Why I'm Not a Mormon!

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all right good evening hi my name is Robert breaker person came out today talking about this this is a video that I made a drunk nurse when I was a punk nurses missionary and I did it in Spanish and I've had that on the internet for a while and then a lot of people in English have been asking me to do it in English so I've had to spend some time eating that ready he probably took me about 40 50 hours to get this all prepared in Spanish a lot of it is the graphics and the slides and everything and then probably another 20 hours to translate everything in English Spanish many of the things that I've used are being English so figure that out and then English translated Spanish and translate back to English and that was a lot of fun so this will be our English version of this and I totaled this why I am NOT a Mormon and in Spanish I think it's the truth about Mormonism and I also have done other different videos like this why not witness my mother Catholic and things like that and now this is my website and you can go here to the cloud churches out of work and you can find that series yes they are in English as well Spanish so I'm excited that we can get this into English as well and this is personally why I didn't warm why I choose personally not to join the Mormon Church do you want to you know yourself and then this is just what I found like I don't want to be a Mormon and I'll let you decide for yourself if you want to be okay I'll give you a dress from what I found I decided no this isn't for me okay so I just thought I'll go ahead and report telling you why I personally did not come on this is the website here cloud church not working jeans yeah what is the bottom floor in all matters we can practice I believe it's the fight not just any little Bible where Bible be cool heavily its King James off the rocks so we have to take the work out and keep doing Bible and we're supposed to take it and see what lines up with it keep things line up with it and throw out the things that know amen so the Bible says prove all things hold fast that which is good seen from all appearance of people what we're going to do tonight if somebody goes we would show you what I found in my study about Mormonism and why I personally don't want to be a part of that denomination birthday me for one says now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils what does this take place a lot of times well it's interesting when you start to study the last 200 years or so you see these religious sects popping up in America nice colors I think there's God big cults that were found in the last 200 years the last days a lot of times Mormonism started by Joseph Smith in 1830 seventh-day Adventists started by Helen G white and mr. Miller in 1865 Battle Creek Michigan in an insane asylum believe it or not that you've got your christian science people started by Mary vinegar glover passionate as you heard so many times harder to learn English but it started around the 1880s you've got the Jehovah Witness I'm sorry good witnesses started by Charles Russell mr. Rutherford about 1881 then you have what's called in the costal or charismatic hears maniacs to tears matters started by miss McAllister in the nineteen hundreds in Los Angeles and Susan screaming Susan screaming so these are the famous five making cults that grows up fortunately in our country in America and that have to do with false doctrine and I've got a video I believe on the number witnesses why not have been impossible those do again to be won on these two maybe someday what we'll do today is we're going to look at this one Mormonism what do they teach and weapons the virus it because we have to line up all things mean so love I will say again it warns us because it says the spirit of speakers the latter times some shall depart depart from the faith in the hippie to seducing spirits isn't it interesting that the Mormons call their church the Church of Jesus Christ of the won the Latter day Saints their connection to hair I don't know maybe you decide so who are the Mormons a lot of you probably see them riding around on their bicycles or walking and they go to my to the door with their little Book of Mormon and they want to talk to you they claim to be at the Church of Jesus Christ of the latter days latter-day saints they call them some LDS Church you ever see them and they say we're from the LDS Church that Saturday two singles and that's what they look like and no doubt you've probably seen them come to your door I think it's so odd they can have your door with a little main antagonist as elder so-and-so and most of them are like 18 years old there but they talk to me I don't follow elder because I'm a little they are I call them younger I said oh hello mr. younger something's up but I don't talk too much the Mormon Church started in 1830 with a man named Joseph Smith this is him who was Joseph Smith hopefully you've studied this and probably not popping anybody here that has harder to study this but for the sake of those that don't know this is Joseph Smith and Joseph Smith Jr was born on December 23rd 1805 and Sharon Vermont as a young child he traveled with his mother Lucy sorry know each other's mother Lucy was it to be a cult and practice divination and she taught her son how to do the same a lot of these slides up with the source where I get this information from just so you know I'm just not making this stuff up but this man his parents were into divination what does it be intimidations let's go to the Bible for the answer what is a divination and shooting practice eliminations well good Ron being T 10 is an Old Testament verse and it says there should not be found among you anyone to think the desire is daughter to what passion a fire or that music the nation's or an observer of times or an enchanter or a witch divination is connected with witches witchcraft so it's basically doing things that are which would do so as we got the Bible we look what the Bible says we find if I was very much against practicing intimidations so that sphere a red flag right there probably begin looking at who this man is where it came from well Joseph Smith's father worked as a treasure hunter and he also used emanations to find the treasure that he sought after and he would go around and tell people you know pay me money well I've used emanations and I'll find buried treasure in your yard and things like this so from his shoes Joseph Smith was taught about the occult in witchcraft or about limitations in a dagger you ever hear any Norman's telling you that this was easy to find I didn't have to study too terribly much to find that I can see gospel tract called the visitors and this gospel tract my chicken since I'm Steve Jobs this family was deeply involved in the occult Joseph Smith was arrested in 1826 from the occult practice called blast looking you ever heard of the Hat I think that's an Alice in Wonderland too which is really bad he got it for a price he could find buried treasure by looking through his magic deep stomach that's what is that deal so we learned from his father and by the way his mother Jude was a practicing witch what I showed you make sure that each stone well here's what it looks like this is the little stone here then don't use the theory and I'll give you a bigger picture of it so he carried that around and walk around look through that to play you need to see buried treasures that's how he did his divinations you don't have something does that sound like a great piece to me sounds kind of fishy to me in fact to this gospel tracking says also when Joseph Smith was killed he was carrying an occult talisman of Jupiter in his pocket college many some sort of thing from witchcraft posted with that kind of thing though basically little idols as where they are we all know about Jupiter reading false god and idol Bible says and serving idols is demon worship you want to see some pictures of some palace man I get this from strict screenwriters book bloodlines Illuminati and these are some of the little talisman that Joseph Smith used to carry around with almost like will point they have symbols of lips triangles are there here's a cane Joseph Smith's cane and those tops in the form of a snake or serpent or Satan is a certain mood want to hear his sermon he you look at his dangerous occult symbols all over it so weirding out to a pretty bad start as far as looking at the man who started it it sounds like he was steeped in the occult so as we study Joseph Smith was secretly getting that he had connections to the occult witchcraft and practicing eliminations this is not good amen would you agree is this the type of person we should look to to the starting of a new religion especially in the last days we were warned in the Bible to watch out for things such as that I was sensing the ended in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils is that what happened with justice man no I'm not saying it wasn't exactly watch and I'm gonna let you decide wicker for your side that's making the start of the war mature more mature star look you go to the Mormons and you ask them how did your church start they're not to tell you the story it all started with Joseph Smith the man whose parents were into witchcraft it all started with mystery man who says and these are someone hits words and I'm going to give and he tells a story that one day he went into the woods to pray and there appeared unto him a messenger and the messenger begin to talk to him why not later he said it was an angel it appeared and this of course is in Spanish so I haven't translated English some of these slides I couldn't find English translated directly from Spanish here's the translation this is the Book of Mormon and this is the works of Joseph's in from his book hope you could read that there on the night of September 24 1823 I began to pray there created to me a light in my room that would was his brightest midnight and suddenly there was a person beside I've had seating in the air most things have been pizza