The Botez Sisters TEAMED UP on me

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hello alexandra andrea you can hear me still right yeah we can hear you very well well are you ready for the match i was born ready i'm looking forward to it so we were thinking maybe we could do three plus two adoption match since we're like 21 22 and you're 26. sure that works for me um and we were thinking it could be maybe a little bit fun to put something mild on the line uh what what do you think about that that's fine with me when you say mild that doesn't involve like shaving no no or eyebrows or whatever okay oh roses no that's the best for ourselves don't worry we wouldn't put you under that degeneration absolutely not absolutely not um unless no hate cutting today do you want to play for for subs yeah that's good with me okay do you want to do maybe 20 subs 10 subs sure um how about how about 25 oh raising the stakes oh you're you're looking to uh raise the stakes yeah sure let's do 25 sounds good cool um so three plus two if we get even one draw we win make sense okay so i'll take this seriously so so no odds just um straight up just straight up adoption is it is it okay if we play three plus three by any chance just so we can talk but it's not that's completely fine three three is three three should be completely fine yeah [Music] okay let's do this damn black was looking forward to starting a game with with e4 okay we're gonna play i think i'm playing london i wonder can i trick them we'll play c5 because i know they like like to play bishop f4 but i'm trying to confuse him this is one way to maybe try and avoid london meanwhile i could play c3 it's still playable play yeah now we have a reverse queen's gambit um usually it's white moving the scene pawn early but now i'm the one moving the c pawn it's still really solid for white but um getting the early time advantage can't complain too much g3 it's like a reverse what is this catalon type thing i think i'll just develop normally it's playable it's funny they're kind of combining combining like a reverse queen's gambit declined and now a queen's gambit accepted i don't even know what we call this but i think they're just trying to confuse me or maybe we're both confused yeah they're muted so if you want to hear their commentary you can you can watch through the squad stream or you can open their stream in the new new tab um but if i had their sound on it could probably be too distracting so i think i just want to play solely here maybe even this move to start just maintaining a nice solid center um that's a reasonable move i'll play this just preventing b4 on this move threatening e4 and actually one of the points of playing this and then back is now queen d7 will come with tempo karpov used to do this a lot nice way to gain a little bit of time okay i probably want to play e4 eventually because the knight doesn't currently have the square i'm expecting rook d1 rook d1 queen c8 are you just getting off the the file oh okay so now this move the knight has to retreat oh goo goo congrats on becoming a baby pedor yeah b3 is very reasonable um i don't think i want to play this because it allows this maneuver so maybe i'll just keep developing i'll put the rook here i'll try and oh they just gifted me a pawn let's go okay i was expecting king h2 uh it's usually the the move to play to keep things defended okay trying to start off solidly and uh not blunder anything too early actually i don't think they'll take because i get a very kind of quick mating attack um it's probably best here for white to play rook d1 and then hits the bishop and the pawn if i play this i get forked it's actually a good move wondering if i can play this move i still have some issues there wait knight a4 is actually a really good move i might not be like so much better here because here there's this move here there's takes takes etc okay i think i'll just move all the way back keeping the tension i'm going to lose the pawn i'll probably trade and get the knight to e4 i want to lose this first game let's take a 94. my position is getting a little bit tricky i don't think that was their whole master plan was to like sack the pawn and then have this knight a4 move but that may have been one of the best approaches for whites so there's an idea here i think i'll start by taking and then queen c6 getting off the d file lining with the king some idea of playing b5 eventually because the knight might get pushed back to b2 i also have some idea of playing d4 just unleashing the queen get some x-ray vision another idea is knight g5 queen here and then queen h3 knight g5 would also threaten d4 love sign love sign love sign oh i love you too all hail the afasam thanks for that wait can you people can hear me okay i hope um okay uh let's play this move yes now i'm threatening this to hit this and turn that also e3 is a bit more vulnerable i think f6 might just win a piece because the bishop's tied down to the knight if here i take and then take the knight let's go i i do see their reaction but um i probably yeah i probably just want to focus on the position uh let's play oh they just resigned okay let's go yeah with increment it's it's hard to come back like no no