1000 Subscriber Special Tiny Ship Build

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hello there welcome to another Starfield video uh this is going to be slightly different video more akin to the last time I did this it it was it's only been like a couple of weeks and I'm already doing like another uh subscriber video but I want to I wanted to do it because I wanted to first of all thank everyone for the support throughout the last last couple of month or so month and a half like I I said this like a lot of the stuff I'm saying I said in the 500 videos so it's probably going to sound like a bit of a broken record but it is true like the sport has been overwhelming it's been amazing like I initially started these series just to showcase the ships because when I was like Googling to see you know what the ships look like interior and all this stuff it was hard to find and yeah I just uploaded one on a whim and then it just took off and I've been ever since everyone I upload gets insane traction views responses that's just it it it means a lot to me so to everyone that subscribed even if you haven't subscribed like if you watch the videos If you comment just like thanks like it it means a lot that you know you come and you watch the videos and you you enjoy the videos you know so yeah I suppose that's with with all that kind of the sappy stuff out of the way uh so I originally built this ship we're looking at it there in the back I'll zoom zoom in a bit more in a second but I originally made this ship back oh this is an older save this is before I did the new game plus and I built it because I seen it and I was like this is a really really cool ship but when I built this um it's it's all Taio aside from the thingy cu the first time I seen it slightly go back a bit before we can talk about building when I first seen it like I've passed it a few times and I was like this is kind of cool you know and I I thought it was like like a kind of a larger or like a smaller version of a large ship like I thought it was quite big and then I looked at I was like hold on a minute this is quite small this is like has a dimension of about three I was like can you get this and I looked and you couldn't get it and then I built it and then I found that you can kind of get it there's a version called the Meer which we'll go really quickly and show you over here that's it's like 80% that ship isit but it's not like exactly that ship the fin also ignore the fact that my thing has 27 ships um for some reason this is a glitch that happens where if you like come if you sell a ship to one of these ship sellers they tend to like duplicate their inventory anyway this is this is the moo this is It's I want to say it's like 70% of what it is but they went with some weird designs that um yeah like the engines like too have engines that literally look like they're engines but yeah so I basically made my own version which we're going to Showcase it's quite a cool ship it's very easy to make you can make almost all of it here in the um in the tile the only thing is the docker you have to you'll have to slap on a different Docker and fly to H town but yeah I also the base version was a bit lacking in the in in the cargo capacity so I did some of my techniques to make it a bit more usable ship is the most so we're going to really quickly go to the usual spot and do a showcase and then afterwards I will do a tear down show you how to build it all right so here we are at the usual spot so as you can see this is one of the this is the smaller ship in the game that I have come across now I say come across because you can't come across this ship exactly but you can find the make which is like a lot like this but I've made some improvements hence why like it's not like like I have done a review of the moo since then I don't know it probably won't go up yet cuz I have them basically queed to go up uh in the order of which I've uh kind of discovered them so yeah it's it's a really cool ship it's very unique in in its size very small see this is the main difference between the moo and it is these have this ship which I've nickname the otter because yeah I thought you know small it has these reline engines and technically reline aren't owned by Taio but if you look there they're like they match perfectly same color scheme same like kind of layout like it's even though reine's a different company and yeah the only real thing that's different on this ship is this dock or the thing that's not too is the docker it's the H Tech Docker I don't think you could do anything else that's not whole Tech well not no cuz tiles uh docking do T even do docking ports I think they do but they look a bit funky but anyway so we've got the fuel at the back the grab drive there and then we've got the tile entryway so if we hop in there's there's not a lot to this but it's it's a cool ship it's it's functional now I haven't put any weapons on it because I was like does it really need weapons for so this is um this is a little it it is customizable obviously there's a room down here for 2x one we have the docking port there this is an older save all my crew address as you see so ignore them so I decided to put a Captain's Quarters down here just because it f with the the aesthetic of the ship being this like a small ship you're going to fly if you're like solo now if you want to fly this ship for the memes you could obviously put a control station down here and then if we go up here I'm going have to climb this I keep forgetting