that night or something he saw something he saw a person beside his bench dating' in the air who did not touch the ground he called me by my name and said that he was a messenger sent by God and that his name was Moroni found that macaroni pitchman well mr. angel macaroni appeared up to this guy and he gave helps himself this is a book that I found in Spanish it was put out by the war went up I'm sure they probably have an English too but I was only able quite a bit English so I I translated it and says here the missions of the angel Moroni in this little book talks about how he says this angel appeared unto him so according to Joseph Smith an angel appeared to him and pulled him to start a new religion a man who goes around looking through little stones in practices divination that sound right to you what does the Bible say about that about angels appearing in to us and talking to us if you had a Galatians chapter 1 verse 8 the Bible says that though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel to you that which am Greeks of you gonna be thrown right then Bob says watch out if an angel comes on you start touching something and saying how from God you gotta go hold on ready huh sounds kind of fishy to me so he said that's that this angel appeared on the hill and he said hey I'm a gospel preacher bridge well we regulations but I've got read the other verse because the 42 Galatians not only is the angel of curse of the man's let me read the whole thing but though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel to you temperance lets him in danger be accursed the next verse says as we said before so say I now began to be needed preach any other gospel to you as you ever seen let him who's that the man being cursed so the manager Curtis of the ages reversed gives their preaching in different cups now let's find out the video will preach another gospel will we're looking back here to meet us let's continue this comes from a book that I got them Spanish books Lauren it's all in Spanish and it's a dictionary of different sects or cults and it's this is the passage on Mormonism in that book and here's what it says in that book I have translated this for you to English it says immediately after Schmidt that Joseph Smith received his first vision he told this experience to a Methodist minister according to Smith the minister agrees reacted with this day and said that the voices and missions were from the devil how did we my first thought too Friday violation one date night well I guess she wasn't sniffing think that but he went told another guy and he said nobody saw it anybody here interested remember the Bible says that in the last time for the latter times there be something part of a debate if you need to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils all right now here's this book again in Spanish is an official publication by the latter-day saints and course on translate this is the other Smith telling about what happened when you saw this angel if you tell me what you think when you hear his confession of what happened to him when he heard this angel then appear to be a powerful force reports denominated be completely dominated and then me begin such an amazing influence that it muted my tongue and left me unable to speak I remembered if I was a pitch darkness wonder about me Tom the plot thickens in it and it says in for a moment I thought I was destined for sudden destruction well that sounds like an equal or honey no and then precisely at that moment I saw a column of light brighter than the Sun directly above my head and this light gradually descended until it rested upon me okay what do you think of here well what does the Bible say about that man we gotta go to the word God and check it out the bottom compared to what other people say well the Bible says in a Marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel here to me whoa question especially when the Bible says so who really adhere to Joseph Smith an angel or an even know already I've given you three warnings on the vine let's look at those again that's the juicing spiritual calm in the latter days I believe we're the latter thing yes second warning is it an angel or anyone else appears with another gospel he's in first and then the third is watch out because Satan him here's legal life so there's three strikes right here who we get go make me wonder about this religion that's why I can't be part of that religion because there's too many questions that I have that's of God or not here's a book again from the warmest a warm official publication in again he says that the visits of the angel Moroni he said his name was Moroni so Joseph Smith confesses and says now that angel snake was Moroni you said Moroni let's look at that it's Moroni where the word Mormon comes from they call their book The Book of Mormon so you've got Mor do harm so Moroni is that where Mormon comes from why do they call the Mormons you go ask your typical Mormon money call yourself Mormons they have come on to this day almost didn't collar simple so I began to study it than that if you take off the final in you get the word warm up now I don't know I should have put this in my slides but I didn't because I saw this and I need to study there's a book which is horrible I do not own this look I don't want to buy this book but it's called the Satanic Bible by the end time of the day they got the poem obey in his Satanic Bible has a list of page some demons I mean look at the list of the name of demons in his Bible and there's been a Mormon one of the names of a seducing spirit or devil is warm up his ass where the name comes from what would a demon or a devil want to do if he appeared to someone why coming back to this verse what I didn't help it the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of bells it may demon up here to someone this agenda were beaten balls hitting people to depart from the true faith and then set up its own satanic false doctrines in place of the true doctrines of Christianity are you with me so this is one of the reasons why I'm not a Mormon I look at it and I say whoa whoa red light red light watch out doesn't sound like this but also as we begin to study Mormonism week we get more red flags who really appeared to Joseph Smith was it Moroni or was it a nickname Joseph Smith is several accounts of what supposedly happened in one side of his mouth and says it was Moroni they did another accounting systems and different angel with a different so which was here is an English but I made a bigger system so hard to read history Joseph Smith Joseph Smith says when I first looked upon him I was afraid here soon nothing he called me by name and sent it to me his name was Nephi so which was it Moroni or defy you know when a guy says something whose testimony doesn't line up when it's known how because he said two separate things so who was that he'll be here to joke that's a good question was it Moroni or Rigby hi I'm suing me who who appeared unto Joseph Smith there's a lot of questions about who that was I wasn't seen the Bible says few years is an eagle flies me again that's what it says no Marvel for save themselves transforming to Nathan likes a tease so what did this spirit I mean angel or Moroni what what what did this being whoever it was whatever its name was Watts who Joseph Smith why did it appear to him well he just going into the part that all the woman's love to tell them do now do you ever have a Mormon come to your house and visit well hey you I promise you they won't be there five minutes without starting into this story about the old any place and they want to tell you this story now again I had to go to Spanish here so I had to translate it in the English word this is the source that I got this from Spanish and translated into English here's what they say the man who appeared report identified himself as Moroni claimed to be a messenger sent by God to give him a task Nairobi's from Moroni said there was a book written on plates of gold Moroni continue to explain the plates contain the completeness for the totality of what the gospel remember an angel coming to preach another gospel and so supposed leading without me we found these plates I don't know maybe use the heat so to find the middle that's my idea but these golden plates are supposed to the foundation of the Mormon religion here I have another book in Spanish English it says here and this is an official document from the Mormon Church it says God has the positive book written on plates of gold it never found the completeness of the eternal gospel Savior which have been given to the nation inhabitants so this angel all he was this guy who knit was great and different possible doesn't sound right to me most Bible say about someone with another gospel let it be like curses Joseph Smith might have been an angel Gator on these golden plates which contained another house but these supposed golden plates are nowhere to be found today cause they may need to act and they even exist this guy just making something up I mean if I found some golden place I feed either one of our chopper of music I mean I don't know if I can make up the mind and probably want the money launched out but if you found something that's that historic will in value would you want it in the museum somewhere so everyone can see it nobody this to this day knows where they are you ask a Mormon where these places we don't know but they existed so where are we now you only think we have as proof that these these things existed is the testimony of eight witnesses that were friends and some of them even family of yours of Smith if you go to beginning of the Book of Mormon here's these guys and they all said we saw the place we saw place that's it are we supposed to take these eight guys basically how you how to mix it don't you think those plates really exist they'd be in a museum and you call somewhere how so Joseph Smith's mostly translated these plates even English that is what they say so the Book of Mormon gives him supposedly translating these golden plates something