Viper Coaching: Going over my losses | TheViper AoE2

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so what i did i just sent you five recorded games that i felt a bit clueless um this one obviously against carebodge serengeti i was wanted to play scout aggression he walked very early and i just felt really clueless what to do against mass knights in carsolate i went some more pike but really late these berbers right i also felt like if i just go three barracks defense then it's just so easy for him to go switch into camera archers nice doubtlers here minus five minutes you haven't moved out to scout your enemy at all is not really a fast castle map most of the times so thought process was fast up scouts yep adapt yep okay i'm seeing him walling very early does your thought process what does your brain i try to get in even faster and try to yeah this is obviously fine so far your house that's not fine yeah and fully housed as well yeah um yeah super mega house it's quite awkward indeed i mean he's up fast as well so scouts opening still is fine at the moment still no issues here right i think at this point you should have been a little bit more active okay so just like small thing obviously but this scout instead of just sitting here you know it's still a lot a lot to wall here right this guy should have gone up here check is he walling there what is he building anything barracks stable you don't see anything right you only know he's walling that's the whole intel you have obviously experiment comes you notice the barracks but still it's useful to get information up here and he wouldn't have been walled by the time your scout arrives anyway hmm okay i i thought i needed to rush the wall to to block him and to get in but yeah maybe kumar is one of the sims that don't really even if like you invest into one scout and he gets the wall off it's not really a problem because your economy is so easy to adapt it's different if he's doing like a dressfest castle but since he's also going for a fast feudal age you're not in a rush to do damage right like why do you why would you have to get in and do damage like why would you have to because i i just felt like i needed to do i needed to go into an advantage into castle age against why because i thought berber mass knight camel is really tricky to play for me how do you think most other top players would play kumar in this matchup herrera would go crossbow there will go crossbow viper would go crossbow doubt would probably go knights so who do you want to copy well i'd like to win a red bull because i mean he's i thought he said he's going fast castle but he's going scouts okay now a mistake by me i did didn't send my scouts back in time yeah i really yeah i knew he was bald that was dumb yeah okay well yeah agreed yeah when he's well then you're obviously not there's no point for you having your scouts aggressive i mean he still doesn't have any upgrades right he's just four scouts with low hp you can still fight with villagers here i'm not sure why you're not pulling more wheels to fight because he had two of the scouts were very low hp yeah well i didn't lose anything there also this is unnecessary you don't need to add spears right you know you have control of the scouts no you have more numbers adding this many experiment like you're doing now it's just slowing yourself down [Music] just felt like because i saw two spearmen of him at home and i felt that he was walled that he would go aggressively with her spearmen yeah but it's spearman you know you have control over scouts biermann wouldn't be an issue like sure they won't the one and two experiments you made while his scouts were around fine but the third and fourth is a waste of resources okay small things in the grand scheme okay now it's fine to be active because you have spares at home you still know he's for the walls cc blacksmith so you know that your uptime should be fast enough because you see the blacksmith obviously [Music] what is your thought process right now well probably one stable i wanted to go like two nights at two tc's before it and defend with pikemonk and then have the better economy with 3tc okay um you're expecting him to go full night camel making any nights at all is the west a waste if you're not gonna commit and i wasted them even more like they are just dying without a single kill right you did bloodlines as well so you're obviously investing and then it's like okay well you're investing so especially against berbers we know his number is going to be amazing you cannot halfway invest into something especially when he's wall as well right what are those knights supposed to accomplish yeah yeah yeah yeah i thought a bit map control but yeah it doesn't make any sense that map control lasts for half a minute yeah yeah yeah i don't mind the pikeman though 3tc pikeman seems logical pretty pikeman with monks is something that seems reasonable here so you got a confirmation of two stables three stables even oh yeah three yeah i didn't realize in game okay that obviously helped that means also that the second barracks should be added more or faster once you see that amount of stables yeah yeah yeah i didn't realize so i played one monastery one barracks yeah but even now at this point it's like wow okay you know what's happening right yeah yeah you need to stop resetting farms and what not to get the third and second barracks up to any chance of not idling your whole eco the whole game because this is not gonna stop coming in right he's berbers he doesn't care i think as well right now right now right you have a gold with a tc there