Weaponized Humanity

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all right hello everybody Robert breaker here with you today and well I am just kind of turning the park into my own little office here and thought I'd bring a sermon today out in the in the woods I'm here at the park where I did another sermon walking around but I got a couple little blisters on my feet walking in the boots the other day so I thought I'd just sit down here at the table and we do this week's sermon and I hope it's a blessing to you I want it to be a blessing I want to always edify I always help you and teach you some things that that will help you in the future and this is something I just had the Lord give me while I was laying in my bed the other night and a lot of times I go to bed and I just sit there and and your brain just kind of goes and goes and goes goes it doesn't quit but I was thinking about this and we're seeing a lot in this world today going through this covin thing and we're seeing a lot of people coming out of the Woodworks showing what their actual desire is for this world and what they want is they want the New World Order they want to take over this world and if you're a Christian like I am and I've talked about it many times the the goal of the New World Order is to bring in a one-world government in which the Antichrist will take over and control everyone the Antichrist is not a good person and his desire is to basically treat everyone like cattle put a chip in them track them do things in which they have to submit to his rule and make him their God and it's a sad thing very sad thing to see but it's prophesied in the Bible we know these things would come to pass we also know that the Bible says well if you're a Christian that you have the victory you'll get out before that you will not have Satan rule over you at the rapture you you leave but if you're left behind at the rapture you need to understand the devil wants you to take his mark and you just say no to the devil and not take the mark of the beast and you need to make sure that you're willing to die for Jesus with your head cut off if you miss the rapture now I want to talk today about this subject weaponized humanity when a human being becomes a weapon and what I'm seeing in the world today is weaponized humanity more and more and more with every passing day I'm seeing how the elites the powers to be the ones behind the the one-world government how they're not just using their own weapons to get their agenda they're turning people against people the old divide-and-conquer think and so rather than them have to lift a finger they're getting people to fight one another and they're turning people into weapons which are fighting one another and trying to help bring about their agenda and I think it's a horrible thing but it's a thought that I had and I believe the Lord laid this on my heart to talk about I'll try to give as much scripture as I can on the subject so let's begin in Isaiah chapter 54 Isaiah 54 verse 15 through 17 and Isaiah 54 says behold they shall surely gather together now what's funny is I'm looking over here in Spanish because I got to teach in Spanish here in a minute it says Seattle goon Oakland Spirit they wanted a tea if someone conspires against you you know when you stand up usually and talk about oh there's a New World Order and all this people say oh that's just a conspiracy theory well no now it's coming out that it's not a conspiracy theory it's truth and it's really happening there really is a new world order but they're trying to bring to pass so you have to watch out for that it's real it's a real thing it's not a conspiracy theory it's a spirit conspiracy reality and the devil really is behind many of these conspiracies but says here behold they shall surely gather together but not by me whosoever should gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake behold I've created the Smith that bloweth the coals in the fire and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work and I have created the waster to destroy number 17 says no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper and every tongue that shall rise against the in judgment thou shalt condemn this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousness is of me saith the Lord now I realize this is an Old Testament verse and it's talking about old estimate things but I think it's interesting that in the context it's someone gathering together people people gathering together against the servants of God against God's people as a weapon verse 17 and these people they use their tongues as a weapon so what we have here is weaponized humanity now thankfully God says that well there's a promise that that well if we are righteous and we have Christ's righteousness we'll by faith salvation we are imputed the righteousness of God will be protected we'll be taken care of and I firmly believe in a pre-tribulation rapture that God's gonna take the church out before the Antichrist takes over but what we're seeing today is weaponized humanity now why is that why are they weaponizing humans against other humans well this all ties into some videos that I made before which I warn you about a thing called communism now I don't have time to get into what communism is but hopefully you've studied it out and you know that it is a horrible form of government every time there's been a communist government if you'll study it out it always impoverished the people made their lives miserable and oftentimes killed them communism is guilty of the death of over a hundred million people in just the last hundred years communism socialism goes hand in hand I believe it was Lenin that said the goal of socialism is communism well today you have a lot of people running around saying they're socialists watch out for socialists they are really communists and they want to destroy you communism is a violent bloody revolution of eyelet bloody overthrow of an existing government in order to set up communism in other words it is an enemy of any free society and any true Republic so we need to be watching out for that now how does communism work well in communism another human being is a threat or a weapon to be used against another human being it's weaponized humanity and in my short time here on this earth on 46 years I've seen how people can be used against other people how people can be used as weapons and with every passing day watching the news and seeing more things happening I'm seeing more and more how people are used as weapons by the elite in order to bring about their New World Order or their government control first thing I see or what we call troublemakers let's go to Psalms chapter 3 and verse 1 one way to weaponize a person is to make a person a troublemaker and in this world in which we live there's a lot of troublemakers I remember growing up in school as a kid and seeing the troublemakers and boy they're worth something and they just go around just trying to cause trouble and name call and you