The Blister Beetle Micro Class C Ship Building Guide | Starfield Small Ships

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hello everyone and welcome to another Starfield ship building guide today we're going to be going over this micro little ship behind me let me introduce you to the blistering Beetle right here this is my little submission for the tiny ship small ship micr ship challenge whatever you want to call it yes it is a wonderful little ship I wanted to make one that packed it down and punch and that you could actually fly around and use that's quite practical so this is what I came up with uh this video is going to table contents is going to be it is chaptered you can jump around we are going to do a requirements a stat sheet then we are going to do a quick walk around a quick interior tour then we are going to do a shopping list for if you have an outpost then the shopping list for if you don't have an outpost then we are going to Lego put this thing together paint it maybe talk a little bit about it and then we are going to end the video that is the table of contents now for the first order of business those pesky Litt requirements you need to be level 60 for the reactor I have piloting skill level four for the reactor and have Starship design level four for some of the other parts on here uh you can build it with slightly less the best you have available and upgrade later that is not a problem might degrade the performance just a ree bit but it's not that big of a deal now that we've got those pesy requirements out of the way let's get into the stat sheet here make myself really tiny in the corner here we're going to start with the fuel capacity of 800 the for proper fuel efficiency skills that is more than enough to jump across the entire galaxy in said little tiny ship and you have a hole of 1500 I mean it's tiny ship not to be huge number but that's pretty respectable you have a cargo I'm going to say this twice cargo 6,225 6,225 Cargo in a tiny little ship that's 19 by 16 that is ridiculous we know it's ridiculous and you have a shielded cargo capacity of 380 for those little illegal Goods that you don't know how you acquire I mean we're not going to talk about that but like it's back there if you need it you Smugglers I get the couble you get into here we have a reactor of 41 a crew of eight jump range of 30 Lighty years you can Across the Universe 3,200 Shields you can take a beating in space and just keep on kicking got 12 weapons on here the ones we've assigned to the ship are personal preference there are some better are some worse you can use whatever you want doesn't matter she's got room for it change them up as you will the value of this ship is 628 th000 credits in ain't for the poor man that being said you can make it a little bit cheaper but we like the high and stuff up in here so it's safe to go into this build with about 700,000 credits gives you a little bit of wheway whe leeway here and there massive 2,800 for a tiny little ship it's actually quite a lot here do a quick little spin around just check out how wonderful this ship looks uh these giant engines on the back do give you 100% Mobility with 130 top speed on top of everything it is not going to be the fastest thing in the world but it is a type c and you have to give up a little bit of speed to fit 6,225 can I say that again 6,225 car go on this thing now we're about being dramatic about the stats cuz I'm just impressed by the stats on this little thing and can I mention it has a 2X one Hab in here you can actually fit a 2 by1 Hab in here can actually do some cool stuff we're going to jump out of here and introduce you to the blistering Beetle for those who don't know what those are they're tiny little beetles that are very very poisonous and I think it fits this thing I think it's a distinctive little ship it's got the little nuds things here on the front there's been some revamp since the Showcase uh so we're ever evolving here ever making things better do a quick walk around you can see it's just so adorable it's got a big butt got a little front up here n who doesn't like a big butt uh that could get really really weird really really quick so we're just going to move on from that one today got the shielded Caro down here and just blend it in with the ship cuz you know the authorities don't need to see that it's shielded so you just kind of blend it in with the rest of the ship these huge engine packs the beautiful little reactor sticking right off the back that actually matches the color scheme of the ship uh the beetles in real life are like a black orange with like a silvery color to them and I think we painted the ship to accurately match what it's named after you can feel free to name it whatever you want feel free to make any modifications to our ships all you want we love to see your changes please post them on social media and tag us when you do it's absolutely wonderful check it out here we got this huge cabin eight crew members in here jump on up here check it out from the top view look at this little Shield generator just ducked in here it's so adorable it's an adorable little ship we're getting a little ridiculous here today we're going to jump back over here and we're going to head inside the ship hey Bas how's it going greetings to you too sir now let's give you a nice cute little tour of the Interior chip why did I go with this allinone Nova Hab it has a research station in here it has a bed over here yeah we have eight crew in here it's a lot but for those that