sending these eight nine wheels back to this goal doesn't make sense they should go to this resource area and do something either wood or farming okay i have like eight farmers right now right no food income only one barracks still one yeah it's like you're you're just kind of waiting to get overrun here see a monastery forward as well yeah this is pretty much over at this point second and third barracks should have been earlier like should have been prioritized over we see in these farms for example [Music] also that commitment with the monster was obviously i'm sure you probably feel that you're already dead in this game yeah yeah so i don't think you would do that monk move if i think it was i had the pikeman there then he ran in pikemans to defend and then the monks just went yolo okay yeah i'm just gonna fast forward i don't think there's too much else yeah yeah to see here yeah it's just uh i would also recommend you to play like crossbow as a follow-up because that gives you at least a little bit of uh threat level early cast glitch you're still gonna have three tcs you're gonna get crossbows out and then if you mix in knights monks or pikes with that you will trade somewhat efficiently in early castles but you cannot like halfway commit on something like you did in this game was like bloodlines and forging nights with one barrack pikeman and then like one monastery added later it's like you're just in the middle of middle of everything right and not doing anything if you get what i mean yeah yeah yeah because he is uh obviously his berbers he needs one or two tc's with crossbow i just feel like i'm waiting to die as well on serengeti i think on arabia i would have played crossbow the crossbow is not a long-term commitment it's the first f minutes it's the sixth crossbows when you hit castle age and he's on the way to castle edge is the 12 crossbows when he has four nights you know it's step number it's not about five minutes later when he has 15 nights and you have 20 crossbows okay crossbows is just early cast slid for you to transition into something more sustainable that's why because commerce should always be up faster because you have um better eco in theory or in most cases and the good thing about going crossbow against the civ like berbers as well is that you will do fletching you will do balconero he will go knights very likely meaning he will run under town centers raid et cetera and having botkin on town centers against things like that helps massive as well right now you don't have flashing as well right so the knights they tickle them and then after that you will still transition to a better eco and the crossbow is a threat level and a berber playing without the threat level it's going to be so much more smoother than a burglar playing with a little bit of threat level obviously yeah yeah and yeah so like my suggestion here is to like field was completely fine i think you over you tried too hard to get in here as well that's unnecessary because if you both are going mirror war camera will have better eco so that should be fine um but just transition to crossbow for the first minutes of cast stage and then you make the switch into barrack pikeman later on at least that's uh how i think would be the best way to play this obviously there are some aspects where you didn't identify the third stable yeah obviously affects your slower transition to pikes and so forth yeah it is what it is okay game two mines yes is that byzantines exactly oh i'm getting good at this finally oh you wanna so yeah tricky match-up um it's a bit in the back of my head i had a show match like two weeks ago or one and a half weeks ago where i had byzantine against mayans and got to cataphract skirm and opponent had nothing to offer so i felt i needed to make something happen let's say latest early imp to not get into the super late game yeah i mean this matchup you should never it should never be a situation that you get into imp to begin with sort of okay like mines should be so much better early game that no matter what you will you should have a lead in every age okay of course if it goes to late game two and a pop two in a pop well spoiler byzantine aren't that bad like these mines obviously but it shouldn't be a that shouldn't be the scenario nice black gold backstone oh boy um oh not bad okay barracks so josh coming in i don't think you should stay here i think we should go there check the goals and then go back right okay right now you're sitting here waiting in case something comes out but you don't actually know right what is he doing you don't i mean he also has a back back gold and stone so obviously you could use that one as well but at the moment you don't have any intel you're just sitting on the barracks in case something might come well isn't the intel that he's not going aggressively right now like the the late flag showed me that it's not at arms no yeah but but still you've been sitting here for like a minute and a half now this eagle could have been going like sideways down here going back sideways back here and you will always get the intel from the barracks either way mm-hmm i thought i could listen yeah but right now he has had wilson's cold here for already half a minute and you didn't know right well i knew exactly like the the late flag showed me that there were two worlds there it was more like confirming if he was going two or three wells there i understand that but also a lot of players will not garrison in the barracks they would in this case send the militia down and then sneak around left or right to not show you right i've never