dirty flagging that was nice starts kind of reverse kind of queen's gambit type position oh there's free rook oh i didn't see that i just wanted to pressure the c pawn okay there was a free rook it's nice i resigned though something similar happened the other day i played nemo i was about to blunder my queen and before i could blunder my queen she just resigned oh wait what oh she resigned and i would have blundered my queen like my philosophy is when in doubt don't resign there's always the hope the opponent gets careless and sometimes it's easiest to get careless when you have a really good position it's like the people who win the lottery like you you have so much money and then it's it's so easy just to throw it all away just getting getting careless in in life the reason why c5 isn't so common in this position is c4 is actually a nice response but okay we move on i'm gonna play a um e4 i'm expecting a french oh we have sicilian oh we have the slime frozen play one of these okay so we're going into some interesting theory i feel like i played this and played this line against them before where i make the night move somewhere awkward i develop i enjoy life um at the same time black has the bishop pairs so it's not completely over but as far as i know this is a fun line for white the i think the battery move here is a6 after which i would play e5 and then it could get really really messy let's go but i'm happy to see this i might repeat this line like if they play g6 again i might play h4 so knight g8 knight g8 setting up for the next game but that's logical so d6 is coming probably i think i'll just keep developing [Music] d6i bishop f4 so i'm fully developed with the minor pieces i'm castled the rooks are ready to come in black has one bishop developed but now a knight developed um i wonder can i take and then take the thing is black and castle there but then i have this move hitting the bishop and threatening the fork that was actually that was a nice combination if i didn't have queen h4 i think black would be surviving but uh this looks this looks pretty winning so i'm either winning the bishop or forking and then maybe promoting so life is very good yeah i think they just stumbled into uh some kind of opening trap so that's 13 moves let's go two down just have to take it one game at a time i'm tempted to play in england but let's be let's be proper if i play this i'll play c5 again ooh queen's gambit this is going to be almost as good as a netflix series but slightly different probably so queen's gambit declined um there's a move i like to play a6 here it's a kind of a pet line um the idea is to eventually take play b5 c5 um i'll castle first i'm actually waiting for the bishop to develop and then i take and then go for the stuff yeah because i gain a lot of time bishop moves three times this is one of the ways for white to play um i think i'll play 97 first preparing c5 and even though white has one more centered pawn than me um and this is very solid development very typical for queen's gambit declined i think you timotron solving with prime yeah the idea is queen b6 rook c8 rook d8 opening like this it's all about kind of the the piece harmony making pieces happy i basically want to align the rook with the queen queen moves here i align the other rook so the white queen could potentially be a target i might have this move i probably should have considered that but this bishop is such a nice piece i probably don't even want to trade that off to double white's pawns just keeping the pressure but moves like this or this or this always something i should consider because they're they're pretty forcing moves um c4 is not not a great move here because after bishop c2 then there's less pressure on on the center also i'm i have more time than i started with this is all pretty much opening preparation so far um and the nice thing is not only is it opening preparation but it leads to a middle game where the moves come quite naturally so like after rook c8 another plan is knight f8 to g6 which i might play right away i could also um there's h6 here as well let's start with h6 because they have to make some commitment with the bishop bishop f4 maybe knight d5 i'm just trying to annoy the bishop and time is very nice i mean this is one of the things when it comes to blitz i think opening preparation is um it's a much bigger factor because it can lead to the early time advantage uh now if i take there's knight takes so i'm calculating takes takes there's this move there's also f6 here which make things makes things a little bit messy it's interesting though okay i have to calculate this there's queen d3 by that f8 the calculation is bishop f4 i take pawn can't take as i win the thing if takes takes takes i have e5 with a fork there's knight e6 i take hitting the other knight i think i'll just do it it looks kind of wrong but also kind of right oh just realizing there's some weird like bishop c7 but knight always covers c7 yeah queen d3 another fade just covering the square also having more scope along the d file now yeah this battery is um it's scary oh i forgot about that move um it should still be okay i can take with bishop now there's some discovery potential night before and