Botez Sisters VS BLINDFOLDED GM Hikaru Nakamura Blitz Match

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okay what's the move okay Knight to f6 see 6d v very professional opening who place the cattle in this isn't Pia is it no okay okay I don't know the opening is very professional he said Bishop g2 right Bishop to e7 otherwise he's tricking me into a line where I take and then my bishop is already missed please let's keep it as a cow castles now if he takes I think I should have stuff like oh I wanted to Hardy takes before pushes c6 oh ok let's see see five yeah queen dc-7 I'm gonna try to bring this rock here and I'm guessing this is not very annoying okay let's play like this taste C takes D for hook here then I guess I have to bring out my bishop and then the Rope can come to d1 Knight to c6 I play here probably not think I have to take and play against the doubled pawns okay be take seasick Queen takes me feels a little greedy but let's go I'd like to castle at some point in my life this should be something that he's gonna play baby isn't boy can't castle oh you did well in that case I'll cast him rookie c8 I'm not even streaming by cars chat and it's distracting do you want Knight to d5 Queen to b6 queen bee five pawn to c5 I'm really one-time Bishop takes c5 don't distract me Brook cakes Queen takes Queen a6 work b5 Bishop takes Bishop got b4 okay rook takes b3 h v work to c8 King dh7 okay King to g6 no I think you just blundered me you know you'll not be on you would not be like a good don't sit yeah a good like Oh poker player commentator because I can tell the moment you said obviously I see the reason it's a bad move but you're so unconvincing it's like it's like it's so obvious okay we're C takes c3 of course I did of course repeat one wreck h1 is Chuck me actually know what it is is you won't be a good you wouldn't be a good salesman that's that's what you can I can tell right away your your very own concern so bad it was gonna be a good game I can't believe my blender like that yeah all those boats has okay I wasn't sure who that was okay I guess yeah let's keep going I can't see your just curtain okay let's play d4 he's blind takes what do you what do you play is white do you just play regular c4 stuff you play this one dinner what do you play okay so C for tonight to c3 c4 Knight to f3 Bishop to e2 okay he didn't thank God he takes e5 I knew I go into the trading line Queen takes Queen Knight to d5 C takes d5 once again picture out to all you guys in chat who are watching I can't see the number but I think when I took the blindfold off I think it was like fifty five hundred so thanks everybody who's watching this obviously I can't read the comments or anything right now since we're playing blindfolded but I hope you're enjoying the show and I hope you're having a great Tuesday afternoon wherever you are in the big wide world Bishop to c4 Bishop takes d5 [Music] just an IRA could go back ah same time - three - out they're not gonna Bishop g5 83 Bishop to e3 or even here is interesting okay we're gonna make a decision I'm gonna have some bishop takes c6 h3 castles law okay Brooke - d6 Bishop to d2 bishop to c3 c3 c3 oh sorry sorry I misunderstood you okay I thought you're saying okay yeah sorry Bishop b3 okay okay for Bishop Knight to t2 rook to d3 push could also retreat actually oh god no well okay tell me oh you didn't take it why making those noises okay now I really regret my decision I wonder if maybe it wasn't maybe you thought it wasn't a free pawn Knight to f1 work 2 e 1 rook to d2 nights gonna come there know what but 90 feet is good for me left Bishop beastie okay night to e3 okay okay rook rook e to e 2 they don't know what's gonna happen if we carry okay we're taking th he plays route to after trade Bishop d2 take I mean I guess oh he did it he'll be mom f3 okay Knight c2 rook to e1 Bishop to e3 Bingbing okay Knight takes Knight to F one night to d2 night to be one Knight to c3 dad please rookie to work to D to work takes D 3 D to H 495 pre-move 97 Knight takes c6 Knight takes e5 King to c3 Knight e4 e5 e 5 e 7 I want to cry
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Views: 1,344,594
Rating: 4.931191 out of 5
Keywords: daniel naroditsky, alexandra botez, andrea botez, eric hansen, chessbrah, game, battle, vs, board, checkmate, grandmaster, attack, win, how to, best game, move, moves, analysis, twitch, highlights, esports, hikaru, carlsen, eric rosen, puzzle rush, top 10, banter blitz, best chess channel, chess tips, improve chess, funny chess, chess match, educational chess, chessmaster, botezlive, aman hambleton, tactics, chess lesson, lesson, chess battle, MVL, Maxime, GM Hikaru, hikaru nakamura, nakamura
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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