want to talk about see this one two three four five six seven we have seven fold out little inflatable mattresses all lined up right here when it's bedtime everyone just kind of picks a spot we draw straws for who gets the actual bed sometimes the taller people prefer not to get it though so they don't actually play in we have ourselves a galley right here and we also have a navigational console so you don't even need to go up into the Captain's Quarters or or up into the uh upper deck of the ship if you don't want to deal with ladders and we even have a bathroom like this is like a completely RP friendly usable small little area with a single ship and if we jump up top we've got our store room where we keep all of our little food and extra bonuses and we go into our I forgot what a cockpit is we're going into the cockpit now we have this huge room this is like where the real room is some people bring their air mattresses up here they like to sleep like with a view right here up on this front dashboard just wonderful to look out at the stars at night little bit RP friendly there it's really really nice got a little side room over here if you want a little bit of privacy shut the door that doesn't exist same door here a beautiful little window looking out over the little radiators we have out there just overall it's a really good cockpit I love flying in this cockpit has such good visibility it's huge you can hold eight crew members and that is our tour of the inside of the blister beetle now we're going to jump on over to the ship we're going to be modifying to build this thing dramatic through the fashion of editing we were now here at the ship we were going to modify that was very dramatic either way I buil all of my videos in the premise that whatever ship you bring will be completely deleted if you want to keep personal modules you can you do you but assume everything on your ship will be deleted that being said for all those Advanced ship Builders out there who kind of know what they're doing and have Outpost set up with landing pads at them I'm going to throw up a shopping list right here that has everything you need to build a ship on it including the five six modules you cannot get at your Landing Pad Outpost and where they loated so you need to go there and do that and hopefully in I ranted here you paused if you haven't paused you need to pause the game right now go get all the stuff and meet me at the assembly part of this video cuz all of us who want to go shopping in a video game are about to go do so so pause it you paused it we're moving on with our lives for those that don't know I like to start all of my videos on new Atlantis this is not where we are shopping but it is where we begin because everyone has access to it we will zoom out twice in our map we're headed to Neon City for our first stop in Vol 2 Vol 2 all the way over here on the right we will be click on Vol 2 Alpha then we'll be clicking on neon core we'll land it's a neon core once we get through the beautiful black loading screens which are representation of my soul someone said in comments I appreciate that it means a whole lot to it we will just continue to deal with black skin we're going to take a right and we're going to Sprint off over here and then we're going to decide that that is the wrong way and we are going to take a left when we come out that door and we're going to sprint out here to stoud ean's little store here you can see this little Stroud ekin sign and on window here we're going to come in here and we're going to buy some stuff once we get in here through the soulless Black Death screens of loading again come in here hello ma'am how you doing I just want to use your terminal view modify ships ship Builder and now you are going to purchase everything you see in this shopping list right here and once you have done so we will move on but you should sech certainly pause it right now like it would just be the smart thing to do but some of us aren't very smart and we like not smart people but we also really like smart you know what pause it did you pause it yet okay it has been paused we're going to move on here now that you've done your shopping list this is the stuff you should have bought here this is the top down VI I will do for every single shopping and for assembly just so you have a easy visual representation of everything you should have bought here now I'm going to do a little quick caveat here these engines require you to finish some of the Walter quest line in the main story line so if you are ng+ you probably do not have access to these and you could do one below it and your Mobility will suffer ever so slightly this J1 Gamma Drive reactor there is a better one if you want the best of the best get it doesn't change anything same stats and this pinch 8z reactor you have to have level 60 to have it if you do not see it here there are other ones you can buy that give you slightly less power and they will still make the ship function and run just fine but now that you've acquired these things we need to fit them on our ship so I'm going to pause it here and I'm just going to Hu these things on my ship and then I'll show you what I did and just like that you can see that I bought some uh one by one companion ways and just threw them all on here just hucked everything on the back doesn't really matter you have to delete your old reactors your old engines your old stuff otherwise you get a bunch of flight check errors for those with really Keen eyes you'll see that my money