know kick you or hit you or bully you these are what you call your bullies and bullies are bad people they're not nice all they want to do is is is attack you and hurt you and then laugh at you as they do it their weapons and their mean-spirited hateful wicked people we should never be a bully in some Shepherds the three in verse one David says Lord how are they increased that trouble me many are they that rise up against me many troublemakers trying to cause trouble people going around just trying to stir up problems and cause trouble what's in the Bible they're called troublemakers today which we live we have a thing called an Tifa and they're found funded by many people say people like George Soros and things like that and they're just going around to cause trouble and part of that is to try to set up a form of government because you see how it works is you go how people cause trouble and you have the Hegelian dialect if you haven't looked it up look up for Haley and I clicked you know they they are the ones that cause the trouble and then they're the ones that say now the solution is this and they want to be the solution and they say well the solution is socialism look at all the bad in the world look at all the trouble over there wife you'll just turn into a socialist well we'll fix everything no they won't they're the ones that are funding and paying for the people to cause the trouble don't ever buy into that don't ever allow troublemakers to bother you and if they do well you know you know what to do call the police and do everything you can to get away from a bully but also understand that many times those that are bullies are bullied in their lives by someone else or they're being funded by someone else to bully and trouble you and we need to understand there's an agenda there's an agenda so the first humanity our first type of human that I see that such a weapon are troublemakers and one thing I don't ever want to do in this world is cause trouble for other people that's something I don't want to do I just want to speak the truth in love as the Bible says and tell the truth I don't want to go around trying to bully people and you know Christians believe in liberty the perfect law of Liberty Christians are not bullies the bullies in this world are a lot of the political people that are that are trying to to get their agenda and they're trying to bully you the Socialists the progressives the the social justice warriors they come around they try to bully you God hates a bully God hates someone that just goes around and tries to bully other people those aren't good folks let's go to Jeremiah five let me show you another one Jeremiah chapter five weaponized humanity when humans become weapons Jeremiah chapter 5 in verse 26 says this Jeremiah 526 says for among my people are found wicked men they lay wait what does that mean they lay in wait as he that set his snares they set a trap they catch men this kind of a weaponized person is what I like to call a trickster or a scammer have you ever been tricked by someone in your life have you ever been called on the phone and someone you know scam you you ever get that email you know I have five million dollars and I'm over here in Tunisia or our Togo or someplace and well if you'd give me your bank account and and and send me you know five hundred dollars why I'll send you 1 million dollars that's a scammer that's someone who's a weapon that's someone who's trying to scam you and defraud you and lie to you and take your money it's a weaponized human being it's a trickster a scammer and there's a lot of people out there like that they try to trick you they try to get your money that try to to get something out of you and deceive you and steal from you and you've got to be careful because the longer we live and the closer we get to the coming of Christ the more there are out there like that people who've been scammed who've had their Social Security numbers stolen or whatever and people you know in their name try to try to get their what do you call it Internal Revenue check back and things like that they're scammers out there a lot of them prey upon the elderly so you've got to watch out for those tricksters for those in Spanish I call them trembles those that are just waiting to lay a trap for you in this world in which we live there's a lot of people like that they just want to entrap you and they're out there and it's very hard to to trust people nowadays to be honest with you because you know that there's people out there just waiting to catch you in something maybe they're trying to scam you and get money from you other others out there they're just trying to trick you into saying something so they can say AHA you said that you said and so you got to watch out for that I've met a lot of scammers and tricksters in my life and and if I even have a hint that someone is like that I just get as far away from them as I can I don't want to be around people like that now let's go to another let's go to Psalms 30:5 these are what we call weaponized humans Psalms chapter 35 and verse 16 this is another kind of a weaponized person and this is a troll used to be when I was a kid I knew better I knew there was no such thing as a troll you know those were only in fairy tales sadly and in the dáil age which we live in our modern age the digital age they call it there really exists trolls and trolls are people that just can't wait to get on the internet and troll you why what that means is a lot of times in your comments they want to comment something stupid or they want to try to make fun of you I tried to define the term troll how do you define a troll and I thought well the best the best way to define a troll is someone who's mocks at another person or scoffs at them or makes fun of them and the Bible talks about that in the last days why there will be scoffers coming and making fun of God in the Bible and as a Christian on YouTube and preaching and teaching a lot I see trolls I see people trying to troll me and going down the comments and saying horrible things or making their own YouTube videos against me or just saying bad things those are trolls and they're real they're really out there my wife showed me a picture the other day of a person sitting at a desk kind of like this but it was a slanted and it had something like a hundred different iPhones and the person was sitting there and my wife said here's a picture and I'm in the little meme or whatever says this is what a troll looks like and there really are people out there like that that are paid to have a hundred people that they just all day try to make fun of and make look stupid make look dumb and just and just call names and so they're just following that person's social media so they could comment something mean to that person and they're literally paid by evil people to do that to try to destroy other people and their reputation that's a shame Psalms 30:5 and verse 16 says this with hypocritical mockers and feasts they gnashed upon me with their teeth