played against such a smart person you haven't played me much no but a lot of people try that if there is if they know that the other guy is sitting on the barracks they will send the units out to another place and go around but doesn't the eagle have a greater line of sight than a barracks if you sit here you're not going to see an arms militia pop on the bottom yeah no no it's like he doesn't know that i see the barracks i mean no i thought so i'm not sure i don't know the line of sight there but either way you did also go close and show you if you saw it right so he knows you saw it and he also doesn't see you scout anywhere else right yeah yeah yeah we can always make an assumption to a certain extent again it's just small things it doesn't make that much of a difference but i think you can use the eagle more actively to get intel what range before second lumber camp who is this guy choo choo not the best michael there nearly have to say happens okay so how do you open skerm here because i thought he will always play skerm and the melody arms will lower enough hp that i felt like i could hold okay so the reason why you don't open skirm here is first of all you know he's on gold you know he went with arms so likely he wants to follow up with archers anyway now he is byzantine so it's natural to make skirms but either way of course the idea is that you trade off them in arms against my arms which didn't happen here and in that case you make archers which are in theory better and then if he has skirms you start mixing some eagles and you still have a better composition [Music] dropped a lot okay okay now it's back back to god again like you don't want to end up in nascar more against byzantines anyway yeah right but what should i do like skirm eagle no just open archers two three archers right send them forward see what's happening of course and the ideal situation is that the arms don't exist they are supposed to be traded off against each other um you make two three archers go and check what's up and then you see skirms okay i go back he chases you bam eagle arrives suddenly he has to run back again and your minds against byzantines your economy is going to be better no matter what should be better correction no matter what uh so you don't have like you don't want you don't want to make the counter units when you're the better economy uh especially as a mayans why do i wait you you don't want to make counter units if you have the better economy let me okay that's not really as as mines specifically as mines against byzantines in this case you want to have damage dealing units right which in this case would be crossbows and then eagles will be the unit you have to counter his uh scrums early skirmishes in feudal age like having two eagles mixed in with archers when their skirms is like okay he cannot fight you ever [Music] i'm also surprised he's using this goal because i mean if you want eagle archer here you would have so much potential to put pressure here not a big i mean you're micro welder against the micro nerd not bad well nearly micro nerd won't stay like this okay yeah i think at this point now there are five scrums like don't push your luck now you're overextending i mean okay this is still an okay fight you see in the second actually range so another reason to explain why the archer into eagle push opening should be better the meta these days is one range follow up right one range economy second range there won't ever be enough skirm slash archer numbers to threaten you either way like if skirms is what you're scared of you have eagles in futile age what you want to do here is just use the civilization uh good microwave civilization to take the lead right now you're you're obviously still mine so you're gonna have a good economy but you don't want to play skirms as mines okay always going triple range damn also i don't like that you're not mixing like you know he's playing full skirms you should mix eagles here earlier he had the three-minute arms for so long right he kept them back for quite some time okay because your reaction to this is switching into eagles i think that is the wrong move i think you want to switch you want to play crossbow manganese here like manganese should be your answer what you're doing now is also something that is going to hurt your economy long term because you're making a another tech switch which will be expensive and force you and you're making skirms as well again this is like what are you what's your goal with the skirms here what is your goal because i thought his gold was so open and one of the woodlines that i wanted to really pressure and i felt if he goes skerm crossbow i kind of wanted to play heavy heavy early cartilage but even if you manage to put pressure here you know he has a black gold backstone he will just fall back obviously he will be on top of his production but still byzantines he will get massive amounts of numbers anyway skirms in this case is never a good solution for you it should rather be than full gold units like triple barracks eagles and crossbow the eagles will take care of his skirms so what do you need you need a damage dealing unit skirmishers are expensive arches are not right because you're already making food unit with eagles this is also just another decision that hurts your economy advantage that you're supposed to have right if you go eagle and then mix in some crossbows or even just eagle siege in this case you will be able to add tc's farms and have a way better eco okay because if you're going scrums as well you want to do elite skirm as well right which is not a 230 with 