Can I take down these Chess Grandmasters? | ft. Hikaru, Chessbrah, Ben Finegold, etc.

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i almost got eaten yesterday by a bear bear wanted to eat me and the bear was like right next to the the glass but thankfully it was pretty thick glass so yeah this is a stare of a bear who wants to eat you keep zooming in uh and then i took some video and then all of a sudden yeah here we go it's probably the closest i've ever been to a bear could be more relaxing to to watch chess sometimes let's play a london okay it's going to be london time if g6 i play knight c3 i still have to post my match with davina uh on to youtube because we had a very london themed match um it's very educational okay this is mainline different ways black can play here i think a lot of people these days are casting and playing queen c7 after which i'll take okay this is like the main main line bishop b5 is carlson's choice of move um yeah we're following a game carlson beaucoc oh i remember wait divina played this against me i think in our our uh small match and then what did i do i played 95 which is not the engine move but it's kind of the most understandable move if ever it takes i'm happy to get the h file otherwise um yeah keeping some tension thank you who's that raw thor dwarf sorry for butchering names i was just watching your stream from earlier today when someone asked if you were going to play arena king and you are playing arena kings oh good timing ah my my heat just came on hey it's chass dojo just dojo thanks for the raid um my heat just came on but it shouldn't affect the audio so much so okay b6 i'm pretty sure sam shanklin was just streaming on chessdojo doing some high level lesson okay i got the focus here e4 is a move and we trade we trade some more uh let's do it also knight sorry more five thank you for gifting five subs and mr matt five also subbing okay i'll be right back okay this is 3-0 right this is 3-0 also chess boy rd gifting to minku83 yeah i appreciate all the love and support uh and thanks for the bits pie hole okay so the center is occupied pieces are not social distancing i feel like players who are new to chess would have a very hard time like internalizing what's going on in this mess but for a more experienced player like you kind of see how everything is interrelated pressure against the bishop so i'm threatening probably to take just get the bishop hair always have ideas of this move hitting the queen only my bishop i might just win this game on time actually i could throw in the check um i probably don't want to the takes takes it's a fork and i'm still threatening to take and fossilize the king like right now i could take and is it just meeting it might just be mating because if queen takes i check here check here oh no my rook and then check and then mate and same concept applies with bishop there so black resigns okay ozil starts very nice start i'm in i'm in second place i always forget which number is a placing and which number is uh seating but two two so i have two points and i'm in second place okay another london because it works so well the first game okay of course early on it's um a lot of people are winning their games um so there's going to be a big tie for the lead so this is another like very critical london line um queen b2 is more critical this usually leads to some pleasant happiness idea rook c1 yeah let's try and stay focused on the game i almost messed up truck b1 there okay here i could take which looks interesting i was very brave of black to leave the queen align with the rook there's a fine line between bravery and stupidity but yeah black is making it work if i i want to do crazy things but i do have bishop e2 here just questioning the existence of the queen another idea is to play this in this if bishop here i never mind i think i'll castle and play knight c4 i'm just going in for the targeting of the weak square i'm calculating uh takes tit never mind we have this move it's not winning anything just yet i have this move too this could be better because i'm not only threatening oh do i just get forked okay thankfully i think this is okay i should not have allowed that but okay now we trade trade some more i might lose this pawn and oh that was really bad yeah i just missed b5 okay life goes on um treat this as a gambit 95 so if takes i play rook a1 i want to play g4 let there be eric oh that's me thank you anoximander okay yeah this is all london gone terribly wrong so we could end up trading everything oh i'm preventing bishop d7 oh but bishop b2 is possible there okay oh f6 is possible then bishop c4 no i'm in trouble here again um i don't know what to do i mean i could give one spike check oh i could take this way actually i could um play knight d6 so here i take how bad is it it's kind of bad it might just be completely losing but maybe it's not i'm still going to try and make black work for it calculation is never mind so i have to save the rook let's just move all the way back rook defends the pawn so that would be okay play g3 here i could come down to time scramble so i'm hitting the rook wouldn't mind a trade check hitting the rook again f2 is weak i have this move i mean this is survivable it's going to watch my time okay up on time now i want to come around to g8 okay i can always guard a2 from behind oh i missed takes on g6 oops but it shouldn't matter because i'm winning this i feel kind of bad but okay okay black was a little bit too slow there so that's another win um that's two out of two top ten we have a queen's gambit declined then go for the casa corley variation uh yeah this move white was finding this 92 is like the more common move that's also playable so it's this move if not here i play this casting i play this okay um play this move that's more about getting just a pleasant structure i know bishop g4 is some idea start with this move it's kind of weakening to the pawn but i mean at some point we'll trade and things should be okay that's interesting if ah that's probably a good move okay so we could trade i could maybe take and play b4 not sure before there's e5 how to do this takes i guess i could take and play bishop