How to Deal With Your Enemies And Their Attacks

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hello again router breaker here and I wanted to bring a message to you today about something that no well I really didn't want to talk about I've I've laid off on this message for probably six to ten months I've just been thinking you know I don't I really want to talk about this but then the same time if I do I want to talk about it in such a way that I'm I'm identifying and I'm explaining and I'm giving you something that will help you I would be very easy to get in the flesh and talk about something like this as many people do and I don't want to do that I don't want to be in the flesh I want to walk in the spirit amen so I want to make sure that if I do something I'd do it correctly and I speak correctly I say the right thing the right way and I want to be a blessing so I want to talk today on the subject of how to deal with your enemies and their attacks now I wish you could see the emails that I get I get a lot of emails from people and a lot of emails are from people saying brother breaker have you heard what this guy said about you brother breaker have you heard what this guy's brother breaker this guy is attacking you brother breaker this guy said this about you and those are the kind of emails that I just like whatever and most of the time I don't even pay it any attention I just go out whatever there's sometimes well I'll click just to see what somebody says out of curiosity I'm like how sad how sad it doesn't bother me when people say horrible things they attack me and say things about me that aren't true I really it doesn't bother me I was taught in Bible School when someone does that let it go off your back like water off a duck's back have you ever seen a duck when he's wet water just drains right off because there's oil in his feathers it just goes off like that so to me it's just like ant whatever and I have at times talked about my enemies and people say this people said that about brother breaker and I get emails from people saying brother breaker don't even mention it and that's that's good maybe I shouldn't but then there's other people that email me most of them are young Christians they email mean you can just see it as you read their email how upset how angry they are I guess you could say but also how devastated it's saddened they are by people out there that claim to be Christians and how they say horrible things about Robert breaker and these people right and said brother breaker this guy said this about you and I know it's a lie how could he say such a horrible lie and it affects them you see a mature Christian is someone who doesn't let that bother them but I can see how people that haven't been saved for very long can get devastated and cry about something like that I could totally see that so I didn't want to talk about this I kind of want to just forget and ignore my enemies and not even think about them but I wanted to get together a message in order to talk about how to deal with when people do attack you and then I can put this behind me and then I can do my best to not even mention them because it's just so sad how people do what they do and then they want to be taken seriously by it just doesn't make sense to me so what I thought I'd do is I prayed about this a long time I studied hard I tried to figure this out I'm gonna give you some verses today and I just want to get this off my chest so to speak it's not me in the flesh attacking those that attacked me it's me trying to help those that are offended by those attacks and also those that do attack me I hope you watch this so that you understand what you should be I let me just say this I don't have any enemies in my mind I look at people and I don't look at people go I hate this guy and I think that guy I hate her I hate him he's my enemy she's my I don't think that way as a Christian everyone I see is either lost or saved and it's my desire to give them the gospel to get them safe and if they are saved they're my brother and sister in Christ they're not my enemy so I'm not doing this video today to say that I have enemies those that hate me those that attacked me those that talk evil toward me and say things that aren't true those that are my enemies are such because they have made themselves my enemy they look at me and they say you're my enemy Robert breaker but as far as I know I have nothing to make them my enemy I don't want them to be my enemy I want them to get saved if they're lost and if they are saved I want them to get right with God I want them to follow the Scriptures I want them to do what the Bible says that they're to do if they are indeed a Christian so today what I'm doing is I'm going to talk about how to deal with your enemies and their attacks I'm gonna give you some some ways in which a person could now I didn't say should but in which a person could deal with their enemies now I figure that this message will hopefully be a blessing to you because you might have some enemies in your life and I have gotten some emails from people saying brother breaker I've got this person that hates me they attacked me they lie about me they ridicule me what how do I deal with that well maybe this will be a blessing to you so I want to talk about this today how to deal with your enemies and their attacks well the answer to that is simple always go to the scripture what does the Bible say well I'm going to give you some places in the Bible in which there are different ways in which we can deal with them but should we do with them should we even deal with them at all I mean sometimes if someone proclaims to be your entering and you and you see they're completely not even a threat just aid in the world I've given this illustration before it's like they're a junkyard dog you're walking by a junkyard with a chain-link fence you look over the dog comes out goes back and and the last thing you need to do is engage that animal because all you're going to do is make it more angry and imagine if you tried to fight back oh yeah mr. Joker dog well you too well he's gonna bark even harder and you and imagine what people think with her walking by and they look at you barking and dog they're like that guy is crazy so there's many many times when the best thing to do is ignore your enemies because they can't do anything to you and and all they do all they want to do is bark all I want to do is scream all they want to do is holler and be angry that's on them I don't want to do that Bible says to keep ourselves pure neither be partaker of any we're living in days in which they are what's called social justice warriors people have been brainwashed they've been indoctrinated propagandized in secular schools that have kicked God out and they go around thinking that everybody but them is evil and that they have to go around and attack other people sadly many of them are becoming very very very aggressive and and they'll kick and they'll hit and they'll spin on you and they'll do horrible things best thing to do is stay away from those people wherever they are is where I ain't okay I hate to use bad grammar but wherever they are I don't want to be so sometimes the best way to deal with your enemies is run away I mean just get away from where they are right I mean I do my best to stay away from bars stay away from secular places stay away from places where I know that because I'm a Christian they'll hate me and attack me so I say well those are places I'm just not gonna I'm gonna go too but then there are other places that I have to go and I have a right to go like the supermarket if I run into somebody like that I just walk the other way so I want you to see today how to deal with your enemies and their attacks because the more we stay here in this world the longer we have to wait until Jesus returns the more there will be enemies to the truth to the gospel to Christ one man said one time he says the worldís is actively hostile toward God in the Bible what does that mean it means they are enemies of God in the Bible they they hate God they hate the Bible they hate anything to do with Christianity so our mere existence the very fact that I exist as a Christian is a threat to them and that's a shame because what have I believe is a Christian I believe that God so loved the world that He gave His only got inside of all I want to do is tell people hey jesus loves you enough to die for you what would you know he can save you and bring you to him what a loving God they don't want that so it's all it to me how people can hate a Christian when all Christian does is talk about how much God loves them wants to help them and give