interesting about the Book of Mormon this is from brother Milton hookah Mormon contains many pleasure isms of the King James Bible at least 25,000 words this is strange since the flakes were supposed to have been in the ground being situated before the King James Bible was completed in 1611 is that just coincidence when he translated it happened to match up to the King Dave the Book of Mormon awesome things mediators such as claims of elements in the Western Hemisphere in advanced metal producing component capabilities in America 480 look at this book and so many errors in Mormon night well the Bible that they call the Mormon the Book of Mormon has many errors in it historical errors the Book of Mormon has errors in it they can't be got the word it's a good question Robert started responding success everywhere down here add that maudlin to his word less than a groovy and how he found it what wider shouldn't have a gobbler well Mormons call their book The Book of Mormon another testament of Jesus Christ so if you've got the Mormon Church they have three testicles we and our King James Bible happily too but they have three are there are three Testaments in the Bible well let's go look in second Corinthians 3 4 we read about the reading of the Old Testament so in our Bible this is the Old Testament and then we go to Hebrews 9 15 and 16 and it talks about the New Testament and then it didn't it says in the first Testament so we have the first Testament which is the Old Testament in the New Testament there's no third Nexus right in our bottle so the Bible speaks of two Testaments and no more the Old Testament is called the first Testament in the New Testament which is the final test there's no third Testament if you're a Mormon there is so according to the Bible itself there is no other Testament than the two Testaments the old ended ooh so what does that mean I guess that means let's throw this one out because he doesn't correspond doesn't line up prove all things hold fast that which is good well this doesn't seem too good if he doesn't line up with the Bible Mormons believe the joke translated the Book of Mormon himself from these golden plates and that in the scripture well what does the Bible say well but says all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine or a group for correction for instruction in righteousness all right all Scripture so we scripture it must be inspired of God so we must ask the question gives the Book of Mormon it's like I don't even know if the Mormons believe it is I guess they think it is but is it what makes it God's true inspired work how would God give us these inspired work well we go to the Bible itself in the Bible tells us this is how God gave us his work 2nd Peter 1:21 knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation well the prophecy came not in old time by the will big holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost so the men were hauling this it sound like you're holding it you're using to the nation's and they all right so God Himself spoke through these holy men his words in time past and those words were written down did Joseph Smith speak under the inspiration of God and his words written down no it's testimonies he found his place and he translated he translated these plates from a language that nobody even knows what that language is who does that he didn't even know what do you get the translation of but where are the plates we don't happen so how do we even know they existed there's so many questions so how can we know the Book of Mormon is the word of God we there are no originals if you will we don't even know what late was just like we written it and yet he supposedly translate how can we check him out see he was a good translator so you basically have to take my face so could the Book of Mormon rather be the inspired book about simply are you saying they're good Mormons inspired by the devil rather than God well yeah that's my question it was book is this we look at the Book of Mormon remember Mauro was the name of a demon so which is it the Book of Mormon or the Book of Mormon the knee where did this book come from even one has errors in do we accept it is the word for me I understand this is why I not Joseph Smith wrote several other books including doctrines and Covenants and the pearl of great price these are some of the books at this being row so Mormons have more than one authority they usually King James Bible but then they followed performant and the covenants and the great pearl P or whatever they have all these different books well it's hard to just get through the King James Bible imagine having to have all these I went to a Mormon Church one time on a Sunday I just wanted to see what they do and they wouldn't even let me in their services you know you're not one of us you know sitting here what we did lot of secrecy are they so secret maybe what they do is interesting with his own books Joseph Smith taught his dog training that he found in the true church in 1830 but they'd not wait until 1830 to start his true church we what a bummer guys when the cross when he goes and in 1830 years then I'll give you the truth no evidence outright to me but that's the story of the Mormon teaching according to the form of teaching mr. Smith went out to pray in forest when the ask God which religion was the right one which church he should join me and this angel and division answered and said all religions were apostate and goblin only use and the four were in costume these are the words Joseph Smith right here in the parable great price Joseph Smith said I was answered that I must join none of them when they were all wrong in the percentage who addressed me said that all their Creed's were an abomination in his sight that those professors were all corrupt so whoever that was appeared to Joseph Smith said any other preacher is an abomination I even would say that Wendy was anybody else preaching about you know the truth would be a homage so Mormonism condemns all of the religions not like houses kind of like mom's they can--they them all over why don't you just say Jesus says about his church they hit the pedals are not prevail against it what does Mormonism teach the do to help her faith prevailed against Jesus Church and then God had to wait till a tea party to bring this guy up get the truth to the world all over again how big one of the doctrines of Joseph Smith in his church we're gonna get into what they teach and what you're gonna find is every time every time the Mormon doctrine says this the Bible says the exact opposite I mean it's just amazing it's almost like Joseph Smith read the Bible said whatever it says I'm gonna start my own church this is the exact opposite I mean it's insane I'm going to show you Tommy together they say one thing and the Bible says the exact miles and that is why I and not what they do in this church if they exalt the man it's all about this man and the exhaust station of this guy and they raise up Joseph Smith in his church in place of Jesus woman church teaches that there is no salvation outside of the van Joseph Smith in his journal sound like compulsive salvation outside of the Catholic Church from the Pope what do you do when they were screwed into Pope's and everyone call get up on the Antichrist that happened in late well that says Joseph Smith speaking in doctrines and covenants this is section 132 I guess you'd call it verse 46 47 here Joseph Smith speaking he says whatsoever you make something's not speaking Joseph Smith and he wrote it down so they go to this word but he says God told me this looks where did you Joseph Smith seal on earth let me see them in heaven once already behind on her save the Lord's he should be eternally bound in the heavens and whose soever sins you remain on earth will be remitted eternally in the heavens and whoever sins you retain on the nerves I'm entertaining him so Joseph Smith says this thing you'll appear to be in Toby and I have salvation whoever I save save me save me whatever I say Wow so Joseph Smith it claims to have the power to forgive sin what does the Bible say well let's look at Luke 5:21 and the scribes the Pharisees began to reason saying who is this week speaking blasphemies who can forgive sins but God alone maybe even a lost finger at season Jesus takes in blasphemy to say that that's wrong only God forgives sins not man who Jones misses no I forgive sins how about so Joseph Smith taught that he had the keys to salvation in these last days here's from a source of there's like senator foot down here references where I got this mom Joseph Smith we have we have the words here no man in this dispensation can enter into the celestial kingdom of God without the consent of Joseph Smith every man the woman has to be certified by Joseph Smith as a password to enter into the mansion where God and Christ are this is official doctrine of the Mormon Church so they get the heaven you gotta have a passport you have come from Joseph Smith he says coming to me and he saying he says he's the pastor so well I tell you what we got it wrong ago I almost palpable leakers lucky we're dumb enough to think it was Jesus who saves what's wrong with us it was Joseph in know who is the real Savior just well like da must go to buy because Mormons say one thing in the body system what does the Bible say acts 4:12 says neither is there salvation in any other context is Jesus well there's not other name given under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved that includes Joseph that means Jesus is not businessmen we read in Titus chapter three verses four through six but after the kindness and love of God our Savior according to His mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration renewing of the Holy Ghost you shed on us abundantly through Joseph Smith our Savior is that what is it Jesus Christ our state not Joseph Smith notice it says Jesus not who died on the cross to save us was it Jesus Christ think that's pretty redundant question in it it was Jesus prophecy and that's why Matthew 1:21 says and that's what caused them Jesus