d5 i'm just holding onto the pawn so white has a kind of isolated pawn i have a backwards pawn so it should still be balanced down a little bit of time some idea this and this maybe not not sure how to attack this i guess this and this queen c5 might happen okay it's probably a good move i might play oh rookie 6 runs into bishop f5 i'm not sure what my plan is maybe g6 king g7 just like slow gradual improvement keep some time advantage yeah that's a move bishop e6 it's unpleasant though any rookie six here just trying to defend pieces are a little bit clunky still up on time though okay pressuring the e file queen e7 opponent wants to play some rook h3 g5 yeah i'm going to be super safe it might i might get smooshed but sometimes you got to do what you got to do i have rook h82 a few ways to defend the h-pawn meanwhile i probably want to play this move never mind okay so plan this to play this and just trade queens and not get mated uh yeah everything should be defended f6 potential f4 potential so maybe i'll just move back idf6 really i guess that kind of works rook b3 in the end we're trading everything so i calculated through rook b3 and i'll be down the pawn but white has all weak pawns also has outside passer but doesn't have much time to attack the things make this move gotta move quicker [Music] um that was just a time scramble okay threatening meat cutting meat again okay okay i feel bad but uh that's why time is important manage my time slightly better that game okay three in a row let's go grandmaster victory maybe stafford gambit time maybe not okay my heart rate was high that game let's play something solid but let's play quick so this is uh uh what is this yeah let's play solid so this is a vienna opening or bishop's opening blackout's a bishop pair have a little bit less space but it's not too bad i'd used to play this in this or first defend the pawn preventing any knight g5 shenanigans some point i might want to go for this sort of aggressive idea i don't think it works because 95 but it might because i have neither four let's try it so i'm threading a fork yeah and now i probably just go for that there's queen d2 but then g5 it's getting sharp sharper bishops versus knights actually i usually prefer knights and faster time controls but bishops can be nice like heading towards endgame so now the rook's tied down to the knight queen d2 will create the triple battery then i play g5 there's cases where i lose a pawn but i'll get compensation maybe play bishop c8 probably i could let's preserve the bishop hair yeah i don't want to commit to g5 too soon i mean 92 i might have to play g5 queen h5 king g7 i think it's okay maybe f6 queen f7 eventually even f5 could be interesting then queen g7 aligned with the knight that one's taking a lot of time i've been watching like a decent amount of hikaru and one of the things that caro does like even when he's in difficult situations he just keeps moving quickly which is something i'm trying to emulate thank you salvik's the third he's also able to just constantly talk to twitch chat which is sometimes harder to do play this move probably end up taking yeah i'm probably going to lose a pawn but maybe not let me trade 94 rook d7 up a ton of time though holding on to d6 yeah position is very oh never mind it's not very solid but it's actually it's still kind of solid because here i trade and then i'll win the pawn bishop is actually it holds everything together two months streak love you eric i love you too thank you amp 1229. appreciate the love yeah i'm probably not even worse here like objectively because there's no open there is one open file but it's not really accessible um that's a good idea i want to play b5 oh there's a cool concept never mind uh let's just play quickly in this move maybe this move yeah and then i'll i mean i can just kind of wait here no rush now um let's play this move again plenty of time but sometimes it's not just about winning games it's about winning games quickly and efficiently oh i'm playing my um my father i'll play e4 uh yeah because he played this against me last time he played c6 i think yeah i studied this but do i remember it yeah i'm nervous now i forget my preparation h3 probably oh yeah we played this last time what did i prepare i prepared this specifically but now i forget everything bishop e3 and bishop d3 yeah and last time i was supposed to play a4 quicker but he knows what to do or does he i have a5 yeah he's playing quicker than me okay but i i have a solid position i've already spent so much time man okay bishop here i have a6 i like the position pawns are weak no offense to hikaru's pawns yeah i've come to learn if you insult any anything that belongs to her like the pawns and it can come back to bite you got it oh i'm trying in this move position is really nice um i just don't want to blunder anything i also don't want to flag keep the pressure maybe h5 h4 at some point uh it's tricky takes takes oh wait it doesn't work though because i can take on e8 first and now i'm threatening a6 as well yeah um queen e2 maybe queen e2 or bishop e4 might be safer not what i wanted though it's still pleasant the bishop here so now i might want to sack i have this move and then f4 or no f4 doesn't work there i thought that f4 worked rookie 4 it's weird but i want to play f4 knight oh no i blundered my queen no uh i'm still alive though king g2 he's gonna torture me though okay everything's defended oh he's gonna like torture flag me life's not fair let's play this move everything's still defended ah not my pawn i think the the only hope is to maybe go for this like dumb stalemate trap yeah let's set up this thing no i can't even set it up okay i resign ah he's so good at chess oh he's so good i had a nice position and i laundered my queen and then he tortured me and then nothing no tricks worked in the end maybe if there was increment i'd have slightly better chances yeah good game henkaru okay i don't feel bad that's that's my only loss so far um i played a little bit too slowly like he played quickly early on and it was clear he wasn't playing super accurately so that was kind of my chance but okay life goes on playing london [Music] halvard