them eternal life and place in heaven but I do understand the more I see the more that things go on the more I do understand why the world is so wicked it's because the whole world lieth in wickedness and people are taught from an early age it's your life do your own thing and if anyone says anything to you they are evil because they're trying to tell you what to do and you know what it is I hate to say it but it's true it's Satanism a man named valestra Crowley wrote a book called something about the law the the law I can't remember the name of it but it's his law from Satan basically it's deducing spirits he said spoke to him and told him to write this book and it's his satanic law book if you will and the lesser Crowley said do what thou wilt as the whole of the law so according to him you have the Bible which is God's commandments to us and if we want to to do right we should follow God's commandments or you can follow the devil and do whatever the aichi double hockey sticks you want but when you go down that route of doing whatever you want you begin to send so much that you sin against your conscience you begin to come become out of control and when you go far enough you become reprobate when you become reprobate you make yourself an enemy of God and the Bible and of righteousness and of goodness and you begin to practice and love pure evil so much that you hate good and that's the world in which we live today it's very sad many people are self proclaimed enemies of good and God and they would rather do evil than right and that says so let's look at this how to deal with your enemies now most of my enemies are people that claim to be Christians so this is more talking to people that claim nice a claim I don't know if they are or not they make a profession but I don't know if they have possession I don't know if they're really safe if they were they were preaching the right gospel and they wouldn't attack Robert breaker for preaching another gospel if they were saved they they would obey the book that says speak evil of no man and not to prat upon others into to be mean and hateful and mean spirited the Bible says we're supposed to have long-suffering and patience and meat goodness in a certain weight we're supposed to act as Christians and it's not out of control angry mad cussing yelling lying about other people and things like that so how to deal with your enemies okay I'm gonna have several answers up here how to deal with your enemies now the first way to deal with your enemy it's very plain and very simple it's almost too simple the first way to please your enemy is just die I mean if you if you were sick and tired of your enemies attacking you well there's one way to make it stop just die now I don't recommend that but if you die well then they can't attack you anymore well you know they probably are so evil nowadays they probably keep attacking you after you're dead but if you're dead who cares but I don't like that one I don't like that one I kind of stay God I like to stick around for a little bit amen I know that might please my enemies if I died but I think the Lord has put me here for a reason so I'm gonna keep on keeping on but what is Nia the Bible say in the Book of Psalms in Psalms 41 5 David says mine enemies speak evil of me we shall he die in his name perish David said all my enemies they're all run around going what is this guy gonna die already I'm so sick of him I'm sure I have enemies like that - I just wish Robert breaker would die I can't stand him well that's not a very Christian attitude not very nice David says in Psalm 79 from my deadly enemies who competes me about he says my deadly enemies my enemies that want to kill me because they have murder in their heart Psalms 25 19 consider mine enemies for their many and they hate me with a cruel hatred well you know what I don't hate anybody I don't hate people that claim to be my enemy in fact I love them and I pray for him I want to see them get right so when it comes to how to deal with your enemies I I'm not gonna take the first route matter of fact I'm not gonna do anything with that I will never commit of suicide I'm here for a reason I think it's wrong to kill yourself I think God has you in this world for a reason and when he's ready he'll take you home so I'm not gonna please my enemies by just dying my grandpa used to say it like this my grandpa used to say just bump off I guess that speech that they use way back and around world works here it means to die to just bump off and sometimes there were people that were hated my grandpa and I I remember him saying why don't you just go bump off oh he thought that was funny but I don't wish anyone to die I don't wish my enemies to die a sad there was a fellow that was against me and he said one time because I hate Robert breaker and I'm I'm gonna pray God curse him and kill him and it's like okay we'll help yourself but I I'm gonna trust the Lord to keep me alive if anything else just to make you suffer I mean I believe I'm here for a reason and I'm gonna do that reason next thing I could do why when my enemies go around and talk about me and lie about me and say things that aren't true and you know do their best to attack and ridicule and mock and put me down why I guess I should defend myself but why I mean I guess I could stand up and say well this guy said this but uh this is the truth and this guy said that but this is the truth now look at what this guy said this guy said this and this guy said that it but why would I even waste my time I mean it doesn't make sense to go around and tell everybody what somebody else said about me I really don't think that's the right thing to do I mean I could and there might be a time when I might need to do that there could be a time when someone makes such a horrible accusation against me that I have to stand up and say look I want to tell everybody that this is an absolute lie but why would I do that if I know it well if I know what's true you know the old saying is a good conscience sleeps in a thunderstorm I could care less what my enemies say David said in Psalm 710 my defenses of God which say with the upright in heart God judges the righteous and God is angry with the wicked every day verse 11 if I know I haven't done anything wrong and these people are lying or saying things about me that aren't true why would I even waste my time with why would I defend you know sometimes when people lie about others I've seen this many times so how you did did you and any guy says methinks thou dost protest too much remember Shakespeare oh well you sure are defensive aren't you buddy ha ha ha kind of insinuating how you're guilty because look at you trying to defend yourself but yet the guy was a guilt let's the guy was 100% innocent so sometimes the best thing to do is just ignore it you don't have to defend yourself from lies because they're lies but look at this Psalm 59 9 david says in psalm 59 9 because of his strength will I wait upon thee for God is my defense i love the psalms because all throughout the psalms david is talking about his enemies and he's saying deliver me lord keep me safe Lord judge my enemies but keep me safe deliver me save me from my enemies Lord protect me and things like that if you're going through something and you have some enemies I would recommend you read the Psalms they're quite comforting how often David is asking God please protect me from my enemies and God does so for me you know there may be a time when I might need to defend myself but if someone's just going around saying things that aren't true I'm not even gonna waste my time with him or what he's saying I don't need to defend myself of something that I didn't do if I was guilty as hell then maybe so but if I know that I haven't done what I was accused of than who cares Psalms chapter 71 in verse 10 for mine enemies speak against me and David lay wait for my soul take counsel together saying God had forsaken him persecute and take him for there is none to deliver him verse 12 o God be not far from me o my god make haste for my help let them be confounded and consume that are my adversaries that are adversaries to my soul let them be discovered with reproach and this honor that seek my hurt I like that there people go around the lie out Robert breaker just all the time just lie like a Persian rug say things that aren't true many of them are on YouTube they have their little you channel in which they're just laughing have you heard this one they're calling me Robert faker I thought that was funny I'm like what am i fakin Robert faker Robert breaker is a faker they say and I'm thinking myself what had I faked most of you know my