so david is saying in my day I had my trolls David is say there's people out there and they're hypocrites they're liars there to see verse a lot of them they're trolls just for money and that's a shame paid trolls can you imagine what do you do for a living well I'm a troll really what bridge do you live under you know in the old fairy tales the trolls lived under a bridge but in the Bible there were people like that they'd just sit around and couldn't wait to mock and make fun of and speak evil about other people well that's a shame that's a shame that's a weapon that's a weaponized human that's someone who's turned into a weapon against you to say they're dirty and hateful and mean things against you and that's a shame that's a shame now let's go to first Timothy chapter 5 in the New Testament and I want to talk about another weaponized human and something you got to watch out for something that is a threat especially when you're you pick up on this real easily a lot of times when you're a child you become this and it's kind of a sad thing especially if you have a lot of brothers and sisters this would be your Tabler s-- at adler look at first Timothy chapter 5 and verse 13 first Timothy 5:13 says and with all they learn to be idle wandering about from house to house and not only idle but tattlers also and busybodies speaking things which they ought not this is a toddler this is somebody that just goes around and and they spend their time in somebody else's business looking at what somebody else does not out of you know curiosity of oh I want to find out more about this person because I'm interested in this person I think I might like this person I think I want to be friends with this person I want to know more because I think this person smart and I want to learn from them that's not their reason what they do is they find out all they can about this person because they just can't wait to say something bad about this person they can't wait for this person to talk so they can twist their words on out of context and try to make them look stupid so they can go look what you did and laugh at someone like that you ever met somebody like that I've got three kids and I can tell you they're already learning as kids do how to be a tattle-tale you know they come to mommy daddy daddy she did this to me you know and we say look honey don't be a tattletale but listen if they did hurt you if they did do something wrong you did right to come tell daddy and we'll deal with it okay come here what happened what but sometimes people learn oh you know I could lie and if I lie maybe mommy will well okay and so you know one of the kids comes to mommy says mommy they did this to me and you go oh really and you go and you talk to the other child and they didn't do that this child wasn't telling the truth because they were trying to get somebody else in trouble for something they didn't do so you got to watch out for that there's a lot of people in the world like that and their Tabler and they only desire to be busybodies try to get in the affairs of other people and try to talk bad about other people when there's no reason you know what you got your life and I got my life why don't you live your life and I'll live I mean it's that simple but a lot of times on YouTube you see things like that you see people that just can't wait for you to make a new video so they can make a video against your video and that's kind of a sad thing how's it going and I've seen that and I've talked about that before in some of these videos and I always try to go back to the Bible what does the Bible say about that well the Bible says we're not supposed to cause strife Bible says we're not supposed to talk evil about other people Bible says we're supposed to esteem others more highly than ourselves what else does the Bible say meekness loving kindness gentleness we're supposed to do what we do and not you know worry about what other people do that's their business we're all gonna give account to God someday for what we do so I'm not interested in what he does or she does or he says or they say that's their business and they'll they'll face God with it but still more and more people send me emails saying brother Berger have you seen this video yet and a lot of times I just say please don't please don't but I'm seeing more and more videos that people make they just can't wait for Robert breakers Sunday message to come out because they're gonna take it and twist something in order to make fun and mock they're trolls I don't know what else to call them except Tatler's all they want to do is be little busy bodies and the Bible says here not to be a busybody what does that mean somebody who puts their body to work being busy in trying to hurt someone else and that's what their videos are for they're to try to hurt they're not trying to edify and to help and so what are they they're a weapon they have weaponized themselves to try to hurt other people I've told this before maybe I'll tell it again I don't like to deal with people's names I don't want to hurt them they want to hurt me they can help themselves way I figure is I'll let God take take care of it amen and I'll just leave them in his hands and not worry about it but one person they made a video years ago saying I don't like this Robert breaker fella that's me and they said I'm gonna do everything I can to get him off of YouTube I'm gonna get him off the inner I'm gonna you know I can't it makes me feel good to put him down and try to talk to make him look like he's some dumb idiot or whatever and you just look at that and you go how sad what has that person done they turned themselves into a weapon in which they want to use to try to hurt me and hurt my ministry and that's sad that's sad I don't think humanity should be used as a weapon we shouldn't be troublemakers or bullies we shouldn't be tricksters trying to scam other people matter of fact a lot of YouTube videos against me I've noticed that they are doing that they're trying to trick people into thinking that I believe something that I don't and so they go around they say Robert breakers this Robert breakers that wrote and I look at that I go no I'm not that where do they get that from well you you watch their video and help yourself I don't but other people tell me they said this out of that and and it's like no no I didn't say that they tried to twist my words into saying I said something that I didn't say and they're trying to trick you what are they they're weapons whose weapon are they well if they're not of God being used of God for good then what's the only other alternative they must be allowing themselves to be weapons used of the devil for the devil agenda and I find that very sad well let's go to proverbs 22 and I find in the Bible I find another weapon eyes to humanity proverbs chapter 22 and verse 24 and this is a human being that is weaponized to try to tempt other people to sin and that's a very very sad thing proverbs 22:24 but there's people out there they'll go around