viper comes to this side and this is where it gets tough for max because he can't he doesn't have the population space to mix in helps in front and if he does Malians they have so many counters to helps so ideally I think with the sling situation max would have pushed in further the Viper and tatu just needed to hold those tattoos so much he's so much ahead of police comparatively so the C drom now will take out these towers tatto could lose some of his his map control but here comes Viper to assist and Max's is gearing up for a push back at Viper so even Viper needs to pay attention to his population and he doesn't want to send too much to tatto because if he sends an unnecessary amount to tatto he could lose his own base what wilt a to do an end just scams yeah just elites curve that makes sense and tatto he could have done that in castle h but it's much stronger in the Imperial age because you can get that brace your upgrade that's his MTC that's hilarious but he'll keep his MTC up just barely that was his MTC whoa yeah he builds a castle Nile tat so he's getting his upgrades I it's looking much better for her Viper and tatto now now it's almost shifted to Finland having to hold until the lease gets to him that's what is shifted to look max no longer has to push to finish off this game he has to hold to finish off this game and if he gets his castle up that will help and it's at 95 96 97 98 percent he'll get them I'll get it up whether or not it will stay up is a different story a lot of the plumes from max are going to the south side while viper is pushing the north now there's two castles here there's quite a few on atures is important the auditors are used against the brands Max's as I said trying to calculate this can he hold on one side and push on the other it's really tough because it's all him right now it's all him he is 300 kills whereas his ally has 34 kills and that's probably just like pcs and stuff that he's used to kill no real military actually a lot of those kills would have been on water earlier I guess so tats on Viper need to hold on this side and push on this side and it's the opposite for the other team an imperial for valise with this TC know why that TC man he chose the wrong TC to go up to imp with can they hold if max looses these three castles it's game over if fleas looses the TT there it's possibly game over as well they are holding successfully it's not pretty but they are holding and they're building another castle at at dough's base so tatto has bomb mark cannons that will be a huge help here but this game is so close what a game we have here this is a legendary match I love games like this Max has to repair his castle soon after building it the viper he's probably not comfortable pushing here because of the amount of monks that Belize has and the plumed archers that Max has on this side viper still spamming units in but he's not pushing any longer you know if max wanted to I guess he doesn't he shouldn't cut the trees here right because if he cuts the trees then he'll let viper in another way but he could possibly arrange that let's see eight range on that Audigier so one two three four five six seven eight it's tough because of the diagonal maybe I think he's already hit it once because it's on fire right so I think it's just a date range there's a pause now so this this is giving us time to look at where players are getting resources so this is a intentional applause for the casters we asked the players to pause at 54 minutes and 24 seconds if we got there and they did nice guys I don't know how they could pay attention to that there's gold there for tat oh there's a goal here for Viper there's another one around to you right I think there's three goals on this side yeah there's there's one for tat oh so they have some gold they're running out though Max and fellies they have more right two piles here assuming if they finish a push-off here they could take all this gold melt at cease resources there's stones for max there's stones for valise and then up here there's those two golds and there might be more down here as well let's let's take a look at resources they've collected while we have the time so 16k Wow how even is that okay the game is just started but isn't that crazy look at the gold so even the game has resumes and tatto and police's population is fairly close now there's a big difference for a while the lease is about to hit imp and Belize his Malians as well as so if he gets the rez he could mix in his own cavalier which I mean on this side would be devastating potato that's his full sperm tattoo then could mix in some Genoese crossbow to counter that so it's very difficult to judge isn't it max with his cleaned Archer and sheep attack here not going to have enough for his Vipers cavalier unfortunately did not get his attack upgrades on a sheep so he'll lose that fight and he'll have to pull back tattoes sees the monks he tries to pick them off he gets a few tattoo will also kill a trebuchet so that's that's a good engagement for tatto and on this side I guess this is white when they paused on this side Viper is spamming everything he can he's going in with the light cab he wants to build a forward castle here so he obviously assumes he will win this fight right Glee's is going into only monks so when Viper has so many like how I don't know about that but I don't even know about Vipers castle here Viper doesn't have a lot of gold units so he's just dying to Coombes but I guess if he spams enough of them right the plumes can't attack his villagers the castle goes up and then the plumes need to run back and max wants to build his own castle here he only has three villagers building it crazy kd4 max at this point in time tattoo land viper are pushing back max on this side though and I feel like monks is not gonna cut it I think your own cavalier is the only choice of your Glee's it's so hard to utilize monks when tatto focused them down with sperms as you can see he's doing crazy stuff and also of course monks you have to click while cavalier you can just Patrol so viper has kept these trebuchet is alive I remember focusing on this armature it died somehow max cannot build this castle he has the stone to repair this one police is actually repairing at leas he also has the stone and Vipers building an additional castle it just castles on castles on cassis now this is Nomad map control so huge a tyrant with about 60% of the map now and tatu also castling this hill so in my opinion the scores deceiving because tatto and piper have way more population they blame or map control it's possibly just because the military numbers of max and health dominant he has been on the front this is an insane game an insane display of kill of of kills of kill and also skill from both teams and now the Vipers getting corn and so he can send taxes and resources to do something other than squirms most likely and this is when the lease is getting his upgrades to go cavalier this