160 gold whatever it is or is that changed oh something like that yeah yeah like and then there's a potential maybe you want to have siege maybe you want to add university one of these is going to come up you can afford a tc now still you want to also be able to afford every military use you're building here and again this is just another i'd like to emphasize your sieve has to better eco you don't have to play this type of approach just felt like he was so cornered and they could strangle him i understand that but again in my opinion what's happening here is something you could have accomplished with less investment maybe two barracks eagles plus two ranged crossbow would have accomplished exactly the same and you would have had a stronger more solid economy behind forward monastery as well this is the thing as well right because you see it's a stable you're just stable there as well skirmishers again it's just um i don't see the purpose of these scrums still one tc castle coming up whoopsie didn't expect that honestly after i saw the stable i thought he was going like full nights yeah but that's also the thing with today's matter right especially when he sits behind walls skirms are no threat of course if you have too many skirms you won't shut the villager but it's like it's an expensive investment and it's not giving you anything here and now you're just kind of behind in economy you're desperately going for aggression where there isn't too much to be found and when you see this and three tcs you probably feel not too great about the situation yep ow now reason as well why crossbows would have been better yeah you have to think like composition wise right you already have the counter to skirms if you get the knock control you want a damage dealing unit if it makes a counter to your eagles you want a damaged dealing unit yeah right now you went for eagles which is yolo what's the right term eagles are they are a cheap and good unit of course but as a secondary unit skirmishers maybe if you're against britain's or something i would understand skirms it feels weird i felt now i still had a shot of winning this one if i went full traps and obelisk that's the issue with the situation you put yourself in as well right because he has cheap counter units and you sacrifice a lot of economy to play a super aggressive early game and you already know that he has like i mean when you scout his base or you saw this right this looks like a really good setup so it's like uh you go arblast okay but he's gonna have such an easy time to switch into accounting unit obviously as uh byzantines so skirmishers are like super cheap for him i was i think this castle is a bit too aggressive because he can still work with the hill here to attack you probably yeah there would have been a better spot i just wanted i thought maybe i can trap from both sides but yeah yeah he wasn't him but uh yeah it was obvious that he had to reach it at some point well you're carbon economy so it's not all that dark anymore definitely i thought you you would be in a worse position than what you are right now so now obviously you said you thought you could win if you went our blessed and help our blessed and traps is that like hindsight thinking or yeah was that in the game no no hindsight in the game i felt like plume is the unit i had to go i just think that since you hit imperial age with an economy deficit i think byzantines are favored the reason why mines are better than business is because every stage of the game feudal age you have a better vehicle castage a better eco hit imperial age you should have 10 15 wheels more maybe better like earlier imp stronger castle composition uh which kind of no no none of that really played out in this game mm-hmm tribal wars also that kind of benefits him because he has byzantine's castles right yeah and behind this i mean you're you're pulling ahead in village accounts now yeah game continues another half hour but i think it's not that important no okay what mistakes were made earlier yeah just like to summarize again like just think about how again i go back to i always ask you like how do you think this player will play or that player how do you think hero would have played byzantine's uh like mayans here yeah crossbowmen how often do you think he would make scorms in your situation well i heard mbl six successful nato empires please please focus on the top players okay okay well then no one goes scums exactly and there's a reason for that it's not good for your composition in this matchup i'm not saying never go skirms i'm just saying composition wise skirms in this matchup never makes sense from mine's perspective right obviously in post-imperial age maybe with a double thing whatever they have now yeah maybe but never in the early game because then you don't get to benefit from your economy bonus and it's just you just have better compositions there so this one is a really short one i felt pretty helpless on what to do and how to play well it is the norman god god after all so persians against huns i just felt if we get into castle age i felt completely helpless so my idea is either cut some corners try to go dress fast castle or play a massive futile age and i think my main mistake was here to attack a bit too early in futile age where i just didn't have enough and basically traded off armies then continued to build but he was up to carsolate i don't think this is that bit of a matchup for for persians i think i think persons are underrated on the like generally i think you can easily play scout's meta into crossbow and be completely fine you have