and they'll try to buddy up to you and try to be friends with you and they say now come on let's go do this oh come on let's go do this come on listen I remember when I was surfing I'd go surfing with a guy we'd surf a lot and we oftentimes go out to eat at a little place afterwards and we've got to eat there and they had cookies there for sale and when we'd surf in the wintertime we'd have to wear a wetsuit well when you get out of the water you keep the web suit on your legs because you're still cold a little bit but you peel the wetsuit down and you put on the shirt so you'd have a shirt on and you'd have your wetsuit but your web suit is hanging down the arms and the back and so you could pull it and put something down in there if you wanted to and this guy I'd go surfing with we'd go out to eat wheat order a sandwich and while the lady turns around making the sandwich he would grab a cookie and put it down his wetsuit I tell him you know that's wrong you know that's stealing you know that's bad and he did that time after time after time again and I'd tell him every time look you shouldn't do that you should not steal cookie stealing is wrong well one time he says hey man I still want another cookie once you go up there and get one he says do what I do I said I'm not gonna do it he said come on man come on it's just a cookie they're not gonna go bankrupt they're not gonna lose money it's just a cookie I said it's wrong I'm not gonna steal that cookie but what was he trying to do is trying to tempt me to do what he does if you have a friend like that you need to get away from that that's not a friend a real friend doesn't tempt you to do evil a good friend is someone that helps you try to do right and that's a shame but there are people out there that try to tempt you and there's no doubt in my mind that it's the devil putting those thoughts in their head and it's the devil smiling going on I hope that he I hope that he sins I hope that he listens to that guy and the devil wants to tempt you and a lot of times he'll use a human being to do it Lord I say to go proverbs 22:24 proverbs chapter 22 and verse 24 says this make no friendship with an angry man and with a furious man thou shalt not go we shouldn't be friends with people that are evil and I got ahead of myself I talked about the tempter Samet I meant to talk about someone with a temper so I got ahead of myself I'll get back to the tempter here in a minute but someone with a temper have you ever met anybody who's who gets angry a lot well that's not a good person and a lot of times if you're around somebody who gets angry a lot it'll rub off on you and you'll get angry a lot the Bible talks about temperance and temperance is a word that we don't use much anymore matter of fact we think about temperance we think about the temperance movement you know way back and what the 20's or whatever it was and and alcohol and not drinking it well what does temperance mean it's one of the fruits of the spirit temperance it means self-control it's very easy to get angry and lose control in the Bible why the first murder was that of Cain killing Abel and why did Cain kill Abel he got angry he got mad and he led us his temper get the best of him and he lost control and he murdered his brother he was a weapon it wasn't just his staff that was the weapon it was himself he was a weapon and he killed his brother and it all started with anger so we need to be careful and not allow ourselves to get angry a lot of things that I see in the world today is they're trying to get people angry on purpose so that people will go do bad things to other people and that's weaponizing a human being and it all has to do with anger that's why one of my pet peeves if you will one of the things that I want to do that I want to make sure that I'm faithful doing is being a temperate person I don't ever want to lose control I want to make sure that I control my emotions that I control myself that I don't lash out and anger that I don't do things that I shouldn't my daddy taught me that my daddy told me said son he says part of making yourself a good person he's having self-control he said never get in a state or in a position of where you lose control of yourself because that's not a good place to be in well as I grew up and I saw people drinking and I saw people taking drugs I had watched them and I'd see how they get drunk and they lose control and they get in fights I saw people that were on drugs and how some of them are in jail right now because they got on drugs and they lost control they couldn't control themselves that became addicts and they were so addicted to the drug that they couldn't control what they did and some of them killed people some of them robbed to feed their addiction some of them are jail they lost the ability control themselves and they became intemperate they became people who had tempers they became literally weapons weaponized humans that were used for evil rather than good now luckily some of them got saved and and that's a wonderful thing but it's it's a sad thing to see someone get into a state where they cannot control themselves we need to always have self-control well here's another one let's go to Deuteronomy 28 and this one I'm sure everyone will identify with the kovat 19 scare and we're told oh it's horrible people now are weapons because if you stand closer to someone than six feet you might just die so now human beings aren't human beings they're potential hazards and potentially they can kill you by being too close because they might have a temperature and now you can't even go to certain stores they have to check you with a little temperature gauge your forehead before you go in and say oh look look you've got a temperature you you might kill people you might you might have Kovan no no you're not allowed to come into our store you're a potential weapon of death and they don't even want to be around you because your temperature might be too high look at Deuteronomy 28 61 I think it's ridiculous be honest with you I really do and I think it's sad but Deuteronomy chapter 28 and verse 61 says also every sickness in every plague which is not written in the book of this law then will the Lord bring upon thee until thou be destroyed when we think of people that are sick when we think of a sickness and and we think of someone that might have a plague automatically we say oh don't get close to me we don't want because we're afraid we might get it and rightly so if there really is a like but is this Kovac thing a plague all over this world they're saying oh the Komets 19 pandemic oh it's so horrible oh oh you've got to wear masks oh you've got a 6 feet apart oh you've got to do this oh you can't leave your home you can't and I go wait a minute numbers don't lie I look at the numbers over 7 billion people in this world and as I speak today they have not quite there almost there but they have not quite gotten to the number of 350,000 dead people they say from Kovac now I highly am suspicious of that