UPGRADE THE FRONTIER INTO A SPACEFIGHTER! Starfield Ship Building Guide - Amazing Early Ship Upgrade

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so today I'm going to show you how to actually turn the frontier into a monstrous spaceship and this is very very early on it does cost around 80k though so bear that in mind very expensive but the upgrades are absolutely insane so let's get straight into this and let's go so let's start off with where are we going to be customizing our ship it's going to be on the new Homestead the reason why we're doing this is because it has Nova core different compartments different materials for us to be able to use so we've gone to new Homestead and this is in the soul system and it's on Titan once you get off your ship you are going to see a ship service technician make sure that you speak to him say I'd like to view and modify my ship and then you can customize the frontier to your heart's content so what we're going to be doing to customize this ship is going to get rid of any of the weapons these weapons just don't cut it even in the early game they do struggle a little bit so let's clear all of these off let's clear off the reactor the grab Drive the docker let's get rid of this cowling and let's get rid of the cockpit let's get rid of all of these landing gears we don't want absolutely any of this and we also don't want this cargo hold so basically we're left with a carcass and this should be the first point of you guys customizing the frontier we're still going to keep that look so don't worry at all we're still going to make it look like the frontier a little bit but a bit more improved but this is how you want to start off so now you want to head over to your landing gear and the first bit of landing gear that we are going to be equipping is a ng50 so this is going to be the one that we are going to equip on and we are going to put this on both sides and we're going to do that one there also so the reason why we are keeping this Hab as well I don't know if I covered that is because it's Unique so as you can see it's a Nova Galactic Frontier 2 * one have this is very very unique so if you guys do want to get rid of that you can what I do suggest putting on instead is going to be a control station because we're going to be adding that in later on but you can absolutely put put that there instead if you guys want to but just keep that just because it's Unique to the ship itself now let's head over to our Habs and the first Hab we are going to be installing is going to be a control station reason why we're doing this is it's going to give you Cruise stations on your ship and that's something that is definitely definitely needed in this game then you're going to apply a Armory and then what we'll do next is apply a workshop and these are going to go on either end just like this and this is what your ships to start looking like very very cool if you do ask me and then we will start looking at some other type of upgrades you can do these type of ones if you want yet again these are really really big boys but they do build quite differently so let me just show you just so you know they do link on quite differently on this ship so for me personally it would mean trying to separate my build a little bit and trying to make sure I've got free buys just to make sure that it actually does flow and I just think that this is a waste of space if you ask me and it looks quite dissected and I don't like that in my interior so I'm definitely just going to keep it to the two * ones just for now next heading over to grab drives we are going to be applying it's up to you if you want the r2000 or you want the R3000 but for this I'm going to go for the R3000 and I'm going to apply this just in the middle right here then the next you're going to go over to your reactors and this is going to be the next thing that you're going to be applying on and yet again it's entirely up to you how you want to do this you can play around with different ones but I currently am using a high power build so I need to make sure that I've got a lot of power there is two options you can go with this one repairs a lot faster and is a little bit more expensive but I'm just going to go with this one because it has so many different areas that I can modify my ship with you can see the different connection points and that is kind of what I want in this ship build you can do so many other different things but I do like the look of this as well as you can see it looks a lot nicer sitting on top of the ship than it would do the other one so I'm definitely going to keep that like that for now and then we're going to head over to our engines so for our engines we'll head over to our structures and we're going to apply the Nova engine struts so we're going to be putting this just on top of the reactor like so then you're going to head over to your engines and these are going to be the engines you can use if you do not have ship design leveled up yet you're going to use these and you're going to apply them on just here but if you have got ship design you can obviously go for the white DW 3,000 and these are going to be what we equip on this ship because they are a lot more powerful than the other ones are so this is basically what the back end of your ship should look like currently at the moment you can see there's a lot of shape going on already it looks pretty cool and now let's look at some other mods that we can do now let's apply our cockpit and we're going to go with the c1x cockpit and this is going to be attached on here so we're going to attach this onto the control station just