hf is a long time streamer stop spy here from time to time um let's play 95. and then f4 okay i can't be too flustered still a long tournament i'm going to play aggressively this game play queen d1 aligning preventing knight e4 which was black's main idea um yeah probably after the tournament all i'll address chat maybe i'll do some game analysis that's definitely a game i should analyze because um i was happy with the opening happy with this opening too a lot of pressure here a lot of pressure i forgot i made tea tea has been brewing for like 20 minutes um drink tea eventually okay so i could take and wait a minute this move first idea of lifting i have to get my my reps in thanks for the dad bits okay um yeah black has a lot of things defended bishop e5 is a resource oh oh there's a cool idea but it requires some niftiness i'm gonna play bishop b5 first the idea is to take and then play this it takes take sir rook g8 i think it works so i'm threatening made in one assume takes and then this move threatening queen h8 there's also the possibility of taking or wait a minute no i'm threatening this too this is easier yeah the bishop plays a key role here thank you blender prone uh black wasn't completely dead because there was knight g6 there but it was good okay that was a nice game it was quick uh london attacking win underprone gifting five subs so repeating the same lines i've had this kind of similar variation the third time so far everyone's been playing knight e7 in a slightly different line this time so the threat is to take in queen a3 and win a pawn which is about to happen right here there's knight here okay so this is a nice opening trap let me take my tea bag out um probably takes with night and then takes with pawn so i'm drinking uh non-caffeinated it's dandelion root tea i'm sent to this by a viewer it's nice nice kind of nighttime chill tea um yeah black's gonna get comp e5 uh f5 might come yeah that's also playable probably put the nylon f1 if i get the chance i want to play e4 do i use bags or leaves um i go back and forth um i do have a decent amount of like higher quality loose leaf tea maybe this move but probably e4 yeah i just want to prevent black from squeezing me and if we trade then i get the knight to d6 same case with d4 so black will probably leave the tension but then if the e file opens i get um a target yeah we'll take and play h3 bishop moves back i play this move bishop moves this way probably eventually before it feels like to be a fetus thank you for five months of great content you great big slice of avocado toast i had avocado toast earlier today it was actually had two slices had to slice actually i didn't have to slice the bread but i did slice avocado thank you mr kilo slowly becoming a baby if i play this there's this move and then if i take the g5 trapping my knight but i think what i'll do is play knight d4 or okay yeah now i play b4 now my queen can come to a happier place maybe take the pawn it's a immediate threat sorry if the mic was not in my face enough sometimes i'm like like gets pointed downwards and but hopefully it's okay uh rook b1 looks normal let me move back so very least i can play e3 very most maybe knight d4 let's start with a3 this pawn is still hanging by the way leigh g4 is intriguing takes takes it's a way to simplify okay i have to save the rook first yeah this is a super solid structure i think they're in uh in drops they call this a fork um it's like a cool solid formation in chess we just call it i don't even know what we call it looks like a dinosaur kind of okay let's be sneaky also thank you chess boy rd gifting to mr philo play this move so now of g5 i um i have queen h5 rookie shade is kind of a bigger problem which i forgot about i might have to go slightly insane but only slightly oh no my knight so i'm winning pawns up a ton of time and probably not even worse here because the bishop's attacked bishop moves somewhere i have queen c4 yeah now we can simplify simplify further okay that was nice another nice kind of london grind down wind nice kind of opening trap too from early on so thank you low on ranch welcome back oh i said i was gonna try this this one trap which isn't working sadly thanks for all your content eric good luck in the tour oh it is working isn't it yeah like king should be safe here i think it might kind of backfire but oh wait a minute is this all prepped from white wow what just happened am i losing i can't take and if i take this way i got forked but then i check and that's so weird i have to try this i'm kind of getting punished though i don't know what to make of this what is this opening maybe we're just inventing new london theory uh yeah a good move wait it's not so bad though or is it so i take and then i have to hold on to the h pawn queen f3 is coming queen f3 kg7 i guess this is the way to go oh queen f3 knight f7 [Music] oh i could have taken the pawn i didn't consider that not good my g6 is coming um uh what to do i'll be down only be down the exchange i might just resign uh white's played this well but you never know oh interesting oh let's play this point i don't care about my my b pawn eight moths hoping for this move oh eight moths thank you hey bobo bagans welcome back eight moths as opposed to butterflies let's go good to see you um maybe this move so i was threatening b5 now i have i just want to uh make a pass pawn and then make a queen and then hope that white blunder's a rook okay threatening this now um my rook is stuck let's move up the king you never know weird things can happen sometimes i'm about to get mated though don't mean me so if takes i fork oh i got muted okay i tried to be tricky there oh i'm playing a very high rate of was title player or maybe not okay play one of these play this i looked this up um not too long ago okay going for this move so this is a kind of weird london i'm trying to make work i guess i'll castle oops okay that didn't work that really didn't work oh that last game flustered me but thank you vanquishrem for the the sub of this move trying to win the pawn i just want something for the exchange wow very clever g5 is a legal move g5 is still probably a threat i could play h4 