number I don't think that many people died of kovat because most hospitals are told by the government if you have a Cova death we will pay you 39 thousand dollars so what doctor wouldn't want to just right there yeah this guy died of coverture wink wink and that give us the money and I believe that has happened time and again I believe a lot of people and their stories on YouTube a lot of them are being taken down from YouTube unfortunately but you can still talk to people you can still get out there and ask people at work in a hospital have you seen a doctor right Koba 19 as the cause of death when it wasn't I've talked to personally several nurses personally at one doctor and I've seen many stories where they say yeah yeah this guy came in he died of a car accident and we wrote down Koba 19 we got almost $40,000 from Athena the nurses yeah this guy died of a heart attack in the doctor wrote Cova 19 so is it really even 350,000 they died from this is that a real number every day more and more coming out well there really wasn't that many that died in Italy we were wrong oh I see I see so but if it was if it is the true number 350,000 died worldwide out of 7 billion that is point zero zero four or five percent now are you literally telling me that that's a pandemic if you are I have to wonder how you define the word pandemic I think you probably should call it a plan Demick rather than a pandemic because there are very very few people that have died from this in comparison to the entire world and the actual number is point zero zero four or five percent do understand that you literally have more of a chance of accidentally pooping your britches than you do of dying from the Cova 19 so-called pandemic now I hate to talk that way but you need to understand what this is years ago that at the Rockefeller Center and maybe I'll do this one day I've wanted to do this they put out a paper in which they said you know what we ought to do is we want to put out this scare of a virus mixed with SARS and and mayors and all this stuff and and we ought to lock down the world for a couple of months well that's happened exactly as that Rockefeller paper said well the rest of that paper says well if people don't obey and do what we say and give up their rights then we'll have a second wave in which we lock down for six months not just a couple of months no buying no selling or leaving the house except you know you buy and sell through different I don't know probably have drones coming trial probably have people come to door and sell with a face mask or hazmat suit who knows and then if people don't obey and get the vaccine which is that all this is pushing is a vaccine in a quantum tattoo sounds exactly like the book of Revelation and they want you to have a tattoo on your right hand in your forehead and all these things all in order to be shipped like cattle to there 5g cryptocurrency system in which 5g runs through you and you become a an actual miner a Bitcoin if you will maybe not Bitcoin but some other cryptocurrency and you uh you are actually used in their system I've got other videos on YouTube about that but I said all that to say this that paper the Rockefeller paper continues and says then if it people don't submit then we put out a real worst virus that will destroy twenty to thirty percent of the population now that's a pandemic when twenty to thirty percent of the world's population dies now you're looking at millions upon millions upon millions upon millions of death worldwide not 350,000 if that many and if you see that if you're watching this video and in and months have passed and you're seeing that take place you need to know who's behind it he goes back to that paper where they wrote this is what we want to do and what they want to do is this they want to say the reason so many people are dying is it's your fault because you're not wearing your mask and they're gonna try to blame the people that don't wear masks and say they're the ones that are spreading the disease when it was them that put it out it came from the Wuhan lab look into who who funded the wool hung lab look who worked for the Wuhan lab look who gave money to the Wuhan lab look into all this maybe you'll find something but what it's doing it's weaponizing humanity it's making human sick and then fearing one another that oh you can make me sick but also and I saw this not too long ago and you probably have to it's making human beings turn upon other human beings this guy walked into and my wife and I heard heard a story similar to it somebody walked into a store up north and they weren't wearing a mask and everyone in the store was wearing a mask and they all went look he's not worried about get out get out get and they were afraid and they were scared and they were oh he's gonna make you sick get out get out get out in your life what is this you know what it is just like the invasion of the body snatchers I think is the name of it or one of those old Hollywood movies you know where the aliens came inside to person and then someone that wasn't an alien they would point and go voice you know you know you're one of them that's not following what we do and that's what the world is becoming that's the weaponization of humans in which they're getting people to be to look at other people as not people but as potential threats to their life so they're not human beings anymore their sickness their disease and they're gonna kill me I can't have anything to do with them but I can sure go be a toddler and call and say look look he's able he does not wearing a mask now let me tell you something does a mask really help against Koba 19 the answer is no putting on a mask and expecting that mask to protect you from a virus is like putting up a chain-link fence and hoping that that will protect you from mosquitoes the virus is so tiny and so small in comparison to the fibers of that mask that they're just going to go right through it so wearing a mask will not help you in any way shape or form I had to go somewhere the other day we went to an estate sale and they said we want you to wear a mask and so I got a mask I put it on and I walked inside and then I noticed a lot other people came in they weren't marrying a mask and I said you know what I'm not gonna do it and and I decided to take my mask off you know why I couldn't even breathe so you know it's it's ridiculous to me wear a mask wear a mask wear mask so you don't get the virus and you're like but it doesn't protect from the virus shut up wear a mask okay you put on a mask and now what now I can't breathe now I'm gonna die because I'm strangled to death either way your weaponizing and you're trying to make me the bad guy when I've done nothing wrong and that's what's so sad weaponized humanity is people looking at an innocent person and saying you're the problem would we're not the problem the ones in charge of the problem because they're behind all of this they're tempters liable talks about of the last days in first Timothy 4:1 that there'll be