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I set myself a challenge I wanted to find out what was the smallest possible ship that was fully functional that could be built in Starfield well in today's video that's exactly what we're gonna go ahead and do and can I just ask that if by the end of today's video if I have earned your subscription then please consider hitting that subscribe button down below and also don't forget to leave a like on this very video it not only helps me out as a channel but also gets this information out there to the wider star field and YouTube audience who wants to take full advantage of the information presented within today's video alright let's get into it alright ladies and Gentlemen let's begin so first of all I'll show you the ship that I'm currently using now a lot of people would agree that this is a fairly compact ship as everything that you could possibly want however in today's video that's not what this is about I want to go even smaller how small is it that we can currently got so we're gonna first of all start off with the cockpit now with this we can have a look and just see which one is the most compact now money is not an issue or credit is not an issue here we have plenty of credits but what we are going to do is just whatever is the smallest one is that's the one we're going to pick and that's the end of it so as long as we can get a functional ship that's what we're gonna go with so we've got the cockpit down now we need to put down a hap no apps come in all shapes and sizes so we're just gonna go buy a one by one here and then underneath directly underneath the cockpit we are just going to place down a landing Bay now we may need to move this Landing Bay in just a moment because I'm not 100 certain you can get in the landing Bay and then into your cockpit with that configuration it might need to be directly under a hub but we'll play about with it on top of that obviously we need to put in a Docker so let's have a quick look and just see on the messages so it actually looks like that's actually accepted in that exact configuration which is very interesting so yeah we don't need another Hub underneath to kind of connect all the pieces which is extra nice because right now we are super super compact so I do need to keep on going like through here now originally I wanted to try and connect a reactor to the hub and just kind of keep it like nice and small but it looks like that's not going to be possible but instead what we can do is try and trick the game in some way so I just need to have some sort of connection piece that is connected to the hub and then it'll give me the access to the space between the Hub and the The Landing bit so if I just go for something like this the no and then underneath here there we go now I can put in a smaller fuel tank so that that's interesting so let's go and just get the biggest fuel tank that fits in that space which is fantastic and now we can delete the massive fuel tank so there we go right now we are so compact it is insane in so this doesn't have any connection points coming off of the the fuel pad itself so it looks like we are of the fuel tank so we are going to have to go out now from The Hub and Okay so we've got a few choices but we are going to need a grab drive here so we are going to try and keep it in a one by one space and then connect a reactor underneath the the grav drive if that makes sense but I'm going to try and keep them as small as possible so it looks like that's going to be the smallest and most powerfulest one that can fit there so let's go over to reactors now so yes so you can see I've got quite a few choices and we are just probably going to go with this one bear in mind guys I'm not going for style points here this is purely just how small can I make something so we can see here on the uh on the information list I on the on the flight chat we can see what we still got left to build so obviously we need to put engines on this thing so so if I actually looks fairly small we need to put an engine down and we also need to go ahead and put something like it maybe a shield down of some sort uh it would put that down it'll come up with a river because it is past its reactor class which means I need to kind of scrimp down on that so let's just go with something a little bit more a flat line here maybe maybe something a little bit more on the cheaper side yeah so there we go however if we have a look right now you'll see that it's caused an error cannot reach cockpit from The Landing Bay now Believe It or Not by having that up there it causes the whole system to break now I can for example try and move things about however when I was sat and thinking about it going well it worked in the first configuration that I had it so it only the problem only really presented itself when I try putting down the shield in the first instance so I mean we could have something like that where we could have like the fuel tank up top maybe but you know what I really like the idea of having the cockpit and the uh Landing Bay at the front so we need to kind of reach cop pick from The Landing base or even though we've got it in that configuration it's now presenting another problem so what we are going to do is we're just going to revert back to the original design but I do have an idea in this space underneath we can just put down a one by one Hub and then that should fingers crossed cross connects everything all together once just like that sort of fingers crossed yeah so that all works pretty well it looks pretty decent as well so the next thing we need to do is to go ahead and to get ourselves some engines now I have quite a lot of Avengers to choose from however I do need to keep in mind that the class of the reactor will be the limiting factor here but I'm also like I said I'm going for size as well because I don't want a absolute behemoth at the back here so I want to try and keep it as small as possible but as powerful as possible so for example I could put down like one of these engines here but again look at that errors start flying up and the the reactor class is just a little bit on the the shy side plus side it's a little bit bigger than what I would like as well but these engines here give great power to size ratio and they fit the dynamic of making the smallest possible size so for me I've got two options I've got an option where I can go ahead and I can put down a some cargo slots here so I can you know get some decent sized cargo on the ship itself however that's gonna had a ton of weight a ton of mass and those that