which is like just very unusual f3 maybe h4 i'm just trying to confuse my opponent opponent's not confused okay i'm just going to play down the exchange i'm not resigning because there's no open files so the rooks have yet to be involved that's a good move though okay now there's open vials but black has a slightly weak pawn yeah i just want to attack the pawn rook f2 i improve further pawn can't be defended really but yeah there's this counter attack play this move first just trying to hold my ground now this move box playing this well i'm not seeing the knockout blow though [Music] this move coming so i do have a pawn for the exchange i might be threatening this too yeah it's far from over that's a good move this no i can't do that i have to take yeah that's closer to over it's still tricky because my knights can help help the queenside pawns advance my pawn how to do this i gotta make way for the c pawn it's coming to e5 or not it's turning into a race this move down on time though let's control e2 also c2 so the rook has a hard time being relevant interesting okay so i attacked the pawn and i control d6 i'm threading this now a fascinating position okay now so if ever it takes a pawn by fork i just remove black's most dangerous pawn might be threatening this ah no there goes my pawn oh well played still meet me please okay i resign ah okay that was a close fight i feel like i had some chances just didn't manage my time well enough got into trouble early okay life goes on staffer gambit staffer gambit but okay saffron accepted let's go most people playing bishop e2 yeah now there's this this this okay we're gonna go into the magical jonathan transline greatness so g3 queen f6 see how much my opponent knows all still theory yeah so far we're following the famous game between stockfish was white and jonathan trance was black and oh no my knight and bishop but white can only take one at a time um i do have to remember this i assume it's this and then ah what's the move rook h2 yeah this line this is actually a cool line stockfish miss evaluates the sign rook g1 and then queen h4 got this show em what you're made of yeah by the way it's coach kilo now oh coach kilo oh cool thanks coach kilo so this position stockfish says like plus five for white i think um but lilo will say like maybe closer to plus two and the point is it's it's really hard for white to do much because the king is always aligned i'm going to have control over the d file there's many cases where wait a minute i can just take here yeah there's cases where white's position just crumbles really quickly um i'm not seeing the wind though i mean rook d i could castle queenside too i think i should start by casting we should know i'm still down two pieces i might end up sacking more for the lulls like takes and then push there's knight a3 though bishop e4 it's so close to winning man how'd you do this there's queen g5 g5 takes and then g2 not sure about this but it looks interesting we might get actually a playable position for both sides wow king d3 straw limited knowledge of russian what is this and this is what i get for playing a stafford takes takes and then push i could just move back okay let's move let's just simplify a little bit oh there's king takes okay so bishop's pinned so we're gonna get this position okay it's playable spent a lot of time there but i can't complain here just have to move quickly queen can come from behind king c2 expected we trade i'll put the queen here pressure the pawn always play king b8 and now pressuring the pawn making loofs kind of okay f6 might happen now i can bring the king in i might i can't check i could though now let's play this i'm going to take a work of magic to win this even draw this it's making safe free moves it's a free bishop okay now it should be winning i didn't calculate this though no i'm losing ah what a game well the game man i think we were both trying to dirty flag each other i shouldn't have sacked the rook for the night oh what a game that was a cool game a school opening um it was like cutting edge stafford theory too what to do i played this opponent before i think i beat this opponent previously car was hard to catch okay play one of these no that was a mouse slip okay i'll just treat this as all part of the game plan um i usually don't do this play queen e2 um i could take actually let's take here first take this way maybe e4 coming there is e5 so maybe 95. okay it is kind of a choir game with opening yeah more positional london opening i'll probably castle queens or kingside um probably have to trade interesting can play this move so black has two center pawns but i i still have my pawns controlling the center so i don't mind this there's a small trap if queen here i win the night oh even though maybe it would get messy okay black's running this so nifty so let's be careful this is a classical idea i just want to play king g2 actually the plan is probably king g2 h4 h5 to open the h file and then eventually made on h8 this might come also who is this from hungary oh ghoulia pop i'm aware of that name okay so if it takes i might just uh keep all the tension and take with rook getting ready for h5 uh i think i'm winning a pawn now oh i'm not because queen c6 so tricky very tricky king h2 i'll start with this well why not here i play this move it's hard to crack the position [Music] i don't entirely know what i'm doing but i'll try and pretend what's my plan defend the pawn first hmm i really don't know what i'm doing i guess i have to move around maybe play c4 at some point turning this now the king can never take on h6 at least right now that sends me no sense uh play this move yeah i'm going for the squeeze right now we have another file to work with intrude via a66 i don't want to draw though here i can take or even better probably takes that way it's getting so confusing okay tactics work kind of oh kind of not though but maybe i'm down with time no ah no watch it watch it watch it yes okay i was flagging so i had to set up the stomate trap let's go i didn't lose that i was playing for a win like the whole game but that's that's another one to add to the collection because it's the only way to