seducing spirits and doctrines of devils so what they want to do is they want to seduce you and they want to bring about a society of seduction that's why pornography is all over the world and they want you to go to the computer and look at that they don't want you to get together in person stay six feet apart but oh make sure you can sit down and watch the computer and it's sad and there's people out there that are trying to tempt you and they're weaponized humanity first Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 is a great verse one of the greatest verses in the whole Bible about how not to be tempted temptations come all the time but we can't allow ourselves to be tempted in first Timothy 10:13 says there have no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which ye are able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that you may be able to bear it you don't have to give in to temptation there's a lot of people out there that want to tempt you and probably you've seen it there's a lot of seductress women if you're a man it's so easy oftentimes for your emotions to get a hold of you when you see a pretty woman you know the old saying is men fall in love with what they see and women fall in love with what they hear and so the more they they put out there the half-naked women the more they say hello we're gonna get that man to fall and fall into sin the last Super Bowl I don't know if you saw it the halftime show was burlesque basically I mean you usually would have had to pay to go see that kind of a show and now they're showing it to the whole world what is it it's weaponizing humanity it's weaponizing women into looking pretty and then people that are look at that will fall into sin because they're so seduced and so give in to fornication and things like that well the next thing I want to say is trackers so let me run through this again weaponize humanity there is troublemakers there's tricksters there's trolls there's toddlers there's tempters there's those that have a temper but then the last of the weaponized humans are the trackers what they're trying to do today how you guys doing is they're trying to get people to take this vaccine and they know full well that if they get the vaccine you'll get this nanotechnology inside of you and you'll get these little nanobots and you'll get this chip in which they can track you and know where you are at all times that's why they say six feet apart six feet apart social distance because once you're tracked and you can go to the computer and the computer can track where you are if you're six feet away from someone it's very clear who's who but if you get closer than six feet it's kind of confusing to the waves that are going through you and through all the computer in the computer goes well I can't differentiate that one from that one until they get six feet apart that I know who's who and so don't ever take that but understand what they want to do is they want to track you they want to know where you are and what you're doing at all times they want to have tracers I know if you heard about this but they're trying to put forth a bill in which they say we should have the right to trace people and it sounds so great because they say oh yeah the pan Dimmick the what now you mean the plan Demick yeah they say oh the pandemic what we need to do is we need to hire a whole bunch of people to go door-to-door and ask people where have you been who've you talked to we're in and in track where they've been and then say oh well if there's an outbreak over there well then we know all these people were there so maybe these people have it so we're gonna shut them in their homes and so what they want is they want to trace you they want to track you what it sounds like to me is communism if you ever lived in a communist society then you know that there's the block manager then there's the barrio manager or that are the little neighborhood manager then there's you know the county manager that and everyone has to report to the one above them I've never lived in a communist country but I've visited and what I saw was so sad I've been to many countries and many of the countries that I go to when I see someone like I just did recently there's three guys walk by said hey how you doing I'm very cordial person and I like to say hey how are you first time I went to New York City I did that and I was flabbergasted you see I'm a Southern gentleman I come from the south we have southern hospitality down here we're still the Bible Belt and we're just nice folk and we see some ways say hey man how's it going perfect stranger hey how you doing you know howdy you know things like that first time I went to New York City I'm walking down the street and in in the Bronx hey how you doing and the person looks at me like how dare you talk to me I'm like so I walk a little further hey man what's up hey good to see it shut up you bloody blink blink and I'm like what did you just cuss at me I just said I hi how you doing just glare at you hi they just look down and turn away and just walk away I'm like why what is this why aren't these people friendly well usually in a city people are in their own world and they don't want anything to do with other people so they do well it's a hundred times worse than communism in communism you don't talk to someone you know why if you talk to this guy now this guy has to go tell his I forget the word but the person who's above him the person that he reports to he has to tell him everything that happened that day so he's got to go now and say hey some guy came up to me and said hello now everybody else around there has to do the same thing we saw this guy say hello to that guy and if you don't do that you get in trouble so if this guy reports and says that then all these other people that saw it they're going to be in trouble with their person if they didn't say we saw that because they spy on each other and there are a lot of repercussions if you don't tell if you don't tattle on someone else so you always have to be calling the person in charge and telling us all this today I saw that today I saw this today and they punish you if you don't do that now who wants to live in a world like that not me we're not second graders going around tattling on G other team Jerry I saw him do this no that's not a society that's free that's sick that's weaponized humanity that's someone who cannot trust another human being because you're always looking them as a potential hazard not only to your health but also to your life because they could look at you and then say I'm gonna run to the government towel on that guy now we're getting rapidly close to Nazi Germany and in Nazi Germany they would come to your door knock on the door and take you in the middle of night and you never be seen again the Gestapo because so-and-so said they saw you do such-and-such it might not even be true doesn't matter the Gestapo comes they torture you most of the time they torture you to death if you don't tell them what they