has changed I was on the wrong save I was too broke to even afford the ship I'm trying to make a guide to it's kind of embarrassing but it happens either way we are going to go in here and flight check you should have the ship has too few landing gears still and you'll be like what do you do about that well we're just going to by some landing gears here throw them on here however many you need to do if I could uh find them usually I click through this thing too fast so we're just going to take these I'm just going to slap a few on here just like this till the error goes away now I'm just going to throw two more extras on here so later we don't get the same error again and now we're flying this stupid ugly monstrosity but it is a very high-powered ship oddly enough just because of all the modules we just put on this thing and we're going to back out and we're going to head to our second stop but our second stop does not require leaving this planet so we're going to do a 180 we're going to run out the front door of the shoud eolin building good soulless black screen of death again you can do it neon City load we're going to come out we're going to take a right this time it's a right I knew there was a right somewhere we needed to take oh hey and there's a nice little trade facility to sell your totally legal Goods let's come around here oh we dodged that pole like a boss you guys didn't see that come did you we're going to run all the way down here into Taio hey guys how's it going just reporting to work here we're going to run out of stamina cuz it's a long ass run we're going to going to the elevator we're going to go to Taio astring one up from the bottom decision here should be where their Shipyard is oddly enough or where you build ships for them come out the main door you going to take a right run a little bit past all these windows take a right down these stairs you're going to talk to this beautiful little lady right here oh I'm totally ready to change my life thank you very very much we're going to modify our ship now you're are going to purchase everything on this shopping list right here and you should pause it um we should know the ring roll here that you pause it when I put a shopping list up and if you haven't paused it my dog's barking at things they're freaking out I kind of want to go check what it is cuz I'm the protector with daughter and all the stuff here pause the game pause the game pause it pause it pause it now you've paused it I went and checked on the dogs to stop look listen it was nothing this is what you should have is one ship bed 200 Landing Bay and two Tio side cap ports what you should have now we need to make these fit on our ship uh you're probably going to have to delete a Docker module here bam just like that I'm going to show you what I did Bam you can see what I did here I just kind of threw the dock module on there threw these little things over here again just get the stuff to fit on your ship with no flight errors we are now going to head off to our third shopping place which just we're actually going to leave this planet we are now headed to the Red Mile and the Red Mile will be all the way up here in the Prem system Premier to the right of volley right here then we're going to click on pomara 3 I always want to click on pomara 2 but pomar 3 hopeful I'm even pronouncing this right poroma I don't know I was adding some syllables there but it happens here's Red Mile this is where we're going to go land pick up our next items oh and my soul has returned we have this beautiful ringed planet with uh I don't even know what ship that is is that the starting ship there's some sort of ship down there the beautiful little Rings we are observing here once we are here we're going to run straight basically over this little thing here this this crustation this uh jet out the geod Geo I don't my brain is stag Mite now my brain is just running through what all of those could be and I think I got it wrong every single time so we're just going to pretend I'm a smart person we're going to open this door wait for this really long airl to cycle come on in once we're in here we're going to run up here go past the ship Services desk there's a little yellow door here I know all the guards are total we're going to come in here we're going to talk to this sad sad gentleman he might have a Spiel to tell you if you've never been here before you just get through that and then eventually you can get into the ship modify and you're going to buy the stuff that is on the shopping list right here so again this is pause pause it pause it pause it pause it PA it and St pause it pause it pause it okay now that you've paused it now that you've completed your shopping list you should have these simple items here two 200 CM Bal shielded cargo holds make sure the shielded ones and one scan Jammer multiple frequency I actually like to buy two of these cuz I like to keep my ship symmetrical even though there's absolutely no reason for it whatsoever but then we are just going to fit these on the ship wherever they go just make them work and uh yeah now that we've squeezed all out on our ship let's back out here and head to our next destination open up our map and zoom out twice we are now headed all the way over here to the valo system which is underneath naron if you click on naron then you click on valon then we are going to click on Pavo zoom in Pavo and we are going to head to hop toown and land at Hop toown for the next shopping tour uh there's only a singular item here the