draw when i'm solo on time okay next game a good trick to know okay playing oh oh i'm playing uh this is venezuela right or no who is this i feel like i was roommates with this person in spain yeah jose raphael gascon etc let's play a6 here um yeah we played the tournament in vanasky i didn't know him but um they gave me like organizers gave me free hotel and um yeah he was what year was it 2019 he got his like final gm norm at the tournament too i didn't realize he was uh he was streaming or has a youtube channel too okay let's stay focused and try and show no mercy this move it looks really passive i'm just trying to trade stuff if here i can play this move he's very strong player but um i guess blitz rating maybe he's just slower on the clock so i'm going to try and use time to my advantage gee don't mind the position whoa dj snot boogie the um yeah the snot buggy is back thank you for gifting subs there's knight f4 here which probably doesn't work there's also bishop g4 i play bishop g4 i was trying to calculate um here takes i think it's okay it might just be a big trade there's also this move yeah not a four [Music] way knight of four it's kind of interesting actually take six can you play the english oh maybe if i remember thank you mama05 i could play in english but i might forget we'll see oh and robert e continuing the subgift they got from are we supposed to thanks robert e and deblum gifting to hidden bush 64. so this move i'm really just trying to confuse my opponent but the idea is to take oh this probably just doesn't work at all i thought i was being clever i could take this way too yeah i was only calculating knight takes but queen takes is playable okay i have to take this way so i'm down the piece but there is pressure in various directions and this might be a threat i'm playing playing very aggressive style this game oh there was a hype train earlier so i don't think it's actually possible to start one but who knows okay rookie three good move rookie 3 very good move if we trade i just want to have fun always play r3 what wait what uh knight h3 take sticks i might play knight h3 here actually it's probably no good but i'm just trying to get a time scramble at this point so king f1 is probably the safest move confusing position [Music] i mean king of f1 will take and play rookie eights there's also this line uh wow rook h3 probably beginning second trimester hey happy birthday kind of happy trimester birthday thank you b waned or pre-birthday i should say um yeah this is actually working out really better than expected can i hear coming probably and save the rook so i have a rook and a pawn for the two mongers the minor pieces are a little bit awkward here rookie ones playable i can't quite do what i want okay let's just move quickly g6 coming um dr bishop don't hurt me oh that was a free queen too i thought opponent was trying to hurt me let's go oh opponent resigned in the time like it was two seconds to four seconds unexpected resignation very kind though i guess opponent blunder the queen which i yeah i wasn't taking three queens there that was a messy game okay oh i forgot to play in english my deepest apologies but we're having a fun line of the london which i'm kind of happy to see yeah this is going to be maybe more solid positional i think you credited lime good game for all the bits yeah that was that was a weird game i kind of went insane sack pieces and managed to not flag should save the knight threatening a fork so how about let's make a goal to finish in top 100 which is not easy to do in arena kings it's a good move to trade there is an interesting idea of knight t2 and c4 to try and get the fork a little bit hopeful there f6 f6 bishop e3 otherwise if the rook moves then c4 should win a piece you're such a gentleman eric refusing to take your opponent's queen at least twice yeah uh i know the pain of losing a queen so i didn't want to inflict pain on my opponent at least in in that regard okay bishop g5 back maybe a weird another weird game so we'll trade i'll play c4 d5 also just play this some idea knight g5 i don't mind if we trade and bishop here i play this attack the ninth run this with a fork okay it looks like that's what's going to happen box in a sec i mean black has to give up the exchange here this cool idea knight c4 and then oh there's also rook c1 so yeah that's a better move this move so if we trade queen e6 live [Music] pin and this pawn is probably a goner but it is preventing the knight from retreating this way if knight retreats this way i play queen d5 and there's no bishop c6 there's this move i hit the knight so i'll go for let's be solid first go for defile pressure the idea is to play this if this i play this um i don't know what to do just keep moving quickly though high level problem solving with diaphysical consequences yeah whatever that means okay lot gave me a free night there that was nice let's go thanks gigahertz for the the high level problem solving bits wait physical consequences okay playing lower rated player than usual so i'll try and play even more aggressively this game but that might be difficult i play this line it's like a gambit variation okay playing ultra ultra aggressively i don't entirely know what i'm doing it is nice though because white's going to have a hard time castling oh never mind like in castle already um i might be the one having a hard time castling or maybe both of us okay and getting a reasonable position so i want the castle queen side be ready to attack on the king side play king v8 first why can't castle until a2 is defended one plan is to play this this this thank you hoffman haha slaving with prime i don't think white still wants a castle here because queen a2 like whichever way white castles i'm ready to attack if the king stays in the center i'm ready to do things in the center as well if this c3 that weakens d3 okay so let's start with this i might include knight d4 as a kind of intermediate move like takes knight d4 oh almost trapping the bishop but not quite yeah i want to punish this move but i don't see how [Music] i should try and target d3 i didn't see how though i'm going for the slower build up a4 might happen yeah