everything it's like same as mullions there's nothing standing in your way of playing a normal super solid game until imperial age i thought kava just would just wreck me well then you have you can like crossbows are a better opening than cap watchers every single time you will have the initiative with crossbows it's just when the numbers build up to 15 cow archers that's when they start taking over so if you just play completely normal meta and then like knight crossbow in early castleage add theses get economy then you can make a slow switch to skirmishes later on and yeah like i would always prefer to be the crossbow player in the early castle because it is better this wall small thing but that wall should be there he has a very open map on the front as well yeah okay you know there's a scouts open from him okay spearmint way good range is up okay looks solid yeah i was happy with the opening just be careful with these small like small units groups especially now you know you're fully walled he can easily clean this up with losing maybe one one or two scouts is that a big loss for me it's not a big loss it's just i feel like you have more potential with this considering that he went scouts right i feel like this army grouped up with another spearman and another two archers would suddenly have extreme potential against his opening because you got a way to enter such a good start right but obviously this is this is not a big loss but he's also getting like he's also getting a smoothish opening with hans here right just making food units and hans hansarhans so i heard okay so what's your argument for adding a stable already he had very open gold spots and i know that he like this was playing the player a bit that i know he is pretty greedy and tries to get away with yeah just fast cars on the walls against me you can i think the issue here in my opinion is that he has four scouts alive still so you trying to add scouts now to deal with skirms it's unlikely to accomplish much because of the amount of scouts he has alive especially think about the fact that you are walled as well right and he has skirms and scouts they are not a threat to you you could have easily just focused on getting to castle has a pair and then like hit with a crossbow timing no and here as well these cows were out of position right you could have sent these scouts out on the bottom gone to the left and like sniped a couple of skerms but yeah i mean you said you wanted to have a fuel as well because you were afraid of car washers yeah which is okay makes sense okay now i think i missed micro here that cost me the game i think i should have waited for two more scouts oh no that's the biggest issue right now is that you don't have any blacksmith upgrades this army had you have to go like you can never move out this far without the like you just finish your blacksmith doing flashing you cannot be out there until you have upgrades yeah probably even here like you have to jump on the pikeman to get kills because you're not touching right oh boy it's like the main reason this fight became so ugly is because you didn't have any upgrades now fletching kicked in and your arm is gone yeah and i think the game is over here yeah i mean yeah this was nothing to do with your approach or anything this was simply fighting before fletching that's why i always tell nelly when i when i give advice to my chat which is average at like 900 yellow always say never move out without fletching on ranged units well yeah i'm at that site um yeah it's basically over here right i try to make something happen now i try to play kind of an all in triple arch range hope that uh he's still too greedy on his gold i i think uh as well here just to like i think you've outplayed yourself with the fear of cap archers like person's economy still find you you can easily get to castle similar time as huns you can get crossbows and imagine a potential you have here with uh 15 crossbow as you both hit cast at the same time right yeah yeah 15 crossbow against like he might have six or eight cat watchers by the time you're 15 crossbows there he's going to be in big trouble lc needs a tower yeah now he gets tc 3tc and he just has a super smooth game right don't be afraid of cowards until they're in the in the masses well i never wanted to allow him to get to the masses again i also think this game was a game where you shouldn't have added scouts because you were fully walled now if you're open yes add the stable add two or three scouts to be safe but all it's in here will slow down your castle each time and again if you hit the castle two minutes earlier with crossbows here what did he hack no i deleted them i know i'm okay i know sorry yes nice villager number just gotta point that out very nice all right malay incas boy boy um i know why i lost but i still felt i didn't play well so tell us why you lost there were two things one of all them i scouted the whole center and controlled everything and knew he was not on gold but actually i didn't scout the whole center and he had an extra tc on the gold while he was going full eagle so i was just waiting for him to run out of gold okay that was main mistake one and the second one i'm later switching into elephants and i think my second wave of elephants was really bad because he had like six monks and converted five or something okay uh what's your thought process as you enter this matchup oh god there's another big fail oh yeah but i still felt like i can learn a lot by analysis um i think [Music] i should be fine i have some nice power spikes that inca struggle against so early cast rate