ship is so much easier to put together at your Landing Outpost you don't have to make quite as many stops but you know for those of us who maybe don't like Outpost or don't want Outpost we enjoy loading screens maybe a little more than someone else always like to use H Tech ships to resemble legitimate transports oh that's good to know thank you for that wonderful information come up here to the sheriff Serv technician open them up and we are going to hit view modify ship again we're going to be the ship Builder and you're going to purchase this super super long shopping list right here it is absurdly long you should pause it definitely pause it cuz it's really long like you never know maybe I'll go eat some Oreos right now some cheese balls while you guys pause it okay and after you've completed that super challenging shopping list you should literally have two op Tech noos b4s just going to Super quickly chalk these on the ship like that we're going to head to our next destination which will be the demo Shipyard and Soul tab out of him open up the map zoom out again head on over here to Soul we're going to look in for Mars once we find Mars we click on Mars and if you can kind of click off on the side here a little deos asteroid we will set a course jumping to the asteroids the best part of this entire build guide you get to fly your Jank ship actually you don't have to fly your Jank ship you can just keep it somewhere else and fly your home ship around like a good ship but I like flying the Jank ship I think it's fun how often do you get to fly some weird little thing like this around lock on and dock make everyone dizzy in the process freaking control be like holy this guy is Dr and we'll be like yeah we're fine it's all good beautiful docking animations who doesn't love these barding never qu had a friend like you there's like 14 conversations going over on the coms there who who doesn't love that like especially the same dialogue over and over again we're going to run forward we're going to take a slight left slight right that is too way to jerky of camera motions we're smoothing that out a little bit here come on downstairs talk to this gentlemen this beautiful bald shiny headed gentleman cball it um okay now now that we're here you want to buy this this is a shopping list we're going to pause it again should definitely pause it you know I didn't go get Oreos on any of those pauses but I did have Oreos when I checked on the dog you paused it yet so I talk about Oreos jeez okay we paused we're good we're moving on now that you finished the shopping list you should have one 100 DP slim Docker top and one DS4 0.2 Aries bridge now we're going to make these things just fit on our ship I already kind of modified it a little I ripped off the cockpit ripped off the docker off the top we're just kind of smack on there then everything is on and we are going to head to our final destination by backing out of here leaving you we're going to stay in the soul system too this is a super super short easy flight we're going to back out twice we're going to head to Titan and once you at Titan we're going to head to new Homestead or when you travel to new Homestead and hit travel they're going to want to scan your ship for whatever reason cuz new Homestead is super super anal about uh scanning your everywhere else you can just go land and dock to immediately but not here they just don't trust us whatsoever so we're going to land at a new Homestead we're going to run on over to the ship modification person like always it's just how these go once you start doing these in a rhythm it starts to feel like you're repeating yourself and then yeah those are words gibberish gibberish came out of mouth off I would love to offload some things my friend now that you are here we're going to buy this really really long shopping list this is actually the long shopping list is maybe I'll break it up into two parts if I don't only one you should pause it here we pause it here cheese balls I ate some cheese balls earlier pretty yummy don't eat them that often don't buy them that often they're not good for you shouldn't do that pause it pause it rambling we paused it okay you paused it let's shop now that you finished the shopping list you should have this shander of Parts here should have four ng20 landing gears two gallion s204 cargo holds two h30 Lis H E3 tanks two Carl V 101 cargo holds one asurance SG 1800 Shield generator one novag Galactic all-in-one birth one novag Galactic Companion Way two Nova cowling one ltfs two Nova radiator tops four horizontal weapon mounts four p30s if you're doing the same weapons as I am four PB 100 auton Neutron turrets and four pb300 Auto Alpha turrets again not the best weapons in the game just personal preference for no particular reason this is just what I use and now we have all of that shopping done we're going to see this this janky ship up here we are going to tear everything we have boughten off of this ship into a pattern down here that I am going to do right now and then I'll show you guys and you can mimic now you should have this entire schander of parts I like that word shanderin today so we're going to use it uh you might only have one of these SK jamers like I said I like to keep the ship symmetrical so I bought two of them then you just want to double check your ship make sure you're not forgetting anything like uh any of these tiny little bits here like the too side caps then just eat your entire Old Ship hopefully I don't delete anything we needed and make