where he shall save his people from their sins notice it doesn't say much at home page opens man in 1830 he'll start the true religion they don't you say it's not but it beats 3:20 says where our conversation is in heaven from whence also we look for the Savior the Lord doesn't say Joseph Smith Jesus Christ there's a bit weird and hasn't BTU here you're gonna see the same thing over and over that church says one thing and I've chosen myself I'm sure again in Jude 145 do the only ones got our seat be glory Majesty Dominion and power both now forever amen our see who is that now this Jesus right 2nd Peter 3:18 you Peter sent but grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Savior Joseph Smith know Jesus Christ to him not to Joseph Smith be glory both now and forever that peace the latter days - amen so we go to Jesus for salvation now the LDS Church not only says Joseph Smith is a savior but they also teach that only their church saves that is they say you cannot be saved or need to have a gun outside of their religion here's a quote from Mormon doctrine by Bruce mcConkie this is a quote from them from the pack from the more mature this church is the only true church on the face of the earth there's no salvation outside of the Church of the Latter day Saints all right you believe that no who saves us today the Church of the Latter day Saints and all these prophets or the crucifixion and blood of Jesus I believe it's the blood of Jesus washes our sins away and what about all these people that live before 1830 then every one of the world I go to hell till 1830 and now we also just drop down and kiss the feet of Joseph Smith because finally God in salvation three hell a hard time swallowing been a bit of a hard time what was the Bible say therefore I endure all things really like sake that they may also take the salvation which is in Christ Jesus Joseph Smith with eternal glory 2nd Timothy 2:10 it again am I going overboard with the scriptures first Thessalonians King James Bible right they cling to and you know it's interesting the former's only used epen 5 verse that's always 5 boxes for God not appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation by our Lord Josephson our Lord Jesus Christ event and it says here in verse 2 me 3:15 we're sitting to put the Greek petite and that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus yet the LDS Church says that salvation is only through their church again this was the quote from their doctrine this church is the only church church on the face of the earth there's no salvation outside of the Church of the Latter day Saints here's a quote another quote from the LDS Church and this is what they say I only went to their own writings and their own books and just took out their doctrine and then comparing that to Scripture they said we are the only people who know how to save their offspring and how to save our descendants in the celestial kingdom of God here are the people that God has chosen that was just in them and to present the right teachings to the world we are therefore the saviors of the world is this your savior to spit loogies saviors when they knock on your door you go to get your saving right now I don't think I think someone has small stuff you know the foundation is wrong than whatever you build on them and the more we look at their document where we find it's not light another fine here's the true savior of the world Jesus runs amen again what does the Bible say well first John 4:14 says and we have seen a new testify that the father sent the son to be the savior of the world every time they say something the Bible says the exact opposite that's why I know now you can make up your own life amen I'm hoping to give you enough information that you can't make up your mind information will be enough for you to decide the Mormons I believe soldiers of Smith be the savior of the world but they know so far it's the same that he is God I don't know what else you call big Colts but that right when the religious leader says that he's God you marked it down he's a Colts here maybe people are drinking the kool-aid ok this is this is a problem but the Mormon Church calls Joseph Smith both Savior and they exalt him to that here's a Brigham Young the battery of Brigham Young aged 1830 Brigham Young says but the time will come when the people will be ready to accept Joseph's minister prophet seer revealer and go I'm sorry he's not my buddy the Mormon Church he can go so far as to teach that at the great final judgment of the world all will be judged by Jesus Christ Joseph Smith and got a father so they make it not only God with the judge of all you imagine that dog won't hunt any like there's something wrong there he's no good what does the Bible say you know I'm showing you what they say and I'm show you what the Bible says but the words the Apostle Paul state otherwise in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my house ready not my Joseph's name even that something Romans 2:16 Joseph Smith himself says and these are his words listen to the man speak I guess you probably full of yourself I don't know this is how an animal majority has stood by myself neither Paul nor John no Peter nor jesus never had such high hopes that no man has ever had such a work as ha yeah the followers of Jesus fled from him with the Saints of the last days and ever loved what does it sound like to you my my we have a boasts what if there's a person the Bible talks about people most wanted to what about says notice also that in the last days so you have they're blasting sing sing home the last action come why we're men should be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters here well that is some it brags about themselves very proud blasphemers the Mormon doctrine of man becoming a God are being exalted to God the Mormons don't just teach them that Joseph Smith was a God they teach that you can be a god that's probably one of the reasons where so many people like to join this church by the way that's called new age yeah it it started back in you well it's it's orally called the New Age movement is you can become your own God so interesting this has quite am quite a that it shares the same doctrine of the occult the guy who started it was India Nations the Mormon Church believes in a man can become God friends like you pretty much history of the church here's some words here my prime objective is to evaluate the character of the only wise and true God and what class of being he is I will go back to the getting before the world was to show what he was God was the same as we are now and is an exalted man this is the great secret so the more my secret is God what's the man community go someday how about that here's translated from Tyrese is immortal source and they say remember that our celestial father was once a child and mortal as we art and step-by-step went up the progressive lab and he moved up until he arrived to the point of being what he is now yeah so the onyx teach that God was once the main here's another Mormon doctrine source up on top and they say God Himself the father of us all this is horrifying exalted ignored resurrecting sound right to you God the Father was once as we are now is an exalted man and sits enthroned in yonder heavens this is all doctrine of the Mormons and what they teach they teach that God the Father was once a man like we human beings are okay that's what they say was a Mikaelson I don't know but I mentioned says you know billion find out God says no say eleven nine Brian the Mississippi once again right now exact opposite of what the Bible says but yet thinks it as man is God once was and God as God is and maybe so they believed that God was once a man and you can become no so they are saying that God was once a man what we heard about this you can become a scholar you might read too much in the Bible but what was the juices Jeffrey well that's the words of Satan and the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die in the day you eat thereof you shall be as what guys why was okay so here Joseph Smith begin his words then shall they be God's why that's just what sings never shall they be from me from everlasting to everlasting you so as I say it to you except you by my long you cannot attain to this glory what's that to be God that leads us to the exaltation but if you're seeing this world then shall you know me and shall receive your exaltation that where are you usual here's a guy named Wilson something what is it Wilford Woodruff and this is a mormon riding he wanted his works and he says I want you to understand this archives our labor our works are not with the exalting of the Almighty we don't exalt God but for our own exaltation so everything they do all of their works is not because they love God wanting salt in so they can be so if you look at Joseph Smith and you look at see they both say the exact same thing here ye shall be as mountains Wow that's kind of scary but what does God Himself say let's look at the Bible again the King James Bible Isaiah 45 bucks says I am the Lord and there is none else there's no God beside me so they say you pick up Wow no God beside me teaching some Mormonism about Jesus Christ I'm trying to get you as many different teachings of this nomination of this is cold that I can you'll know but they believe what they believe about Jesus Christ they teach some very strange things about Jesus Christ and it's really sad what they teach the Mormons teach that Jesus Christ and Lucifer were partners it's a weird certainly we're here but what does the Bible say about that if you go back we find out that Jesus Christ was God but knows right you pursue me 316 assists without controversy great is the mystery of colonists God was manifest in the flesh that's Jesus Christ God manifest in the flesh Jesus is yeah not Joseph Smith is Jesus Jesus in the Bible it's called in 1st Timothy 117 the eternal and more invisible the only wise God we honored one forever and everything so what does the Bible say about this do we ever find in the Bible that called no but yet