it's about to get really really messy let's do this i mean time conservation is really important i think it's still good i still have a lot of initiative a lot of pressure from various directions a2 is randomly hanging i'm kind of expecting takes takes queen e2 and then the threat will be this oh what to do ah yeah i kind of saw that potentially coming um it's just a big train am i better here i don't know roxy probably i could take this move first it should be better because i have more more pressure on the queen side oh that's a brave move i'm calculating um so takes takes knight f1 i think bishop c4 knight d2 and i win the a pawn at the very least let's go for this i mean 92 white's going to survive king f2 by fork yeah they're untangling in the pressure the pawn actually rook oh never mind knight defends the bishop i was going to say rook a2 it's sort of hard to defend the pawn there's this move it's definitely the hardest fock game so far and lights can be very very tricky this move let's move first but not on d4 defending the b pawn and time is still good now i can win this pawn defending yeah winning upon defending upon there's a cool tactic bishop here and then takes takes let's go that was nice okay i was very tough position to play in uh in time trouble um yeah it was like a very solid position but uh it took a long time to make progress okay let's play i'll play another e4 if sicilian maybe i'll mix it up um i'm expecting french yeah we're gonna play an ortho schnapp so i played botezbat who played queen h4 uh c6 is actually kind of a funny move it's playable play this and this we're transposing into um it's like the martial gambit of the queen's gambit bishop b4 is more common also looks playable play this move oh how crazy do i want to be thinking bishop g5 no let's be let's be simple so i'm allowing bishop here i just want to get a very kind of stable development not doing anything too fancy early on play this move just have to make a few things updated in chat it should be good okay this is a very typical move um pawn c5 for the structure actually i think it'll stay flexible rookie one i might have ideas of d5 and what to do here so b3 queen e2 maybe h3 i'll play h3 first ensuring that this is no longer a target so very often these types of positions black wants to eventually play e5 or c5 um c5 can't be played right away because knight b5 probably expecting like b6 yeah very simple and solid so i'll play queen queen e2 both completing development trying to manage my time pawn cube when someday in the future e5 might be coming now um c5 doesn't quite work i'm tempted to [Music] play knight e4 it's actually very solid position for black okay let's try 94. i don't want to burn too much time here this interesting move um c5 now let's um let's optimize all the pieces and g3 also possible bishop b1 just potentially going for the the mating battery i'm trying to not make like too many commitments so we go for the trade and the plan is probably still a bishop e1 queen here here etc and knight f6 might come yeah they're opening and kind of middle game play it's very very solid in this game i guess that's a question if i want to play like really aggressively like go for the mating attack or play position in the center like go for c5 95 etc thank you andrew andrew p buchanan solving with prime se5 is probably going to come very soon oh kings gambit i don't think they play e4 e5 otherwise i would yeah i would have fun with some gambits that's a good move okay we're going to get more kind of positional game it takes takes i have slightly better structure not entirely clear what the plan is he takes in queen e5 losing a pawn this also takes 95 this bishop is very very strong always have to watch out for mating ideas yeah they just want to like simple mate me um so maybe f3 ugly looking move but playable this is not good actually i'm knight g4 f5 could come this move don't want to blunder anything i just want to trade queens also f5 i have 93 so maybe that's okay oh but then knight h3 wait f5 f5 h4 it's getting really complicated what what okay they're just sacking trying to destroy me i think it's okay though i'm so confused f5 is coming no this is okay better be okay i thought i can take the rook take on e6 and then take on f5 yeah there's a pin now okay i think i'm in the clear that was a very dangerous position i think they they just mixed up the move order they could have played that five without sacking the knight i was in big trouble there finish things off in style oh okay so resignation i was it's definitely the toughest game i feel like every game there they're improving they're like they're learning from their mistakes getting stronger so that's four four wins i'll be black next game maybe i'll play i'll mix up the opening play knife six on move one if they keep playing d4 yeah let's go almost halfway there obviously i want to play stafford i'm kind of tempted to play in england too like play that uh the oman hamilton queen sack in england um of course i want to go for as many opening traps as possible but i don't want to play anything that's like that's too too risky at least early on go play a dutch uh no not right now maybe and if i get to like nine games i'll