an ass out of myself to building process but it does happen and now that the ship is completely yeated we can begin the structural building of our the Lego the Lego assembly of our ship we can begin that words hard sometimes they happen we are going to start with our s DS 40.2 Aries Bridge cockpit we're just going to drag it over here we are going to take our Nova galactic allinone Tab and we're going to snap it down here where you can see it's like right off the backs side leaving one front area right here with one extra bit sticking out the back we are going to take our ship bed 200 Landing Bay and smack it right here in the front you can zoom in and you can see that it's right underneath the hab now like this and then we're going to take our first landing gear we're going to transform it using the arrow keys on keyboard or I think it's the Y button on controller I don't know I don't use a controller we're going to transform them and we're going to apply these on both sides to right right behind the ship bed 200 Landing Bay on the very first part of the Nova Galactic uh habitat here and we're going to take the other ones and do exactly the same thing but we're going to attach them one farther back just like so we're getting this little square kind of layout here we're going to find our fuel tanks our h30 Atlas tanks we're going to attach them one on both sides of our Landing Bay just like this give us this little button stnos thing going on down here and we're going to take our Nova radiators and we're going to smack them on top of these very first front landing gears here I just think it adds a little bit of texture there cuz this is really flat part of the ship that kind of looks a little awkward but you know what we're doing the best we can with what we got now we're going to take our gallion s204 cargo holds we're going to place them right here on this right side on this back landing gear we're going to do another one right above that to make this square and then we're going to take our j51 gamma jump drive we're going to apply right here on the other side so now we've got two squares lining up you can see how it matches kind of keeping it balanced on both sides we're going to take our Nova Galactic Companion Way 101 we're going to stick it in the middle make sure that your errors go down by one cuz now everything should be connected uh if not you might have to reconnect them it gets a little weird sometimes with this layout now we're going to take our reactor and we're going to stick it right on the very back of the ship lined up perfectly with all those modules so you can see right here there's nothing sticking at the bottom nothing sticking at the top it's just cleanly tucked away right in there just like so we're going to take our engines we're going to drop them down so the first one is attached to the bottom part of the Reactor with one extra part sticking out the top there take a second engine we're going to pop it here so it's sticking one out the top and we're going to do the same on the other side here with our other engine do the lower one first makes doing the top one a little bit easier you can see here both of them the way they look sticking right out the top with just one extra bit sticking out the top now just because Perpetual chaos we are going to take our Nova cang one ltf and put them up here I really struggled to say that for whatever reason then we're going to take the next one and pop it right on top just like so and we're going to come over here and we are going to take our docking module should have done this earlier it's the bottom we're going to flip it upside down we're going to get cheeky with these camera angles cuz the game gets a little weird when you do this we're going to slide down here come on you can do a game boom and we're just going to pop it right there in the front one you can also do it in the back one it doesn't really matter where you do it uh I just choose to do it one forward so the ladders all line up and it keeps more of the module intact we're going to come in here we're going to take this little cargo container we're going to put it at the top I'm trying to remember exactly what we do that's what we do here we're going to flip this one and mirror it on this side so these are sticking out the top just like this then we're going to take our 200 CM ballast cargo hold we're going to attach them to the lower part of this where they're attached off the offset of our landing gear here on on this little back bit it's a pretty small ship there's not too many places to snap everything we're going to take this one we're going to mirror it on this side so it's all the way down at the bottom we're going to grab our Shield generator because Perpetual chaos screw finishing any one part of the ship at once we're going to tag it right here in the middle on top of your one by one Companion Way up top here so it's dead center in the middle of the ship kind of tucked in actually you can't even see it if you're going straight at something that's tucked underneath your cockpit looks really really cool and we're going to grab our two hope Tech those bees just going to bring a little bit closer to the ship so I don't have to pan around so much we're going to attach them to the top part of the square on both sides so you got the Caro container here we're going to go to the top of this one got this one over here we're going to snap it on the top of this reactor over here why do I I always call this reactor in every single video I make so it looks