because we're going for this one it's lighter and obviously the car goes a little bit less than the other one but it doesn't really matter so if you do go with the other one it impacts what you can actually apply to this one here because you can see the bottom of the cockpit actually blocks this area so you want to make sure that you go with this one because we want to try and tidy this area up a little bit you don't want to show it off too much as a blank canvas you want to put something there to show it off so now we are going to reapply this Docker here I was originally not going to put on but I really really struggling to try and make it look cool so what we are going to do is just throw this back on in the same area we are then also going to put this cowlin back on so you have got the same form back up now what we will do is head over to our Shields and we're going to press y on the Xbox and we are going to place this just down here at the bottom of this ship and then we will add on some of our fuel tanks so this is the next thing that we're going to be adding on so let's go over fuel tanks and we're going to add one of these on so this is a 300g fuel tank and we are going to add another 400g on at the back end so there's a reason why I'm not using that top space just as of now and I'm going to show you so don't worry but this right here is pretty pretty good when it comes to how much fuel you actually need to dash everywhere and then we are going to head over to our cargo and we are going to apply this right here this just sits on it nice and cleanly yeah again I was going to use something else but I have changed my mind on the build you can mess around with this cargo as much as you want if you really wanted you can get rid of this one and you can then put one of these these come in the later game so one of these cargo holds on and they massively increase how much space you can actually have on your ship and you can get rid of that and then what you can do is put another fuel tank 400g back on at the bottom and that is a massive up upgrade already and it also gives your shiny little Frontier some jingly balls absolutely great we love that so now let's take a look at some of the other upgrades that we can do to make this look a lot better next up head over to your structure and we're going to go with the Nova cing we're going to put one in this corner right here and we're going to flip this one and we are going to do the same just here and we're going to flip it again we're going to copy that on the back end and then you are going to change the variant to to the other version and you're going to flip that and you'll flip it once more just right here so basically your structure now should look something like this so we have massively made it look a lot more like a spaceship and something that you might want to be quite intimidated by if you see it in the wild and then we are going to put this cowlin on at the back and we are then also going to change the version to the back end we're going to copy this over to the other side and we're going to copy this one over to the other side so our ship now looks very very cool quite intimidating compared to what it was before so now let's apply a different engine and there's going to be this is just for all like the look of it really to don't go anything too too expensive and if you guys want to add it on just at the back end you can but there's going to be a gap so bear that in mind but I'm going to be putting mine there and I'm going to also put mine there so now we can massively increase the look of our ship it looks like an actual fighter very intimidating and we are now going to look at the weapons so finally on weapons I have used the pb30 electron beams and these have great distance they have great damage and we have got four of them on the ship on these areas right here you don't have to place them in the exact same place entirely what you guys want to do and I've also used the 27 missile launcher as well reason for that great range great damage same with the PBS they're great range great damage there is other alter Alternatives you can use so like for example the disruptor 3,300 Electron Beam is a good one it's cheaper but it doesn't have a that much of a bet of like a damage compared to the other one it might seem small but for me it does matter so yeah that's really why I've gone with them and they're not too expensive either really when you do compare them like that the only benefit from this one is got more of a range compared to the pb30 and then once you guys have set them all up what you will do is is apply Electron Beam as your main weapon and your weapon one will be your missile launcher and that is basically it so I'm going to leave you now with a interior design so I can show you basically what it looks like on the inside thank you so much for watching hopefully I see you guys in the next one peace this is a beautiful place don't you think all right let
Channel: Level Up Gaming
Views: 42,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield Perfect starter ship, Starfield Ship, Starfield Ship building guide, Starfield cheapest ship, Starfield ship building, Starfield ship design, Starfield ship design ideas, Starfield ship designer guide, Starfield space battle, starfield, starfield guide, starfield ship building, starfield ship customization, starfield ships, UPGRADE THE FRONTIER INTO A SPACEFIGHTER! Starfield Ship Building Guide - Amazing Early Ship Upgrade, frontier starfield, upgrade frontier starfield
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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