they say there are the same left Jesus and Lucifer on the same the Lucifer must be now but that's not the Bible says first Timothy 117 it talks about loose versus how they are falling from heaven folks I worked up cut down to the ground which did weep in the nation Lucifer is not gallons of almond bean he is father it's interesting that Joe Smith's mother her name was Lucy what would life says this about was doesn't say he's God it says he's a created being it tells us what he was Zico 28 14 and 15 says however the anointed cherub that covereth I was on the holy mountain of God that was perfect from the day that I was created till iniquity was found in thee sin was found with the devil it says when the day that was created yeah so Satan wasn't created be created he rebelled against the true God Satan he's called a Chira his name was Lucy now according to the Bible there were five cherubs and also pulled our angels and we find in the Bible that if I'm called Lucifer be anointed cherubim cover so who set up here Bob mentions Michael and Gabriel the Bible never mentions the name the other to some Jewish tradition says the name was route the other Uriel I don't know that's not good a question mark but the Bible says now there's four around the front but Lucifer would have been the 125 and those out he kind of makes a little star to put five there we hope the symbol of Satanists are Satanists commemorating this and remember the following and so they like to take that star put up second so Satan is love and upside down star here why because they call see now what it up there's 50 CH without same thing say you can become balanced so isn't it odd when you look in the architecture of a mormon tabernacle or you see a whole bunch of upside aasta.martin here's one here's one here's one well what is this it's interesting what do you see I've seen it upside down so someone wants to remember loose also did you know that Joseph Smith was a Mason all throughout Joseph Smith's life there's a lot of masonry involved as you lose ancestors and everything else we've seen bases masonry is a religion and it's basically the worst but isn't it interesting all the pictures I'm shipping some barber were these beautiful drawings five Mormons and when you look at an actual picture yeah anytime you see somebody put their hand in like the photo is they're saying hey guess what I'm a Mason that's a secret symbol that the person who's amazing the guy over here was Brigham Young he took over the Mormon Church what he's wearing learn a little base on pin Brigham Young with a song there's a book by William and I'm not saying they should know vanilla then or something is home and that tells you a lot of truth about masonry how they worship believe it or not Albert Pike at 33 degree Mason who started the Masonic Temple there Washington DC and a committee here you read his work to read his books out of Pike says masonry is the oldest religions the aberration or worship of this Wow re Mason hope not he said I'm amazing I believe that well they don't right so you're good wait you got so you get there you're right so if you go the Masonic Temple you'll see this right in the app that is that's the women's side makes it called Eastern Star we've over town where I live Milton floor and you can see as you drive by that big most arms right out in front they're bragging hey come on over here versus the guy to fill so Mormonism practices many of the same rituals at the Masons not have time to get into that but maybe the practices that they do in secret code that try to go on to hear what they preach would even let me in because they do it in secret a lot of things they do are the practices so what Joseph Smith the man of God or Hanabusa that's the question I think it's a good question what was his motive for exalting Lucifer being equal of Jesus why would he say that Jesus and Lucifer were brothers why would he exalt him the Bible clearly teaches that Jesus Christ is God who is the creator the Bible says Jesus Christ created all things God created all things by Christ Jesus why is Joseph Smith wanting to exalt Lucifer and created me to be equal with Jesus what is the motive but why would he want to do that unless he's worshipping was housed me hoping conclusion I can go to according to the Bible it's impossible to put Jesus Christ on the same level as Satan groups he knew it but yet he tries to do it equally Jesus Christ is God Lucifer was a rebellious Sheriff that's what the Bible says as we go to the birthday on 520 I will read whole diverse very last part on 520 speaking of Jesus Christ this is the true God Jesus Christ is God not just so they're not loose amen again what happened in the Bible Lucifer says in Isaiah 14 verse 13 and 14 I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I've listened above the heights of the bow I will be like the Most High what was Lucifer's ambition to be God Lucifer wants to be God no wonder if he didn't find a man in 1830 something to help them start himself a little religion to get people to worship them well Joseph in its they can say you can become guys now watch out for that I think they both have the same spirit for you don't you and that takes us back to our very first verse now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times such a remark of the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of what gonna watch out for any denomination that it's also man the Mormon Church also practices only and aren't used to if you talk to them tonight oh we don't do that anymore okay but you did in the fact that you did means that was good what I'm going to do is I'm going to show what you used to do okay I don't care if you changed you did Joseph Smith thought that it wasn't sin to have many wives and in fact Joseph Smith had at least twenty four wives if you look at this man that's that we know who knows other people saying probably more but at least twenty four wives he had exam the enormous say the principle of polygamy is correct great ennobling and calculated to bring joy satisfaction peace I don't know man didn't work out too well for all the Jacob Bonita had four wives translated from English this was what this book says so this is one of your Mormon sing that's what they believe polygamy now today they said oh we don't practice it but she did and that's what you said you believe what does the Bible say remember every time they say something oh what's the Bible say Deuteronomy 17 17 neither shall he multiply wives to himself then it's hard turn away God warns us don't talk to yourself in first Timothy New Testament the Bible says that a bishop or a pastor must be blameless the husband of one wife what are you doing Joseph haven't you read this is no there's a problem they don't spit did not have a description I guess that's why I wrote those other books to say in those other books that it's okay this is a in writing or a book where a guy talks about the Mormon Church he says seven of our nine presidents of our church at for marriages and this is a principle doctrine that will always be the doctrine of our church they were not bad we will always believe in polygamy until you stop and I think of it because it has laws against the elements but yeah they taught in some still be there's still something that stick to the old ways you go out view topic they have their own little ranges of things Mormonism teaches that marriage or polygamy is forever here's another woman's source that says after bidden to breach their exaltation and their crowns they should be gods the second said then they shall have power to propagate their species hey here's another man another woman he says the right way the straight path is found only through celeste to marriage you can't get eternal life any other life what about the Apostle Paul go to hell have you never got married but they say the only way to get to heaven is getting married horrible in life that's that's all what does Jesus say in Luke 20 verse 35 but they shall be counted worthy to take that world in the resurrection for they neither marry nor are given in marriage the Mormon City get married to many wives and for the rest of eternity you have kids with your wives the Bible says now in the resurrection you don't get married well he said every time they say something about something else which one should we follow it says here this is Joseph Belding Smith in his book of Mormon that's doctrine of the internal union of a man and wife they believe when you get married you marry for all eternity so out here resurrect from the dead the nuances make babies with your wife for all eternity this doctrine of the eternal union of a man and woman in plural matrimony which is validity is one of the most important that has ever been revealed to me in any distance X you can savor this great Big Sur without it we can never be exalted to be associated with gotta become God's here you become a god unless you marry one life anew I guess we're going to LR so people have supposed to the doctrine of plural marriage is something superfluous and not essential for salvation or the exaltation of pain and this Muslim sin this Morgan says I want to pronounce my solemn protest against this idea because of the spawns here's one of the early leaders of the Mormon Church saying the later former church their boss now they put a lot so they can be but in the beginning they did my my the only love to see the elephant in the room okay moreover Joseph Smith taught the blasphemy they've got the father practice polygamy even had intercourse with Mary now this is what makes me angry there's some things in here thank you really here's a guy a Mormon Peter 26 Bryce was conceived by the immortal father in the same way that mortal mater could see by their moral parents there's nothing symbolic about this he was generated that's a key word Mason's like the same generation he was he would generate it conceded border the normal way in the way of natural things for he's the son of God and that's what that designation means so the Mormon Church teaches the Jesus Christ was not conceived in the