okay staying solid if this takes i have a choice i think i'd take with rook just to keep the battery so it's pretty clear white's not casting queen side with the pawn so far pushed well i do another game against twitch chat yeah um we have the bots set up again so i think i can do it whenever actually if i'm not mistaken i just have to read the instructions but there's a way to set it up but now i still have to stay focused it's not a bad move can take take some knight d4 oh like c5 is a threat i don't really want to take that but maybe i do get some initiative at this point it's probably just about flagging uh flagging my opponent okay let's go for this and then this and it's still a fun position have the d file the light will come to d4 hopefully um let's take this no just no time for white i feel like this is how a car beats me like he just plays really confidently quickly as long as you don't get mated you can win on time but hircaro also just wins on the board too okay next game lich pop thanks for subbing for two months in advance and parsnip nip oh i'm playing um what's his name what to play i'm playing ben feingold that's his name uh let's play something normal okay f6 on move two against ben feingold because for the content i know this move so he's playing kind of a london type thing i have this move i like this position okay ben beat me like a previous arena kings so it's time to get revenge hopefully i just want to play quickly defend the pawn enjoy the nice center i don't think i've ever played f6 so early against ben i have the f6 spam emote and ben has the never play f6 emote weird move if here i play bishop b8 okay now i'll just crush the knights hopes and dreams and probably the next several moves will be like simple improving moves almost certainly king h8 first and then bishop e6 because then if knight g5 i have bishop g8 maybe i can win connect four or connect five sometimes you must always play f6 yes or all the time okay this is looking very very pleasant can i take and play this oh it's almost working not quite working though g5 it's such a pleasant position though i just want to savor it okay i'll play this move defending the pawn bring the queen in yeah i'm going to try and squeeze a squeeze of fine gold but how maybe move back in this move first or this move i should really be playing quicker we're not going to trade because i have more space some g5 idea yeah just preventing f4 i'm going to get ready to push more pawns hitting this pawn whoa resilience thank you for the money oh it's money the more you donate the more you learn that's a direct quote from ben by the way oh he wants to hurt me like the truth uh wait what's being attacked let's defend everything i'll lose a pawn because donating to charity i just want to trap a bishop oh also this pawn's still hanging and this all the pawns are hanging as long as i have a time advantage that's what's most meaningful in life he's very hesitant to play f3 i wonder why uh okay let's push f3 is coming almost certainly just do it then do it and what else does white play i actually don't know what i'm doing against f3 i can play um i just want to trap the queen h4 g4 etc mainly etc and too many feingoldisms i take this oh wait my queen's defending the knight uh play this move how to do this this move up on time threatening this now i'll have this move the skewer it's still not over queen's not quite trapped but the pawns are rolling like bowling balls okay what a game that was a funny game thanks for the game ben oh f6 on move two okay oh i'm playing um i'm playing my roommate my long forgotten roommate i'm playing all the famous people this tournament that's crazy i don't even know eric's rapper oh he plays this and this i actually knew that oh a6 is new maybe he's been studying his openings okay um e4 is a main idea i might play it immediately and then queen e2 and queenie two and castling eric's pretty good at chess have this move too yeah we might get some more kind of positional game not exactly what i was hoping for yeah i'm not happy here it should be close to equal but it's going to be difficult to play i'm down a ton of time too uh hangs upon unless it doesn't i just castle and then go for d5 takes takes i don't know what i'm doing play this move safer i really have to avoid a time scramble i just hung upon maybe it's not so bad but maybe it is b3 b3 would be the idea b3 queen a3 d5 i should probably just play b3 i should go for this setup it's really not too bad okay yeah the pawns want to be on light squares okay time is leveling out the king wants to come in that was probably a blunder because rook f8 it's still interesting though so i was thinking rook b8 here i'm gonna be slightly worse it's maybe not too bad but time time is becoming more relevant go for the trade guaranteed trade with some eventual d5 perhaps rook d2 b3 he's so fast and time scrambled so have to keep the time advantage that was tricky okay focus focus king should be here g4 i think it's okay a little bit shaky oh no my thing don't make me don't hurt me let's go another another one of those let's go let's go i feel so dirty i feel so dirty where's my hand sanitizer here's my hand sanitizer okay let's go it's the second time this tournament yeah it's all about putting the king in the corner let's go oh hi irene hope you had a good night's sleep shout out to irene okay man heart was heart was beating fast palms were sweaty but palms are now sanitized okay i was looking for the berserk button hot dirty bits oh yeah thanks for that okay another london i appreciate all the love and support thanks everyone for believing in me not enough eric you now have to shower in pure hand sanitizer oh i might require um a special type of shower or more yeah that might require several more models of these anyway um i'm gonna stay focused i'm top hundred let's go um i did i think lose my streak but we have a nice london opening okay yeah like on one hand i'm a little bit disappointed i didn't win that because i was losing on time or i was winning on time um on the other hand i'm happy i didn't lose that because i don't know what i'm saying let's focus like i could have won that i could have lost it