should be good for me early imps should be good for me and i think i should always get massive control i know that he likes to play eagles a lot okay uh you scouted the barracks here you see the units why would you why did you decide to just stay home i think i didn't see them well you saw the flag on the barracks um okay i think now i saw them it's simply i think i played a gold rush game before where i lost two militia to the jaguars in the center okay i just wanted to hear that that was the logical solution and it is he is the one going through the jaguars so that's better for you especially when you see there's a militia and also malay with a very fragile early eco i would have preferred to be in your shoes here with the defensive josh so i like that you know sometimes you just gotta check here coming from your mouth to confirm that you had the right actually thought about something not yeah exactly but this was an accident you can you said you know he likes to play eagles yeah okay in this case knowing he is up in my arm war i think stop it i mean you still you still had 15 20 seconds before he came here right yeah i think you should have pulled these wheels and just finished the wall to the stone and to the tc to be safe now you're inviting him in and potentially getting some issues and a lot of idle time as well right okay i was actually pretty happy with how that went yeah you didn't lose the villagers that's always completely fine but still you're inviting unnecessary pressure right this could have been easily walled wall to tc and these metal arms will be at most hitting a wall you don't lose a villager obviously it's well microed well managed but it's also unnecessary management okay pause and keep fog of war what is he doing next he is incas so it's likely to be an archer followed i mean i can see up there okay but it's likely to be like a one range follow up at the current meta with the openness that he could also just wall go fast castle and something from there it should be either archers or wall fest castle okay what did you want me to pause like i i felt super safe now but spoiler alert i wasn't yeah i mean he was still feeling a bit faster than you right i mean you see ranged blacksmith did you think he was fast castling with that no he just i didn't expect him to send out two fletching archers which makes sense well at least he did flashing before he moved out nelly yeah maybe that's a good check yeah well simply gets three volts plus one archer yeah i couldn't believe it yeah that's a lot of unnecessary damage and i'm now in the back of my base so i lost all the advantage there well i don't mind that like your i don't mind your thought process there it's um it's very rare that anyone would move out with two archers with fletching like this so i don't mind your thought process there i don't think it was like a big mistake on your render or anything okay now we get into an interesting phase where decision making could really alter okay now you see he's doing a skirmix as well [Music] this is kind of where you have to make a choice as well but he's still adding which surprised me i thought he would always wall and go triple barracks eagle yeah i mean the issue for you now as well is that you only have this scouting intel you don't know is there a second range is there like more barracks coming up anywhere but obviously at the same time it makes sense for you to push this area because that's where his gold is yeah i thought i could do damage plus i saw him adding a scum yeah what you have to decide here is how to follow it up right your options are pretty much university ballistics siege or town centers those are your three options if i was in your shoes now i will do town centers because that's my type of play style a lot of people will do ballistics yeah also it's still a problem that you just don't have scouting until at this point it's like also you expect skerm a crossbow which makes a lot of sense but if you said also that you know he likes to play eagles this move right here should happen earlier right just something to check to give you some sort of a clear clarification on what's going on you're still in a very fun spot if you ask me no but macro is slipping a little bit obviously look at your resources yep obviously you're very focused on microwaving which makes a lot of sense okay this oh whoa whoa whoa whoa wee what okay why the seed workshop why the stable siege workshop was when i saw him adding like going archer skirm and stable was when i saw him going eagles okay so you know how i said earlier that people follow it with siege tc or university ballistics cereal shop would have been my third choice it should have been like the third option like you had no reason to make a siege at home because you were not under any threat there obviously if you make a manga and send all the way forward it's also going to take half like a minute for it to get over here so this super shop serves no purpose regardless of his composition until he is suddenly with his army over here right so this was a waste of resources the stable as well i can understand that mixing some nightmares and elephants to buffer for the eagles so that's all right but still big issue right now is that you still haven't added a tc or furthered your economy lead in quotes in anyhow right [Music] look at my exploration pause like i was so sure i was controlling i was checking all the gold but i didn't see that one it's is gold rush change to spread out more i'm not i'm not sure i think it's better it's a better map this way but i was so sure that i i scouted all the gold