like a reactor to me it is the grab Drive we're going to grab our Taio side cap ports and we're going to drop these right here in the middle like so you can re arrange these three things if there's anything you prefer a little bit better than the other um I can't remember if I had the caros at the top or the bottom in my original version so we're just what we can do with this here we're going to then come over here to our horizontal weapon mounts and we're going to snap the first one onto the only landing gear where there's an option to do so up here in the front right behind the fuel tanks take the other one bring it over here mirrored on this side as well if the game would like to snap it here there we go sweet let a snap in there and we're going to take our other ones and we're going to squeeze them in between the shield generator right here really tight little fit there at the top we're going to do one of those on both sides we're going to flip this around by hitting Z on the keyboard come on up reach down and just like that you smack these little guys in here and they're kind of tucked way in there now we can take these scan Jammers and you can actually snap them I'm just going to snap both of mine and you might only have one um but why I bought two is to keep this kind of symmetrical is cuz I tuck right in here and I hate that they clip with the shield generator a little bit but maybe I shouldn't have pointed that out but doesn't look too bad in the end so those fit there then we're going to take our first pb30 Electron Beam and we're going to snap it in right above the shield generator here right on the top part of that weapon Mount where we just top that SC Jammer popped topped whatever it works words hard to say mouth drying out too much talking we're going to snap the next one right here on top of this little thing so they're symmetrical on both sides then we are going to take the fourth third third one the third one and we're going to drop it down here and attach this weapon mount on the left side on the outside and we're going to mirror the same on the right side here to the lower one you can see what I'm talking about here so now they're tucked in tight on the lower part here and we're going to take our first PBO 100 autoc Cannon snap it right on the side of our cockpit snap this one right on the other side of the cockpit here then we're going to take our third one we're going to snap it to the outside and the fourth one and mirror on the other side so it should look like this so you can see how it's mirrored here to the top part of the one on the outside same over here now for the big boys these are going to just snap all the way across the top here we're actually going to grab all three of these by hitting control on the keyboard and bringing them up here so I don't have to do this so many times snap all four of these right here and Bam just like that your blistering Beetle ship is 100% assembled and it's time to paint this thing so I'm going to double click everything we have one error what is our error oh it's probably weapons not assigned there so I'm actually going to go to flight check go to weapons and we're going to assign the pb30 electron beams to your left Mouse cuz that's the only actually active weapon on here and we're just going to assign the next two turrets to right Mouse and G just cuz they have to be assigned to a weapons group now you should be able to back out of here and fly away your ship is 100% completed and done I'm going to paint this thing up real quick and show you guys and just like that through the magic of editing my ship is completely painted we are out of the Builder and at the stat screen just to show it off off the very end here I just really really like this color scheme on the ship I think it looks really really good it's a change for my normal teal and black let me know in the comments what you did to the ship to make it your own I love when people change up my ship change your weapons change the modules on it make it a little bigger make it a little smaller M fuel remove fuel I don't care I just like hearing how people modify and improvements they make just the little things they do and if you post it somewhere on social media add me in it and I'll check it out and yeah it's really really fun I just I love building these ships I love showing off to people and I just really love that you guys are enjoying them checking them out yourselves now that being said it's time for the outro everyone it's time to end this click on the cards around here they're around share this to all your friends post it on discords you know blow things up here got to love to grow the channel and uh yeah I'm going to make more Starfield content I'm really enjoying this and I will see you all in the next one take out bye everyone still have shingles still URS like hell we got to put on a brave face bye
Channel: Digfig
Views: 16,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield small Ships, Starfield Micro Ships, Starfield tiny ships, starfield endgame ship, starfield endgame ship build, starfield endgame ship design, starfield endgame ship tutorial, starfield small ship build, starfield small ship design, starfield small ship building guide, starfield small ship tutorial, starfield small ship guide, starfield small ship build reddit, starfield small ship ideas, Starfield Ship Building, Starfield Ship Guide, starfield guide
Id: b7lGzQwTw64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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