maybe a draw was a fair result okay i'm playing too slowly this game because i'm so flustered from the the previous game uh i'll play king here the plan is to play g4 and maybe go in even though the position kind of closed down i still do want to attack and g4 is like the main way to try and open things up you can take okay this could be very quick if takes it's made in two takes this way then i'm threatening maiden three rest in peace chess brows mouse after that stalemate oh yeah rest in pieces but respect eric for like completely outplaying me despite the time deficit because i really thought it should have been an easy win on time but he's super tricky yeah so this move prolongs the game position is very nice though okay okay that was nice let's keep playing aggressively staffer gambit maybe uh what is this d3 f4 um i'm already baffled it looks playable though i'm just going to play quickly and hope this works it might not work it takes i have knight d4 okay i mean it's a type of position i'm kind of happy about because i have early initiative i am down a pawn but um yeah this is like a very kind of typical gambit type position i think i just castle here and then go for the e-file attack there's a lot of moves to choose from here and bishop v5 looks pleasant hitting the queen and then preparing this bishop here and it looks so close to just completely winning f5 i five almost traps a queen i might play a five just get another thing doing something if here and then i move back yeah the queen is safer there yeah maybe i just kind of chill okay now i want to take oh it looks so much fun i can prepare it though i can play this first probably preparing to take oh i forgot about that move i mean white's king is should be in much more danger than my king okay now maybe takes this way hesitating too much i wasn't sure down a lot of time like every move i'm taking too much time there's so many fun things to calculate and i think the big problem for white is the fact that the the rook can't get in it's really hard to connect the rooks okay d2 so plan is clear maybe it takes now yeah i'm just trusting intuition because if takes takes b2 is attacked king moves this way then there's discoveries um okay leaving the night attacked maybe not the best decision very risky play my time is low i might just lose this and the hope is this move okay the king's safe as long as this diagonal stays covered go in for the kill okay now it's completely winning oh wait no it's not completely winning wait ah i didn't see that move check no it's not legal should check i'm not seeing it ah that's really bad no ah no all my hope oh my time ah i've gotten i could take my my bishop what to do okay playing pop attack i am staying over 2600 okay i'm tilted now okay not getting the england gambit trap unfortunately um but white didn't really punish me for playing such a dubious opening thank you your mom's brownies soothing the pain with bits okay how much time is left 24 minutes left i'll try and finish strong in 64th place 35 tournament points karu destroying everyone um that's possible to maybe try a quick climb king should be here trading a lot um i have to watch out for stuff mainly backrank this is playable if b5 i play knight d8 and i think most things are defended b5 is a bigger threat thanks to thornen and for my sub gift oh thank you thornenin wait what oh three month gift just wait gift subscription from thornenin oh that's really kind whirlwind orb entering month two that's cool okay um i'm probably slightly worse here but maybe it's not so bad e4 is a good move go for f5 maybe maybe not probably want to maneuver the knight to e6 also the possibility of walking the king all the way up [Music] let's hold my ground so with f4 and now i have g4 as a possibility for the knight we could end up repeating actually yeah we might repeat here i don't think i'll repeat because i'm up on time white's not repeating either okay so i think we're both playing for a win now i have slightly worse structure but slightly more time this move cheer 500 oh oh good try trying to cheer and resub at the same time hey it's gg road gg road i pretty sure i know in real life i met when i was like a child uh and we attended chess camp in florida right i think thanks for the oh thanks for the 500 bits making the cheer work um can i take taking actually looks nice because after it takes i have a defended pass pawn i'm still a little bit stuck but i'll try and make this work maybe knight h6 coming probably gonna win on time oh a7 is hanging um okay now it should be winning [Music] actually it's weird i'm gonna win on time when the knight two oh that's not good to take though because queen b7 uh-oh i messed this up check this move no how to do this look this way ah okay i shouldn't lose this this might be a draw though no no that's a draw oh only chess it would have been declared a win also in fiji it would be declared a win because the knight is mating material when the opponent has at least a pawn okay let's play e4 new opening what a finish okay maybe that makes up for some of the the dirtier draws i had earlier oh it's such a big time advantage it's unfortunate okay so playing b stock playing a grand prix attack this is my first e4 game as white okay play this oh oops most people take with pawn i was not expecting knight takes so i'm losing a pawn here it's not so bad damage the structure put the queen in the center treating this like a gambit attack this and this is really not too bad hey tillisman from indonesia slamat how do you say morning good morning good morning um i was gonna try and learn indonesian so i was in indonesia a couple years ago yeah i thought that might see you later but maybe not okay i'm gonna focus on the chess so i want c6 i can win oh i can do fancy things look at this takes if takes i discover fork and if that i i say oh no my queen and then i win this okay that was nice playing yavjani was this russian grand master oh tomaszewski strong player so queen's gambit declined okay a6 is kind of a pet line but i'm still prepared here oh [Music] so i delayed c6 because in this case uh usually c5 maybe b5 first but eventually c5 [Music] tricky play from the i opponent