do something fun for the the final game oh london time uh let's play this and this also thank you dr r gifting gifting a lot of subs thanks so much gifting 10 subs really appreciate that okay so this is actually our first london of the match maybe next game i'll play a london um just for fun because i've been playing e4 every game knight d2 okay let's continue f5 it's like a different sort of move order i want to go for this queen b6 line i usually actually um a queen b3 immediately so i can play queen b6 oh wait a minute did i mess this up already there's queen d7 here queen d7 i hope i didn't mess this up some eventual c4 it's sometimes risky putting the queen here allowing the knight to come to e5 but um yeah white's a little bit too slow because i'll play c4 next also thank you to fretto also subbing with prime so i know i know there's like questions comments in the chat but i'm i'm trying to stay focused on these games um so i'm really trying not to look so much a chat during the actual games but probably after the match i'll stick around answer some questions let's play c4 here attacking the queen the queen probably moves all the way back unless it moves to a4 if a4 a4 i might play a6b5 and now yeah 95 would lose uh lose material so b4 interesting i don't want to take because it just gives white better structure um well b4 played that really quickly too i might just play e6 here if b5 i i have 97 winning the pawn oh why are clocks flashing wait oh no what's going on probably some server issues probably server issues hopefully the stream didn't die it's always concerning when that happens okay let's play bishop e7 castle that's just another reason to keep a time advantage i don't want to like flag when the server crashes yeah i think we're good up about a minute um this is a very pleasing structure like sometimes if you can get this where it's really solid uh white can't play bishop d3 it's hard for white to play pawn e4 e4 is usually the main break so they might go for like this and this but then b5 i'm gonna go for like the positional squeeze or i'll just try and prevent all of their plans i played h6 um with intention of uh afternoon h4 i have bishop h7 um i honestly i'm not sure what to do here so i'm just gonna play kind of hopefully quick improving moves try and make them burn more time so i'm playing this hoping for bishop c2 after which b5 wins a piece oh i could play b5 right away actually because then the queen has to move here i play a5 and bishop d1 deprive the queen of of d1 okay knight e5 is now playable have to take it or i still or no i no not b5 i'll take it and play this and probably ruxiate i'm expecting this move there's a funny line queen a5 rook c8 never mind some potential bishop d8 so now a5 yeah this is really nice queen b2 i take and i want to prepare c3 so maybe this move threatening c3 also preparing knight d7 i was about to play rook a4 which just plunders a rook or an exchange okay so knight c3 is coming [Music] i don't want to make life easy for them i might just play kind of gradual positional build up rook a7 rook 8 i'm gonna try and put a rook on a3 it's a respectable move or is it maybe it's not i can take and take on b4 there we go okay finally materials if you say pretty please adjust it during the game okay i can take this way sorry about that maybe maybe people were were struggling with which number was which okay i guess life goes on here might as well take and bring the knight here yeah no reason to go too crazy just going to play solidly i like very soon i want to start just pushing the pawns and they're trying to complicate things but also blundering a bishop okay let's go okay that was nice so it is five five out of five making progress um i'll play a london yeah why not a user opening against some so we're following the first game ah okay i know they like to play king's indian so we're going into some variation of the pierce which can be potentially really really fun eventual idea bishop here storm on the king side c5 so soon so if i play this takes takes takes um and c5 is making me think most people castle in that position maybe i'll i'll take first and then go for e5 looks fun yeah because uh the pawn is pinned so it takes i just male and d8 and then that move okay i pretty much have to take i'm thinking about bishop b5 but i can do that later probably queen d5 just putting my queen in their face basically yeah the queen um the queen attacks the knights i have vision b5 ideas i'm threatening d6 four different times with various things um oh f2 hangs what f2 hangs okay i guess this is turning into a gambit that was not intentional oh that was really bad why did i do that try this move that was really bad i have to resort to tricks okay so i need to take and then win the rook maybe yeah they have a lot of time to think through this too and the goal now is to make things complicated i just got way overconfident there that was really bad i just forgot about f2 sometimes when you're in this mindset of like trying to attack and make threats you sometimes forget what the opponent wants to do okay so take i mean there's some [Music] compensation hopefully queen d7 might happen that's actually a really good move so it takes takes