testimony most of you know who I am where I come from I was born here in Florida I've lived here most of my life except for the time I was a missionary in Honduras for seven years a lot of people that lie about rockbreaker they say Robert breaker he went to Bible School but he was he never graduated well why would I have a diploma on my wall it says Bachelor divinity because I graduated they say Robert breaker never passed her to church the other day I went out and preached it from the old church that I pastored while I was in Bible School they say lies Robert breaker why he's a faker why he never went to Honduras as a missionary I went to YouTube and I put up a lot of the old videos of when we were traveling from one place to another and Honduras and you can still see those on line sometimes we traveled to Guatemala sometimes we travel to different areas a lot of times would go out in the mountains with the Indians I mean how is it that they're saying all these lies and yet everything they say is proven false well I need to be them David said Lord verse 13 let them be covered with reproach and dishonor that seek my hurt I don't have to defend myself I'll let God do it and I will do my best to just ignore these people because people look at that and they hear the lies that those people say and they go no I know Robert breaker I watched his videos I saw your making stuff up why you ought to be ashamed and that's a reproach unto them and they ought to be ashamed for their lies about Robert breaker and it's so sad to see people lie so I don't need to defend myself and I try not to a matter of fact I try to just ignore them there's nothing I need to say about them because when the truth comes out and it does they will be found what they are liars next one I want to say is this at them you know what I could do I could spend all my time going after those people that attack me and I could discredit them you know oftentimes what a person accuses you of is the very thing that they themselves are guilty of it's called transference people accuse you of what they themselves have done and I guess if I wanted to I could go around and I could discredit my enemies and I could say you know what this guy said this about me made a video about have you ever seen this Robert breaker exposed there's videos all over the internet on YouTube in which there's people that claim to be Christians then go find other Christians and then make a video such-and-such exposed I'm sure there's probably a couple on YouTube Robert breaker exposed I've never seen the word exposed in the Bible I looked it up today I don't see the Bible where it's the ministery of anybody to go around and expose other people what are they trying to expose the man's well oftentimes they try to expose them as this son of the other thing but they have to lie to discredit me so what should I do well I guess I could stoop down to their level I guess I could start making youtube videos in which I go oh this guy exposed look at that guy exposed why I expose hit'em is it but why why would I waste my time with someone that I know isn't even worth my time to respond to because they're lying about me why would I why would I seek down to their level and become them and go around and try to discredit them what's the Bible say look I got a lot of verses that's something that I've always wanted not to do when people attack me the last thing I want to do is attack back because I'm scared that I might do it in the flesh and I'm afraid that I might say something wrong it would be very easy to misinterpret something I've seen there's many many many many times someone looks at somebody else and it says something about that person in which they misjudged person and they thought this about them but turns out it wasn't true so who does that reflect on the person making the accusation looks like a complete fool because they've lied about that person so I don't want to attack other people because it might turn out that I'm wrong so why do I need to spend my time on trying to expose somebody model says we'll all give him account to God if I'm wrong well I'll give the count to God for it not you who are you nobody let's look at some scripture Psalms chapter 35 verse 19 let not them better mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me neither let them wait with the I that hate me without calls this is David talking to the Lord about his enemies verse 21 for they speak not peace but they devise deceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land yea they opened their mouths wide against me and said aha aha I have seen it 22 this they'll have seen Oh Lord keep not silence O Lord be not far from me stir up myself and awake to my judgment even unto my calls my god and My Lord judge me O Lord my God according to thy righteousness and let them not rejoice over me verse 25 let them not say in their hearts aha so would we have it let them not say we have swallowed him up verse 26 let them be ashamed and be brought to confusion together that rejoice at mine hurt there's people out there that love to hurt other people I have never understood that and I've never found that in the Bible but I have seen people and there are people on YouTube that make channels in which they claim to be King James Bible believers and all they do is they delight in trying to discredit other Bible believers and they go after them and they just can't wait to hurt and to say something that they know will hurt another brother or sister in Christ that's a shame verse 26 let them be ashamed and brought to confusion together that rejoice it might hurt let them be clothed with shame and dishonor that multiplied them are magnified magnify themselves against me let them shout for joy and be glad that faith for my righteous calls yea let them say it the Lord be magnified which a pleasure and the prosperity of thy servant and my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness and of thy praise all the day long David said you know I could go after them and attack them like they're attacking me or I could just praise the Lord and forget about them I think that's the better man I think that's the better way to do it when people are attacking you don't go after them just say Lord you know why don't you get him once you shut him up Lord Lord bring him to shame let them be ashamed for lying about me because they be able it be easy for me to go after them and then stoop down to their level and become them I don't want to do that look at first Peter chapter 3 verse 8 what does the Bible tell me to do as a Christian if someone comes after me attacks me lies about me says things aren't true what should i do first Peter 3:8 all the way down to verse 16 finally be all of one mind having compassion one of another love as brethren be pitiful be courteous that's not what the attackers do they don't have love and kindness and compassion and pity they're full of anger and malice bitterness hate we're fine not rendering evil for evil or railing for railing they rail upon you why it would be easy for me to rail back to try to discredit them but why wouldn't that be a waste of my time it says but contrariwise blessing knowing that you're called heir to that your allowance you called that you should inherit a blessing for he that will love life and see good days let him refrain his tongue from evil on his lips that they speak no guile let him ask you evil and do good let him speak peace and insu it so when they speak evil and wickedness and war why I shouldn't go after them to discredit them I should just speak peace into saying whatever whatever verse 12 for the eyes of the Lord over the righteous and his ears are open unto their prayers but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil and who is he that will harm you if he be followers of that which is good verse 14 and but and if you suffer for righteousness sake happy are ye and be not afraid of their terror and either be troubled and I'm happy that there's people on YouTube speaking evil robber breaker I can't tell you how many times I've gotten emails from people that say brother breaker I didn't even know who you were until so-and-so made a video against you and when they did I said boy he sure says Robert breakers this evil wicked a vile fella I don't know watch some of his videos and find out and there's been many many many times I've gotten emails from people that said brother breaker I never heard the gospel I was listening to this fella and he attacks you and I said I wonder who this router breaker is I went to your gospel I watched one video then I couldn't stop I watched another and another and another and you know what after 10 15 20 videos