is nuts this is just nuts Viper long loses his castle he's still attacking with these trips he's still spamming you in its what a game this is game of the day for sure I don't care what else we see today this is epic it's just obvious to me though that Vipers spam he might not have the best kg but it's enough it's enough to hold the front tattoo on the other side he's pushing here - max can't do it all alone I was saying for a while that tattoo was so far ahead of Belize he'd be able to get into the game before Belize and that's exactly what happened and the Finland players are trying to make their way back now cavalier are being made [Music] well on both sides actually so if Elise will try and spread the love in right when a player loses the castle they rebuild the castle and now Piper is about to lose this one if you can't engage this and I don't think he can't engage this he can only engage it if he continues to spam which is just incredible he has four trebuchet is attacking Max's castle well max has three trebuchet is attacking his castle all on the same part of the screen this is nuts tatto has bombed lord cannons hand cannons skirmishers trips he's pushing the finland players out of this corner max is building an additional castle dish trying to hold oh my god this is unreal max loses his castle fight for repairing his castle a fool likely lose his unless he kills the traps from Max the lease is getting conversions tad to get a guard tower now to continue to push on the other side attaches population is higher than Piper's now and that's worth pointing out will wipe a run out of steam here and then we'll have to have to carry because it kind of seems like that's happening and it's hard to judge because it looks like Viper doesn't have a lot of res when in reality he's just queuing up units but you know while he's killed two trebuchet from max I think it's safe to say that this is tough to call I mean Viper he's repaired his castle but he's losing his traps now so we'll pack these up max is repairing his traps has just become a trevore now and the Cavalier engaged for valise on this side and killed the trebs and also a bombard cannon or - so does valise have 4mb yet he does not have frame but doesn't even have a castle he does not so no fur in bazap igg deal he won't get that extra attack the total team populations are almost dead even 1/24 believes 180 for max 150 for Viper 160 for tato is still a slight edge to the former tyrant players currently secret players and Maxie's he's building castles everywhere you look so the complicated thing when you're playing against Tatsu civilization is you can't really commits cavalier because the Genoese crossbow so I think of tattoo mixes them in police will run out of options like I'm surprised that Finland haven't lost yet because tattoo wasn't in it is just just goes to show you how strong max has been [Music] if tyrant loses this game i think they look back to the early imperial age window they had with piper I think Piper went to the champions too early not just the theory I have the Vipers sending some units over to tattoo side tile and they are continuing to push against Max and Louise there you only have 200 population so if you have again as I've said if you have too much military on one side you could lose the other as if this game was not already complicated enough being only 200 population makes it even more difficult yeah max has had pull upgrades arbor tap he's had them for a while Viper at least will stall for a while here he's now mixing in his own bombard cannon so it must be careful though because valleys will kill his bombard cannons with the light cap here and max could use his castle and police can also convert the bombard cannons [Music] Malians get Redemption right he's converted the champions I think Malians get Redemption Viper loses one ballmart cannon he will lose to a tattooist cents Kermes to this side to help out a viper has lost almost all of his bombard cannons but he has killed the trips to stall this Vipers sending Lightcap over and yet it's weird you know Viper he hasn't necessarily lost space I think that's the important thing for his team Maxim believes our losing space but the leaves needs to contribute something more I don't know if he is the res to do anything but Lightcap yeah he doesn't he doesn't have the res and they're losing these resources in the south which is so important so great great pop distribution from Viper because he has just enough to hold on that side just enough to hold here and then they're still pushing in the south and then they can get the gold and the stone back but more importantly take that away from their opponents and yes these two Gold's could be game-changing the tattoo will build a castle their max might try and mix in trebs to take it down but just look at the military that the secret players have [Music] this is as good as it gets for nomads to be too this is as good as it gets Pat's or says why no trade well that's a complicated thing on nomads you can't trade you really can because of how how inefficient it will be not to mention the distance won't be as long not to mention that there's still gold out on the map to fight over so very rarely do you see nomads to be twos that are going to trade but we might this might be one of those games cuz the engagement again is not too bad for Finland's and Vipers still losing bombard Canon Sears police has been getting some excellent conversions max has been getting some excellent Snipes he's been keeping his castles up but this side is the problem for them they have to stop they have the stop viper in touch we pushing them on the side and I don't know if they can stop Italians because with with Genoese crossbow han cane and an elite skirm that counters everything that the finland players have that's the difference also the difference being that police cannot get fur in BO because he doesn't have a castle so without that his light calves and his Cavalier will not be as strong as what Viper can do so trade cogs in theory sounds like a good idea but it's it's not a great idea when players have so many fires out and about here's some trade ok so they're actually trading now they're trading in this corner so they've just begun trade now what about the tyrants have a okay tyrants are about to do so as well so trade cogs just aren't really ideal and expert play I could talk more about that after this game finishes you rarely see trade cogs and extra clay in fact I can only recall one time I've ever seen that and there's a lot of reasons for it but we will see trade carts now [Music] population looking very good for Viper once again 160 population which is more than enough I think considering that max has to have population in the south and in normal games like Arabia you fight for corners for trade the same thing goes here now the same thing goes this is an excellent area to trade for tyrant though I will say this makes it complicated this corner to