like i have to win this too which could be problematic oh no i have to keep coins on the board let's pawn count punk accounts equal so it takes trying to weigh my options i probably it looks really bad but i'm probably gonna have to trade queens and keep the night there's another interesting option to trade and then actually take here [Music] takes takes or trade and play knight f3 i'll trade and play knight f3 okay um i mean there's still hope but uh this is not good if i take lose b2 should play c3 here oh if takes i take and there's potential fork okay there's still hope i think rook b8 was a slight inaccuracy because they can't easily trade now on e5 so i keep i'm going to keep both minor pieces on the board um down about a minute yeah this is my worst position by far in this match like to play for a win like maybe i could hold on for a draw but i mean i think that the best hope is to like set up some forks with the night somehow nights can be tricky or just keep pressuring the g6 pawn like they forced me on too so i have to somehow return the the favor i like the fact they're thinking okay so let's take with so knight bishop can't take i'm also i'm hitting oh oh i'm setting up some discovery i didn't realize that i'm like any knight move next move will discover attack the rook with my bishop huh so i have rookie one rookie one looks really fancy because again takes takes and now i'm guaranteed to win one of the rooks it's we still get an end game it's equal equal pawns um but i mean this is the best i could hope for okay let's see how i want to do this probably take the least active rook and the rook probably wants to be on a5 just to constantly pressure the pawn that's a good move it's going to be a fight of chief the g pawn move can be interesting um probably not necessary i just want to start pushing takes don't have time to calculate i want to play check and key five or second i want to play c4 position's looking better but it still takes a lot of work there's no g5 there's no e5 this rook is so nice okay now i play c4 oh c4 was maybe a blunder because i allow e5 i could find it's still tricky okay i'll play this move so they one connect four uh throw in the check how to do this okay i'm gonna blockade with a king oh gee that was a good move do you have this move it's getting really weird i want to play b6 probably or b7 i play rook a7 king six i check and then make a queen let's go oh man this game this game was so stressful they were so close like even even before king e6 i don't know maybe they had the chance to keep playing on oh okay sub t sub t okay that was intense and that's why like after knight f2 i've had to just move on with life except the fact i blundered um okay okay so that's six i really have to be careful i was a wake-up call um yeah i don't know like i i think king king here if the king gets to c6 i don't know what's happening oh thank you people for the bits thank you pie hole superior wood zutun kamen i appreciate that okay we have already yeah that whole game was theory right that game was probably like back on me tie worthy oh they're playing king's indian so i'll play i'll play this line i'll play something really solid here just recover i have a feeling nerdsy probably showed them this or something like this knight takes or pawn takes a pawn takes c5 coming yeah it's just um basically what i'm doing it's a setup based opening where i'll have something kind of resembling queen's gamut declined that's a that's a solid move play this in probably not here rook here first i'm not sure whether marinette wants to be on c6 or d7 also thinks uh yeah i think still would uh for the bits as well um i think now knight c6 knight is well placed usually against the queen on c2 some eventual knight b4 possibilities i mean we're both really solid like everything is defended in white's position everything defended my position so if i play this there's queen b1 queen g7 knight f5 we trade queen f5 it's okay oh okay i thought this was a mistake because of this move let's move first then i take and then knight d3 will fork there is bishop h3 here so or even knight e5 but 95 i take and win the knights so bishop h3 okay i don't have to calculate that um yeah i guess i'm fortunate that i was just hanging there okay yeah it's nice winning material early rather than losing material early uh okay but it's still oh e5 is actually an idea so life goes on so probably queen d7 just defending the bishop being solid oh there's a cool line e5 takes never mind there's some like mating potential so i'll play this move aligning with the bishop on g2 because of e5 i just meet okay i think they want to they want to skewer me or just control a square let's play play this move yeah positions like this when you're up material uh yeah i was gonna say they just require patience um okay that was nice so what was the previous game let's let's redeem myself in that uh that london line because i'm completely fine going for the same variation where i won't oh they're they're playing something different okay oh the copycat variation interesting so there's two plans i can play here either c4 queen b3 or i'm gonna play the trickier line knight e5 idea g4 and then h4 it's kind of a rare idea i