I understood the gospel and I believed it and I got saved and I never would have heard the gospel and everyone got saved if that guy hadn't lied about you what do I do I rejoice I said well praise the Lord so God can use somebody being foolish and dumb and saying bad things so why would I attack back what they're doing is making people curious about who Robert breaker is because they paint me out to be this wicked villain and when people come and watch my videos go man that Robert Brecker dudes all right once they say their verse 15 but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear having a good conscience that whereas they speak evil of you as of evildoers they may be ashamed that falsely accused your good conversation in Christ for it is better if the will of God be so that you suffer for well doing that for evil doing so I'll stop there verse 18 is a good verse for the gospel though a matter of fact if you take first Corinthians 15 1 through 4 the gospel you can actually win it lit down to one verse and that's verse 18 so let me read it review and read for a speed-up 318 for Christ also hath once suffered for sins okay Christ died for our sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the spirit was buried rose again question quickened the third day corn in the scripture so we got the whole gospel in one verse first Peter 3:18 the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ that's a good verse so you know I could spend my time trying to fight those that fight me but if I did that what would that accomplish what would it accomplish to try to defend myself from people like when the best thing to do is just ignore it and when the truth comes out and it always does then they look like a fool they have the egg on their face they are the ones that should be ashamed for what they're saying and doing because it's not true and many times I've gotten emails from people saying brother breaker can't believe that guy said that about you but I didn't know who you were so I looked you up and you know what I found out he's a liar he is a liar I don't follow that guy in YouTube anymore because I can't believe he'd make stuff up about you i watch you now and so they ought to be ashamed so why would I spend my time to discredit them when all they want to do is discredit me and expose me I'm just gonna keep preaching the gospel and forget about them what does Paul say 1st Corinthians 4 3 but with me it's a very small thing that I should be judged of you or advance judgment yea judge not my own self now verse 4 for I know nothing by myself yet am I not hereby justified but he that judges me is the Lord verse 5 therefore judge nothing before the time until the Lord come who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness it will make manifest the counsels of the heart and then shall every man have praise of God a lot of people claim to be Christians and they want to stand up and be the judge well they want to be Jesus at the judgement seat of Christ and they want to go around and judge everybody and then say ah let's discredit him he's exposed he's a liar the Bible says judge nothing before its time it's the Lord that's gonna judge you had to be doing your ministry if you claim to be Minister and I'll be doing my ministry when we get to heaven to see how you did we'll see how I did but I don't find a verse of scripture anywhere in the Bible that says you're supposed to be lying and saying evil things about me and attacking me I don't see it the Ministry of exposing other Christians in Christ I don't see that I don't see that at all so I don't want to have anything to do with these people that attack me I'm just sad that they would do such a thing what's Colossians chapter four say Colossians 4 for that I may make it manifest as I ought to speak walking wisdom toward them with or without redeeming the time let your speech be always with grace seasoned with salt that you that she may know how you have to answer every mean I don't want to waste my time going after the people that go after me I want to do as the Bible says redeem the time because the days are evil time is too short for me to waste my time with my attackers I've got the gospel to preach it's the gospel of Paul I've got Bible to teach the King James Bible verse by verse different verses I'd rather devote my time to just doing what God's called me to do and not getting the flesh and go around trying to discredit people they try to do the same to me why phooey on them I'll just pray for them and say you guys need to get right with God well I could do this too let's look at number four I guess I could be like them and deride them what does the ride mean well I looked it up in the 1828 dictionary and the ride means laughter laugh at in contempt to ridicule to mock there's a lot of videos on YouTube that people have made that claim to be Christians I again I wonder if they are in which they just love to mock and make fun and laugh at robber breaker and they'll play my video or whatever and then this ha ha ha breaker oh he's so dumb oh that's stupid ah ha and they derived me which by the way that's what they did to Jesus they derided him they laughed at him they mocked him boy were they sorry later they saw the truth but a proverbs chapter 19 verse 7 so should I do the same that they do should I become my enemy if so then why I guess I'll just start making YouTube videos in which I start making fun of them and try to discredit them and laugh at them and mock them and go oh this fool this this idiot ah what a jerk and laugh at them well then that makes me look like a jerk and I don't want to be a jerk and I don't find any scriptures that say I'm supposed to treat people like that in fact the Bible says that I'm supposed to live at peace with all men speak evil of no man I'm not supposed to be a certain way why would I become a jerk because someone's a jerk to me yeah I'm not gonna do that proverbs chapter 9 verse 7 he that reprove at the scorner get it to himself Shane and he the rebuke of the wicked man gives himself a spot if I reprove somebody who's courting me who's laughing at me and it's obvious he doesn't want the truth all he wants to do is mock and make fun then the Bible says I get to myself shame verse 8 reprove not a scorner lest he hate thee rebuke a wise man and he will love thee if all the guy wants to do is scorn you and put you down and mock you and laugh at you then forget him just forgive him verse 12 if thou be wise now should be wise for thyself but they'll score nist thou alone shall bear it but if they'll score nist if i go and i divide people and scorn and mock and laugh at them well then what does that make me look like like an absolute jerk that just lives to mock and make fun and laugh at other people and that's not right but yeah that's what my enemies want to do they just want to laugh at me and make fun of me that's fine I'll see you at the judgement look forward to it about you I've fallen the scripture here how about you buddy proverbs chapter 21 verse 24 the Bible says proud and haughty scorner is his name who dealeth in proud wrath you know it'd be very easy for me to get puffed up with pride and say well I know I'm right and these guys are wrong so I'm gonna in Wrath attack them and make fun of them and mock them and treat them the same way that they treat me but should I do that as a Christian no no I shouldn't so I'm not gonna let's go to Titus chapter 3 I could but should I a lot of people they tell me brother breaker the reason we watch you because you don't act like a second grader you try to be in adults and in an adult way try to tell people the truth and I've always appreciated that's what I want to be many years many years as a missionary this Bible issue came up in Spanish a lot of people that use a very perverted Bible in Spanish they used the 1960 Spanish Bible I've written four books about the Spanish Bible you find them on my website our rb3 comma I try to point people to the right Spanish Bible the Valera 1602 purified the best Spanish Bible closes and King James in the original master etic and Texas Receptus but to me I want it to be as close to the king james i don't use perverted versions of the Bible like the 1909 has some problems that Gomez has problems all these so for many many years I've tried to tell people look you won't spend the best Spanish Bibles the valley RS 1602 purified you can actually go to the cloud church or my home website my front page and I have they are on there the the history of the Spanish Bible and I show you why the valera 1602 purified is the best painted Bible I have been laughed at I've been mocked I've been lied about people told me