miraculous way the Holy Spirit using a virgin but rather by sexual relations between God and a world woman God produced Jesus Christ seek remember was Dennis's six where God condemned people all angels having sex with women why would God do the very thing that he can do more going to say truly the Mormon Jesus was conceived as the consequence of a sexual relation between Mary and God you believe that Hey I don't you know if that was make merry I would make her a fornicator merry fornicated we got Alex you know that would make Jesus a bastard I get offended I hear things like that was very 48 er no she was not it's out there gonna be bad enough but they continue or they get what they what else they say look what the Bible says remember every time they say something the Bible says be back balancing Bible clearly tells us this about Mary and Isaiah 7:14 therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son is upon you know what a virgin is right and yet they said Luke 1:26 and 27 in 6 month was the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a virgin it's about Sluman in the Virgin's name was thicker three times were told she was virgin so we again in the english sinan unto her fear not Mary behold boss we see that one which are pretty close sign fooled him name his name Jesus many sins here's the confession of Mary herself look at 1:34 this is Miriam Toninho how shall this be seeing I know not I mean they said oh yeah I forgot no no no you Mormons said that God was a name no you can't weasel out of this one buddy he Mormons can't get out of this you said God was man anyway which one is wrong the Bible or Joseph Smith again here is the Mormon doctor truly the Mormon Jesus was conceived as a consequence of a sexual relation between very God that's what they teach if they stop there and be bad enough and ago had insulted me he gets so much worse because just so they can defend the fact that was theory was not fornicator the Mormons goes so far as to say that she was God's wife so they say that Mary had to marry God before she had sex with hey here's what they say this is from a woman source therefore the father and mother Jesus Christ in the flesh had to have a relation as a husband and wife so that the Virgin Mary anyway so that the Virgin Mary get up is so and at that time the legitimate wife of government so she had to have relations as a husband and wife she got a fornicator period not married Mary first that's what they're saying so that they could have legitimate relations we used to turn illegitimate because it would be blasphemous in the highest degree that God would have voted overshadow her and conceived an illegitimate Savior yeah sure what be blasphemy but that makes things worse as Mary was engaged to Joseph it says the six-month danger burger was sent from God to a virgin his spouse to a man whose negligence so what God do you got the father steel Joseph fiance and admit you see these things to get in a deeper mess trying to defend a false top the Joseph being raised from the sleep it is even the Lord had bidden him and took unto Him his wife wife the Holy Spirit tells us that even though they had to have relationship God looks as Anna spousal as if they were already married he God called Joseph the husband of Mary Nicole married his wife so now what does that make God and their adulterers and then even worse was Mary cheating on that father with God the Father Gina what a mess Mary wasn't a golfer nope I don't see that I don't believe that I don't know that this is my I the Mormon Church also taught the Jesus Christ himself to practice the imagine hears the words of Joseph Smith himself I have discovered because some newspapers in the East they call me a great blasphemer here because of my discourse about marriage in our last conference I said that Jesus was married and painted in Galilee and that Mary Martha and others were his wives and then he had children I wouldn't say that what I was saying about the last names it says the last days there will be people who are blasting all right we already saw the crowd of the most part of this guy we always saw a covetous part is going around looking for treasures with his little divination why he pretty much he pretty much did everything on the list right I think we should watch out for a guy like so he says they called a great glass fever because I said that Jesus was buried in Cana of Galilee hearing hearth another for his wives did Jesus have many wives nope wouldn't that be adulterated having one one why would that go against the scripture right look at that make Jesus a sinner I would say Jesus was a sinner for God for he got the father hath made him Jesus to be sin for us who knew no sin yeah the martyr Jesus oh jesus is sinless Jesus is not what they say but we go back to the Mormon Church and listen to what they say the great reason that the Gentiles and philosophers of their schools persecuted Jesus was that he had many will - really well that means that the Pharisees would've been guys - they were right in the back of Jesus I think so it says among them was Elizabeth and Mary the great reason which disturb public sentiment and led to the people cursing Christ and His disciples and which caused his crucifixion was all based on polygamy I believe the doctrine of taking midwives was what caused the person you should against Jesus Christ in his followers we would almost think that all of them Jesus's followers were Mormons what yes I said that's it that is sick so Jesus was the first Mormon better being a Mormon again we read in Mormon literature we have spoken of the growth of the government of Christ without a and now we have no reason to suppose that this work will continue for many generations but which Jesus has the father had many wives with which she could multiply his scene not for a limited time before alternate I know Bible says the seed in the spiritual they want to make something spiritual into something so they can go adults right confession of apartment and this here's the source here on the bottom sure that is that many Christians worship another Jesus that is very different than the one the normans of the Church of the Latter day Saints a Mormon said that the Mormon says our Jesus isn't the same as your pieces and I say yeah I Jesus it's not right amen not an adult I just yeah you have different genes one of teaching of the chorale you've got here and there's just a few more here but I want to give you their doctrines the Mormons teach that you can become a god but they also teach that the world is full of guns there's Godsey one Morgan says if we were to take all take a million worlds like this with a number all the particles we defined there are many gods as there are particles what was that saying 45:5 say I am the Lord there's nothing else there's no God beside thinking why is it every time they say something the Bible said the exact opposite just in candy it's another former he says besides God there must be many other intelligent beings that to our finite minds are able that are to our finite minds are able to proceed or as near as he is in power and our integrals of him such intelligent beings would be like God's to us there are many gods or beings as highly developed discuss and rfx gods in other words man is you've got in the super galaxy that's how much things you shall be no that sounds like the new-age mad blacks that sounds like luciferianism Mormons believe that these guys have sex and produce spirit babies that populate the world and that a man can eventually become one of those dogs one day this finish time in Vegas well turn this woman says every God through his wife or his lives shall rise up a numerous family of sons and daughters in which the continuance of his own sons will have knowing where each father in each mother will be in the condition of multiplying forever war ladies would you like to be pregnant for alternatives popping out babies that's not a fun thing is it doesn't sound like you want to be a woman but the Mormons believe they're going to populate the universe when they become gods that's what they believe a Mormon confession from a Mormon he says some have said that I'm very presumptuous for saying that brother Brigham was my comment see that brother Joseph Smith was his God and he even gave to Joseph he's of the kingdom was his God which is Peter Jesus Christ was his God and the father was his now look at that they have a lineage of God isn't that awful the Mormons also have a teaching of racism which mine which now they say oh we don't believe that oh yeah but you did so I'm going to show because you did this is what you used to believe man to change the Great Council god thing they say that all the gods got together my baby started talking and this is from Moses Joseph Smith in the beginning the chief with the gods open the other a Council of gods and they met together to formulate a plan for creating the world and population so the first conference of God's have together and says no but you do need have bunch of babies it was society that each child would have many lives for himself where do they come from this is God the Father our spirits became the being of the Father our Lord Jesus Christ according to the flesh it was the person of the Father and his seed the body of Jesus Christ again can see millions of sons and daughters before the foundation of the world so before how to be even numbers million we relate when in our literature we say God created the students with me and we understand that they were conceived we were hurting procreation and not what's all this indecision on having sex this whole brother did you talk about hey what would it have sex more and you a problem like seducing right weird very hot anyway the track from chick the visitors in that track they say and you will leave Godfather's now inflated you can start polo with his wives having spiritual children yes we did a pearl of great price it says the Mormons believe that god yes archiving God created our universe as a planet that lives on coca-cola and eat you just have sex all day makes their