don't think it's objectively good they're just copying me what is this oh they're just copying me can i play f3 f3 looks nice f6 okay no the copying stops that's good so now yeah now g4 h4 and the bishop gets a little bit iffy there is f6 and then i'll take and um yeah i think this is pleasant and probably bishop g3 first bishop d3 etc yeah this g pawn it's so nice having light squared bishop here when black doesn't have lights for bishop hey thank you atalkowski gifting to danny strikes appreciate that f5 is a good move some reason i was expecting king f7 so i mean everything's defended i might just play c3 like be extra solid oh they want to play bishop e7 oops grab this move um the g5 they just take you have to play h5 here it's not the original intention but it still looks okay probably queen e2 and then knight d2 and then castle etc it's gonna be a fight though i'm not uh wait was there a prediction what is the prediction i don't know what the prediction was a lot of people saying yes or no in the chat um okay i should say focus though probably 92 wait i'm almost driving the bishop there's bishop h6 but then bishop h4 but then the queen moves they want to play f4 though how to deal with this queen f6 is a good move i might man i might take on d6 f4 wait a minute f4 bishop g6 gets really weird takes takes now i'm gonna play knight d2 worst case scenario never mind my castle here sack upon f4 we trade bishop h69 f3 doesn't look too bad i could play f4 right away actually i'm too indecisive [Music] i gotta move quicker too i think i'll start with this it's risky so i'm gonna beat down a pawn oh this could have been really how are they man they're moving really quickly i thought i tricked them in the opening okay now i'll play let's just keep things simple i'll take and play this move so the idea is i trade off my bishop and then put the these pawns on dark squares so my bishop doesn't get stuck and then there's no knight e4 this pawn's now defended life should be better now and then the rook will come to the g g-file it's actually a really nice kind of positional bind because the knight's restricted bishop's restricted as well by my my pawns i'll have to be living on the increments okay so some easy moves i guess knight of three does allow does a lot work h5 i guess it kind of does getting ready to double up play queen f3 just preparing this now it's getting weird like they could play g6 here yeah that's actually a good move um let's play this and then this the knight wants to come here here what no mercy right i feel i feel bad slightly confused but i think they intended to play this that's the nature with uh with mouth slipping i guess i feel kind of bad but no mercy they played like a good game up until that point too they were going for this like positional maneuver did andre andrea just kind of rage walk away hopefully she'll come back okay um oh she's back okay yeah after something like that sometimes you need to take a very brief stroll mentally recover yeah no mercy that should be my motto in life i don't think it's even possible to offer a take back oh one minute okay sounds good so we do have a small break oh yeah i have to make a no mercy emote for situations like this so i'm um i'm 8 out of ten i need to win two more to officially adopt and secure what is it pride glory 25 gifted subs um the last time we had a match like this i won nine games and then the final game ended in a draw so that's sometimes one of my weaknesses is when i i'm in like a really good position momentum's on my side and then i kind of slip at the finish line so we're gonna stay mentally strong not gonna blunder or mouse slip hopefully um i might play i might mix it up with this one when to or when not to play the job over london compared to the standard london ah yeah i mean my rule is if they go for this i play job london go for e4 if they do anything else i usually stick with standard london so i hope that makes sense but you can mix it up like both are playable against whatever black does okay we'll play this move we'll see if they go for queen's gamut or london or something else okay let's play i'll stick with the solid stuff they're playing queen's gambit declined exchange variation thank you the stephen gray gifting five subs appreciate that they're actually playing a very solid setup here so this could be kind of a long ish grind at the same time i basically have a reverse london but they're oh their bishops develop so it's not quite the same thing i'm trying to figure out how to play aggressively here i should probably just complete development like a normal person but this move this move looks fun bishop here i'll play this because there's some idea of knight e4 oh they hit me first with 95. okay so we could trade i'm not thrilled about this opening actually actually maybe 94. yeah we're both violating the same principle like we're moving the same piece twice before like completing developments but i'm trying to pressure various things i'm threatening to take the bishop uh which is currently defending the knights and then basically win a pawn um and the idea yeah the idea here would be to eventually get this move so maybe start with bishop takes pawn takes would kind of kill this