you're evil you're this and and all I've done is just try to present the facts quietly humbly peacefully and while I've done that over the last twenty years of my ministry I've done my best to just stick with the facts not attack other people but if you had seen what I've seen in the ministry a lot of people use different Bibles they get in the flesh they get angry they attack I've had people write books against Robert breakers say that shirt more on gringo idiot Robert breaker doesn't know what he's talking about he doesn't even speak Spanish it's a ok there's another guy it's gonna say something's not true but I mean you can just go to youtube you see my videos in Spanish I do preach in Spanish and English but these people they attack each other now the reason I gave you that and told you that is this all throughout my ministry for the last 20 years every couple of months sometimes every month sometimes every other week I'll either get an email or a phone call and it's usually somebody in America that says brother breaker I've been looking for the right Bible in Spanish and I'm looking in this guy wrote a book that guy wrote a book this guy has a website this guy says this they said brother breaker had decided to use the Valero 1602 purify the Bible you use because in your books and on your website you don't attack people all you do is you just say here's the facts take them or leave them and they say every time we go to somebody else can ask them what's the right Bible in Spanish rather than saying well we believe our Bible is right because this they say Oh Robert breakers I'm not an idiot full of don't you Sara and they're like whoa I didn't come here to hear somebody attack somebody I asked the question show me why this Bible is the right one and they said that they can never nicely say well this is the right Bible because it's always talking this guy attack this guy and they always tell me either in phone call or an email or the breaker I took your books and I begin to read and I'm being studied for myself and I appreciate you Robert breaker because you don't attack you simply give the facts and you let a person come to their own decision because the facts are the valera six the notes who purified is the best Spanish Bible and if you just study the facts you can't help but come to that conclusion but I always thought that was interesting they liked me because I didn't attack and if you know the Spanish Bible issue you know that it's just people attacking each other one Bible one guy uses this Bible together this Bible I hate you I hate you because you don't use the same Bible me I said whoa are you gonna do that I'm not gonna go make fun of people and derived them and put them down and laugh at them if you're saved you're my brother in Christ I want to fellowship with you you use a different Bible than me you're wrong okay now let's look at it can you sit down with me and open your Bible and let's compare verses as a gentleman or not if you can't then bye-bye and many people can't all they want to do is name call put-down attack when you show them something that they don't like they yell and scream at you ain't going that route I'm not gonna be like you and laugh at you and mocking you and do these things Romans chapter 12 I almost forgot to read this Romans chapter 12 so I've learned over the years to be I mean my dad always said son be a man a real man is a gentleman someone who treats people with dignity and respect and in his long-suffering and meek and gentle and cares about people not someone that looks at people like what a jerk and just two rides them and puts them down and laughs at them that's sad I was taught better than that as a child Romans chapter 12 verse 17 Paul says recompense to no man evil for evil provide things honest in the sight of all men if it be possible as much as lieth in you live peaceably with all me dearly beloved avenge not yourselves but rather give place since a wrath for it is written vengeance is mine I will repay saith the Lord so a guy comes along lies about me says things about me aren't true scorns and mocks and ridicules and says things about me I don't even need to give him the time of day I don't need to defend myself say Lord you see that but you take care of it in the Lord will take care of it if it's not in this life it'll be at the judgment seat of Christ if they're saved the next one I want to say is deposition them that position now that sounds like and some kind of a word to do with the court system right when you go to court well you have a deposition against somebody so I looked up the word deposition in the 1828 dictionary and deposition is an attested written testimony of a witness and it made me think of going to court like first Corinthians chapter 6 should we as Christians go to court with other Christians go to a secular court and ask the unsaved to rule in our favor first Corinthians chapter 6 verse 4 if then you have judgments of things pertaining to this life set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church I speak this to your shame is it is it so that there is not a wise man among you no not one that shall be able to judge between his brother but brother goeth the law with brother and that before the unbelievers save people should not go to the devil's court system and ask a Masonic judge a Luciferian to rule in their favor look at verse 7 now therefore here is utterly a fault among you because you go to law with another why do you not rather take wrong why do you not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded so the last thing I want to do is go to the the court system and ask the court to fix it now there may be a time and I'd have to sometimes you have to but as a Christian there's a lot of things that I need to suffer and if someone's gonna slander and defame my name and say things about me that aren't true rather than me going to the court system and trying to sue them I'm just gonna pray for him just wait on the Lord that's what I should do now deposition is to write something it's a written a deposition our written testimony of a witness I guess I could write a book proverbs chapter 6 I guess I could go and I write something and I have in before written in some of the books I write about Spanish Bible I write about certain Christians and how they treated me and some things that they said and did that weren't right and they weren't trying to get the right Spanish Bible into the hands of the people they just wanted to sow discord they just wanted to fight in Honduras I was in a debate one time we debated about which Bible was the right Bible I believe I won hands down because everybody was coming up to me saying hey can we have a copy of your scripture we want that one we want that one that has this person this person this person because that Bible is missing verses we want your Bible brother breaker the ones closest to King James but anyway proverbs chapter 6 verse 16 look what the Bible says here these six things that the Lord hey seven are an abomination unto Him a proud look a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood a lying tongue verse 18 a heart that devises wicked imaginations feet that be swift and running the mischief a false witness that speaketh lies God hates people that are lying about other people and then look what it says here and heave it so a discord among brethren if you're saved I know I'm saved but if you're saved and you hate me and all you want to do is attack me and your motive your reason is because you want to sow discord among other brethren because you don't want other Christians to fell ship of me you know what you are you're an abomination and what you're doing is abominable God says he hates it when what you're trying to do is sow discord among the Brethren he hates it so let me ask you this what are you doing I've known people that claim to be Christians that they will sit down and they'll write a book against another brother in Christ I don't want to do that I've made up my mind I don't ever want to do that I don't want to write a book in my whole book be against brother so itself I got many things to do in my ministry I've come to the conclusion that the best thing to do is not deal with the man rather to deal with the issue or rather deal with the doctrine who he is is not important he brought up this subject okay let's deal with the subject and see if what that man brought up is in the Bible or not is that a man's doctrine or is that Bible doctrine in a lot of times we've done that I've done that many times preaching I'll come up here and I'll say today our topic is this now there's somebody out there that teaches this is that biblical no