babies and then if you go into this theme what they believe that every time they have a baby it's a spirit and every time a person is born in this world that spirit goes into one of those things will last I checked there's two babies born in this world every second there cotton because what does he take a break I mean I'm sorry but somebody that's sick that's say talking about that kind of stuff I'm sorry I have to talk about it in mixed company but that's this rich it's all about scx Mormons believe that looks for one being the savior of the world so they say that he went to college how to do Savior but Jesus had a better plane so the god I love eating chose Jesus to be the savior in the world no I thought it was him see how they contradict themselves all the time hearing that is Lucifer Satan was angered or rebelled against elements of other mini gods with him Mormons taught that those who belted Lucifer were marked with black skin and this is where the black race came from so your Mormons when they first started believes and black people were those fallen angels well with signals and they taught that black people couldn't be saved they said there's no salvation for lacking until they saw they know what you're going to Africa I would take that so they change their doctor but that's what they originally might lose that sound like and what does the Bible say does the mind will tell us that black people can be safe again every time they say something the Bible says the other side we're 50:14 says for therefore we both labor and suffer reproach because we trust in the Living God who is the savior of all men especially those who believe blacks to everybody you can say how dare they skin it we don't believe that now yeah he changed you doctored a lot didn't anyway Brigham Young says what can we save the law of God respecting the African race black people if the white image pertains to the Joseph see the Mormons makes us his blood with the race of Cain according to the law of God he should be put to death on the spot as well visa what's that sound like to you racist and that's what the early Mormon Church loved that's why all the warmth you see in my book of Mormon that I got in Honduras this is what brought page but what they said Jesus looks like the pennies in Hispanic Jesus I got a book of Mormon in English they look at those Jesus he's white I found one I was that brother here and he said he's seen one if you go to the Mormon Book of Mormon that they pass out in Africa you open it up Jesus is black so they just changed the color of Jesus for whatever people they go to that's pretty weird yeah that's pretty weird now this one here makes me want to just flip my lid I mean this this is the worst thing I think I've ever seen any false religion this is the doctrine of blood atonement yeah this should be the doctrine of salvation because we're safe I believe it's okay well when you talk to a woman the word blood atonement means something entirely different from the Mormon that is too much they practice what they call blood atonement this is a Mormon this is a book here who's talking about this doctrine of blood atonement in the Mormon Church and it says the member who sins must be killed in order to get the remission of sins the leaders pot and the people believe that a sinner did not repent in order did not obey the counsel of the church his life was to be taken and that only this would save his soul they called this the doctrine one so when you sin and you didn't repent for it then you have to be killed it's in your blood I guess every time those fornicated you repent real quick I don't know but what do you think basically this is known as a Tony for what sins by your own blood Joseph Smith taught that a man could commit certain sins that were so evil that they were beyond the power of the atoning blood of Jesus it may be commit these sins and will work everything did everything you can pick up and from if big were to commit these sins to the blood of Christ will not cleanse them even if they were thus the only hope they had was to shed their own blood so that atonement could be made for them it possible all right here's another source from the Mormons there does exist any man or woman that violates the cover this is their God that doesn't know a debt that must be paid the blood of Christ can never erase it our own blood so they taught that there were some sins that you can do and God would forgive you you had that's what they say because I will say again exact opposite right the Bible says the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin it really hurts me to hear him say something begin I know but I hear my brother speaking about the cutting off a from here they think that's a strong doctor think they think it's a strong doctor with purpose is to save them not to destroy them before me many have offered their lives as an atonement for sins this is Brigham Young he says many Mormons came before me they let basically committed suicide beginning to read suppose that our neighbor is caught in a grave offense that he who has committed a sin that he knows what the prime of the exaltation he desired and then he cannot achieve this without the shedding of blood atonement for instance to be saving exalted with the gods I can refer you to many cases of men who have been justly killed to make atonement for their sins what I have seen so many people for whom there had been an opportunity if they had only taken their life and their blood report out of the earth as a sweet-smelling instance to the Almighty but now there are angels of the death why this is evil I asked the wrath of God rest on them and then they should be cursed from the crown of their heads to the soles of their feet I say that there are men and women to whom I would advise you to go to the president Brigham Young immediately and ask you to choose a committee to attend to your case and then you select a place and then the committee will spill the blood now you talk to one of these oh we don't believe that anymore yeah but you did in practice Brigham Young any one of you who understands the principles of eternity if you have committed sin that required to shedding your blood unless it is a sin unto death you will not be satisfied or rest until your blood be shed so that you may attain salvation that you see which is the way of love so basically we love to kill yourself that's not like love I love you okay that's that's just for we want more people say well here's a guy that talks about a blood atonement and how he witnessed this practice he talks about how a Mormon elder named works to go kill another person we read some nights after that they can build the orders of the bishop name and giving you order it'll William Lane to save him humanik another case where Mormons practice their doctor to blood atonement we read Anderson health at the side of the tomb and prayed cleaning Smith and his companions didn't cut Anderson's throat from ear to ear and help him so that his blood I think it's cold sacrifice to the devil that is not sounding to me this was in tricks three minors book and this is a knife that was used by Mormons what does the Bible say about all this you know pretty simple I'll show didn't Joseph Smith read that I think it's not but even Joseph Smith's books then he wrote he said you're not supposed to you in doctrines and covenants these are the words of Joseph Smith and now we hold our speaker to the church thou shalt not kill and he did kill shall not have to do this in this world nor the role to come and he cannot say thou shalt not kill he did give us some and yet there are people what they call look something wrong with this yeah something terribly wrong there are many other ridiculous teachings of Mormonism they say but we don't believe those anymore yeah you did indeed see if the foundation is wrong don't you think whatever you build on I just Joseph Smith thought there were people that live on the moon yeah the Comanches do right here's some words from him it says since 1837 it's been since the mood was populated by men and women equal to those of this land and then they lived an age greater than that we live that they generally live in approximately nation a thousand years he described them in with an outer tide of nearly 185 centimeters and wearing something very similar to the style of the Quakers how do you know that people living on the move once the liner up with the liner I don't let them say what would have some teachers against the Trinity it certainly it is what God and green persons well there goes one now well here's what they teach Joseph Smith says I have obviously plenty guns a distinct person Jesus Christ is a separate person indistinct from God the Father in the Holy Spirit and these three constitute three gods well yeah you believe it a bunch of God's so that's not what the Bible says where's Rick these days but to muster the one guy letter they say come on Cynthia who are the who is the one God the Father the Son come home Norman is a teachers there's no hell the Apostle John what is though said the most wicked sinner allotted place in the heavenly kingdom in the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter day Saints there's no panel everyone will find a measure of salvation the gospel of Jesus Christ kind of no man wonder what the Bible says I think that's right Jesus says in Matthew 10:28 and figure not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul but rather fear which is able to destroy both body and soul in hell you know the hell the Mormon said Jesus says in Matthew 23:33 how she escape the damnation of hell former church practice is something they call baptism for the dead you know anything about them in the Mormon Church they believe that if someone died and he wasn't saved they could just take Yvonne off the street baptize them in the name of that dead person and that would be at that person what does the Bible say remember every time they say something the Bible says be honest Apostle Paul says in verse 3 to his 1529 else what some language do which are baptized