will really impact its performance and speed and I still really need to fit down some sort of of Landing structure on here as well so let's go over to gears so we need to put down a landing gear um now the landing gear does come available in this a configuration here which is actually really nice because what we can do is we can fit that underneath put the engine on top thus keeping it really Compact and small and there we go we've only got three warnings which is brilliant because that's essentially it done now with this configuration we can do one of two things we can either have a shield or we can have a turret because there's nowhere to have both of them on this on this configuration because there is literally no room whatsoever to fit anything else I mean we might be able to put like a turret or something on on the side of a structure maybe but then that that's then going to widen it and for it to be the smallest compact ship as possible I want it to be that I don't want to then start adding turrets on the side and making it out to be more bulky but we can use these structural uh pieces in order to put some kind of play for the for the top hole cover here and what that essentially will allow us to do is to put a turret of our choice now for something like this so we'll put down this equipment plate and for something like this I would always recommend to use these for weapons I mean you can put anything you want on but this will allow us to get weapons so for example we could get a turret I would always recommend a turret for something this size like whether you don't have to worry about trying to aim it now a turret on the back end will save your bacon because with this ship you ain't gonna be fighting anything this is more of a flea ship this is you know using speed because this ship will be very very quickly so I mean you have a choice with this configuration you can either have a shield and use it to flee so you are not encounters whatsoever or you can try and fight just a little bit and use the turret but you don't have any Shield so it means your your ship's gonna take damage very very quickly and you know you could then start to add it out just a little bit and start adding more onto it but then that's taken away then from its its overall size but you know what I'm actually quite happy with it like that it looks quite cool it's quite small quite unique very compact this is probably the smallest ship I have ever ever ever attempted to design so let's call it this and let's assign line the turrets and then take it up into space all right ladies and gentlemen this is it this is the smallest possible ship that you could potentially physically make in this game I mean I can't think of any other way you can make this any more compact than what it already is this thing is Tiny absolutely tiny so let's go ahead board it let's see what it looks like on the inside because I'm quite curious just to see just how compact it it truly is so here we go we're gonna go into first person let's jump up these ladders here because I want to see just like what the cockpits look like what what does everything feel like I mean you can see just how small we have it when you have an extra paralyzer sticking down from the ceiling for the for the docking module so yeah absolutely fantastic I mean you have all your vital pieces like yeah your jumper chairs and things like that so it's actually you know what even though it's really small it is still relatively spare delicious so let's take this puppy up into space and let's check out its maneuverability now like I said this ship does not have any shields on it so with this configuration you're choosing between a turret and a shield because there's no other way if you want this exact size to fit both on but you know you could extend it out just by one more block and you could fit a shield on not problems but that's ultimately up to you but if you want the smallest of the small what is physically possible then you've got to choose between the two look at that for Speed geez oh nearly at 600 in speed so we're at 576 on the Boost which to be fair is wicked wicked fast it is so so fast so yeah I mean maneuverability just trying to like fly about here is fantastic it's so easy to move it gyrates fantastically you can tell that this doesn't have any weight to it it just flies so easy so yeah really really really happy with the results and for warping as well let's try and walk to another system and just see how far I can make it on on a single jump all right so I think because of its limited like fuel tanks that are on there I don't think we're gonna go very far with like per jump yes so you can see the fuel consumption goes very quickly because of its size but you know what for like small Journeys again Liz this is actually quite cool so I mean we can we can jump to pretty much relatively anywhere in the local vicinity which isn't too bad so it might take us more than one jump to get to given Place fine but it's quick it's agile it's small I absolutely love it and it's really quick to see how fast the the warp thing went like straight up it was actually quite quick so yeah I'm actually really proud but you know this is what I'm talking about right here at the end of the day you're gonna go into battles you are going to get into battle but this is why I wanted to put that automatic turret on the back because it will automatically shoot things down because you're not gonna go ahead on really with anything apart from me doing it right now for this video which is kind of silly because I don't have any Shields but that Terrier is going to fire on anything behind you just like that and look at that yeah he's even got a kill so you know what it can't be that bad so there we go ladies and gentlemen that is the smallest ship possible built in Starfield let me know in the comment section down below what you think about it are you gonna build one or do you prefer the other option which is the build the very biggest ship that is possible let me know your thoughts as always comment section down below and as always my name is Professor cynical and I'll catch you all again in the next one bye for now
Channel: Professor Cynical
Views: 66,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield glitch, starfield credits, starfield credits glitch, professorcynical, professor cynical, starfield xbox credit glitch, ship building starfield, starfield guide, starfield ship building, starfield gameplay
Id: Pkr4UrvNEZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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