it's not the Bible says that and so that person if whoever they are and I don't like to mention their names because why whoever they are they're teaching something that's wrong and no doubt you'll come across that person well I've had this happen many times people say brother breaker was that person this person I go no I never heard of that person do they preach the same thing and they said yeah and so it's kind of open-ended it's best that I don't mention the name of that person because they might think I'm talking about somebody else but I'm not talking about the person to put down and attack the person I am showing the doctrine that they teach is not viable doctrine and I want to deal with the doctrine not with a person now I don't want to write books against other people and I've seen that too much in Christianity people talking bad about other Christians Christians attacking you talking bad about other Christians writing bad things about that matter of fact I wanted to say this to you could go to YouTube well not you tube but somewhere on the internet there's a website and I don't even know it's been years since I've seen it but they tell me it's still up there's a website in which a guy talks about breaker he's a Spanish speaking fella that it claims to be a missionary and he is he's made a website in which he defends his perversion of the Bible his his Spanish Bible that's got errors and mistakes all through it and he's left this up and what she attacks Robert breaker and says things about me that aren't true I mean outright slanderous lies about Robert breaker you know what I say about that well ho-hum feel sorry for him hope he gets right with God he's sewing this skort among the Brethren and that's an abomination but who am I to devote my time to defending myself and discrediting him and mocking and making fun of him and even wasting time to write about him Bible says I'm supposed to redeem redeem the time because the days are evil I need to focus on winning souls why would I waste my time on this guy and that brings us to the next one whatever someone attacks me I look at them and the first thing I try to do is discern their motive and I think to myself why why would this guy look at Robert breaker like a threat why would this guy feel the need in his heart to go to the entire world on the internet or on YouTube and say watch out for / breaker what is the scope of the earth what why am i worthy of that guy's time I don't get it I'm just a dude I'm just a guy preaching the gospel 1st Corinthians 15 1 3 4 I'm just trying to tell people how to get saved and when they are saved I'm just trying to get them into the book to learn the scripture to understand and to grow in grace why would you think that it's so important for you to go around and tell everybody how awful and how wicked and evil I am and lie about me I don't understand why I'm worth your time so my mind thinks what is their reason for this why on earth would they spend their time attacking me now there's some fellow on YouTube and I don't even watch the guy I can't even understand him he's got such a heavy accent but this guy on YouTube he loves to make videos against Robert breaker one time he made 8 videos in one day against Robert breaker and put them on YouTube and I look at that I just shake my head and say man does this guy have nothing better to do it's crazy I mean what how is that edifying anybody can you imagine if he had spent eight videos on explaining the gospel and maybe somebody could have got safe I don't know anybody that got saved from eight videos on why I don't like Robert breaker doesn't make sense what does the Bible say so I'm chapter 10 verse 2 so I'm looking at people and I'm trying to think why why would they spend so much time into writing and trying to discredit me and make fun of me and say things about me that aren't true writing about me or making videos why what what is their reason for attacking little old me I'm not anything special the only answer I can come to is I think it's because they're full of pride the wicked in his pride to persecute the poor let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined for the wicked boasters of his heart's desire and bless it the covetous whom the Lord of worth I'm gonna go ahead and read all the way down to verse 13 but wicked through the pride of his countenance will not seek after God God is not in all his thoughts his ways are always grievious night judgments are far above out of his sight as for all his enemies he puffeth it then he puffs it to them I just have no people like that all they live for is to attack other people they just any time they see somebody else's I can't wait to attack you that's somebody that's got problems it's probably pride verse 6 he has said in his heart I shall not be moved for I shall never be an adversity his mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud under his tongue his mischief and vanity he sitteth in the lurking places of the villages in the secret places that he murder the innocent his eyes are privily set against the poor yeah and they just can't wait to murder robber breaker now they may not be able to kill me physically where I die but they sure want to kill my testimony they sure want to slander my good name trying to make me look like I'm some evil person when I'm not verse 8 he sitteth in the lurking places of the villages in the secret places does he murder the innocent his eyes are probably set against the poor verse 9 he life and waits secretly as a lion in his den he life then wait to catch the poor he does catch the board when he draws them into his net today they use the internet it's their net in which they can be in the secret place somewhere nobody knows where they are they're sitting there from their computer going well today I'm gonna tell you about this jerk this this fool this reprobate this devil this jackass Robert breaker why this fool why he's a faker he doesn't know it and it's like wow there you are you're in Psalm chapter 10 I know you I've seen you before in the Bible yeah you're that guy full of pride that thinks it's all about you and so that's why you're attacking Robert breaker because you want to be the man of France well then you help yourself help yourself verse 10 he crouches and humbleth himself that the poor may fall by his strong ones he has said in his heart God had forgotten he hide us this face he will never see it arise O Lord O God lift up thine hand forget not the humble verse 13 where Ford of the wicked can Tim God he has said in the his heart that will not require it so here we have some people that just wants you attack and the reason they want attack is because they're full of pride let's go to proverbs 13 real quick only by pride cometh contention but with the well-advised is wisdom I look at their motive and their motive is pride it has to be because all they live for is contention and there are people out there on YouTube all that want to do is cause strife cause contention and they claim to be Christians but all they want to do is attack attack attack attack other Christians yeah I guess I can waste my time defending myself why if I really - I could say how oh I tell you what I'm gonna show them I'm gonna go after them and I'm gonna discredit what they are and I'm gonna do ride them on a foot I'm gonna write books about them what but why why would I waste my time with them what I know they're a snowflake they're nothing oh no no I won't say that I was just thinking of something that I thought I need to say this someday but you know what no no I'm not gonna say this about this guy that attacked me one time although it's true it's probably better left unsaid so I'm 59 12 so I'm 59 well for the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips let them even be taken in their pride and for cursing and lying which they speak if you're out there lying but they're saying things that aren't true about other people and you claim to be a Christian you better watch out God is watching you and I guess I could stoop down to your level and be like you and waste my time making videos about you but I decided I don't want to do that I think I have better things to do Psalms chapter 12 verse one and three one two three help Lord for the godly man Cephas ceaseth for the faithful fail from among the children of me they speak vanity everyone with his neighbor with flattering lips with a double heart do they speak the Lord's will cut off all flattering lips in the tongue that speaketh proud things well I tried to be in your shoes if you're going out there and talking bad about other Christians that's sure a bad thing you ought to be careful what you do what