i'll play bishop b7 some idea knight e4 ah rook c there's bishop f5 so i can play this move ah but then i lose a pawn i have to do this there's 94. we trade i think it's okay because i defend the pawn light supported thanks people for the bits appreciate that have this move trading makes me more comfortable especially against gm's now i can play maybe this but then takes takes i just lose a pawn so this move knight c6 we trade in rookie six or even better we trade in knight f2 okay yeah it's hard to play c5 here this move is going after this pawn oh what to do g5 i don't know what to do i'm probably going to lose this pawn eventually i'll try and be solid before maybe [Music] a very difficult position so if takes i went f2 down a lot of time i'm just trying to hold my ground oh i lost a pawn good move have this move yeah actually i didn't think i mind this in balance but maybe i do because this pawn is going to be so strong i can keep kicking around the rook ah there comes the c5 yeah before i have to try this i just want to get the pawn to b3 and threadmate this doesn't work though but maybe i'm turning perpetual so d7 i check i think that's perpetual i don't know though king a2 that's not perpetual it was worth a try time to resign time to resign good game yeah i got all played it was like the one pawn the backwards c pawn really uh was painful but uh life goes on good positional lesson oh i'm playing is this minlae i think this is minlae uh let's play d4 oh i think he plays london himself i wonder he's um yeah maybe we've gone into this line before love the content oh i love you too thank you credited and truckers for life my credit to lime i thought you summed like an hour ago but maybe not maybe you just cheered thank you uh for subbing um bishop e6 good move i gotta play much quicker i mean probably knight d2 [Music] looks passive but what else to do another good move okay i want to play e4 probably or not i just want to like steadily improve the position [Music] maybe knight c4 if the timing's right d oh the letter of um yeah whatever that emoji is this a free pawn that's a free pawn thank you snail conglomerate and evan adolf thank you for gifting five subs appreciate that um okay let's stay focused move all the way back it's a good position just a little bit down on time put the rook back somewhere more useful he's being resourceful before i'm just trying to shift the focus to the queen side so there's some nice alignment with the king bishop here maybe e4 kind of invites f4 but this might work in some lines you can take with rook 2 9 f6 so i want to keep the pressure here let's keep building up so if takes i i win the queen it's still alignment oh and i'm threatening to probably take not sure how great that is i might just put the rook on g4 interesting so we have to do this okay it's getting a little bit weird i'm still up a pawn but black has some space now here i can take the bishop yeah i should have probably maybe never mind oh it's still weird though let's go for this ah if takes i take the bishop first i think threatening rook b7 rook b6 i have to stay calm i didn't think this works 97 okay that move um that's still playable a king f5i fork here we go threatening this okay can always sock the bishop my time though oh no oh that's not what i wanted i can trade queens let's go oh what just happened there let's go let's go okay oh man that was a good fight that was a good fight okay the competition doesn't get easier though man okay this is maybe the last game or last full game so i gained some rating there that was nice and this is what i need to do to finish in the top 100 in the tournament really not easy okay gonna go for kind of the classic bishop d3 and e4 um [Music] there's cases where h7 could be oh that's a tricky move i wonder if i can play bishop a4 because if takes i win the bishop and otherwise there should be five and then i lose a pawn i might be in trouble here yeah i think i'm in kind of big trouble because i can't castle either way there's 94. and the plan might be to try and castle queenside this bishop is so strong oh i'm losing a pawn queen g4 [Music] i might never mind oh i can castle kingside okay i'm alive i think yeah i'm alive um i have to play f3 not so pretty but it's playable probably take and try and trade everything i mean generally queen and knight is preferable for queen and bishop 23. i have the c5 square for the knight too i'm throwing a spike check probably not a great move have this move time maybe this move nah okay this should be a draw but who knows all three results are possible the game might actually get aborted if we go the full distance okay so now i'm threading the pawn with chuck ah very sneaky let's hide the king so either pawn is take and i i take on b5 the key might try and meet me i have a4 here it's getting spicy ah that sounds scared me i don't know why that was so scary let's find maiden one oh that didn't work oh yeah it's gonna be a draw i just have to not flag or it's gonna get aborted um i think draw because there's no time left oh i hung up on wait that was not called for i'll watch this so i'll set up a sneaky snail matrix oh never mind okay i was waiting for black to take the pawn i was gonna sack my queen but uh okay good job hakaru winning my carl's gotta be like the arena kings um god of winning so many of these tournaments but uh that was fun had some fun games had a lot of uh interesting opponents i played the karu we had a cool game i played ben feingold played min lei eric hansen played a lot of famous people this tournament man but there there are a lot of fun games in this one two uh two of these like dirty stalemate traps one against eric hanson so that was fun
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 220,179
Rating: 4.9241886 out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial,, chess game, chess explained, Checkmate, rapid chess, chess 2020, gmhikaru, ben finegold, chessbrah, eric hansen, arena kings 2021, Stafford Gambit, London System
Id: oI0ujyvmD4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 29sec (7289 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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