bishop and now i am threatening this i'm preventing the bishop from developing because the g2 pawn would hang a3 is logical i'm looking for ways to just punish white for being slow but i kind of want to play h5 actually it might be wrong but it'll be fun i just want to trap the bishop and maybe eventually f6 g5 etc actually um one point is if white plays h3 and then i play f6 and light moves i i take and damage the structure i am threatening to play this bishop f4 g5 so f3 i want to play h4 it gets messy i think i'll do it though wait a minute i'm calling here here here queen g4 i probably don't want to deal with that i play bishop about five the queen g4 rook h2 it gets so messy i think it's okay though let's do it can't be wasting too much time so the calculation is takes takes queen g4 rook h2 quincy a queen d it takes takes i get kind of forked but after this takes the rook would be hanging if takes i almost promote um i don't think white's damaging like even if takes i can allow takes and just promote or win the rook and then when the other rook okay so we don't go into that so now maybe i take oh that was actually a good move oh they're actually kind of solid here maybe i should have been looking at this move not the other line [Music] okay let's play bishop h7 so that after this my bishops defend that i can play oh but then knight g6 for bishop g6 oh but i'm threatening to win a pawn okay so they have to do something about this yeah i was more looking at bishop f5 bishop d3 bishop d3 not possible here so knight d3 okay i mean we're playing the opening very slowly like it's such a weird variation okay now maybe knight b6 or even b5 play this move okay i don't know which way i should castle so i've already committed h pawn green side also looks a bit shaky okay and we're both getting low on time i probably want to play knight c4 like target e3 they're kind of in the same spot like it's not clear which way white wants to castle because there's potential attacks on both areas of the board i like the fact they're taking time you just keep thinking for another 20 seconds ooh fancy okay um maybe this move and b5 ah e4 is the plan so that's actually a decent idea let's play f5 i'm just going for the squeeze a good move h3 let's chill let's castle yeah let's start moving quicker now g5 okay staying solid oh now i can take because of the pin yeah if they took here it would have been probably fine for white okay pawns go marching um no need to do anything too crazy let's just play king here for good measure now we're both trying to find our bullet mode let's keep pushing another pawn ooh pin and win let's go pin and win did i miss a fork i probably missed knight d2 at some point but i i found i found the pin in the haystack okay okay that's nine i'll be white next game what do i play next game i want to do something crazy but not too not too crazy i don't know maybe i'll play e3 maybe i'll go for like reverse stafford or reverse england uh i'm gonna play e3 and pre-move e4 next game that's gonna be my secret opening prep okay next game okay let's go let's go oh wait what they copied me what is this we both play the french what is this so i'm just a french down the tempo that's sad i'll play the one night attack against the french because i lost a tempo um yeah i wanted to go crazy okay maybe i'll i'll play this and then no i'm not gonna blonde cloud chad is not always the best influence but maybe i'll i'll play i'll play like a grand prix i'll try and be aggressive in the middle game and this is serious i don't want to trip at the finish line um i do want to follow some basic principles like not bond clouding like we need to preparing the i'm probably not going to be a fork but e5 is some idea don't choke that's good life advice it's hard to choke on t oh knight a4 queen a5 so sneaky if i play this move okay so i'm going a little bit crazy rather than moving my knight i'm counter-attacking the bishop um so if takes takes oh there's a line takes takes takes so i win the queen that's reborn on a1 and then i'm just down a rook so that's probably really bad for me oh but takes wait takes takes takes takes takes takes and then takes and that's really good for me because i would win a rook in that line oh yeah they're going to win everything um bond clouding is illegal so let's castle cool pawn formation this pond's just chilling it's like moses crossing the the red sea pawns like parted ways it's not defended it can't really move forward without support [Music] i kind of want to play b3 here kind of like a nice positional move and then these pawns are completely blockaded and what i'll do is put the knight maybe on c4 or maybe not i'll put them on e5 and then yeah it's really hard for black to do much on the the queen side i mean the pawns are supported i guess this pawn is not defended i probably don't want to take it if i take the pawn the diagonal opens for the bishop every so often i'll glance a chat and just see terrible things being recommended like d4 for content no not right now probably never bishop b7 yeah that's just the saddest fiancee bishop i think i'll play this move i could wait what to do let's play this move so i'm achieving kind of my dream setup the knight is