you say well let me look at another one here I guess I could do this and I tried to do this and sometimes it works other times it does there's some people on YouTube that attacked me all the time and like I say it doesn't bother me but it bothers other Christians and so a couple of times I tried to get in touch with those people I couldn't find their phone numbers so I sent them a little comment instead of writing back and trying to be nice about it and being a gentleman and speaking with me in a conversation it's over you haughty spirit fool you fool you you idiot full of haughty spirit you don't care about any of it and it's like oh no I didn't write to you with a haughty spirit I wrote to you as a Christian that loves you that wants to know what it is you have against me and how we can get it right but rather than being a true Christian is saying okay for the record let's talk no you write back you fool you you're just so hot high-spirited prideful you think you know it's like okay I tried the Bible tells us we're supposed to try and so sometimes I do Psalms 127 and verse 5 happy is the man that had this quiver full of them they shall not be ashamed but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate you know there's a time when you can't speak directly to your enemies and then sometimes they'll listen and you can get that right other times they won't so I tried to get in touch with these people that attacked me because they claimed to be King James Bible believers just like me so I thought well if they are maybe they don't get in touch with me but we can talk maybe they just don't know me and they're misjudging me maybe they can find out by knowing who I am and talking with me they judge me correctly you know we live in a really really really weird world we live in a world in which you can know somebody enough to hate them and be their enemy and yet you've never met them face to face because you see them on the internet they live thousands of miles away you have never seen them you so you can never get to know them enough to judge them and yet people do and they judge someone they attack someone what does the Bible say well if we're in the body of Christ and we're both saved the Bible tells me this in Matthew chapter 18 Matthew 18:15 moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone if he shall hear thee thou hast gained a brother well that's what I want I want to gain another brother in Christ I'm gonna fellowship with other King James Bible believers but if you will not hear thee then take with thee one or two more than mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established now how can I do that if I don't know where the guy lives how can I don't do that if I've tried to calm it or I've sent an email to him and he won't even talk to me or give me the time of day he treats me like in derision and makes fun of me and laughs and mocks me how can I do this verse 17 if he shall neglect to hear that him let it tell it under the church but if he neglect to hear the church let him be unto thee as a heathen man in a public so we live in a day and age when people just want to attack you make fun of you ridicule you put you down laugh at you lie about you slander you and so you're okay well the Bible says if you're a Christian and I'm a Christian that I need to speak to you directly so hey I'd like to talk to you can we straighten this out can we get this thing right if you're saved and I'm saved can't we just get along and they won't even give you the time of day all they want to do is lie about you they don't want to know you because they might find out they were wrong oh god forbid that they said something about you that wasn't true so it's easier just to forget you and to continue lying about you and not even speak with you so that brings me to my last point what could I do well I guess the best thing to do is just disregard them and this is usually where I end up go to Titus chapter 3 rather than me worrying about oh this guy said this about me oh this day's go around say this about me I don't even care because I have enough videos on YouTube that people know who I am and what I believe and they can listen to the lies and attacks of those people and then they can listen to me and then they can judge for themselves I'll let them discern whether I'm what they claim I am and most of the people they see it they say brother break for those people are lying about you and many people even they say brother breaker don't let them bother you just forget they even exist just keep on preaching the gospel but that's the best counsel but I've got is brother breaker don't worry about those that attack you just keep preaching the gospel and disregard your enemies and that's what I try to do the only reason I'm preaching this today is because I want to give this to you I want you to see this because there's some people claim to be Christians and they're here they're mocking other Christians other stuff and they're going well by your true ministry is exposing this guy how about we stick with the book and the doctrine why do we attack personally other people I don't understand that so disregard them what does it say in Titus chapter three times chapter three verse 10 says a man that is a heretic after the first and second admonition reject knowing that he that is such is subverted and sinneth being condemned of himself all right so I've reached out to some of these people and many of them I know who they are but there's several that I've looked at and I said all these are attackers of Robert breaker all right I sent two at least two comments or emails to these people it became obvious well they want nothing to do with me they just want to continue lying about me saying things that aren't true all right I'll reject them I disregard them I'll just move on I'll just put them in the past and I'll forget them or will I yeah I do have another point here in the back I'll disregard them I'll just I'll just say you know what they're not even worth my time second Thessalonians chapter 3 I'll do this second Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 2 2nd Thessalonians 3:2 says and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men for all men have not faith but the Lord is faithful who shall establish you and keep you from evil and we have confidence in the Lord touching you that she both do and will do the things which we command you and the Lord direct your hearts it's the love of God and then to the patient waiting for Christ now we command your brother to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly and not after the tradition which ye have received of us for yourselves know how you ought to follow us for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you there's some people out there that are disorderly they are disobeying the Bible there they're called unruly and because of their pride they're going around and there's any things they are liars and they're lying and they're doing things that they shouldn't do and they're saying things about other Christians that they shouldn't say and rather than getting right with God and getting right with me because they're attacking me they just want to continue well the Bible says I'm supposed to get away from someone like that why because they're misbehaving and what I'm not gonna do is I'm not gonna even watch their videos anymore I'm not interested in what they have to say can I have other brothers and sisters in Christ they say well I still watch this guy and I'm like why why would you watch someone that's turned out to be a known liar someone that's attacking someone that's unruly you know I have a video on YouTube entitled are you unruly and I show you in the Bible there's a certain way that a Christian is supposed to act and it's not attacking other people no mersive scripture in the Bible anywhere that says a Christian is supposed to attack another Christian I have looked and I've yet to find it because it's not there the last thing I want to do with people that attack me my desire for them is I desire for them to get right I want to see them get right with God and I would encourage you if you're one of my viewers to try to pray for them I think prayer is important I think we need to pray for these attackers and if you get a chance go to their channels and if they allow you to leave a comment leave comments like let no evil communication proceed out of your mouth with that which is Luke use good to the use of edifying it and speak evil of no man and things like that because these guys are disobeying the Bible by attacking other Christians if they themselves are Christians like said I wonder if they're even saved