want to hear then you're tortured until you die it goes back to the Spanish Inquisition where they did the same thing and we're becoming a nation of socialism well you know what socialism is Nazis the Nazis were the National Socialist Party socialism and what socialism is is weaponized humanity under the Nazi system Nazis spied on other Nazis for the Gestapo and you told example this that or the other thing they'd come and they get you that's what America is becoming if they continue down this path because it's going to be tracing people going door to door and asking in this that or the other thing it's going to be wanting to come into your house house bill a six six sixty-six wanting to come into your house and and take you away by force if they think that you might have Cobin 19 or some other disease where's the freedom there's not any so people become weapons and you live in fear of your neighbors who might call and say oh I saw so-and-so walking down the street today any cost he actually called could you believe he coughed well he might have kovat Oh we'll take care of it right away and they come and they take you and haul you off to a concentration camp because you're walking down the street you want ham that's the society that we're going to and folks were almost there and you got to watch out for that it all starts with troublemakers Hitler brought in his brown shirts they were the troublemakers their crystal knock their night of glass going around burning down places breaking glass burning books they're all a bunch of tricksters they're trying to trick you into wanting to take a vaccine a bunch of trolls a bunch of toddlers a bunch of people with with bad tempers trying to tempt you into sin and that's what they did that's what the Nazis did they tried to get you to sin and then they had someone hiding and filming it and then they blackmailed you that happens to many of the politicians they blackmail them into usually fornicating with an underage person and then they film it and then they tell us they then they tell them now you're mine for life otherwise this film comes out on TV and everyone knows what you did and you go to jail so now you're gonna do what we say you're gonna vote on the bills that we say and do these things that's how it works folks that's the world we live in and it's sad and it's sad but now they want to trace you now they want to know where you are at all times they want to put a chip in you and track you now all your freedom is gone and it's not something that they have to do they're getting people conditioned into doing it for them they spy on you they call and tell on you they tattle on you and yet you've done nothing wrong we're seeing that more and more you no doubt you've probably seen the YouTube video the woman that took her child to the park a little child a couple years old and she's by herself way away from anybody and everybody else during the Kovach crisis and the cops say come and say well we're on lockdown you have to go to jail because you're out on lockdown and they took this woman away from her little child and took her to jail what a horrible world what a horrible thing it's not a Christian nation anymore unfortunately it's not a constitution it's heading toward Nazi socialism and even communism which is what communist countries do they lock you in jail for nothing and you didn't do anything don't forget the globalist a man see I'm not the only one that sees this appreciate that and so what have they done also through this whole kovat thing they let out of jail the bad people there's been story after story after story on the internet that you can look up they let a murderer out of jail and then he goes back into jail like two days later because as soon as he got out he murdered somebody and you're looking at you're going why would you put a woman in jail for taking her kid to the to the park but you're letting out a murderer nothing makes sense anymore well I'll tell you why it's communism it's those in charge wanting to take over our country making it a communist nation so that the globalist can then easily take over the entire world and like the guy just walking by said don't forget the globalist it's all about a global one-world government and a global one-world religion in a global one world health organization in which everyone has to have the same biological makeup and they want all people to have the vaccine well if you take their vaccines there's the the DNA of a dead person in it from the 60s there's actually a name I forgot the name of the of the person but you then receive the DNA of that one person and then everybody's got the same DNA in them from a certain person so it's crazy it's it's wicked it's ungodly and it's not right so let's close with the Psalms chapter 38 and I want to say this before I read these verses in the day and age which we live the most valuable thing of all is not money the most valuable thing is trust you've got to know who you can trust because it's getting harder and harder and harder in this world to know who's a weapon that they're trying to use against you and who's a true friend and so Trust is the most valuable thing today as a Christian I find it's pretty easy to be able to confide in and Trust in other Christians but you got to be careful they're infiltrating into Christianity false Christians to spy out they did that in the time of Paul you know Paul says they came in to spy out our Liberty in Christ so Trust is one of the most important things you see the world says hold the problem is guns we need to outlaw guns we need to ban guns well you know what guns don't kill people people kill people if you got rid of all the guns guess what they're still gonna kill each other only they're gonna use hammers they're gonna use Forks they're gonna use knives see I don't believe in bans I think the only ban should be a ban on all bans and then we'll be fine because it's not guns that kill people people kill people you know what if you got rid of every possible thing in the world that could be used as a weapon knives hammers forks pitchforks people would still be killing people because people are now a weapon and they have weaponized humanity and the problem is people the guns don't kill people people kill people but if all you had left was nothing but people they're gonna still kill each other because we have a sinful wicked heart and sin is the problem and you need to get rid of that sin the only way to get rid of sin is not through a vaccination it's not through a government it's not through man it's not through a political ideology the only thing that gets rid of sin is Jesus Christ and his shed blood on the cross and the Gospels 1st Corinthians 15 one through four how that Christ died for our sins and was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures and so what Jesus did was to save us Jesus wasn't a weapon he yielded his body to die in our place for our sins what we need to do is we need to Seve him as savior by faith trusting only person in this world