for the dead why are they then baptized for the dead Paul says what are you doing why are you doing this he investigated thanks let it also be possible sing pop so Paul said yeah and I do the same thing I've actually know here's the words of the Apostle Paul Bergrin DS 117 where I sit be not the baptize with the greasy gossip now would words of wisdom us across the depression you may think that most of all just about that well the foundation of Mormonism is another council Mormons believe the whole world must be baptized so they eat geological records on all people you can go over to shoes or whatever it is this is where they keep all their records in this mountain that they just built inside up or tunnels they built the side of a mountain all the records there and so they keep all these genealogies again I must ask what does the Bible say about that let's look either give me the fables and endless genealogies which Minister questions rather than godly edifying system faces so the Bible says no no worry about genealogy it doesn't think why they're so against the Mormon Church teaches that Adam is God the Father and you imagine that here's Brigham Young well though history teaches us that our father Abraham was made from the dust here however that is not so it was the one who brought the animals and seeds of other planets in this world and brought with him a wife and stay here Adam was made from the dust oven and earth but not from the dust of this I guess you showed up in the UFO Brigham Young burger says now listen to me nothing but anyway let's hear what ya say oh this is me no inhabitants of the herbs using Gentile sakes and centers when our Father Adam came into the Garden of Eden he came with a celestial body rock eating one of his wives with him I wonder how many have why do you leave the other he got help to make me organize the world he is Michael the Archangel the agent of the case Italy he is our Father the only one with whom we have to do the idea is that idea is intelligent hmm himself Jesus our brother was we got by the same person who was in the Garden of Eden and that is what last but Harris what exactly was the theme of the greatest sermon ever preached the god Adam I say world over Adam is the father of our spirits he lived in the land welcomed his creation and died here and we returned to resurrected to immortal and eternal life Mormons believe that animals God and not all Mormons believe this falls doctor you have some woman that today they're promising that we don't believe what's interesting here is Joseph Smith and he tells this about this doctrine this is a confession of Joseph Smith how much unbelief exists in the minds of the saints of the latter days in relation to the particular doctrine that himself revealed to them that is him in which Adam is our Father and God he's out there teaching how to his God the Father and then he confesses but most of them I don't know believe wonder why pretty hard to swallow so you can Joseph is the best that many Mormons do not even swallow that one I mean I guess they put up with all the other but that one's just a lie too far here's the words of Spencer Campbell or Kimball in 1976 a Mormon leader he says I warned against the dissemination of doctors that are not in accordance with the scriptures like most and which are alleged to have been taught by some of the General Authorities of past generations that's for example is the theory of a tween God we didn't out--stitch doctrine can we hope that all the word against this and against other types of Bostock so they changed what they used to believe is that what does the Bible say there are doctrines of devils I've showed you many of the doctors on the Mormon Church and then every one of them seems to be being against God the divine so who wants to be a Mormon anybody here when I go down with me joining furniture we met back March for entertaining I mean there's such nice people I guess it's because they don't follow Scripture I don't want to be a Mormon I don't want to be a part of a church it's full of fornicators I don't want to be a part of a church this practice is murder woman I don't want to be a part of church since old miners and lie about things I don't want to belong to a racist organization we don't wait anymore yeah but you did I don't want to be a part of anything that exalts and worship Lucifer like masonry and yet many of the same things simple things I don't want to be a part of the church that allows adultery so we know that you forget what you did it's the package in the foundation don't build upon that foundation I'm not a woman the Bible tells us what will happen in the last days there's no officers in the last time you noticed option these are the last things they call themselves the Church of the last day for minor basis they're the last day some called Saints Wow have a seat we looked at them and look at their doctrine their foundation what they thought Bible warns and an evil managed to do search shall wax worse and worse deceiving and means love seducing going on in that church a lot of the see when they come to your door I'm going to give you the Book of Mormon would it be introduced to see they're trying to deceive you there's the Bible talk about Mormons I think it does I think this verse right here shows us exactly who the mom is running say Corinthians 11:13 where he says percent are false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ and no Marvel for Satan himself is transformed to Satan is the engine block who appeared in this guy Guzman these are like the Bible says Satan has his own ministries in that interesting and they tried to look like they're ministers of the crisis they're false apostles they're not true there to see coal burners they claim they're apostles of Christ but they're spreading the doctors right therefore it continues in verse 15 and is no great thing is who's that Satan's ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their Satan has been I think that might be the news there you go there's our saviors according to the more mature but where the Bible can be the source images are funny they don't even know also opossums crying final word from God isaiah 45:21 we - there's no God else beside me and just god of the Savior look unto me and be you saved all being clearer I know in one God he's one out of three parts you've got the Father God the Son God most man have a son is Jesus Christ and salvation is only you cannot become ago rather you need to be saved I'll close with the true gospel of salvation perfect age 15 1:32 says more of a brother not clear to you the gospel and I skip ahead a little bit I would also see you are not saved by the church we're not state-by-state anger right we're staying by the gospel the gospel by which you are the same he says we're in these 1534 what I've never going to do first of all have it Christ died for our sins 42 the scriptures that he was married in that he rose again the third day it's all according to description right engine but how you know how did Jesus die it was blood atonement see that's the right blood atonement not shedding your blood God shedding his blood for us you got to come to him it's all about Christ being our propitiating through faith in his blood gonna trust what he's done I says what I've said my work you should swim night for migration you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not worse listen you name this was the first I got saved reading July 29 1992 we've got it set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for their sins when I saw that I realized it's not me it's what Jesus did and by faith in his blood he becomes mine from his shoes appreciations like a substitute he died for me and when I trusted but I declare him and the righteous and I was and I realized what he did this Hebrews 7:25 says wherefore he Jesus notice it doesn't say this man he Jesus is able also to save them to the uttermost it's not that church this ages we begin to this verse this is a good verse ended a warning that is a lot of times in my state some shall depart from the faith from the true gospel yeah well the true way to do say and they'll give me to seducing spirits and doctrines need to be warned about them today Mormons have claimed to have reorganized they call themselves the are LDS reorganize later and a lot of these things and I showed the people is we don't want to believe that yeah what's your church yeah again now nation is wrong what makes you think if you just change and build on the same foundation it's going to be doing some of these things are still I've shown you the origin the history the doctrine and the beliefs of the founders of that religion and most of what they talk to them I'll close with this last the spirit speak expressing the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits notice how I capitalized the depart they have departed by that's why I choose not to be they depart what does the Bible commands us to believe the truth we do apart from it if we're saved the Bible says in 2nd 2219 nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal Lord oh there it is let everyone that name of the name of Christ apart I just can't hook up I'm not ecumenical painful if I will tell me to be 511 to have nope oh I feel like I've done that today I've tried to show to you why I'm not a member of the latter makes a lot of they say Church has another gospel another spirit another book the book of warm up in other Jesus another Saint here in another knock this is why I we're supposed to prove all things hold fast that which is good and abstain from all appearance this is the end why I'm not appreciate you watching
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 26,988
Rating: 4.8258977 out of 5
Keywords: Why I'm Not A Mormon, church of jesus christ of latter day saints, LDS, latter day saints, Mormons, Mormonism, Moroni, Nephi, Joseph Smith, LDS church
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 17sec (5717 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 02 2018
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