i think this is a better map this is so unfair compared to to the original gold russia but look at the hill like you have like a mountain yeah it's still bad it's so bad don't get me wrong yeah but in the past you had the mountain and the gold yeah true okay i think you're being over over adventures here i mean you've had a clear idea of how many units he has and everything but you know eagles how fast one or two eagles extra flips fight especially the key playing against eagles you okay question here why do you dive in here what why do you feel like you have to go in i felt like he invited me that's that's a warning sign really that's a warning sign i thought pushing him away from gold was nice if the devil shows up and be like nearly hello come and say it come and say you know can i take the devil's gold yes then i would go in well then you would be in hell but okay whoopsie now you're now your tc coming up at 23 minutes this thesis should have been there for already three minutes at least i would say maybe in four minutes um but yeah okay so what's the dangerous most dangerous thing playing against eagles is the snowball right and when you lose your 13 crossbows and are left with five crossbows in an eagle you initiate the snowball okay i mean you have enough elephants now to to support but imagine if you had another 10 crossbows with this right 10 extra crossbows get ballistics those things you're in such a good spot then right now you wasted majority of your what is your damage dealing unit in this case elephants are purely a buffer unit and you're giving him a chance to get like sort of a snowball rolling because you need those elephants and cheap but still still he has accomplished what he needs and that is to get rid of your crossbow numbers no you're not nearly as scary anymore as you were i just thought like okay let's go full castle age and i know i win the game in five minutes because he doesn't have any extra gold you win the game in five minutes if you have if you have 20 crossbows if we if we both don't have army i win as well that is true but he has gold yeah for now for now yeah it's it's obviously not expected that there is a gold up there that he is out there so i can understand but at some point if you get in here and you see him still producing obviously the alarm bell has to go off right yeah i think ballistics should have been prioritized earlier as well considering circumstances because you know you're just fighting eagles that are running back and forth having ballistics especially just like monks as well in this scenario would have been amazing yep still only two tc i would have liked to see a third tc already okay we're at 30 minutes right there should be a 30 c i think as well thumb ring i'm not sure if you have it i didn't potentially be surprised yeah yeah but considering your eco or you've always had a surplus of resources here very often thumb ring would have been massive help and again you're in the in the situation where your elephants are separated from your crossbow which always allows him to keep dwindling down your crossbow numbers how would how would let's use harold leery as an example how would they micro this fight their crossbows will be running around here around the elephants always putting elephants in between yeah probably probably yeah yeah yeah that was mr michael you are fighting here with elephants you're running crossbows into the open where the eagles can chase eagles can kill yeah true now i'm migrating towards them but only have three crossbows left and i think now adding more elephants was a mistake i don't mind this as long as you keep adding crossbow right but the main imagine these elephant numbers combined with the crossbow numbers right that's when you are like super deadly and now i i knew i won the game really unlucky yeah i knew i won the game no and he was not on that gold like that's why i went even further all in in castle age because i thought okay he has now 30 seconds to win the game and now he has more elephants than i do yeah but still oh this is a bad dive even all the monks yeah but still again it's like he wins this fight by getting rid of your crossbow numbers and you keep losing your crossbow numbers but he can't produce any more according to well he can look nearly he has gold look oh whoops see this you cannot expect that he doesn't have gold but but i just go he still has gold hair even but yeah i mean i i understand i understand but i would never you can tell that he still is getting units out right using the market what not he still gets units out yeah but if he has the market i'm fine and some people are also from there oh what is this i thought like yeah well he still doesn't have gold no problem okay that's it's obviously quite unlucky at the scouting part no question about that look at that how careful i am now not not over committing just kind of what you see here mining there though yeah and then i was like how no was shaking my head but you said you knew you won the game already so what's the problem well look at my home base maybe oh there's some eagles there well there's a lot of idle time kept change wouldn't be happy yeah okay game is over here yeah i still think like honestly like this game besides the unlucky scouting and whatnot this game is all about you losing your crossbow numbers time after time after time keep one or two of those crossbow groups alive and how does he ever take a good fight yeah yeah yeah and again if you get invited in somewhere usually nearly if someone says they have candy in their pockets and things like that be careful okay okay if a