that you can trust is Jesus Christ and if you trust him as your Savior he'll save you but what they want in this world is they want you dead they want to seek your life some 38 and verse 12 and they're doing everything they can to kill you they've even said and I've seen this somewhere I can't remember where exactly that's why I encourage you to study this out for yourself but they said well we want the whole world to take the vaccine and you can't buy and sell unless you take our vaccine but they said but but if you do take our vaccine we know that so many people will die you know if we if we can get all of the the the country to take the vaccine we know there's some things in the vaccine that might kill about 700,000 people but that's a good number and that's okay it's not a lot of people so let's do it anyway you mean you want to murder 700,000 people you want people to take a vaccine that you know will kill so many how is that not outright genocide but you see you're the bad guy if you're against that because they're weaponizing humanity to think that the answer is the vaccine no the answer is Jesus Christ that's the only answer but they seek your life they want to kill you ultimately it's all a depopulation agenda the elites believe that there's too many people in the world and that ultimate goal is to maintain humanity under so so many look at the Georgia Guidestones for further particulars Psalms 38 and verse 12 they also that seek after my life lays snares for me and they that seek my hurt speak mischievous things and imagine the seats all the day long there are people that are laying in in wait laying snares laying traps to kill that's weaponized humans and they're after your life but if that's all there was to it yeah it'd be pretty sad be pretty awful but not only do they want your life they want your soul the devil the Anti Christ does not want you to go to heaven when you die he doesn't want you to come to Jesus for salvation see the devil knows where he's going to end up he's going to end up down there so his goal is to take as many people as he can with him to and he wants their soul in hell Psalm chapter 40 and verse 41 the Bible says let them be ashamed and confounded together that seek after my soul to destroy it let them be driven backwards and put to shame that wish me evil shame on you bill gates shame on you Fossey shame on you George Soros shame on you people who who want us to die who want to take over this world who want human beings to be weapons that kill each other off because you think you're the elite that deserves the world and you should be the ones that rule over it shame on you shame on you shame shame shame I know your name as my mommy used to say when she was a little girl shame on you it's bad enough that you want to take over the world and rule it and kill everybody but that's not good enough for you is it no you want them dead and in hell you just don't want them to die you want them to suffer for all eternity because you're so evil that's sad that's sick that's perverted and that's awful so I'm here today not just to talk about how bad all this is but I do feel I have to warn you I'm here to tell you that there is an answer and there is a place of pure bliss of greatness of wonderfulness a place where purity and righteousness and justice a place where you can go and enjoy all eternity in eternal life it's called heaven the only way to get there is through the Lord Jesus Christ Bible says that Jesus died for our sins that he was buried they rose again a third day according the scriptures how did he die he shed his blood Jesus Christ loved you this much as he spread his arms and he died on the cross for your sins and the Bible teaches us that if you come to Jesus for salvation trusting in his shed blood Romans 3:25 through faith in his blood trusting and accepting his blood atonement you know Romans 5:11 we have received his atonement receiving by faith that payment of Jesus for your sins on the cross then you'll be saved and then you don't have to worry about weaponised humanity so what if they kill you so what if they put you to concentration camp so what if somebody lies about you I'm going to heaven so what does it matter I might suffer in this life but I certainly won't suffer in the next life because I have Jesus Christ as my savior and my soul is going to heaven when I die so how about it are you saved if not please get you a Bible King James 1611 authorized version you get a King James Bible start reading it and see what the Bible says very soon in this world there's going to be what's called the rapture and they'll go a lot of people missing and everybody will be like where'd they go where'd they go those were the true believers in Christ and they were raptured out Jesus took them to heaven if you're one of those left behind you need to know that the Bible says if you take the mark of the beast you're going to end up in hell because the Bible says in the book of Revelation chapter 14 that all those that took the mark of the beast will end up down on the burning in a lake of fire so the mark of the beast is not for you if you miss the rapture say no to the mark well you say well well then they'll kill me well the Bible says yea those that don't take the mark of the beast will be beheaded and they'll be going around with guillotines chopping off people's heads that don't take the mark of the beast but John the Apostle said I saw the souls of those the souls he said that were beheaded for Christ and guess where they were they were in heaven if you don't want to go to hell get saved now before the rapture if you didn't make it and the rapture happens say no to the mark of the beast and let them cut your head off because they might take your life but they won't take your soul but if you take it they're gonna take your soul you might have a wonderful life for a couple years during the tribulation under the Antichrist but the Bible says Jesus will return at the Battle of Armageddon and then they'll take you and it puts you in hell that's not a place that I want to see anyone go that's why I try to tell you and share with you what the Bible says and I hope this message is a blessing and I hope this message will help you to remember Trust is the most important thing don't allow yourself to be a weapon for the new world order don't spy on other people call the police on people when you hear them cough don't work for the devil and help him look at people as what they are human beings and treat them as such don't allow yourself to be working for the Antichrist and the new world system don't be a weapon against others all right that's it god bless I appreciate your watching see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 22,198
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Keywords: Robert Breaker, Weaponized Humanity
Id: Cv7GmmCMpvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 44sec (3464 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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