this corner is excellent for Finland but can they hold their eye I just don't think so it's just a matter of time so they lose that and then they have to reposition markets and then they get less trade per trip and it just snowballs from there the managers they can't afford water control because if you if you put resources what little resources you have into water control you lose the game right you lose on lands so they're already losing on lands now I think Finland's in trouble it definitely couldn't afford to go water what a game though it really just came back to tap came down to tatse coming back into the game I think assuming the tyrant players or the secret players will finish this off over the next couple minutes here I think that's what it came down to and it it came down to Viper holding on his side as well not necessarily pushing and yep there's a GG there's Gigi so so often I mean that was that was a crazy game man I have so much want to say about that Viper and Tatsunoko to the grand finals Maxim please they go down to the losers bracket they they can win the losers bracket final and then go back up to the grand finals so this was not even the grand final we'll see more games good times when I'm working rocky you are welcome and welcome back for four months there's a lot I want to talk about especially because that's the last game so it's very difficult to to recognize this and I only recognize it because I've spent like years of my life in this game so I'll try and explain it to you guys so a lot of you play a lot of you or we're asking why not why are they not doing this why are they not adding water control why they're not doing X Y & Z a lot of it comes down to if you try and transition into something when it's a 50/50 fight during that transition you will lack numbers of your current army comp and then you'll get pushed back right so transitioning takes time and in that time you'll oftentimes lose numbers in the front and also water control like let's say max would have had 20 population on water it wouldn't have contributed all that much and then he would have had 20 less population on land so I think if there was a 300 pop game then maybe players could justify transitioning a little bit earlier or possibly justify switching up their comps and going on water more often but these players they plate to the limit and when you're talking about the best of the very best it comes down to 2 inches it comes down to seconds and you know thinking back the difference was that Tatsu could get back into the game before valise really could maybe just maybe if max would have pushed stronger let's say he would have pushed to here and taken out these barracks and stables and castles I think then Viper would have died so if I fur didn't do the best job it wasn't the most convincing hold from him in my opinion at the start of Imperial age possibly because they had a big score Lee then he was a bit overconfident I'm not sure but I think Cavalier would have been the best move to start but he could have they could have lost the game right there but then after they didn't lose the game it was about getting tattoo back into it because he was always going to be a head of police and economy and when it happened that's when the game slowly started to be lost for Finland's great game though great game Kakarot says great game and sort of good to see viper is human after all I think not going Cavs straight away let the other team back into it yeah um yes possibly but I can understand the reasoning because the hi pierce armor on the champions and also because these are no ordinary champions they have incredible pierce armor and also he might have expected help loomed Archer from Max and if he expected Halbe plumed Archer than the champion made more sense but there was no help for Mac so it's easy for us to say from a bird's eye point of view also I think his logic was we have more resources we have more economy and we can just we can afford to take fights that aren't the best with with KD but it we could still spam and and get that map control yeah that's a great game that's as good as gets for no man I'm very happy I got to cast that one and I'm also happy I had a general grasp of what was going on as well I think it did a good job it ends up being a normal game later on for me but this start is complicated in nomads you see a lot more slinging it's a lot Messier it's a lot more focus on the fish than any other map there's the KD for you or I shouldn't say any other map but any other map we normally cast 806 units killed for the max amazing KD it was really all down to him hyper and Tata as a team were just stronger look at the resources he collected man that's crazy there's the technology stats for you as well like something that comes to mind I didn't get to see the chat the entire time as I was casting the game but ego warriors for example max has great Eagle warriors right so one could say why didn't max at Eagle Warriors well to get all the infantry defense upgrades that's close to like a thousand food and a thousand gold then to get to upgrade all the way to elite Eagle that's well over a thousand food well it's around the thousand food and well over a thousand gold and then the make two Eagles themselves that's thousands of gold and if max would have tried to add Eagles on tatto side for example then they would have just lost because he wouldn't have had the res to do what he did on the other sides and plus it would have been tough because as pres says the Eagles would have died to the champions have Piper added them to that left-hand side and even the Cavalier would trade well versus Eagles so it's so damn complicated right but it's beautiful that these guys can follow all of that and play it out I'm at the point now where I can understand most of what's going on I've reached that level as a player I understand what the transitions are and why the decisions are being made but to be able to do it is just completely different story so not only do these guys have the knowledge but they have the skill and so I love watching them play like that's a game that I could talk about for another hour I could go back to the game we could posit certain points and we could talk about specifics like that's why Age of Empires will never die because it's so beautiful as a game it truly is it's there's no game as beautiful and my heavily biased opinion okay so I'm going to continue to cast here and let's move on we have Tim playing a game verse mister yo so we have two of the best Chinese players
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 181,563
Rating: 4.9189734 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo, Age of Empires 2, T90Official, Nomad, Malians, Italians, Koreans, Mayans, Finland, Tyrant, Seret, Secret
Id: X5vjRyeMnCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 50sec (3170 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 21 2018
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