that um on my other save I have a far better boost pack then up here we just have a it's like a one by one uh Companion Way that leads to the bridge it's really cool cockpit ta make really cool cockpit designs only issue is I wish they would do the um they would either put these seats back a little bit make them face some of the computers but aside from that so we're going to take it for spin real quick just to show it off it doesn't have any weapons um I tried to make this ship as cheap as possible so like it has it's like I said it's been a while since I've actually like looked over the ship but it's probably not going to be amazing but then that wasn't really the point of the ship it was meant to be like you know kind of a this is the smallest ship in the game okay we have some power on it so you've got you can definitely add weapons there's place for weapons hard points on the ship I just didn't want to cuz I felt like this ship is kind of small and it looks kind of cute you know Pirates see without weapons they like let's leave that ship alone it's got if I can remember correctly it's got pretty good thrust which we're going to check so yeah so we've got 10 Pips left over 11 if you don't do grab drive now I have a perk that gives me five extra power let me just double check it's been a while do I have the yes I do okay I have the perk so you have realistically you've got six power you could put into guns if you wanted to going to do a speed test did you need something so we got a base speed of 140 but it's going to be hard pushing 140 and then we have a boost speed of boost speed of around 500 so it's not bad and we'll do a quick Agility Test so agility is very good on this ship because it's very small and very light that's easily 10 on the pitch the Y y's about a nine but and then obviously the roll so we'll go quickly do a tear down I'll show you how I built it all right so here's a breakdown of the parts like I said almost everything can be found at the Taio uh area the too estering in um in the rusan tower on neon so starting with the habitats we have the samurai cockpit and we have the Taio store Room 1 by one made we have the tole Captain Quarters 2x1 bottom a and then we have the ship Ed 200 Landing Bay from tile and then the only thing that's not Taio is this hope 11 Docker and then for the components the modules for like power and stuff and all that we've got a pair of these Nova 1,000 engines from reine they're b-class uh max power of three they provide 12,870 engine thrust and 3,375 maneuvering thrust I believe these are these are the cheapest versions it's probably not going to sell them here but I believe they are the cheapest versions of those going to show me them no you're not going to sell them are you oh no you do sell them okay cool so like yeah these are the cheapest versions here the 100 now you can go all the way up to 150 now the price jump is Big so it's 6K for the base model and that gives you do almost 13k engine and 3.3 maneuvering whereas this one jumps up almost double engine and an extra 1,500 maneuvering so if you plan on in upgrading you could by all means and then we've got the uh we've got an r1,000 alpha grav drive from Radine this is the cheapest grav drive that I could find I believe gives us a 16 Lightyear jump range which is pretty decent you know it's not amazing but then I wanted to make this ship as cheap as possible and then for the reactor we have the Deep core fast ignition reactor 18 power now obviously you can upgrade this because I specifically use the reactor that is the one of the better bclass reactors see there it is there so you can get a you can upgrade that to 35 if you want to but the price jumps it's 14k for the 18 and then it's 30 uh 42 for that and then we have a one of these fuel tanks 400g helium 3 now I initially went with this because that was the aesthetic but obviously you could upgrade it and then we have this little Nautilus grav or notless Shield generator bastial s83 uh 600 Shield it's kind of okay I wanted to go for like a decent shield and I went with that style specifically because we're going to do a bit of merging and then we have two of these storage options to get a little bit of storage we've got these dama 1010 cargo holes ponop they each give 245 and then we have these uh aesthetic pieces here or these structural pieces oh actually these aren't structural pieces I apologize these are landing gear they should be in a different section so we have a pair of these uh pinpoint 4G landing gear from Tio and then we have uh these uh too braking engines port and starboard and then we have the too cowling so that's all the pieces let's uh get to work on building it so you want to start with your Captain's Quarters or whatever one you do I use the Captain's Quarters and then with the Captain's Quarters there you want to put your docking port there like that the ship the roof layout of the ship it's a 3X3 but the docker sticks out a little bit and then we put this here connecting our so we have a connection point and then what you want to do is you want to put your reactor there and then after that you want to slap this bad boy here just above it and you want to put the engine or not the engine the fuel likees up and then I like to hide the shield generator just for aesthetic purposes so we've seen this method before you put the shield generator down grab this cowling put the cowling down you flip it flip it back Press B bang done and then we're going to take the landing gear next and the