supported defending the pawn attacking the queen the queen can't retreat this way it has to go to one of these sad squares and then i'll play bishop e7 this is such an epic squeeze like black is almost in zuzwan like this can't really move the queen after a4 the queen will have no squares the king can't castle either way it's so beautiful and then maybe maybe i'll just push the f pawn and main on f7 oh they want to trade that's actually a good plan so i'll put the knight back and then yeah that's oh my bishop's attacked okay i got i got too carried away there i thought i was just easy winning but they have counter play i don't want to lose like these are my babies bishop and pawn or like twins [Music] so i'm thinking wait how to do this f4 or rook maybe you rook here oh the clocks are flashing again but only momentarily so the idea is to take on f7 and then win e6 and then eventually checkmate i am losing a2 but i don't think this pawn is relevant in this grand scheme of things yeah now the pawn is pawn is chilling on e7 keeping the king company preventing the king from casting either way it's actually kind of a nice nice spot that's a good move because they they prevent me from winning e6 in the end play queen e3 so planning to either take this way or just go this way defend the pawn yeah no mercy play this move oh so now i'm threatening to take the pawn trapping the rook okay so that's a good move um like they want to play this and this queen queen here hitting both pawns they black actually can't defend both pawns because they're rook committed if here i trapped the rook again and this is a made in one threat the is the pawn gonna survive for the whole game okay wow that was actually that was a nice game i i didn't give in to temptations of what chat wanted me to do with like pawn clouding or queen sacking uh this nice kind of squeeze this pawn this pawn went on a magnificent journey i didn't lose a single pawn that game my epong my epon transitioned to it becoming a d-pawn and then transitioned back to being an epon it's a circle of life okay that was that was fun i um i i hope they enjoyed that there's some some stressful games was that one like really crazy game hello congratulations we had a really bad day for our chess oh uh yeah the game the games were actually like super fun but uh terrible no don't don't lie to us this was the worst you've probably ever seen us play ever say the truth well some of the so the early like that one game where you you got knight f2 like i blundered and then i had to really kind of try and fight my way back like the match could have just ended if you i guess if you held on to material the one where we were up the exchange yeah like i plundered really yeah that one was really hard we didn't know well if we didn't take your pawn uh we didn't know what else we could have done enough also i just saw i just saw the sub bomb thanks so much congratulations i did have to work hard so to get that yeah yeah we know we literally almost tried to castle through checks so it's just one of those days yeah it was it was you know what i was up late i did not wake up properly this morning i mean that's what coffee is for or tea yeah you can make a but your openings are so good so it's actually very cool to see you know your theory so well and it is always very educational from you so yeah i think like a few of the earlier games i got you i like i was being tricky in the opening got you into some traps but then like later on you adjusted so but it's um it's a nice kind of lesson going into these tricky openings where you you want to avoid certain traps yeah i was really scared to play my london against you and dang right the one game where i did i panicked because you're the only person who knows it so well yeah at some point maybe i will have to have like a london master class or that i can share londoner preparations yeah that would be yeah the best thing ever but i i think that would help us so that things like this don't happen in the future definitely well done eric you played very well i really appreciate it so thanks for doing this we'll we'll challenge you to a rematch once we've studied a little bit more yeah definitely yeah sounds good yeah maybe maybe i'll have to hold off on revealing like all my preparation uh yeah at some point you'll get revenge but have that stream and then we can do a rematch exactly maybe i can prepare you for myself which could be interesting yes yes yeah i prepared against myself yeah there we go i think that should about equal the odds yeah okay um that was fun that's going on youtube for those watching in the future on youtube thanks for watching you can watch live on twitch click the link in the description
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 789,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, International Master, Chess Tutorial,, chess game, chess video, chess explained, botezlive, botez live, andrea botez, alexandra botez, botez after dark, botez gambit, London Opening, London System, chess 2021, opening trap
Id: UcF8fv0TTc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 45sec (5025 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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