but instead of me spending my time defending myself from their evil and then going against them and going on the attack and trying to discredit that expose them and then derive and laugh them and do depositions of writing against them instead of that I'm just gonna disregard them and say okay Lord forgive them their attacks mean nothing to me whatever I'm not interested and then my desire for them is to get saved I'm gonna pray for them let's close with Matthew 15 or excuse me Matthew chapter 5 and then proverbs 16 I'm so glad I'm getting this video done because this this has been on my heart I wanted to get this out and now I want to put it behind me and move on so I don't have to talk about these people that attack me anymore I'm so glad we're getting this video finished Matthew 5:43 jesus said this about your enemies you have heard that have been said thou shalt love thy neighbour and hate thine enemy verse 44 but I say to you love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you okay lord I pray for those people that attack me they claim to be my enemy my don't have any ill-will toward them I just pray for them Lord get them right help them lord help them God take care of them should I talk about that dream I had I'll think about that let me see proverbs 16:7 proverbs 16:7 by mercy and truth iniquity is person to by the fear of the Lord men shall depart from evil do you have any mercy have you told the truth are you one of those out there lying verse 7 when a man's ways please the Lord he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him when a man's ways please the Lord he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him instead of me getting in the flesh and becoming them and doing to them what they do to me I don't want to do that I'm gonna pray for them pray they get right and I said lord please help me to have mercy help me to continue preaching the truth and lord I want my ways to please you Lord because you said in the Bible that if my ways please you that even my enemies will be at peace with me so I want my enemies to be at peace with me I want them to know the truth truth is I'm just trying to get people saved with the true gospel first Corinthians 15 1 through 4 and that's the gospel of salvation well I mention it so I might as well say it I had a dream the other day I don't take any stock whatsoever and dreams I'm not one of those people that goes to YouTube and type send visions and dreams and say oh what does this guy say what does that guys I don't care what a person's dream is does the Lord speak to us and dreams today I don't know I honestly don't think he does I think sometimes he'll give us some dreams but do they mean anything and even if God does give us a dream and it does mean something you got to be careful because the Bible says you cannot base your doctrine on a dream you know it says in Peter that the Bible itself the Word of God is our more sure word of prophecy is it that 2nd 2nd Peter I believe 2nd yeah 2nd Peter 1:19 we have also a more sure word of prophecy or until you do well that you take heed so I'm not going by my dream so I'm not telling you about a dream that I had saying now you have to believe this I don't I'm not doing that but I did have a dream the other day and I thought I'd share it because it was so real and oftentimes I dream and I wake up in the morning as soon as I wake up I forget everything that I dreamed but this dream that I had was so real I dreamed that we were living in a place next to a mountain and my wife and my kids we lived here and nobody else lived around us and then somebody moved in up the hill or up the mountain and somebody said hey uh did you hear about that new guy that moved in next to you no no you got to go visit this person to check on them so I hiked up the mountain the good waves and I noticed that part of the mountain had fallen away and that there was this huge cliff right here and those people that had moved in had put their house right on the edge of that cliff and the mountain was very steep and so it was very steep here in the little house here and a cliff right there and I remember in this dream walking up and visited with them and said hey neighbor how are you I hear you just moved in and I'd like to talk to you and they come out and I don't know why but I remember it was a man his wife and their little kid it was like three years old something like that and every time I come to their house that I'd get close and I'm about to say hi neighbor because I just wanted to say hi and talk with them they would immediately come to the door and say get out get away you we hate you and it's screaming it holler and they didn't want to be my neighbor so I walk away and you know I'd be gone for you know in in in dreams you don't know how long time is so I don't know a week or so I'd come back and each time I come back to try to talk with them that Cliff had some of the rocks and and some of the dirt had fallen away so instead of a being like this straight up and down the cliff it began to be more like this and all this stuff was falling down here so picture this you've got their house right here here's a little path to their house and right here is the mountain and I'd come off but I'd say hey I'm I'd like to fellowship with you you're my neighbor I like do you guys need anything look leave get away we hate you we want nothing to do with you and they scream and they holler at me in my dream and all I could think of was I just want to make sure they're okay and I'd come back and every time I'd come back more of the cat the cliff had collapsed and I kept coming back more often more often and I kept coming and when I come and say look I need to tell you something you're you're you're not on solid ground if you guys don't move you're gonna die and they'd scream shut up who are you to tell me I'm gonna die you devil get away they just scream at me and every time and it was so vivid it was such a vivid dream and every time I come back the cliff more of it had been I just washed away or had collapsed and I came back the last time and I said look I love you I don't want to see you die please move get out you're not on solid ground and they cussed me out it told me don't you ever come back again this man his wife and their little kid little boy I think it was last time I came back this is what I saw the house had fallen and they were dead they had built their house on ground that wasn't solid and all I did was trying to warn them because I love them and the more I warned them the more they hated me as their enemy and all I tried to do was say look I just want you to know you're not on solid ground you need to get you need to move you need to you're gonna die and they died I don't know if that dream meant anything I don't know anything about that dream up I'm not a person that gets into dreams but I remember thinking about that dream after going wow wow that's a lot of people are lost they're gonna go down to hell and here I'm coming trying to give them the gospel and said war no hey get saved you're on island solid ground you're gonna fall into hell and they say shut up we hate you shut up shut up I don't know maybe that dream was to a Christian Christian if you don't get right with God and make peace with here with your affinity you're gonna fall into apostasy and into heresy maybe I don't know all I know is I remember that dream and I said you know I think I want to mention that in one of these sermons of that dream that was a horrible thing to see them die and there was nothing I could do it they wouldn't even let me get up to the house they wouldn't come down for me to say look and warn them all they wanted to do was attack and they couldn't wait to come out that door and attack when all I tried to do was warned be careful watch out it's gonna fall so here's how to deal with your enemies I hope this has been a blessing if you have enemies I pray that you won't waste your time defending yourself I pray you won't give in your mind well I'm gonna go back and attack them for attacking me and then put them down a lap then I hope you'll just say you know all right I'm gonna separate from you but I'm not gonna ever stop praying for you and I pray God will get you right because I want to be your friend thank you for watching we'll see you next time you
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 18,349
Rating: 4.8506417 out of 5
Keywords: how to deal with your enenmies, How to Deal With Your Enemies And Their Attacks, enemy, enemies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 4sec (4384 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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