guy calls you and like reach your hand into my pocket see what you find think twice what time was candy well what about the other times let's jump into game number five let's focus on the game okay humans against who is this k gang mark i can look his rating up but i didn't know him he is a french 2.1 k what is his sieve here i don't recognize the flag slash or the shoe okay thought process match up um i liked my map defense of wood defense of gold stone and i thought it's just extra tc play for me in futile age he will most likely go fast castle siege night push i would get a castle up and the moment i have a castle i would why do you win the moment you have a castle because kip jacks can outmicro everything disagreed well did you see the game already i did not your disagreement is correct i think you have no probably not what count this seems right where are you scouting i didn't know where he was way too far okay you know he's going fast castle based on his uptime stable blacksmith okay lag spike confirming that it's up yep great development of the game there yep i like to like i experiment a little bit i i think in cases like this you can idle tc here yeah 39 38 39 wheels yeah i i did idle but a bit later i also think against the civil like slavs i don't think lean at 44. yeah i don't think ford like i don't think castle defense is the way going blacksmith market i think blacksmith stable is the way and then you just buy time a little bit until you get your own stable units out okay because you will have a better eco right going for castle is just like okay you're taking massive risks trying to make castle your play here because this is what happens right you don't have any tools to deal with this and even now that's like if you hit castle age now you've already taken more damage than you should but let's imagine you're hitting castles now and you have let's say three stables here or even two stables you have bloodlines you have forging you start cam production sure you will be idling some stuff here go there make a lumber camp the eco will be better because you're not taking stone right so okay yes six seven nights here but this time you would have maybe six camels yourself that's when you can start like moving out and being a little bit of a threat to him let's check his economy this is his economy right all you need is to fend off that first wave after that you are ahead even if you lose 10 villagers you're ahead yeah this looks quite painful now i must say but keep check out micro everything so it's fine oh apparently they died to one mangano shot well one of them when you say kip chuck did you like mean one like one keep check not plural yeah i said keep checking oh quick check okay yeah i mean well this is in my opinion just the wrong approach i think you can't be greedy that greedy to go for a castle defense and they don't apparently about micro everything now he's all he's almost caught up in village account and he has obviously a better standing army i think 22 is better on me sorry 21 to 3 military think he has an advantage yeah slight edge but kip check you know the micro potential there oh it's kipp checks ah indeed maybe isn't it keep checked on plural as well yeah probably multiple keep check i don't know but yeah i think it's just the wrong wrong approach here because this is the meta to killing a human these days right here's the fast castle siege what not so when if you try to go for the castle defense it's just so easy to get punished rather do a two three stable 19 cast late night 90 minute castle age and just try your best to fend off this early pressure and then you can play most likely from a situation where you're a couple of villagers ahead it's obviously still awkward i think i don't think keep check is a early game unit anymore it's it's a late game unit okay in my opinion just thought my map was so good that i could pull it off how was it good though like obviously i understand the idea my map is good but how is it good you have palestine walls all resources are in the same spot that's not good i thought they were defensive enough if your tc is there maybe but your tc was here if i put my tc there it just dies instantly know of course but here your tc all the resources are still exposed so they're not defensive enough either way right but yeah the castle approach is i think it's just too greedy and okay most people know how to punish it at this point and the best way i've found to deal with it is just stables into stable into defending like the initial wave and trying to play a straight up game from there oh that was it that was it no more losses over the last two months nice oh first click that's nice all right good stuff you know what people are right i was yeah i was sending the 500 thank you 10 for nitro as well 510 euro yeah we gotcha all right sounds good ggs see you around two days what about that okay um goodbye on youtube sorry that the quality sometimes wasn't the greatest but i think that was still pretty educational not payable of us
Channel: Nili_AoE - Age of Empires
Views: 40,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, age of empires 2, age of empires 2 hd, aoe2, aoe, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires definitive edition, aoe2 de, aoe2 definitive edition, age of empires ii de, age of empires ii definitive edition, nili_aoe, nili, theviper, viper, coaching, learning, how to, build order, bo, teaching
Id: Ct2UKR64-Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 29sec (3449 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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