landing gear snaps like so nice and easy and then we're going to put these here so we need to build the rest of it first so we put the so we have a little structure like this and then once we have that structure in place we're going going to remove the landing here briefly we're going to put these here like so same again going to move these out now you can obviously uh increase it to like something larger if we look in the the cargo there there is some bigger ones I know there's like bigger ones that like these ones here these ones give like uh 500 each and you could still do the technique the technique we're going to be doing it's pretty simple you just grab it it'll try to snap flip it twice bang done now if you were to do if you were to do them ones you'd have a lot less Mobility cuz they're a lot heavier I went with these ones cuz they're light and they just they kind of fit a little bit the gray color I think the aesthetic works well and then like so and then there you go ship is done so yeah you can obviously make modifications so if you wanted to add weapons if you want to add weapons you can mount some you've got a mounting point there You' got another mounting point there and then you have mounting points you should have mounting points underneath is it kind play ball okay you don't have mounting points underneath but you can use hold on now where are they structural y we got some of these bad boys you can slap these up here and then you could in theory Mount uh more weapons so like let's say if I was doing a if I was going to add weapons to try and keep it a little bit AER I'd probably add a pair of these pair of these here and then I would add a pair of they just the you just want the cheapest like lasers there come on snap I might probably snap that down if it let me come on okay it's it's going to be B fincky you can snap it down but that's that's uh scking out and some people might not like that so yeah you can just oh now now it's see see if you do a little technique of the duplication it will snap but it looks a bit funky come on snap I don't know what it's trying to snap to there yeah so you got decent little setup there got some extra weapons and stuff but that was the ship itself uh it's just a little cool ship I seen and I was like that should be in the game and I'm like well it is but it's not but yeah so I know I said it already but I just want to say again thanks for the support um throughout the last like couple of months it's been phenomenal uh I know that um when I started I'm not going to lie I didn't realize how many ships there was in the game I think when I started I thought there was going to be like a Max of like 20 30 ships in the game and then I actually went in and I like did my research and there's to my knowledge is like around 90 80 90 ships in the game now since then uh as you if you seen in the the playlist I've made um I've covered most of them I'm just haunting down the last kind of few that are a bit uh trickier to find like I know one of the ships I'm working on is um the ship you get when you um basically your parents when you choose the quest to have parents or the trade to have parents they give you a unique ship but yeah so I hope you enjoyed this like uh I want to say it wasn't short but it's like a little little build with some uh some added like talking from me and uh the videos are going to keep coming even after cuz I know that there will be a point where I've covered all the ships and I'm probably going to transition into ship building and kind of obviously a lot of people have been asking for like a ship tier list of like what I think is the best ship for each tier and stuff and I will definitely be covering that I've got like that already in the works I just want to get most of the ships out from that list before cuz it' be a bit you know confusing was like oh this is like the best a class ship and then I don't have a video on it's kind of you know and then obviously um I want to also do a video on the various weapons because like I know for me personally I only recently figured out like you know like what are the best weapons to use and like the stats and stuff so I thought it'd be good if I could you know make a video just to kind of uh highlight some of the things with weapons that people may not know and then obviously as I think as the Starfield kind of progresses and stuff I'll probably like uh shift my focus on other things like um maybe cuz I know I wanted to cover some of the weapons and kind of review them in a similar method but focus on the weapon manufacturers yeah so if if let me know in the comments like if you think if you guys would like to see like specific things about CU I know people have said before and I I do I want to say I I read every single comment and I try to respond to as many as possible um because I know there's been a lot of comments about um me doing a ship tier list because I've been reviewing so many ships um and then there has obviously been comments about like weapons and stuff so yeah but uh as always thanks very much for watching and thanks for the support and yeah to the future I guess
Channel: Crimson Flyboy
Views: 11,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, bethesda, skyrim, oblivion, fallout, newvegas, xbox, seriesx, toddhoward, zenimax, bgs, bethesdagamestudios, walkthrough, space, letsplay, ships, spaceship, review, guide, walkthough
Id: CcONMvpVaew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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